Wednesday 6 January 2021

Covid Issues.

1. There are more competent people who have written and can write on the issue of COVID-19 pandemic from several aspects. I am sure of that. Medical professionals and well-informed people and so on.

2. I am merely raising some questions that are a cause of concern. I ask these questions directly and in a straightforward manner. They require equally straight answers. No BS and no verbiage.

3. How is the vaccination taking place? Is it through government hospitals? Then provide us a complete list of the hospitals. Will the government create special purpose centres for vaccination? Will the vaccination be also provided by private medical clinics? Can pharmacies create special booths for vaccination? Do we have to pay for the vaccination?

4. I am distressed to hear of the science minister using non-disclosure agreements with suppliers as an excuse for not disclosing the price of the vaccines. See? The minister is siding with the big bucks instead of the people. You are the government for God’s sake!

5. Is the minister fooling us? If he is reluctant to disclose to us the price, information about the price of vaccines is freely available. The price of Pfizer is less than RM100. Belgium pays RM60 for one.
If the price is freely available then the minister is lying about non-disclosure agreement with suppliers. Also, its inconceivable for suppliers to hide the price, would they? Its a world pandemic is it not? We are not commuters on the Clapham omnibus la minister. We don't live under coconut shells. 

6. So, is the minister doing ambulance chasing? Is he afflicted with a bout of schadenfreude?  Profiteering on the misery of other people?

7. If that is so it's unconscionable. Is he creating a monopsonist and monopolist for the vaccines? Why should the Malaysian centre of biotechnology be the sole party handling the purchase? We don't care if it's managed by Zaki Zahid or Joe Doe. If these people commit any wrongdoings we will go after them later.

8. I assume the government is taking care of the logistics too? The Pfizer vaccines require special storage facilities.  We therefore assume the government has special distribution and storage facilities for them. These require additional budgets, don't they? I am sure it's more than just dry ice. 

9. It's our money fool! You can shove your confidentiality vis a vis your beloved suppliers to that part of your anatomy where the sun never shines. Where our money is concerned however, we demand you be forthcoming. Faham? The price to the rest of the world is an open secret.

10. So tell us honestly what is the exact budget for the vaccines and their infrastructure. You are answerable to the people not the bloodsucking pharmaceutical companies.

11. The concerns raised by Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah are also asked by many others. They must be taken seriously.

Is the vaccine- whether it be Pfizer, Moderna or Oxford Zeneca safe? It's a well known fact that the vaccine is a rush job. People just want to live normally again and dont care whether it's a snake oil solution.

12. Some of the concerns are:-
A. Is the vaccine safe in the long run?
B. Other alternatives.
C. Legal immunity issues.
D. Enforcements of MCO.
E. Who first to vaccinate.

13. It is true we cannot underestimate the ingenuity and sense of urgency among our scientists. I am not going to say it's absolutely impossible to come out with a vaccine.

14. But we must take cognizance of the fact that historically, a vaccine takes a long time to come to fruition. Its possible that in our rush to return to normalcy in our lives, we rush headlong to lap up a not 100% efficacy vaccine.

15. A rushed up vaccine may have side effects we may not comprehend. It's also possible that the vaccines developed by Pfizer and Moderna may suppress the symptoms of the pandemic but not its contagiousness. I hope I am wrong.

16. Know that the production of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were under intense pressure by President Trump who was more motivated  by his own political exigencies.

17. Because of that, the 2 vaccines may have sidestepped old and tried testing methods. Such that the 2 vaccines offering over 90% efficacy are considered enough. Are we content with  placebo than real effects? It's necessary for us to ensure absolute safety. Better safe than sorry.

18. The speed by which the vaccines is rushed, is a cause of possible concern. Historically vaccines take a long time to emerge. The vaccine for Mumps for example, took 4 years to develop and for Ebola 5 years.

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