Monday 5 September 2022

Selective persecution or prosecution?

1. Outside the court, Zahid Hamidi can say whatever he e wants. As a politician, he will say anything populist and what the unthinking umnogooks want to hear.

2. Like saying, he's a victim of selective persecution or prosecution.

3. The unthinking blob of humanity, otherwise known as umno angguks, with jaws dropping, will say, yes court zalim.

4.our Zahid, Malay and umno hero, honest and sincere Zahid would not do all those despicable things. It's a conspiracy.

5. Yes, true only if we were to think with our kneecaps. We think with our heads, la tuan.

6. That reminds me of a story told of our late king ghaz. He was on a wheelchair. He asked someone to nominate him as ketua pemuda.

7. Young man, said he. Nominate me as ketua pemuda. You can't even walk, retorted the young man. Yes, but I think with my head, not with my legs, said king ghaz.

8. That's the saddening part. Most of the gawking umno angguks think uncritically of what master manipulator, zahid said.

9. Excuse us of being pedantic a bit. Just what does Zahid mean? Selective persecution or selective prosecution?

10. Selective persecution is of general application. It usually refers to victimization of a group. For example, the general victimization of the christians by the Romans in ancient times. The general discrimination of blacks by white supremacists in the USA at one time. The brutal treatment of blacks by the kkk etc. Selective persecution is applied to whole groups

11. Zahid, or even the court cluster, is not a group. They represent a small fraction of umno members. Umno people on the other hand, deserves the general contempt by society. They walk around with a sense of entitlement as though everyone else owe them a living.

12. Freedom and liberation from persecution are fought in the realm of politics or through mass social movements.

13. Redemption from persecution is not fought in the courts. Prosecution is.

14. Prosecution, on the other hand, is of particular import. It is resolved in the courts. It is applied to particular people who have committed a legal wrong. In the case of Zahid, the 47 charges .

15. So, don't bamboozle us your pious pontification outside the court chambers. Do it inside the courtroom. The uninitiated umno angguks will swallow your verbal vomit, hook line and sinker. Not the right-thinking members of society.

16. What's the beef with having zahids trial being sped up? It doesn't go to the root of your guilt or innocence.

17. Zahid should welcome his trial being given priority, as he can prove his innocence quicker

18. Many of us saw a picture of zahid on a bed with a neck brace on. He has a urinary tract problem, but wearing a neck brace? Or is it some stupido portal managers uploading a fake photo?

19. What's the fuss about a letter from the agc, which has been withdrawn since, asking the judge to speed up Zahids case? Does it suggest the judge couldn't make a judgement based on facts, evidence and cogent arguments?

20. If you feel strongly about it, sue the AG. Habis cerita. Don't read anything malicious about it with regards zahids case

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