Tuesday 10 February 2015

After the verdict, what next?

There is a sense of despondence. There is an initial feeling of hopelessness. Nothing we say can take away the pain and sorrow which are felt by Anwar and his immediate family.
Anwar Ibrahim has been sentenced to 5 years in prison. At the moment, i cannot see any intercession. All we pakatan people can do, is to make the pain seemed lesser.
How do we do that?  By sharing the grief. More so by reaffirming our belief in the things Anwar Ibrahim articulated.
We have already done that to some extent. In the many rallies that took place, the people who came and articulated, showed their commitment to fight all form of political tyranny is alive. That reaffirmation is reassurance to Anwar that his political ideals continue to live in the hearts of the people.
We will continue to reassure Anwar and his immediately family, that what he represents better than anyone else, shall be continued. I wrote about that in an earlier article.
The fight against tyranny, oppression, all forms of political evil, must be continued until there is no more.
The fight continues. Our fight. Anwar’s fight. Carry that feeling of being utterly deprived till the next ballot box.
The PMO issued a statement which contained the following passages.
The police report against Anwar Ibrahim was brought by a private individual – Anwar’s employee and personal assistant – not by the government. As the victim of a serious sexual assault, he had every right to have his case heard in court. “In this case, exhaustive and comprehensive due process has been followed over many years. That process is now complete, and we call on all parties involved to respect the legal process and the judgment.

Now, why is that no one believed that the government of Najib has conducted itself as a disinterested bystander? 

Remember that.


  1. d 'messiah' has got to take a forced leave of absence. there is no one of his caliber 2 take over as successor. you may want 2 consider moving over 2 PKR n than taking over d leadership of PR.

    however I still feel that yr rightful place is within UMNO so that yr crusade can b more effective. pm najib is facing d biggest crisis in his career n things r not looking good 4 him. there might b a sudden case of 'changing of d guards' in govt soon especially after d incarceration of anwar.

    I was hoping 2 meet u at dato rozlan's ( yr cousin) daudhter wedding reception last Sunday but was told that u cld not make it.

    seronok juga kalau dtp peluang sembang2.

    1. bekerja dengan kerajaan dahulu tidak semestinya membuat kamu seorang insan politik, kecuali kamu ni kaki cium bontot atau arse licker sebagaimana orang putih menggelarnya.

      i have been reading your writings on various walls. nefarious. hello small boy. you didnt reach the ranks of jusa or perhaps a political party founder, just bloody stick your pen right up in your arse. while i do not agree with you, your opinion does not hold water. bias of sorts. another kampung

  2. En rahmanjpc, you stink to the core

  3. Tidak ada sesiapa yang berakal dan rasional dapat terima sebuah kerajaan yang dipimpin golongan pelahap dan perakus yang nafsu mereka mengalahkan nafsu babi melainkan golongan berkepentingan, haloba atau yang berakal kontot lalu mudah dipermainkan dengan tipu helah dan habuan tidak seberapa. Sebahagian kaum melayu sendiri gagal belajar dari sejarah, tentang si Kitol dan Mandeliar yang merosakkan negara dengan fitnah dan tindakan untuk tembolok sendiri. Sedar atau tidak sedar Malaysia kini makin hanyut dikuasai Melayu berdarah pariah yang berkomplot membunuh potensi pemimpin2 berdarah Melayu tulin yang berkalibar. Sedar tidak sedar melayu keris telanjang kini menjadi hamba melayu berdarah pariah yang kini mampu bergerak bebas sana sini termasuk di institusi terpenting negara, tidak terkecuali mahkamah.

    Tidak sukar untuk menilai sosok2 legasi si kitol aka mandeliar ini dalam hiraki politik Malaysia. Kelompok ini yang asalnya berkelas pariah di negara asal bagaikan kaduk menaiki junjung, hati mereka busuk dan tebal dengan dendam tanpa memperdulikan kesucian undang undang dan halal haram dalam mematikan hayat politik seteru mereka hatta jasad dan nyawa sanggup mereka renggut asal kuasa dan kekayaan ditangan mereka.

    Sayangnya sebahagian melayu rela membiar hukuman durjana dilaksanakan hanya kerana memikirkan tembolok dan perut sendiri. Jika inilah sikap segelintir melayu, tidak mustahil melayu akhirnya akan merempat di tanah air sendiri. Bukan kerana Cina, bukan kerana India tetapi kerana melayu berdarah pariah yang merintis jalan untuk memporak pertandakan Malaysia. Bukan kah sejak merdeka lagi...melayu yang berkuasa?. Bagaimana kuasa ini telah dipergunakan selama ini sehinggakan kaum melayu terus terhimpit dan miskin di tanah air sendiri?. Atau memang PM PM kita selama ini adalah Cina dan India DAP?. Islam hanyalah sekadar nama yang duipergunakan legasi mandeliar ini untuk menipu dan terus membohongi kaum melayu bangang lagi bebal.

    1. Sangat benar. Saudara/i berkongsi apa yang terpendam di hati saya selama ini. Bodohnya Melayu yang sibuk berhias dan bersidang saban tahun hanya untuk membenarkan bangsat-bangsat ini memecah belahkan dan menjual tanahair ini. Mereka tidak risau jika Malaysia tergadai, mereka masih ada kampung halaman. Kerana sekupang dua Melayu sanggup menjadi agen fitnah dan samseng memenangkan bangsat-bangsat ini

  4. What next indeed.

  5. Dato',

    " Anwar Ibrahim has been sentenced to 5 years in prison. At the moment, i cannot see any intercession. All we pakatan people can do, is to make the pain seemed lesser.
    How do we do that? By sharing the grief. More so by reaffirming our belief in the things Anwar Ibrahim articulated."

    Well-said, but hard to accomplish because their are enemies within PR, the most notable being PAS' Hadi. Anyone with some insights as how the intelligence game is played knows that Hadi is a stool pigeon well entrenched within the coalition, and though he has done some disruptions in the past couple of months, he would now come out of the woodwork and inflict the maximum damage to disintegrate PR.

  6. I'm sure a number of UMNO MPs will be unhappy over the treatment of the 67 year old Anwar. They will think that Najib is a person without compassion especially when Shafee asked for more than 5 years imprisonment. Furthermore, some East Malaysia MPs will be angry over the treatment of their people. BN MPs in general may not be not happy with the gross mismanagement of the country's economy, widespread corruption and the racial polarisation timebomb etc. In order to save Malaysia from ruin under our Najib's non-existence leadership, Pakatan should propose a vote of no-confidence against Najib's administration and this may succeed with the help from the disgrunted BN MPs. This will be the time for East the East Malaysian MPs to flex their muscles as to who are the real boss. Pakatan can then support any UMNo leader to take over Najib's place as PM. This will give a clear message to Najib that this country does not belong to him.

  7. anon 17:31 n anon 18 :32,

    sorry mate. sometime truth hurts.

    tahu tak anda yg anwar Ibrahim keturunan india n saya d faham kan yg tuk2 nenek nya dahulu bukan islam. kesian dia! dah lah kena masuk penjara,orang masih duk kutuk keturunan dia.

  8. @17:31:

    You are right, rahmanjpc stinks.

    He can't even spell out some words completely - too tiring after watching people with ...this habit/sickness that is n offence in Malaysia...".

    Sleep well rahmanjpc, sleep well. Wonder what his friend, the missing Q.D.'s views are on this verdict.

    rahmanjpc, please don't wet your pants tonight while dreaming, O.K.

  9. What wears a robe and is full of shit?
    The Malaysian judiciary.


  10. The most obvious sign that there was something unusual was that the entire written verdict was uploaded on the PMO website within minutes after the chief justice Ariffin Zakaria has completed reading it but has not touched on sentencing... how did the PMO office get hold of the written verdict that fast?

    I think most Malaysians know the answer but no one can speak about it in the public domain as in a blog.... remember we are living in a country where the IGP is active on Twitter and most likely monitoring the blogs too....

    So, who is catching the thieves and the robbers?

  11. "The most obvious sign that there was something unusual was that the entire written verdict was uploaded on the PMO website within minutes after the chief justice Ariffin Zakaria has completed reading it but has not touched on sentencing... how did the PMO office get hold of the written verdict that fast?"

    More to the point, would they have uploaded a verdict for an Anwar acquittal? NO.

    More to the point, would they have issued a statement after an Anwar acquittal? NO.

    We are not fools.

  12. "I'm sure a number of UMNO MPs will be unhappy over the treatment of the 67 year old Anwar. They will think that Najib is a person without compassion especially when Shafee asked for more than 5 years imprisonment. Furthermore, some East Malaysia MPs will be angry over the treatment of their people. BN MPs in general may not be not happy with the gross mismanagement of the country's economy, widespread corruption and the racial polarisation timebomb etc. In order to save Malaysia from ruin under our Najib's non-existence leadership, Pakatan should propose a vote of no-confidence against Najib's administration and this may succeed with the help from the disgrunted BN MPs. This will be the time for East the East Malaysian MPs to flex their muscles as to who are the real boss. Pakatan can then support any UMNo leader to take over Najib's place as PM. This will give a clear message to Najib that this country does not belong to him. "

    Why not be more effective and form a new coalition from disgruntled BN MPs?

    Get the best, progressive & clean UMNO people, leave the corrupt deadwood behind.

    The other parties are also sick of dancing to Big Brother's tune.

    3 years to save Malaysia, or see the nation die.

    It's that serious.

  13. Rahman jpc boasted (boasted? no?) to have known Anwar since UM days, to have served at MoF when Anwar was there and to be staying less than 100 m away from Anwar's house at Damansara Height.

    Now that Anwar is out of the equation, he may even annouce to the world that he has not received any favours from Anwar throughout his lifetime particularly at the time when he was the rising star and heir apparent to TDM.

    May you be pricked by your conscience, if you have any.

  14. Selepas era Dr Mahadir, lantikan hakim mahkamah atasan adalah berasaskan penjawat jawatan itu hendaklah mematuhi kehandak BN.

  15. 60 Tahun UMNO-BN Berkuasa.... Yang Bunuh Altantuya - Motif Tak Payah... Bagi Ikat Jaminan enjoy kat Australia - Kita tunggu Sirul buka mulut kepada 60 Minutes...

    Yang Kononya Liwat.... Bukti Tak Perlu....hanya perlu buktikan mengapa awak tak Salah.....@#$%^!

    Kalau Begini Sistem Kehakiman orang Islam yang diIzinkan Sultan-Agong berterusan.......maka cara Negara Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Korea Utara, Somalia, Bangladesh ditadbir dah Sampai kat pintu Malaysia!! Semua Hakim pun baca Quran yang sama tapi dari segi Keadilan-Kesaksamaan..BANYAK AGAMA dan BANGSA dah tahu Sistem Kehakiman dah Rosak Dari Hari Pertama TUN Dr. M hapuskan Sistem JURY...maka inilah akibatnya.... Dimata orang bukan Islam/ bukan melayu...Hakim2 Melayu Sudah Hina ALLAH/Islam dengan Izin UMNO-BN & S-A!!! B B B....tak ada Jalan Lain lagi...atau Sabah-Sarawak Pecat Malaya!! B B B

  16. It is sacrifice that brings about revolutions. It's victimization that brings forth peoples wrath.
    It's suppression that awaken the people from their slumber.
    No sacrifice goes in vain.
    It's people's power that has taken over Anwar. Can UMNO withstand this power?

  17. If it's an individual complaint, why did our government waste so much time and energy to persecute another individual?

  18. Petition Title: Make the release of Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim from prison a top priority for US policy toward Malaysia

    Anwar Ibrahim, the Leader of the Opposition in Malaysia, a champion of democracy, a believer in Islamic justice, and a longtime friend of the United States, was convicted and jailed on trumped-up charges on February 10, 2015.

    The White House soon issued a statement expressing its "deep disappointment" with Anwarxs conviction. It said that the decision to prosecute Anwar and the conduct of his trial raised serious concerns about the rule of law and the fairness of the judicial system in Malaysia.

    But statements are not enough. The Administration must follow its words with action. Anwar is a political prisoner. The future of democracy in Malaysia is at stake. Securing Anwar's release from prison must be a top priority in US policy towards Malaysia, to be advanced in every way possible.


  19. There are many cases of wrongful conviction not only here but also in the USA and Uk and through out the whole world. But in Anwar's case, it is sure not a case of wrongful conviction but purposeful conviction. In USA the courts are ever ready to review evidences if it is shown that the prisoners had been wrongfully convicted.

    The Judges decision to accept all the prosecution witnesses esp Siful as credible is laughable.

    ' Mana ada kes rogol dlm negara ni, orang kena rogol cakap dia tak mandi dan kencing selama 2/3 hari kerana nak simpan keterangan air mani perogol'.

    ' mana ada kes rogol dlm negara ni dimana mangsa kena rogol bolih pergi kerumah perogol selepas kena rogol, tersenyum dan menyediakan coffee dan karipap kepada tetamu perogol dan bergambar'

    'mana ada kes rogol yg dithabitkan dalam negara ni apabila Doktor mengesahkan 'there is evidence of penile penetration'. Kes rogol kepala butuh mesti masuk dalam faraj dan kes sodomy dlm jubor'.

    Hanya satu jalan utk membebaskan Anwar' iaitu Siful atau bapanya Bukhairi atau mana2 orang yg privy to this frame up charge, to publicly come good with their story that the case is a frame up case. 5 yrs jail...anything can happen in a yrs time. To go to prison for a crime you did not commit is both totally unjust and simply barbaric.

    I for one based on the evidences thus far does not believe Siful was ever sodomized. My take is that the plastic object which was inserted in him was to plant the DNA samples. And that is why you find two other unknown male DNA in his anus. This unknown male DNA must have come from the person who inserted the plastic object into Siful's arse.

    How come the police can't identify the other 2 unknown male DNA. The reasons are obvious.

    Tak tahulah siapa yang kena rogol dlm kes Anwar ni? Siful ke? atau Hakim2 ke?

  20. All these years they have been trying to nail him. Now they have used a judiciary that blithely ignored the issues raised by defence while giving a judgement that sounded more like a prosecution monologue. On hearing it, even Mr Spock's pointed ears would have drooped in sheer astonishment.

    But then again why should anyone be surprised anymore these days when the same system has yet to deliver real justice in the mongolian case?

    The eagerness to despatch some people on the docks without fair trial and due justice reflects the political motive.

    In the mongolian case, it was to hide. In his case, it was to limelight. The inconsistency is telling.

    Which comes to the disconcerting matter of why M asked everyone to accept the judgement even before it was announced.

    Knowing how our man would be his nemesis if freed, he wouldn't be the one telling everyone to accept a judgement that would have freed our man, would he?

    Therefore he must have already known the judgement would favor the relentless and remorseless sole objective of removing Anwar completely from the political landscape of Malaysia.

    Now how could he have already known the judgement before it was delivered the following day unless the bench had told him beforehand?

    If that is so, why should the bench be relaying the decision to vested parties before delivering it to the one on the dock?

    After all, the PMO of the present government talked about individual justice. So where was justice for Anwar Ibrahim?

    Missing in the entire proceedings was the principle of 'beyond reasonable doubt'. This was never established.

    Therefore we must be a first in the world where someone can be prosecuted, persecuted and executed politically using shadows of doubts besides DNA past shelf life.

    Undoubtedly the hypermarkets would be interested what scientific process was used to extend shelf lives of transient products.

    Anwar Ibrahim's maligned life has been a tumult. He might have made mistakes when in Umno. But while the same party has continued to make the same mistakes such as getting a pusillanimous growling idiot to try and sedate justice-seeking rakyat using a sedition act without even knowing the contextual meaning of its term, he has made amends to the rakyat and has tried his best to redeem himself all the while knowing how his family suffers with him under the shameless onslaught of the entire government machinery of a crooked political party.

    They weren't satisfied with the black eye. They had to decapitate the head of the opposition movement.

    All these years what has he done to any of them except make stirring speeches on rain-drenched stages? Jawapan?

    In springing him, Badawi must have found the answer in his Islam Hadhari. What answer from which religion does M, N and their Umno of today have? Jawapan lagi?

    Expect no answer from those hee-hawing jokers at the annual Umno general assembly. They had long buried their conscience in pursuit of personal gain disguised as the AlifBaTa malaynification of Malaysia but at the expense of the economic destruction of this nation besides the social destruction of Malay virtues.

  21. LAWAN TETAP LAWAN. Please SUPPORT FREEDOM FOR ANWAR AND JUSTICE FOR MALAYSIA. The country's judicial system should be freed from the clutches of the corruptor and thieves. Court and law has been manipulated in order to protect the activities of robbery and oppression by UMNO BN leaders. Residents who firmly uphold justice like Anwar and many others has been cruelly victimized. Please fill in the petition form and spread to the word through your social media. This is the related link to share with: http://wh.gov/ib24X

  22. 2/3

    So, what's next?

    What's next could be some or all of the following:

    One, PAS must straighten itself out now.

    While the hold of the faith in the rural belts is complete, it is also a no-brainer.

    The rural folks gravitate to faith on the wings of emotion alone precisely because they cannot mount a rational stance based on logically-argued facts which are in any case denied them by a mass media slanted towards the incumbent government which is the source of most recurring problems.

    Would PAS want this limitation to continue or would PAS want faith-followers to be grounded in a rational understanding of what it is to believe in any faith? Because to practice a faith requires a rational and compassionate mind first. Otherwise anything goes in the land of cyborgs.

    Second, discard the assumption that manusia are born bad and thus must be enchained by a legalistic code of conduct held together by threats of severe punishment bordering on barbarism.

    The Chin dynasty imploded because of legalism which was founded on the assumption that men were born bad. If men are born bad, what of their Creator?

    Assume instead that every human being has the potential to be better than others in his or her own right, and create a social system to make that happen.

    The right here is not the bumiputra right of Muslims but the right to achieve the highest potential as a human being of our presently sad and sorry Malaysian race.

    Learn from one another regardless of race and background. Rich can also learn from poor inasmuch stupid can learn from smart. It's just a range of limitations to be addressed by careful and wise instruction on how to apply knowledge with compassion.

    PAS would have realized hitting its head against the wall on the hudud issue is not going to crack the Umno rampart in Putrajaya.

    Pakatan already has vote number challenges in the two East Malaysia states. Why add another hindrance to that in addition to the way the voter geographies are being distorted for GE14?

    If PAS does not think hudud is a hindrance - even for the Muslim populace - do a nationwide survey of the followers now as to whether they want hudud. Then publish the results. Unless what PAS wants is only Kelate. Isn't that so telling of its dicey foundation?

    Second, half a century of umnofication of this nation has destroyed the brand called Malay. So discard it and create the new Malay brand. After all, you can't create a smart Malay from an irrational Muslim, can you? Unless you want our Malays to remain stupid?

    Unlike the bovine mind eating Pagoh grass which is one such example, the new Malay is a Malaysian first who happens to be a Malay just as those chinapek are Malaysians first who happen to be oleng cina.

  23. 3/3

    Already there are thousands of such new Malays in our society. It's not hard to find them. Just drop those Melayu/Muslim only shades.

    They have less hang-ups about life and others. On others, they treat them as brotherly peers, not descendents of land usurpers when the land originally belonged to the indigenous natives who happened not to be too organized to articulate their right to the first colonizers at that time.

    Also, the new Malays have more confidence in themselves and are happy as go-getters not mired in self-pity. Their minds have opened and are free from the baggage of trying to hold up loads of stuff that can't be applied to solving daily problems or creating new career-building opportunities.

    Third, unite as fellow citizens, brothers and sisters, human beings - first. If you try to unite from artificially created bases, then you will get mixed up in what is to be the official stand on something and that's already a hindrance. In this land, officialdom is a no-no and by 2020, it will be oo-oo. Yes?

    So what are the natural bases from which to unite? Progress in the fight against (a) injustice, (b) corruption, (c) hypocrisy, bigotry and zealousy, (d) divisiveness, (e) waste, and (f) inefficiency.

    Already got things to do, no?

    Fourth, group together the best minds in the country to ponder and articulate relevant solutions to the problems of Malaysia today and tomorrow.

    We cannot continue to let the corrupt and the sycophants run this country and its economy which affects the future of all the young to come.

    That future is already threatened today by the humongous debts accumulated by years of Umno-amok-ed excesses. Deny that at your own peril.

    You need bright people with ideas and integrity to run this nation properly and neatly. They in turn will be kept under close scrutiny by transparent procedures and processes that will return the checks and balances of yonder days when Malaya was better than Malaysia.

    And, fifth. Find a new role for our Malay women. It is inevitable they will rise. More and more will be educated. Don't let them suffer anymore. Their destiny is to help save this nation already made stupid beyond belief. After all, they are the biggest untapped human capital goldmine in this land. But don't walk the path of Umno Wanita and Puteri. Those two are like Umno Youth. Bad to the end.

    I can go on but need to go off. Thanks, Sakmongkol.
