Thursday 7 March 2013

Dua Pencapaian UMNO yang Terbesar.

Saya telah menyertai banyak ceramah di seluruh negara. Jarang saya merekodkan ceramah tersebut dalam bentuk youtube.

Sesekali adalah ianya dirakam dalam bentuk tersebut. Salah satu yang terbaru ialah ceramah yang saya sertai di Rengit, daerah Batu Pahat.

Dalam video in saya berpakaian baju Melayu. adapun perkara demkian terjadi, adalah kerana saya baru sahaja memberi suatu perbincangan dalam sebuah surau di Taman Penggaram, bandar Batu Pahat. Setelah habis program di surau tersebut, dengan pakaian Baju Melayu, saya pergi ke Rengit.

maka disini saya kongsi bersama dengan pembaca budiman, ceramah yang saya sampaikan di Rengit pada malam itu. Sekian terima kasih.


  1. Hebat! Tabik Spring! Betul! Terus maju, Dato'!

  2. Ceramah di Taman Melewar pun mantap juga..bila nak datang lagi?

  3. We want more! May u be successful in the coming PRU13

  4. Elok juga Dato'. Malay DAP can be as Malay as UMNO Malay, at least externally.


  5. Tahniah Dato'

    Satu bentuk ucapan dan pemsembahan yang menarik. Dato membuktikan bahawa Melayu DAP jauh lebih baik dari Melayu UMNO. Saya pasti Najib tak mampu untuk lakukan apa yang telah Dato buktikan. Sesekali dengar..terasa Ustaz PAS pula berceramah.

    Kalau benar Najib amalkan Wasothiyah...tak akan berlaku skandal " dicekup " di PD suatu masa dulu. Kalau Najib betul amalkan Islam...tubuh Altantuya tak mungkin hancur berkecai dan kematiannya terbiar tanpa pembelaan yang adil. Kalau Najib ini menghadham ajaran Islam dalam hidupnya..Rosmah tak mungkin berbelanja boros ratusan mahu pun jutaan RM cuma untuk bergaya,

    Apa yang cukup pasti...Najib mengamalkan amalan " wa setan ni ah ". Kalau sudah tak tahu nak membezakan apa itu najis mughallazah, bagaimana Najib boleh pastikan tubuhnya bersih dan solatnya sah sepanjang kehidupannya selama ini?

    Cuma Najib itu lebih bernasib baik kerana kanak kanak tersebut tidak bertanya Najib bagaimana cara nak mandi junub ( wajib )?. Kalau itu pun Najib tak boleh jawab, tentulah kita akan lebih kenal manusia yang bernama Najib ini. Tapi itu pun muka dia menjadi tebal setebal kulit khinzir tanpa segan silu bercakap soal Islam. Ha ha ha...munafik dan hipokrit betul manusia Najib ini!

    Tapi WZWH kuat menyokong pemimpin berjiwa Islam macam ini. Wa ka ka! Satu bentuk klasik " sokong membawa rebah " yang akan merebahkan Malaysia jika tidak dihalang segera.

  6. Dato, you have my support. I'll deposit some money to your acct to support your election campaign
    Best of luck!

  7. I am impressed. I have been following your blogs since 2009 and baru sekarang saw in in action.

    I would be honoured of you would come to either kampung pandan, pandan jaya or pandan indah to ceramah us.

    Rafizi and I need you

  8. That's a "knock out" punch point for point!

  9. Tabik! Pooh, kalah penceramah Pas. Jom orang Melayu, kita semua masuk DAP!

  10. Salam Dato,

    Saya sangat menghargai Dato, sebagai seorang yang sudi untuk berfikir masak-masak apa yang UMNO Baru telah lakukan kepada umat Melayu selama ini.

    Saya orang Melayu beragama Islam. Saya malu bila mendapati UMNO Baru ini menjadi "perompak" dalam kalangan orang Melayu.

    Saya malu bila ada kalangan orang Melayu berlagak "samseng".

    Sudah tiba masanya kita pilih orang Melayu yang ada budi bahasa, etika mulia dan hormat bangsa lain dan agama selari dengan Quran.

  11. Boleh tahan jugak Dato. Malaon umno sure susah nak tidur mendengar hujah Dato.

    Apapun tahniah...semoga Allah SWT memenangkan Pakatan Rakyat dalam PRU 13 ini. Amin.

  12. Wow,your ceramah is interesting ,hope you can post more in your blog and you tube so that we can share thru Facebook and other social media.

  13. Dato',

    This is the first time I've seen you in action, and I have to say that if I didn't know you beforehand by virtue of reading this blog, I would have thought that you're a PAS speaker! It's definitely a paradigm shift to see someone from DAP being able to talk like this, let alone having the capability to recite Quranic verses, et al.

    I come from Johor, and it's been our running joke all this while that if UMNO were to be defeated, Johor would be the last state to go down. And the latest info leaked from inside UMNO Johor itself is that for the coming PRU13, they're putting all their major effort to ensure that enough Parliament seats are won so that the Federal govt is still in their hands. Johoreans being Johoreans, we know that UMNO will still win the State, but more and more Johoreans now no longer feel that UMNO is THE only party for the Malays, a phenomenon which is unthinkable just 15 years ago.

  14. I never knew Ariff Sabri can comfortably well.
    He must stand for election.
    PR have plenty intelligent good Muslim politicians and speakers and Sabri is one of them.
    In Umno B you always hear Najib and Mahathir speak.
    Compare the quality of speeches. Guys like Sabri..Rafizi...Mat Sabu..leaving Anwar out..all spoke what Umno B is.
    Mahathir and Najib keep fooling Muslims with their speeches.

  15. Dato',

    Are we not surprised to learn of this news?

    On a second thought, I guess the only surprising element here is the speed of which the announcement was made by the EC Chairman.

  16. Koi betul2 tabik awok Dato'...

  17. Assalamualaikum. Pertama kali saya dengar ceramah Dato', Dato memang hebat. Tahniah Dato

  18. Well done. I hope DAP will give you an important position either in the Cabinet or the Exco, depending on whether you stand for Parliament or state seat.
    I just cannot understand why some Malays still continue to support UMNO.


  19. A Very impressive 'ceramah" indeed !
    Keep it up sak !
    Bet you'd win the seat you are about to contest.

  20. Dato,

    Izinkan saya beri sedikit pandangan tentang desakan Yang Dipertua PSSGM, Datuk Adiwijaya Abdullah agar Tian Chua dilucutkan taraf kerakyatan ekoran komen beliau mengenai isu pencerobohan Sulu.

    Suka saya tanyakan satu soalan kepada Datuk Adiwijaya yang mungkin rasa terlalu pandai dan hebat berpencak ini.

    Antara komen Tian Chua tersebut dibandingkan dengan pemberian status " warga negara segera " kepada ratusan ribu pendatang asing secara sulit dan diam oleh Mahathir Mohamad sebelum ini, mana satukah yang merupakan satu kesalahan dan jenayah berat?

    Manusia bernama Adiwijaya ini harus jawab secera jujur dan ikhlas. Jangan jadi seorang Dato bertaraf " haprak " yang tidak tahu bezakan antara jenayah dan bukan jenayah.

    Kalau Adiwijaya rasa Tian Chua patut dilucut warganegara, apa pula hukuman wajar kepada petualang bernama Mahathir Mohamad? Tidakkah Mahathir Mohamad ini patut saja mati ditali gantung kerana terbukti telah menggadai keselamatan negara Malaysia kepada pihak asing?

    Wahai Adiwijaya! Kalau mahu membodek dan " bersilat dayung ", biarlah berpada pada. Kenyataan anda meloyakan tidak saja kepada sebahagian pengikut persilatan anda malah seluruh rakyat Malaysia dapat merasai betapa mualnya " silat lidah " anda itu.

  21. Salam reformasi,

    Mohon pengundi di Pahang yang melibatkan Dato Ariff Sabri sebagai calon dalam GE 13 dapat membuka laluan seluas luasnya agar beliau memenangi pemilihan. Saya yakin beliau seorang pemimpin yang berkalibar dan sangat layak berada dalam Dewan Rakyat ( Parlimen ) mahu pun Dewan Undangan Negeri.

    Penmpilan Dato Ariff adalah tepat pada waktunya untuk mempercepatkan lagi kejatuhan Najib Razak dan UMNO BN dari persada politik tanahair. Orang Pahang jangan menempah dosa kering sengaja memilih seorang pemimpin yang terpalit dengan segala noda dan dosa seperti Najib Razak yang dikaitkan sebagai orang yang ikut terbabit dengan peletupan jasad Altantuya sehingga hancur berkecai.

    -Pattani Warrior-

  22. Dato,hope you contest in Raub, Ng yen yen is a sitting duck,most of the Chinese in Raub is so pissed off and she dare not step into Raub town.If you concentrate on Felda area the seat is as good as most BN will get only maybe 10 percent Chinese votes.Bentong is also a good choice as everybody is waiting for the MB telinga and wants to see him jumping into Sungai Pahang.

  23. We want more, we want more!

  24. Best damn speech i have heard for a while! Been following your blog for a while now but this is the first time seeing a video of you! My salute to you sir!

  25. A BIG YES to SAK !!

  26. Dato Sak,
    Amazing speech-holiau, I'm speechless.
    Umno must be real dumbno to lose a talented intellectual like your goodself. If the ilk of Dato runs Malaysia, we'll become one of the most advanced and prosperous countries in the world.
    Singapore must be hoping for Umno to continue governing as a PR government will overtake them in less than a decade especially with brains like Dato, Rafizi, Nurul, LGE, Dr Dzul, khalid Samad, Tony Pua, Dr Jeyakumar etc helming the government.,

  27. Salam Dato'

    AlhamdulilLah. Dato' kerana telah menguatkan dan bersandarkan hujjah dengan dalil-dalil dari Quran dan Hadith, maka dengan ini perjuangan Dato' dalam DAP dapat saya menyifatkan jihad fisabillilah. Tiada ragu-ragu bagi saya bersedia menyokong perjuangan Dato'.

    Semoga Allah SWT berkati perjuangan Dato'.

  28. Excellent Speech! Well done! Continue to do more Ceramah!

  29. Dato sia bulum lagi paranah nampak kau bercaramah tapi selalu juga bacabaca blog ini dan berasa sangat bangat terharu. Dan sia butulbutul harap tuan buli datang ke negeri sia yg bernama sabah untuk bercaramah sempena pru yg akan tiba inda lama lagi. Tulung la boss satu hari pun buli. Paling sanang dtg ke area kk atau penampang. Salam damai. Aramaitiiiiiii

  30. Recently DS Najib launched the ulamak umarak n asnaf. The ladies invited from asnaf from kl were paid RM30 per pax. I think the organiser or middlemen has cukai the portion allocated by Najib.

  31. Training of Filippino Muslim militants and giving of blue IC's.The cows have finally come home to made babies.

  32. Salam dato saya seorang student master in political science...articles dato by membantu saya dlm memahami politik malaysia yg sebenar.....Thanks again dato

  33. salam Dato',
    i wish you the best in the GE but I would like to see you and your DAP friends to to talk less on the wrong and bad of UMNO and BN. have heard and know what UMNO good at and bad at.
    Enough of yours and Opposition bashing of what went wrong in past 55 years. whether you agree or not, I have seen and experienced progress - for me, my family and many of the people I know. those that worked hard do enjoy reasonable success and wealth. i used to follow my mum menoreh before going to school, alhamdullillah the Government helpedin my education and now my siblings and I are able to give good life to our parents.
    i do want to see an alternative to choose in GE. unfortunately I am not convinced that choice is DAP or PAS. you guys are just not convincing enough. Stop bashing the past and tell us about your plans for the future. For a start TELL ME HOW DAP IS GOiNG TO HONOR THE CONSTITuTION? HOW DAP WILL DEAL WITH PART ON ISLAM AS OFFICIAL RELIGION AND ON SPECIAL RIGHTS OF THE MALAY.

    Tell me how in DAP Malaysia there will be less chasing away of Malays in Penang. Tell me how in DAP Malaysia some competent Malays boleh menumpang berniaga di Pasar Bangsar atau di Petaling Street? tell me how in DAP Malaysia they will be balanced ofthe races making money and contribute to national security. Tell me how DAP Malaysia will increase Chinese Bomba, polis, kastam, nursing dan perguruan. Tell me Dato. When I am convinced I shall change my vote.


  34. Dato Sabri.....for PM.Ia betul orang Melayu memang kuat melatah. Tengah sanjung le Dato Sabri tu selepas mendengar ceramah ceramahnya.Of course le thats what we want to hear now. I HOPE HE NOT A LET DOWN?I'm for him as the Pm as he always say everybody boleh jadi PM betul. Thats true indeed,But the most important are the people around the PM. They must be the right person for the job as they are PMs advisors. Kalau lousy dia orang lousy le PM as it is now. And PM must take charge. AS for us Malays lets fill up the form to. join the DAP. Macam mana Tok, ok ke atau saya pun melatah juga. Kalau macam ni pula macam orang melayu ni boleh mengharap pada Dato utk perjuangan org Melayu. Nanti pulak in future ada pulak tengkorak tengkorak...orang melayu kita is good at that.actually tak tau where orang melayu is heading to. Only god knows

  35. I SECOND THAT OF SAYANG MALAYSIA.....he/she got a point or two there Dato, and probably that the way forward for Dato.We've heard enough of that bashing too...move on. As you know orang Melayu senang terpengaruh...terutama bab bab bantai orang.maklumlah bread and butter orang melayu

  36. Memang Hebat! Memang Bagus!

  37. Bravo! Excellent presentation, with lots of humor and yet captivating. Encore!

  38. Wahhh hebat betul ceramah awak Sak. Sebiji macam orang jual ubat zaman P. Ramlee. Cakap berdegar degar buat orang dengar tapi isinya hambar. Ceramah macam ni buat penglipur lara boleh la untuk orang yang nak hiburan tapi untuk buat orang berfikir sorry la. Macam Pak Lawak!!!

  39. I'm not surprise everybody is for Dato to be the PM from now. I am for one.Orang Melayu memang le suka dengar ceramah apatah lagi kalau penceramah boleh quote few ayat quran/ hadith sana sini.Kadang kadang orang Melayu punya staying power susah nak percayA.Selalunya tak lama.Oeang melayu kalau dah dapat kuasa lepas tu tau je le ceritanya.
    I dont how to make of this Dato.Qualification cukup dah...oratory skill ada ..but he has still prove the sincerity of perjuangan orang melayu.setakat mana dia boleh pergi dalam DAP. Like I aay he cannot do it alone.So we have to join the DaP.Mcam mana Dato....

  40. Jual ubat jual ubat

  41. Hebat jugak Sakmongkol ni..........dalam kelas yg lain.....Raja Petra.....kalah kalau pasal ceramah....RPK boleh menulis tp kalau berucap......boring

  42. Salam Dato. Saya percaya ramai yg minat tgk Dato berceramah seperti minat kpd tulisan Dato. Teruskan perjuangan semoga Allah memberikan kemenangan kpd kita semua...insyaAllah..Saya nak mintak Dato seboleh2nya rakam dan siarlah sebyk mgkin ceramah Dato dan kami nak sebarkan di alam siber utk kwn2 share...boleh Dato?? Harap Dato pertimbangkan.

  43. Alhamdulillah org mcm Dato tidak berada dlm UMNO..Takbir!!

  44. Salam Dato'. Very impressive speech. Do a lot more of this in Johore.
