cuba terangkan dalam bahasa yang mudah supaya orang Melayu faham. Dalam negara
kita ada 18 juta orang Melayu. Kita ada 3 juta ahli UMNO. Ertinya dari setiap 6
orang Melayu, terdapat 1 dari nya ahli UMNO. Siapa yang lebih ramai?
kenapa kita biarkan UMNO membuli kita? Kenapa biarkan UMNO menghamba-abdikan
pemikiran orang Melayu?
kah kita yang begini ramai ditenggelamkan oleh bangsa lain? Ertinya isiu pokok
orang Melayu bukanlah isiu hak dan kepentingan orang Melayu dirampas oleh
bangsa lain. Ambil contoh DAP. Tunjukkan contoh DAP menolak raja2 Melayu yang kedudukan
nya termetra dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia. Iaitu kedudukan raja2 Melayu dilindung
oleh undang2 dan ramai nya orang Melayu yang setia kepada konsep Raja Melayu.
kata setia pada konsep- sebab tidak
dapat dinafikan bahawa ada orang Melayu yang membenci Raja Melayu. Ini fakta
dalam sejarah pun. Ada Raja yang di tombak dan ada raja yang diperangi. Biasalah
lah itu. Raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah. Kita tidak boleh
memaksa kesetiaan fisikal. Tapi saya rasa rata2 nya orang Melayu setia kepada
konsep raja Melayu berpelembagaan. Raja2 Melayu pun kenalah faham konsep ini. Mana
dia punah-sihat dan punai-sihat Tuanku2?
atau tidak DAP rampas hak orang Melayu? Kalau ada sudah lama orang Melayu
mengamuk. Sudah lama pemimpin DAP kena lokap. Atau untuk lebih umum, ada orang
Cina merampas hak Melayu kecuali perampasan itu mendapat komplot dari orang
Melayu sendiri? Di Negeri Sembilan orang cina ambil alih ribuan ekar reseb
Melayu itu adakah mereka lakukan sendirian? Kecuali rampasan tersebut
disekongkoli oleh pemimpin Melayu sendiri. Boleh kah orang Cina beli tanah di
Johor bharu dengan harga berbilion Ringit kalau tidak disetujui oleh bangsa
Melayu sendiri?.
janganlah UMNO mengada ngada mahu bercakap mengenai bangsa Melayu.
itu kita menyampah dan meluat dengar ucapan demi ucapan semasa Perhimpunan
Agong UMNO yang mengambarkan bangsa Melayu diancam oleh bangsa ain? Apa jenis
pemimpin negara yang kita ada? Cakap2 perpecahan dan perkelahian seperti ini
mesti dibenteras dan diberhentikan. Sebab itu saya tetap berpendirian, sementara
PM Najib seorang yang baik secara peribadi dan halus budiperkerti nya, dari
segi kepimpinan dia a big zero. Kamu sula saya, saya tetap berfikiran
begini. He is a weak leader. If Najib can become PM, anyone can.
tidak ada lansung kepimpinan moral untuk memimpin negara bangsa Malaysia. Nak bercakap
siapa Melayu lebih saya pun boleh. Nenek moyang saya bertombak berlembing
mempertahankan bumi Melayu dan Raja nya dari dijajah oleh penjajah. Nenek moyang
orang lain bergundek dalam istana. Maka kalau mahu cakap siapa Melayu lebih,
bila2 masa pun boleh.
MP Melayu dalam DAP saya tidak pernah pun berundur dari bercakap mengenai
kepentingan bangsa Melayu dalam konteks negara Malaysia. Kita benci segala
bentuk dominasi bangsa. Kita semua aberkehendakkan sebuah kerajaan yang
dibangunkan atas perintah ikut undang2 bukan negara yang diperintah mengikut
citarasa kelompok dan geromblan.
orang Melayu bukanlah bahawa orang Melayu terancam. Atau diserang. Atau bangsa
Melayu itu diancam oleh agama kristian. Berapa ramai penganut agama kristian? Rapuh
sangat kah aqidah orang Melayu sehingga orang kristian yang sejemput itu dapat
menguasai minda orang Melayu.
struktur masyarakat melayu. Ketua kampong nya semua Melayu. Setiap kampong ada
masjid dan surau. Tok imamnya Melayu. Penghulu nya Melayu. Pegawai daerah nya
Melayu. Pengarah jabatan semua Melayu. Setiausaha kerajaan negeri yang bergelar
semua nya Melayu. MB nya Melayu. Raja2 nya Melayu. Ketua polis daerah nya
Melayu. Senaraikan sahaja kepimpinan- semua nya Melayu.
masyarakat Melayu terancam?
terbesar kepada orang Melayu ialah penghambaan minda orang Melayu. Minda orang
Melayu jadi begini disebabkan mereka
mewarisi beberapa tabiat perangai dan kebiasaan yang lemah dan rendah yang
telah jadi lazim pada zaman nenek moyang dahulu kala itu, beratus ratus tahun
lama nya mereka telah di perabdikan dan kena picit dan perah dan ramas di
tangan pemetintah2 yang pada zaman dahulu itu-iaitu pemerintah2 daripada bangsa
mereka sendiri.
saya yang kata. Ianya disebut oleh orang Melayu yang lebih tajam pemikiran nya
yang tidak tercapai oleh saya iaitu pendita Zaaba dalam tahun 1927.
jadi bahaya ialah penghambaan minda orang Melayu daripada tangan pemerintah
bangsa sendiri. Pemerintah kita ialah UMNO. UMNO yang menjahanamkan bangsa
besar orang Melayu bukanlah ancaman dari bangsa lain atau agama lain. Ancaman datang
dari kesembingan dan kebodohan pemimpin Melayu kita.
saya kecil, saya tidak pernah pun orang tua kita, tok nenek kita menyebut
menganai shiah dan sunni. Kita hanya menumpu perhatian kepada membetul dan
mengukuhkan aqidah kita. Setahu saya, selagi orang itu mengucap 2 kalimah
syahadah, dia tetap Islam dan yang menghukumkan dia ialah Allah. Maka hari ini
, hairanlah kita perkara ini mahu dijadikan masaalah besar. Alangkah bodohnya
bangsa Melayu jika menerima tuduhan bahawa Mat Sabu itu syiah semata mata dia
mengkagumi pemerintahan Iran dan Ayaotllah Khomeini.
membenci Khomeini ialah bangsa Amerika dan Eropah yang benci terhadap apa2 yang
berbaur Islam. Adakah Zahid Hamidi antek dan ejen Amerika dan kuasa barat yang
sentiasa mencari jalan memecahbelahkan orang Islam? Kita cabar Ustaz Zahid
mengeluarkan fatwa bahawa Mat Sabu itu kafir.
kita bansga Melayu kalau membenarkan pemikiran kita di-zuknordinkan. Apa jadi
budak ini? Ancaman dari Melayu liberal dan tsunami kristian? Melayu liberal ini
lahir dari mana? Mereka tidak ada emak dan bapa?
bila kita mahu berbunuhan sesama Melayu. Melayu liberal ini bagaimana rupa
bentuk nya. adakah Melyau liberal ini Melayu yang meluat tengok gelagat
sesetangah Raja2 Melayu. Berjuta orang Melayu mempuntai perasaan benci dan
marah paa raja2 Melayu dalam hati mereka. Jadi kita belah dada mereka dan lihat
ada perasaan anti raja Melayu dalam badan mereka?
Melayu liberal itu Melayu yang menentang dominasi Melayu UMNO? Berjuta orang
melayu enggan menerima UMNO sebagai satu2 nya jurucakap dan penterjemah
kepentingan bangsa Melayu.
orang Melayu tolak UMNO mereka akan hanya hilang sumber penghambaan minda
Askm tok
ReplyDeleteTeruskan tulisan mudah buat makcik2 Felda n totok2 Umno... Usahakan buat edaran dlm hardcopy...
UMNO has sold out the Malays. Because of them Malays lived in constant fear of some foreign threat for decades instead of dedicating to improve them selves.
ReplyDeleteI think the root of UMNOs rot is Mahathir. He made it a point to surround and elevate people who are subservient to him because he sees anything else as a threat. After so many years, we are only left with weak willed ministers who are addicted to syphoning tax money for personal use.
UMNO needs to change... but it cant. And that's how one man doomed the legacy of our forefathers.
Satu penulisan yg bagus utk mengerak gempur & memecah minda org Melayu...
ReplyDeleteBTW Sak,
ReplyDeleteSi Zul Noordin ni bercakap pasal liberal, bukan ke Baginda Rasullullah juga seorang "liberal" yg membebaskan minda kaumnya yg telah lama dikongkong oleh fahaman 'UMNO' Quraish jahiliyyah?
"The messengers of old, were "liberals" whose mission was to liberate their respective communities from the prevailing orthodoxy of the corrupted belief system."
~ Jeronggos Metro
Melayu akan maju dan bertamadun jika umno dihapuskan dr muka bumi malaysia ini.
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya orang Melayu TIDAK KENAL PASTI PENGHAMBAAN kerana pengabdian tidak pernah berlaku secara leluasa di tanah melayu. Raja Melayu walaupun feudal tidak abdikan rakyat secara luas. Mereka tidak mempunyai sebab untuk ramai abdi kerana cita cita mereka tidak memerlukannya.
ReplyDeleteItu sebab bila pengabdian modern berlaku, orang Melayu tidak perasan.
Kebodohan Najib terserlah bila dia dengan angkoh, riak & sombong menyebut hanya UMNO sebagai penyelamat Melayu. Ustaz mana pun akan mengatakan itu adalah syirik.
ReplyDeleteNajib jugak dilihat memekik, menjerit & bertempik ketika berdoa dlm penggulungannya yg menggambarkan keterampilan akal yg pendek sebagai pemimpin negara Islam & sikap hingusan sebagai seorg suami yg penakut!!!!
When the Govt politicised Chin Peng's ashes, the younger generation Malaysians were made more aware of Chin Peng and his believe and struggles.
ReplyDeleteNow when the Govt acts against Syiah, be sure many young Malays will be curious to find out more of the Syiah teachings.
GE14 will be Pakatan's.
Melayu bagai binatang dalam zoo negara.
ReplyDeleteWalaupun berjaya melarikan diri,mereka akan mati kebuluran kerana sudah hilang daya mencari makanan sendiri.
Zoo keeper adalah tuan yang diharapkan mereka untuk makanan harian.
Dato, ianya lebih tepat jika kita sebut "the twisted malay mind ". Susah nak dibetulkan.
ReplyDeleteKalau pun jalan keluar kita kumpulkan pekimpin2 ni kita masukkan dalam zoo dan perintah harimau2 dan singa2 baham mereka !!!
The gomen accused Mat Sabu of practising the Shia religion.And only moronic fools would ask Mat Sabu to prove his innocence.
ReplyDeleteHow can an accused be asked to prove his innocence before being charge of any crimes?Very stupid comments coming out of very stupid moronic gomen officials.
Please excuse me if i say anything you won't like because we all have our own mindsets.
ReplyDeleteTry mine now:
1. do not demonise our Chinese citizens anymore;
2. wean yourself off Umno for one month;
3. start a balance between religion and secularism.
4. learn more about the global worlds.
5. ask why all the time.
6. then give your own really honest answer.
I refuse to believe that a person has limitations that he or she cannot overcome by real focus, good habit and honest effort.
ReplyDeleteIf we don't focus, we will lose the mental and physical stamina required to overcome challenges, hurdles and difficulties. We will get demotivated too fast.
If we don't cultivate good habits, we will drain ourselves of the right and proper temperament to sustain our effort to improve ourselves.
And if we don't do honest work or put in real effort, we will only kid ourselves that we can improve our own situation. Then we will suffer the servitude of wanting to depend on others all the time.
Soon they will take advantage of us and make us hollow followers. If they are good, they would not do that. Since they are no good, therefore they are bad. Bad leading stupid results in more stupid causing bigger problems.
Improvement means having more choices. If a person can only do one thing or think in only one way, then he has no choice at all. A person who can think in only one way may be said to be set in his mind. It is the mind that plays either angel or devil. Clear it and give the good inside us a chance to help us move forward to a better and clearer life.
ReplyDeleteStart with that first before appealing to Higher Orders.
Then we will see that others who try to do the same by their own method or path are no lesser in their aspiration to be better people for wanting to reach the heart and mind of Higher Being.
There are so many endless and bottomless things to learn out there.
ReplyDeleteWhat our education no-system has given us is just two muddy sea-shells on a grainy beach when the entire Ocean is out there unknown to us. Because we have chosen to close the one thing that can open us to all of it. Our minds.
Read and think and be curious and learn. We have in us the ability to be - how shall i describe it now? - yes, to be 'smoothly logical'.
Each of us, no matter our root or background, has a seed of sagacity. Some may be roughnecks. Others refined. But all has that potential to be a personal sage to others out of the mainspring of the same humanity that has resonated from all the past to all this present.
There is a connection unbroken through the ages. Our common humanity that is not of race or genes or circumstance. Be aware of it so that it can awe and inspire one and all to be better human beings.
Stop being pedestrian and foolish. Stop following pedestrian and foolish knaves who sow discord and tension, preach hatred and hypocrisy, do bad things onto others just for personal gain.
You already know a brass if left unattended will oxidize and lose its sheen and lustre.
Everything in life requires effort and good things requires maintenance to keep going.
So too the mind. So why set it to limit its growth to see and observe more so as to learn more how the world really works that will then bring about deeper reflection on what is relevant and good?
Being remembering all the time what must be good, we will walk away from what has been bad. Squandering and plundering public funds are bad.
Because those funds were contributed by all honest and hardworking people for the greater good and cause of all. Because in doing so we will bring back what is noble in each of us that has been lost through all of life's tribulations and struggles. Because it is the right thing to do.
We have severe challenges ahead. Next year all the inflationary factors will converge. But incomes of most people remain the same. So how economically will entire households survive?
ReplyDeleteWe are asked to make a difference and save more. How to make a difference when we only know and can do so much in limited scope? How to save more when our budgets are already past the threadbare stage?
We are asked to believe in this vision and that mission. How? By the tail of which cow in which condo?
We are asked to behave according to proscribed orders. Whose proscription are those that have been prescribed for our good? The same source as sole cause of our bad.
This country will still carry one. But this nation is already dead.
The mixture of greed and fear locks the mind completely out of the domain of reason, reality and common sense.
If the peoples in a country lose their common sense about things and events, reality and challenges, pain and sorrow, cause and effect, they zombify themselves every minute they pretend to ignore the writing on the wall.
Have we become a nation of pretenders and hypocrites? Are we so blind and sluggish we can't even think clearly anymore?
What hope then the future of the young? If we bluff ourselves, we bluff them as well for it is their future somewhere ahead that we must try to help them forge for them now.
If we are all going to die, let us do so with some residual dignity left in us after so many years of seeing this country go down the dumps. Let us try to do one last great thing for the young so that they won't have to suffer in the future trying to undo the damage that we are witnessing right to this very moment you are reading this.
At the end of any day, it will come down to our brain power and our skills.
ReplyDeleteIf our fifteen-year old's are sitting ducks in the global brain pool of science, math and language know-how, no committee will save them because the people populating the committee will be having the same mindset as those whose policies have caused our young to reach such an acclaimed ranking amongst their peers in other countries.
What for one committee, so too for other committees, agencies and what have you.
Endless possibilities of ended potentiality.
Be gravely aware we are sitting ducks in our unpreparedness to handle the complex and ever demanding challenges of this new century.
We can only afford to be soporific inside these borders. We create our own locked-mind dream world. Our reality now is only to choose what we want to see and believe. We practice the great game of denying one moment and yet believing in endless possibilities the next. We have become a society of schizo's pulling out every card every day that shows only the face of the joker.
And on all these great achievements we want to build visi2020? More like bulls-eye to oblivion. No?
If our Malays don't wake up, don't grow up, don't get real....this country is dead even if there may be life all around.
ReplyDeleteBillions blown, millions suffering, no means to improve, and more dangers on the way the likes you cannot possibly imagine for those who don't and won't know, and we are still hunky-dory as if nothing is wrong?
And on top of all Walla had said,billions and billions of our hard earded tax money is being siphoned out of the country month after month.And our educational standards are going to the direction,the elite called Umnoputras wanted it to be.All the way downhill with no plateau to be seen.Why?That is the easieast way to surpressed the very ignorant and stupid.
ReplyDeleteKepada orang melayu Pahang yang kena banjir....
ReplyDeleteSharizat Korrupt kata Squad Sayang Wanita UMNO ada disisi awak pada PERMULAAN saat Banjir.....betul??
Najib & Muhiddin tinggalkan Perdangan UMNO untuk disisi AWAK kat bajir beri bantuan.....Betul? Atau buat liputan dari angkasa?
UMNO kata apa pembangkang buat??
Siapa berani soal Siapa Kerajaan berkuasa hari ini kat Pahang.....Siapa Sultan....Siapa Askar, Siapa Ketua Polis....
Yang perlu disoal Macam mana Banjir begitu teruk boleh berlaku di Pahang yang selama ini Kuasa dalam tangan Sultan UMNO??
Juga perlu disoal mengapa tayangkan saja BERULANG Kali pemberian batuan kat KUBU UMNO kepada 50 mangsa....tapi HARAP kepada MINDA HAMBA ABDI Malaysia yang lemah itu Bermakna bantuan KEPADA SEMUA mangsa Banjir Kat SULURUH DUNIA dah selesai!!
Ini dia Basuh Minda...Brain Washing....Repeat - Berulang kali tayang sedikit klip video, harap perbuatan itu adalah untuk seluruh Malaysia dapat rezeki....
Bagi 50 mangsa banjir $1000, Semua mangsa banjir Malaysia 500,000 dalam minda dapat $1000.....realiti...sedikit pun tak dapat.....dah bangun belum, kalau belum bangun maka banyak lagi kesusahan akan berterusan sampai Sultan UMNO tumbang!!
bangun Bangkit Bantah....Ayuh turun padan bantah Kos cukai tanah yang melambung....di Kuala Lumpur!!
Gua ke jengka....13.12..2013....prtronas atas bukit gua lihat banyak lori 3 tan misi kemanusian dari kapar...pas....ini undrrground...tak dihebohkan....15.12.2013...misi kemanusian umno...konvoi motor besar pulak gua lihat masa on the way k.l.....kakakkakaka...misi kemanusian bawak telur terkepit tangki minyak...stail umno kan.....felda jengka....orang dah mati pun kena cukai...kesian...sampai mati kena jerut...ini pun melayu tak sedar lagi...jangan kawan syaitan...terutama yang pendek dan gemuk....hehehe
ReplyDeletePer: Tuduhan Mat Sabu Shiah oleh Zahid
ReplyDeleteJelas nampak kebodohan Zahid dan UMNO menggunakan isu ini untuk menyerang PAS dan PR. Bahan bukti yang digembar gemburkan banyak kelemahan asas :-
a. “standard dan burden of proof” yang begitu lemah ala tohmahan fitnah Utusan Malaysdia yang kalah semua berpuluh-puluh kes fitnah PR
b. konsep “guilty by association” makan diri sendiri kerana Dr M pun mengeruni Shiah dan Iran yang berani melawan Israel dan Amerika
c. percaturan guna sumber keldai-keldai tajaan UMNO yang bermusuh dengan PAS seperti CN Afgani, Aiit Ghazali JATI tidak ada kredibiliti. Nak guna Bghahim Ali tak jadi sebab ada video dgn Khomeinei
d. Zamihan Mat Zan ustaz celupar pengred bukti KDN yang memberi lorong kpd Zahid ada isu besar kredibiliti sendiri dituduh pembohong pasal Shiah/Wahhabi oleh pegawai JAKIM dan berguru dengan Hassan Al-Saqqah yg berkontroversi Shiah (
ReplyDeleteI came across this corrupt and hypocrite Ahli Sunnah Zahid in 1985.In 1992 he and the family vacation in Florida paid for by the loot meant or Pemuda UMNO Baru. His brief case stashed his cas $ 65,000.00 loot was snatched under his nose at the hotel counter by Chikano.And he has beeen looting ever since I will rather have Mat Sabu.
The comments here in Sak's blog show a reasonably high level of critical thinking, of course with the exception of some inane comments from BN-UMNO guests who visit here now and then.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the important point is the comments and long essays, such as the ones by walla, are not read by the people whose mindset need to be changed to view Malaysia in a different light. Such writings by Walla and others is read by the converted.
We should be sending these messages to the unconverted supporters of BN-UMNO who are still wearing the wool which BN pulled over their eyes!!!
Just to share this...
ReplyDelete"An election is coming.
Universal peace is declared,
and the foxes have a sincere interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry." ~George Eliot, Felix Holt, Chapter 5
"Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other." ~Oscar Ameringer
"Democracy: The state of affairs in which you consent to having your pocket picked, and elect the best man to do it." ~Benjamin Lichtenberg
"The oppressed are allowed once every few years to decide which particular representatives of the oppressing class are to represent and repress them." ~Karl Marx
And the citizens still never learn...!
Sunnis always claim that they don't call others kaffirs but Sunnis are the number one who like to call others kaffir.
ReplyDeleteShia shahada is not the two shahada but THREE. "Ali wali Allah" is the third.
People don't know what KAFFIR really means. Kaffir is not "infidel" or "non-Muslims". It means REJECTERS!
I know there will be idiots who will accuse me a Shia.
I am almost close to irreligious.