Tuesday 22 January 2013

Gelombang Tsunami dibumi Perak.

One two three four
Satu dua tiga empat
Kak ros cincin besor
Orang batu kurau, apa dapat?

UMNO dan BN sah berkubur di Perak. Laungan INI KALILAH bergema dari rakyat. Secara spontan dan sukarela. Malam tadi rakan2 dan saya berceramah di pasar selasa Batu Kurau. Jumlah yang datang mendengar, yang duduk, berdiri dan bersila amat menaikkan semangat. Wanita ramai. Bila wanita ramai, itu petanda UMNO akan bungkus. Wanita UMNO nak masuk kampung2- mereka malu bila disebut sebagai gembala lembu NFC dan pemaju Puspahanas. Macam anjing buruk kepala wanita UMNO kerana skendel NFC dan Deepakgate.
Macam ini diperlakukan, orang Melayu masih nak pilih UMNO?
Kita sokong Fauzi Shaari (Melayu) untuk parlimen Larut, kita sokong Ustaz Nazri Din(Melayu) untuk DUN Kubu Gajah, Fadzil Ilyas (Melayu) untuk Batu Kurau dan Ustaz Akmal(Melayu)  untuk DUN Selama. Semua hebat dan berkelulusan.  Semua mereka ini orang Melayu. Dimana ruginya orang Melayu kalau mereka ini semua dimenangkan? Melayu jugak yang menjadi pemimpin mereka.Bukan Melayu dalam UMNO sahaja yang Melayu.
Matilah UMNO. Kelmarin semasa berceramah di Batu Gajah, MC nya seorang jurutera. Yang hendak jadi calun DUN pemegang Masters in Materials Engineering. Untuk berkhidmat kepada bangsa Melayu, UMNO menawarkan bekas ketua kampong, pegawai kemas, lulusan SPM, guru sekolah rendah. Semua pancaran hati nurani Najib.
Wahai bapa2 dan ibu kaum Melayu.- mahukah kamu diwakili oleh tokoh yang berkaliber atau yang matlaon?
Menggunung mana pun BR1M, vaucer buku, wang untuk orang bujang, kita akan sama2 membaca talqin untuk UMNO. Sah lah nombor 11 yang Najib suka adalah lambang batu nesan UMNO. Tahun 2013 dan PRU ke13 adalah tahun malang kepada UMNO. Mati UMNO! Hidup Melayu. Mati UMNO! Merdeka Melayu.
Semasa muda2 dahulu, ada rangkap sajak comrade Kassim Ahmad yang saya ingat sampai sekarang- sekian lama kita mati dalam setia, kali ini kita HIDUP dalam DURHAKA!
Pemerintah yang zalim, yang korap, yang rasuah dan yang berkelakuan dictator, wajib kita durhaka. Raja adil raja disembah. Raja zalim raja disanggah. Nabi Muhammad ada berkata: muliakan akan kamu akan Sultan(baca pemerintah) dan besarkan kamu akan dia. Maka bahawasanya ia adalah ketinggian Allah dan bayangan Allah didalam bumi, selagi keadaan nya ADIL.
Bukan saya kata. Bukan ustaz PAS kata. Bukan ustaz PKR kata. Nabi Muhammad SAW kata.
Orang Melayu yang beragama Islam hanya perlu sedarkan perkara ini. Orang lain guna  ismul Allah atau tidak, yang penting nya, aqidah kita, kita jaga. Jangan kita terpedaya dengan tektik UMNO mengalih tumpuan kita dari matlmat yang lebih besar iaitu menumbangkan UMNO.
Sikap PAS terhadap penggunaan nama Allah mesti dilihat dari segi kesediaan PAS mempertahankan orang lain mengamalkan agama mereka. Kerana agama2 lain- nasrani dan yahudi pun turut sama sama memuliakan Allah yakni Tuhan yang esa.
Pengajaran dari ayat 40 surah Al Hajj kepada kita amat signifiken. Allah ada sebut , jika lah tidak Allah mengadakan suatu golongan menyekat perbatan jahat satu golongan lain, maka sudah pasti geng2 jahat ini akan membinasakan masjid, gereja dan sinagog yang didalam tempat2 ini, ismul Allah disebut dengan banyak nya.
Lihat apa jadi kalau kita tidak bangkang golongan UMNO? Pemborong atau kontraktor upahan UMNO- Brahing Ali menganjurkan kita bakar Injil. Tindakan Ibrahim Ali is nothing but a pathetic 11th hour attempt to beg UMNO choose him as a candidate.


  1. Dato Sak, Nizar in Labuan over weekend. He shared his 11-month experience as MB of Perak.

    During his term, he was constantly reminded by TGNA to be fair to all.

    I had the opportunity to ask him about his administration dealing with the civil service.

    One of the first things he did was to guarantee the public officers no political interference.

    It seemed that this new culture improved their productivity. for the first time, no political warlords twisting their arms.

    As a result, Perak saw its reserve crossed the RM600 m mark, an achievement as its previous highest was RM500 million.

    My discussion with Dr Mujahid on the kalimah Allah equally heartening and enlightening.

  2. Malaysia actually have many intelligent people, from various academic background and from all walks of life.

    The problem is when our beloved country Malaysia is under the rule of pirates, hooligans, thieves, zombies, bullyist and many other ugly hobbits preying on peoples mindset in the street.

    Who is Bawani? Who is Azrul Chief Economist? Who is Adam Adli? Suddenly they are on air and received thousands of appreciation, without going to TV reality show. They doesn't received any prize, but just with their intellingent mind and expression. Wait ... Kak Pah is also now a "celebrity", but alas, thousands thumb her down, also on air. Where to hide her face?

    Who is Chief of Perkasa? What are their intelligence? Want to burn other peoples holy book? or many many years ago, somebody wants to "bakar jambatan"?

    As a Muslim, I'm very ashamed of these so called "pejuang".

    These hooligans, are in their own "syurga kayangan", but do Najib really care about this UMNO street thugs? He don't care whether they are unemployed or just "tukang cuci". What Najib wants is he is always on the throne of wealth.

    I think, makcik that have many gelang emas di tangan and doing genuine business are real contributors to support our nation. NOT big mama yang bersumpah tidak ada cincin juta-juta.

    Najib and other pirates, should beware that, there are thousands of Bawani, thousands of Azrul, thousands of A Samad Said throughout the country.

    BN must don't look down on the hot blood of our youth in the Universities.

    BN-UMNO Baru, Hang Jebat is everywhere .... where on earth is Hang Tuah?

  3. Dato,If only Najib will put Abrahim Ali on the Umno's winnable candidates list.Many people will want to see Abrahim Ali stand this coming GE,to see his strength among the Malays.My best guess is that he will do very poorly and might even lose his deposit.

  4. The BN-led government has failed miserably managing the country’s wealth and resources when for 16 consecutive years; it is running the country on budget deficits. The year 2012 recorded a RM470 billion debt, highest in the nation’s history.

    The country’s debt now is already around 55 percent of the GDP from about 36 percent in 1998, the second highest in Asia. This amount excludes RM 116 billion sovereign guarantees for GLCs (Government-linked companies).

    Apparently, BN’s government has an incurable borrowing habit to finance development and at the same time failed to plug the debauched ground rules that are ruining the economy such as power abused, inefficient and mismanagement that are causing heavy financial losses.

    The massive debt is an impending danger to the country’s economy. At the country’s current rate of borrowing it will end up with a RM1.6 trillion in debt by 2020. Msia will be another Greece if BN continues to rule.

    Why deeper and escalating debt? The answer is simple: irresponsible and inept fiscal spending, nepotism, cronyism, negligence, wastage and hefty leakage in government spending due to rampant corruption by those in power.

    Similarly the privatization of essential public services was supposed to unshackle the government of financial burdens and benefited the rakyat but it’s not happening; instead it has burden the rakyat more with the ever-increasing price of the cost of living.

    Excessive leakages, financial improprieties and continuous corruption have drained RM28 billion from the nation’s coffer annually via the public agencies lead by BN ministers. The country is no doubt blessed with plenty of natural resources and if very well managed, would surely uplifts rakyat standard of living and other essentials development.

    Not only the country’s economic situation is precarious, BN leaders have also become arrogance, nasty, greedy and intoxicated by power. They have forgotten that it’s the RAKYAT, which place them high on the pedestal in the first place.

    Moreover BN has a fascist mentality advocating a one party rule so that they can safeguard their plundering culture by continuing ruling Malaysia.

    BN needs to re-invent itself to become relevant again to the people.

    Msians can best do BN a favor by sending them to be the opposition in the coming GE13 so that they can have lots of time to reflect and re-ignite themselves.

    A party incapable of reforming itself is ineffectual of reforming the country.

    No more hesitation, GE13 is the time for change and true UNITY for all Msians.



    He thought his little skirmishes on race and religion are to help his master Mahathir. Diversion tactic to take off the heat on the Sabah treasonous issue.
    This time he has stepped on his own landmine and blown his legs off.


    He is really in serious trouble now! Najib will use this to whack Dr.M and his shadow team.


  6. Musim tengkujuh semakin hampir ke penghujung, Sang Katak semakin kepenatan memanggil hujan namun upah dan imbuhan belum nampak bayangan...

    Kesian Berahimmmm
