Monday 29 July 2013

Apa dia Dilema UMNO?

Nampaknya ramai pembaca tidak dapat membezakan antara sokongan kepada pimpinan UMNO dengan sokongan terhadap idea menjuarai kepentingan orang Melayu. Inilah masaalah pokok nya. Walhal, ianya dua perkara berbeza. Mempertahankan kepimpinan UMNO tidak sama dengan mempertahan idea menjuarai kepentingan orang Melayu. Idea atau konsep memperjuangkan kepentingan Melayu adalah hak semua orang Melayu. Dan idea itu bukan hak milik persendirian dan mutlak pimpinan dan ahli UMNO sahaja.ianya boleh disebut, suarakan dan dilaksanakan oleh semua orang Melayu.
Melayu UMNO tidaklah ada kelebihan daripada Melayu bukan-UMNO. Kebetulan mereka berada dalam UMNO yang mempunyai ahli seramai 3.4juta diseluruh negara. Mungkin ini yang memberi perasaan angkuh kepada ahli UMNO bahawa mereka sahaja yang berhak bercakap untuk kepentingan Melayu. Jika dalam PRU13 lalu, calun2 UMNO secara direct mendapat 3.4juta undi secara keseluruhan, ini baru sama dengan jumlah ahli nya. Ertinya, UMNO tidak mendapat sokongan dari rakyat yang melata. Dalam PRU lalu, jumlah orang Melayu yang keluar mengundi ialah 7.3 juta. Bermakna, kita boleh bercakap bagi pihak 3.9 juta Melayu yang tidak menyokong UMNO.
Mempertahankan pimpinan UMNO adalah kerja orang UMNO. Mempertahankan kepentingan orang Melayu adalah kerja SEMUA orang Melayu. Sementara orang UMNO boleh mempertahankan kepentingan orang Melayu kerana mereka Melayu, kerja dan tanggungawab itu, bukan hak mutlak mereka.
Sebaik sahaja kita faham perbezaan antara dua perkara ini, barulah kita akan faham bahawa berjuang dan bercakap mengenai hal2 yang penting bagi orang Melayu boleh dilakukan dari platform mana2 sahaja dan tidak semestinya UMNO. Jika ahli UMNO merasakan bahawa UMNO merupakan platform yang terbaik, saya tidak ada masaalah dengan pandangan tersebut. Saya hanya ada masaalah dengan pandangan bahawa hanya UMNO sahaja platform untuk menjuarai hal2 yang penting untuk orang Melayu. Fakta nya, UMNO mungkin boleh bercakap bagai 3.4 juta Melayu. Bagi pihak 3.9juta Melayu yang lain bagaimana?
Dalam artikel yang terdahulu, sasaran asas ialah ialah kepimpinan UMNO, bukan parti tersebut. Proposisi saya yang asas ialah kepimpinan yang lemah yang disokong oleh barisan pimpinan yang sepemikiran dengan pemimpin yang lemah, mencederakan kepentingan orang Melayu UMNO. Ini bermakna, Najib dan mereka yang sepemikiran dengan dia, tidak baik untuk orang Melayu UMNO. Mereka akan menyebab orang Melayu menolak UMNO.
Nampaknya ada dua pendekatan mengembalikan keutamaan dan kedahuluan Melayu dalam politik negara. Pertama, golongan yang merasakan kaedah nya ialah dengan meningkatkan right wingism dalam UMNO. Guna cara agresif. UMNO mesti memilih mereka yang lebih Melayu dari orang lain. Pendekatan ini dipelopori oleh the man who can walk on water- Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Itu tesis utama Dr Mahathir dalam artikel nya mengenai dilemma Cina. Dr Mahathir menyebutkan dilemma Cina ialah menimbangkan sama ada mahu mengambil alih kuasa politik dari orang Melayu setelah memiliki kuasa ekonomi.
Dengan sebutan tersebut, orang Melayu berdepan dengan isiu yang sudah dipermudahakan oleh Dr Mahathir- siapa yang berani dan lebih Melayu? Sesiapa yang mengkaji pemikiran Dr Mahathir mestilah sudah tahu- bahawa cara untuk memahami Dr Mahathir ialah mencari perkara yang tidak dizahirkan oleh Mahathir.  Dan dalam artikel Dilema Cina- perkara yang tidak disebut ialah- kebangkitan Cina mesti di periksa dan diimbangi oleh right wingism Melayu UMNO. Itu sahaja penyelesaian nya. Bukan cara lembik dan berkompromi sana sini seperti yang dilakukan oleh Najib.
Dengan melakukan demikian, Mahathir telah pun meletakkan terms of reference untuk pemilihan UMNO tahun ini. Mesej Mahathir ialah ahli UMNO mesti memilih tokoh UMNO yang kelihatan lebih Melayu dari yang lain. Artikel Mahathir sebetulnya suatu sindiran tajam terhadap kepimpinan Najib.
Siapa lebih Melayu dan pada masa yang sama menimbulkan rasa tenteram dikalangan orang Melayu? Jawab nya Muhyidin. Muhyidin lebih Melayu dari Najib. Maka Muhyidin secara tidak lansung telah mendapat perakuan dari Mahathir. Dan Muhyidin mempunyai sokongan dari Kelantan, Terennganu, Johor, Perak, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, dan Pahang. Dan mungkin secara keseluruhan. Najib pula dilihat sebagai pemimpin yang terhegeh hegeh meraih ehsan dari Cina dan India. Ini pendekatan yang berlawanan dengan pendekatan Mahathir. UMNO yang lemah dibawah pimpinan yang lemah akan memberi konsesi yang berlebihan kepada bangsa lain. Itu mesej Mahathir.
Mungkin orang Melayu masih tidak sedar perkara ini. Kemana Najib mahu bawak kita? Ekonomi kita ada lah contractor –driven. Projek besar semua nya dicadangkan oleh kontraktor dan pihak kerajaan memperakui nya. Apa yang kerajaan miliki ialah kuasa perakuan dan kuasa tersebut dieksploitasi oleh ahli politik dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan untuk mengayakan diri sahaja.
Agenda kerajaan dengan demikian tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah agenda golongan peniaga yang mahu menghimpunkan kuasa ekonomi dan kekayaan dalam tangan mereka. Apa dia ETP jika tidak lain dan tidak bukan himpunan perancangan pihak swasta yang di perakui oleh kerajaan? Dan apa pula GTP- government transformation plan selain daripada menghimpunkan kuasa membuat keputusan dalam tangan oligarki pentadbiran?
Dilemma UMNO pula ialah menimbangkan sama ada mengekal atau menolak Najib yang dilihat sebagai pemimpin yang banyak berkompromi akan kepentingan Melayu. Dr Mahathir sudah pun memberi petunjuk dalam hal ini.


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    For the fastrack of solid benefits for our nation, long delayed

    With the impending World Marketing Summit Malaysia 2013 from Sept 28 -Sept 30 at the Putrajaya International Convention Center, UN secretary general Ban Ki - Moon and his team in the UN high tower must each personally be convicted that they are accountable to fastrack the United Nation's Millennium Development Goals by 2015, no more dilly - dallying with believeable reasonings played out by any irresonsible governments and their parties with vested interests OR the UN need to have a total revamp or a replacement which has young fresh brains from worlwide with content of character, personal experiences of hardship, who have contributed personal voluntary works and have
    convictions to bring fresh hopes and strategies to create maximum meaningful employment, skills training, provide with non collateral loans and transparent opportunities and accountability of starting and propelling businesses and trades to all citizens with either vast experiences and or with talents regardless of race and faith.

    I have written about the contempt of elitism and elitism of a small community in this blog with urgency in the past, alongside other mindful writers. The excerpt below proves other similar thinkers and watchers and i are correct and far- sighted, regardless of age.

    SINGAPORE — Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong said yesterday (July 27) there is a need to guard against elitism because it threatens to divide the inclusive society Singapore is seeking to build. While he said it is natural and commendable for families to give their children a head start, he also cautioned against having a sense of entitlement. Mr Goh sayd : "When society's brightest and most able think that they made good because they are inherently superior and entitled to their success; when they do not credit their good fortune also to birth and circumstance; when economic inequality gives rise to social immobility and a growing social distance between the winners of meritocracy and the masses; and when the winners seek to cement their membership of a social class that is distinct from, exclusive, and not representative of Singapore society — that is elitism." These efforts, Mr Goh said, will ensure Singapore's brand of meritocracy remains compassionate, fair and inclusive -Excerpt from Today, 10 hours ago, July 27, 2013.

    Moving to the next, was there a recommendation that the UN to have absolute impunity and unaccountable to no one ( ? ) the high tendency of committing the tendency comes with absolute power, rather, it should be made accountable to the citizens and the people of the respective nations of contributing members, first.

    Next, the extention of the tenureship of a high rank officer is based on his expertise, his will and his urgency in engaging with the respective governments and the conglomerates to propel them to create massive development of peace, safety, maximum employment and business opportunities and their expansion directly involve the citizens ( regardless of race and religion ) of the respective nation and the host nation first, which in turn create maximum jobs with good wages for other Malaysians, as in this nation.

    The further delay by the UN Sect to fastrack brainstorming for solutions and their superscale transparent implementaion will not augur well with the massive disruptions, maximum unemployment of graduates, the skyrocketing fees for university education, student loan interest, next the youths, next in line, the abled senior citizens, escalating inflations, the restlessness in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Tasmania, the UK, the US, South Africa, Romania, Hongkong ( the huge widening gaps ) the Phillipines, Thailand, etc; the influx of refugees, need urgent attention from truly committed officer bearers who have personally seen and experienced the living condition of the hardcore poor, the unemployed and the " supressed " in the private sector.

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    Killing two birds with a stone, giving a man fish, teaching him how to fish should be strecthed further in 3 - dimensional including providing the tangible transparent opportunity, the space, the safety, the consistent propelling of follow - up and soft- skills training, empowering of women, yes, in many nations, where they are marginalised, but it should be outstrectched by empowering the men from poor income group as well, working side by side.

    Woohoo.... Mr. Philip Kotler and his brainchild, the World Marketing Summit to empower the bottom 8 billion future, I highly recommend it to be incluisve of empowerment of the S &M businessess in the private sector in Malaysia where they can in return create massive sustainable jobs for others in Malaysia. I do hope the distinguished and sincere Prof. Paul Collier is also in the summit. Also, invitation should be extended to our nation's Walla, Sak, Ong Kian Ming, Din Merican and the best representatives of both men and women from the exco of Selangor, Penang and only Najib and KJ without the smirks.

    Moving from that, Mydin Groceria, only 160 stalls ? expand it to 480 stalls, how ? pay me consultation fees ? ( juta - juta RM ); on rotation 3 mths, I month of compulsory respite, so others can trade in the same lot, ( forewarning the loophole of signing up using spouse and relatives' names ) then back to the first traders, absorb the competitors as well to support them tangibly to sell their products, and employ Malaysians to prove that you and your family are genuine Saya Anak Malaysia, again absolute one family for many branches corrupts in the long run, without checks and balances by Pakatan. Is it fifty years consistent investment to upgrade the same business outlets or is it importing cheap labor and providing employment to phantom voters ? May Allah bless you if you and your family are truly committed to Him to be just and honest at all times, or make a deal with Him that you will not see the threshold of heaven, huh ? and not sembah - ing to your clanhead, in providing massive, just and transparent business and meaningful job and just business opportunities to our common Malaysians, first.

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    That aside, Mercato and Cold Storage might want to invite harcore poor farmers to sell their fresh products in the weekends : poultry, seafood and vegetables in their premises, be inclusive, it will make shopping socially supportive.

    Hence, in closing, a respected elderly expert of a ceratin field, explained in the paper, that a good private university is inviting a visiting professor from Harvard to give a talk ( ? ) , hopefully, the professor feels the heartbeats of the commoners in our nation as elitism and entitlement are not to be imparted to the graduates, it is akin to footprints of the tyrants of the past and camouflaged in new suits, elitism is despised in developed nations ( why our elites, anak cucu cicit koncos umpros do not dare to look big headed in the west, why ? will they not look repulsively wealthy ) by savvy people in developed nation, by savvy Malaysians but ten years delayed in Singapore. Maybe certain individuals go beserk proud but it is absolutely hip and so cool to be smart, civil conscious and wanting to make positive contributions to people here. And I know what I am saying, thinking 30 years ahead on these specific issues. South Korea and Singapore will suffer the onslaugth from their elites returning from the league universities with their entitlement, Malaysia, in some ways, but will not, if there is a conscious self awareness and more deep seeing and deep reflection of making life meaningful.

    It was indeed real cool when I witnessed a young Chinese man and a young Malay boy of about 15 of age, the former giving his seat to a makcik, and the latter, to a chinese aunty on the LRT recently. It was absolutely cool, it makes me proud to be Malaysian. Lesser rempits, ah long and gopiwreck, hariyanto gobloks yg suka cari pasal, mamak, bangla but thousands must swell into millions with content of characters in the nation. There are absolute new hopes in the nation, moving fast fast fast .... and enjoying muhibbah friendship, side ways and along the way, abroad and in the nation when possible .... hearing deep. Salam. Terima kasih YB Dato Sak.

  4. YB fokus jer lah dengan masalah dalaman DAP dan pastikan DAP lebih tenang dan rasional bila menghadapai isu melayu. Jangan asyik mengelak mengelak bila bercakap isu hak istimewa orang melayu seperti yang terkandung di dalam perlembagaan. Biarlah orang UMNO buat keje orang UMNO untuk kepentingan orang melayu dan orang melayu seperti YB pula buat keje orang DAP dalam DAP untuk kepentingan orang Melayu.

    Bukan begitu yang sebaik baiknya YB?

  5. Saya setuju sepenuh dengan Dato. Tetapi yang sedihnya masih ramai orang tak sedar lagi betapa korup & hipokrit UMNO sebenarnya.

  6. Dato,di dilema Umno is that they have no clue of any of their problems.

  7. Salam Ramadan Unc

    Please go on thinking your way. Only you and very few Malays think we don't need UMNO. But to majority of us, UMNO is Malay and Malay is UMNO.
    DO you think in all honesty, DAP, Keadilan, MCA, MIC or Gerakan will help the Malays.
    I will be happy if you can cite only one example of DAP having the best interests of the Malays at heart.
    So until that happens, UMNO is still the go to party. Of course I and most Malays don't need UMNO's help nor we seek their help. You know better that Malays have this attitude of malu, takut, rasa rendah diri nak jumpa YBs. They are not so kiasu like the nons.
    Take the issue of so-called rejection of the so-called As Chinese students to University.
    They are many Malays who are not offered places too. Go back to the kampung during the coming Raya and I bet you Ayah Chik Dolah will tell you his son menggangur atau kerja kilang atau jadi mat rempit kerana tak dapat masuk U.
    But the Chinese and Indians they flock to MCA and MIC respesctively.
    I was laughing how come they didnt ask the DAP to help since they voted for the party.
    You rejected the MCA yet toothless that they are without seats in the Cabinet, they are fighting tooth and nail for the Kiasu Chinese.
    Luckily Najib is so kind to even entertain them when by right they do not have a voice in the government. That the Chinese do not want a rep in the government to fight for their interest.
    This is an example of Chinese short-sightness not to vote for a Chinese based party that can be their voice.
    What is so laughable the MCA even had the audacity to demand places in private Us for these students and give them scholarships.
    Undi tak mau, U mau, scholarship mau. Mana ada road tu macam.

  8. Ini dilemma melayu sejagat. Semua melayu mesti bersatu hati. Melayu pas, dap , pkr atau bebas mesti berperanan seperti cina dap,mca,gerakan dan lain nya.

    You see how they retaliate? Sesuatu yang mengusik kepentingan bangsa nya, satu pihak bersuara, pihak ahli-ahli menyokong, satu pihak lain yang pernah bersama kerajaan mengukuhkan kenyataan dan yang lain tunduk akur menyokong sambil membenarkan secara senyap. Dalam peringkat ini tentera siber mereka meroyan memesong, menghentam, menghina dan nembenam kebenaran menjadikan persepsi kebathilan menyemarak kedunguan mengakui serupa benar-benar terjadi!

    Saya faham tuan maksudkan. Ada benar nya dalam dua makna yang berbeza. Itu yang saya komen sebelum ini. Apa yang nenyedihkan? Jika berlainan pendapat dan pandangan, kenapa semua perkara asas yan di makikan dan di hina kepada melayu, tiada langsung bloggers melayu pembankang bersuara? Ambil contoh, orang melempar najis ke dalam rumah kita, tidakkah kita marah? Tidakkah kita bertindak bengis? Tidakkah perbuatan ini salah dari segi undang-undang? Apa lagi jika tetamu yang datang memukul kita dalam kawasan rumah sendiri!

    Tidak salah hendak di pihak mana pun, asalkan kita kenal bangsa, agama, tamaddun dan budaya kita(melayu) Jika Sejarah T.Melayu hendak di padamkan, masihkah kita mesti mendaifkan diri terhadap rakaman fakta? Seterus nya jika bangsa dan agama kita di hina, Rasul kita di nista, tidak kah kita marah dan terkesan di hati?

    Saya tidak pasti jawabannya, kecuali sudah tidak takut lagi dengan laknat Allah SWT..... seperti kisah dalam AlQuran, Allah melaknat mereka yang menyebelahi musuh atau sengaja lari dari medan perang....

    Dilemma cina inginkan kuasa politik dan dilemma melayu kata Tun M - melayu itu mudah lupa,sikap tidak apalah...dan frasa saya maafkan walau leher sudah terkulai tinggal nyawa...
