Wednesday 13 November 2013

Agenda Politik Pas, Tahaluf Siasi dan Golongan Mat Sabu (3/3)

Tuan HJ Mohamad bin Sabu atau lebih dinekali sebagai abang Mat Sabu seorang tokoh PAS yang tidak asing. Sebelum mengenali beliau secara peribadi, saya kenal dada nya. Ketika itu, kepada saya, abang mat Sabu tidak berhenti menyeronokkan atau amuse saya. Mat Sabu mempunyai gaya yang tersendiri dan unik mencuit hati para pendengar ceramah yang dia sampaikan. Dan isi yang dia sampaikan boleh difahami oleh rakyat jelata. Tidak spectacular- tapi masuk dalam kepala, tersemat dalam hati.
Episode Mat Indera.
Secara serius saya mendekati abang Mat Sabu ialah ketika saya menulis dalam blog saya mempertahankan pandangan nya mengenai Mat Indera. Ketika itu saya belum bertemu dengan nya. Mat Sabu dibantai dengan teruk kerana mencadangkan Mat Indera sebetulnya adalah seorang pejuang. Ketika itu, pandangan umum yang dibentuk oleh media UMNO menggambarkan Mat Indera sebagai seorang penjenayah dan bandit yang membunuh beberapa orang Polis  Melayu.
Episode tersebut menunjukkan kesediaan Mat Sabu mengambil pendirian yang kontroversial tapi yang dikiranya sebagai menegakkan kebenaran. Mungki ini kualiti kepimpinan yang kita mahu.
Izinkan saya mengulangi isiu pokok dalam episode tersebut. Mat Indera diangap seoarang pengganas Melayu kerana menyerang dan membunuh polis Melayu. Polis Melayu berkhidmat untuk kerajaan British yang dianggap penjajah. Yang kita hendak hairan mengenai Melayu membunuh Melayu ini mengapa? Sejak zaman dahulu bila berlaku pertentangan antara dua faham politik, dan perebutan kuasa, Melayu membunuh Melayu. HangTuah Melayu membunuh Jebat juga Melayu. Tok Gajah pahlawan Melayu Pahang pun ada membunuh orang Melayu lain yang menyokong pihak lain.  Pembunuhan Melayu oleh Melayu yang lain, bukan senseless killing, tapi lebih merupakan pembunuhan collateral damage.
Dilihat dari sudut lain: mengapa pembunuhan Mat Indera, seorang Melayu boleh dikira sebagai tidak mengapa manakala pembunuhan polis Melayu penyokong penjajahan, dikira suatu yang mendosakan? Benarlah, versi sejarah adalah versi yang ditulis oleh pihak yang menang.
Demikian juga, penilaian Mat Indera tidaklah semudah  menyifatkan dia sebagai senseless killer. Mat Indera bukan pembunuh yang membunuh semata mata kerana suka membunuh orang. Dia berjuang menegakkan faham politik nya- bukan kominisme pun tapi lebih penentangan terhadap rejim penjajah. Apa yang Mat Indera kena lakukan bila bertempur dengan pendukung2 rejim penjajah? Dia lakukan apa yang mesti dilakukan. Membunuh atau dibunuh. Dalam perperangan, semua nya adil all is fair in love and war.
Pertama Mat Indera mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan ugama. sebagai orang Melayu, agama Islam tidak mudah dibuang walaupun dia menganut fahaman poliktik yang berbeza. Pada masa yang sama, orang melayu yang beragama Islam tidak melihat salah apa2 jika menyebelahi pihak imperialis dan menjadi ejen memanjangkan cengkaman penjajahan.
Itu angle pembelaan Mat Sabu kepada Mat Indera. Mat Indera seorang pejuang dalam erti kata dia mengangkat senjata menentang penjajahan. Secara kebetulan, pembela penjajahan ketika itu adalah orang Melayu juga dan pemangsaan pendukong penjajahan menjadi collateral damage.
Saya ingat pertama kali saya berceramah dengan Abang Mat ialah di suatu markas pas di Bukit Katil Melaka pada suatu bulan puasa. Walaupun ceramah diadakan pada bulan puasa, para hadirin yang datang begitu ramai. Orang datang mahu mendengar Mat Sabu.
Saya berceramah lebih awal dari Mat Sabu. Mat Sabu adalah star penceramah maka sayugialah dia diletakkan sebagai penceramah terakhir. Seperti biasa dalam ceramah saya akan membaca beberapa ayat Al Quran yang saya tahu untuk mengukuhkan pengungkapan saya. Saya masih ingat, Mat Sabu bertanya pada saya- enta sekolah agama kah dahulu?
Selepas majlis tersebut , saya berceramah banyak kali dengan abang Mat termasuklah dikampung halaman saya sendiri iaitu di Pekan Pahang. UMNO Pekan menghimpunkan ramai kaki sorak dan mengadakan ceramah mereka betul2 bersebelahan dengan tempat kami berceramah. Sasaran mereka tentulah Mat Sabu.
Itu dia Mat Sabu. Suka atau tidak, benci atau kasihkan Mat Sabu, Mat Sabu adalah legenda hidup. Dia memukau pendengar dengan pidato yang mudah dan bahasa yang senang. Dan trademark Mat Sabu ialah mencipta isitilah yang menjenakakan.
Saya mengucapkan kepada Dato Mohamad bin Sabu dan Dato Nik Amar selamat bersaing.


  1. 1/2

    UMNO – BN and its NGOs can drum up issues, but nothing can beat a panel of PAS leaders working well , where two factions within extinguish its sparks rapidly - find the middle ground and quickly form a good collaboration at balancing religion with a measureable hands-on leadership work etiquettes – creativity, progressiveness, extreme diligence, just, honest, humble character - courage – relevance to the ordinary Rakyat –interpesronal skills, muhibbah relationship in actively involving the communities and work well across the board in alignment to Pakatan component and likewise.

    The moderate progressive leaders should begin to use their respective training to intensify maintaining and upgrading some of the timeless economy developments such as agro- farming industry which can be managed to produce cheap and affordable safe, healthy foods to supplement the nation’s consumption and for export. Ok do ones want to join business ventures with popped up by night foreign investors or time - tested good citizens who know hows but with limited financial resources and without connection in PAS states ?

    Slowly but surely moving into safe, non - invasive alternative treatment, strictly herbal, nothing else on the smoky side, with conventional western medicine as well as upgrading the rural community’s unique handicraft industry.

    Simultaneously creating new sustainable economies, conserving natural resources and not irrationally, whereby at the expense of massive unemployment and poverty careening towards an explosion of social problems. All these issues must be avoided. Also intensify improving education, providing employable skills, language skills and inter – relation - communities projects in intensity within the states and across the board in alignment with Pakatan leaders in its responsibilities towards to Rakyat. These should be listed on the equal degree as religion on the Party’s top priority list.

    There is this unspoken fear even amongst young urbanite Malays, yet supported by realities that adverse poverty is caused by leaders being too religious, lacking the direct and progressive concerns, far-sightness, willingness to learn, lack multi - disciplinary expertise intertwining with urgent intervention, consistency, efficiency in creating developments and safety measures for the people as in Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. Nobel Laureate Prof Muhd Yunus, a Bangladeshi banker - economist is the a long list of exceptions, we have them here in the nation, too, as activists and already in the Opposition. He has a fine balance of religion, humility, multiple talents, sheer courage, willingness to listen,sensitivity to see and wanting to eradicate poverty among the poor women in Pakistan. As an academician he has the entrepreneurship spirit.

  2. 2/2

    I think I seriously want to vote for Prof Yunus to be our new PM, but on second thought... btw shh please don’t tell DS Anwar, Sak, Nurul Izzah, Khalid or DPM LGE or DPM II Rafizi :D or Haris Ibrahim or Future Law Minister Ms Ambiga. Aib.

    Perhaps we lack willingness, mutual trust to share ( after all the accusations ) and learn know -hows but again these can be overcome.

    It is suffice to say all great innovative leaders have patience to listen hard, to capture the dots of in feasible visions, then guide and inspire many others to success, earning good salaries to support their respective families and be able to make positive difference for the poor and the elderly.

    Hence this is where the Ulama should agree to work unitedly with the moderate progressives in PAS and vice- versa. The former can zero into providing the religion guide – being socially honest and responsible whilst the latter can spearhead forming a new formidable team, together, work rapidly on critical developments, long delayed and bringing massive social- economic opportunities for all in the communities.

    I honestly think in every good Muslim each has a few talents to do things for the communities and the nation collectively.

    In a worse scenario, impressive/ persuasive talking by our Malays without measureable benefits to the voters or if it raises doubts in regards to integrity, repeated flops, immense wastages and endless confusion, such actions will careen towards a big - time implosion as in Obama’s case, perhaps.

    And recognizing on its own, PAS can’t function, but consciously and tenaciously aligning to the Pakatan and vice versa. Any derailment or wrong ambitious steps taken, by both PAS and Pakatan will delay the exit of the UMNO – BN regime by another term, the nation will live in prolonged hardship and go knocking at the golden door of IMF.

    Hence without measureable substance in work etiquette, fancy league academic qualifications, contemporary jackets, impressive talks and “badges” or titles are defeatedly akin to wahyu steak dressings or towering coffered hives. Redundant.

    In summarizing, elect a fine balance to form a fresh initiative leadership to execute things with Pakatan which UMNO – BN will never want to do nor have the political will or the convictions to start cleansing the present quagmire, or cease creating more filth in the governance and affirm things rightly for the Rakyat at one go. Thank you so much.


    The coming PAS election is rather worrisome in the big picture of Pakatan, so i am writing this post as i always thinks Sak, Walla, Nick, سومڤيتن امس each write soo well or anyone, for that matter, everyone writes with true, powerful insights regardless the length of the text. This is not an English critical writing class at varsity conducted by our Prof Walla, so absolutely no worries, and i never zero into people’s mistakes, so just keep writing. i also know my occasional one two mistakes in the posts, but too late, already uploaded.

    Thank you for your graciousness.

  3. Buat masa sekarang saya rasa eloklah dikekalkan Mat Sabu sebagai Timbalan Presiden, gandingan Ulama dan aktivis masyarakat di peringkat tertinggi parti. Naib2 Presiden pula daripada golongan professional. Manakala AJK Pusat gandingan Ulama, professional dan aktivis masyarakat.

    Ini penting bagi PAS untuk maju kedepan dan diterima masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama sebagai permulaan persediaan menghadapi PRU14.

  4. I'll try to make some good mistakes for this one [;)].

    It's good to pray and ponder early in the morning when everything is quiet and the mind is fresh and calm. A pocket of solitude to resonate with (!).

    As the day evolves, we will find we get edgier because of a multitude of concerns building up, often from nowhere. But if we are on the right Path, we become concerned we are not doing the right thing or have missed a chance or two in being a better person, or we fail another test of life.

    That's why it is also good to have a few more times to pray and reconnect with (!) again throughout the same day. Not without good reason are some practices.

    However one challenge with something good is not being able to articulate how good it is. One gets agitated that its goodness will be lost in the melee of contending forces or cynicism born out of persistent perceptions.

    It is therefore important to generate our own individual total internal reflections on why and how such a simple problem can take root so easily.

    We need to take a step back and see what could have been better said and how we could have conducted ourselves better so that wrong perceptions can be set right, fear can turn to relief, and receptiveness will be as easy as breathing to the beat of (!).

  5. If we span the history of mankind, we can see one pattern. Everything gets more variegated. In the beginning, things were quite monotone. As time progresses, more and more things come into the picture. More and more variety so that we have more and more choices.

    But we cannot choose all. So we must have selection criteria in order to participate better in and with the changes emanating from the force of that original pattern.

    Those selection criteria can themselves come from different sources. For instance, personal faith, public religion, personal convictions, communal practices.

    Does this mean we need to go one step higher to find the selection criterion for the selection criteria on how to conduct ourselves in order to better engage with changes in life caused by variegation of choices?

    As may be expected from the same pattern itself, we may individually answer differently that question. But since life itself is a journey of tests and lessons, we should not be too hampered by any fear that we would be making a wrong choice along the way for ourselves.

    And that is why critical thinking is important. It may still not get one onto the path meant for oneself. But it will help brush away the autumn leaves of yesteryear so that some clarity an order can be discerned that will ease the journey to a closer understanding of the (!) that is meant For us.

  6. The strength of our Malay is his community-mindedness. By that i do not intend it to mean him being only mindful about our Malay community alone. I am more ambitious than that parochialism for him. Our Malay man can be the most global member of this land if he sets his mind and heart to it.

    It is therefore such a tragedy that all these years of politicking have thwarted a better vision for the real role awaiting our Malays. A massive potential of goodness lies latent that if it had been tapped earlier could have helped transform this nation into a delight onto the world and be a better example of how belief in (!) can lead to better beings.

    Since this post is on PAS, let me provide a little encouragement. But for that, i will have to dramatize events a bit. GE12 was Hindraf. GE13 was DAP. So that GE14 will be PAS.

    Now take the earlier statement that in this country our Malays can be the most globally-attuned community member and graft it onto the role that PAS can play towards total success in GE14, and we have immediately a new transformation wave for this tired land.

  7. Yesterday i waited for the medicine shop to open.

    When it finally did, i went in and bought bags of medicine, and then rushed into the remote tracks of the outbacks.

    Word had 'somehow' come to me that many of the poor had fallen sick. Since they couldn't come out, i went to them.

    It wasn't just to help provide some medical relief to them, little enough though that was.

    It was also to help them believe again in a certain basic aspect about humanity that lives wrought by poverty had lost.

    In trying to expand my own spirit so as to increase its agility, i was also hoping some of it would rub off onto people who had lost their hopes.

    Without saying a word, i wanted to say it's cool to care.

    PAS can also do the same to dignify all life again. People should not be corrupted about their needs. They can be helped by earnest and honest community work extended to all who suffer regardless of race or religion.

    After all, which door has not heard the knock of suffering?

  8. A bright man (;P) once posted that our Muslims must sort themselves out first.

    Perhaps this is as good a time to be definitive about it. Here's my take:

    It's not about forming an Islamic state. It's all about forming and living an Islamic state of mind.

    And that has to be globally attuned in nature. After all, isn't He global?

    i leave to more spiritual kindred to evaluate and expand on what i have just suggested.

  9. Oops. A fluff of a feather has just landed on this desk. How on earth and where did it come from??

    Hmmm...just like:

    ..and "Always (only you) best scene 2011"

  10. 1/2

    Thank you Sak for allowing these posts throu. Sorry, can't start own blog, too busy, no inspiration, nanti no visitors, kesian betul, malu...

    sh inspiration comes with quick glanceas at sofea, just kidding, serious.

    Lithuanian Ernest Zacharevic is a sheer fresh talent. Every piece of his painting is a masterpiece, dazzling purity, uniqueness, evoking sheer delight, igniting contagious smiles on the faces and rekindling hopes in the hearts of everyone who knows how tp appreciate priceless and timeless simplicity of life’s delights - clean line.

    His is giftedness is truly inspirational, innate and nurtured. His paintings depict gentle strokes with clarity and pleasant confidence which gives a soft, personal, yet glowing sheer delight, fresh vibrancy, innocence and playfulness of childhood.

    Ernest paints marvelously from a beautiful mind and heart, with a keen mind, guided by very observing eyes on children and their special moments thereby leading us to recapturing our own childhood – the exhilarating joy of school holidays, no homework, freedom to play or to go on an adventure safely with friends or siblings, being carefree, doing chores or running errands rather cheerfully, despite the little money or none that we had, the wonders of innocent playfulness and friendship.

    Hence, Ernest’s paintings are navigating us to Re- living life, being re- energized, be alive with fresh hopes daily !! The most fun part is his paintings allow interactive play. Imagine, in his latest painting in the suncreen ( ? ) of a shop in Johor Bahru, the “ Boy Performing a Handstand” on your hand. How ? Check it out, have fun…

    Re- living life, doing the same things but with interesting add - ons and unexpectedly. There shouldn’t be rigid rules so long it is non risky. Not wanting to get up early to work on a Monday morning or returning from a long- awaited vacation to start working is history. Gotta start working as fast as the speed of almost, all the hard- earned money is spent, yes ? Oh God help me !

    Back to Ernest’s masterpieces, they exhibit simplicity, true innocence and sheer happiness and hopes of childhood are the best in the world! I really really admire Ernest Zacharevic and his unique talents. There are young artists who draw darkness. Malaysia and the World need cheers, more cheers !

    Also he might want to choose not to read “ hatred mail or hostility” the occupational – social hazards to protect his beautiful mind. As adults, at one stage or another, in the social media, it did affect some of us when relentless hostility is first aimed at us over non - issues, on the instances we speak up, but we stop it at the speed of the touchscreen. We do not need to take craps. We stop reading hostility or lunacy so that we can live and think in peace and be positively creative and productive.

  11. 2/2

    Extremely regrettably, the overzealous “ blind men” fail to see the additional painting to his lego painting in Johor Bahru also projects the men in blue are awaking slowly to catch criminals and to prevent crimes.

    The highhandedness leaves much sadness and confusion to the painter with a tender heart and his admirers that his intention and work is marred whilst the critical crime rate at hand is not addressed proportionally.

    (He is considering separating from his parents to find new friends and see new places ) Hence, in saving his Lego painting, the additional painting of a fearsome policeman with handcuffs can be considered, however, only after consulting Ernest Zacharevic.

    See how creative young Malaysians can be, in wanting to safeguard the painting, many came up with great ideas and cool fantastic solutions. At the time this post is written, the painting has “magically disappeared”. Why has it got to be this way ?

    By applying “whiteout” on the mural, it just tells the world the degree of a bully and insanity is – the first. For the past days, the social media is abuzzed with ardent fans and commentators worldwide, exhaling about Malaysia gomen : what, arghh, buta, lukisan tersangat indah, pun nak buat kecoh.

    Do you not honestly think that his paintings not only complement the masterpieces of our own Malaysian talents, but his pleasant personality also breathes fresh friendship, elation, hopes and vibrancy to youth, tourists, Malaysians and business ?

    Isn’t it being far- sighted to award him a PR ? ( when millions of others are paid $$$ ?!! to become instant citizens ). In the magitude of a fresh rare gem to the world, he needs to be retained in Malaysia, and let him enjoy his privacy and pleasant quietness ( not moody quietness ). He is not a pop star; painters, music composers, writers are quiet deep, productive thinkers. No one should influence or mar his true self. Then only creativity will translate to many more masterpieces from Ernest to us.

    And he is to be ensured of an attractive monthly remunerations to encourage his continuity to paint the innocence of happy childhood in excellence in Malaysia and abroad, like it should be to you to earn a very decent living.

    Who are the Malaysian eagle eyes who discovered him - a rare gem ? Truly appreciate him but never freak him out. The goons – Leave him and his paintings alone !

    Looking forward to visiting JB enroute to Penang to admire and do interative plays with his paintings and enjoy makan – makan, jalan – jalan, ?

    He is sooo talented and young, pleasant hence must be defended. So that's why these posts. *
