Wednesday 28 October 2020

Muhyi's Final Nail On The Coffin.

Heil! Mein Abah!

1. At the time of this writing the Agong has already issued a statement. The most important is, no Emergency is declared. All other advice are ignored.

2. Others have written on the unconstitutionality of such an Emergency. More eloquently I might add. GK Ganeson and former AG Tommy Thomas have done so. They are lawyers and worth listening to. I merely hitch a ride on their writings.

3. To behave responsibly can mean different things to politicians. To PN miscreants it means dissolving parliament.

4. To obstinate PN politicians they want to propose that Muhyi meet the Agong to dissolve parliament.

5. To me that's an exercise in futility. The Agong will consider public health and cost issues.

6. Legally it's settled. The Agong can refuse to listen to the PM's advice.

7. In handling COVID-19 a minister is the last person the Agong need listen to. He should listen to doctors and frontliners. The minister in charge cannot guarantee the safety of the people notwithstanding he has an SOP from the sky.

8. Ayah Pin once had a religion from the sky not just an SOP, yet he cannot escape death.

9. There are really 2 swords of Damocles hanging over Muhyi's head:- a vote of no confidence and a Budget defeat.

10. If the vote of no confidence is disallowed a budget defeat will have the same desired effect .

11. How can a government spends with money not legally approved? That would be illegal. Those who adamantly do so regardless, have committed an illegality. Arrest them and fine them. Those we do not want to see their faces in parliament any more, fine then more than RM2000. They have to be disqualified as MP!

12. You may have plans B and C and all the other plans, but they will involve some forms of chicanery, duplicity and unscrupulous methods. Please do all that because it will reveal your true devilish character.

13. That's behaving irresponsibly for you. Instead of standing down you plan all sorts of devious plans that put the people at risk. The UMNO leaders who countenanced such methods are complicit in putting the people in harm's way.

14. To more than 113 MPs, the whole drama directed by Muhyi, will strengthen their resolve to put into effect the democratic process-remove this PM through parliamentary means. Between that and a forced PRU which is both costlier and unsafe, which methods do you prefer?

15. For Muhyi its the final nail on his own coffin. He reaps what he has sown. The most honourable option he should do is RESIGN. He's delaying the inevitable.

16. What are the signs of a man:

He dies in the ring
He sleeps on the crest of the wave
He eats on the exposed shore
He does not know tears
Head unbowed.
Be a man.

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