Wednesday 19 August 2015

1MDB= 1 Melayu Dapat Berbiliun.

Yang pertama:
Nampak nya, kita  tidak terlindung dari kenyataan bodoh menteri dalam cabinet Najib. 
Ada menteri kata sabotaj ekonomi adalah perbuatan durhaka.

Jika demikian, orang yang paling durhaka di Malaysia ialah PM Najib sendiri. Dia yang menyebabkan 1MDB dan segala musibah yang lahir dari isiu 1MDB termasuklah kejatuhan Ringgit.

Dia yang bawak keluar masuk berbilion Ringgit menyebabkan Ringgit jatuh sehingga RM4 kepada 1 Dollar Amerika. Sehingga 1MDB sekarang disebut orang 1 Melayu Dapat Berbillion.

Dia yang menyebabkan kejatuhan saham Felda jatuh kepada RM1.60 sekarang. Dia yang menyebabkan kos hidup naik. Dia menyebabkan rasuah tidak terkawal.

Najib penyebab sabotaj ekonomi yang tertutama kerana incompetence nya sendiri.

Jadi jika PM Najib pensabotaj ekonomi dan pendurhaka yang terulung, apa kita hendak buat? Kita beritahu MP2 kita, singkirkan Najib.
Yang Kedua

Kemudian kita ada TPM kita. Aduh. Kadang2 saya nak tanya- Phd Zahid Hamidi ini dia yang buat atau bukan? Atau ada orang lain yang tulis thesis nya? Atau kalau dia buat course work dia lulus atau tidak?

Saya tanya demikian kerana selalu kita lihat Zahid mengeluarkan kenyataan yang dangkal yang gagal menampakkan kehalusan jalan-fikir yang sepatutnya ditempa oleh ijazah Phd.

Tapi tak kisah-lah-itu bukan isiu besar. Kuasa dan kekayaan mengimbangi malah menyembunyi kedangkalan kita. Orang bercakap dengan penuh otoriti kalau ada kuasa dan kekayaan.

Si peneroka yang haramjadah kalau bercakap mustahil mahu didengari berbanding dengan cakap Zahid Hamidi,kaya dan kuasa. Walaupun Zahid kelentong, orang tetap percaya. Terutama ahli UMNO.

Cuba para pembaca jawab soalan ini. Adakah ianya kesalahan undang2 jika satu kumpulan ahli parlimen berkumpul dan berbincang mengenai masaalah negara yang disebabkan oleh Najib? 
Dan dari perbincangan tersebut, mereka berfikiran bahawa si Najib ini mesti dikeluarkan dari  terus memusibahkan negara. Nahas negara jika Najib terus jadi PM.

Bagaimana melakukan demkinan? Salah satu cara ialah melalui pilihanraya. Tapi sekarang kita tahu, Najib rupa2 nya guna wang yang banyak untuk membiayai pembelian pengundi. Dan PRU lama lagi dan tempoh tersebut akan membolehkan Najib menjahanamkan negara.

Undi tidak percaya dibenarkan oleh undang2. Tapi seperti kata Dr Mahathir, ia sukar. Kerana MP kena beri notis kepada speaker dan speaker boleh menolaknya. Dan speaker boleh beri notis kepada MP kerajaan untuk mempertahankan boss mereka.
Atau kerana Boss ada banyak wang- RM2 billion baki atau RM 4 billion dari KWAP untuk beli lombong arang batu tapi kita tak tahu kemana wang tersebut pergi, dia boleh beli semua MP BN. 

Bukan susah. Bayar RM3 juta untuk 134 MP,  baru hanya 402 juta. Tak sampai separuh dari RM2 billion baki dari 2.6 billion derma pak Arab yang baik hati. Sedakah. Shukran. Jazakallahu hairan kathiro .

Zahid tidak perlu sembunyi sembunyi. Jangan gabra. Kedudukan siapa yang dia takut hilang?

Saya hairan- jika mengikut cerita Zahid yang diperolehi dari ejen yang ditanam dalam dalam dikalangan MP2 , ada seorang tokoh tua UMNO yang sedang berusaha mendapat akuan bersumpah dari sejumlah bilangan MP untuk mengeluarkan Najib.

Soalan pertama kita kena faham ialah- jika ianya dilakukan oleh tokoh UMNO dan ianya berjaya, ini bermakna yang mengetuai kerajaan ialah UMNO sendiri. Jika UMNO yang berkuasa, apa yang menggabrakan Zahid?

Agaknya, jika tokoh tua UMNO itu berjaya, Zahid yang tidak ada tempat. Orang macam Zahid tidak tempat. Siapa yang hendak beri tempat kepada orang yang koro minda seperti Zahid? Maka dia gabra, sebab dia amat ketakutan kehilangan jawatan TPM nya.

Jika Zahid ada ejen yang ditanam dalam dikalangan MP, maka ejen yang serupa mendedahkan bahawa Zahid sendiri bertemu dengan Dr Mahathir pada suatu petang. Dan saya percaya pertemuan itu bukanlah untuk Zahid guna untuk warning  supaya Dr M diam. Kita pun hendak tahu apa yang dibincangkan oleh Zahid.

Yang Ketiga.
Kembali kepada ‘komplot’ tadi. Agaknya Zahid tdak pernah faham konsep undi tidak percaya. Atau dia tidak pernah dengar konsep impeachment. Atau tak faham the right to recall atau right of recall. Ini semua instruments sahih dalam amalan demokrasi dan tidak melanggar undang2.

Dan di negara kita ini, undang2 seperti yang sudah diperakui oleh mahkamah persekutuan ialah cara menukar kerajaan macam negeri Perak adalah sahih.

Apa dia? Yakni seorang ketua kumpulan ahli dewan hanya perlu mengadap Raja dan menyembahkan kepada Raja bahawa dia memiliki kepercayaan majority ahli dewan. Dan buktinya ialah dia ada akuan bersumpah dan perakuan2 lain dari sebahagian majority ahli dewwan.

Dan jika raja puas hati diatas persembahan tersebut, maka raja pun menerima bahawa ketua kumpulan tersebut, ternyata ada sokongan majority. Dan perakuan tersebut tidak perlupun di uji dalam sesi sidang dewan. 
Raja Melayu hanya hendak tahu, kerajaan yang dibentuk kelak, adakah ianya diketua oleh Melayu? dan saya percaya tokoh tua UMNO yang disebut oleh Zahid ialah orang Melayu. 

Jika benar seperti yang diceritakan oleh zahid Hamidi, maka dimana salahnya apa yang dilakukan oleh tokoh tua UMNO itu?

Raja atau Sultan bila meneliti persembahan yang dikemukakan oleh ketua kumpulan ahli dewan tidak pun bertanya dan selidik sama ada akuan bersumpah tersebut diasaskan diatas lies, innuendoes, insinuations and fabricated allegations supported by doctored evidence?

Ayat dalam huruf condong datang dari artikel RPK- Malaysia Today. Sultan atau Raja tidak perlu selidik sama akuan bersumpah ahli dewan dibentuk oleh pembohongan, keneng2, pertuduhan yang direka dan dosokong oleh bukti yand diuli uli.

Tidak perlu- yang perlu hanya faham bahawa akuan dari MP itu adalah pembayang suara rakyat Malaysia. Dan rakyat Malaysia hari ini tidak ada yang sayang kepada Najib.


  1. Dato ',

    The price of FGV on 18 Aug was RM1.38 and 1USD=4.0903,

    Forget about the facts, logic, the laws and the constitution, as to this bunch of robbers and thugs, there is a new set of equations, namely:

    * UMNO = all Malays. ( if you're against UMNO, the you are anti Malay)
    * corruption by UMNO = receiving donations, hence no offense
    *Najib = Malaysian Government. (Attempts to criticize Najib or investigate him on criminal acts, are acts of treason)
    The laws of Malaysia= what UMNO now decides ( Not what is codified in the acts of Parliament, in other words, what UMNO says is right or wrong shall be what is right or wrong, period)

    It looks as if the only one single thing Malaysianns can do to avert the situation and restore sanity in those who had gone to the other side of humanity and civilization, is to pray to the Almighty.

  2. DAto Sak,

    Seperti saya pernah sebut dahulu, Melayu tak boleh jaga Malaysia, kemajuan to date is beacuse of Oil Money. Please bagi example business Melayu yang berjaya tanpa sokong Kerajaan. Give me an example of a RM 1 billion dollar company that has been successful without some sort of support from the Govt. Don't have? This is because Malays do not have the genes to be intelligent, only have the genes to have family life.

    Malays do not understand Money, Capital and how to employ it fruitfully. Add to that Govt incentive to give express lane to do Business to the Malays and what the Govt has done is created a bunch of Malays that cannot really go out and build a real business.

    You want to know business that is successful owned by the Chinese:

    Rubber Gloves - CHiense owned, technology developed in house
    SUgar - Chinese owned and developed but hijacked by Malays
    Food Industry - Chinese owned and developed but being Hijacked by MAlaysa
    Chemical Industry - Chinese owned and hijacked by Malaysa

    The list goes on and on.

    Until the Govt realises that the potential of the people is the potential of the Country, and to reach full potential of the Country, we need to provide opportunities to People to achieve their full potential.

    Look at US, regardless of how dirty it is, Microsoft is headed by Indian, Google got a new Indian CEO. Look in Malaysia, GLC headed by Mamak (where the Melayu), Indian have the language skills and business acumen.

    Chinese have business in their blood, the look at money differently, probably not bound by foolish religious beliefs propagated by Men of God to keep people poor and part with their money.

    Our Ministers are Bunch of Idiots. Every single one of them, please give me an example of a Bright guy, who you would want to listen to giving a speech, in a debate or etc. I recently listened to the DPM of Singapore, an Indian, his ideas and rebuttal of tough questions on Singapore policies of Social engineering made sense, their policies are well researched and applied accordingly.

    Look at our policies, what you expect when Monkeys are in charge of debating in Parliament. The policies are stupid. Our PM said he cannot say what is right and what is wrong because there is no law. Really??? This is the words of our PM chosen by none other the the Mamak from Kerala. This itself shows that he had no interest in finding the nest man for the job. He wanted a soldier who will take command from him. Reminds me of Saddam Hussien, they who was recruited by CIA to cause instability in Middle East and then he turned Rogue. Our PM has turned Rogue to Mamak of Kerala, the man that can walk on water.

    I hope, all Mps will form policies to ensure the country runs by the rule of law and proper policies are in place. Get Good people in the Govt.

    Malaysia going downhill, may not have 2 years to survive before it is saved.

    1. Apa yang kau merepek ni?

    2. ..deme tu tak chukup siang.. duit duit duit.... bohong bedaah, dosa pahala tolak tepi.. betoi..!!! ko ni merepek..

  3. RPK= Raja Putar Kantoi. He thinks all Malaysian are dunggu like him

  4. Salam dato...tidak menghairankan dgn phd atau sarjana...kerana ada tokoh dgn penuh kelayakan hampir satu lembar pengalaman dan pendidikannya di ganti dgn "tokoh" yg amat susah utk ditulis pada maklumat ahli lembaga...bukan kerana pengalamannya tp tak ada benda yg nak ditulis...kononnya master di universiti luar negara tp berbahasa inggris pun tak tau...

  5. Salam dato...tokoh tua lebih baik dari yang muda adakalanya...keris lama walaupon buruk tp bila terluka bisanya boleh bawa mati...keris baru nampak cantik aje tp...merapu mcm sesetengah menteri pasola negara pasir berdengung

  6. Saya sudah jelek dengan TPM sekarang. Malunya orang Perak dapat mamat ni sebagai TPM. Dia ni syok sendiri bila buat kenyataan, ntah apa benda dia cakap pun dia sorang saja yang faham. Ingat lagi Mat Sabu panggil dia dulu masa tahun 1998 ... Pondan Siam. Gelaran tu masih boleh dipakai lagi sekarang. Buatlah kenyataan cerdik sikit oi... PhD dengan 3.85 tak sama :)

  7. Hi Anon 11.01

    Disagree with your first few para completely. Your conclusion/eye test, only reinforces stereotypes, without data backing it up and do nothing to contribute to the discussion. IMHO the situation which you have described exists, mostly due to the policies, the grandstanding exercises(either self interest or UMNO (-never for the general Malays), the brainwashing (BTN) and corruption perpetrated by UMNO, iaitu dua untuk saya(masuk kocek), satu untuk awak (compounding the issue), to the detriment of the Malays yang umum. 2 Perfect example of this is the Low Yat 2 suggested by the moron Ismail and the statement by TPM "i will not eat kerbau pendek with the chinese"? wtf - who invited him? I guess it must be the Las Vegas Chinaman. Also, you will find that I may not be the only one here who thinks highly of Dato Sak, judging by the commenters. JC

  8. PHD kaki pukui Dan 3.85 CGPA semua Dari universiti kampong. Bayar satu jockey tolong tulis thesis atau talipon VC gugat beri pass. Kalau tak pass, kontrak VC tidak di extend

  9. Dato

    Saya rasa TPM takan berani tangkap "tokoh tua" yang Dato sebutkan, sebab jikalau berlaku ianya akan memberangsangkan lagi ahli ahli UMNO yang sekarang ini kurang senang dengan telatah Najib dan Bangla MP tu. Dah terlihat sekarang ni, bahagian UMNO mula mencaci PM. PM kita ni lembut sikit rasanya dan tak berdaya nak bertindak balas. Jadi dia sewalah gangster tu yang ada talian kat PEKIDAlah, gangster cinalah dan lain lain. Gangster ni mulalah cara dan gaya dia menakut nakutkan sesiapa saja. Cara dia sekarang ni yang memekik tak tentu pasal kalau dilihat hairan juga. Tapi kita tahulah mengapa dia buat begini. Pendapat saya kuasa dia sekarang masih ada hadnya, sebab ahli ahli UMNO tak sayangkan Najib kan, juga mungkin juga tak percayai TPM tu. Jadi masih ada masa sikit, cuma had ni tak akan tahan lama. Lebih lama dia jadi TPM lebih kukuh kedudukan dia dalam UMNO. Kan PM tengah pegang duit 2.6b tu JC

  10. Turun Padang 30 Ogos Dataran Merdeka..Pakai Baju Hitam....1 Million...Kita Merdekan Dari UMNO-BN!!

  11. 1MDB says it all about Najib - wang Masuk Dari Belakang. Spelt backwards it also means Banyak Duit Masuk ke-No.1.

  12. The gap in business and professional skills between Non Malays and Malays are slowly flattening out as more Malays become educated and trying their luck in business fields while the new generation of Non Malays are losing the entrepreneurial spirits of their forefathers when expose to the same environments as the Malays.However Malays still suffer from the poor role models provided by their feudal and political leaders who still influence the Malay psyche by their easy get rich scheme through abuse of power,corruption and lack of sacrifice towards the greater good of the community.

    1. Whether it is right or wrong is debatable but this is short, concise and to the point. Tak macam si anon 19 Aug 11:01 yg merepek entah apa2

  13. Datuk,
    Zahid Hamidi might be dungu but those malays who ardently voted for him every election were the greatest dungus..he just have to bribed them RM100 and they were williing to sell their souls to him

  14. Hello JC,

    Thanks for commenting on my post. You really do not need decimal point accuracy to pin point that the Malays are not successful in business. It is not stereotyping, it is the truth.

    Give me an example of a Malay who has build a Business empire that is respected globally. The Chinese have Robert Kouk..etc Look at rubber glove industry Supermax, Hartalega.. huge companies that started very humbly. Where are similar Malay companies..Where??? Name them pls..

    Read this paper :

    Pay attention to the para below on page 185.

    Figure 1 shows that ROA of Bumiputera-controlled companies started at an average of 4.617 per cent in 1996 but dropped below zero in 1997 until 1998 due to the Asian financial crisis. Then remained constant between 0 and 2 per cent till 2004 (P9) but then registered a negative figure in 2005. On the other hand, the Return on Equity (ROE) also shows the same trend, though started at a higher figure (10.769 per cent) but I took a steep dive (about -30 per cent) in 1997 and 1998 (P2 and P3) but registered a positive return only in 2002 onwards. However, ROE was back to negative in 2005.

    Hope you can understand the business lingo.

    Malays are new to Business, the Govt should focus on the real skill of Malays and get them to enhance that skill. Don't try to get a Malay into engineering when they can hardly score a single A in SPM.

    Don't get a Malay into Business Study when he hardly passed.

    Do you have an idea what the passing mark in Add Maths for SPM is, please talk to teachers, you will want to vomit when you hear the truth.

    The country is going downhill.... there is no rule of law, take this opportunity an rise up for a revolution, as nothing less than a revolution will save this country.

  15. What's next? The cash king holds the fulcrum - the 135 umno MPs. He has locked them in with promise of more goodies failing which his finger on their sb files. By postponing the umno general elections until after GE14, he is assured his umno presidency and by default his pm position will remain unchallenged, especially now that he has on the one hand a sidekick in the hm who is not above using the pdrm and on the other a cousin running mod.

    All he needs next are two things against one timeline. One is the continued loyalty of the ss states and the other is the continued gerrymandering of the ge14 boundaries under the control of an ec characteristic of the house speaker who has used veto power against parliamentary tenets. So long as he channels back more of their state revenues, the two deposits will be renewed.

    The one timeline is economics. If the economy tanks on the fall of the ringgit while on the lap of a tainted cb, the dollarised loans, bonds and securities will have to be restructured since reserves will be critically depleted. Such a step will however weaken ratings and raise cost of future financing in the two years leading to ge14 during which new financial scandals will occur because his group will be demanding more to cream on the possibility of their gravy train derailing and on the excuse they need projects to show v2020. Inevitably future generations including those reading in will have to pick up the expanded and heavier tab; everything will cost more at exactly the time when they will wonder what they can do if anything to increase their earnings in a world that has already moved far ahead so that this land will fade from the radar of investors who matter; except for a few, the standard of living will drop in two stages; first on those reaching working age, second on those newly added to society.

    Meanwhile to break the economic grip he will use the gst and tourism collections, pare down opex, hold up br1m and excuse a shaved devex on weakened oil and commodities. He just needs to pip a win in GE14 to consolidate power and there will be no shortage of people who can join his advisors bandwagon.

    He has one other card - a hadi more desperate by the minute because his hudud agenda will be a promise broken, thus disenchantment and with that the success of ghb as the more attractive and sustainable alternative for the country's politically-inclined progressive muslims this century, at least in selangor. Having been the first opposition leader to say keep n, hadi may thus strike a deal to barter his heartland votes for federal funds to keep pas alive with the hudud agenda on the backburner.

  16. 2/2

    Will the rakyat of this land have any cards on their own? So long as selangor surmounts the twin threats of pas-led betrayal and water supply, it stands a good chance together with penang to keep out of umno's orbit. The rakyat may even win more seats in blue ocean johor, kedah and terengganu. The mongolian case may reemerge even while the limbs of investigation are torn off from 1mdb.

    Over time, more and more people in the other states will see that people in selangor, penang and so on are doing much much better despite federal machinations on their capitation grants. If the economy and thus the plights of the rakyat get worse under umno into the coming years, this difference will become more acutely noted until the final subterranean eruption takes place despite all the brown-shirt destabilization that the umno-controlled ngo flunkies will be generating. By then, the larger group of our presently clueless malay hoi-polloi may finally grow up with their very own spine.

    And who will lead the opposition? trh doesn't have n's funds and files but he has blood of a certain colour and consistency not dissimilar from that of our new R generation in johor who can do-the-right-thing and show-the-way to help pull Malaysia out of the abyss dug by umno. Will trh finally show he has courage? Only he can tell.

    If not, the rakyat will move on. After all, the challenge is not a crisis here, a crisis there, for there will be more a-coming.

    The challenge is to change with finality one's classroom mindset that one can place all responsibility on some father-head figure, some leader of the pack, some jingoistic politician. When that mindset is changed as it must for this nation to become something and not nothing in this new century, then all will realize the leader of this country can be anyone so long as the rule of law and the law of fairness and the tenets of our democracy are upheld and made to live despite all the sub-cultured riff-raff that has been catalyzed by umno all these years.


  17. Dato... apa pendapat Dato tentang khabar2 dlm media social yang mengatakan sayap pesawat yang dijumpa di Pulau Reunion yang kononnya ada sticker MAS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT tu sabenarnya sebahagian dari sayap pesawat B777 ttp bukan sebahagian B777 MH370... tidak disahkan sbg sebahagian dari pesawat MH370 yang hilang itu... tetapi PM dan Menteri nya Liow Tiong Lai itu sudah "jump the gun" dan istiharkan ia adalah sebahagian dari MH370... kita tunggu apa kata Boeing dan Civil Aviation Perancis...

    Keluarga dan waris di Negri Cina tak percaya... mereka kata part itu di letakkan oleh CIA sepakat dengan Malaysia / MAS... sebenarnya pesawat tu tak jatuh tetapi di Diego Garcia...

    Insiden ini untuk menarik perhatian rakyat Malaysia dari skandal 1MDB dan derma RM2.6 billion dan sekaligus bersihkan Amerika dari disyakki telah hijack MH370 dengan buah manggis 2.3 tan nya sekali (yang sama beratnya dengan drone yang dirampas Taliban di Afghanistan tetapi di jual ke negri China yang ingin pelajari teknologinya...)... ttp America telah merampasnya kembali dengan hijack MH370...

    Teori konspirasi lah Dato Ariff.... minat aku... benarkan aku berkongsi ya...

  18. Walla's article hard hitting and realistic.
    Will trh be brave enough or just e-smoking?
    Nothing to lose and everything to gain.

  19. 1MDB kalau diterbalikan jadi BDM1 = Banyak Duit Masuk ke Nombor 1

  20. You believe he wrote the thesis for his PHD ? Please ask around and you sure to get the one who did for him. Insh Allah.
