Friday 27 November 2015

Nilai Bangsa Melayu.

Saya ditanya mengapa mesti kritik kerajaan sepanjang masa? Jawapan rengkas ialah ia nya perlu. Jika semua orang diam maka, bermaharajalela lah kerajan melakukan apa sahaja tanpa bantahan.
Quran sendiri menyatakan bahawa jikalah perbuatan suatu golongan itu tidak ditolak oleh suatu golongan lain, maka niscaya hancur bumi ini. Ertinya mesti ada check and balance.
Dalam keadaan hari ini, apa yang ada pada orang Melayu untuk jadi alatan menentang kemungkaran? Satu cara nya , pada saya ialah bangsa Melayu mengembalikan nilai2 mulia sebagai benteng menyekat kedurjanaan.
Mari kita bangsa Melayu mengembalikan amalan nilai2 baik. Saya meminjam deskripsi mengenai pemimpin dari tulisan Tenas Effendi.
Banyak pemerintah perkara pemerintah
Pertama pemerintah disembah
Yang adil berkitabullah
Yang memberitahu benar salah
Yang berpintu selalu terbuka

Kedua pemerintah dihadapan
Yang meraih peminangan tangan kanan
Yang bercakap lemah lembut
Bermuka manis berlapang dada
Menerima aduan dan tuntutan
Menerima umpat dengan cacian

Ketiga pemerintah dikasihi
Yang tua dihormati
Yang muda disayangi
Yang panas dinaungi
Yang hujan dilindungi

Keempat pemerintah disayangi
Harta orang dipelihara
Bagai menatang minyak penuh
Memegang amanah dengan petuah
Memegang adat dengan lembaga
Memegang cakap dengan karenah.

Seperti kata Dr Mahathir, UMNO ialah parti untuk orang bisnes dan pengejar kemewahan dan kekayaan melalui kuasa. Nilai Melayu UMNO tidak sama dengan nilai bangsa Melayu.
Dibawah Najib, UMNO ditransformasi kepada instrumen peribadi nya. Orang Melayu UMNO tidak tahu lagi memuliakan pemimpin yang lebih banyak berjasa kepada orang Melayu seperti Dr Mahathir.
Nilai bangsa Melayu- melayu boleh dipecayai, jujur dan amanah; bertanggung jawab dan dedikasi kepada tugas, prinsip hidup lebih penting, dan sebagainya sudah dibuang keluar tingkap.
Portal upahan UMNO mengibaratkan Dr Mahathir sebagai seorang pengemis yang meminta sedekah sokongan politik. Bolehkah bangsa Melayu menerima layanan sebegini? Saya harap tidak boleh.
Orang Melayu UMNO membiarkan pihak ketiga seperti Kayveas dan budak suruhan MIC membalun Dr Mahathir, seorang Melayu. Jika orang Melayu UMNO tidak sensitive, saya harap bangsa Melayu melihat penjahanaman keatas Dr Mahathir sama seperti mengaibkan bangsa Melayu. Mereka mesti melepaskan diri dari belengu UMNO.
Apa sebenarnya sumbangan UMNO kepada orang Melayu? Memahat dalam fikiran bangsa melayu bahawa selagi mereka menguasai pemerintahan maka orang Melayu akan selamat? Akibatnya, bangsa melayu menyerahkan amanah kepada suatu kumpulan yang mencabul dan mengkhianati amanah tersebut.
Tidak ada bangsa dalam dunia boleh maju dengan mentality entitilement- berhak keatas sesuatu kerana status tanpa perjuangan dan usaha.
Orang Melayu mesti sedar bahawa UMNO tidak lagi menjaga kepentingan mereka. UMNO jaga kepentingan kumpulan 20% tertatas.


  1. Zaman Madeey menyamun wang dan gunakan parti UMNO utk kepentingannya apasal ade pulak keluar suara mcm ni? Atau sebab zaman tu madey telah bagi 'bagi makan' kenyang2 orang2 yang mcm tuan blog?

    Zaman Najib cukup banyak kritikan dan kutukan..kebebasan demi kebebasan, semakin melampau malah UGUTAN dan FITNAH yg amat mengancam kestabilan UMNO dan Orng Melayu.. memang mamak sept madey atau cina DAP tak kisah kot.

    Apakah fitnah telah jadi 'pahala besar' bagi org2 kecewa spt madey dankuncu2nya lalu mula berlakon 'warak' di depan generasi sekarang yang tak kenal siapa MAHAFIRAUN? satu gelaran penuh hina kepada seorang yang cukup zalim semasa menjadi PM dulu..

    dn penzalim utu sedang 'berzikir' dengan kata2 yang menceritakan dirinya dahulunya semasa menjadi PM.. sudah2lah.. muak dgn org2 tua yang tamak seperti madey dan kamu..!

  2. Nilai melayu boleh di beli dengan sekampit beras, gula, kopi dan Rm50 apa yang nak dibahas lagi? Mungkin nilai nya bolih dilihat melalui tudung dan janggut kambing mereka yang nak melihat nilai luaran. Nilai jiwa rohani hancur bagi yang mahu melihat nilai dalam diri.

  3. Nilai bangsa melayu pada waktu ni ada sedikit peningkatan. Pada zaman Mahathir dan AAB, melayu sanggup ditipu dan ditindas hanya kerana mendapat sehelai kain pelikat dan RM50 setiap kali PRU (dan melopong apabila pelbagai janji2 kosong ditaburkan oleh UMNO). Dizaman Najib menerajui UMNO, nilai bangsa melayu adalah BR1M iaitu kurang dari RM1,000 setahun. Dengan bayaran RM1K, orang2 melayu sanggup dibuang subsidi, sanggup menerima cukai GST, sanggup menerima kenaikan tol, tambang bas, tren, teksi, minyak, beras dan lain2 kemudahan asas. Ramai orang melayu yang percaya bahawa mereka adalah orang2 islam yang beriman tetapi malangnya harga keimanan mereka hanyalah sebuah kain pelikat dan RM50 yang baru2 ini meningkat kepada kurang lebih RM1000 setahun. Nilai bangsa melayu? Ia sepatutnya sesuatu yang tak ternilai harganya tetapi dalam kes bangsa melayu, ianya tidak ada nilai!

    Cape Tiger.

  4. Saya setuju sangat dengan tulisan Dato kat atas. Pemimpin melayu dalam UMNO hanya pentingkan diri sendiri, tak amanah, joli harta awam dengan rakus, dah tak ada maruah, dah jadi barua syaitan. Saya tak nampak satu kebaikan yang ada pada pemimpin2 UMNO pada mana2 peringkat lapisan kepimpinan parti tu. Yang saya nampak muka2 jahanam...maaf terkasar bahasa, itulah kenyataan sebenar parti tersebut.
    Ada 3 juta ahli yang tak berguna dalam parti tersebut...tak guna...saya ulang lagi tak berguna.
    Dato pada hemat saya seorang yang berfikiran betul dan waras, bukan macam menteri2 bacul dan bahalul UMNO. Kalaulah Dato MP bukan mewakili mana2 parti nesaya saya akan 'melabur' apa yang saya termampu dari segi sumber harta dan usaha untuk membantu Dato dalam perjuangan Dato menyedarkan khususnya umat islam di Malaysia ni yang telah diperbodohkan oleh kebanyakan pemimpin yang guna Islam untuk menipu, memperdayakan mereka, tak ubah macam syaitan yang Tuhan sebut dalam Quran.
    Saya doakan Dato sihat selalu dan berjaya atas usaha murni Dato untuk melihat bangsa Melayu yang maju, dinamik, berfikiran waras dan betul, berwawasan...sekian Dato. Salamun alaikum.

  5. Nilai murni kawan kau bekas YB tu ape die Sak? Belasah duit org? Ramai org cari die masa pak sedara die meninggal baru ni. Kau dtg x Sak? Tlg nasihatkan nilai murni pada sahabat kau tu. Perangai mengalahkan babi. Menyondol duit orang sana sini. Pakai topeng agama plak tu. Geng syaitan. Harap kau pn Sak x geng syaitan jgak la. Pesan kat Iqbal, duit org kene bayar. Duit org kampung pun die sebat. Memalukan keturunan saja.

  6. Nilai Bangsa Melayu dan UMNO hari ini dan NIlai Bangsa dirujuk.

    “Usman had been disappointed in the behaviour of the tradition leaders whom he regarded as behind the times with their outmoded ideas and values. This was probably his way of saying that they were no longer relevant to society. It would appear that he looked to the new or modern Malay leaders for leadership but, as we shall see, he was equally disappointed. In May 1970, Usman spoke to a group of students from Malaysia and Singapore at Malaysia Hall in London, in which he commented that some leaders felt that they worked very hard and suggested that golf complexes be built so that they could relax. Usman pointed out that the poor also worked early in the morning until late evening. Thus, Usman implied that the leaders only thought about their own comfort and leisure, and did not take into consideration that the poor who toiled from morning to night, did not have the luxury of facilities specially built for them for relaxation purposes. Usman then stated emphatically that the leaders we want are those who could lead the nation and the country and not those who are more concerned with building a golf course. Here, the concept of leadership Usman wants to put forward is leadership as personality.

    It may be observed that the remarks made in London in 1970 would have been preceded by a period of almost three decades of observing leadership in the country out of which more than a decade had seen Malaysia enjoy its independence. An examination of his short stories, which touches on the issue of leadership, will show Usman was disappointed by the fact that he found Malaya/Malaysia deficient in leadership. What would have been particularly disturbing to him was that despite gaining freedom from colonial rule, which he had in some measure blamed for impeding progress in society the country was run by men who were not, in his estimation, true leaders . . . . There are three keywords which Usman uses to convey different aspects of the concept of leadership namely ketua, pemimpin and wakil . . . . The subtle differences between the three words ketua, pemimpin and wakil when they occur in Usman’s short stories, are of less consequence than the fact that Usman through these stories seeks to create awareness that leadership is a very serious in Malayan society. It is obvious that he sees the issue of leadership from a moral standpoint. Indeed the whole thrust of his argument . . . is centred on his notion that leadership in any situation in society carries with it the obligation to guide the people properly and sincerely towards the achievement of certain goals . . . Usman’s short stories on leadership emphasize character and capabilities and not social position as a mark of good leadership; thus implying that leadership is not the exclusive right or privilege of people who are socially well placed in society.” [emphasis in bold, mine]

    From pg 222 – 224 of KEY CONCEPTS in USMAN AWANG’S SHORT STORIES – DEVELOPING A CRITICAL TRADITION by Assoc Prof MOHAMAD MOKHTAR HASSAN : (400 pages) DBP 2006: ISBN 983 – 62 – 8792 - 2

  7. Walaupun kebanyakan keluarga saya sokong BN, saya semacam tak ada rasa hormat pada BN UMNO sekarang ini kerana banyak sangat sudah melanggar ajaran Quran. Siang-siang puak perompak UMNO ini mengebas duit rakyat dan macam-macam lagi rasuah. Buat malu orang Islam sahaja.

    Yang saya hairan ialah bagaimana ada juga kita orang Melayu ini macam buat buat bodoh sahaja bila pemimpin Melayu buat rasuah terang-terang.

    Bila berita pemimpin tertinggi UMNO bau busuk keseluruh alam pun penyokong totok UMNO yang hatta miskin pun cim bau harum.

    Tak fahamlah apa jenis DNA punya puak-puak pekak badak ini.

    Mungkin puncanya usatz di sekolah suruh budak baca Quran hanya dalam bahasa Arab dan jangan baca tafsir.

  8. well said sir....well said

  9. What is happening today in regard to the Umno's treatment of the rest of orang Melayu and Malaysia is never a surprise to those who are aware of what happened before independence in 1957. For so long it was not those who later became Umno leaders who fought tooth and nail and who sacrifice everything for this land which they love so very much. Umno and its elite leaders in the late 1950s were just the group bestowed by the British colonialists with the independence - with the promise from them for the plantation and mining enterprises to continue to be in the hands of the British. With little sacrifice coming from the party and its leaders (relative to that of others) for the so called independence to take place, what is to be expected? Just imagine if people like Boestamam, Pak Sako and Dr. Burhanuddin al Helmy were the ones who had won the independence for us all... Do you think Malaysia and Malaysians would turn out the way they are today? But there are no tears now for what had taken place in the past. After all these days we have Rafizi, Mat Sabu, Lim Guan Eng, Tony Pua, Khairuddin, Ambiga, Maria and you (just to mention some names) and so many nameless others out there coming from different walks of life (including me?) to fight for what is rightful for Malaysia and Malaysians. And the fight is worth it for Malaysia is truly worth fighting for.

  10. Caring is important. It is the motive force to change bad things and build better futures so that the next generations will not be laden with unnecessary burdens in a world where survival will be dependent on more productive use of time to make continuous improvements.

    We must not lose the battle to care. It is a battle because bad examples have built a moat around themselves so that they can continue to do bad things onto everyone in order to benefit their own kind out of fear that soon their days of pillage and rampage will be over. Because they know they have been caught out despite all the excuses and specious arguments they have gotten their underlings to make.

    Today's government in today's Malaysia is a dictatorship for personal survival. It is not even a dictatorship for political survival because Umno already reeks under its decades-long baggage of corruption, inefficiency and racism that barely hides hypocritically exclusive federated prejudices.

    Why is it important for everyone to continue to care? Because the biggest problems of the nation are the biggest problems inside our biggest community.

    And why is it important that the issues of our Malay community must be resolved today? Because if we don't, all will lose the motivation to care. Once that motivation is gone, apathy will set in and the next generations will take a leaf from it to also do the same.

    Meanwhile our national institutions and the country's wealth will be compromised to such critical depths that there will not be enough time to heal them to save the economy, reboot commerce, and build manpower capabilities. Without these pillars, society will collapse because even households will implode.

    You know this for a fact because everyone except the Umno elites are suffering.

  11. 2/3

    Doubtless there will be many who will take exception to what i am going to write next but if i didn't care, i wouldn't be taking this courage to share them, generalizations notwithstanding.

    These are the things i think our Malays should have:

    care more enough to do something decisive about it now;
    start exercising serious family planning now;
    begin learning life-long financial planning now;
    drop the over-religiosity now;
    be energetic in making changes now;
    develop personal transposition now.

  12. 3/n

    The indon workers only differ from our local Malays in one regard; endurance aside, most of them are illiterate.

    Yet both show a common trait - when faced with a situation, the first reaction is "what's in it for me now?". This may be fine as a knee-jerk survival reaction but if it is just a standard response, neither will look ahead into the future to calibrate a more appropriate response so that the same trite response will only bring the same indifferent result without solving the problem at its root. The mind then gets locked into the same cycle of grab and forget.

    Therefore the first thing is to personally decide to change now how one is to respond to everything. The how must be motivated by a sense of caring beyond one's community into the domain of principles. In other words, care only on the basis of good social principles and bereft of other considerations. Because good principles won't change as fast as the incandescent responses based on ever-changing needs of a community with the same mould of non-thinking.

    You can see as much in the way many of the government departments are running; they started bad, became promising with quality measures but are now back to the old ways because the new groups of workers are being left to show only the old ways.

    In other words, the organization is not used to re-engineer the worker's attitude to life improvement predicated on quality of service. That is, the management has given up under duress of political interference causing flippant recruitment so that standards are not in place that would percolate a motivation scheme outwards to the very society from which recruits are to be hired.

    The next thing is family planning. This is not about eugenics but about survival. Our Malays are reproducing themselves to extinction. If your monthly household income is fixed, then the more members the less each will get. But any improvement for all will depend on having a critical minimum for each. This critical minimum is not just money for food, lodging and education but also time for parental guidance.

    I have seen enough Indon workers where the girls marry by sixteen and reproduce by eighteen so that by twenty two they already have four children when the breadwinner earns erratically every month and thus the entire family falls into a debt-poverty life-cycle. What hurts most is that they have resigned themselves to living from hand to mouth without understanding the danger of short-term decision-making based on, "if i don't marry early, who will want me later?".

    One hazards to say only free aid separates our local Malay from that indon worker. And that free aid has dried up. Which leaves a simple conclusion: only reproduce if you can afford to maintain. There is no real safety in numbers these days.

  13. It has been a long time since I shed a tear, and Walla has just forced it upon me with his first two sentences: "Caring is important. It is the motive force to change bad things and build better futures so that the next generations will not be laden with unnecessary burden . . . "

    Our present leaders care so little for the common people.

    Thank you Walla, you have never disappointed us.

  14. 4/n

    I was aghast the other day when someone went back to her kampung and was so faced to attend kenduri's and meet solicitations for funds she had to sell her only gold chain earned after years of hard work.

    Our Malays must learn how to say no and not be pressured to save face but ruin life. It's all about being acutely aware of the fragility of one's circumstance. And that commingles with the first and second points about caring and family planning.

    To be unthinkingly beholden to one's community at expense of personal affordability into the future is to break the foundation of one's own survival. If one can't survive independently for long, how will the community survive for long as well since it is made of members with the same challenges?

    Unfortunately the promise of free aid on the basis of skin color only aggravates the situation and hinders personal sacrifice and hard work that have been the hallmarks of success and financial independence of the other communities. That one is still sending such a truism reflects but one fundamental lacunae in the personal non-development of the Malay as a human being.

    Now made the worse with runaway prices spiked by IQ-3.84 taxation, CM-with-three-marques, religious bodies on Parisian flings. Should one be relieved canal management studies in Disneyland are no longer the vogue, you reckon?

    One basic principle about excesses is: if you didn't earn it to afford it, you don't need it. How many live by this principle?

  15. 5/n

    All religions have common principles. That they are few in numbers could explain why most are also wrapped in historical story-lines. While some others may argue these are communicating fables to make the whole more engaging, others may say they only make the practices less palatable based on modern knowledge and common sense.

    Let's for argument's sake start with someone who is of no faith but has had some education on modern knowledge while mercifully endowed with a common sense. The knowledge is about cause-and-effect, and an example of a common sense is do not do onto others what you won't want done onto you. That so defined person would also have had some parental and peer guidance about being good, not doing bad, and most valued of all, showing compassion.

    So with knowledge, common sense, principles and compassion, he meets a menu of religions. Which one should he pick above the others? An honest answer would be none. All of them should be equally ranked. So why fight one over the other, for that matter one part with the one parts of the same?

    That leaves the only conclusion. The way religions are practiced these days seem to have been hijacked on the basis of customary practices. Without delving further, you can see for yourselves how deeply the root of such practices have gripped the souls of most already impoverished not just by economic circumstance but also by a lack of critical thinking for want of a questioning mind. It has become a surfeit or overflow of religiosity.

    May one suggest the simple 20:80 rule of thumb. Twenty percent of your time on religion, eighty percent of your time to improve yourselves secularly. Because right now, most have already sunk one hundred and twenty percent of their lifespan on some promise of an unrecorded afterlife. If one can't do right in this secular life, what matters any next? A secular life is meant to be lived well. Otherwise why He gave it when He could have given the ticket to the next One right away?

    May i also hope i won't be cast again as a jewish trojan horse for having written what apparently rankles people who have lost their critical thinking powers? What more their common sense.

    After all, if a teacher is not knowledgeable on how to reason and cannot impart secular knowledge to help students develop life-building skills but can only sell and drill soporific but non-exclusive niceties, how does focusing exclusively on them help anyone make other types of living?

    Religions should unite peoples as human beings, not divide them one from the other on the basis of affirmed practices not founded on humanism. One reckons humanism is an integral aspect of being a human being. No?

  16. 6/n

    Energy is needed to work. Because of competition, work is also getting harder to do besides getting tougher to find. So we are already three levels remote from achieving what should have been naturally progressive enough to acquire for a country already half a century in existence.

    What has happened to us? What has happened to the economy, industry and social fabric of Malaysia?

    Only denials and pretense block our enlightenment to the correct answer. Which, by the way, starts with U.

    Our Malays tend to be status-quo conscious besides being status conscious. Oh, did that sound wrong? Unfortunately the status conscious is with regards those in other communities.

    If an Umno Malay is rich through devious means such as direct tender at over-inflated price paid from rakyat funds whose surplus could well have been used to help all in need or saved for other good projects, the community will still say it is ok because he (or she) is a Malay.

    You need energy to change such things. Only our Malays can change what they have caused. Any elaboration of this statement should be superfluous by now.

    Now. Don't wait for Petronas Canada to blow and then the wolves will have to fall onto the provident funds to keep the country afloat for but ten days. The days of those who have retired and dependent completely on these funds are, well, quite numbered.

  17. 7/7

    This thing about what i call personal transposition is the binding theme of the other points i have made.

    Too many of our Malays are not able to transpose their views. Although paradoxically community-affined human beings, they see everything revolving around themselves from the outset until even when they join parties like Umno (and one other), they can wax eloquent in public about standing by the party and protecting the Malay race, but when it comes to management control and member due diligence on excesses and corruption by Malays, they can turn their eyes away, still their ululating tongues, or plain clamp down any dissenters by firing them from the party.

    And change is therefore needed because they who can otherwise agree with these factual observations will after reading this say ho hum and then forget about it. In this country, procrastination is not just the thief of time but the napoleon of crime. And you know you will find moriarty's a dime in 'U'.

    In any case, that's why condos moo.

    Personal transposition also relates to inter-racial relations. Our Malays have been conditioned not to take constructive criticism because they don't want to be shown to be short of attributes that will require them to change and improve all in the same situation on the mistaken belief that more for you will mean less for me. They are not able to transpose their condition onto others not of their kind who also suffer from the same needs. This of course came from U's goebbelian manual of divide and conquer. Lately, destroy and sunder.

    Think of others as you would want others to think of you. Otherwise all the prayers in the world will only self-mock a lack of the very compassionate humanism our Malays were once known for.

    Now gone. Yes?

  18. Nilai Melayu UMNO tidak sama dengan nilai bangsa Melayu. Terlalu benar kenyataan ini dan semakin hari semakin teruk nilai2 kemelayuan UMNO ini

    1. Nilai British East India "Malay" mana sama nilai dengan Melayu Nusantara...
