Monday 3 March 2014

Plan Rekonsiliasi Najib

Rancangan rekonsiliasi nasional.
Saya melihat pengumuman Najib dan perwawaran dalam blog nya mengenai National reconciliation Plan(NRP) hanya mahu menyukakan hati rakyat sahaja. Najib mahu menunjukkan kepada umum bahawa dia siang dan malam memikir mengenai perkara rekonsiliasi. Tapi semua orang tahu, Najib bukan Tun Razak.
Sampai kepada saat ini, rakyat semua sudah tahu bahawa Najib hanya cakap besar tapi perlaksanaan nya tidak ada. Najib hanya pandai menabur janji tapi semua nya kosong.
Dengar sini. PM ada plan. Kau orang jangan kata dia tidak boleh berfikir. Kau orang jangan memperlekehkan dia. Dia wira termelayu abad ini. Barang siapa mencerca dia, maka akan dibalasi dengan tawaran upah RM5000 untuk menampar si pencerca. Ayam, itik,kambing dan lembu dan kalau ada kerbau balau akan disembelih dan darah akan disimbah pada gambar, dinding rumah, tangga pejabat dan sebagainya. Ini Najib laut biru tau.
Sabda Najib: At today’s cabinet meeting, my ministers and I examined a plan to develop and promote an environment which is conducive to and will help promote national reconciliation through unity and consensus in the country.
Ertinya, plan sudah ada. Seperti biasa dengan plan2 nya sebelum ini, sudah pasti NRP kali ini disiapkan oleh pakar runding yang Najib bayar jutaan Ringit selama beberapa tahun. Pemimpin Melayu malas menggunakan otak sendiri. Suatu hari nanti, bila anggota badan manusia boleh dipasarkan, sudah tentu otak orang Melayu antara yang termahal kerana kurang penggunaanya  dan kurang susut nilai. Dikalangan orang Melayu, otak orang UMNOlah yang termahal sebab tidak diguna lansung.
Dengar jangan tak dengar. Mempromosi pertautan semula melalui perpaduan dan persetujuan. hanya Najib tidak beritahu kita, bagaimana dia mahu mengajak pihak pembangkang bertaut semula. Bagaimana mendamaikan resah 51% rakyat yang tidak menyokong BN. bagaimana Najib merancang untuk menghormati pilihan majority? Kecuali dengan berdepan dengan isiu2 ini, Najib tak usahlah cakap besar mengenai national reconciliation.
Dengan terus meneruskan menidakkan bahawa pembangkang (PR) mendapat 51% undi popular, ianya tidak dapat mengujudkan rekonsiliasi.
Najib sudah bercakap. Kita ada plan perdamaian untuk bertaut semula. Kita buat senyap2 bukan macam pihak pembangkang yang bising. Macam kita tibai wang rakyat lah- mesti lakukan senyap. Mana boleh bising. Tapi kita tak mahu kerajaan perpaduan. Kita bertaut tapi on UMNO’s terms.
Ini buah fikiran terhebat lagi terkini. Dari seorang pembaca strateji laut biru.
Mari kita lihat dan analsa punca perbalahan.
Apa yang menyebabkan perbalahan dan perpecahan? Isiu Allah yang tidak jadi masaalah di Malaysia Timur tiba2 menjadi punca perbalahan kerana ada beberapa orang pemimpin UMNO mahu jadi wira dan mengjaguhi isiu tersebut. Bagaimana penggunaan kalimah Allah oleh orang bukan Islam mengurangkan iman dan aqidah orang Melayu? Kita ini hendak mengIslamkan Melayu atau meMelayukan Islam?
Bukan setakat itu sahaja, pemimpin UMNO yang kurang cerdik tapi mulut besar membelasah puak Syiah dan melabelkan mereka bukan Islam. Sesama Islam pun puak UMNO ajak berkelahi. Padan muka apabila kepentingan ekonomi Malaysia tergugat kerana mulut tempayan setengah pemimpin UMNO. Sekarang tanpa perasaan malu pemimpin UMNO meminta bantuan dari PAS untuk bertaut semula.
Apa punca nya perpecahan dalam masyarakat kita? Salah nya mesti terletak pada kerajaan kerana mereka menguasai pentadbiran dan berkuasa keatas jentera pengkerajaan. Punca asas ialah keangkuhan dan kesombngan pemimpin BN yang paranoid dan tidak menghormati keputusan rakyat.  salah nya ialah kerajaan yang dungu yang tidak tahu konsep entirety rule- yakni sesudah menguasai kerajaan federal dan negeri, mereka menjaga kesemua rakyat bukan menjaga kelompok mereka sahaja.
Kerajaan yang tidak peka kepada kenyataan mereka sudah tidak ada kemenangan moral tidak akan mahu berdamai.  Kenyataan nya, BN hanya dapat 47% undi popular. Kesedaran hanya mendapat 47% undi popular sepatutnya menyebabkan kerajaan peka kepada aspirasi rakyat. fakta tersebut menuntut kerajaan melaksanakan dasar yang menyukakan rakyat.
Bagaimana plan rekonsilisasi dapat berjaya jika kerajaan memusuhi rakyat. yang tidak menyokong mereka, dimusuhi dan dianggap tidak patriotik. Kritikan terhadap pemimpin dibaca kerajaan sebagai menghina bangsa Melayu. Siapa yang angkat Najib dan Rosmah sebagai wakil orang Melayu?
Bagaimana mahukan rekonsiliasi jika kerajaan tidak adil. agihan kekayaan negara terus dimonopoli oleh segelintir orang yang berkuasa dalam negara ini. Golongan orang Melayu yang 40% terbawah hanya berkongsi 12% kekayaan dan pendapatan bangsa Melayu. Selagi isiu agihan kekayaan tidak diselesaikan, plan rekonsiliasi nasional hanya omongan kosong Najib.
Kepimpinan yang lemah. Fakta nya Najib ialah pemimpin yang lembik dan lemah. Selagi dia mengepalai kerajaan, selama itu negara ini akan menuju kemusnahan.
Ambil contoh cara Najib laut biru menyelesaikan kekecohan yang ditimbulkan oleh elemen2 pelampau. Kerajaan tidak ambil tindakan keatas agent provocateurs.
Bagaimana solusi Najib laut biru? Dia menasihatkan rakyat supaya jangan beri pablisiti kepada golongan pelampau. Golongan pelampau ialah penyokong UMNO dan BN. solusi nya mengenai isiu puak pelampau ialah orang yang dilampaui jangan beri pelampau pablisiti. Ini buah fikiran dari PM kita? Hebat. Bandingan nya, pemilik lembu yang kena curi, jangan melapurkan kepada polis mengenai pencuri. Pandai atau pandir PM kita ini?
Nah ini dia PM yang muncul dengan 1 itu dan ini, Model Ekonomi Baru yang menyebabkan harga barang semua naik, hasil negara turun, duit kerajaan kehabisan. Ini dia PM yang muncul denegan BR1M sambil mengharamjadahkan orang yang tidak sokong BN dan UMNO. Ini bintang yang bergemelapan dilangit gelap Pekan Pahang.
Jika Najib hendak tahu, kunci kepada perdamaian ialah peri wajibnya pemerintah berkelakuan bertanggung jawab dan akauntable. Kerajaan yang membiarkan anasir jahat mengacau ketenteraman, adalah kerajaan yang berkelakuan tidak bertanggung jawab. Kunci nya ialah kewajipan kerajaan bertanggung jawab.
Tapi Najib tidak menyebut langsung perakara ini. Ada dia sebut, kita akan arahkan polis menyiasat dan menangkap semua anasir pelampau?. Kita akan tarik lessen mana2 akhbar yang mencetuskan ketakutan dan perbalahan kaum. Kita akan tangkap semua perasuah. Kita akan laksanakan IPCMC walaupun ada pihak polis kata ini akan merendahkan morale pihak polis. Morale dan semangat polis yang menurun ialah mereka yang rasuah dan korap. Ada Najib kata kita akan siasat rasuah dikalangan kastam dan imigresyen? Ada Najib kata, kita akan belanja mengikut kemampuan kita. Ada Najib kata, projek2 yang tidak mempunyai priority utama akan disimpan dahulu? Ada Najib kita, kerajaan saya akan berjimat cermat. Ada Najib kata, kita akan letakkan sumber pengkayaan secara lansung dalam tangan rakyat.

Ada Najib kata ini semua? Dan seperti mana2 plan lain, plan Najib tidak lain ialah peluang menyalahkan pembangkang sebagai penyebab masaalah dalam negara kita. Rasuah? Salah pembangkang kerana mendedahkan nya. perbalahan kaum? Salah pembangkang kerana provokasi. Potong kepada lembu? Salah pembangkang kerana membela lembu. Potong kepala ayam? Salah pembangkang sebab menjual ayam. Menari bogel didepan rumah ambiga? Salah pembangkang kerana ambiga sangat sexy.
Janji Najib, kata orang Pekan hanya janji pedaah. Kita tidak akan naik harga petrol kata nya. selepas PRU13, sabsidi keatas petrol dan disel ditarik balik. Akibat nya, harga kedua nya naik.
Kalau nak reconcile, kita redakan kemarahan, bukan melembutkan hati geng sendiri dengan beri projek. Tapi itu cara Najib. Saya beritahu banyak kali sudah. Jalan penyelesaian nya ialah menyogok rakyat. BR1Mkan rakyat. beri wang sana sini. Itu Plan Najib laut biru.


  1. Najib otak seperti Pak Pandir. Dia akan jadi PM yang paling tak berguna dalam sejarah Malaysia.

  2. Salam Dato.Hakikatnya BN hanya dapat 47% undi popular dan PR dapat 52%.Plan reconcilasi hanya benar jika Anwar dilantik jadi PM, dan Najib diketepikan. Sebabnya Najib ni kaki temberang. Dia ingat rakyat bodoh macam dia dan pemimpin umno lainnya yang dunggu!Pru13 adalah mainan SPR yang memang kaki temberang macam Najib.Fullstop!

  3. Perkasa, Utusan, Mahathir, Taib buat segala yg kejam, huru - hara, diskriminasi, tekanan dll. Yg indifferent dlm kemewahan.. pemimpin2 yg bongkak, korup sehingga doa org2 Islam yg betul2 baik serta adil sebagai amalan hidup BERSAMA doa org 2 baik sebangsa Malaysia utk belas kasihan Tuhan turunkan hujan di Selangor lambat terkabul.

    SEMUA terasa kesusahan tanpa air. Kalau bukan petanda...
    Renunglah.. ayuh berjuta2 teruskan berbuat baik, ikhlas, berhati mulia pada semua sebangsa Malaysia.

  4. Do u think najib reads this?

    1. Yes he will read this bcoz sak are among the person whoalway prod on his eyea

  5. BRIM yang bernilai puluhan juta di Sabah sepatutnya digunakan untuk meningkatkan pembangunan infrastruktur seperti jalanraya, bekalan air bersih, bekalan elektrik dll yang masih di tahap paling rendah di Malaysia. Kemudahan itu yang dapat membantu rakyat meningkatkan taraf kehidupan mereka.

  6. Anonymous (4 March 2014 06:40):

    I don't think so.

    His koncos-koncos both in uniform or in plain clothes do this for him for a living.

    If Dato is half-right, half a brain of some people is still worth a lot of money.

  7. It is entirely conceivable that this pelan rekonsiliasi Najib was cooked up because he is suffering from tonsillitis.

    And that came about from reading out too many iffy speeches with no substantive post-verbose action.

    Najib is trying to run Malaysia by just his trademark speecification. He reads out speeches and to quote the old loony toon ending, that's all, folks.

    However, let's give him some credit and say there is a brain somewhere up there. Perhaps that brain is saying something like this:

    'I know the rakyat hate my guts (and her hairdo). I know that mamak's mofos are sniping at me with view to a political coup de'tat. I also know i have few admirers. Pity me, i am surrounded by dumbos, jackasses and vipers.

    Therefore, i must create diversions and play one against the other in the great game of tradeoff.

    I shall use the rakyats' money to fund those of our Malay NGOs and our prime-time media like Utusan which i can then command to steal the mamak's thunder since the NGOs and the mamak's fawning kumpulan share the same pot of recalcitrant bigotry.

    Control is the key. So long as i control those smaller minds of our low-threshold, easily-provoked, knee (some say butt)-jerked Malays, and then magnify their hee-hawing and grunts using my media, i will create such a big ballyhoo that it will not only divert the stupid rakyat from pondering other things like MAS becomes Proton becomes PKFZ becomes 1MDB becomes Petronas becomes BN* but it will also enable me to spook the rakyat into thinking that, but for me and BN, they will be talibanized on the one hand of religion and marginalized on the other hand of race.

    Theoretically this should make them consider BN as just a mite better than those pestilential Pakatan poltroons.

    Small as that margin may be, it will however be sufficient for me to retain power because it is so easy for Umno to control the EC whose sole trade is the art of gerrymandering. Or sleight of hand of the vote. Democracy, indeed!

    And if all that doesn't work, i can always release that state mufti on them. Like the battalion mascot, his bark is almost as strong as his bite. That said, i have kept him on a short leash but it's all to control the rank of our
    our official religion and therefore all muslims and therefore all those malays who voted against us.

    However i am a trite miffed why the rakyat continue to be so stubborn. I give them money, and although it is theirs in the first place, they take the money but without gratitude go on and vote for the Opposition instead. They continue to lambast my administration and our party. They make a mockery of my speeches and even take it out on a vegetable. Imagine that! Those ingrates. Why can't they see the sacrifices i am making? My bigger half forgoes badminton. And i have been forgoing my more personal pursuits, haven't i? What more do the rakyat want?

    I know. I know. They want principled government. They want an end to corruption. They want peace, harmony, development and progress. They want to be global Malaysians in a multi-cultural setting.

    Don't they know all this needs money? Where they think money comes from? Drop from pokok kelapa-ke? I know that bloody mamak has finished off the national coffer. But to make sure the rakyat don't know that has happened, clever am i not to just continue the momentum of emptying it even more by printing more credit and explaining it off by vaporware so that the rakyat won't know we are already redder than the reddest. Some of the money did go for free tupperware but that's just a small amount. The rest, you don't want to know.

  8. 2/2

    And that's why i must have GST. Because Umno-linked companies will be lining the party's coffer to process its collection. Meanwhile I need to win back the credit ratings otherwise all these gomen bonds like the newly-minted ringgit notes will devalue even faster and visi 2020 will have to wait until 3030.

    But nasib will have it for poor me najib, the pesky rakyat have seen through everything.

    I hope they won't ask why should there be a reconciliation when it is Umno which has caused all the fracas and tension in the first place.

    I hope they won't ask that dreaded question which is haunting me in my sleep. Psst..'why you no pick up your phone and fire immediate executive action on those idiots, bigots, charlatans, chauvinists and racists?'

    Don't they know i am trying to control the situation by balancing criticism, albeit genuine and realistic, with criticism, although dishonest, racist and recalcitrant?

    Yes, yes, i know when i do so, i immediately show the ugly side of running a Malay administration, namely this country is Malay first and Malaysian somewhere far below so those non's and minorities better shut up and know their place in the pecking order of things around here, even while i am dismayed there is an increasing number of silent Malay moderates who have rebuffed and rejected Umno's overtures. Well, their loss, our elites' personal gain. The mamak can thank me for it.

    But what the heck? They all want to live here? Mythical majority is boss, muscular might is right, and cunning Umno is best. Don't they know that's why we have lasted so long? Brownmail.

    Now, this thing about Kajang. Drat the Pakatan strategists are smarter than any of my own. And that blogger is too much. How many pairs of eyes he got? But fortunately for us, there is a rumble in their own bronx. Their own people are asking questions. But they are asking the wrong questions. Shouldn't they be asking first why suddenly the black-eyed one wants to stand for election and be MB? And why the present MB doesn't ask that question as well? And why the sidekick who fortunately for us had destroyed their chances in S&S cannot see the key thing about their Pakatan? And why the loyar is getting to sound like RPK?

    Yes, it is so much easier for them to campaign because the entire Pakatan movement is founded on the will and wishes of the majority of the rakyat, especially those who can see and think and weigh what is right and wrong.

    Damn it, i should join them instead.

    But these fineries and jet-setting lifestyle are too good to let go. I was born with a platinum spoon. Let those miserable rakyat do the kelapa plucking. It's their lot in life. They should not complain so much. I'll use Utusan, Perkasa and Isma on them just to show who's pulling all strings.'

  9. Najib is an insult to his father's good name and all the hereditery titled datuks af Pahang....period!
    What else can one say of one who discarded a throughbred for a donkey!

  10. Lepas Kajang Bukan saja Barang Naik Lagi...tapi AIR, Makanan, Kebebasan Bersuara Lagi Kurang.....
    Kualiti hidup pun teruk dengan Asap & Aedes....

    Bodoh undi Anwar, Lagi Bodoh & Hina Allah Kalau Undi UMNO-BN....

    Undi calon Bebas Bersih-ABU.....untuk Panjangkan Sandiwara dan Drama INI.

    Kalau Anwar Kalah....Mungkin AZMIN terpaksa Kosongkan ADUN dia bagi Anwar sekali lagi???....Banyak lagi cara gugurkan pembelot macam Khalid/Azmin...siapa lagi ADUN rashia UMNO dalam PKR?? Siapa Pembelot kita tak tahu.....tapi masalah Allah, hina Rosmah, Raja Melayu...tiba2 dah Hilang.....

    Bagi Pendapat ku...Khalid tu Lemah...tak tahu NIP IT IN THE BUD bila JAIS rompak itu Alkitab Kristian Kat Bible Society...Tak Tahu Pecat itu JAIS dan PAMERKAN NAMA dan MUKA Perompak itu..... Macam pembunuh Altantuya UTK Chief Inspector Azilah Hadri and Corporal Sirul Azhar Umar, muka mereka tak tahu, nama kita tahu dan Sila Pamerkan tempat kediaman mereka kat Blog ku....Macam Pembunuh Teoh dari MACC....Lagi Pun Sultan tak tahu keluarkan pandangan "Allah adalah untuk Semua, Siapa Keliru Dia Bodoh"....tapi rupanya semua dipermainkan UMNO-BN_PBS-PBB.....

    Pelan Rekonsilisasi UMNO-BN macam Pelan Rekonlisisasi President Assad kepada Lawan dia....jatuhkan senapan, masuk Kem kita dan kita bincang...bila dah masuk kem President Syria Assad... Hapuskan mereka semua!!...

    Sungguh Bodoh Kalau ada lagi yang UNDI UMNO-BN kat Kajang....tak ada ubat....bagi itu MCA-Chew temparan Hebat...dengan hilang wang petruhan dia!!....ini temparan yang hebat kepada UMNO-Barang Naik!!

  11. 1/2

    Now the exposure of 1MDB - the dinosaur of all financial scandals - the fact, it is endless.

    MACC is subjected to Najib and the epic hairdo ( imported jade bed - for "minkton" ) - mamak bumiputera sdn bhd.. hence why should there be reconcilation with the legitimate shady characters fit to replay the below substance " dumb, dumber, dumbos ".

    Knowing the vulnerability of the Rakyat, kerajaan firaun implanted the known "agents" to play out the charades in PK akin to a sub within sub plotS, in a way the Wallstreet movie best depicts the the extensiveness of corrupted characters and mechanisms of governance in Bolehland , rebranded.. ecstatically doing their trades and conning the People, the major shareholders in the stake of our nation,

    just that the blonde's hairdo is not famously dramatic to win an Oscar by the category .. and for the size up there within najib's cranium as well, reconciled for endless govt leadership catastrophes part 4 5, 6 .. indefinitely...

    Making promises, politically correct and fluid drafted speeches daily.. palm sugar - coatting handouts remain useless, when unsubstantiated with swift executive actions to resign and fire others for any major wrongdoing, criminal offence or making seditious remarks and actions,

    For without integrity, accountability, without high prudent risk management ( with care, diligence and skills ), justice, nothing works in synchronization, what more sustainably for the People first, for each state ( interrelated and united in solidarity in the Constitution ) developing and creating fresh new and better industries and massive good and high income jobs and wellness to its Rakyat and these industries compliment other states, then there is a sustainable demand for our products.

  12. Salam Dato' Aeif,

    pemerhatian dato' itu ada kebenaran nya juga, tapi ada beberapa kenyataan perlu di teliti, di analisa dan di kaji akan kesahihan dan ketepatan nya. Namun begitu ' jangan di tembak burong yang hendaka terbang, biarkan terbang dulu" yakni, biar plan itu berjalan dulu. bagi peluang kalau ada kelemahan dan kekurangan maka di buat tambah baik.

    Terima kaseh
    Urang Mekassar, Pekan yang mengenali Dato dan Dato' Sri Najib.

  13. 2/3

    It is not about any one person. Anwar, Khalid, Azmin, Zaid or whoever next. They come and go. Time flies. How long does life last? Make it meaningful. Wrench out the value hidden in humans that can transmute bad to good and leave a legacy worthy of Malaysians and this Malaysia for the young of the next generations. It is all about the Rakyat of Malaysia. ”- Walla.

    i agree with Walla “ It is not about any one person. Anwar, Khalid, Azmin, Zaid or whoever next. They come and go. Wrench out the value hidden in humans that can transmute bad to good and leave a legacy worthy of Malaysians and this Malaysia for the young of the next generations. It is all about the Rakyat of Malaysia. ”
    Yet the rational intellect, the will and the heart are still in conflict with the latest political thunder and ground shaking.

    Had “those” involved see things in the same light and utmost urgency as the Rakyat of Selangor, and whom, despite facing financial constraints, many are actively involved in contributing money, sweat, time and massive supportive and voluntary work to make positive differences in the communities for their beloved Selangor.

    This is an extension of their patriotism, trust, giving and well - informed decision to vote in Pakatan for massive positive changes in Selangor. Hence this is the most crucial time for certain Keadilan leaders step back, to be committedly Rakyat – centered, buang yg keruh : ketidaksabaran, keangguhan, realizing when ones have weaknesses, others’ strengths, integrity, maturity and mentoring should be consulted and seriously taken into consideration whilst those with strengths need the complimentary support from others. Isn’t it the prerequisites for success and achievement ? Isn’t it glaringly, conspicuously lacking in the nation whereby it breeds malignant cliques and fractions in organizations and Pakatan ? What are the consequences on Selangorians translating to Malaysia collectively supersede other questions ? To be free from the last stage of Najib’s government incurability but replaced by another bunch of reengineered, "retired" then reinstated with another powerful portfolio ( absolutely insane )UMNO Baru & BN plunderers ?

  14. 3/3

    Perhaps certain Pakatan leadership comes whereby everyone crazes to be a leader, and not practicing servitude leadership.
    It is not an option to be able to function both independently and in team work, improve on lacking in appreciating others, cohesiveness and multidimensionality, commitment towards the excellence of delivery of services and the end results for the Rakyat’s wellness and the inability to be self - critical.

    Ambil yg jernih iaitu, PKeadilan leaders should reflect upon how Selangorians had made the informed decision to give Pakatan a chance and voted for them. Stand more united and in solidarity to protect the Rakyat’s elected Pakatan government which functions and practices transparency, corruption free, hopefully, in a little more time, each Rakyat enjoys full enjoyment, prosperity, protection and wellness.

    In reflecting upon the many young brilliantly talented Pakatan Aduns, both men and women, they are truly sincere and committed , super hardworking, approachable, resourceful empathetic, truly mature and muhibbah working side by side, independently and in collaboration, serving all regardless of race and creed, the hard evidence of services.

    Hopefully reflecting on these, it will cool and revitalize and recapture the disillusioned young analytical minds and betrayed hearts - the overnight fence sitters.

    Yet will not be swayed by the recalcitrant fiery tango, dancing and singing - the outdated trademark of UMNO- BN : all seductions and manipulations from big data, statistics, employement and poverty level surveys, policies, zakat distribution, allocations for Rakyat’s developments in Pakatan States, selective prosecution, fear and threats, the list goes on.

    The plus point from this miscalculated ( hopefully not ) political strategy is, critically and creatively thinking young and senior Malaysians who love the nation and the Rakyat first, with clear distinct conscience, they will always speak up with solutions and the truth unbiasedly to both the left - wing and right – wing leaderships to provide fast evidential improvements, checks and balances.

    Isn’t this what is mandatory for Rakyat- centered Democracy to thrive ?

  15. 1/3
    From your postings 26 Feb: 'Kajang is on the way to Putrajaya' to the many threads by Anon(28 Feb 00:13); Cahaya Qalbu (28 Feb 01:43 & 01:44) and the latest by Walla, bumi-non-malay and Anon(11:15), the message is clear and that is - nobody believes reconciliation is possible no matter how it is expressed by Najib or anyone from BN.

    The festering sores of corruption, unkept promises, promotion of a powerful business-political elite, etc, are just too many for people to want to seek reconciliation. They ask, "Reconciliation to serve what purpose and to benefit which party?"

    Anon(28 Feb 00:13)responding to you writes:"... the naval contract has put plentiful malay contractors 'gulung tikar' yang kebanyakan nya veteran anggota tentera laut yang mempunyai kepakaran. Ramai yang jadi muflis...Saya di berita tahu mereka2 ini tidak di bayar dengan sepurna walaupun kerja siap. The biggest culprit was the ceo of the company yajg telah lari keluar negara. Memang sial syarikat2 umno ni."

    This is just another instance how things can go so badly wrong for some Malay contractors who genuinely want to strive to achieve something. Superficially, yes "That Navy chief who agreed to give the contract to the shipyard, he will certainly not be safe. Whoever the minister who ordered the contract given to the shipyard, is not going to be safe either", if ever Anwar comes to power. In my view, however, the former is untouchable if past defence contracts awards are anything to go by. So my advice to Anwar, if ever he gets to the position where he feels a particular itch - stay clear from the Laksamana concerned by consulting a dermatologist and not an ENT specialist whose forte is treating tonsillitis.

    The christening ceremonies done, a hapless few continue to roast, along the coast, under an unforgiving Malaysian sun, and lo and behold, another multi-million ringgit contract is available to those who have not 'gulung tikar'. Herein lies the reason why Perkasa and Isma are relevant to UMNO - to continue to divert the attention of the public away from the central issues of entrenched corruption and cronyism, and lately a nation divided by religion, race and semantics.

    First, tonight Islam in Malaysia by the brilliant Ziauddin Sardar, from his book, "The Consumption of Kuala Lumpur" (Reaktion Books 2000), and time permitting, another day, on autocracy

    Pg 131-136:
    “Buildings in Kuala Lumpur are not mute; they are declarative statements on status and much else…the Tabang Hajji (sic) building dominated the Kuala Lumpur skyline…The has an open, colonnaded circular base, which gives it an eerie, dreamy feel…When you stand underneath the building, it seems to be suspended in air, held in place by some unspecified miracle. The moment one enters, it transforms into the structured authoritarianism one associates with the communist architecture of Eastern Europe. The Tabang Hajji building is nothing if not eclectic. Deceptively contradictory, it is a jumble of paradoxes: open and airy yet quite phallic, innovative but quite conventional in its creativity, symbolic but not profound. It tries very hard to acknowledge Islamic history of which it is a product but is clearly quite out of sync with tradition; it is ‘authentic’ in a half-hearted, self-mocking tone — an apt metaphor for Malay society.

  16. 2/3
    The Malays wear their Islam around their necks, and the Malay identity is just as problematic and contradictory. To be Malay is to be, by definition, a Muslim. ‘Malayness’ rests on three arches referred to locally as agama bahasa dan raja…So Malays cannot but be Muslims…the ethnic/racial category is neither purely ethnic nor racial, but ultimately a religious category. It also means Malayness synthesizes the idea of nationalism based on language and feudalism based on royalty with Islam, which is unequivocally against nationalism and feudalism. Malay Islam leans heavily towards a mystical spirituality that draws its sustenance from myths, miracles and magic.

    Malay Islam is often described as ‘gentle’, moderate and eclectic, like the Malays themselves. What this means is that Malays are outwardly quite devout, internally very superstitious and collectively heavily into mysticism. The moderation comes from the fact that Malay Islam has absorbed and embraced, due to the society’s long multicultural makeup, a great deal of history and tradition from Hinduism and Buddhism, not least a constellation of Indian myths. It is, therefore, a Muslim society that instinctively demonstrates the best of the Qur’an’s own ethic of multiculturism. When Islam spread throughout the archipelago in the fourteenth century, the Malay States retained almost wholesale their existing political and social structures, which owed a great deal to earlier Indian influence, in their version of Islam. The concept of the Divine King was modified slightly and the king became ‘God’s shadow on earth’ but the ‘just and benevolent’ shadows remained almost as sacrosanct as the displaced deities. The rulers and the aristocrats continued to occupy positions of absolute privilege at the top of the pyramid, while the rakyat — the people —remained at the bottom. The Hindu priestly Brahmin class was replaced by two new classes: the ulama or the religious scholars, and a new select, social class of mainly Arab folks who claimed to be direct descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, the ‘Sayyids’. The latter were seen as possessing exemplary piety and religious merit—despite evidence to the contrary — and accorded a status equivalent to royalty. The rulers, the aristocrats and the Sayyids all acknowledged the fundamental Islamic notion of ‘equality before God’ but insisted on social hierarchy among men. The intrinsic connection between Malay Islam and Hinduism is demonstrated by the sheer number of Sanskrit terms that have been transformed to denote Islamic concepts and practices: so religion becomes agama, fasting becomes puasa, hell becomes neraka, and heaven becomes syurga. All these terms have mystical connotations in Hinduism; and this is a particularly strong feature of Malay Islam. There is a second mystical layer of Malay Islam; and this comes from Sufism. The spread of Islam in the archipelago coincided with a resurgence of Islamic mysticism in the Middle East. The fall of the Baghdad Caliphate in the thirteenth century led to a strong movement against the arid legalism of Orthodox Islam and a consequent upsurge of Sufism. The Sufis preached a syncretic mix of Islamic dogma, neo-platonic gnosis and communal spirituality, and were more than tolerant towards pre-Islamic beliefs. Their willingness to preserve continuity with the past enabled the Sufis to make deep inroads in the archipelago and carve an indelible presence on the Malay mind.

  17. 3/3
    Quite how one explains Malay Islam tells as much about the orientation of the describer as about Malay religious ideas. There is more tolerance, gentleness and humane guidance in the Qur’an than Muslim society generally demonstrates, which is saying quite a lot if you take an impartial look at its record in history…all that is good and benign about Malay Islam does not detract from many a node of stiff-necked formalism or ardent mystification at which many a Muslim, or anyone else, might cavil… Whatever footprints of influence and relics can be traced, the simple truth is Malays have for centuries sought and continue to seek their validation, explanation, interpretation and resolution within the framework of Islamic ideas.

    This is not a straightforward process, any more than it is for any Muslim society, compounded as they all are from different histories, cultural bases and influences. What Islam should be, pure and untainted, is a perennial debate, when it is not a heated fractious argument, among all Muslims. Further many Muslims are unsure that Islam means or intends to stand or begin from ground zero, instituting from ground zero, instituting religion in a vacuum., unengaged with human history and culture. Every variant if Islamic reformism finds a home in Malaysia, as does every variety of Sufism, some even verging on cult status. The brand of what is journastically termed ’fundamentalism’ is found in the east coast Malaysian state of Kelantan where it operates on the pattern book of untainted, puritanical Islam created by removing specifically Malay culture from Islamic orthodoxy. So they banned the Mat Jong, a Malay dance drama, because both men and women participated and male dancers would take female roles. But if culture , in so many of its guises, is ‘unIslamic’ to an unacceptable degree, then no Muslim society anywhere could lay claim to being truly Islamic. The path of ‘fundamental’ reform becomes ever more narrowly reductive, a matter of removing everything that creates not only diversity but also meaning in a particular Muslim society…”

    Will Hindraf now make a pitch for agama, puasa, neraka and syurga to be the exclusive right of Hindus?

  18. Erratum - 3/3 2nd para:
    Further many Muslims are unsure that Islam means or intends to stand or begin from ground zero, instituting from ground zero, instituting religion in a vacuum., unengaged with human history and culture.

    Read as:
    Further, many Muslims are unsure that Islam means or intends them to stand or begin from ground zero, instituting religion in a vacuum, unengaged with human history and culture.

  19. Salam Sumpitan Emas, real long time no see. Real concerns are escalating worldwide on a daily basis, to the catastrophy of the human race, only bigots and sickos will add to it ... hmm semacam dunia betul2 dah nak kiamat as shared by a truly good -hearted elderly Muslim at a warong kopi.

    However, both young and senior good men and women of wisdom will add values and healings to communities and urge others as well, through leading by example akin to enhancing one's own moyang's DNA of sheer goodness, sincere sharing, concern, inclusiveness, friendship and neighborliness towards others as well.

    Western democracy has totally failed as it has been hijacked by capitalist leadership for their own vast interests not the citizens', but phenomenal good changes are taking shape, too, worldwide.

    It is truly dreadful when massive educated youth in western countries are unemployed, saddled with education loans, drifting aimlessly ( i have several very good friends, and they are really brilliant and good , yet each habors fear, heartbreaking, isn't it ? ) whilst the senior citizens, after having given the best part of their lives to a long list of national and personal causes, are now facing insurmountable concerns - unaffordable health insurance, loneliness, being despised for living long, ( falsely accused by " wicked agents " for adding burden to the nation's coffers ) but in actual fact, i read and was taught during childhood, long life is bestowed by the truly compassionate and good HIM.

    We must not let all these issues to be imported by the capitalist UMNO - BN goons and provocateurs to destroy the fabrics that unite the people of Malaysia. PAS, Pakatan, good civil servants of all races, good BN people must stand united on too many common concerns.

    Young people do have many unsaid fears.. growing too old, exorbitantly expensive to have kids, hence resorting to having none at all, the decreasing population, etc, etc.

    looks like a meaningful relationship between the young and the seniors is one of the sustainable solutions be it at the places of worship, work and at home, and perhaps, do all that is good individually and as a community - ( contradicting all kinds of manipulations and lies daily played out in the social media )

    i, too, dread thinking about certain issues so i would like to work very diligently, unlearn mistakes, learn good values continously and manage things well.

    Thanks and much appreciation...

  20. Dato,these last couple of weeks,Khalid had been under constant attacks from his PKR collegues who are Anwar loyalists.Now with Anwar been sidelined and maybe permanently out of active politics,Khalid is going to play the politician and consolidate his position in the party.Will his PKR critics going to make a U-turn and switch allegiance?Afterall,politics have no permanent enemies.

  21. Bruno, you are right, but I should hasten to add that money, plenty of it, helps to make sure politics never has permanent enemies, and everyone knows who are those who have the money.

    We live in interesting times, and I am in a prayerful mood, for the first time in my life.

  22. Bagus, all of those PK leaders deserve some lambasting. Again we must all be reminded repeatedly, great thing, the wisest bloggers, have reminded us it is not about Anwar, Azmin, or Khalid, it is about, foremost the RAKYAT.

    Pakatan must work bhard to recapture the savvy urbanite voters who have become overnight fence sitters fast.

    PAKATAN is the only choice of governance for Selangor and Malaysia with their proven track report card. Org2 muda must turun padang again.

    Likewise, moving beyond, there are no permanent voters, if a party and its leaders have failed the People for decades. But strange, there are permanent sleeping partners aka members ( many are simple, good people ) in UMNO, MCA and MIC towards their super wealthy elite leaders !!

  23. 1/3
    Anon 09:30:
    Salam sejahtera. I have not deserted camp. Just thought that I should keep in touch with Jawi often enough to retain fluency because of its slightly different orthography; so I hid behind سومڤيتن امس

    Your take on western democracy sounds so much like what is happening here. The crucial difference, I dare say is that like in Japan, the West is pushing the boundary of research and development ever farther and deeper, and it is this pursuit of excellence that ultimately delivers all the good materials things we enjoy in our homes, notwithstanding pious pronouncements against the ‘decadent’ materialistic West by the very same people who make regular pilgrimage to London and other Western cities.

    I shall now continue where I left off yesterday leaving the part on governance, autocracy, cronyism and homosexuality, in the latter half. The same book by Zaiuddin Sardar refers:

    “...Given that to be Malay is to be Muslim, how the unresolved conundrums are answered is a serious matter in Malaysia. Side by side with Malay mysticism, there exists Malay formalism. The gentle and eclectic mingles seamlessly with formal punctilious orthodoxy and precise organisation; appearing to be correct, observing the rules, is a major concern for Malays, a shared cultural predisposition and preoccupation. Religious education for young Malays is highly organised, a visible presence. One consequence of this education system is that Malaysia produces some of the finest Qur'an readers in the world, all with flawless classical Arabic pronunciation...
    During the late 1980s , I was involved with the efforts being made to reform the education curriculum; this involved considerable debate on the what and how of 'Islamization'. I attended numerous conferences organised by the Curriculum Department of the Ministry of Education. The hope, enthusiasm and delight of these conferences were provided by the civil servants and educators...The ministry staff are of all races and creeds, yet all of them accepted and welcomed the idea that Islam had something about ethics in education, without feeling threatened or pressurized. In itself this is a considerable feat that probably only Malaysia could manage. The discussion on Islamization, many explained, enabled them to get a better idea of the central principles of Islamic belief, and hence a better understanding of their Malay neighbours... The discussion went a lot further. Many non-Muslims admitted they found the concept a compelling example, not merely an exercise they had to entertain by dint of the Muslim's preoccupations. They felt a desire to see the application of such initiatives within their own religious and cultural tradition. Religions live in Malaysia. There is evidence to suggest that, when the religious are not building redoubts against the onslaught of secularism, a common basis of mutual acceptance can enable interfaith dialogue. More importantly, this interfaith accommodation can become a natural currency of multicultural existence where it is most important, in the interactions of normal life rather than in worthy conferring among the great and the good that deals mostly with platitudes. However, it is a lot easier to enunciate the ideas of Islamization than to translate it into practical textbooks and classroom practice. An uneasy tension still exists between the dominance of conventional disciplines of Western knowledge, the concerns of traditional Islamic education and the still unresolved synthesis that strives to build a new convention from the best of both. Yet as a rapidly developing society Malaysia has gone a lot further, with a lot less brandishing of slogans and rhetoric, to integrate and to translate Islamic ideas into the means for meeting the needs and patterns of contemporary life…”

  24. 2/3
    (Page 172):
    “But the main tenet of Malaysia’s grand economic plan, like other newly emerged Asian tigers, was debt. Banks made preferential loans to well-connected businessmen; the middle class borrowed excessively to buy houses and condominiums they could ill afford and then rented them out to expatriates at extortionate rates.”

    (Page 186-188):
    “Anwar’s alliance with Mahathir had three serious consequences for Malaysian politics. First , it domesticated Islamic dissent. ABIM, which was openly critical of the shortcomings of the government, especially on such issues as rural poverty and official corruption, was silenced. The radical Islamic movement, ever ready to criticize UMNO and the Barisan National government, lost its edge and became a mainstream movement without much of an agenda. Second, Anwar’s integrity and public persona undermined the Opposition’s attacks on the Mahathir regime and transformed Malaysia effectively into a single party state, or rather a single alliance of self-interested parties. The two consequences combined to produce the third: Mahathir was able to act against national institutions that could question his obsession with strict discipline, unbending loyalty and self-glorification and challenge his authority. Thus, during the late 1980s he was able, with relative ease, to undermine Malaysia’s independent judiciary, one of the better legacies of British colonial rule, by placing it under parliamentary control. During the mid-1980s he strengthened the Official Secrets Act with an amendment ensuring that anyone convicted would be subject to a mandatory jail sentence of between one and fourteen years. He took the press in his iron grip by introducing an act that outlawed criticizing the government. Public demonstrations also became a privilege of the state: a demonstration could not be held without the government’s permission and anyone found at an illegal assembly, meeting or procession could be arrested and jailed for up to a year. It was Anwar’s lot to justify each repressive move and the scandals that came to characterize Mahathir’s rule…

    …most of this was camouflage to hide the fact that his constant attempts to check Mahathir’s excesses were seldom successful…”

    (Page 190- 192):
    “Mahathir is a master of the subtleties of the communal rhetoric of Malaysia. Whenever there is a problem he tweaks the communal instincts of the Malays against the Chinese, or uses the surrogate tactic of aiming barbs at Singapore or being hypersensitive about Singaporean rhetoric or deeds. He exploits the Islamic fervour especially beloved of the rural Malays to potent effect, so successfully that in the only operative multicultural nation in the world, one which can be proud of its record of humane toleration, he can summons the spectre of anti-Semitism. He can lure international capital for cyberdreams, while insisting that Malaysians and especially Malays will neither tolerate are ready for free access to unrestricted information…

  25. 3/3
    The economic meltdown in East Asia did not begin in Kuala Lumpur…When the financial system in Thailand went into collapse and the knock-on effect rippled across the region…soon saw with piercing clarity that Malaysia Inc. was a worm-eaten corpse. It was a feudal corporation created in the inner circles of power. Great fiefdoms had been handed over particular individuals. Large tracts of these fiefdoms had begun as public or communal property. The assets that became Renong, the conglomerate which accounted for the single largest chunk of bad debt clogging the Malaysian banking system, began as property of the old UMNO. By legerdemain, the naked use of political muscle, it was simply transferred to UMNO Baru by the independent agency, the Official Assignee, charged with resolving the complex holdings and ownership of the old and new UMNO. Once within the UMNO Baru dispensation, these assets were’privatized’ as the fief of a favourite. Classic feudalism on the medieval European model is not part of Malay tradition, except under Mahathir…”

    (page 194 -199):
    “There is no mystery about what happened in Kuala Lumpur when the haze disappeared. The corporate irresponsibility and total lack of socially responsible corporate management became clear and unavoidable. The real battle was for control of economic management. It revealed a fundamental divide between Mahathir , who would not, at any cost, permit his façade to be swept away; and Anwar, who would not, at any cost, permit private corporate debt he considered had been irresponsibly accumulated to be bailed out by public funds. Because it was a battle for control of the economy, and control over the public interest, it had to be approached in the Malay way. Another façade had to be created to divert attention from the parasitic growth that had fed on all the good things of Malaysia’s development.

    Mahathir had made himself infamous by denouncing Rupert Murdoch and his Star TV…But behind the rhetorical bluster a deal was being worked out…Star TV, a free-to-air satellite broadcast network, was being lined as a fief for another of Mahathir’s favourite friends, Ananda Krishnan…Now Ananda was to be handed the prize of making Malaysia a regional broadcasting hub…It is a lot easier to deliver fiefdoms to favoured cronies than to make them genuinely competitive industries…

    The acrid distaste KL ingested during the haze sharpened everyone’s senses. Questions began to be asked and concern expressed among the professional class that freebooting free marketeering was going too far, too fast and relying too much on cronyism and corrupt practices. Malaysia was turning from an autocracy to a ‘lootocracy’! It was becoming not so much a case of Malaysia Inc. as one of Malaysia plc, a private limited company, limited to Mahathir, some of his children and his chosen feudal friends…”

    (Page 208 - 209):
    … “Even though homosexuality has deep roots in Malay culture, and Kuala Lumpur can be said to be the homosexual capital of Southeast Asia, rural Malays have a particular aversion to sodomy.” So to discredit Anwar in the eyes of his natural constituency, he added the charge of homosexuality — a charge that also carries a prison sentence of up to sixteen years…Munshi Abdullah’s description of the dread dismay of the masses living under a grasping ruling elite echoed throughout Kuala Lumpur… ”

    (Page 219): “Anwar was convicted and imprisoned.”

  26. "I yield to no one in recognition of the difficulty and importance of the office which I now have the honour of occupying. In evenly balancing the scales of justice, I will help to maintain the Rule of Law and two essentials of that Rule are the Independence of the Bar and the Independence of the Judiciary."
    Tun Mohamed Suffian Hashim when elevated to the Bench on 26 Oct 1961.

    -from the 'frontispiece' of "In Service of the Law - Simplicity and Greatness: Tun Suffian's Legacy" by Salleh Buang; published by Tun Suffian Foudation Incorporated; First Edition...2007

  27. Salam SE,

    it struck me secs later putting Sumpitan Emas & SE together after exiting from this blog.

    A long, profound and insightful article. Awesome ! i learn much from seniors who have true convictions for the nation and its people.

    Nothing to say for a while ... two extremely distressing news hitting the nation in a day… however will reflect on yours and all great writings found here … Non Malay Bumi, Dr. Phua Kai Lit, Looes 74 ( king of great political video movies and speeches hah ), En Abu Hassan Adam ( Kg Boy ? ), CQ, Emil (? ) Mr. Krisnan ( ? missing in action ) unknowns and knowns.

    Nick’s retired from writing here ? and checkmating chessy elite UMNO Baru opponents at UITM with Walla, Bruno and MB Nizar of Perak ? hard to believe he graduated from there, he writes fluidly. Beyond liking or great dislike or weariness, let's keep brandishing the pen or rather the keyboard...

    Thanks again.
