Tuesday 2 April 2013

Its P080 for me. Raub here we come.

Just a short one. I want to thank all well-wishers who sent in their comments when they heard it officially. I will contest in Raub Pahang as the DAP’s parliamentary candidate. To my detractors and those who opposed, it should be all right for them as I am a nobody and a has been.
It’s not going to be an easy task. If Ng Yen Yen stands again, she is a formidable opponent with vast resources at her command. It will not be easy for me to take on her six RM300, 000 each Facebook site. Plus she can muster all the expensive billboards and electronic advertising gadgetry.  And her Gangnam style moves are hard to beat too.
If her place is taken over by the Pahang MCA chief, I have no ill words for him. He too shall be a good opponent. Let’s do battle as civilized combatants.
I will do my best to win Raub for DAP. And I promise not to cut anyone’s ears even if he dares people to do so.
With support from friends and comrades and the people of Raub, I believe we can take this one. Thank you very much.
Bahasa Melayu.
Hanya suatu catatan rengkas. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada mereka yang telah mengucap tahniah dan selamat maju jaya kepada saya. Saya akan bertanding atas tiket DAP untuk kawasan P080 Parlimen Raub.
Ianya bukan suatu tugasan yang mudah. Jika Dr Ng Yen Yen bertanding semula, dia adalahlah lawan yang hebat dengan sumber2 pertandingan yang tidak terhad. Saya akan berdepan dengan kesukaran berlawan dengan 6 Facebook dia yang bernilai RM300,000 satu. Dia ada facebook system yang bernilai RM1.8 juta! Apatah lagi Yen Yen boleh memanfaatkan billboard elektronik yang mahal dan lain2 alatan. Kemudian, gerak Gangnam dia sukar ditandingi.
Jika tempat dia diganti oleh Pengerusi MCA Pahang- kawan saya, saya tidak ada kata2 kesat untuk dia. Marilah kita bertanding secara beradab.
Saya akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk memenangi kerusi ini bagi DAP dan PR. Dengan sokongan kawan2 dan pengundi, saya yakin kita akan berjaya.
Terima kasih.


  1. All the best Dato' ... btw u managed to confuse us by saying that YB Leong Ngah Ngah would the best candidate for Raub...

    Fellow comrades from Seremban

  2. all the best!

  3. All the best to you, Ini Kali Lah !

  4. dear sak .
    no need to expensive armory...just spread the truth...

  5. Congrats to u, Dato...pls make mca makan telur.

  6. CONGRATS Dato' for being nominated for RAUB.


  7. I pray that you and all PR will win. However, I wish you were standing in Kuantan or Pekan, as you would be the perfect partner to YB Fuziah Salleh regarding the anti Lynas issue.
    May the people in Raub and other parts of the country vote wisely and not be overwhelmed by a few miserable ringgit.

  8. Hope you win Datuk.

  9. You will win.....all the best...

  10. Lol. Not too late to practice the gangnam style. U can do it! All the best. I really wish to donate but this month i a bit tight budget la, plus im from Sabah and got nothing to do with Pahang. But will still try donate if got extra rejeki. Godspeed!

  11. Dato'

    It would be hilarious if common folks who received the BRIM money donates even a fraction of it to PR's candidates...

  12. All the best for the best=you!!!!!! i hope u wll turn this around and bring change and peace to the people of raub and malaysia in particular. Take this as an oppurtunity to introduce goodness and true administrative style in contrst to UMNO/BN's sickening dictatorial way, a style which will only make malaysia a sick and deteriorating country.

    May you be fill with strenght and wisdom to your fight!!!! Many best wishes!!! KK

  13. All the way DAP/Pakatan, great choice, right choice and no better choice than SakmongkolAK47 for Raub, CONGRATS Sak!

    Yeah expose that lying mca corrupt, you can now tell Raub constituents semua dah kena tipu FB is free and don't we all know that? Was she trying to bluff the rural trees?

  14. Dato Sak,

    Congratulations to you for being nominated to contest Raub. We need no nonsense and straight YB's like you to work for the rakyats well being.

  15. We can count on people of Raub to send you to Parliament as their MP .

  16. Assalamualaikum Datuk, InsyaAllah victory will be with you

  17. All the best!

    In PR we trust.


    IM on my way to the bank to do my very small part to ease your burden.
    I will start talking to all my indian friends and foes in raub to vote for you.
    I must say DAP chose the right person to do battle in raub.
    Dont be worried about the talk that the indians are moving back to bn, No way YB Arieff they are going to let you down.
    I equate you to VERA PANDIAN KATAA BOMMAN who fought the odds !!!!!

  19. Once again, Unc Sak, Congrats from the bottom of my heart. I really want to see you as MP and a possible Minister of Finance or Trade/Econs Minister.
    It hurts me that my BFF, Bruno said I have repented and now worming back here. Someone welcomed me as a long-lost relative.
    Bruno, my man, repent for what? I did nothing wrong against Sak. Have always been his cheer-leader.
    It's just that I am unwelcome in his blog.
    I have nothing against him. Only against one person.... and you know who.
    Unc Sak, just swat me like a little fly - a pest but don't declare me persona non grata in your blog.
    You are older than my dad and I am the same age group as your kids. So who am I to fight against you. I have always respect people older than me and that includes everyone here.
    Raub holds a special place in my heart since my great grandpa was once D.O. there. (I have never met him. He died long before I was born). The DO's residence is a beautiful colonial style bungalow perched very high on a hill-top overlooking Raub town padang.
    DAP made the right choice for you as Bentong will be difficult to trounce the Health Miniser.
    It's not easy for you to beat Madame Tai-Tai but you have a fighting chance since she won in 2008 by a rather slim majority. (In the first place, isnt she retiring?).
    But as you know, Raub Malays like other Pahangnite Malays are not racists. They go for party and not the race of the candidate. So Madame can still win comfortably.
    If you are the BN candidate, no question that you will win hands-down.
    I saw her campaign poster in a tudung. She doesn't have to try so hard because Pahangnites are not religiously judgemental.
    I do not like to see you losing to Madame. If you lose against DS Najib, it's something else. You will be long remembered as the giant killer. Alas it is not meant to be that you contest in Pekan.
    Happy for you. But what about Tuan Aspan? Will he be offered a state or Parliament seat? A possible MB if Pakatan wins NS like some predict.
    Like to see him in a one-to-one fight with dinosaur way past expiry date Rais Yatim. (Heard he will be contesting again!).
    Great to see that you and Tengku Zul Raja Puji who is contesting in Mentakab state seat are the Malay face for DAP. Raja Puji from Dong is a well-known figure in Raub.
    Hope Pak Aspan will also be in he fray.
    Zairil does not count as he is not a Malay.

  20. Dato, all the best... I will be sending over some money today.

  21. brother sak, fully support to you...

  22. AsSalam,

    Tahniah Dato' atas penamaan sebagai calon di Parlimen Raub. Semoga dengan usaha keras dan perjuangan yang ikhlas, kejayaanlah yang akan menyusul. Walaupun Dato' berjuang melalui platform DAP, semoga ia sentiasa berpaksikan niat menegakkan kebenaran dijalan yang disebut dalam al-Quran, insyaAllah.


  23. datuk sak, fully support to you..God bless you..

  24. Folks rev up the donations.

    In God we trust to guide PR for always.

    In PR we trust to make our our first step towards Malaysia Raya - not extension of sovereign territory but ushering in the greatest celebration of life for all Malaysians.

    God Bless you and all noble men and women.

  25. Dato'
    Semoga di permudahkan segala urusan. Kalau lawan Yen Yen yang tidak friendly ngan Persatuan Pelancongan Negeri yg bukan bawah BN lagi mudah untuk menang. Ingin menyumbang untuk tabung PRU Dato' harap paparkan no akaun.

  26. Gangnam vs MuaThai. Billboards are only good for publicity. In the ring you just need to hit below the belt.

    All the best..

  27. Pops SWK

    Open your blog NOW. We demand you to write in support of Sakmongkol. No sense of urgency lor you.
    In this hour of need, you went AWOL. Ini ke dikatakan perjuangan?

  28. askm tok...
    selamat maju jaya....
    d raub kita haud kan BE AND...

  29. Dato, tahniah on your nomination. Wish you and DAP all the best in Raub.
    Ng YY may be a formidable incumbent but you can do it AK47Style and send her Down Under!

  30. Dato,

    Best wishes to you. When you are elected the MP for Raub, please show Ng Yen Yen and her MCCA (Mong Cha Cha Association...in Cantonese it means very blur association)how a clean, responsible and competent MP should perform.

  31. This guy didn't say you will have to do the cutting. He said he will cut them off himself. Save you some money on anesthetics. Anyway do tell him my nephew is deep into this thing call 3-D printing - succeeded in producing Dr Spock style - may be they will be better than the original, better to hear the political vibrations from the crowd and will not make anymore outrageous challenges. Will contact my nephew to find out whether they can produce the right skin color for Malaysian clients. He will have the best Hari Raya this year with brand-new radar system.

    Cheers. All the best. Don't worry about the LEDs and billboards.

  32. Dato Sak,
    All these years Raub ppl should be awake from slumber, from the likes of datuk kam, gangsters and nyy. Don't just because of RM50 ang pow will buy our future away.

    Sak, nothing is impossible you can make it.

  33. Work hard to get above 4000 Majority..... Semua lang kat RAUB Sokong DAP kuat luat.....KUBURKAN MCA-BN.

    Barang AKAN NAIK - Gurantee BN!!

    Korrupsi Akan Naik - Gurantee BN!!

    Curi Wang Rakyat Akan Naik - Gurantee BN!!

    Suruh itu Tourism Minister Kalau berani pergi ke Lahat Datu, Tawau cuti dengan keluarga TANPA SELURUH ANGKATAN TENTERA Malaysia Kat Sana. Peperangan Masih berlaku, tapi media masa UMNO-BN-MCA masih kata pengannas, puak bersenjata, Men REMEH-TEMEH kan Satu SITUASI Yang Serius terhapdap Malaysia. Sini Kata Ops Daulat, Daulat siapa...Kroni UMNO-BN atau Rakyat Sabah??

  34. Emer Ahmad Hafizal2 April 2013 at 10:35

    Datuk I know this day would comes. I wish you best of luck. We need reps like you in Parliament. Raub citizen will vote for you, big majority inshaAllah

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Dato,

    Go kick this tourism minister's ass, she should return the parlimentary seat to other more competent person.

    Budak bandar,

  37. All the best and Ini Kali Lah (IKL)

  38. Anonymous, 2 April 2013 09:44

    Dont be naive sir. Can anyone raise a child with only love and affection but no money? Dato Sak needs funds for the election. Not to bribe ppl, but for all the campaigning costs, publicity, many more. The details of where to donate the funds can be found on the top-right side of this blogs page, in case anyone missed it.

  39. All the best, Datuk! See you in the Parliament!


  40. I bank in some to u dato.insyaallah

  41. Good on you Datuk

    All the best

  42. My very best wishes to you Dato'. We know you can make it big at Raub. My small contribution will come in.

  43. Datuk, you are one straight-talking, honest person I would like to have as my MP. Wishing you all the best and God's blessings.

  44. All the best! We will tell our friends in Raub to vote for you!

  45. All the best! We will tell our friends in Raub to vote for you!

  46. Datuk, you are someone who is straight-talking and honest and definitely someone I'd like to have as my MP. Wishing you all the best and God's blessings.

  47. this is brilliant,wonderful news, congrats and all the best dato, lets work for our children's brighter future.

    btw, eat your heart out, was that
    tengku or dungu aziz, bad move for siding with the losers

  48. Dato' Sak, more than glad u are the right candidate for Raub. You are gentleman through and through.

    A man of conviction who wants the best for the common good. You will make a formidable MP.

    But then the outcome is up to God. I know you will take victory with humility and equanimity in defeat.

    I sense a loss to the future of Malaysia if you failed to get elected.

    With warmest regards,
    cheang from labuan

  49. Dato,there are two MCA big fishes in Pahang.The chicken Liow Tiong Lai and the tourism minister Ng Yen Yen.Liow Tiong Lai has eyes that cannot see the attackers of the Tung Shin hospital.While Ng Yen Yen has eyes that cannot see the Taulog terrorists.

    Both these are ignorant politicians who are soon to be discarded as rejects,along with their porno president Chua Soi Lek.

    A report in the Mca Star tabloid said that Ng Yen Yen might not be contesting in Raub.Maybe she got wind of the news in advance by one of her spies over there.So she might retire or stand in the Pahang jungle with the animals as her electotate.

    But these Mca big fishes are vulnerable and beatable.They have done nothing for their constituents to boast about,so they are irrelevant whether they are ministers or unemployed.Against strong candidates these minister rejects might fall flat on their faces.

    I hope that they will be beaten badly to go off embarassed, disgraced and shamed.These Umno lapdogs needed to be punish.Will they lose their deposits.Maybe.

  50. Go dato go !! U should win n when u do dont jump back to umno,tong najis. Beware of AK47. Kikiki.

  51. We wish you all the very best, Dato'.

  52. My prayers for your and PR's victory! May the Light of Truth shine bright.

  53. SAK.....best of luck at Raub.

  54. All the best to you Dato.

  55. Great choice by DAP to send one of my favourite opinion leader to Parliament. All the best Dato!

  56. Narn bohtee Narn, Kui bohtee Kui!

    Congratz Dato & all the best.

    Hit 'em Hard bro.

  57. All the best Dato..agi idup agi ngalaban! kalu menang jgn lompat partI sudah

  58. i hope you'll win cos i feel that you will make a fine MP and contribute much to debates in Parliament

  59. May I add one more Best Wishes to the so many who did so ahead of me.
    You deserve this shot and you deserve to win.
    You have the intelligence, the ability and elan to be a formidable MP.

  60. Salam Dato,

    Semoga pengundi-pengundi di Parlimen Raub dapat membuat perubahan. Ini kali-lah.

    Kepada ahli-ahli dan penyokong umno, cukuplah memberikan kebebasan kepada pemimpin umno untuk meneruskan rompak dan melanun wang rakyat yang juga wang dalam poket saku kamu. Kita sama-sama nilai, jika PR tidak melaksanakan tugasnya dengan baik kita boleh tukar kepada yang lain.

    Kepada pengundi atas pagar; Inilah masanya untuk memberikan PR peluang untuk mentadbir Negara. Kita lihat dan nilai. Jika PR gagal, kita tukar undi kepada yang lain.

    Ini kali-lah

    Mohd Zuki

  61. Good luck, Dato!
    My brother in law was born and raised in Raub. Father owns the sawmill there.
    It's been a while since Yen Yen was there.
    Locals complain she's too busy flying around the world.
    Not a walk in the park, but I hope you win for a better Malaysia under Pakatan Rakyat.

  62. Dear Dato, here is wishing you every success. Your integrity, credibility and true malaysian attitude and disposition are your true arsenal for this onslaught onthe MCA stronghold. We hold you inhigh esteem, and trust Raub will show thebway to a new Beginning for Malaysia

  63. “A day may come when the courage of men fails… but it is not THIS day.” THIS DAY WE FIGHT

    May God Bless You Dato

  64. Jgn bimbang Dato'...Dato' akan mendapat doa dari rakyat...Semoga Dato' beroleh kemenangan, inilah masa terbaik dgn mood rakyat yg rata2 menolak BN. Usaha doa dan tawakkal...insyaAllah.

  65. While You and Lim Kit Siang are all geared up, fearlessly to lead your battalions into southern Johor and Pahang states for the big tsunami, Najib Razak is still frantically searching for his marbles? ..or is he being kept busy packing up?

    To those Ampu bodek deadwood the likes of Palanaviel, Khir Toyo, KJ and Koh Tsu-Koon, about time you guys should join Paklah for his long snooze, rather than talking nonsense on national tv/media! Continue to dream your two-third majority result in GE-13.

    We will rock you! bit.ly/GQdh

  66. Dear Sak AK47,

    Once again, top felicitations on your nomination to be Pakatan's candidate for Raub.

    In your message, you said you hope to win this one for DAP. May I suggest that you win this for the rakyat who are looking forward to a new, progressive, harmonious, and properous Malaysia?


  67. Salam dan tahniah Dato.

    In sya Allah menang.

    Jangan jadi berahem ali, hasang ali, zul nordeng, wee choo keong, go bala, tak ingat nama dato jongang dari pkr pulau pinang, hee hee fong dan nasarudin mat isa. Satu lagi tengku dari DAP.

    Pengundi Shah Alam

  68. Semoga berjaya dato

  69. Congratulations and good luck to you, Dato.

    I wish you all success and hope you make it to Parliament soon. You will make a good MP.


  70. All the Best bro....^^

  71. Bagus.. Bagus....
    Sokong.. Sokong....
    Menang & Maju ke Putrajaya....

  72. Dato,
    There are thousands upon thousands who are on your side but choose not to declare it publicly.
    I know you have worked hard, in fact very hard to fight for justice for all. There is yet hope for all anak2 bangsa Malaysia when our beloeved country is managed by people like you. Best wishes

  73. Sir,

    I am so sorry that I can only contribute RM50 to your war chest because I also contributed Rm 50 to Harris Ibrahim, RM50 to ..... also donation box at rallies. I am semi-retired.

  74. Dato, you are not a nobody or a has-been but the person who is contesting against you will soon be.

  75. Make us proud Sak,!!!!!!!!!!!

  76. Brother, I wish you all the best. We will try to help you in whatever way we can. Do your best and don't be daunted by BN. You were on that side so you should be able to counter them easily. Anyway tawakal

  77. SM,
    This probably means that you will be off your blog as soon as the Parliament is dissolved, isn't it?

    Good luck and hope you will win the seat. We sorely need more ethical and principles MPs in the Parliament, Political Parties notwithstanding.

    Now hoping for Wan Azizah to contest in Sementa. Amin.

  78. Aisey man Arif....the way you talk as if you wanna fight Najib in Pekan. Raub? Takut ka lawan Najib?

    1. U ni pandai cucuk2 aje ... are U saying that U can be a BETTER & INTELLIGENT candidate/MP than Dato Sak? Dare to face him in Raub, now that U knew he's contesting there? Maaf kalau saya tlh meninggung perasaan anda - tiada niat merendahkan martabat sesiapa pun. Wallahualam.

  79. Dato Sak, I have not miss a day reading your blog. We need people like you to be our MP for the betterment of Malaysian. Kudos to DAP for fielding you in Raub. All the best to you Dato. Ini Kalilah..,

  80. All the best to you, Dato'.

  81. Positive Voter of Raub2 April 2013 at 13:38

    Congrats Dato, You can surely make it. Wishing you all the best and I am sure the rakyat of Raub will give you a sounding victory regardless who your opponent is.Your integrity and sincerity will see you through. My prayers (although Christian) will be as effective as Islamic prayers and will be offered for a 'long, hilly and winding journey' for freedom, justice and equality undertaken by you.

  82. In actual fact, a high calibre candidate like Dato Sak can be a good law-maker on either side of the (Parl) aisle - more lively and intelligent debates ...

    Our prayers for your success!

    Wish I can spare some RMs for your political battle royale ...

    May God bless you and your supporters too!

  83. Sak memang legendary, utk seorang ahli DAP yg masuk kurang daripada 1 tahun di beri peluang terus utk kerusi parlimen. anda diberi special golden title utk misi yg bukan senang.

    Tapi aku boleh nampak apa yg Uncle sak ni buat dalam 1 tahun jauh lebih byk daripada segelintir ahli yg ber tahun x2 lama, bukan yg compare , ini tak perlu self promo juga, tgk sahaja list schedule ceramah uncle sak penuh di seluruh kawasan malaysia dah cukup. adalah bukan senang utk menyedarkan rakyat pasal apa yg berlalu dalam politik malaysia. Harap berjaya.

    dah ada ramai contoh buruk dalam politik pembangkang yg membusukkan nama sendiri, contoh nya macam zaid ibrahim , kambing hassan dan kulim tan.

    Harap Raub akan mempunyai MP yg bagus. Aku sokong uncle sak walaupun aku orang penang.

  84. Ini kalilaaaahhhh...insyaallah kita akan masukan duit untuk bantu kempen... ini adalah kerja ramai2 dan berjemaah... insyaallah Dato akan menang dengan majoriti atas 2,000....

  85. Dato',
    Let's usher in the era of NEW POLITICS where "diversity is unity" should be our battle cry. A small step for the people of Raub and a big step for the people of Malaysia. Let the battle for for CHANGE begins!

  86. Aiyoo, Dato, don't said you cant beat a grandmother yen yen whose favourite work is jalan jalan makan angin

    if she shows you the mca gangnam style, show your Thai Boxing style

    So, is it 1 down, 111 to go?

  87. QD,
    Looks like you CANNOT survive for a day without mentioning that "A-" person. Please lah if he is DESTINED to be the next PM, there is NOTHING you,KM, Najib, Tun M or TSMY can do anything about it. By the way whether Najib gets to keep the throneor even dethroned life goes on and the sun will tomorrow......

  88. Wishing you all the best bro!
    I pray for your success!

  89. Machang Cowboy2 April 2013 at 14:20

    Sir Pirate,

    Like QD, we beg you, please please reappear. Its gotta hot in here.

  90. My heart goes with you and pray that you shall stay the course, even if you lose to the cheats. I bet this will happen.

  91. Finally you get your wish to be a candidate albeit you sell your own bangsa. Congrats!!

  92. Go Datuk! I am not a raub voter but my family is from raub. We support u all the way!

  93. Datuk Mohd. Ariff, I am at this very moment away from Malaysia but on my return this weekend, I shall do my bit of "national service" by depositing some money for your election campaign.

    Am sure there are others like me - who are keen to find out "where/How/What" can we do to assist the ouster of the kleptomaniac Barisan government. If only the Pakatan parties can have a register or volunteer list of things we "non-party" members can do for this nation saving cause. (within the time i have and funds i can exhaust) I am willing to walk house-to-house / door-to-door to campaign.


  94. Dato Sir

    Still water runs deep.
    Stand on side of the Truth and ultimately you will prevail.
    Remember that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

    God bless you and your campaign, in coming days hope to contribute in my small way.

  95. ....semoga dgn izin Allah diberkati perjuangan dato.... Tegakkan kebenaran..........Allahuakbar.... ps... come on guys let's donate.......

  96. Godspeed to you and all democracy warriors.


  97. Congrats and best of luck. Very sincerely said.
    Janji di tepati?

  98. Dato Sak, you certainly have the substance to be a MP. DAP has made the right choice. All the best.

  99. All the best and wish you win Raub for the Rakyat.


  100. Congratulation on being nominated as candidate for Raub. I hope to see you selected as a Minister next. Let's fight for justice and for the rakyat.

  101. Dato' Mohd Ariff Sabri, YES YES YES
    Dato' Sri Ng Yen Yen, NO NO NO


  102. uncle sak is a high potential frogger like hassan ali/ kulim tan.

    you can block my posting, but there are many others feeling the same way.

  103. Selamat berjuang Datuk.

    Perlu waspada pengundi atas pagar menjadi penentu kemenangan calun-calun dlm PRU bukan sahaja PRU13 malah PRU sebelumnya sejak merdeka lagi.

    Cuma ada satu kelainan dalam PRU13 nanti dimana kemenangan akan memihak kpd UMNO/BN hasil dari pengaruh fatwa Mursyidul Am UMNO/BN bahawa rakyat mesti memilih "Kumpulan Syaitan yang Dikenali" untuk kesejahteraan didunia dan akhirat. Kejayaan ini akan disokong pula oleh keyakinan rakyat kapada prinsip wasyaitaniah yang dipelopori oleh Presiden Chuah Soi Legg dan Presiden Najib yang menjadi sekutu utama dalam UBN.

  104. Dato,
    May you be blessed with courage, walk with humility and guided by the truth and nothing but the truth as you march triumphantly for the rakyat into Raub.

  105. Congrats and hope you win, kaw-kaw! Also when you're MP, don't forget your column which provides me a distraction from work..!

  106. As Salam Dato.

    Se Tinggi Tinggi Tahniah.
    Saya harap kawan kawan saya dan sedara sedara Syed Shahir di SEGA akan dapat membantu.

    Selamat berjuang Dato.

  107. Good Luck Dato Sakh.. All the best to you.. Insha Allah tuan akan berjaya jika niat utk menolong rakyat.. Wpun mereka mempunyai gerombolan jentera yg padu bukan bermakna tidak boleh dikalahkan.. Tsunami masih kuat malah lebih kuat dari 2008 ..Percaya lah..

  108. Wish you can win!

  109. Let us hit the "Narn bohtee Narn, Kui bohtee Kui!"party hard,I'm sure the Chinese and the Indians in Raub is right behind you,it is better for Dato to campaign hard inside the Malays heartland,on the you tube video Dato speaks I'm sure it will wins the heart of the Malays.The Chinese in Raub is so pissed of with MCA you don't have to worry about their votes,if you ask 10 Chinese in Raub almost 9 of them will curse MCA.
    Good luck.

  110. All the best to you Dato Sak. .....semuga berjaya dunia akhirat

  111. Datuk, all the best to you. I'm a non-Muslim and I have been following your blog for sometime and I believe you are the right candidate for MP. Good luck.

  112. Dear Sak,

    I like to read your blog but seldom make any comments. I once commented that your blog looked pro-opposition while you were still with UNMO. Congrats on your nomination to Raub seat. I have no doubts that you shall win and go on to serve all the people. I wanted to make contribution but waited till now.

  113. Good luck dato...

    Looking forward to see u in parliament...

    Really wish to see PR takeover putrajaya...

  114. Dato Sak congrats to you as DAP candidate for Raub.

    All your writings in this blog will be answered once you are elected as MP and also PR takes control of Putrajaya.

  115. ..knew all along that YB Datuk will do battle in Raub..no doubt YB Datuk will be successful..will play my part with a little contribution..good luck..

  116. Salam Dato'

    AlhamdulilLah, ini dia perjuangan-mu! Semoga jihad-mu diberkati Allah SWT.

  117. Salam Dato

    Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan Tahniah kepada Dato. Berjuanglah demi Islam, negara dan rakyat.InsyaAllah semuga Dato berjaya.

  118. Dato

    When you win, please ask Ng Yen Yen to cough out the RM300,000 each facebook sites. That's my money the bitch was messing with. I have been a taxpayer for many years!

  119. All the best Dato'. Hope to see you in action in the Parliament soon. Please keep your blog updated. I follow your posts closely.




  123. Dato' repeat the Obama success - show the thieves and pirates that with limited resources miracles can also happen here. Dirty money can't buy the heart and soul of all Malaysians all the time.

    May the good Lord be with you always to bring change.

    I have never felt better despite my noisy joints.

  124. Semoga berjaya, Dato. Gua percaya lu!

  125. Tuan,

    GO go go for big win.


  126. Dato Sak,
    Congrats! , you'll make one helluva of MP and definitely ministerial material with your brains and principles.
    Time to deliver your Muay Thai knockout reverse spinkick to the face of Yen Yen. She deserves more than a slap to her face.


    Screw them hard bro!

  128. that yen yen? yen liao..finished.see you at the dewan swearing in..sak

  129. can't wait to see SAK hentam those UMNO/BN goons in Parliament !!

    Gua caya sama lu SAK !!

  130. Jongket Street2 April 2013 at 20:03

    Dato Sak, After taking over as MP be weary in case the UMNO/BN offers so much money that your eyes may turn green....stick to your 'guns' and reject the devil that you know by saying NO, NO,NO.....NOT the NG Yen Yen's....YES, YES...YES...in Melaka.

  131. Salam Dato

    Terlebih dahulu saya mengucapkan Tahniah kepada Dato. Berjuanglah demi Islam, negara dan rakyat.InsyaAllah semuga Dato berjaya.

  132. A little something towards your campaign in your account for you from a Msian in Brunei All the best Jangan lompat ya! -Lina

  133. Right on We are solidly behind you and PAKATAN .

  134. Salam Sak,

    Godspeed to you sir.

    BTW, kumpulan muzik Exist telah mengeluarkan single baru, yang saya rasa khas untuk anak2 muda melakukan perubahan. Muzik video ini cukup menarik, saya sertakan linknya. Jika rasa sesuai untuk diletakkan di blog, silakan. Ayuh mara!


  135. Dato,
    Syabas...May the Divine Force Always Be With You!!
    Fight with Intelligence,With Facts, With Wit, With Wisdom and With Humility Till You Trimuph in Raub P080 in GE 13!!

    Best Wishes,
    Tsurukame S

  136. Dato'. My mums home town. She will be proud of you. All the best.

  137. All the best sir.....

  138. Congrats Dato'

    All the best...fight for the rakyat

    Cheras mari

  139. anon 2 Apr 15:51

    So soon pouring cold water. Can't blame you if you have been moving around with froggers. Too long mixed up with froggers have made you incapable of believing that frogging was never part of the Malay culture. Some aliens landed on this shore and the weakest of the species got overwhelmed and start thinking that frogging is the Malay way of life. The less people like you talk about new froggers joining the club the less the chance your frogging friends will jump again and leave you in the lurch. See what will happen to the low quality froggers of 2008 – no place to jump anymore – they will continue to give you good company.

    Look at the class some people come from. People like Zulkifli, Ezam, Wee CK, Ibrahim Ali, Hassan Ali and a few other noisy froggers are no where near SakAK46’s class, not even Tunku Aziz (who has forgotten completely all about the war against corruption).

    Can you help restore the traditional high ethical standards of the Malay gentleman and gentle lady? If you cannot, either shut up or spend more time reading the Al Quran with a knowledgeable ustaz beside you to help enlighten you further.

  140. Dato, I have been a follower of your blog for quite some time now.
    I am really surprised to see such a large number of comments on your selection for the Raub parlimentary seat.
    Congrats Datuk, just be true to yourself. The rest will work out on its own.


  141. Pak Sak, semoga berjaya dan teruskan perjuangan.

  142. "Let’s do battle as civilized combatants."

    Since when do your party friends and supporters "battle as civilized combatants". Yet to contest but already ask for mercy. Just wondering, all your writing are always bias did it ever cross you mind and hit your conscience?.

  143. All the best Dato'..what people cannot contribute in cash, they will contribute with 'kederat'.. InsyaAllah diberkati..

  144. Standing as a Malay DAP candidate, UMNO will certainly be very contented to compel you with the banner of 'Pengkhianat Bangsa' or 'Malay traitor'. UMNO will play that war tune to pull the Malay votes to help MCA. Your war cry must be the sufferings of Raub people in Bukit Koman gold mining with cyanide by the Australian company. You must sharpen it up to portray that Ng Yen Yen has been living on a good life on the suffering of the people she's supposed to fight for. Let the Raub Malays see that their Chinese Wakil Rakyat is a glittering sucker to the Chinese to give a damn about the Malays.

    Good luck sir.

  145. Congrats Dato! i pray that you will win. my small donation is on the way. God bless you.

  146. ALlah selamatkan kamu ..prap pap pap pap.

    Allah Selamatkan kamu prap pap pap pap.

    Allah Selamatkan Dato Sak kita, Allah selamatkan kamu.

    All the best Dato, kick that Yen Yen women out (if she dare to contest lah), we want you in Parliment Dato'

    In Sya Allah

  147. All the best Dato', I am an avid follower of your blog. I read many blogs and yours is the one I like best. The articles are well thought out and your English is immaculate.

    Syabas, Oops! is it a dirty word for us in Selangor. I hope you win one for DAP. Just to bad I am not in Raub but I am sure there will be many PR supporters there.

  148. Keyakinan Pengundi Raub3 April 2013 at 00:06

    Dear Dato Sak, I pray that you will win in the election. I also pray that you will resist all temptation to becoming a 'frog' after wining. We trust and have full confidence in you. May The Almighty Allah bless and guide you in your judgement as a God-fearing politician fighting for justice and the oppressed rakyat.

  149. Hopefully Dato will be elected by the wise people of Raub :)

  150. Praying that you will win , Sir!

  151. Anonymous said...
    Finally you get your wish to be a candidate albeit you sell your own bangsa. Congrats!!
    2 April 2013 14:35
    FYI, Dato is fighting for bangsa Malaysia! And you can read from the many comments above that it is also many Malaysians' wish too!

    Dato, ini KALILAH!

    The RAKYAT needs an MP like you to fight for a better Malaysia in the Parliament!

  152. dear dato',

    i think you'll win hands down. by your writings, you are one intelligent fellow. we need people like to change this stupid country. the present system is ruining malaysia and it is deteriorating by the day. i'm sure the chinese and indians will sokong u but the malays? concentrate on the malays. maybe u should cut down the hate umno rhetoric but instead concentrate on what u will do once you are elected. what u fight for. not only cyanide but also about uniting the various races. u don't have to be a fiery orator like anwar... full of sound and fury signifying nothing. i think the mp's real job is not about looking after the local toilets or installing traffic lights. mps are policymakers. tell your voters what you want to see in msia and how u go about to realize them. wear a dap tshirt and not gucci suits, like anwar. hahaha... i love pakatan but i dont think much of anwar. however, i know the fact that there is no one else better than him in pakatan. the last sentence is not quite apt in describing what i feel about him but i'm too lazy to rewrite it. i would like to help you but i'm busy at work. i am blown away by your mastery of the english language and envy it from one writer to another. all the best and don't give them a bloody fuck...

  153. Well done Dato', I truly believe you are indeed qualified and trustworthy to lead this challenge. To the rest, lets do our part by spreading the word amongst Raubians that the Dato has landed and to support him.
    Take care of your health, Tok and God be with you!!

  154. 22:19- "Let’s do battle as civilized combatants."

    That's no plea for mercy, it's a gentle but still searing indictment of what UMNO-BN thugs have been perpetrating all this time against PR personalities, ceramahs and events; it's verbal silat gayung at its best!

    You have conveniently chosen to forget about the cow-head incident, the butt dancing, the public pissing on photos, the stone-throwing, etc, the UMNO-friendly police, and here you have the cheeks to talk about 'bias and conscience' as if Malaysians have no access to news beyond NST, The Star, and Utusan. If you choose to read only these papers and watch only RTM1,TV3,etc, that's your right, but lots of others choose to read from other sources as well. Remember the internet allows readers to watch over and over again any event, to record for future reference and to allow time to digest and analyse. In short, UMNO-BN no longer has the monopoly to mould the mind and thoughts of thinking, fair-minded and God-fearing individuals. Zaman penaklukan minda oleh UMNO-BN atau pun PR sudah lama ghaib, tamat dan terkubur.

    UMNO-BN leaders and its foot soldiers are the least qualified to discuss clean 'conscience' in the light of the hundreds of cases of corruption, the ballooning national debt, the injustice against certain individuals not excluding well-known senior police officers, at least one well-known lawyer, one general, unexplained deaths in law enforcement offices, etc.

    Give us a break or your own conscience when the reality sets in after you have watched and read, for example, Harakah, might break you down. Don't blame others when that happens.

  155. Keh doakan agar Dato' dpt tawan Parlimen Raub...bior puok2 Umno/Bn tu sedor bahwa deme doh banyok buat saloh..

  156. Raub Hopeful Voter3 April 2013 at 11:54

    Bro Dato, Now that Parliament is dissolved today, during your cheramah emphazise more on how you would want to improve on the workings of the new Govt and how to save the country from wastage and corruption.How you want to see the poor and oppress given fair justice. This are topics which the rakyat holds dear to them and their next generation. The bad deeds by the UMNO/BN govt is already know to the people at large. So, I hope you will concentrate on the above mentioned topics and wishing you all the best.

  157. Malaysia said 06:36,

    If you believe that statement, you are really delusional. HOw many malay and indian members are there in DAP Central Committe? Enough said!!!

  158. Go, Go, DSAK, U adalah calun terbaik diRaub, bongkarkan tektik MB yang memberi kawasan iron oil dikawasan Felcra Sg. Temau jln. Lipis G.musang berjumlah beribu-ribu ekar, kepada adiknya D.Hasnor, dan sekarang dah tukar nama kpd seorang taukeh cina.Majlis Ugama Islam Pahang hanya deberi sedikit saham, kelulusan permulaan dibawah KSG,selepas lulus setahun tukan kpd Syarikat adiknya dan sekarang adikny guna nama seorang cina sebagai proksinya.BONGKAR>>>>>>/

  159. Go, Go, DSAK, U adalah calun terbaik diRaub, bongkarkan tektik MB yang memberi kawasan iron oil dikawasan Felcra Sg. Temau jln. Lipis G.musang berjumlah beribu-ribu ekar, kepada adiknya D.Hasnor, dan sekarang dah tukar nama kpd seorang taukeh cina.Majlis Ugama Islam Pahang hanya deberi sedikit saham, kelulusan permulaan dibawah KSG,selepas lulus setahun tukan kpd Syarikat adiknya dan sekarang adikny guna nama seorang cina sebagai proksinya.BONGKAR>>>>>>/

  160. Anon 6.36,

    The DAP slogan Malaysian Malaysia will not be well accepted by many when we have 1Malaysia.Assuming PR win the election will PR dismantling the 1Malaysia agenda or you insist on your Malaysian Malaysia?.Many are comfortable with 1Malaysia agenda.If you do I am not with you PR, sorry.

    The days of intense propaganda and rhetorics are almost over.It is time we need the candidates commitment for their constituencies if elected.As the parliament has been dissolved may I wish the best to all calun Parliament.~ Batu Giling

  161. Alhamdulillah......selamat berjuang dato....insyaAllah ALLAH bersama org yg baik2 dan beriman....

  162. Dato sak...

    I just bank-in RM100 for u (for fund or duit minyak)...

    Harap dapat membantu dari sumbangan kecil ini...

    From Trg.

  163. salam Datu Paduka, kami di Raub berbesar hati menyambut kedatangan Datuk, yakiinlah bantuan Allah al muttakabbir lilalameen, kami siap sedia di belakang Datuk.

  164. Anonymous said...
    Malaysia said 06:36,

    If you believe that statement, you are really delusional. HOw many malay and indian members are there in DAP Central Committe? Enough said!!!

    3 April 2013 13:00

    I don't give a hoot the color of the skin of my MP in my constituency! I want a MP who represents all MALAYSIANS!

    *The miseries and woes of those marginalised poor (from West and East)did not happen in the last 4 years!
    *Our country's debt has reached an alarming rate.
    *Rampant corruption and daylight abuses.
    *Our PM shout '1Malaysia' while his Deputy proclaim 'Malay First, Malaysian Second'.
    *While thousands born here were denied of citizenship, many others new arrival were purpotedly given one!
    *Education level has gone down the
    drain - churning out numbers rather than quality
    *Massive illegal capital flight
    *What about our judicial system? police?

    ENOUGH SAID! Why some people can't see the forest for the trees'! After 55 years of being S****** by the same govt, we still ask for more? God help Malaysia!

    Now where did I read that expression
    "Bodoh Punya Cina! Bodoh Punya India and Melayu! You deserve the govt you vote for!!!"

  165. Ini kali lah! Please floor NYY! Best Wishes! Please let us know how we xan fund yr campaign!

  166. Dato Sak, Congratulation on your nomination.I hope you will represent the ordinary folks of Bukit Koman to fight the Mighty Conglomerate.I hope all of us ordinary folks put our effort together to effect the change.Do something,talk to our neigbours,friends,colleagues,relativesetc campaign for change,for better governance,better education,better future.Influence the people around us.We all must contribute to Dato' election war chest.Show that we can,we will.I can feel it ,this Tsunami will be the mother of all Tsunami.It will be the Big Flood that will wash away all the rubbish,all the ill will and bad Karma.Boh Jong Kiah!

  167. ko kata usaha ko najib besor kat pekan pergi la lawan najib kat pekan tu

    1. Bro... Bior lah PM bertanding lawan ngan Mahasiswa je.. Kat sana tu.
