Friday 10 April 2020

The Unforgettable 1MDB

If reports are true that Justo has, returned to Switzerland  and the son of murdered Hussen Najdi is too scared to be witness that is a big blow to the credibility of Muhyiddins government.  It suggests that this administration  has gone soft on corruption  in general.

It suggests that it's alright  to steal billions of Ringgit as long as all is recovered. That is utterly  wrong!
Even if all the money is recovered the original crime is not erased!

Let me be more blunt. Its like saying that its alright  for Najib and his goons to crash into our house and sleep with our wife or wives and daughters. Najib is Malay and UMNO!

That would further suggest that Malaysia does not respect the law and malays have no values.

Both cannot be true! I hope Muhyiddins government  has not gone soft on corruption and the Malays hold  their true north  in moral and ethical compass.

The Bonnie and Clyde couple of Malaysia  must received their justiciable comeuppance.  One in Sungai Buloh Hilton the other in Kajang Hilton.

Muhyiddins uninspirational look must never mean the thieves come back  and wantonly partake  in the spoils of victory.  And if society keeps quiet about it our beloved  country will  go to the dogs.  The mullahs of PAS are compromised by the intoxication  of unbridled power!

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