Saturday 30 March 2013

Temu Ramah dengan Tun Oracle

Puak2 UMNO bergembira sangat bila Tun Daim memuji Najib dan berkata BN akan menang tipis. Tak menang 2/3 tapi tetap menang. Wah- gembira sunguh puak UMNO. Ada yang kata kita akan menang lebih besar. Ada yang bertegas , kata UMNO akan menang 2/3.Daim kata menang tipis, depa kata menang besak.
Mengapa orang UMNO nak percaya sangat kelentong Tun Daim? Bukankah dalam tahun 2008, puak UMNO menyerang Daim tanpa belas kasihan? Membelasah dan membalun orang sudah menjadi fiil orang2 Melayu bikinan UMNO 88. 
Daim disifatkan sebagai orang tua nyanyuk, pencen lagi baik, dan Daim macam Quran buruk- dibaca tidak boleh, dibuang takut dosa. Nah, sekarang apa2 kelentong yang Daim keluarkan dianggap sebagai ramalan nujum pak belalang yang luhur lagi sahih. Sungguh terdesak puak2 UMNO 88 ini.
Saya pun hendak berkongsi interview saya dengan seorang lagi Tun. Nama dia Tun Oracle. asal pun negeri kedah. Sekolah pun pernah sekolah Sultan Abdul Hamid College. Tun Oracle kenal semua adik beradik Daim. Dia kenal ayah Daim dan sangat kenal dengan Pok Rafaeah, ibu kepada Daim. Malah Tun Oracle ini bayangan Tun Daim. Mai kita dengak cerita Tun yang lagi satu ni sat ya. Kemudian baghu kita buat kesimpulan.  
Tun Oracle ini lebih hebat dari Tun Daim. Sebelum Tun Daim berkata kata dia sudah tahu apa Daim nak kata. Sebelum Daim berfikir, dia dah tahu apa Daim fikirkan. Sebab iu dia dinamakan Tun Oracle. dia ada bola Kristal, air dalam bejana dengan limau nipis yang boleh nampak Daim hendak fikir dan kata. Mari kita dengar apa kata Tun Oracle. 

Bagaima Tun Oracle lihat prestasi Najib sebagai menteri kewangan? 

Najib fail sebagai menteri kewangan. Dia suka belanja sana sini. Hutang kerajaan  sampai 55% dari hasil pendapatan negara. Nak sampai 54 billion.

Apa erti nya ini? you dan saya menanggung hutang RM17 ribu seorang. Tak bayar dalam bentuk wang- tapi kerajaan akan naikkan kos mentadbir dan mengurus negara. Kita dikenakan cukai yang lebih besar- cukai jualan, cukai pintu, cukai itu dan ini, dan akhir nya cukai goods and servuces tax- yang dibayar oleh semua kaya dan miskin. 

Bukankah hari2 kerajaan kata- cukai peribadi diberi waiver yang lebih baik TUn? tax deductible allowance yang lebih baik. hari2 Tun saya dengak kat radio klasik juruhubah dok sembang Tun.

Apa guna bila kita ada goods and services tax? Ada kelonggaran pun- tax allowance yang baik sedikit dikensel dengan bayaran cukai sebaik sahaja kita guna khidmat dan barangan. Rakyat belum rasa bayaran cukai bila mereka belanja . nanti tahulah mereka.

Masa saya jadi Menteri Kewangan dulu, kata Tun Oracle, kadar bayaran faedah dari hutang dah RM5 billion setahun. Itu ketika harga komoditi dan harga petroliam bagus. Bayangkan bila hutang kerajaan sudah RM 504 billion? 

Bagaimana TUn menagani nya? 

Saya potong perbelanjaan mewah dan menolak projek2 mewah yang Mahathir nak buat. Saya tak peduli. Saya turunkan gaji. Saya kurangkan perbelajaan. 

You tengok apa Najib buat- macam orang yang tak pandai tadbir kewangan negara. macam orang kena sawan. Masa ini harga petroliam tak tinggi. Hasil dari minyak sawit pun kurang. Tapi Najib macam buta mengenai hal ini. belanja sakan dia tanpa memperdulikan kesihatan kewangan negara. Bengkrap Malaysia bermenterikan orang macam Najib. 

Dan ada satu lagi perkara yang Najib kena perhatikan. Jangan nak gangnam style sahaja. Jangan asyik tunjuk jari telunjuk keudara sahaja.
Dia kena handle, aliran wang haram dan aliran haram wang dan kekayaan negara kita. Sejak tahun 2000, kita hilang, on the average RM85 billion. 

Apa dia buat dalam hal ini? tunjuk lah kehebatan kamu dan keberanian kamu kata Tun Oracle.
Ini duit yang disorok oleh tauke2 besar, ahli politik rasuah dan pegawai tinggi kerajaan yang membalun wang negara.  Berapa besar? Tak banyak. RM85 bilion setahun selama 10 tahun yang lalu.

 Apa erti nya? Erti nya, para penyamun, perasuah, pembalun duit rakyat menghantar RM85,000 juta setahun kedalam akaun2 syarikat dan peribadi mereka diluar negara. 

Dan Najib kata sedang sedang mereka merusuh, dia mentrasnformasi. Najib kata ini dia kestabilan. Ini dia kejayaan. Ini dia harmoni. Para penyamun dan perompak menyorok duit yang di perolehi secara haram keluar negara, pemimpin negara yang pro mereka duduk diam. 

Tun Oracle kata, ini kelentong dan jual ubat Najib yang paling besar.



    Quite simple:
    1. Price of petrol will go up immediately
    2. Price of goods and electricity and transport and toll and everything else will go up as well
    3. My RM50 will only get 3 items at the shop - a bag of rice, cooking oil and eggs. (I must find ways to go without sugar, tea, coffee (forget milo), detergents,
    tissue paper )
    4. Minister's children will zoom about in lamborghinis and stay in several condos using MY MONEY
    5. We ll get BRIM but we ll also get all other acronyms controlled by towkays who will then lavish MY MONEY on Paris Hilton, Shah Rukh Khan, Jackie Chan....
    6. Natives in sarawak better say goodbye to their native land. And do it fast because if they come to power again they ll want to punish the natives for talking to the media

  2. I forgot one very important thing under title: WHAT IF UMNO wins

    IF UMNO WINS, the whole of PERKASA, not just Ibrahim Ali and Zul Nordin and Hassan Ali will walk about in the streets with a smirk on their faces that says: you all better watch out. We are in power now. Frankly i dont know which is worse: these blokes grinning from ear to ear or my impending poverty.

  3. Dato
    The article by chahaya qalbu on forex losses in the previous entry deserves a wider audience translated into Malay.
    Its awful the people who caused the forex losses still walk in the corridors of power today.

  4. Dato I agree with anonymous 10.06. It is not awful but disgraceful n sickening that these people can walk with straight face n worst still be in power. I feel sad for the future generation. They must be fully aware of what had happened. In fact these criminals would have committed harakiri.

  5. .. tun oracle cud be ToH Puan Mahani ? ;)

  6. Tun Oracle Pak Sak kalau wujud pun cakap macam Tun Daim juga. Guna pertimbangan akal dalam mencerna semua maklumat yg ada & semua orang boleh melakukannya. Utk makluman Pak Sak segala perkara yg berlaku yg mewarnai negara ini ada dalangnya yg mentadbir sebagai "khalifah" yg duduk di atas "takhta" anugerahNya. Utk makluman Pak Sak perjuangan antara kuasa baik & jahat setiap saat berlaku di atas muka bumi ini yg menghiasi layar kehidupan manusia & ianya bukanlah kebetulan yg disalut oleh "takdir" tetapi semuanya telah dirancang mengikut plot cerita yg berada dalam "alam fikiran" setiap manusia yg menguasai diri sendiri atau manusia yg dikuasai. Oleh itu mudah bagi "dalang" utk memainkan peranan "kekhalifahannya" ke atas manusia lain bergantung kepada kemahuannya. Kesimpulannya, jangan ingat negara ini "tiada siapa yg menjaganya" & "mentadbirnya". Si Oracle hanya melihat dari dalam rumah kaca tetapi lupa siapa yg mencipta & menjaganya.

  7. anon-11:56:

    Kalau betui-betui nak ikut tokong yang selalu suruh kita semua pandang ke timur, macai-macai UMNO, bukan 'would have' malah 'should have' committed harakiri pada bulan Ogos 1997 satu persatu di padang Merdeka.

    Najib dan lanun-lanun daratnya jangan pura-pura cintai Malaysia.

    Pembelot dan perasuah mesti dihukum satu hari nanti.

  8. I dont believe a word of this article. What do you expect? Written by a toilet cleaner at dap hq.

  9. Malaysia’s Poverty

    The latest World Bank reports on poverty in Malaysia had stated that 40% of Malaysia’s poor people live in Sabah. The 9th Malaysia Plan mid-term report by the federal Economic Planning Unit had also listed Sabah as the poorest State in Malaysia, not Kelantan.

    Overall in Msia, almost 40 percent or about 4 million of Malaysian breadwinners earn less than RM700 per month. They are actually living below poverty line. 45 percent of Malaysian households earn less than RM1500 per month. 3 out of 4 in the lowest income group are the families of Malays, Sabahans and Serawakians while 60 percent Indian families and 20 percent are Chinese families.

    The poorest among Malaysians can be found in the states of Sabah, Sarawak, Terengganu, Kelantan and Perlis in spite of the fact that some of these states have more than enough natural resources to sustain their economy. Unfortunately resources are plucked and plundered enriching few capitalists and those politically connected to BN.

    Added to this is the high cost of living that the BN’s government has failed to deal with in a sustainable manner. Inflation is affecting the poor badly. The BRIM one-off gift as aid to families won’t be able to sustain the livelihood of the poor and are not really sustainable economic measures and long term plans to help them continuously; eyewash to nick votes.

    The inefficiency and lack of economic acumen of BN has burdened the people more. Poverty rates have gone up due to high inflation and the rising costs of living. Basic essential items such as sugar, flour, milk and everyday food prices have spiral out of control since the past 10 years.

    Prices of petrol and gas have shot up despite the claim that it has been heavily subsidized. Electricity, highway toll and piped water rates have been indiscriminately increased for the past 20 years.

    RM4 billion is given to the highway concessionaires each year and 62 percent of RM40 billion is paid as subsidies and compensation each year to a few IPP (Independent Power Producers) and highway corporations that have not benefited the people. It has only enriched the companies and cronies who are well connected with the current BN-led government. The people still have to bear the high costs of using these utilities.

    Education costs have gone up. Places in the public universities are limited and many students could not get to do courses of their choice. Opting for private education involves a fortune that many could hardly afford.

    Prices of properties too have shot up depriving the poor opportunities of owning a decent shelter. Rental of houses, shops and offices gradually increased making life tough for those who lived in rented house and small-time businessmen currently renting or needing an office or shop.

    Prices of vehicles are high due to heavy government taxes and public transportation is in a dire state in most states. An average car owner has to spend at least 35 percent of his/her monthly income to service their monthly car loan and a minimum of RM300 per month for usage and maintenance.

    Beyond that, personal debts owed by Malaysian households to banks stood at 78 percent of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2010. This does not bode well for the people. Rakyat really has no other choice now but to change the present BN-led govt because naturally new ministers from an alternative party will do their best for the rakyat to prove that they are better than the previous one.


  10. anon-16:29

    Malaysia is a relatively a big place and hence will have among its inhabitants all sorts of characters. One thing is for sure, our smallest worry is with people who have a fascination for toilets and related fetishes. Whether it is the result of deliberate personal choice or an aberrant blood line is of no concern with the population at large. As a matter of fact, we are extremely pleased that men like you gravitate to the rotten core of UMNO-BN.

    If Sak's blog is the only blog you read, I feel sorry for you and your family (if you are the head of a household). I dread to think of your role as a parent. If you are single or an orphan, you can actually spend your whole lifetime specialising on toilets, and no one will be the worse for it, and perhaps you might just come up with an award-winning design to make Malaysia proud.

    Make an effort to read as many points of views as possible. We need men and women who can think and contribute towards making Malaysia a better place, not someone who must mention 'toilets' every time he carries on a monologue here in Sak's.

  11. Well said anon 19.14. He is a reflection of present day leaders.

  12. anol 16:29

    ko bleh respect sket ker? uncle sak ini bukan toilet cleaner.

    dier adalah pengamal muay thai daripada UMNO sekarang duk kat tandas DAP, tunggu timing nak menjadi pemimpin helicopter DAP. respect sket.. ok? bukan cleaner...

  13. Anon 20:03

    Kamu ada dapat didikan dari ibu bapa? Kalau tak ada, buka buku sekolah atau buku agama Dan belajar adab sopan. Apa sakmongkol atau orang lain hendak buat, itu hak masing2 asalkan mereka tidak melanggar undang2 atau merampas hak kita.

  14. your writing is to satarical just like deepak. neway good point pak sak. thanks for sharing
