Tuesday 10 March 2015

154 Ketua UMNO Bahagian- bukan mereka yang boleh mensucikan 1MDB

2 orang watak dumb and dumber UMNO- pertama Adenan Mansur dan keduanya, Bung Mokhtar dengan berani mengatakan syarikat stratejik 1MDB bagus. 
Bung mokhtar kata- assets lebih dari tanggungan- 1MDB akan untung. Adenan Manzur kata 1MDB ialah angsa yang menghasilkan telur emas. Telur emas untuk siapa? untuk Jho Lo dan penaung nya? untuk Paris Hilton?
Jual lah assets, kita tengok boleh cover tak liability. Belian asets semua mengandungi elemen penambahan harga untuk komisyen, sumbangan dan bakshish….cuba jual kalau boleh dapat harga serupa.
Sekarang kita tahu, apa budak2 korporat umno buat. Dia orang beli asset dari kerajaan, cuba berniaga setelah balun komisyen dari pemalsuan harga, dan kemudian setelah sesak, jual kembali kepada kerajaan.
Projek2 kerajaan UMNO hanya pusingan mencuri wang rakyat. Itu yang budak2 umno buat dan sekarang jurucakap mereka , dumb dan dumber UMNO kata- 1MDB baik . Itulah Melayu UMNO- akan pertahankan sehingga tetesan darah terakhir- hak untuk menkesploitasi dan hak dapat duit free.
Lihatlah Najib berani kata mereka- dia telah arah ketua odit negara menyelidik akaun dan urus niaga 1MDB. Inilah Presiden UMNO terbaik. Dr Mahathir pun tak sebaik Najib. Mahathir cakap banyak- masa dia korapsi lebih teruk.
Jadi daripada kita sibuk akan  index maqasid shar'iyah- baik ada index al rasuwah.
Setelah hutang mencecah RM46 billion baru hendak suruh. Setelah kena belasah baru hendak suruh. Rumah dia siap, pahat baru hendak berbunyi.
Nak suruh periksa apa? Dokumen dan email beribu ribu. Data dalam komuter dihapuskan. Jadi apa yang hendak di kaji? Berani atau tidak  Ketua Odit Negara KON menyelidik dokumen yang ada pada Sarawak report?

Orang mesti tahu, tektik memindahkan blame ini memang kerja Najib. Dia telah cuba mententeramkan mereka yang bertanyakan hal 1MDB dengan berkata, 1MDB telah pun di oditkan oleh firma perakaunan yang terbesar. Mereka ini professional. Mereka tak jumpa apa2 yang mencurigakan.
Bila orang tak percaya dan bila firma perakaunan pun surrender, Najib dan pengurusan 1MDB kata- bukan senang nak odit firma sebesar 1MDB? 
Habis, nak biarkan? Biarkan segala huruhara dan kerosakan berlaku? Biarkan mamat2 curi duit atas nama bangsaku Melayu?  Dan ini soalan cepumas- jika firma perkaunan yang terbesar didunia pun surrender- apalah sangat yang kita boleh harap dari pejabat Ketua Odit Negara?  Saya cakap ini tanpa rasa merendahkan kemampuan akauntan kita- sekadar guna lojik lautan biru pak Najib.
Pengesahan dari firma perakaunan pun belum tentu membersihkan kotoran yang berlaku. Apatah lagi jika firma perakaunan tersebut surrender. Mungkin tahap penipuan dan songlapan duit terlalu menyeramkan sehingga mereka pun surrender.
Firma2 perakaunan ini pun ada rekod busuk mereka. mereka bersubahat menipu. Sebagai contoh jangan kita lupa  Enron telah di odit oleh firma perakaunan Andersen. Dulunya, BBMB di odit oleh firma Touche Ross. Juruodit skendel Transmile ialah firma Delloitte.
Ingat tak firma Lehman Brothers? Dulu bukan main hebat. Ia jadi bengkarap tahun 2008. Bukankah ia pun diodit firma perkaunan terkenal  Ernst & Young? Dan yang lebih menggerunkan ialah Lehman Bros menjual asset bernilai US$50 dimana? 
Di  Cayman Islands lah dengan janji bahawa asseets dan junk bonds yang mereka jual asalnya akan dibeli kembali.
Agak nya inilah kelentong Najib kepada 154 ketua bahagian UMNO yang datang. Separuh tidak faham dan minat, separuh tdak setuju. Yang setuju , golongan dumb dan dumber itulah sahaja.
Kepada orang kampong bolehlah Najib kelentong. Dan ramai mereka ini dalam 154 ketua UMNO bahagian yang datang nak sahkan Najib ini boleh hidup ke lagi? Najib tahu , sebaik sahaja ketua2 bahagian ini menghidu kelemahan dan kematian politik, Najib pun mereka tinggalkan dia- bin Tun Razak atau tidak. Jenerasi yang kenal Tun Razak bukan nya ramai. Yang tua sekali mungkin Dr Mahathir dan umur dia sudah hampir 90.
Mahathir ini pulak, Tuhan beri dia kesihatan. Dah hampir 90 pun boleh tanam anak pokok. Dan dia pernah kata- dia akan be around for a long time- sebab baka dia hidup lama.Jadi kita dapatlah lihat Dr Mahathir membalun Najib.
Kebenaran nya, ialah firma perakaunan pun banyak kelemahan. Mereka pun bisines juga . mereka dibayar dan kalau dibayar ertinya ada harga dan boleh dipengaruhi supaya menulis sesuatu yang menguntungkan pihak yang mengupah. Ada firma pun bersubahat. Jika mereka tidak bersubahat, maka tidak ada lah skendel kewangan.
4 firma yang surrender dengan 1MDB mungkin merasakan, kelentong yang 1MDB buat teralu dasyat. Meraka tak sanggup bersubahat. Lagi pun mereka sudah mendapat pembayaran keatas apa yang merka siapkan. Tak perlu menipu untuk dapat wang lebih.
Sekarang apabila 4 firma perakauan standard dunia surrender- inilah sebab yang paling besar mengapa ketua odit negara mesti menyegerakan selidik. Ianya kesangsian yang utama menjemput pengoditan yang lebih rapi untuk ferret out tikus2 yang menebuk labu 1MDB.
Bayangkan, dalam masa 5 tahun, 1MDB telah diodit oleh 3 dari firma perkaunan terbesar didunia. Juruodit pertama 1MDB ialah Ernts & Young yang surrender tanpa mengesahkan satu pun penyata akaun 1MDB. Apapasal mereka takut? Firma besar pun takut angkara Najib, -tapi 154 ketua UMNO bahagian sanggup?
Tidak ada alasan lain kecuali mesti sokong sebab ini projek kerajaan Melayu. Mesti sokong sebab Melayu yang melakukan nya.  
Firma odit yang kedua ialah  KPMG – Tarik diri dalam tahun 2013 tanpa megesah apa2 penyata kewangan. Yang ini pun surrender.
Firma ke3- Deloitte mengemukakan nota2 yang panjang dan penilaian yang amat kritikal keatas penyata kewangan 1MDB. Mereka pun curiga dan mendapati banyak transaksi yang menjurus kepada salahlaku. Ini tektik biasa firma perakaunan untuk mengelak dari dipersalahkan. Kami ahi ekonomi menggelar nya tindakan CYA-cover your ass.
Apatak nya- 1MDB rupa nya meliwat kita semua. Mungkin Najib pun suka.Mana ada negara dalam dunia, yang masa depan nya bergantung atas punggung rakyat nya?
Kalau tak ada apa yang mahu disembunyikan mengapa penyata kewangan 1MDB teralu lewat difailkan? Bahkan ada anak syarkat 1MDB tak pernah memfailkan apa2 penyata kepada ROS.
Kalau tak ada benda hendak disembunyikan apa takut?
Dan tolong perhatikan ini- syarikat 100% milik 1MDB yakni SRC tidak memfailkan apa2 penyata sejak 2012.  Ini syarikat milik 100% MOF dan mempunyai pinnjaman RM4 billion – pinjam dari KUmpualn Wang Amanah Perkerja KWAP. Pinjaman ini dijamin oleh kerajaan Najib. 
Dan siapa juruoditnya untuk tahun kewangan 2012 ?
Deloitte International satu dari the big 4. 
Tapi 154 Ketua Bahagian UMNO berani sebab mereka ingat mereka berkuasa.


  1. 2 ekor pimpinan umno ni lebih bodoh dari kerbau. Tak terjumpa dlm kamus apa ayat yg lebih bodoh dari bodoh. Kalo nak bodek pun biarlah berpada. Takkan tak tahu baca basic accounting kot. Kalo tak tahu berhenti jadi pemimpin saje la. Ramai lagi yg layak dari kau 2 ekor.

  2. Tengok dari jauh..10 March 2015 at 11:47


    Bila si Dungu, Si Bodoh, si Bahlol dan si Bengap berbicara, apa agaknya yang mereka bualkan?

    Golongan 154 yang menyokong tu bukan kisah apa pun, asalkan perut mereka kenyang..

    Gendang gendut tali kecapi kenyang perut suka hati....

    Tengok dari jauh...

  3. Dato

    The duo sounded like Bozos, didn't they?

  4. In addition to the IMDB and the SCR, actually there other other scary cases such as Pembinaan PFI, Malaysia Debt Ventures Berhad(MDV)and Prasarana Malaysia Berhad (PMB). These entities have been piling up debts as if there is no tomorrow! And, we all know who will end up paying them...? Do we all know now what to do with them or on those responsible?

  5. Najib tekincit.
    Those two clowns throw them to the lions in Zoo Negara and lets see how

  6. Tertarik dengan PMB tu....ada sesiapa boleh bagi pencerahan?dah berapa banyak hutang yang dibuat oleh PMB?ini termasuklah bon bon yg dijamin,sukuk dan sebagainya yang dikatakan untuk meningkatan mutu pengangkutan awam negara (kl dan lembah klang saja)

  7. Kasi BRIM semua Ok...dont worry.

  8. "154 Ketua UMNO Bahagian- bukan mereka yang boleh mensucikan 1MDB"


    Yes indeed.

    It will all be "C-Y-A" cos this is Bolehland...!

    How about this PEEM sidekick Fella...???

    The Father Goose - http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/1mdb-goose-that-lays-golden-egg-so-why-kill-it-says-ku-nan

    Must read quick - Also to share this as the Malaysian Chronicle article has been...

    28 March 2015 - "...The first wedding soiree in Sri Perdana will be attended by dignitaries from "across the globe" while the one in PWTC will be thrown especially for the country’s leaders and UMNO members up and down Malaysia.

    The third bash is schedule to be done in Pekan as a symbol of gratitude to Najib’s constituents.

    The "groom’s reception will be held in Daniyar’s native Kazakhstan" shortly after...


    Mama & Jubby just doesn't care two hoots while Bolehland burns...!



    Soon another VVVIP executive jet trip to Kazakhstan, Mongolia...?

    You be the judge.


  9. Dato, there was a public-listed company in the commercial bakery business baking and marketing the second well-known sandwich bread which has gone belly up! The aurditor was Horwath which refused to sign off their 2011 accounts and in February 2012 a police report was made.... 3 directors charged with embezzlement of nearly RM130 million involving some people from Felda too.... share price dropped from approx. RM0.80 per share to RM0.12....

  10. Dato - MRCB has a father as Chairman / CEO and son as COO - and its losing money..... mind you it owns Sentral KL!

    Felda has a father as Chairman and son is buying properties and making investment for Felda... including huge acreage of palm oil land in Sumatera and Kalimantan and some say in Flores too....

    What's happening to Perwaja? Is it true owner is trying to sell off Maju Expressway which cost RM130 million to build but government actually gave a cash grant of RM106 million?

  11. Sebab bocor sana, tiris sini, rembat sana sini, sekarang nak kutip duit lagi dari rakyat dgn GST. Tak cukup dgn pelbagai cukai dan tol jalan. Bukan rakyat saja marah, Tuhan pun marah.

  12. YB, perhaps many do not know that one of Najib's sons is a partner in Deloittes.

    Check out http://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/my/Documents/About_Deloitte_Malaysia_Jun2012.pdf

    Now, has the pin dropped?

    Remember too that Enron, Global Crossings, Tycho, Lehmann Bros, RBS, HSBC were all audited by the "Big4" firm of auditors, yet the most massive of frauds in world history occured.

    So, we can no longer totally rely on the integrity or honesty of big audit firms to protect minority and shareholders' interest. We must be more vigilant, as they will continue, to justify their exorbitant audit fees, in form over substance sub-standard work!

    We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race


  13. Dengar cerita anak najib ada dlm Deloitte? Betul kah?

  14. Dato, those conmen must have polished their teeth , claws and jaws on PPFI first. I borrowed this article from donplaypuks, another earth shattering revelation, funds meant for the BUMI contractors (split into 3 parts)

    part 1/3



    by bamboo lego abdullah, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for bumiputra con-struction and infrastructure con-tracts

    Sometime in 2006, Pembinaan PFI (PPFI) was incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ministry of Finance (MoF), as part of the government's initiative to garner Private Finance Initiative funding under the 9th Malaysia Plan (RMK-9) for public infrastructure projects i.e. funded from private capital.The main beneficiaries of the PFI funding were to be smaller Bumiputra contractors.

    No sooner was the company incorporated, the MoF discovered, surprise, surprise, that private capital was not exactly champing at the bits or salivating and smacking its lips to throw money at inexperienced Bumiputra contractors with little track record to undertake large public infrastructure contracts. The expected stampede of Malaysia's mollycoddled home-grown entrepreneurs (read as fraudtrepreneurs) beating a hasty path to the doors of PPFI was largely conspicuous by its total absence.

    So, true to form, some financial genius at the MoF came up with a convoluted, but really quite imaginative and brilliant creative scheme, so that RM 30 billion could be raised. After all, if PM Najib, who is also the Finance Minister, and his head honcho Chief Secretary to MoF, Mohamad Irwan Serigar Abdullah, had decreed it, the project the cannot, must not, shall not and is too big to fail, like the RM46 billion indebted 1MDB, must go ahead.

    It is likely that they also consulted the Minister in the Prime Ministe's Department in charge of the EPU (Economic Plundering Unit, to some, Economic Misplanning Unit to others), Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop He was also Minister of Finance II between 2004-2009. Nor Yakcop has an extraordinary, interesting and chequered past to say the least. In the early 1990's he was THE forex trader who asked to leave Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), in the wake of some RM6 Billion in forex losses incurred while, by all accounts, BNM gambled wantonly and merrily on the US dollar. The scandal was only exposed when Lim Kit Siang of DAP questioned then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad in Parliament about a RM6 billion "hole" in BNM's balance sheet. Mahathir swiftly responded with copious quantities of over-sweet maple syrup and double waffle quaffle.

    Some years later, Anwar Ibrahim revealed that the actual losses were closer to RM30 billion, and had been concealed by creative accounting, whereby revaluation paper gains from gold and other reserves were netted off against the RM 30 billion forex losses. (Is there a link, I wonder, between this sleight-of-hand and 1MDB concealing cash operating losses of some RM3.5 billion with paper gains of RM3.6 billion from revaluing the Sungei Besi land given away at below market price by the government to 1 MDB? I mean what are the chances that Nor Yakcop was not consulted by PM Najib vis-a-vis 1MDB?).

  15. part 2 of 3

    Bolihland's (crooked model of) Warren Buffets had spoken, and lo, come hell or high water, no opposition shall be brooked! Faster than you could say "Don't you dare touch the EPF", a scheme was synthesised to milk the Employees Provident Board (EPF) for RM20 billion and possibly, more. We must admire the cracking and crackling minds that hatched up this structure:

    1. The Federal Lands Commissioner (FLC) leased out 186 parcels real-estate from its land bank all over Malaysia, to PPFI. The consideration for the lease was "a nominal sum", presumably RM1.Was this give-away price in the national interest?

    2. PPFI in turn sub-leased the same 186 parcels of land back to FLC for RM29.18 billion in rentals, payable semi-annually over 15 years between 2013-2027. Mathematically, if RM29.18 billion is discounted backwards at the rate of perhaps (I am too lazy to work out the exact rate) 8%, the net present value of it would probably be equal to RM 20 billion.

    3. PPFI then used the security of the land it did not own to borrow RM20 billion from EPF.

    4. In 2013, PPFI raised another RM10 billion, though who it borrowed this money from has not been disclosed. Presumably, more land was leased and sub-leased by government decree.

    5. Up to 2013, some RM23.5 billion out of RM30 billion had been "disbursed" by PPFI. However, who the beneficiaries were or for which infrastructure projects, has not been revealed to the Rakyat! It's a big secret.

    6. With RM30 billion worth of land, PPFI was next to Petronas, Khazanah and 1MDB, the largest borrower, and the second largest land-owner, in Malaysia.

    7. PPFI's audited accounts for 2013 have not yet been filed.

    MoF Chief Secretary Mohamad Irwan Serigar has not responded to any enquiries about this project by the press or DAP MP Ong Kian Meng who first broke the news in 2015. CLICK HERE and HERE.

    It was followed up with a full expose by Kinibiz.CLICK:

    and HERE .

  16. part 3 of 3

    Basically, the government is renting back land for RM29.18 billion that it had no other use for (and therefore must have a very low valuation) and still does not, and that it owned and previously did not have to pay a cent for in rentals!!

    Now here is the coup de grace. The Persatuan Kontraktor Melayu Malaysia (PKMM) or the Malaysian Malay Contractors Association hasn't a clue about PPFI or a cent of its RM23.5 billion "disbursements". So, who and for what did PPFI dish out these billions of ringgit?

    And, how is it a private finance initiative, if at the end, it is the Taxpayer who will be coughing up RM29.18 billion over 15 years so that the FCL can pay PPFI so that it can repay its RM30 billion loan to EPF and other mysterious lenders?

    You can bet your bottom ringgit that when these kinds of twisted company structures are set up, no good will come out of it, just as in the case of 1MDB and dealings with PetroSaudi and Jho Low's Good Star Ltd. in the Cayman Island and Switzerland. You can also see the same mind working on the PPFI scheme as in 1MDB - very low capitalisation and unheard of gearing/borrowing using sovereign funds and guarantees, RM 46 billion vs RM 30 billion!!

    When Chief Secretaries to Ministries and the Prime Minister who is also the Finance Minister are not open and forthcoming at all to legitimate questions posed to them by elected MP's, it's a safe bet that some ugly deal is behind it all, and like 1MDB, the failure of such machinations resting on quicksand and bamboo-stilt foundation, will rock the financial stability of the country like no other. What exactly is the Chief Secretary to the Government, Tan Sri Ali bin Hamsa monitoring besides ESSCOM?

    Is the contract between FLC and PPFI legal or can it be construed as a phoney one, similar to that between 1MDB and PetroSaudi?

    Who are the auditors, and did they carry out in-depth audit checks to ensure the RM23.5 billion actually went into the hands of bona fide Bumiputra contractors, or did PPFI use the money for some other dodgy purpose, as did Jho Low with 1MDB's US$700 million? Do have fearless bloodhounds as our trusted guardians, or sedated watchdogs, poodles and lap dogs?

    What are BNM and the Auditor General's take on this? Are they going to wait for a $700 billion sub-prime like crisis to explode before they engage the 1st gear?

    Why the total silence from PM Najib, MoF Chief Secretary Mohamad Irwan Serigar Abdullah, The Chief Secretary to the Government Tan Sri Ali bin Hamsa, BNM and the Auditor General?

    As the saying goes, "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we (continue to ) seek to deceive!"

    Donplaypuks® with PPFI man!
    Posted by Donplaypuks® at 9:02 am

  17. Dato Sak, heard that PM enters the meeting hall via back door and exit early too also via the back door? Kenapa macam tu pulak?

    Dengar hany 135 Ketua Bahagian saja yang hadir... bukan 154.... betul ke ni?

  18. "154 Ketua UMNO Bahagian- bukan mereka yang boleh mensucikan 1MDB"


    Just to share this...


    Must share this interesting videos for our BNM to answer...!

    Greenspan Admits Federal Reserve Bank is Above the Law & Performs Freemasonic Gesture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czQa1C2Tvqw

    Are they (Feds & National Banks ?) the biggest Money Launderers in town...?

    WHERE'S half a trillion dollars, Ben? Grayson hammers Bernanke (07/21/09) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGs_Qn5yEgs

    CNBC: Ron Paul's question makes Ben Bernake's voice quiver - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pEiLHnjAiw

    "How much of that shitty deal did you sell to your clients?" Goldman Sachs Hearing - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whlzFWwVv98

    Just compare the "FB messages" between Jho Low & his Wharton Business School sidekick friend...

    "It was when Seet was still based at Wynton Capital that he sent and received numerous emails regarding the 1MDB PetroSaudi Joint Venture from this address.
    With Paris Hilton at yet another match

    With Paris Hilton at yet another match

    He now describes himself as a Vice President of Jho Low’s current company Jynwel Capital, based in Hong Kong.

    Seet was copied into the correspondence respecting the JV deal between PetroSaudi and 1MDB in September 2009.

    That correspondence minutely reveals Jho Low’s driving involvement in every aspect of the deal.

    It was also Seet who joined Jho Low and a fellow Wynton employee, lawyer Tiffany Heah (she also worked for UBG Bank) at their initial crucial meeting with PetroSaudi’s Patrick Mahony in New York, at which Mahony agreed that the firm could “act as a front” for their business activities...

    And it was Seet who performed the role as the signatory for the firm Good Star, into which the USD$700,000,000.00 “loan” cum “premium” was paid on the conclusion of that joint venture deal.

    On the day that the money finally transferred into the Good Star RBS Coutts Zurich account, Sept 30th, Seet went on Facebook:

    Something big happen that day?...

    Li Lin Seet: I feel the earth move under my feet...

    A week later Li Lin Seet was embarking on the party lifestyle that became the hallmark of Jho Low and his crowd of business hangers on over the coming years

    – a lifestyle that was so expensive and extravagant that it attracted attention across the world.

    Cristal is the most expensive champagne you can buy – this is what Seet messaged from Las Vegas:

    Li Lin Seet: In Vegas bring a jacket cos it's raining Crystal! Hahaha

    A week later and the conspirators were drenched in Cristal in Las Vegas....

    Li Lin Seet was also the signatory of the company Panama Investment Manager, which did a deal with PetroSaudi ‘front man’ Tarek Obaid to manage the funds of the PetroSaudi ‘subsidiary’ in the Seychelles...

    Delightfully for the young men involved, there was clearly plenty of money left over in the system to fund a very expensive life-style for Seet and some new found friends on the celebrity circuit...

    Again on Facebook, Li Lin Seet gave an insight into the way he has learnt to do business:

    Li Lin Seet: "The PAP manifesto reminds me...Most important of all, we always get away with it by gaming the system. Hahahahaha


    We also know why Deloitte was selected..? Nizar Razak !

    Nik Faisal Ariff Kamil?

    Grandson of this great personality...


    You be the judge.


  19. "154 Ketua UMNO Bahagian- bukan mereka yang boleh mensucikan 1MDB"


    Donplaypuks® has covered good grounds on 1MDB.

    Also to share this...

    The men who crashed the world - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYTyluv4Gws

    Finally to share this...


    You be the judge.


  20. Kalau tak silap...anak kelentong bekerja di Deloitte
