Tuesday 12 May 2020

Opinions, Ghostwriter and a Contrarian view on immigration.

I must admit I am opinionated in the sense I hold my opinions tightly. That doest not mean I am overly inflexible  in my opinions.  I do accommodate  the thinking of others if they are well reasoned and thought of.

Those who write in one or two lines are  simply not worth reading.

I am also offended by those who appear  they can evaluate  my writing when I know they are not well versed in the English language  and hardly read any English  books. At all. They must be aping the opinions of some envious souls.

I will also ignore those who continue  to say I don't write my articles myself and say my writings  are crap. Isn't that oxymoronic?

How is it possible that I don't write my own articles yet be responsible for their crappiness?
Must be a moron then. If I write only then I am responsible  for their crappiness.

Take for instance my views on immigration. You may disagree with me and think they are elitist. But who cares!
I hold it to be self-evident  that you are entitled  to your opinion as I do mine. So learn to live with that.

I am all for immigration  for jobs but will never support immigration  that takes advantage of our welfare, education,  health care, transport  facilities.
Yes I would support skills based immigration.  It sounds selfish but why should I take in the riff-raffs?

Sometime in 2019 a Trump Head of Immigration quoted a poem about the Statue of Liberty. He didn't want immigrants who take advantage of welfare but wanted immigrants with abilities. It was a politically incorrect statement but a realistic one.

Give immigrants  a choice of a) stay illegal or b) registered illegal or c) naturalised citizen when qualified. Provided we remain protective and guard jealously our country  (a) means they will not qualify to any of our facilities.

Paradoxically when the immigrants  are illegal it is good for us.  By definition, they are not entitled to any of the facilities  I mentioned.  They choose to be illegal and hence must pay the costs.

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