Thursday 21 February 2013

Fatwa dari Mursyidul Am UMNO- Dr Mahathir Mohamad

Ketika saya berada di Rembau N9, sebelum ke tempat ceramah kami singgah disebuah restoren. Waktu itu, berita TV3, lidah propaganda UMNO baru hendak bermula. Berita yang mengawali penceritaan ialah kenyataan2 dari mursyidul am UMNO- Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Dia kata- “saya tidak fikir Pakatan Rakyat boleh memerintah- kerana mereka tidak ada –pengalaman”.
Dan kepada solan dari seorang pembaca yang bertanya adakah Rembau selamat untuk KJ- saya mendahului memohon maaf untuk menyatakan masa depan KJ di Rembau gelap dan muram. Tangan2 ajaib dan halimunan dalam UMNO sendiri yang akan membunuh KJ terlebih dahulu.
Berbalik kepada kenyataan Dr Mahathir. Pengalaman apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Mahathir? Ini kenyataan tipikal pemimpin UMNO yang sombong dan bongkak. Seolah olah nya hanya UMNO sahaja yang layak memerintah. UMNO sahaja yang mempunyai kelayakan membawa kemajuan dan pembangunan. Pembohongan dan penipuan Mahathir mudah dipatahkan- lapuran odit negara menyebut perihal rekod baik pimpinan kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh PR. Adakah Dr Mahathir mencadangkan bahawa ketua odit negara berbohong?
Saya sudah menyatakan banyak kali- jika Najib Tun Razak boleh jadi PM, semua orang lain pun boleh. Mentadbir negara Malaysia bukan suatu roket sains. Jika mereka yang bodoh dalam UMNO dan BN boleh memerintah Malaysia, mustahil yang cerdik, pandai dan bijak dalam Pakatan tidak mampu? Bukankah Dr Mahathiir sendiri yang menyatakan bahawa yang tinggal dalam UMNO hanyalah pemimmpin2 half past six ? yang bijak sudah masuk PAS, yang pandai masuk PKR dan yang  cerdik sudah masuk DAP? Maka yang demikian, jika dullards dan yang bodoh dapat memerintah Malaysia selama 55 tahun dan menjahanamkan negara, mengapa yang lebih pandai tidak boleh?
Dan mursyidul am UMNO ini bercakap seolah olah kepada pembaca dan pendengar  adalah orang2 yang bodoh. Yang di luar sana,untuk pengetahuan Dr Mahathir semuanya adalah reasonable man yang menaiki kereta proton saga atau menaiki bas intrakota yang membaca apa yang tersirat daripada yang tersurat.
Negeri2 yang di perintah oleh PR semua menunjukkan prestasi yang lebih baik dari semua segi berbanding dengan rekod pengurusan kerajaan BN. Jadi pengalaman apa yang Dr Mahathir cakapkan?
4 negeri yang dikuasai oleh PR meneruskan dominasi mereka sebagai destinasi pertama pelaburan asing. Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor dan Penang menguasai 55% dari pelaburan asing. Bajet dalam negeri2 ini sama ada seimbang atau berada dalam lebihan tanpa memanipulasi angka. Jika negeri2 ini memanipulasi angka, sudah tentu media yang di miliki dan dikuasai oleh UMNO akan berpesta mendedahkan permainan angka.
Jadi pengalaman apa yang Dr Mahathir maksudkan? Memang benar, kita PR tidak ada pengalaman. Yakni pengalaman merompak dan melanun negara.
Kenapa Dr Mahathir yang sudah sampai umur 88 tahun itu seolah2 menjadi jurucakap dan jurubicara UMNO? Kerana Dr Mahathir mempunyai kepentingan peribadi untuk menentukan UMNO menang. Dr Mahathir adalah orang yang paling ketakutan bila PR mengambil alih kerajaan. Dia bimbang akan keselamatan diri nya sendiri dan yang paling dia bimbangi ialah masa depan anak2 nya yang berniaga.
Kita hendak beritahu Dr Mahathir- kita tidak jel orang yang berumur 88 tahun. Kita akan hanya meminta pemulangan harta dan wang yang telah dicuri dari rakyat.
Bagaimana rakyat Malaysia yang akan keluar mengundi dalam PRU13 nanti melayani Mahathir?  Saya sudah pun menyatakan- bila Pak Lah memenangi PRU dahulu dengan majoriti yang terbesar dalam sejarah- rakyat sebenar nya meraikan pengeluaran Mahathir. Kemudian negara kita dipimpin oleh seorang yang mencari al ghazali dan mencari kedamaian. Untuk seketika rakyat Malaysia terpukau dengan pengucapan batin Pak lah sehinggalah mereka sedar, bahawa itu semua untuk pendengaran umum. Pak lah ternyata menjadi PM yang paling lembab untuk negara ini.
Dalam PRU13, rakyat berpeluang sekali lagi menjatuhkan hukuman kepada Mahathir. Mari kita sama2 menghukum orang yang melingkup dan menjahanamkan maruah bangsa Melayu. Dr Mahathir bertanggung jawab menyebabkan orang melayu mengemis dalam negara mereka sendiri. 
Kecuali orang Melayu mendapat keseronokan jika dizalimi, maka satu undi yang di beri kepada UMNO dan BN, bererti kita merelakan dan menyukai dizalimi dan disakiti. Satu undi untuk UMNO bererti kita akan ada 100 lagi skendel NFC. Satu undi untuk UMNO , kita akan ada lagi 100 Puspahanas, 100 pembelian kapal selam, 100 pembelian pesawat kapalterbang.
Satu undi untuk UMNO bererti kita menjatuhkan hukuman bunuh kepada diri sendiri. 


  1. bludy busy misybodies21 February 2013 at 09:16

    Put the pictures of Mahathir,Abrahim Ali,Hassan Ali,Ridzuan Tee and Muhyiddin next to Najib in posters and leaflets and Umno/BN is sure to lose GE 13.

  2. .....yg cerdik pandai dalam PR Pak Sak? you must be joking right?

  3. Sebab Mahathirlah negara jatuh miskin, rakyat tiada pekerjaan, tiada rumah, tiada pelajaran & kos sara hidup melambung tinggi. Bukan begitu Pak Sak? dumbarse prick....

  4. Dato,

    Saya setuju sangat dengan pendapat bahawa Mahathir adalah punca masyarakat Melayu menjadi mundur dan pecah belah. Mahathir adalah nukleas yang menyebabkan sistem kehakiman dan pentadbiran negara Malaysia menjadi huru hara dan caca marba. Beliau lah yang memulakan nya dan amalan buruk ini diteruskan oleh pimpinan UMNO BN selepasnya.

    Pada saya Mahathir sekarang sudah iseng atau " gila babi ". Beliau seorang negarawan gila meroyan. Tanpa rasa malu beliau cuba menuding jari segala kesalahan dan dosa yang beliau lakukan selama ini kepada pihak lain. Saya melihat Mahathir akan bertukar menjadi " loyar buruk " setiap kali beliau gagal menjawab pertanyaan wartawan. Beliau menjadi baran dan marah marah bila soalan soalan yang berkait kerja dan amalan buruknya selama ini dibangkitkan wartawan.

    Cukup ketara bahawa manusia dan bekas PM Malaysia satu ini sebenarnya seorang pendendam ( darah dan perangai pariah masih menebal dalam dirinya ). Kerana perangai pendendamnya dan merasakan semua orang lain bodoh atau kurang ilmu, maka " spesis pariah " ini sanggup membunuh karir beberapa pemimpin Melayu yang berpotensi besar di dalam UMNO sepanjang kekuasaannya. Mahathir bagaikan sedang menyusun " empayar si kitul " atau " regim spesis pariah " dalam pentadbiran Malaysia dengan membawa masuk " rakan rakan sekapal " ke dalam UMNO malah memposisikan mereka ini dibeberapa potfolio penting.

    Kaum Melayu diingatkan belajar dari sejarah lepas kerana sejarah tidak pernah berbohong. Projek IC Sabah sebelumnya juga jelas menunjukkan bahawa pendatang dari benua sebelah India mendapat menafaat yang banyak. Siapa dalang disebalik projek ini kalau bukan Mahathir.

    Jangan sesekali memberi muka dan ruang lagi buat Mahathir dan keturunannya untuk terus berkuasa dan bermaharaja lela dalam arus politik Malaysia. Cukuplah selama lebih 50 tahun UMNO BN berkuasa ( 20 tahun lebih dibawah Mahathir Mohamad ), namun nasib kaum Melayu tetap mundur jauh kebelakang. Malah paling menyedihkan...sistem pentadbiran dan perundangan negara Malaysia menjadi kucar kacir kerana telah dirogol oleh Mahathir Mohamad dan penggantinya sehingga hari ini. Menjadi tanggungjawab kita untuk kembalikan negara ke landasan sebenar dengan memastikan UMNO BN serta kekuasaan Mahathir dalam politik Malaysia ditamatkan dalam GE 13 nanti.

    Makin lama UMNO BN Berkuasa dan selagi Mahathir Mohamad diberi kuasa dalam pertubuhan ini...Melayu akan terus merempat dan negara bakal tumbang atau bernsur ansur bangkrup kerana amalan rasuah dan kebocoran yang bukan sedikit. Jangan sampai segalanya sudah terlambat!

  5. PU2004 rakyat memberi kemenagan kepada Pak Lah kerana meraikan pengeluaran Mahathir. PU2008 rakyat memberikan pembangkang inroads kerana Pak Lah PM lembab. PU2013 rakyat akan memberikan kemenangan kepada pembangkang untuk sekali lagi menghumbangkan Mahathir dan PM Najib yang lembab.

  6. Ini kali lah.....Tukar!


  7. Dato'

    Sharp and hard, but precisely true.
    Let those who are going to vote UMNO/BN know exactly what they are getting into.

  8. Dear Datuk,

    The Dr is using a very very old statement,"No experience running country" clearly show he is out of touch. When he says that PKR has no experience, he is misleading himself rather then the Public, everyone knows how well Selangor and Penang are doing. IF johor were to fall to PKR, Johor too will start to do even better being near to Singapore.

    The Dr is clearly being affected his neurons are misfiring and memory relapsing to prior 2008, when that statement could hold true. Now, with 4 years plus of experience in the pocket,
    PKR has show the ability to Govern, ability to learn to agree to disagree, search for the dynamism in diversity and manage the states through consensus. Every thing is spelled out in the common policy framework.

    We all Malaysians are with PKR, to take Malaysia to the next heights of the tru potenetial, blessed with natural resources, a siazable doemstic economy and productive workforce.

    I think we can hit an economy of RM 5 trillion if Pakatan gets to Govern for 3 terms.

  9. Dato'

    You certainly appear with your AK-47 blazing at the old man. Keep it up!


  10. Tahun 1957, BN pun takda pengalaman kan?

  11. Rakyat Malaysia tidak perlu mengucapkan TERIMA KASIH kepada Tuan Mahathir kerana tiada apa yang harus dibanggakan selama 22 tahun beliau memerintah.

    Tuan Mahathir tidak perlu mendabik dada kerana kebanyakan projek beliau GAGAL. Perwaja gagal, PKFTZ gagal, Sukan komanwel Sukom rugi, MAS rugi dan bailed out, Proton rugi & telah 3 kali bertukar owner, LRT & MRT bailed out dan kedua2nya telah diambil alih oleh kerajaan dibawah Syarikat Pasarana Negara, Motosikal MV Agusta rugi dan dijual rendah dari nilai asal. KL Central mengambil masa 15 tahun untuk siap setelah suntikan dana dari EPF, Litar F1 walupun telah berusia 15 tahun tetapi setiap kali perlumbaan berlangsung jumlah kerusi kosong melebihi jumlah para penonton. 15% penonton adalah dari kalangan bukan peminat sukan kerana syarikat2 GLC dipaksa membeli tiket2 dengan kadar tertentu.

    Kepesatan ekonomi Malaysia memuncak di era tahun 90an bukan kerana Tuan Mahathir pandai ekonomi tetapi adalah kerana trend semasa pada ketika itu. Negara2 ASEAN yang lain seperti Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore & Philipina pada masa yg sama mengecapi pertumbuhan GDP yang tinggi iaitu diantara 7-11% setahun.

    Kerancakan Bursa Saham pada ketika itu juga bukan atas faktor ekonomi yang sihat tetapi diatas KERAKUSAN bendahari UMNO iaitu Tuan DAIM. Tuan DAIM telah menjadi ikutan bagi para pemain saham pada ketika itu dimana beliau sering bermain & gemar menyerang kaunter2 saham murah. Apabila Tuan Daim beli... semua orang akan ikut beli sehinggakan saham yang berharga RM1.30 boleh melonjak kepada RM11 ringgit. Apabila DAIM telah kaya & keluar dari berjudi di KLSE, saham2 jatuh mendadak kerana kekurangan big players.... Tuan Mahathir dengan tergesa2 menyalahkan & memilih SOROS sebagai kambing hitam.

    Mahathir memang licik, kaki AUTA sesat lagi menyesatkan... sebijik macam JIN. Kah kah kah....

  12. Dato',
    I agree fully on your analysis on the "megastar/crowd pulling quality" of Tun M. If one were to be objective, one would have come to the conclusion that Tun M were REJECTED by the Malays but saved by the non-Malays MANY TIMES of his 22-year rule and the clearest indication of this was the overwhelming victory by Abdullah which you so aptly put "as the rejoicing of the people upon Tun M's departure" rather than Abdullah factor per se. Will the Malay voters be "pulled" or "pushed" by Tun M? One thing for certain MANY Chinese cannot stand the sight, let alone the "sound" of him. So will Tun M become "the megastar" for UMNO/BN or "box office poison" come GE 13?

  13. 1 of 2

    Reminder to all Malays..

    The write-up below has no malicious intend towards Indians or Mamaks in Msia or the world. It’s not about racism or hatred but to highlight Dr M ingratitude and unappreciative towards a native of a country that had given him so much.


    What an insult to the Malays! No one in his true state of mind would have ever uttered such degrading words against a native community of this country. What more it came from DR M’s mouth. Doesn’t Dr M owe his existence to the support given by the Malays? Does he forget that it is the Malays who made him the President of UMNO and Prime Minister? Aren’t the Malays who had given their undivided support for him for more than four decades? Yet, Dr M has become so ungrateful that he uttered those uncivilized words against the very people who supported him, knowing very well that he is not even pure Malay.

    Mahathir, even by his very name is not Malay. His name originated from two Tamil words....Maha and Thir. Maha means great, greatness or big and Thir means thirta or holy water. If DR M’s father has been a Malay and mother Indian, it could have been much proper for DR M to claim that he is Malay. In his case it was the reverse where his father is Indian and mother Malay. Nevertheless the Malay community warmly accepted him as one of them even though he was a half-breed, borne through mixed marriage.

    Rightfully, Dr M should have joined the MIC and served the Indian community due to his Indian origin. But he chose to join UMNO pretending to be Malay. The Malays accepted him in good faith. For that Dr M has rewarded the Malays by uttering they are "ungrateful and lacking in intelligence”. What a nasty way to treat those who trusted him. If anyone else from PR would have uttered such idiotic remark towards the Malays, BN controlled mainstream media will broadcast it for week’s non-stop and UMNO goes amok, as if it’s the end of the world!

    Remember, Dr M had many times visited his ancestral home in Kerala, India. Why of all the places, he went to Kerala? He went there to visit his relatives plus friends and also to invest and buy properties. Although he made his billions in Malaysia he is only grateful to India, not Malaysia, which is a typical DNA of a mamak; make money in Malaysia but invest in India.

    In actuality, what Dr M has not done for the Malays is much easier to detail. His failures far exceed its achievements. For example, what sorts of values have he stamped on the Malays psyche and society; are these to its detriment or benefit?

  14. 2 of 2

    Dr M fortification of the divide and rule policy had germinated racial resentment and outbursts of religious anger occurring each day, with the Malays feeling they have the right to demand more than the other races, which is actually a contradiction to Islam's humble face and recognition of the rights of the other faiths.

    Law and order have lost integrity while the Judiciary, SPRM and PDRM have lost the respect of the people, as it is so clear that cops and judges can be swayed to decide in favor of UMNO/BN VIPs!

    As for the economy, thanks to the plundering by the UMNO/BN elites, Malaysia is at the brink of bankruptcy with most of its natural resources depleted. While the education system only produces third-rate graduates and the political scenario is marred with polls rigging, PATI instant citizens and gutter politics.

    Obviously, those who have gained the most from Dr M policies are UMNO/BN top leaders. They have enriched themselves and their cronies through marked-up contract prices and one-sided agreements, leaving the ordinary rakyat to bear the cost burden. Unlike Midas who with a single touch turned everything to gold, it is the opposite with Dr M, as whatever he touched, everything has turned into one massive mess for the people!

    Therefore Dr M has done nothing much for the Malays. There is zilch for Dr M to be proud of and nothing much for UMNO to celebrate. In fact, Malaysians and the Malays need to step on the brake hard or the country will be kaput-ed!

    If the Malays are corrupt and forget easily, it is due to his policies of the past 2 decades that have encouraged the worst habits and vices to emerge and fester. Why are the UMNO ulamaks (clerics) usually so quick to sermonize suddenly so quiet?

    Are there one standard for Dr M and UMNO elites and another for all the ordinary Malays in the country? If there is, then the Malays had better take action to protect them from being used again, and then get scolded for their pains after they have been taken for a ride.

    And why should the Malays take Dr M’s insult lying down? Why should they consider UMNO as their protector when it did not dare to speak a single word in their defense when Dr M so unfairly accused them of being ungrateful when he is probably the biggest ingrate of them all?

    It is crystal clear that Dr M is the one who should be grateful to the Malays for being accommodating enough to let him become a Prime Minister in a Malay majority nation even though he is an Indian. Not only that but also cheated and plundered the country's wealth to enrich his family, relative and cronies. In return Dr M, instead of being thankful to the Malays, insulted and humiliated them.

    What an ungrateful Indian he is!!!


  15. Tq di atas ulasan yg dato sak kemukakan semuga menjadi garis pemisah agar semua rakyat negara ini menilai kembali pemimpin yg memerintah selama ini. doa kami utk kemajuan bangsa.alang, kereta pun kena tukar juga.5 tahun kita sebagai rakyat akan menilai

  16. The old horse was supposed to have retired. After sacking four deputies, he finally installed one whom he thought was the most servile but forgot about his SIL! Now he wants to replace the one he replaced with a cowherd.
    Now the octogenarian is working overtime to protect his tainted legacy. But he now faces the wrath of the rakyat. There is no way he can win this time. The rakyat shall finally retire him. Permanently.

  17. DATO

  18. Pengalaman bn yg terbesar ialah menipu 55 thn

  19. Projek merugikan tiba lagi.... HSR KL-Singapore Train Ride with up to 80 billion at stake.... just take airasia n fly....

    u want more singaporeans buy property in central malaysia and jerk up the prices more... rm500,000 are kacang putih amount for Sing dollars 2.5 factor up....

  20. Dato;

    Jika Najib bolih jadi PM, BUDAK SEKOLAH PUN BOLIH JADI PERDANA MENTERI.Tidak ada sesuatu yang bolih di banggakan pada Najib itu.

  21. One can be excused for being less than laudatory of the man.

    If he can brand Pakatan as inexperienced, then he should ask himself what he as top of the Umno heap has been when he could only describe himself as a schoolboy on financial matters. In fact, it is incredulous how he could have gotten away with PKFZ for so long.

    It must be because he was the sole ruler of Malaysia during that time. Here's an anecdote that is telling of his psychological makeup. During his reign, it was said one of his sons was extensively involved in the medical supply business. There was a senior MOH official, presumably of mixed parentage, who knew what was going on. After he retired, he started to write publicly to criticize the monopolistic supply to MOH. One day a group of people barged in on the ex-official. They told him they had come 'from the Man' who told them to tell 'that halfbreed to shut up'.

    One therefore wonders whether he himself had such a hard time acknowledging his own father that he forgot he too was of mixed parentage.

    So how shall anyone valuate what he said regarding Pakatan when in the instance mentioned, he himself already committed the three bad things of corrupt nepotism, abuse of office, and genetic aberration? If that be what Umno has by way of experience in running this country, then that would explain the ruins of today's federal institutions which the rakyat no longer trust.

    The man is sorely mistaken about things. When the Rakyat Of Malaysia move Pakatan into Putrajaya, the civil service will be retained except for those who want to remain trouble-makers. There will be continuity. The administrative experience will not be lost. In fact, it will be enhanced by more integrity and the return of conscience when making decisions and discharging duties, what more beefed up by some of the finest and brightest professional minds in the country. Those overseas may even deem it an honour to return and serve.

    Indeed, integrity and conscience are twins of honour. With honour to the new 'Government of Malaysia' there will be less corruption, more savings, and therefore better services for the rakyat so that those big projects underway or even being planned until 2020 will be rationalized and may be continued under the new administration but without the corrupt allocations to the present bunch of Umno crooks waiting to draw from them.

    How then can this not be good for the rakyat and country? It will only not be good for the dozens of Umno leaders and their hangers-on waiting to cream the national coffers, steal rakyat money for themselves and their own families, and increase the debt and liabilities of the nation well into the future of the next generations.

    And that is why Umno and the rest of its Barisan bunch must be booted out of Putrajaya so that they will have five years sitting on the opposition bench after GE13 to reflect on their crimes against the humanity that are our pre-RCI Malaysians.

    If this is not done, Umno and its bunch will continue to rip off this nation and deal the rakyat another season of their version of experienced plunder and blunder. They may even accelerate RCI Phase II to secure new fixed deposits. Our indigenous Malays will then suffer the last sentence of being overwhelmed by foreigners brought in by the very party in which they had vested their trust and hope. Were it not such a tragedy, it would be almost hysterically ironical.

    So dry those tears, drop those fears and make this a definitively good year for our nation. Umno is just a few bad men and women. After the last festivity, a second spring-cleaning is in order. This time all the dust that has been swept under the carpet must go.

    And 'ABU' has 'U'(you) in it.

    This post, for Cahaya Qalbu.

  22. TQVM Walla 4 yo time n precious thought...
