Friday 14 March 2014


Selain mencabar Menteri Belia dan Sukan Khairy Jamaluddin untuk meletak jawatan, Raja Bomoh Ibrahim Mat Zin juga mengugut untuk menampar menteri itu seperti yang telah dilakukannya kepada seekor buaya.
Berdasarkan sebuah video yang dimuat naik oleh, Ibrahim melahirkan rasa tidak puas hatinya setelah Khairy meminta agar bomoh itu diberkas polis atas perbuatannya di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) beberapa hari lepas.
Bertegas bahawa Khairy sepatutnya menghormati orang tua, Ibrahim berkata bahawa Khairy seharusnya berjumpa dengannya terlebih dahulu sebelum melabelkan perbuatannya sebagai syirik.
“Saya pun tak takut dengan dia. Letak jawatan sebagai menteri, boleh lawan dengan saya.
“Dia pun bukan senonoh sangat perangai. Saya cabar dia letak jawatan, kemudian kita try fight.
“Saya tampar dia macam buaya baru tahu. Dia cakap kurang asam, biadap,” katanya.
Dua hari lepas, Ibrahim serta beberapa pengikutnya sibuk menjalankan upacara memanggil semula pesawat MAS MH370. Upacara tersebut turut menyaksikan Ibrahim duduk di atas tikar serta penggunaan dua biji kelapa dan teropong.
Ibrahim juga bertegas mengatakan jika perkara ini melarat, maka memorandum akan dihantar kepada Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Tambah beliau, ini bukan kali pertama beliau menentang seorang menteri. Kali pertama, katanya, beliau telah menentang bekas Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan, Allahyarham Tan Sri Abdul Samad Idris.
“Dia (Khairy) budak baru. Dia ingat saya baru setahun jagung.
“Orang kampung dia (di Rembau) boleh gempar lah, Ibrahim Mat Zin jangan gempar. Kalau dia gempar saya akan ambil tindakan mahkamah,” katanya.
Bomoh itu yang sememangnya tidak berpuas hati dengan ahli parlimen Rembau itu menambah: “Apa dia ingat saya budak-budak untuk ditangkap, dia ingat saya adik dia ke.”
“Jangan ingat saya bomoh sengkek kampung. Saya pun ada peguam,” katanya.
Ibrahim kemudian memberi amaran kepada Khairy untuk tidak melakukannya sekali lagi, jika tidak, dia tidak akan teragak-agak untuk menyamannya sebanyak RM100 juta.
“Saya akan saman dia kerana menjatuhkan imej mahaguru datuk. Anak murid saya seramai berapa juta orang sanggup menghadap mahkamah,” katanya.
Menyifatkan Khairy sebagai sampah masyarakat, beliau turut mempersoalkan pelantikan Khairy sebagai seorang menteri.
“Saya ingat dia gila lah, semua orang (dia anggap) musuh. Macam mana Najib boleh ambil dia sebagai menteri.
“Kalau saya jadi Najib saya tendang dia macam bola, sampah masyarakat,” kata Ibrahim.
Beliau turut mempertahankan usahanya mencari pesawat MH370 yang telah hilang selama tujuh hari itu.
“Saya usaha cara tradisional, bawak bakul, buah kelapa, tikar. Yang buat tikar terbang bukan saya, itu pemberita yang buat, saya duduk saja,” katanya.
Khairy di akaun Twitternya pula tampak bersahaja dengan ugutan Raja Bomoh itu malah memaparkan pautan video itu.
“Raja Bomoh VIP nak tampar saya cam kokedai,” katanya.


  1. Dato Sak,
    Ulasan dan komen Bomoh VVIP divideo berkenaan menyerlahkan lagi kebodohan dan kecelaruan fikiran bomoh berkenaan. Pada saya Khairi bukan keseorangan kerana apa yang dilihat orang ramai di airport hari berkenaan terang terang tak boleh diterima. Perbuatan berkenaan telah pun menjejaskan nama Malaysia dimata dunia dan bomoh VVIP ini wajib bertanggung jawab terhadap perbuatannya itu.

    Seruan saya pada Khairi. Elok siasat dulu VVIP mana yang mengizinkan Ibarahim Mat Zin jalankan upacara itu di airport. Nama pun Bomoh VVIP. Tentulah tidak mudah seorang bomoh bukan VVIP dibenarkan VVIP menjalankan upacara memalukan itu di tempat kunjungan ramai seperti KLIA itu.

    Siapa VVIP yang terlibat? Tidak mungkin VVIP dari parti pembangkang kerana VVIP adalah idtilah yang dirujuk kepada mereka mereka yang begitu penting dan berkuasa. Defahkan ini dulu Khairi. Memberi teksnan hanya keatas Ibrahim Mat Zin saja tak cukup. VVIP yang memberi laluan kepada bomoh berkenaan juga patut didedahkan dan dihukum. Mustahil Ibrahim Mat zain lakukan itu tanpa sokongan VVIP.

    Masyarakat pasti maklum kenapa bomoh ini digelar bomoh VVIP. Sudah tentu ada hubungan istimewa bomoh ini dengan para VVIP. Siasat juga adakah VVIP ini terlibat dengan kerja karut marut dan kurafat selain yanh terdedah diairport hari tu.

    Ingatan sebahagian rakyat Malaysia tentu masih ingat bagaimana tubuh seorang VVIP UMNO dikerat 18 oleh bomoh Mona Fandi satu ketika dulu. Semuanya ada kaitan dengan wang, kuasa dan kekayaan.

    Diharap tidak ada lagi VVIP UMNO yang dikerat 18 selepas ini. Atau penampar bomoh VVIP ini mampu membuat Khairi bisu sepanjang hayat?.

    Rakyat yang cerdik dan berilmu akan sentiasa dibelakang pemimpin yang perjusngkan kebenaran. Jadi jiks Khairi yakin dia dipihak yang benar, persetankan dengan ugutan tu walau pun bomoh mendakwa pengikutnya mencecah jutaan.
    Dan kalau bomoh VVIP ini pula betul betul ikhlas dan jujur untuk membantu. Alangkah baiknya hantar jutaan pesilat abak buahnya itu ke Israel dan membantu pejuang pejuang Islam disana. Alangkah baiknya kalau penampar Ibrahim Mat Zin itu singgah ke pipi PM Israel. Bukankah itu lebih afdal ya bomoh VVIP?.

    Dari Bomoh Bom Bom
    Canglon Kedah

  2. Dato',

    Biarkan KJ memperlihatkan 'kepandaian' mengampu bosnya.

    Ibarat siLuncai terjun dengan labu-labunya...


    Doa untuk MH370


  3. Amalan bomoh ilmu hitam warisan Hindu bukan lah baru menjadi anutan pemimpin UMNO Baru.Pemimpin UMNO Baru Benta yang bercta2 merebut jawatan MBdikerat oleh pengamal Ilmu Hitam. Perebutan kuasa diantara pemimpin Wanita UMNO Baru satu masa dahulu melibatkan pertarugan diantara Bomoh. Pengasas UMNO yang kuat menyokong punjannga Anti Hadis dan Meperlekeh Rasullalah yang cukup intim dengan bekas President Indonesia yang dikatan cukup tebal dengan amalan Ilmu Hitam. Pemimpin UMNO Baru sekarang juga dikatakan mendapat khidmat dari pengamal Ilmu Hitam dari India.

    Tanda2 Malaysia sebagai negara yang hilang kaberkatan sudah jelas -banjir melampau, kemarau dan suhu panas yang bersangatan, jerebu tidak putus2, berbagai penyakit kronik mula melanda, bekalan ayer yang meruncing, rasuah berluasa, pemimpin boros,kezaliman demi kerzaliman , perhakiman yang tidah telus dan amanah, kehilangan kapal terbang yang tidak di kesan.dan segala macam musibah lagi.

    Kemusnahan sudah hampir tiba selagi mana Golongan menetang Allah dan Rasul tidak bertaubat.

  4. LOL!

    Cuba teka VVIP yg mana satu agaknya?

    ~ Bomoh Bopeng

  5. Otak orang layu

  6. Lagi banyak bomoh VVIP ni melalut kat youtube, lagi ketara kelihatan sikap bodoh dan bongkak dia. Rupanya dia dekat dengan pimpinan UMNO, saling perlu memerlukan. Sah sudah geng UMNO yang restui kerja khurafat dia kat airport. Tentu ada habuan. Sombongnya bukan main siap dedah dia bomoh kaya, lebih kaya dari Khairi. Yang kayakan dia tentulah pemimpin UMNO kerana khidmat khas yg dia bagi. Najib dan rosmah kena defend bomoh ni atau dia bongkar peranan dia membantu Najib dan menteri2 UMNO. Aku yakin tiada tindakan diambil terhadap bomoh ni. Bagi UMNO maruah negara tak penting kerana bomoh ni lebih penting bagi mereka. Sama sama kita tengok the next....

  7. Dato time if you nak comment pasal Bomoh VVIP nie..kena berjaga-jaga sbb ilmu dia sangat kuat..ada pulak pengikut sampai 500 thousands. Next time any planes being hijack any part of the world boleh lah minta bantuan si bomoh nie sbb gelaran dia pun Bomoh Antarabangsa. Heard bayaran dia utk mencari MH370 sebanyak 100k..entah btul or tidak I pun tak pasti thats what came in Chinese news paper.

  8. the gaffe guy who know's15 March 2014 at 06:49

    Malaysia has turned into a haven famous for its jokers and clowns.And of course it's flipflopping too.

  9. Call off the search vessels and airplanes deployed by US, China, Australia, Vietnam, India,and whoever else are helping Malaysia to hunt down the missing MH370 because the one who will locate them is the VVIP Bomoh. No need to waste resources, tell that to these nations and to the grieving relatives.
    And btw, a Good Morning America report featured in Yahoo said a satellite communications company reported today that the missing Malaysia Airlines plane contacted its network on the day it disappeared in what could turn out to be a big break in the effort to locate the jetliner or determine where it went.

    Inmarsat, a British company, said today, "Routine, automated signals were registered on the Inmarsat network from Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 during its flight from Kuala Lumpur."

    It said the information was shared with SITA, a company that specializes in air transport communications. SITA shared details with Malaysia Airlines, Inmarsat said.

    Inmarsat on its website says the satellite system "facilitates the automatic reporting of an aircraft’s real-time position, including altitude, speed and heading, via satellite to air traffic control centres, helping controllers know where an aircraft is at all times."

    If the "pings" sent by the Malaysia Airlines jet to the satellite indicate location or flying direction it could help solve the mystery that began a week ago when the jet carrying 369 passengers disappeared from radar.

    You must ask why our Government and MAS has not shared this vital information with US and China earlier and facilitated the hunt. Instead of saying this and that and all 'we are looking into this, into that..."

  10. Well, we are officially in crazy season. First we have a PM who bragged about his "ability" to buy a RM1 chicken and then, we have "The King of Bomoh", shaman to the VVIP performing a comedy act at the expense of the nation's honor and the people's pride. The still unanswered question on my mind and on the minds of every sane Malaysian is "Who is the VIP that is stupid enough to invite that fella?" "Does that VIP thinks that the missing flight has been stolen by elves or djinns?

    Truth be told I don't really care about that VVIP bomoh or who conferred him, his dato'ship or who bestowed upon him the title of "Raja" or VVIP. What I do care is the fact that he HAD to performed his comedy act in front of foreign press and in the concourse area of KLIA to boot! If he's that powerful and if he truly has many magical power and supernatural "ally", why can't he do it in the the office of the VIP who invited him or do it in Seri Perdana or in the PM office? Or perform that ritual in his own home or better yet in his own bedroom where only his "adoring" fan can see his powers in action, wink..wink! Why does he needs to perform "the act" in front of everyone and inside KLIA? Don't tell me that his supernatural allies or whatever, need the airport to land and that's the best place to start a supernatural search and rescue (SSAR)? Yeah right! That make even less sense than the RM1 chicken the PM bragged about "bagging" a few days ago!

    One thing that the sad and tragic episode of the MH370 did expose is the reason why 52% of Malaysian voters rejected Najib and UMNO in general. Their ineptitude and incompetency are there for everyone to see. Najib and his team can't even govern themselves properly and they are the ones currently in charge of governing Malaysia? It is one thing as Malaysian to be embarrass with Najib and UMNO running the country like it is a circus but having the whole world knows that we have a bunch of clown running the government is unforgivable. It's like having a King of bomoh performing nonsensical acts and ritual in an effort to locate a missing plane right in front of international press and have that act being ridiculed worldwide as something only Malaysia and its leaders would resort to when all else fails...oh wait..that really did happen, didn't it? What's the famous slogan UMNO people like to repeat like it's is gold or something? Yeah's Malaysia boleh or 1Malaysia? Or is it, RM1 chicken Malaysia boleh? Raja Bomoh 1Malaysia Boleh? Or is it 1Malaysia Boleh lingkuppp!!!


  11. guys,

    pleae do not say bad things about KJ as he is sakmongkol's great black hope. As i recalled during sleepyhead reign, this sakmongkol guy was singing praises about KJ. I wonder why since KJ accepted a junior minister post in the 'corrupted' government saktongkol kayu kept quiet?

  12. Guys..just be amazed a brainless nitwit at 12:49 can still wonder. He hasnt gotten over the fact his mastah mukhriz lost twice.

  13. Be very clear, it is the US authorities that have more or less now conclusively verified the final movements of MH370 and these are from data already shared with Malaysia by various parties earlier in the week. Otherwise you will still have Malaysian press conferences with the so-called experts saying we cannot rule this and that out, we are looking into all areas, etc. etc. Now you will see them trying to take the credit which rightfully is the US's.

  14. hati hati nanti KJ jadi beruk kena tempeleng....

  15. If you look at some photographs, Dato Sak, of the arrival of this Raja Bomoh at KLIA, they were escorted by a group of men in dark bush jackets with the 1Malaysia pins and name tages exactly like the men around the PM. I suspect these men are from the PM Office. Therefore, this bomoh was hired by somebody from the PM Office logically...

  16. Two very concrete and undeniable facts have been expounded here courtesy of commentators

    Greenbug - 2.04

    When you saw men in uniform escort a person, by logical deduction they must be from PM office...ahh looking at uniform also we deduce the person must be hired..Wahhh double brilliant

    Nick at 8.22

    'One thing the sad and tragic MH370 incident reveals is...why the 52% Malaysian reject Najib and UMNO...' wahhh brilliant oso

    I don't think you guys are thinking straight these days..

    Kajang folk

  17. Greenbug just need to look at photos and out come Try this then, if we look at picture of Najib and LKS opening the second bridge of Penang, they look like buddies. Or try this, you see a picture showing satay sellers! they must be logically satay Kajang

  18. Apa lah yang nak dimalukan? If you have proved to the world you use the service of shamans / bomohs, why try to deny? Satu Malaya pun sudah tahu siapa yang selalau gunakan servis bomoh / shaman dan siapa yang hantar bomoh ke KLIA hari itu... jadi what is there to be ashamed of? what is there to hide?

  19. Anonymous 13:51 on 16 March 2014

    First and foremost, don't get emotional... if I criticize PM or even PM's wife, no need to be so agitated and emotional... it's only criticism. Try and rebut me with facts and a good argument for a fruitful recourse.

    If I see LKS and Najib opening the 2nd Penang bridge, I won't conclude they are buddies. And I also know by protocol, LKS will not be standing next to Najib because he is only an MP. It is his son LGE who is the Chief Minister. That is what I mean by logically and it is quite obvious, you don't know what logic means...

    Secondly, I am also not as stupid and dumb as you to assume satay sellers only exist in Kajang... it could be anywhere... even possible in Menteng in Jakarta Selatan... or maybe in Banjarmasin in Kalimantan or maybe in Bandar Tutong in Brunei Darussalam... so again, we must use logic which is quite obvious you do not have...

    That is why you earn only 50 sen to post your remark which is nothing but just a stupid one or two standard stupidity.... I wonder why Unit Media Baru even bother to pay you 50 sen since you obviously are so dumb???

  20. i can not pray for the safety of non-muslims.There is plenty of liquor in the plane. How can a muslim pray for a plane full of non-muslims ?Is is islamic for muslims to pray for the safety of non-believing passengers? It is like you are in a liquor parlour

  21. Anon 11:35 or kajang folk (whether you really are a kajang folk, you stating it in your post doesn't really reflect the sentiment of the Majority of kajang folk and in a democracy it's the choice of the majority that matters and not the antics of the minority no matter how loud they shout!).

    I bet you that my thinking is much straighter than those of Najib and Hisamuddin and every other official involved in the MH370 episode. Otherwise we won't have those embarrassing episodes of superbomoh and the "headless chickens" giving PC. One fact that you yourself cannot deny is that 52% Malaysian voters DID reject Najib and UMNO in the last GE. In a REAL democracy, not the pseudo demo we have right now, BN and Najib would not have become the government, Period. Our reason to reject Najib and UMNO may vary but the fact remains that UMNO and Najib have been rejected by the Majority of Malaysian and Malays.

    Anon 13:51,

    When a stain laden mattress was paraded and brought to court, then it must be logically the mattress that was used by Anwar to sodomize his "victims", right? That's the erroneous line of reasoning you're trying to imply, isn't it? But, the mere fact that the bomoh WAS duly escorted by officials (KLIA's or from the PMO, it doesn't matter) does suggest that he was there on "official" business of a supernatural nature. Greenbug is merely stating his/her observation and no one could deny that the bomoh were escorted by some officials and given clear access!


  22. Bomoh ini bangsa melayu. Melayu ini bodoh.Mana aada melayu cerdih ? Pakai aje ayat quran dah disangka islamic....aqikdah melayu memang fragile: mudah di pesong esok lusa boleh jadi christian. Tanyalak Mufti perak !

  23. Perangai Maha-garpu bomoh VIP ini tak ubah macam Saudara Aspan Alias yang tak dapat perhatian dari Lim Kit Siang untuk menjadi ADUN DAP. Seperti serigala yang tak dapat mencapai anggur dikatakan anggur itu masam....Macam-macam nak cover malu.


  24. Manalah boleh seorang pemimpin sesebuah negara membuat fitnah terhadap juruterbang yang tidak bersalah karena tidak ada bukti yang dia itu melakukan apa-apa kesalahan? Ini satu perbuatan yang salah karena juruterbang itu tiada untuk mempertahankan dirinya dan juga isteri beliau, anak2nya serta cucu-cicitnya akan merasa malu dikhalayak ramai...

    Hanya karena pemimpin itu mahu mendapatkan sedikit perhatian dan mendapatkan "political brownie points" he sanggup mencaci seorang yang belum dibuktikan bersalah?
