Sunday 10 November 2013

Agenda Politik PAS, Tahaluf Siasi dan Golongan Mat Sabu- Bahagian 1

Kepada saya, bila UMNO ajak PAS supaya berunding untuk kepentingan bangsa, ianya suatu lagi sambungan tipu muslihat UMNO. UMNO bercakap kepada PAS bila keadaan mereka lemah. Ini kita kena ingat dan waspada.
Bila kuat, UMNO akan membuli PAS dan memperlakukan PAS sebagai rakan sampingan dan rakan-kebetulan. Untuk PAS merealisasikan cita2 politik Islam nya ialah bukan dengan UMNO.
PAS berbeza dengan DAP dan kita tahu pendirian DAP terhadap pembentukan negara Islam atau pun perlaksanaan hukum Islam. Adakah itu mahu dijadikan alasan untuk tidak berkerjasama? Jikapun DAP tidak bersetuju dengan wawasan politik PAS, adakah tentangan itu mengurangkan keinginan politik PAS? Kalau ianya mengurangkan, ini bermakna agenda politik PAS ephemeral dan transient. Dalam pembahasaan PAS- tidak istiqomah. 
Lebih baik perjuangan PAS bersifat fluid- seperti air meresapi tahap penerimaan rakyat dengan tekanan atau pressure air yang biasa. Tentangan DAP terhadap cita2 Islam PAS bukan suatu perkiraan yang releven kepada PAS. PAS tetap PAS dan DAP tetap DAP.
Kita semua tahu pendirian peribadi Karpal Singh misalnya. Dan pemimpin UMNO sangat suka mengungkit ungkit cabaran Karpal supaya langkah mayat nya dahulu. Karpal tetap kekal sebagai Karpal. Kita tidak boleh melakukan apa2 untuk unKarpalkan Karpal. Tapi kepada saya ini tidak menjadi masaalah seperti yang mahu digambarkan oleh UMNO dan mungkin mempengaruhi sesetengah penyokomg PAS.
Kepada saya pendirian peribadi Karpal tidak material kepada cita2 politik Islam PAS. Pernahkah kita bayangkan- jika suatu referendum dibuat sama ada rakyat mahukan sebuah negara Islam atau tidak, tiba2 70% dari penduduk negara mahukan negara Islam- apa yang DAP atau Karpal boleh buat untuk menyekat kemahuan rakyat itu?
Kehendak majoriti akan dijadikan panduan berkerajaan dan kehendak golongan 30% tetap mendapat perakuan dan tempat dalam kerajaan majority. Dan kita mesti percaya bahawa referendum tersebut akan hanya menjadi reality jika sebahagian besar rakyat meyakini perjuangan PAS. Ertinya, mestilah terlebih dahulu PAS sudah melaksanakan agenda islam nya sehingga rakyat sudah sedia meyakini politik PAS. Jika belum yakin, maka agenda PAS belum lagi akan dapat dicapai. Kejayaan agenda politik PAS tidak bergantung kepada sama ada DAP atau UMNO atau PKR atau MCA setuju atau tidak. Bukan begitu?
Dan oleh kerana PAS misalnya beroperasi atas nlai2 keagamaan, golongan minority tidak akan dianiayai dan dipaksa. Jika berlaku penganiayaan dan pemaksaan, PAS- sama ada ianya mengaku mempunyai talian terus dengan Kuasa Tinggi, boleh jamin masuk syurga atau neraka  , akan ditolak oleh rakyat.

KeMelayuan PAS. 
Tanpa bercakap dengan UMNO pun- PAS tetap mengekalkan watak Melayu nya. maka PAS tidak memerlukan UMNO untuk mengesahkan perwatakan Melayu nya. bahkan, PAS boleh menjadi pilihan alternative kepada UMNO sebagai tempat bergantung bangsa Melayu. PAS mesti berkerja untuk mengganti UMNO bukan menyerupai UMNO. 
PAS- Parti Islam SeMalaysia ( Pa Alif Sin) – itu pasal P-A-S,  adalah sebuah rakan penting dalam gabungan Pakatan Rakyat. Ia mempunyai struktur kepimpinan yang unik. Berbeza dengan parti politik lain, ia mempunyai Dewan Ulama. Seperti nama nya, bahagian kepimpinan ini dianggotai oleh tokoh ulamak yang berpendidikan ugama secara formal. Mereka membentuk dasar dan hala tuju perjuangan PAS sesuai dengan dasar perjuangan sebuah parti yang mahu menegakkan politik Islam. Dalam perkataan mudah, Dewan Ulamak PAS menentukan ‘halal’ dan ‘haram’ politik PAS. 
Dewan Uamak juga berfungsi sebagai memperakui langkah2 stratejik untuk matlamat politik PAS keseluruhan nya. dan salah satu langkah stratejik nya ialah mempunyai  tokoh2 kepimpinan yang berkapasiti mengidentitikan PAS sebagai sebuah parti yang inklusif.
Itu sebab PAS ada tokoh2 seperti Mat Sabu, Dr Zulkifli, Husam Musa, Khalid Samad, Dr Mariah Mahmud, Dr Hatta Ramli, Mahfuz Omar, Sallehudin Ayub dan lain lain lagi. Jangan kita silap, keinginan Islam dalam hati mereka ini tidak kurang dari tokoh2 ulamak dalam parti tersebut- beza nya ialah pendekatan yang mereka ambil dan ketrampilan peribadi. Dan perakuan yang diambil oleh PAS dimana dasar nya dibentuk oleh Dewan Ulamak, ialah menyifatkan langkah  statejik bersama dengan PR sebagai tahaluf siasi yakni kerjasama dengan parti2 politik lain yang berbeza dasar perjuangan mereka.
Sebagai seorang Muslim dalam DAP, kepentingan saya ialah melihat parti Islam ini mengekalkan tahaluf siasi nya untuk memperlihatkan bahawa PAS komited kepada menubuhkan sebuah masyarakat dan negara yang inklusif.  Dan dalam komitmen tersebut, jangan kita digelincirkan dengan isiu2 yang membezakan. Kita focus kepada isiu2 yang menyamakan.
Kepada saya, konsentrasi kepada hudud misalnya, tidak adil untuk menilai PAS- hidup mati PAS bukan terletak atas hukum hudud yang digunakan oleh parti lawan untuk menakutkan rakyat. Kepada saya, relevens PAS kepada seluruh umat Islam di Malaysia terletak bukan kepada soal2 teknikal tapi pada keseluruhan flavour politik ynag dibawa mereka. Cukup kepada orang Islam Malaysia , PAS melaksnakan flavour politik Islam. Sebagai contoh, pentadbiran secara Islam yang dilaksanakan di Kelantan lebih ummatan wasatha dari pengsitiharan kosong UMNO. Yang lebih penting ialah dalam interaksi kerajaan dengan rakyat, interaksi tersebut disulami dengan nilai2 Islam dan nilai2 Islam ini dibentuk oleh Dewan Ulamak.
Golongan ynag bukan ada pendidikan Islam secara formal, tapi dari segi pengkhayatan dan cita2 politik nya Islam juga penting kepada PAS sebagai penterjemah falsafah perjuangan PAS. Golongan ini penting dari sudut stratejik untuk PAS menonjolkan diri nya sebagai serasi dengan aliran kebiasaan dalaman negara ini. Cabaran kepada PAS ialah bukan menunjukkan diri nya doctrinaire- keujudan dewan ulamak sudah membuktikan perkara tersebut. Cabaran kepada PAS ialah bagaimana menjadikan diri nya selesa dengan rakyat terbanyak. Dan rakyat selesa dengan perwatakan bersahaja golongan yang disebut sebagai golongan moderates.
Jika PAS membuang golongan penterjemah wawasan politik golongan agamawan, PAS akan kehilangan saliran atau channel menunjangkan parti itu dengan common mainstream. PAS memerlukan golongan ini sebagai saluran komunikasi untuk meletakkan PAS sebagai sebah parti releven dengan citarasa kebiasaan.
Kepada saya, menginginkan suatu gerakan yang formal, theocratic dan doctrinaire sebagai tanda komitmen mengekalkan kesucian agenda Islam adalah lagkah yang merugikan untuk wawasan jangka panjang. Yang lebih penting kepada saya ialah menyerapkan nilai Islam dalam barisan depan yang akan menunjangi PAS dalam fikiran dan hati rakyat.
Dan PAS kena berdepan dan handle reality social- iaitu reality social negara kita ini menginginkan normality dan keserasian. Jika PAS menonjolkan diri sebagai sebuah parti theocratic yang technical, saya khuatir ini akan menjauhkan rakyat yang menganut citarasa normal atau kebiasaan.


  1. Well, hopefully the rakyat understand that the reason Karpal Singh is against HUDUD or an Islamic nation, is not about Islam itself but more importantly pointing out that OUR constitution IS SECULAR in form and spirit (which by the way, is what UMNO agreed upon with its British masters to secure independent).

    In Karpal's mind, without actually throwing out our existing constitution, Malaysia CANNOT BE an Islamic state with AlQuran becoming the law of the land. Karpal's as a non muslim sees his viewpoint is reasonable because Malaysia is SECULAR and it's creation specifically does not include a theocratic constitution be it Islam, Christian, Hindu or Buddhist. A secular state prohibit religion, any religion for that matter becoming the basis of the state constitution.

    UMNO had agreed upon this and so does its "Perikatan" partners. So in fact, Karpal is JUST stating the obvious which UMNO now is trying to use to confuse the Malays and conned them once again about UMNO "Islamic" credential. UMNO which is losing its credibility as "The Champion of Malays" is working hard to deceive the people that they need to rely on UMNO to safeguard Islam. UMNO has to do this to regain its lost support from the Malays and the one obstacle it faces in using this tactic is PAS Islamic credential.

    So, in order to pull down PAS from its Islamic high ground, UMNO is trying to confuse the Malays about the core of PAS struggles and the reason for its political relationship with DAP, in PR. Karpal's mindless remark about PAS using religion as a tool of politic might have worked well in the time of TDM (when the only channel of information and knowledge available to the masses were newspapers and RTM) but now, Internet has leveled the playing field and UMNO obfuscation and misinformation of issues does not work wonders anymore.

    We, Malays should do well to remember that although PAS and DAP are working together politically, both have their own vision about the future of this nation. Having said that, even though both PAS and DAP have different vision about Malaysia, their relationship in PR has a single purpose which is to uphold the rule of law and justice to ALL Malaysian.

    Compare that to UMNO (and BN,) it's a no brainer. So, just let DAP and PAS work things our and try to understand that in a democratic nation, everyone has the right to disagree without losing their citizenship (which by the way what UMNO is insisting upon to anyone who disagrees with their wrong doing and mismanagement). Remember that and we can live in relative peace and prosperity but with one caveat...UMNO is no longer the government and Ministers with the caliber of a domestic samseng is no longer tolerated.


  2. Pendirian Dewan Ulamak kadang kala menyebabkn penyokong PAS keliru. Ini termasuk jugak mereka yg atas pagar. Jentera umno spt utusan, tv, bloger upahan dll mengambil peluang & kesempatan utk mengelirukan keadaan & ini merugikan PAS terutama di saat2 mengundi. Umno pandai menangguk di air kroh. Umpannya mengena walaupun air sungai deras. Umno pandai memakai umpan utk memancing walaupun pakai taik, usus lembu & mcm2..

  3. PAS mesti punya barisan kepimpinan yg menyerlah, cerdik & tangkas utk menyakinkan penyokong & menguatkan pengaruhnya. Mana2 pemimpin yg ada kontroversi, patut undur diri cepat. Jgn jadi mcm umno. Dah bertimbun harta pun masih tamak & berebut pegang kuasa..

  4. Walau siapa pun pemimpin PAS yg dipilih nanti, mereka ini perlu menyusun & merancang strategy dari skrg. Kena pantas & cepat atur langkah. UMNO memelihara 54 kawsan Parlimen FELDA & menjagai Sabah Sarawak. UMNO memang ada jentera media yg kuat. Akhbar Harakah kena berubah wajah. Perlu ada pengulas & penulis yg bagus memahami isu2 peneroka & felda.
    Lihat Utusan mengedar sisipan akhbar kepada para peneroka setiap bulan. Itu belum lagi keluaran khas & akhbar2 kroni UMNO yg diupah menyerap minda & mempengaruhi masyrakat peneroka. Berjuta2 dibelanjakn utk edaran akhbar & risalah ini. Sbb itu Utusan boleh bernyawa walaupun edarannya jatuh menjunam. Sedihnya, peneroka sendiri tak sedar kos akhbar risalah ini ditanggong oleh peneroka!!!
    Walaupun jarang2 mengikuti ceramah pemimpin PAS, style jugak kena ubah. Buang lah tabiat memekik, menjerit & memaki hamun jika ada. Seekor kerbau membawa lumpur akan terpalit jua kpd yg lain. Sbbnya, UMNO pandai membelit berita. Lihat berita yg tersiar di TV3 semlam kisah MPKJ merobohkan gerai Melayu & pemimpin UMNO dilihat seolah2 mempertahankn kedaulatan peniaga Melayu....konon la...!!
    Tahniah kpd pemimpin PAS yg tak pernah kenal penat atas dasar perjuangan. Memetik kata2 Raja Muda Perak, PAS melalui pahit maung...jatuh bangun...dari organisasi yg daif, berteduh di bwah madarasah buruk.berbekal mesin taip usang....akhirnya muncul kabilah politik yg menguasai teknologi zaman...akhirnya muncul ramai professional dlm pimpinan PAS.....
    PAS patut merenung sejenak & menghalusi pandangan bernas dari istana. PAS patut membetulkan segala kelemahan & membuat forensic ke atas pemimpin yg 'dijangkiti penyakit'. Semoga PAS mengambil iktibar di atas kekalahan dlm PRU lalu..

  5. Nick,
    I fully agree and I am not apologetic to say this that every human being with a brain including muslims must realise that secularism provides a neutral platform that protects everybody including the muslims themselves. Else you wanna live under God as your ruler just as Jews during the times of the Judges.
    DAP is pursuing democratic socialist society based on social justice, equality & fairness. Islam or christian society is socialist style of living

  6. Ada 3 perkara utama jika PAS ingin terus mendapat tempat dalam hati pengundi bukan-Islam
    1. PAS FOR ALL - bukan sekadar retorik tetapi dalam pelaksanaan dasar
    2. Bersifat inclusive, iaitu keupayaan menerima pandangan yang BUKAN sehaluan dengan PAS
    3. PAS JANGAN jadi UMNO

  7. What the ordinary people want is good and responsible political leadership in the best interest of the country as a whole.

    To majority of them, it has never about race or religion....but the decades of narrow, divisive and damaging politics of race and religion by incompetent and self serving politicians had done enormous damage with no assurance it will recover.

    The present toxic political environment will destroy the country.

  8. Jika Komunis ada Komunisnomik nya, Islam PAS perlu ada Islamnomicsnya.!!!
    Mana dia Islamnomics, ekonomi tanpa riba PAS.???

    Apa guna Islamik State jika maseh amal ekonomi riba.???
    Muslim masrh kafir dan masuk neraka jika Islamik State amal ekonomi riba.!!!
    Boleh faham ke Pimpinan Ulamak PAS ni.???
    Eh Inchik Sak tak tulis hal Islamnomics ke.???

  9. Sangat setuju dengan artikel ini . Umno menyokong golongan agamawan membolot semua jawatan .tujuannya satu sahaja ...golongan ini senang dimanipulasi kerana mereka tidak hidup dalam dunia realiti malaysia. Ramai yang bersekolah di sekolah agama rakyat ..semua orang pas.. universiti ..fakulti islam semua orang agama atau ke mesir ,syiria yang juga semua orang islam.. balik jadi penceramah bebas atau buka tahfiz atau mengajar disekolah agama rakyat yang sama ..tidak bergaul dengan orang lain . Jadi tidak belajar berkompromi.. tidak berfikir,tapi hanya menggunakan hujah yang guru guru mereka ajar sahaja.Gagal menghayati sunnah rasullulah..dalam dunia yang berubah hari ini. Mana ada kepimpinan ulamak. Ulamak nasihat umarak . Jika ulamak jadi umarak, siapa nak nasihatlagi dia.apa takrif ulamak ada pendidikan formal agama atau BA. Kalau begitu ulama besar dulu tahun 1700 dan 1800 seperti tok kenali, tok wi perak ,macam mana tiada BA.Mereka dididik ulamak sebagai guru mereka. Kalau begitu adakah husam yang dididik tok guru Nik Aziz guna sepatutnya ulama.rasullulah s.a.w bersabda pada haji widak semua ornag islam sama kecuali takwa.. iaitu takut kepada allah. Jadi bukan B.A . Buktikan kehebatan dalam ketakwaan bukan B.A. kalau nak tau sapa hebat buat exam hal agama . Belum tentu abang mat sabu kalah dengan amar. Test kuiz agama antara husam dan idris .belum pasti idris menang.B.A bukan penentu ilmu agama

  10. Setuju pda anunomous,tambah sikit..pemimpin pas mesti kena ingat bahawa kejayaan pas hingga ke tahap ini,bukan kerana jasa ulama'2 dan ustaz2nya.

  11. 1/2

    Naturally Universal

    Islamic values in governance are universal in nature and these can be esteemed by Muslims and non-Muslims. UMNO is now worried that gradually more and more non-Muslims will opt for these values that have been propped up by PAS thereby giving their support to PR.

    UMNO is even more nervous now that PAS is pushing for a “clean” government based on Islamic principles. It’s the “integrity and overseeing social justice in governance” which was always an integral part of the syariah, which UMNO has ignored thus far that PAS is propagating for the betterment of the rakyat. This option PAS has is going to be more lethal to UMNO than the much publicized hudud issue.

    The country is now under escalating crime rates, rampant corruption, nepotism, cronyism, racial tension, economic manipulation and monopolised by the selected few, religious disharmony and uncontrolled abuse of power but the UMNO-led government has failed to overcome these maladies.

    Islamic values by right should be the common factor for these two parties as both being dominated by Muslims but when it comes to “clean” and “trustworthy”, UMNO-led government, be it federal or states, the report card shows too many red marks.

    Even with so much constraints faced by PAS-led state of Kelantan, it leaders have managed to steer the state out of the encumbrances created by the federal government led by UMNO and has proven to the rakyat that it can govern a state well when given the chance.

    Seeing the success of PAS practicing the values of Islam, UMNO and its supporters are mocking PAS stand on Islamic matters to gain some political mileage. It’s so pathetic that religion has become the point of contention in UMNO’s approach to politics.

  12. 2/2
    Out of desperation, even when MCA is vocal about hudud UMNO is using DAP as the bogeyman to confuse the Muslims. Anti-hudud statements have been persistently echoed by MCA but UMNO seems to be quiet. This must be political hypocrisy of the highest degree portrayed by UMNO.

    UMNO has not defined what hudud ala UMNO is or what Islamic State ala UMNO means. Neither has UMNO made known to the rakyat what hudud sebenar (real hudud) is or what Negara Islam sebenar (real Islamic state) means. But UMNO keeps on attacking PAS with terms like hudud ala PAS and Negara Islam ala PAS. This modus operandi has become a cliché in UMNO even when most rakyat and Muslims are not convinced with UMNO’s stand and they generally perceive UMNO leaders as hypocrite, trying hard to be evasive when it comes to Islam and its relevance in society.

    Instead of sincerely telling the non-Muslims the good side of Islam UMNO prefers to manipulate Islam to score some brownie points in politics. This political ploy could have worked before 2008 but not today. PAS has a noble vision beyond that of hudud which is infusing the Islamic values among Msian leaders for better governance of the nation.

    PAS of today and never was, a party for the fanatics or extremists. PAS has a pool of professionals who are progressive Muslims. Among them are professors, engineers, doctors, architects, lawyers, accountants, corporate figures and high-position retired government servants who have faith in PAS as a moderate Islamic party.

    What’s more crucial is, PAS struggles within the democratic framework and is willing to work peacefully with the non-Muslims for a good cause. It has won, lost and then won back Kelantan in this democratic process and has never used force to get back into power.

    PAS also has proven itself to be a moderate Islamic party because throughout Msia history, except for trivial issues, they have not offended the non-Muslims in any big way, unlike UMNO in the past. For this record, PAS is a more tolerant party than UMNO. Furthermore, after seeing the rakyat living in peace and harmony in Kelantan and Kedah under PAS, non-Muslims should have no more qualms about backing PR.



  13. Looes74,

    I may not fully agree with you but I do respect your view that secularism is able to provide a neutral platform that in turn will protect everybody including Muslims. That's the VERY advantages of a democracy, true democracy. It validates the view of every single person BUT only when a specific view enjoy the support of the majority then that view is recognized as the overriding view that encompass the society. In other word, anything with a majority support becomes the leader of that society be it an idea, a person or type of government.

    And that is what the REAL issue is all about. Karpal is just saying that Malaysian democracy has a constitution that is SECULAR. PAS is saying that if they are able to convince the majority of the people that Islamic based laws is much better than colonial written laws then they would want to use it.

    It all about what the majority of the people wants. If the Majority of Malaysian doesn't want Islamic law then it cannot be implemented and IF the majority of the people wants the Islamic based law to replace the laws the British created for us then no one can stop it.

    It all about who has the support of the majority and that is what democracy is about and that is what Karpal is fighting for and also what PAS is fighting for. It is not an act of coercion or terror that Karpal or PAS or PR is advocating. It's DEMOCRACY and that is what UMNO is trying to obfuscate.

    And that is something UMNO excel at. They have done it to our history (claiming they were the only one fighting for independence), done it to our democracy (winner have the right to discriminate and alienate opposition) and they are trying to do with our society (different religion and race cannot live together in harmony).

    UMNO is a party of hypocrites and deceivers. And they thrive when the people are misinformed or confused or politically illiterate. It is our job to stop their dirty work by kicking them out of govt in the next GE! Otherwise we will not prosper or have a future!


  14. I've always wondered how our country and society would have been if we had continued on our natural course of common humanity.

    The key issue of economic disparity would sooner or later have had to be addressed with a series of programs targeting poverty abatement and opportunity creation but without assignation to race.

    The issue of moral obligations defined by individual religions would not have risen because to each his own without any choice-enforced compulsion.

    We would have become a happier and more honest family of friends living together without mistrust and antagonism in a more open and mentally progressive society which can learn from its mistakes by getting more opportunities to apply the respective faiths in real-life settings. We would have become more resilient materially and therefore trigger the need to be more agile spiritually.

    The coup d'etat of May 13 changed everything. From that point onwards, generation after generation of misfits with the same DNA of using race and religion to divide our rakyat seized and held onto the command post of this nation in order to protect their personal interests propped by power until even institutions of the rakyat remitted to uphold integrity, governance, justice and fairness to all have been subverted.

    Today the rakyat of Malaysia are divided into two: those who bully and those who are bullied, those who blackmail and those who are blackmailed, those who cheat and those who are cheated.

  15. 1/2

    “PAS has a pool of professionals who are progressive Muslims. Among them are professors, engineers, doctors, architects, lawyers, accountants, corporate figures and high-position retired government servants who have faith in PAS as a moderate Islamic party.

    What’s more crucial is, PAS struggles within the democratic framework and is willing to work peacefully with the non-Muslims for a good cause. It has won, lost and then won back Kelantan in this democratic process and has never used force to get back into power.” CQ

    I must say that two of my relatives often rave about the medical care, attentiveness and truly sincere pleasantness which they receive on a regular basis from a lady consultant attached to a government clinic. That consistency leaves a lasting impression on them to ask the good consultant what made her above the norm, we Malays.

    Bridging CQ’s comment above and Nick’s to Looes74’s thoughts, “ Nick, I fully agree and I am not apologetic to say this that every human being with a brain including Muslims must realize that secularism provides a neutral platform that protects everybody including the Muslims themselves. DAP is pursuing democratic socialist society based on social justice, equality & fairness. Islam or Christian society is socialist style of living. ”

    and Anon 10 Nov 13:08 “ What the ordinary people want is good and responsible political leadership in the best interest of the country as a whole. To majority of them, it has never about race or religion....but the decades of narrow, divisive and damaging politics of race and religion by incompetent and self-serving politicians have done enormous damage with no assurance it will recover. The present toxic political environment will destroy the country. ”

  16. If we sit back and tunnel through the litany of policies applied all these years back, we can see one assumption being applied, namely safety in numbers so that it is believed what works for the majority should ultimately work for all.

    In order for this to be true, we must first determine what is the majority. Is it the ten percent raking up mischief magnified by a mainstream media working without professional conscience under the dictate of their mischief leaders?

    Or is it the ninety percent silent remainder, citizens and voters who have seen through the lies and pretensions, and intuited the bad state of affairs as much as they can from using their own critical thinking and limited time, limited because their time and energy are more devoted to supporting their daily grind in honest living?

    If there is a ring of truth in this description of the present set-up, then no one can fail to see how tragic everything is which has befallen all.

    Namely, all the mess are created by just a few who continue to do so year after year because they know they can get away with it and because they know they have much to lose personally if their gravy train has to stop at the next junction.

  17. 2/3

    Hence beginning with and concluding the above thoughts with D'Artag..’s, “ I've always wondered how our country and society would have been if we had continued on our natural course of common humanity.

    The key issue of economic disparity would sooner or later have had to be addressed with a series of programs targeting poverty abatement and opportunity creation but without assignation to race. The issue of moral obligations defined by individual religions would not have risen because to each his own without any choice-enforced compulsion.

    We would have become a happier and more honest family of friends living together without mistrust and antagonism in a more open and mentally progressive society which can learn from its mistakes by getting more opportunities to apply the respective faiths in real-life settings. We would have become more resilient materially and therefore trigger the need to be more agile spiritually." Walla.

    Navigating from the above, Please Pakatan leaders, any of the opposition hardliners should listen hard to the voices of bloggers, activists deep with convictions that the ordinary citizens deserve everything more than the present UMNO - BN led regime. Be more tenacious to be united, defocus on the systematic racial and religion contentions propped up by UMNO - BN regime, engage more with Sabah and Sabah, work so much harder simultaneously, on the goodness and similarities to subside the divisiveness among the communities to birth forth a renewed and reenergized Malaysia with great blessings of goodwill for all Rakyat Malaysia in every field.

  18. 3/3

    The time for measureable transparent and equal transformations in all fields has started ticking since GE 13. UMNO - BN leaders have decisively chose not to unlearn the oppression of poverty which triggered the coup d’état of May 13, the Operasi Lalang and the many incidences of injustice and hardships in the nation. 40 percent of our Rakyat still live in dire needs, the rank and file of our kakitangan kerajaan and the middle income earners in the private might slide into near poverty.

    In the meantime, Pakatan leaders, their community’s leaders and representatives need to work harder and in transparency on creating massive businesses for the private sector to expand their markets locally and globally for Malaysians first. With extensive and successful businesses, the SMEs will be able to create additional works for Malaysians to earn extra income thereby many can earn the minimal wages of RM1,500 per month.
    How can this category of employees survive with such a meager income in the cities? It is sheer brutality.

    Also it is high time for Korean restaurateurs and shopkeepers to employ 70 percent Malaysian women folks as their staff, say part-time, daily with good wages ( minimum RM 25 an hour, 3 hours min ) with a free meal. And the rest foreign workers. A quick simple lunch for two normally would cost me between RM 35 to RM 50.

    Perhaps, our sense of humor will become edgier if have we question over teh with halia ( with the exceptions ) espresso or three layered coffee, that as the majority in the agama which accentuates on compassion, keadilan, kesederhanaan hidup, etc, too massive a number still fail to bring an inclusive social- economic - political transformations to treat fellow Malaysians as commanded - Just, with honesty and equality ?Perhaps conviction at both personal and community level is seriously required.

    In any faith, it is the ways how its believers conduct their daily lives like an open good book that will inspire hopes, goodness and meaningful relationships in the big family as espounded by Donplaypuks ( must be busy making big bucks plugging in the decimal points and zeros ) without a doubt, yes ?

    YBerkhidmat Dato Sak, great discussions on board, where are the fair ladies like Elizabeth; others like Sumpitan Emas, Dr. Phua, Bruuno, lari.. jogging kah ? Great, new and loyal (royal ) commentators are on board. If we can get along discussing issues so well here, then elsewhere, on the ground, there are hopes for the betterment of our nation.

    It is one's decisive and a better option, tak tau ? how is it not impossible ?

  19. Let us trace that assumption all the way back to its root. Where does it stop? It stops at the word 'official'. We have official race, official religion, and official language and culture, what more official government and administration. We have even made it a profession for that matter a burning platform out of being officious about applying that brand of officialdom.

    But what is official and officious for Malaysia need not be good for Malaysians in a world that today has no borders, no limits, no assumptions.

    Those two things of official and officious are only perceived to be convenient mind-bending tools in the hands of politicians and their puppets who want to maintain the status quo that they have foisted onto the real majority in order to maintain their own power structure by which they draw personal strength and justification for their own listless lives.

    For, if you put them under any candid limelight, none has done or contributed any real idea, performance or result that has been sustainably positive onto the majority they have defined for themselves, let alone the real majority that continues to labor under the yoke of their mischief.

    So that once the word 'official' is removed, the space inside the mind expands until the apparently big mountains we have been made to imagine everyday shrink in reality to the molehills we can surmount using the innate intelligence and goodwill we already know we have inside us.

    What is the point of saying the Malay or the Muslim or the National Language or the Malay culture is the official thing of this country that must be supported and defended when so far all that we have seen are cost overruns, racial divisiveness, bad feelings, jagged mistrust, distorted ideals, broken laws and regulations, and indifferent performance as a certifiable integrated result of the whole sham show?

    If we continue to be officially mono-racial or mono-religious in our officialdom, we will only be reckless in preparing one and all for the future of a world that will be more challenging and complex for the variegated choices at its disposal but beyond our means from following a path that all know leads nowhere.

  20. Doubtless some will label that too liberal for their conservatism which means they will only care to maintain state status quo even if that means they will have to conveniently overlook the unexplainable and inexcusable corruption and injustice so as to safeguard their way of life made officially preeminent by a federal institution appointed without real approval under any democracy of worth.

    If this is not burying personal conscience, what is it?

    Yet equally doubtless bad things have been happening with unfailing regularity. Take corruption. Billions siphoned from public funds re-anointed as personal-to-holder political largesse.

    People who want to maintain the status quo should ask themselves how does allowing that to continue serve the way of life they want to maintain not just for themselves today but also for their children into the future who will be falling under the yoke of a national debt that no longer can be serviced because all that can be done now is to make a show of trying to pay off the interest on the principal borrowed. And that by taxing the same rakyat who have suffered from the same siphoning.

    Ridiculously bermunafiq, no?

    And there are also bad things done that tar the real essence of religions as well. For instance, what exactly were those school heads thinking when they decided to spill ceremonial blood and gore in plain view of impressionable young minds, or consign the young ones to eat in bidet-rooms, or publicly ask them to leave the country? Do educationists also suffer from bipolar syndrome these days? Is it because they are overworked trying to grapple with inane and hoodwinking changes in education policies or is it because they have already expended all their spiritual energy sucking up for favors that it must be renewed at the expense of those of their charges who so happen not to have been born in their favored mode?

    And yet they are supported in all but name by the officials to whom they report who are supposed to render integrity, fairness and focus on real education to make good minds for the betterment of this nation. So much for officialdom, no?

  21. So where does all that leave the rakyat? A present leadership unsalacious in reputation and only good for speechless speecification of hypocrisy where what they say with utmost ardor depends on where they are saying it and to whom they are saying it to, contradictions notwithstanding.

    If by this form of national management it suffices to lead a multiracial and multilateral nation to wawasan 2020, why not fold up the mega-billions in budget allocated for the department and just ask a speechwriter to hold the mike? Much cheaper, to boot. Certainly cheaper than putting up a toothless nine hundred million a year MACC that has only recaptured twenty one million in stolen public funds.

    Rakyat of Malaysia, please expire, for we have become a nation stupid beyond disbelief and hypocritical at every opportunity, duds in our dreams, powerless against the onslaught of mad racism officialized as racialism just to protect a syndicate of political cronies not even good as fertilizers. Too much fat.

    The real rakyat want immediate positive results because they already know hands are held back to let culprits get away. It has become a government versus the rakyat. It has become in-your-face i-will-do.

    The rakyat don't care whether the solution is shaken or stirred. They don't care whether the cat is black or white. But they do hope it will be a lion that will finally topple the pretentious leopard that cannot and will not change its spots.

    Do or doom. Decide or die.

    Think of the children here and those who have some dwindling wish to come back.

    Where else but here is home for all?

  22. Many thanks, Anon 15:16,

    You've been giving me hope where all was almost lost.

    (remove 'un'-......... in last segment).

  23. Salam Dato'

    Artikel yg di tunggu-tunggu untuk pencerahan semua.

    Zailan, btp

  24. Dear Walla,
    The pleasure is mine. There are fresh hopes, great wonders and all good possibilities, just walk ahead as well as beside us thru your stunning talents which the Almighty graciously allows, me specifically to read and ponder in humility. Each one here has that similar true voice in the human spirit about the Right things to do and adverse graft, wastage, injustice and divisness, excesses... in beautifully crafted writing :)

    Please do enjoy your regular teh halia, brisk walking, might want to google the young foreign talent who loves Malaysia - he drew the boy on the old bike mural in Penang ( he drew another mural in Johor recently, hope many will take one step back, be mature and real kind to a young good kid, and not hurt his young heart. Perhaps you will enjoy viewing visuals of nature or how the tom cat mural plays hide and seek like Najib; or listen to many fresh inspiring songs on Youtube. Thank YOU.

    btw, your fresh smart stunning avatar beats mona lisa and definitely the k pops. I often look at her. Shh it's P&C. Aib.

  25. سومڤيتن امس12 November 2013 at 09:09

    Anon 01:26:
    What else can I add to thank Walla for his erudite expositions, not once, but all the time, when you have put it so well in three short paras.

    Thank you Dato Sak for hosting this blog to allow space for those who have remained voiceless until the arrival of, what I ventured many months ago, the Fifth Estate.

    Stay on course everyone, not just to ensure that, 'the best is yet to come', but that the best from the other side of the divide may galvanize those in Putrajaya to action to bring back all the good that we have lost since politics became effectively a means to earn a living - a deliberate choice to enrich oneself the fastest way possible, and not a means to put one's grand vision of spreading national wealth to the biggest number practicable.

    Therein lies the basic difference between PAS and BN. PAS has always consistently stood for fair and equitable distribution of national wealth with no need for catchy phrases to whip up momentary emotion and often times with a literally free lunch to boot.

    I am rereading what Walla and a few others have written in this particular post - I need quieter moments to let the ideas and thoughts to sink in this time.

    To Nick, Q.D. and all those who who have written in anonymously and have argued so well, thank you all.

    Anon 15:54: tak boleh jogging lagi, jari tangan pun kaku dan sakit. Thanks for the reminder warga setia!


  26. QD tulis sebagai anon ? saya pun nak minta minta kerana bersikap terlalu tegas … di masa lepas awak selalu menyebut nama2 tertentu sedangkan rakyat biasa nak bayar bil pun susah. Sebagai baby junior, awak sering diberi pujian yg bukan2. Ingat dah menimbang cahaya mata…. sibuk membantu isteri menjaga anak, kalau dah, baguslah, Tahniah. Bila lagi nak mula menulis dlm identiti avatar ? Uncle Sak awak mesti gembira. Nanti saya kirimkan e – Eng dictionary dari Toys R Us or US. Masih susah nak adjust dari regular time zone di perantauan..
