Sunday 24 November 2013

PAS sudah sedia mengambil alih tempat UMNO


PAS sekarang ada pasukan yang boleh menggantikan UMNO. Inilah yang sangat digeruni oleh UMNO dan sekutu2 media nya. berapa banyak akhbar arus perdana yang berkempen untuk golongan ulama? Termasuk yang saya sebut jezebel seorang pemberita dari akhbar STAR?
Utusan Malaysia apatah lagi- berkempen seolah olah mereka sukakan golongan ulama. Sejak bila UMNO yang tidak ada roh agama sukakan ulama? Mereka tidak suka tapi jika kumpulan ini menang dan mendominasi PAS mereka yakin dapat menundukkan PAS. Senanglah puak UMNO mengampungkan PAS dan menggambarkan para ustaz sebagai golongan kuno. UMNO dan sekutu mereka tidak mahukan barisan pimpinan yang streetsmart dan boleh membaca gerak geri UMNO.
Saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada jemaah pimpinan PAS yang semua nya disatukan oleh agenda politik PAS. Tidak ada belahan dalam misi perjuangan. Tidak ada ulama dan bukan ulama dan tidak syiah, sunni atau sebagainya.
Akhbar2 arus perdana milik BN semua nya menggambarkan pertandingan didalam PAS sekarang sebagai seolah2 pertandingan dan pertembungan antara golongan yang mahukan Islam dan golongan yang tidak mahukan Islam. Sepanjang masa penulis dari Star, Bernama, Utusan Malaysia. bahkan mereka yang sudah keluar dari Jemaah PAS sendiri menyokong puak ulama. Hassan Ali bukan seorang ulamak tapi menyokong golongan ulamak semata mata mahu membalas dendam keatas golongan bukan ulamak dalam PAS yang dia gagal menjadi ahli yang baik. Hassan Ali hanya seorang pakar motivasi yang boleh menangis semasa berceramah. Itu sahaja.
Pada muktamar yang baru2 ini, saya ada di stadium melawati shah alam. Ini muktamar yang bersederhana- tidak ada pertunjukan kehebatan dan kekayaan seperti persidangan agung UMNO. Kerusi dan meja untuk perwakilan adalah dari yang selalu disediakan untuk pelajar tapi dialas dengan kain. Perwakilan ada seribu lebih tapi ahli pas yang hadir sebagai permerhati dan menjadi perangsang kepada pimpinan PAS berjumalh 2-3 ribu. PAS ada lebih penyokong dari UMNO. Tenaga yang terpancar dari kesungguhan penyokong PAS membakar semangat pimpinan PAS.
Adakah saya ada kesangsian mereka yang hadir disini mempertikaikan agenda politik Islam parti PAS?  Jika saya ada kesangsian, ianya dinyahkan sama sekali bila berdepan dengan lautan warga PAS. Bahkan saya merasakan kehadiran yang begitu ramai mengukuhkan lagi iltizam menegakkan politik Islam. Tidak syak lagi, tenaga dari ribuan yang hadir berpindah kepada perwakilan yang berjumlah seribu lebih itu yakni, mereka mahukan pasukan yang kuat berkerja dan ligat mengejar agenda politik Islam. Mereka mahukan PAS mempunyai ketrampilan moden , dinamik dan inklusif. Ianya bukan pasukan yang terbahagi kepada golongan ulamak dam bukan ulamak. Ia nya satu pasukan yang disatukan oleh agenda politik Islam. Perbezaan ketrampilan dan pendekatan adalah biasa tapi tidaklah sampai untuk menghancurkan agenda politik Islam.
Ramai dari pimpinan yang dahulu dikekalkan. Ramai antara nya dari golongan professional dan bukan ulamak. Saya kenal mereka dari dekat dan saya tidak ada syak langsung mengenai komitmen mereka kepada agenda politik Islam. Saya juga kenal beberapa tokoh ulamak yang menjadi pimpinan tertinggi PAS kali ini. Ustaz Idris Ahmad ahli parlimen Bukit Gantang misalnya adalah golongan ulamak yang juga ligat dan cergas mendepankan agenda politik PAS.  Ustaz Nasrudin, Nik Abduh, Nik Zawawi, Ridhuan Mohd Nor, Dr Mahfudz adalah tokok2 ulamak yang akan mengukuhkan lagi agenda politik PAS.  Kita jangan lupa bahawa golongan ulamak PAS ramai yang jadi MP kali ini.
Barisan pimpinan PAS ini akan bergerak sebagai satu pasukan yang komited kepada agenda perjuangan PAS. Para perwakilan menghantar isyarat yang bijaksana, sementera semua mahukan agenda politik Islam didepankan, mereka mahukan pendekatan yang pragmatik dan praktikal.
Apa maknanya pemlihan PAS ini kepada UMNO? Ianya menandakan PAS mempunyai pasukan pimpinan yang boleh menggantikan UMNO. Menjelang PRU14, 75% dari pengundi adalah pengundi yang sudah dibandarkan atau separuh bandarkan. Jeneasi baru ini terdedah kepada pendekatan media dan cara berinteraksi yang baru. kita telah lihat anak2 muda enggan menerima indoktrinasi yang dilakukan melalui cara berpesta pestaan ala UMNO. Mereka tidak mahu penghinaan keatas intelijens mereka. Jika PAS berkerja sama dengan parti PR yang lain, PRU14 ialah kita yang punya.


  1. Congratulations Mat Sabu ! Tahniah PAS !

    pengundi Pakatan & PAS GE 13

  2. Syabas kepada PAS dalam merangka dan mencorak halatuju perjuangan Islam.
    InsyaAllah, kita yg membawa kejalan yg benar akan dirahmati dan diberi ganjaran di dunia dan akhirat.

  3. Dato,

    Your analysis is right-on the dot, the current lineup in PAS will be UMNO's worst nightmare for PRU14.

    Imagine a BN stooge like Jezebel from STAR who can never understand the spirit of PAS or politics in Islam for that matter, can comment freely in the last days of the muktamar about ulamak vs non-ulamak. Talk about an accomplished agent provocateur for BN.

    She should be better off writing about the complete demise of MCA!

  4. Kehkehkeh...tahniah krn memenangkan bro sabu.. satu kelebihan utk seteru Pas.. kehkehkeh.. hasrat mursyidul am yg mahukan timb presiden dr klgn ulamak nmpaknya x kssampaian.. kehkehkeh.. bangang

    1. Mursyidul Am Datuk Nik Aziz tidak pernah menyatakan yang beliau mahukan Ulamak sebagai Timbalan Presiden. Beliau sentiasa selesa dengan kalangan professional. Malahan beliau ada menyatakan bahawa professional dalam PAS juga adalah Ulamak.

    2. Tlg lampirkan kenyataan drpd mursyidul am sbg bukti ...


  5. TAHNIAT PAS dan Abang Mat Sabu. BANYAK pemimpin BN dan mantan pemimpinnya sedang mengidap fobia. Mereka takut ditolak rakyat dari tampuk kuasa, dihukum dan takut hilang milik/kuasa. Mereka fobia, gelisah dengan pelbagai masalah dalaman dan skandal yg pernah mereka lakukan. Pekung makin terbuka, rakan dan kroni juga masing2 mahu melepas diri. Allah akan mengazab kejahatan siapa jua yg tidak amanah.

    - Zunodeng. ExYB Kantoi.

  6. 1/2

    With acuity after the fact, the GE13 result proved that majority of the rakyat doesn’t trust the Umno/BN govt. any longer. The Barisan scale is crooked and imbalanced whilst the Umno’s keris is jagged and pointing at the heart of the nation.

    More than half a century under BN, there are many Msians still bogs by the primitive mentality. Ancient people have to resort to primeval heuristics to determine friend or foe. As in a primitive world, if we are of the same race, we are fine, if we are not, we must be suspicious and try to subjugate the other races.

    The attempt to create a "Truly United Malaysia" is a righteous and positive effort by PR to erase this antiquated mindset and moves Msians few steps forward. However, most people do behave in certain stereotypical ways based on their ethnicity, so it is difficult to find any common ground, because Malays have a totally different culture than the other races and vice versa.

    Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that increasingly there is a new common ground being achieved amongst the races, and that is to dethrone UMNO/BN@Putrajaya. This is a statement of fact. Not only did Bersih3 and HKR attracts thousands of Malays even in blue blooded places like Johor, most Msians of other races now are beginning to gather in thousands to attend rallies benefiting the nation.

    BN is wrong to look at PR from its jaundiced political point of view. While BN is a coalition of race-based parties, PKR and DAP are multi-racial parties. Even PAS for that matter sitting on a “religious” platform has invited all Muslims and non-Muslims into its fold. PAS even has a non-Muslim wing that is aligned to the party.

    DAP, PKR and PAS have together steered the states under them steadily without neglecting the various races and religions and are now noticed by many people as a coalition that has high integrity.

    PAS does not believe in race-based approach to politics, as this is not in line with Islamic teaching and has also shown to all rakyat that though it is an Islamic party, the rights and privileges of non-Muslims have not gone unheeded. Kelantan is an exemplary state under PAS rule: the non-Muslims there are generally contented with the government.

    BN undoubtedly started as a coalition of parties that cared for the various races but it has since morphed into an entity that is power crazy and greedy which only enriched their families and cronies.

    Those still supporting UMNO/BN should compare their leaders’ capabilities by evaluating the 3 states now under PR. They do not have to go far to appraise the good work of PR.The Auditor General Reports annually, has confirmed and commended the excellent achievement of Selangor and Penang, while Kelantan have been ticked as satisfactory

  7. 2 of 2

    Logically, there is no reason for PR to hate the Malays or other races. PR, or for that matter the Msian’s federal govt. alternative party, is only against individuals who are dishonest in UMNO/BN and those who have failed the nation by squandering the nation’s wealth.

    DAP, which was portrayed abysmally by UMNO/BN propaganda machines, in truth and reality supports the honest Malays and Muslims as can be seen in the states under PR today. “The Malays see DAP working together with PAS and PKR to bring progress and racial harmony to these states,” said a political observer. “Thus the “mutiny” now is not against Malays but UMNO/BN, corruption and abuse of power. It has nothing to do with race or religion,” he added.

    When UMNO/BN squanders billions of ringgit of taxpayers’ money, must PR just ignore this for fear that they will be branded as anti-Malay or anti-Islam? Of course Malaysians cannot expect any decree from those “ulamas” on government’s payroll. The only exposure and condemnation of UMNO/BN misconduct must come from PR.

    UMNO/BN is actually manipulating and exploiting on racial and religious sentiments to hoodwink the innocent rakyat. To some BN leaders and members; “PR does not have the right to criticize BN leaders even if there are corrupt to the core”. It’s BN arrogant and egotistical nature for being too long in power that made them deny any wrongdoing, as if Msia belongs to them and only they can decide what’s wrong or right akin to an authoritarian nation.

    BN is weak and fragmented today is not because of PR but its many oppressive and anti-democratic policies that have brought it down naturally. UMN/BN too must stop negating the rakyat aspiration of a truly united Msians by their non-stop propagating of racial hatred via their controlled mainstream media that has only caused the community to be further split. In fact, it has contradicted whatever unity slogan they have churned out.

    And UMNO/BN must also realize that there is no nation in the world, no single leader in the world, no political party in the world and no battalion in the world that had succeeded going against or thwarting the rakyat final decision that enough is enough. Your enemies are not the rakyat of this land but those inside BN who are hypocritical, liars, plunderers & corrupt to the core !!!



  8. 1/2

    Rosmah’s public image mars her as a highly-opinionated woman who intends to do things her way. Hence taking advice is not on her menu neither is Najib able to tame her ostentatious and vainglorious lifestyle. The gang of official handbag carriers is only concerned to protect their own rice pots of super kernal
    “berasmathi” thus they will only tell her what and how she wants to hear. Insatiable hunger for power, ambition, personal accolades and control over senior civil servants including Najib is a great liability.

    Her ferocious penchant for premier shopping and luxury holidaying abroad using taxpayers money shows she lacks mature understanding in facing the reality of Najib’s time – framed position – replaceable.

    In point of fact, Class is something one has it or none. Those who have class Carry it in dignified quiet confidence as they also recognize self - respect in others and put them at ease. Certainly not in repulsive attention - seeking manner. However in the same degree of Rosmah’s lifestyle, it excruciates abhorrence and ignites flames in the ordinary Malaysians on how our Rakyat in the outskirts and rural areas are still lacking the basics alongside the many urbanites who are facing financial constraints, bread and butter concerns and insurmountable pressing national issues. Like Sak says, “ Rakyat biasa dah berjimat- cermat, macam mana nak berjimat lagi ? ”

    Technically, shouldn’t the senior civil servants at her beck and call be serving the Rakyat first and be as quick at tackling district- state - national issues instead ? Also isn’t it time for Malaysian selfies who thrill themselves by taking shots with her or any other extravagant spouses of politicians ( let’s take a quick recap of the ones who are already ousted due to their spouses’ showiness, more will follow suit in GE 14 ) should realize that it is kind of real embarrassing, juvenile, giddy-headed and childish to do so. With the exception of Sak’s “ favorite” reporter from the Sunday Star Nov 24, who again committed the crime of gloatting over the young extravagant wife. Please read it and you will join me at exclaiming, “ Oh God Please show me mercy.” If a reporter can display princess syndrome in writing, it is frivolity in the highest degree.

  9. 2/2

    Being enlisted as Who’s Who in the Lady Macbeth of the East is utter foolishness. There is another list, which is what counts and stands in history.
    The self- elected persona is one of the perfect case studies in our local – Asian scene for our political leaders in the Opposition Party and their respective spouses and children to study and avoid at all cost, in the name of progressiveness, good governance, integrity, efficiency and showing respect to the voters who voted them in.
    Predictably, failing to undergo the soonest self - punishing course to get rid off her recalcitrants, Rosmah might quicken the downfall of Najib - in grandeur - and to the jubilance of the dalang - dalang within as well in paving the way for Mukhriz to be the next PM.

    Neither will that happen as it is the democratic power which the Rakyat designates and overrules, eventually.

    It is suffice for Mukhriz with his present post. It is imperative he sets out to exterminate little napoleons and cleopatras ( the latter as crooks - hijacking the female quota to get projects to enrich themselves and deny deserving ones – smoke out the gimmicks (!).

    Essentially, implement massive long - term success oriented micro - economics projects which directly involve thousands and inclusively, regardless of race and political alliance to dignify their lives.

    He has the choice to break free from the inherited atrocities by setting things Right and fast. Recommending the setting up of many mobile centers, with minimal staff but having multi hands - on work experiences. Go out, meet and provide consistent solutions to the rakyat instead. History might be kind to him but freezingly hard on the other. Anything more is the tyrannical DNA. And clip the wings of his spouse from becoming a spinning embarrassment in public.

    These strategies will retain youth to contribute to the long delayed developments in the kampung to even out urban - rural progress as well as in ensuring their elderly parents are attended.

    Enough said, enough of the regime. Pakatan - PAS must work better in massive concerted efforts in tenacity and fast- track affirmative responses to all Malaysians. And mentoring and self - learning simultaneously to be effective / highly effective leaders is not an option. There is where the seniors and greenhorns can merge and enhance each others' strength and smoothen out weaknesses of leadership. Off-the-cuff what are 15 major issues similarly shared, work so hard on solving these, where is there time and energy left to create troubles ?

  10. Dato',

    Presently in Malaysia, it's not very hard for any political party to be the party of choice in replacing UMNO. All it needs are good fundamentals such as adherence to the rule of law, honesty, accountability and of course genuine fear of GOD. Oh and before I forget, the abhorrence to bribery and corruption. I'm not sure that PAS, PKR and DAP have those fundamental in quantity but when we compare it with UMNO, they are certainly better if not the only choices we have.

    With regards to PAS and of course on broader term, PR, they sorely lack actual leaders. The current crop are definitely better than what UMNO have but since UMNO are scrapping the bottom of the rubbish bin so to speak, PR current crop of leaders looks exemplary. Not a very hard task indeed since they are are competing against rubbish.

    PAS for instance need leaders that have global outlook and global Islamic mentality. What it currently has in spades are leaders that are "local heroes who are champions among the villager but mere "stand in" when thrown onto the interracial and international scene. PAS youth leader is an excellent example of this type of leaders that is unable to push PAS onto a higher level or to the next stage of political evolution.

    People will say that PR have many talented and great new corp of leaders the likes of Rafizi, Nurul Izzah and Tony Pua to name a few BUT they are the elites and their numbers, small. What PR need and Malaysia needs urgently are these elites becoming the norm. In simpler terms we need the likes of Rafizi, Nurul and Tony as the run of the mill leaders and with them becoming the norm in leadership, we then can create our next Tun Razak minus a son the likes of najib, maybe a Malaysian JFK, a Mahatma Ghandi like Malaysian or even some future world leader.

    When that happens then the likes of Najib, Muhyiddin, Zahid Hamidi, Hishamuddin and of course Ahmad Maslan will be pushed to the fringe of national politics where the "deranged" and sociopath dwell. The Malek Hassan type of leaders are then "killed off" even before they start eying branch leadership post. In other words, the good and the best gets elected while the ugly (behavior, not looks) and the bad are kick off right from the start.

    It's the case of the good, the bad and the ugly and in Malaysian politics, we have all three. The difference between North Korea and South Korea is which one of those 3 are chosen as leaders and the result is apparent. The question that Malaysian must ask themselves when they choose their next leader in the next GE is "which country we want to follow?" North Korea and the suffering of the people or South Korea, and its rise as one of the fastest developing country in the world? If Malaysian failed to answer that simple question correctly, then we truly deserved UMNO as our master and slave driver. Period!


  11. gulongan umngok/bn saja yg membahagi2 ulamak dgn bukan ulamak.PAS menghormati semua mereka kerana kita sama2 bekerja mencari keredaan Allah bukan reda manusia atau mencari benda sebagaimana dlm umngok/bn.

  12. Jika sudah ada tanda pru14 kita yang punya, PR sudah sepatutnya mempunyai satu rancangan pembahagian kuasa antara satu sama lain yang dipersetujui. Tidak perlu dihebahkan. Tapi kalau semasa pertandingan atau selepas kemenangan itu masih ada perbalahan nampaknya kena tunggu pru15 lah plak. ABU.

  13. Toksah peduli dgn komen2 dari golongan meroyan aka BN aka UMNO... In shaa Allah, Islam akan terus gemilang selagi para pendukungnya istiqomah dan ikhlas dlm perjuangan.... Kami rakyat Malaysia dah lama bersedia nak mentalqinkan UMNO dan pacak batu nisan....

  14. Fear and loathing in UMNO Baru-BN

    Phua Kai Lit


  15. Dari blog Saudara Lim Kit Siang:

    Phua Kai Lit

  16. PR have many talented and great new corp of leaders the likes of Rafizi, Nurul Izzah and Tony Pua to name a few BUT they are the elites and their numbers, small. What PR need and Malaysia needs urgently are these elites becoming the norm. - Nick

    Absolutely, they need to be de- elitisize themselves and I think they will. Let's give them a little more time.

    Sak, do they, your colleagues - our elected representatives read here to feel the Pulse and Heartbeat of The People ?

  17. I think now that all the 'relevant parties' have sorted out their 'champions' and 'dragons' going for the next five years, the politician can perhaps give us 'rakyat marhain' a breather from ferocious biting at each other to score points..start showing your mettle in aiding the 'rakyat' within your means, within your jurisdiction, within the executive power vested on to you...there are surely more than just 'talk' that need to be done going for GE14
