Sunday 24 March 2013

The Oracle of Syed Putera Speaks Again!

Part 1.
Tun Daim has given an interview to the Sunday Times. He will give a few more. The next one will be with Utusex Malaysia. The paper that loves to be sued. The ‘conclusions’ from the interview will the same as in Sunday Times.
Daim has been asked to endorse Najib. But I will tell you a different story. I too have met up with Daim’s alter ego, the Oracle of Syed Putra quite recently. I therefore appear to enjoy the same stature as the UMNO owned presses. 
And I can tell you who from the NST group was responsible for getting the elusive Daim to give interviews to UMNO controlled media. That guy must be pleading with Daim. I hope that person makes it to the top if the person can avoid being waylaid by more distinguished and cool journalists. But I will not name names because one of them was once upon a time accused as being a national threat. As a result the person lost the chance of becoming press secretary to Muhyidin. The job instead went to a parroting jezebel.
It has been more than 3 moths I haven’t met up with the Oracle of Syed Putra. His alter ego has been spending months abroad resting and relaxing. Or he has hidden himself even from UMNO people whom he says will try to see him asking for money to contest in the elections. He is not keen anymore to bankroll the UMNO hopefuls. UMNO is going to lose in the coming election. In 2008 didn’t the UMNO people said Daim was senile, past shelf life and irrelevant to UMNO politics? Daim is now enjoying an elevated stature- but like A R Tompel says- senyum ada makna tu. Read it as, angkat ada makna tu….
As a result, Tun Daim isn’t available to give his views about Malaysian politics. That is why I have not penned down any writings on my interview with the Oracle. My patience though has been rewarded.
On the 23rd of March I was able to meet up with the Oracle. I made full use of the one hour session.
Now even Tun Daim is fearful about UMNO’s impending loss. He has been critical of Najib, UMNO and BN but only to the extent that he was sure UMNO and BN will not lose. So in theory, he like the others felt free to criticise UMNO. But once theory will become reality, even Tun Daim is circumspect.
But I told the Oracle- all he has to do is ask Tun Daim not to get himself into the loop. Just humour the UMNO leaders. In a few days, Daim will be interviewed by the paper that is being sued right down to the tattered underpants of the chief editor- Utusan Malaysia. He has been asked to give some positive endorsements to Najib and UMNO. He says he will play along. What else can he do? He has been asked to restrain himself when giving interviews and speeches. So, the contents of the impending interview, we already know.
I asked the Oracle-is there some truth in rumours saying that when Najib counselled Tun Daim a few weeks ago- Daim told Najib in order to win marginally Najib must do two things; (1) eliminate 90% of the incumbents and(2) ditch Rosmah.
When I asked that question, the Oracle let out a guffaw. That would be a waste of time wouldn’t it? Najib hasn’t got the fortitude to make revolutionary changes. At best, he will remove 40% of the incumbents mostly aligned to Muhyidin.
To the second requirement, if Najib would even dream of it, he will be another John Wayne Bobbit. (I am sure the UMNO people remember JW Bobbit under the present climate where the showing of pornographic videos is a favourite pastime by the soldiers of agama, bangsa dan tanah air).
I haven’t read the Sunday Times and am not about to do so. If I can get direct information, why should I be content with second hand and edited views? I will write more in the next chapter. Daim’s views on Sabah, Kedah, UMNO, Najib and Anwar Ibrahim. Talking to the Oracle is like talking to Daim himself. After all, he is Daim’s alter ego right?


  1. Dah tak ada modal cerite ke Arif? Terang terang Tun Daim menaroh harapan baik kepada Najib untuk bawa BN menang semula. Awak nak buat ceriter dongeng pasal Oracle lah, alter ego lah blah blah. You are just grasping at straws and whatever you say does not change one fact, your views are irrelevant and you are a nobody. ada paham ka?

  2. anon 18:36

    1) why have you read this article?
    2) if they are irrelevant, the views should not be worrying right?
    3) i see you and others trembling.
    4) Lee Kuan Yew said the NST is not relevant. thats why no one read it nowadays.

    1. You guys are just buta hati buta mata syndrome. Even when facts are produced your judgement is clouded with hatred

  3. Hi,

    Hope to hear your 1st hand news instead of the nst spinning news.

  4. Datuk, a good swing from bottom right upwards to 18:36's jaw. Padat dan tepat.

  5. Dato Arif,

    Sakit perut saya menahan gelak bila Tun Daim menyeru rakyat Malaysia mempertahankan Najib dan seterusnya memberinya peluang terus memimpin Malaysia. Saya faham sangat kenapa Tun Daim terpaksa berbuat begitu. Bukan rakyat tak tahu jasa Mahathir Mohamad kepada Tun Daim yang membuat magic menjadikan syarikat RM2 Tun Daim bernilai jutaan RM. Keajaiban orang yang boleh berjalan atas air itu sukar untuk Daim padamkan dalam ingatan beliau.

    Kalaulah benar Tun Daim sayangkan Najib dan UMNO BN maka beliau sewajarnya tahu bahawa antara penyebab utama yang menimbulkan keraguann rakyat terhadap Najib ialah kaitannya dengan kes pembunuhan Altantuya. Ini kes bunuh melibatkan nyawa manusia & bukan nyawa anak ayam. Tak kan lah Oracle Syed Putera yang hebat ini bodoh sangat tak tahu perkara ini. Dan sebagai bekas Menteri Kewangan Malaysia sepatutnya Tun Daim mainkan peranannya menegur dan mendesak Najib agar menyaman dan membawa Deepak dan Amrit Sing Sidhu ke mahkamah untuk menutup tuduhan tersebut kalau pun ia benar satu fitnah. Tetapi seperti mana kebanyakan pimpinan UMNO BN lain yang banyak mendapat menafaat dari dasar Mahathir, Tun Daim sebenarnya membuat kenyataan yang membohongi dirinya sendiri. Kenyataan ini tidak lain dan tidak bukan kerana Tun Daim turut merasa tergugat jika Anwar Ibrahim menjadi PM.

    Saya difahamkan Tun Daim sering mengunjungi blog ini. Jika Tun Daim yakin Najib Razak terlalu bagus dan baik dan tidak terlibat dengan pembunuhan Altantuya, maka Tun Daim harus mendesak Najib lakukan sesuatu untuk kembalikan kepercayaan rakyat kepada beliau. Kalau ini tidak mampu Tun Daim lakukan, adalah lebih baik beliau membisu daripada memberi kenyataan haprak begitu dan cuma mejadi bahan ketawa orang saja.

    Saya malah rakyat Malaysia mahu melihat keberanian Tun Daim dalam mendesak dan memujuk Najib membawa Deepak dan Amrit Singh Sidhu ke muka pengadilan. Dan selagi tidak ada seorang pun pimpinan atau bekas pemimpin UMNO BN yang mampu lakukan perkara ini, cakap cakap pemimpin begini termasuk suara Tun Daim hanyalah umpama hampas kelapa yang layak menjadi makanan ayam itik saja. Dan saya percaya banyak ayam ayam dalam UMNO BN mengalu alukan kenyataan hampas Tun Daim ini.

    Tak tahulah saya sejak kerap berada di luar negara termasuk Afrika, mata Tun Daim sudah bertukar biru. Harap harap minda beliau tidak ikut menjadi biru, menyanjungi kehinaan dan kekotoran yang berleluasa dalam UMNO BN. Kita faham jasa Mahathir kepada Tun Daim cukup besar. Sudah tentulah budi baik harus dibalas baik. Tapi janganlah pula 1 + 1 dikatakan 10 oleh Tun Daim. Janganlah sampai sanggup menghina diri seumpama pencacai pencacai UMNO BN yang lain. Berdoalah Tun Daim banyak banyak agar Najib dan orang yang boleh berjalan di atas air itu tidak senasib dengan pengikut firaun yang lemas ditelan laut merah. Jika tidak Tun Daim pun barangkali terpaksa kerap mengambil pil tidur.


    1. Benar, kita semua mesti berani mendedahkan pekung Najib seperti mana kita dedahkan kegiatan biseksual Anwar Ibrahim. Rakyat Malaysia semuanya mesti mencari seorang pemimpin yg bukan saja bebas dari rasuah tetapi juga cekap dalam mentadbir serta jujur. Namun ironinya ahli politik Malaysia sekarang ini kebanyakkannya manusia yg hipokrit sebab mereka berjuang hanya untuk memperkayakan diri sendiri. Ahli politik yg menjual agama pula ibarat sokong yg membawa rebah. Kesimpulannya, pepatah yg mengatakan "jika tidak dapat mencari rotan akar pun jadi" akan menjadi ciri-ciri dalam mencari seorang pemimpin negara akan terus menjadi amalan.

  6. Salam Datuk!

    Saya hairan mengapa orang tua seperti Daim ini masih menjaga tepi kain rakyat Malaysia yang mahukan pembaharuan. Daim tidak layak bercakap kerana dia pun penyamun tegar separti Mahadet.

    Kenyataan mereka tidak perlu untuk rakyat Malaysia sekarang, sebab setakat menjadi kaya dengan menyamun harta rakyat,lebih baik pergi main jauh-jauh.Sejarah menunjukkan tiada seorang Melayu pun benar-benar kaya dengan titik peluh sendiri seperti usahawan Cina. Hakikatnya Daim adalh peniaga garam yang gagal dalam bisnes dan menjadi kaya kemudian dengan pertolongan politik, tak payahlah nak ajar orang lain.Lagi pun pendapat mereka tidak relevan dengan keadaan ekonomi dunia yang kritikal sekarang!

  7. Honestly, when I read about Daim's interview I was wondering if he was asked to say a few kind words to help Najib and UMNO. Remember, just the other day Najib's brother came out to support him too.
    Daim also was reported to have said that someone had written (I presume that someone is you) that he had predicted BN would win only three states. Now he is denying that.
    If Daim thinks Najib is better than Anwar then I think this man is really senile.

  8. Dato why don't you ask the Oracle or if you can speak to Tun Daim, if he has been asked to be interviewed why must he just go along or just to amuse as you stated. If Tun Daim doesn't want to speak honestly and say what he truly believes, just keep quiet. Otherwise don't you think it is hypocrisy. My advice is just keep quiet under present situation. I have known Tun when he was just a legal assistant at a leading legal firm. Don't be like Dr M - he is just a person I wish hadn't crossed my life.

  9. Opportunity comes only once in a lifetime.Let it get out of one's grasp,when it is within one's reach,regret it forever till eternity.

    After the Hulu Selangor by-elections,when Najib engineered the kissing hands Thambi to victory over the favourite Zaid,his popularity contest ratings was 99.999%.With such highest ratings ever accorded a leader,come a sure win against the opposition.

    But Najib couldn't believe his ears and eyes when he heard and read the news.So he held out from seeking his own mandate from the rakyat,as Najib is well known for not taking unneccesary gambles or risks.And now his Umno/BN's chances of retaining federal power has plunged tremendously.Maybe Najib can have the next five years as the opposition leader,pondering why he did not take the plunge when all the signs of victory was there.


  10. Sak,
    Diam is an expired product and dare he talk something factual about bn? It is expected of him to praise bn or he might find his way downhill.
    Sometime in the medium term, the umno cybertroopers were ,well got my respect, but now, one could notice the panic striken articles they ;post.Its just plain horseshit.They have lost their focus and are now shooting in the dark alley, if fact, their articles are distancing readers away from bn.
    Im sure malaysians cant be conned by these imbecilic cybertroopers anymore and PR must thank them for the extra votes they will recieve come ge13 .Sometimes, i wonder if the umno cybertroopers are sabotaging bn !
    Sak, keep your focus on target.
    Wherever you contest, you can be sure of support of 90% chinese, 85% indian and 50% of malay votes [assuming pkr and pas votes are for you],taking into consideration the locality you contest. If its urban , it will be a breeze for you to win .
    As i promised earlier on, if you contest in kl area, i and my friends will be of service to you for free or if elsewhere, we will bank in your account what we can to reduce your stress.
    As always, keep the faith, focus and do your best factually.
    God will be with you.

  11. dah terdesak skng. semua dia seru. CEO semua wajib buat sokongan badigol Jibby.

  12. Well done Dato and thanx forur information to all Malaysians aboutthe true situation of UMNOBN currently. but yet still all the Pecacai still living in their fantasies and failed to realise their true situation that they had being rejected by the publicand Malaysian citizens. let us prey May Allah be with us Amen...


  13. Antara dua Tun iaitu Tun Musa dan Tun Daeng adalah dua karektor yang sangat berbeza macam langit dengan bumi.

    Tun Musa adalah pejuang yang mempertahankan prinsip hidup sehingga sanggup berkata benar, menentang sang penguasa sehingga hilang jawatan dan kemewahan hidup. Beliau dikenali sebagai penentang kapitalis dan sangat kritis terhadap golongan feudal-bangsawan.

    Tun Daeng adalah kapitalis yang menggunakan segala kuasa dan kedudukan yang ada untuk mengumpul
    harta sebanyak mungkin. Soal prinsip kebenaran tidak menjadi ukuran, yang penting adalah matlamat mengaut keuntunugan dan kekayaan.

    Tun Mamak pula adalah pembuat fatwa
    baru untuk rakyat Malaysia supaya memilih "Syaitan Yang Dikenali" untuk kejayaan masa depan rakyat Malaysia.

    Yang mana satu nak kita percayai???

  14. U: 'A timely interview of a seasoned politician, no?'

    B: (sniffs air)

    U: 'Why, is something the matter?'

    B: 'I was just trying to smell which type of weed you've been smoking. I personally prefer kretek but that's just a nasty habit acquired from the old campaigns, you know.'

    U: 'But what's wrong with what he said?'

    B: 'For a start, his paintings.'

    U: 'His paintings?'

    B: 'Why didn't the young journalists who interviewed him ask him why he didn't sell some of those 2,000 paintings which have appreciated ten times in price?'

    U: 'But why should he? Isn't he a connoisseur of art and a patron of the finer things in life?'

    B: 'You have to make up your mind. Is he that first or is he one of the architects of the NEP first?

    If the latter, then one should think in the real spirit of that policy, he should not have considered himself so personally materialistic as not to sell off some of the paintings and donate it to a long list of deserving charities, furthermore split amongst the four communities to show he understood what the NEP was actually meant to do. No? Yes? Maybe?'

    U: 'Maybe he wants to donate the whole lot to society after he passes on.'

    B: 'In which case, why not donate cash now instead since he can afford to buy banks overseas? Come to think of it, how much did a finance minister draw those days?'

    U: 'But he was a successful property developer before he became a minister, B.'

    B: 'And how did he become so but for a parcel of land okayed exclusively to him by Harun Idris, the MB at that time? Doesn't that make him one of the first NEP cronies of Umno?'

    U: 'His ex-boss will say if they didn't help like that, how would any go up?'

    B: 'If that be an acceptable reason, then how much has he helped others after he had gone up? How much has his ex-boss' children helped society after they had helping hands going up? Regardless of race, one should helpfully add.'

    U: 'I guess being charitable or not is a personal choice.'

    B: 'But to acquire obscene personal wealth at public expense using a national policy requiring sacrifice by millions isn't, U.

    The rakyat certainly didn't have a personal choice when the policy was applied on them, yes?

    I am reminded of one anecdote regarding him and his protege Halim. He was quoted as saying the young fella had conned him of some tiga puluh juta although to him it was just pocket money.

    If such a sum was just pocket money at that time, you can imagine how much would not be at this time.

    All this from someone who was in a high public position in charge of national finance who then proceeded to make an intemperate sell remark which he would have known would kill off thousands in the volatile stock market at that time. If you care to notice, U, that event was mentioned in the interview.

    What i am surprised is why they didn't ask him also whether it is true or not he had used his influence to cherry-pick distressed Danaharta assets for a song later liquidated for tidy profits.

    You know, considering how highly he thinks of Najib's running of the economy and how poorly he thinks of the Opposition, perhaps the rakyat of the present generations can pick a tip or two from this man with the midas/spiders touch while prequalifying for themselves what he had said in the interview.

    And this is the man Umno has wrangled to say a few confidence-building words on Barisan's GE13 chances?

    Now, do you understand the context by which i would read such an interview, U?'

  15. 2

    U: 'Since he's reading in, can't you cut him some slack, Sir?'

    B: 'Surely he doesn't need that as he has said he welcomed robust debates. Do i look any younger what more tasted less salt?'

    U: 'Let's take what he said about the Chinese wanting peace and stability. What's your response on that?'

    B: 'Wait a minute, U. Are you interviewing me? Ok, let me ask you back. Do you honestly think those are the only things in their minds? Do you think they wouldn't have wanted to ask about corruption? Maybe they did but he had also selectively forgotten like his ex-boss. Like how he has obviously forgotten to explain how he could still have more confidence in Najib the PM who has so efficiently doubled the national debt in just five years.

    However, let's say the Chinese didn't ask about corruption in Umno but wouldn't they have wanted to, considering even his ex-boss had admitted they pay the most taxes in the country?

    Which citizen in this country would want to see his hard-earned income taxed away so that Umno politicians can openly and officially squander and plunder it while the poor in his community and industries are left to fallow by the policy of deliberate malignant neglect at each administrative level, add on loaded extra business costs, blockades, impedance and under-table activities?

    If you want a robust debate with me, don't move the pupils in your eyeballs, U. Just answer that simple question.'

    U: '(turns away, adds a few drops of eyemo) But he was quoted as saying Najib must fight corruption and crime, strengthen security and review the education system. Isn't that good enough?'

    B: '(rubs jaw, combs eyebrows, sucks tooth) Now why am i looking so surprised he didn't say all that during HIS time that he can now nonchalantly give Najib his vote of confidence on them so late in the history of this nation?

    Wasn't the seed of corruption planted during his era when he was the sidekick of his boss until those big bank notes have had to be taken out of circulation because of advance notice to a selected few on national fiscal policies which were supposed to be national secrets? Like preferred submarine specifications, hmmm?

    And talking about "the importance of english otherwise we are dead, especially our Malays", to quote him. That's wonderfully counterproductive, don't you think, considering how many of our clueless Malays won't even understand a word in our own mini debate here after so many upheavals of our billion ringgit blown education system now led by the finest Pagoh medium-rare, no?

    So if they don't know how to read and evaluate, how are they going to even assess what he had said in the NST in order to reverse the policy that has already killed off three generations and sent this country back to the past far far behind the Korea Taiwan and Singapore that were once behind us?

    By reading the translation in UtuSeks-ke?

    Please-lah, didn't bohood Rais not say we must have a new ikhtiar of not propagating porno culture especially in journalism? Why, the Datuk T-Saiful-Papagomo industrial-military complex of Umno can't understand Melayu, is it? Where were they educated? Rais would also have asked.'

    U: '(calls optometrist on handphone, sets up next appointment). But he said the government cannot arrest corruption on its own and needs the rakyats' help, educate the students, clean the people. You know.'

  16. 3

    B: '(steely stare). No, i don't know, U. I don't know that i am hearing you right. I don't know that he wasn't suffering some cognitive dissonance when he said that. In Umno parlance, that's just self-serving denial.

    Let me categorically ask you back. When the rakyat try to expose corruption, what does the Umno government do? Nothing.

    Otherwise do you think an NGO would have need to fly all the way from London to catch on videocamera the art of a deal?

    Otherwise do you think the thousands of posts in the new alternative media of this nation have not already been written and read, debated and supported with facts, laboriously and painfully listed out case by case of Umno and Barisan corruption from top to bottom?

    Otherwise do you think the Auditor-General's report needs always to be posted after the annual budget has been presented each year because to present it before the budget would have stopped the entire Umno government in its corruption-laden track for all to see?

    And i am happy to say our students reading in already know all this too!

    So, next, clean the people? Excuse me, leroy. The people are clean. It's Umno politicians like him who are so toxic that even a hundred, two hundred years later, quoting someone, their corpses will remain untouched because it's all too toxic even for the worms.

    So who is that geezer trying to con? If he really means what he says as a seasoned politician that you have ascribed him to be, he should just cut the crap and get the MACC to nab the entire Umno supreme council and Barisan cabinet plus dozens more at the bahagian level right away. Then come get another interview to compare notes.'

    U: 'Maybe he can't make it, for he will be joining them?'

    B: 'I don't give a damn, U. Personal choice after all, innit?'

    U: 'He did opine Anwar wouldn't be fit for he would depend too much on the IMF and the US, Europe and so on when the world has changed and now it should be China and India. Any comments?'

    B: 'Oh, that's rich, U. Go ahead and call him now. Ask him what he had done to Aziz of MAS. How that highly respected MD was made to resign for standing against his directive to make additional awards of MAS plane engines to US concerns until the poor airline had had to be saddled with engines from three different anglo-american vendors. Which airline can survive with that sort of insane procurement policy?

    And IMF? Ask Korea. Apart from others, its governance was successfully restructured. It's now a hyper-competitive nation. Where are we?

    You know, U. He must have been so used to the monoracist style of his dictatorial boss that he thinks any new government would still be doing the same thing the same way.

  17. 4/4
    (B, contd)

    A Pakatan federal government isn't going to be Anwar alone in charge of the economy alone like how the Mahathir-Daim duo had run the economy before. So maybe his prefrontal cortex got mixed up and transposed past to present?

    The new federal government will at least be three-dimensional; it might even be global in perspective which means it will have to acknowledge economic realpolitik which means that China and India will be acknowledged as new ties no less important than the old symbolic ties with the anglo-saxon world he pretends to distance himself from.

    Even the Middle East countries that he looks favorably at are tied to the anglo-saxons for their modernization programmes but dependent on the Asian giants for their markets.

    And since he is active in Africa, he should ask himself how many of the fastest growing economies in the world are today actually in Africa. And, more importantly, which foreign nation has been helping them achieve such surprising performances. However he should not presume Anwar and his economic groups don't know that too.'

    U: '(dabbles eyes) And the Arab Spring in Malaysia?'

    B: 'That's just fishing to try and twist a fear in, U. What he really fears is the unspoken fear that the rakyat will find out somehow that Umno has already set into motion the means to cheat a win in GE13.

    He asked how can there be cheating if in GE12 Pakatan won five states.

    Let's ask him back step by step. One, is the electoral database today clean? Answer: no. Two, is the electoral database today just an expansion of the electoral database in GE12. Answer: yes. Three, if the electoral database for GE13 is dirty, can the electoral database for GE12 have been clean? Answer: no. Four, if no, how can he be sure Barisan didn't cheat in GE12 until Pakatan could only win five states?

    For all we know, and this has said umpteenth time, Pakatan could actually have won GE12 but for cheating by Umno then.

    And going into GE13, the voting rakyat better bear that in mind. It's going to happen again. All that foot-dragging by those EC umno-tikuses he too cannot possibly have overlooked, no?

    As we all cannot overlook how jumpy Zambry was, is and will be in Perak. A sign of guilt, perhaps, U?'

    U: 'This post for?'

    B: 'Sofea, of course! She reminds me how naturally beautiful, kind and wonderful our peoples are in the remaining moments we have together.'

    U: 'And papagomo?'

    B: 'I wonder why they let him disembark through the conning tower of the submarine. They should have fired him out through the torpedo tube.'

  18. "Let's ask him back step by step. One, is the electoral database today clean? Answer: no. Two, is the electoral database today just an expansion of the electoral database in GE12. Answer: yes. Three, if the electoral database for GE13 is dirty, can the electoral database for GE12 have been clean? Answer: no. Four, if no, how can he be sure Barisan didn't cheat in GE12 until Pakatan could only win five states? "

    What a profound statement! The opposition may have won enough seats and states in the GE12 to wrest power from the old regime but for last minute numbers cooking by the BN desperadoes and favourite tool the EC.
    All roads lead to Rome indeed!

  19. Dato,

    Exact time for Tun Daim to change his name to Tun Diam. Now is not the time for Malaysians to swallow everything that comes out of the mouth of UMNO leaders. Better Tun Diam " jual tahi minyak " in Africa, his second home. Smart Malaysians do not need a rubbish statement from him.

  20. Slants, double speak, hidden agendas, innuendos and everything rhetorical aka
    APCO, Economist, Trevino etc. All proven to be kosong, MT like nothing, a costly BN shiok sendiri orgasm - a short spurt of self excitement and then nothing but a black hole in their annals. Even so, silence is golden no more, a regretful RoastMama mourns but what substance can she offer other than lardish sweet nothings?

  21. Walla, phew! Again and again, you never cease to amaze us.

    Now we know why Najib is presssing panic buttons starting with T.A, then the old goat, then Nazir, and now from someone who unabashedly feels very much at at ease living in a non-Islamic social milieu. Could personal safety be the reason for 'de-stressing' in the States for so long, after the great meltdown that he caused?

    Instead of doing himself a favour Najib, by bringing back Daim, has only reinforced the public's complete loss of confidence in his stewardship. It is as if, if Daim says something now for Najib, the record National Debt will disappear. If Najib chooses to give the wry forced smile, after Daim's interview, it is his right, but disappear the humongous Debt will not. Even the Oracle at Delphi gave a whole series of wrong advice to the Greeks, never mind about lesser home-grown Oracles.

    Go back to Walla's previous posting on 'conscience': that and the way it hovers and gels in our mind as we say our daily prayers is the key to our national salvation, not pious platitudes and paternilistic prognoses from a new immigrant.

    Tell you what - I will be going back to Kelantan to get the Oracle of Nilam Puri to say something about who is best to lead in Putrajaya through Kelantan's "main puteri" - more authentic, more predictive, utterly pure echo of Kelantan's embodiment of the human spirit of goodwill and fair play.

    Daim should just go back to the States as quickly as possible and end his journey in this self-made time and mind warp. There at least nobody gives a damn whether it is Ribena or Royal Salute for a night-cap.

  22. Uncle Muay thai,

    Aku baca byk blog dalam internet pasal politik, daripada blog pro BN sampai pro PR. blog uncle la yg penuh dengan ideology yg positif dan baru dalam politik. Buka minda terus aku baca.

    aku masuk blog papagomo, pisau, badutrakyat baca pun semua idea jijik yg sama jer... biar ber-page page panjang hujah kelentong jer. tak paham la naper masih ramai yg percaya citer dalam tuh.

    keep it up uncle.

  23. These NST types don't get it. The paintings is where he stash his ill-gotten money. They don't leave a paper trail and can be easily moved if needed be. No messy bank account, where questions will be asked where the money comes from. They hold their value much better than most investments. At the same time they can be easily disposed off when the situation becomes desperate.

    I was told that he invest in diamonds. That too, is easy to transport and convert to cash.


  24. Anon (08:11 and 08:24):

    Don't make the mistake of reading this blog alone, or this and Aspan's Din Merican's and Bakri Musa's, do read Harakah every day and watch some of the videos by PAS. There is no need to watch Anwar, just Mat Sabu will do.

    Remember we too love Malaysia.

  25. AsSalam,

    I don't actually get it. I mean, why was Daim's view (which some might call prophesy) held in such high esteem, when his views are nothing different than the ones given by any dumb-stricken UMNO member? Just because he once predicted that BN will lose 5 states, doesn't mean that he can always predict the future. And I've got to say, by shamelessly pandering to Najib's whims and fancies in the NST interviews, Daim has just lost his last shred of credibility, if he still has got any.

    What he should actually answer to the people of Malaysia is, how much did he get for agreeing to kow tow to Lee Kuan Yew in signing the Points Of Agreement that ultimately cost us the Tanjung Pagar, et al? Specifically, he must answer as to why the POA that he signed was materially and detrimentally different to the one approved by Cabinet.

    Go check TDM's Doctor's In The House and you'll find that even he himself was concerned with Daim's close relationship with LKY (which is kind of ironic since it was TDM himself who instructed Daim to negotiate the POA with LKY personally due to his (Daim's) excellent rapport with LKY.


  26. Oracle no oracle Ini lah kisah negara tanah melayu.

    Anak kecil main api Tanah melayu Agong sekarang di kuasai terus langsung kau kau oleh mamak Kerala keling. Hello anak bumi dan anak melayu sejati lihat dan dengar dengan jelas Perdana Mentari bukan Agong atau sultan atau Raja yang beri Bukan Rakyat Bukan Anak Bumi Melayu sejati.

    Perdana Menteri atau Ketua Orang Melayu adalah Mamak Keling Kerala hello Keling kerala yang tentukan siapa jadi Ketua Orang Melayu. Tanah Melayu, Ketuanan Melayu Ha ha ha Malaysia negara paling lucu.

    Mana Mana Dato Maharajalela yang bisa tentang keling ini kembali lah kuasa Anak Melayu sejati bukan Anak Keling Kerala. Ha ha ha>
