Friday 30 November 2012

PAU 2012 hanya seperti pesta Glee.

Najib jerit lah awak sekuat mana kamu mahu. Bersembur air liur pun mengenai timbalan dan naib presiden parti UMNO pun tak kisah kerana ianya tidak sedikit pun mengobah nekad dan tekad rakyat mahu menyingkirkan UMNO dari Putrajaya. Nak berperang macam Churchill pun tak mengapa- dalam longkang, celah kankang, dalam bilik, dalam stadium pun tak kisah. Tapi jangan lupa tentera bersekutu lawan parti Nazi yang macam UMNO sekarang ini. yang menjerit perang sana sini ialah KJ seoarang sahaja- majority pemuda dan senior UMNO buat tak tahu sahaja. Mampuih lah KJ kali ini.
Yang matlaon UMNO tahu, hendak kekal jadi ADUN atau MP. Rosnah Sherlin nak berperang apa- angkat badan sendiri pun tak boleh. Wanita UMNO- hendak tunjuk muka dikampung pun, rakyat lembukan mereka. Macam mana kita nak percayakan Shahrizat, orang yang tidor dengan dia pun, dia tak tahu apa kerja nya. Orang berkualiti macam inilah yang Najib cakap besar hendak mengurus Malaysia.
Bila saya lihat perwakilan UMNO mengibar ngibarkan placards dengan tulisan dan lakaran, kita sayangkan PM- saya ingatkan  ini adalah projek Meng-Glee-kan UMNO. Glee ada lah suatu rancangan hiburan TV yang menjadi kegilaan anak2 muda diseluruh dunia. Mungkin projek Gleekan UMNO adalah hasil pemikiran budak2 muda disekeliling Najib. Setelah 55 tahun kita merdeka dan umur UMNO 66 tahun, meremajakan UMNO yang difikirkan oleh pemimpn UMNO ialah mengGleekan UMNO.
Hidup UMNO!. Parti pilihan Allah. Seperti yang saya sebut dan tulis, orang UMNO menyifatkan Allah pun ahli UMNO!
Tahun hadapan Dato Najib tidak perlu bimbang. PAU akan berjalan dimana ahli nya akan mengundi untuk menggantikan Najib. Najib akan disalahkan sebagai penyebab utama UMNO kalah PRU13. Majority pemimpin pula akan bersidang di Sungai Buloh.
Sebaik sahaja tamat ucapan memekik dan melolong, rakan saya dari UMNO talipon saya bertanyakan apa sudah jadi dengan presiden UMNO. Saya kata entah sebab saya tidak mendengar ucapan. Seperti yang lazim, saya lebih suka membaca yang bertulis. Pembacaan bahan yang bertulis mengelak kita daripada terpengaruh dengan penggayaan pengucapan Najib.
Saya bertanya- awak bekalkan sapu tangan atau tidak? Kertas tissue? Nanti presiden UMNO nak sapu mulut, takde apa2 bahan. Jaga2 kamu- kalau dia sapu mulut dengan tangan, kalau bersalam dengan dia, segeralah basuh dengan Dettol atau disinfectant. Air lir pembawa penyakit tahu.
Apa yang baru yang dibawa oleh Najib? Ini semua wine dalam botol baru. Bertahun tahun lama UMNO membantai pihak parti lawan. Dalam PAU mau bantai lagi? Muktamar PAS tidak ada masa pun membicarakan mengenai UMNO. PAU- semua sessi perhimpunan berkisar kepada pembantaian parti lawan. Itu maknanya, UMNO sudah kehilangan punca seperti juga Presiden nya yang tidak tahu bagaimana melepaskan UMNO dari jeratan tali disekeliling leher yang makin mengetat.
Apa yang kita harap dari seorang PM dan menteri kewangan yang tidak berani mempertahankan bajet yang dia sendiri bentangkan? Rakan2 dalam UMNO pun ramai yang menyampah dan meluat bila Najib sekian hari bunyi lebih dari seorang ustaz sedangkan memberi contoh najis mughallazah pun dia tidak tahu? Apa lah yang diharapkan daripada presiden UMNO oleh orang Melayu untuk membela Islam bila Islam dipermainkan dan dipersendakan, dia hanya tersenyum dan beri lagi upah RM30juta kepada Soi Lek?
Mari kita beritahu Najib al wasatiyah bahawa kebenaran bukan diukur dengan kuat jeritan kamu. Ucapan presiden UMNO tidak ada kesan kerana ianya pengucapan yang diperdengarkan kepada geng sendiri yang terdiri dari penyamun perompak, dan penyundal.
80% penduduk dari 29 juta rakyat Malaysia adalah dibawah umur 45 tahun, yang memandang masa depan yang gelap jika UMNO terus memerintah. Najib janganlah cakap besar seolah olah pemajuan negara ini hanya boleh dilakukan oleh UMNO. Cerdik mana sangatlah pimpinan UMNO? kecuali ahli UMNO sememangnya pekak, buta dan bisu- rakyat sudah melihat prestasi dan pencapaian negeri2 yang ditabir oleh Pakatan jauh lebih baik dari bagaimana pemimpin UMNO mentadir negeri masing2.
Semenjak dia ambl alih pentadbiran negara dari Paklah, hutang kerajaan federal meningkat dari RM230bn kepada RM502bn yakni, 2 kali ganda lebih!. Najib akan diingati sebagai PM yang paling boros. Dari 2008-2011, ubahsuai, penyelenggaraan rumah rasmi PM ialah RM7juta. Bil letrik sahaja RM10juta. Bil air sebanyak RM1.9juta. Najib bergentayangan seantero dunia dengan jet milik kerajaan menelan belanja RM17 juta. Inilah dia transformasi yang selalu disebut oleh Najib.
Setelah 55 tahun, 40% rakyat negara ini mempunyai pendapatan RM1500 sebulan yakni tahap miskin. Tahap kelayakan untuk dapat BR1M pun sudah RM3000. Dari 40% itu, 70% atau 8.5 juta adalah orang Melayu yang Najib omong kosong mahu memajukan.
Jika RM3000 dianggap tahap kurang pendapatan dan layak dapat BR1M, maka RM 1500 apa dia? 70% daripada 40% yang miskin ini ialah orang Melayu. Setelah 55 tahun merdeka, dan 66 tahun usia UMNO, jurang kekayaan paling terbesar ialah dikalangan orang Melayu. Apa yang Najib cakapkan?
Apa yang dilakukan oleh UMNO selama 55 tahun memerintah? Kamu parti Melayu tapi jurang kekayaan dikalangan orang Melayu paling besar? Ini bermakna, kepentingan yang kamu perjuangkan terutama semenjak 1981, ialah kepentingan penindas dan kepentingan tuan tanah kedawong.
Kita akan sambung membahas pengucapan yang penuh dengan kelentong, takabbur dan sombong. Tapi itulah UMNO. Parti penyamun, lanun dan penyundal.


  1. Bang, a very good article. pemimpin umno, biasalah bunyi kuat tapi debat telur hilang. Umno dah outdated.

  2. I pun tak paham, perangai ahli ahli politik AMNO

    Tiap kali bersidang, ahli politik termasuk PM menjerit jerit, bertengking tengking - macam nak berperang.

    Hello, kalau zaman Tuanku Abdul Rahman, kita boleh terima lah

    Karang dah tahun 2012, dah nak masuk 2013, tua setahun lagi, ya allah, banyak bulu dan rambut dah tukar warna putih

    Idea baru, idea yang bawa kemajuan dan tambah nilai kepada rakyat dan negara - tak ada - telur (kosong)

    Yang terdengar ya lah jeritan jeritan nak berperang - nak perang dengan siapa??

  3. Bagus...bagus...tahun depan nanti kita biarkan UMNO TA-PAU kat Sg. Buloh!!!

  4. tunjuklah umno ni kasihan belas kat umno ni ,,,,,,,,,,

    di ujung2 usia mcm tu lah ,,,,,,

  5. byk2 lah tunjuk kan belas ehsan kat umno ni

    ,,,,,,,,, di ujung2 usia ni mcm tu lah

  6. Tok, Gleekan atau gelikan? Macam gerakan dengan gelakkan.

  7. ......and sour grape you are Dato...Kalau nak bashing pun Dato jangan lah personal macam budak if you tu tak berair lior


  8. Sempena PAU yang berlangsung sekarang ini banyaklah wang rakyat yg kena PAU selama ini dibelanjakan untuk aktiviti-aktiviti songsang di ibukota KL hujung minggu ni.

    Saya juga tertarik dengan komen salah seorang Naib Presiden UMNO dalam progam wawancara malam khamis lalu, yg mafhumnya lebih kurang:

    Walaupun muka-muka kami nampak macam ni (macam penyamun dan kaki songlap???) tapi jauh disanubari kami ada tertanam niat suci untuk mempertahankan agama, bangsa dan negara. Memang lawak sakan!!!

    Oleh kerana UMNO dikuasai oleh golongan feudal-bangsawan maka ucapan dasar Presiden pagi khamis pun macam skrip drama bangsawan, tiada mesej yang jelas bagaimana nak mengisi visi negara maju menjelang ketibaan tahun wawasan 2020.

    wallahualam, terima kasih Datuk.

  9. Dear Dato SAK,
    UMNO dah macam orang putih kata "clutching for straws". Mula-mula buat repot kepada SPRM SUARAM terima pembiayaan dari luar negeri.Tengok-tengok Nazri Aziz sendiri kata tak salah terima funding dari luar negeri (nak cover kes RM40juta kepada UMNO Sabah kot). UMNO KANTOI. Kemudian kata PR ngam dengan Soros. Top top keluar gambar Mahathir dan Najib juga kow team dengan Soros. UMNO KANTOI. Lepas itu gila-gila hentam Nurul Izzah yang kenyataannya disalahmaksud, tetapi bila Chua Syok Lick hentam hudud dan Islam , ulama ulama muda UMNO dan konco-konco UMNO menyepi macam tikus. UMNO KANTOI lagi. Suratkhabar lidah bercabang UMNO UM hentam sana hentam sini, fitnah sana fitnah sini.Bila di bawa ke mahkamah, UM kalah sokmo. UMNO KANTOI lagi satu. Anda boleh tambah berapa kali UMNO kantoi daaa.Boleh buat lagu UMNO kantoi. So last last, pemimpin-pemimpin UMNO bercakap macam ustaz. tapi perangai mereka tak sama dengan apa yang mereka cakap. Wallahu Waalam.

  10. Mereka yang menjadi calon PRU 13 dari BN akan merasa betapa nikmatnya menjadi orang kalah dan mula tak dipedulikan orang dari jadual padat yang dirasai sebelum ini belajarlah duduk diam di rumah menjadi orang pencen... yang biasa jadi menteri, Tim Menteri, Pengerusi GLC dan Exco akan lebih tahu makna penyokong dan pengampu selepas Tahun Baru China 2013... Selamat Bersara bekas YB dan yang akan jadi calon BN ... Pandai2lah membawa diri... calon PAS, DAP dan PKR tiada hal dengan kekalahan kerana selama ini sejak PRU 1 bagi PAS , PRU4 bagi DAP dan PRU 10 bagi PKR kekalahan telah mematangkan mereka dan penyokong mereka ... cuma yang akan datang ini orang Pakatan Rakyat akan mula belajar bagaimana mengurus kemenangan dan menjadi orang yang berkuasa dan berautorit..... Hidup Rakyat!!!!! Hidup Rakyat!!!!! Hidup Malaysia!!!!

  11. Dato' marilah kita berdoa, orang Melayu dlm UMNO (sebab dlm UMNO ada bukan melayu -Mamak)akan cepat sedar bahawa orang melayu telah ditipu oleh Pemimpin UMNO sekian lama; supaya orang Melayu akan alih sokongan kpd Pemimpin PR yang jujur hendak membantu orang melayu disamping Rakyat Malaysia dari kaum yang lain supaya mewujudkan satu masyarakat adil, makmur & bersatu.

  12. Salam Dato',
    Menjerit melolong sekuat mana pun, rakyat umpama bukit yg kuat dan kental menyokong PR...bukit tak akan runtuh walaupun salakan yang kuat. Hidup PR dan selamat kojol BN.

  13. lalu sebelah The Mall tiba2 terbau busuk... rupa2nya ada Perhimpunan Lembu2 SeMalaysia... Bapak2 Lembu bercakap, anak2 Lembu semuanya moooooo!!! sambil bukak mulut yg besar & bertepuk... Memang dasar Lembu Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya!!!

  14. lalu sebelah The Mall tiba2 terbau busuk... rupa2nya ada Perhimpunan Lembu2 SeMalaysia... Bapak2 Lembu bercakap, anak2 Lembu semuanya moooooo!!! sambil bukak mulut yg besar & bertepuk... Memang dasar Lembu Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya!!!

  15. lalu sebelah The Mall tiba2 terbau busuk... rupa2nya ada Perhimpunan Lembu2 SeMalaysia... Bapak2 Lembu bercakap, anak2 Lembu semuanya moooooo!!! sambil bukak mulut yg besar & bertepuk... Memang dasar Lembu Dulu, Kini dan Selamanya!!!

  16. Ini jam...Glee..fully happy.
    Habis 13th GE...sama tikus..lari sini lari sana..sembunyi...takot polis mari rumah.
    Itu GLEE piking wayang sahaja.
    Dalam hati2...sumua curi besai..ambil duit coruptsi...malam2 tak boleh didoh selamat...siok siok.
    Sampai ini hari..Najib takot 13th GE.
    Mereka dalam Umno Assembly...FED UP!!!..simpang hait2.

  17. Klu dolu2 40 penyamun bergembira kat dlm gua.. Kini penyamun2 bertempik terlolong, menyanyi dan berpesta kat dalam PWTC.. Bezanya cuma tempat dan masa tapi intipati dan citarasanya tetap sama......UMngok...UMngok..

  18. Rasanya dia sendiri pun tak tau yang ucapan dia tu ucapan kelentong!sebab syokk dapat mikropon!

  19. It is normal for politicians to attack each other with facts and figures. But to hit opponents with fabricated charges and below the belt is a primitive and disgusting tactic which are only used by cowards. It is up to the voters to decide who is, in reality, a better leader in a free and fair election.

    A public's debate will bring out the best or worst of the so called leaders. Any leader that is terrified to engage in debates for the nation's benefit, is simply an empty vessel with only slogans and rhetoric; no guts to prove his or her worth in public .That's the acid test of true leadership in a democratic society.

  20. Oi dato tak de mende lain nak hantam umno.mende yang sama repeats macam Mr Bean live series. Boring juga sebenarnya you tak banyak modal kan ye le because are still part of their system.dok melalot je lah.kalau bn menang apa agak you nak buat. Merangkak isi borang join umno balik ke...joke je dato. Or can see you pulak salivating and foaming.. To be seen kan tok.anyway best of luck le tok oi.
    I wamt see more tok kalau you wamt my vote.tak cukup with repeats. Like i use to say go for the jugular vein or else forget it.pi pecah batu...


  21. DATO

  22. “I for one would rather have a PR that is chaotic than live under a BN rule where bodyguards kill without motive, or where witnesses are forced to leave the country to save themselves. No democratic government anywhere in the world could have survived the kind of scandals we have witnessed under Najib’s rule. There is no greater ill than the obstruction of justice, especially when it is perpetrated by those in the higher echelons of power.” - Zaid Ibrahim.

  23. MOSES KATA: Dato pesanan PROF EMERITUS TAN SRI DR KHOO KAY KIM tidak diindahkan oleh PRESIDEN UMNO dan anakx buahnya. Dato patut cari Utusan Malaysia bertarikh 29 nov 2012 muka surat 12 . Prof Khoo berpesan kpd pembahas usul PAU UMNO " BETULKAN PERSEPSI BUKAN MELAYU". Saya tahu Dato tak baca dah Utusan Malaysia, yg ini dato kena baca.Saya bersetuju dgn Prof Khoo.

  24. Kundasang19:22-

    Banyak modal cuma ada yang patut repeat berkali-kali dengan bentuk berlainan sikit, sikit je. Kan kita pewaris orang senang lupa? I like the way Dato give a different spin to make his point. Pedih? Lagi pedih lagi bagus. UMNO jangan terlalu konfident pasal bunyi loudspeaker boleh ditinggikan dengan putaran butang saja. Isi, brother, isi yang penting, bukan tingginya urat berbengkak di leher.


  25. Sak,
    It puzzles me why Pm is avoiding a debate with dsai.Is he not confidant or is he just plain scared.Being the Pm he must impress upon malaysians that he knows what he is talking about and that he is in control.Here, he potrays himself as insecure and not sure of himself.Guilty complex ,maybe !
    Why not dpm take the torch and debate dsai.
    Or is it that bn ministers are talk only no action.
    Its going to be touch and go for bn.In my personal opinion, bn is good as 'deleted' from main stream politics.
    Come ge13, lots of properties will fall under the hammer as there is no more income through rasuah. My My !look at recent revelations coming out about raja roapiah and the spin is deepak is being used.
    Used or not, corruption is rasuah and rasuah is corruption.No two ways about it. Fire her or be fired at ge13.Whatabout deepaks statement about financials 'contributions' to pm's family.Stinks to high heavens/hell.
    as for pr, WTBF are they doing demolishing an alter in someones house, bloody stupid move or was it a set up since there are no emotional motives against pr therefore use the sleeper cells to do their dirty jobs. This action could blow up in pr's face as it did to samy velu whan an illegal temple was demolished in shah alam.
    I would suggest instant apologies and to rebuild the alter with a more attractive one with no lesser than dasi ,hadi or lks doing the honors.

  26. Ha...ha...MB Pahang said that if DAP wins in Bentong, he will cut his ears and jump into the Pahang river.

    To DAP leadership - please put up a strong candidate in Bentong and make sure DAP wins. I would love to see whether a cocky and arrogant UMNO MB cut his ears and jump into the Pahang river!

  27. Dato'

    Lama tak dengar cerita dari Oracle of Syed Putra. Apa ramalan terkini Dato Daim ? Ramalan tu untuk seronok je bukan nak percaya.

  28. Kundasang tempat yang cantik. Tapi sayang sekali ianya agak mundur. Dibuli dan dipermainkan. Dan cakap 10 tahun ke belakang.

  29. Salam Dato,

    Tong kosong memang kuat bunyinya. Lebih kuat jika diketuk didalam gua PWTC yg di penuhi oleh 40 penyamun. Dan biasalah Dato yg suka ketuk tong-tong kosong tu budak-budak kampung je. Mana yang terpegun dgn bunyi kuat tong-tong kosong itu terganga lah dulu kini dan selama-lamanya. Dalam waktu yg sama mereka kebas duit rakyat, mereka jual melayu, sehingga 66 tahun majoriti melayu mengemis di tanah air sendiri.

  30. And now...Pahang MB Adnan said he will cut off his ears and jump to the Pahang river if BN is defeated at Bentong.
    He said...even Lim Guan Eng cannot win Bentong.
    More than 100 commentators at Malaysiakini blog are laughing.
    Samy Vellu said he will stay at Lunas forever...if MIC lost at Lunas.
    MIC lost!! and Samy never kept his words.

  31. All Presidents and leaders of countries will welcome a debate with the Opposition leader...except Najib who said he will debate Anwar...if Anwar wins sodomy case.
    Anwar won....Najib talk cock again.
    Samy gone...Adnan will say his supporters wants him to keep his ears.
    Najib is saying nothing...hoping Malaysians keep forgetting.

  32. Pahang MB Adnan also said MCA should close shop if they loses in 13th GE.
    MCA will say they will stick with or lose and Adnan will say Najib wants him to keep his ears... to continue fighting traitors.
    These are shameless arrogant bastards.
    Don't expect Anan keep his promise...except maybe jump to Pahang river and have a good swim.
    He thinks he is so smart to play with words.

  33. He said the 70 walkers did not walk the 300klm.
    He said when no one looking...they take car rides.

  34. Lots of disturbing rumors going around cyberspace about the emergence of Dr M and the dirty tricks he is planning to ensure BN stays in power the carpet man s revelations to oust Najib Any comments Dato

  35. Dato,
    It was blowing hot air at the UMNO GA. All the leaders were at their loudest, outshouting each other. Perhaps there was a competition to see who was the loudest; and as expected the "lovable'PM won.
    Out of this world Rizal Merican, Who looks like a mamak, talk likes a mamak and is a mamak suddenly decided that he is the chosen one (by God,He probably meant Mahathir) to lead Malaysia. What Gall?
    One voice seemed rather low key - that of Mukriz. Was it at the father's direction, to let the others kill themselves screaming while he waits for them to do so?

  36. Now Adnan said
    "cut off his ears" was figurative speaking....not meaning he cut off his ears.
    Adnan is teaching Malaysians how to speak good English.
    He can jump to the lake for all we care.
    Cut off ears means exactly that.
    What figurative speaking???
    That low class gangster MB wants to teach Malaysian how to speak good English?

  37. PRU 13 - "PR 123 seats, BN 99 seats" - Deepak Jaikishan.

  38. Sun, Dec 2
    Don’t Cry for Me, Land Below the Wind ! Too much at stake. More of the best will brain drain or alternatively working in nations regularly and the homes become like the center point of checking out.

    As foreseen and written some months back, this group of womenfolk. A quick furious glance at the Sunday Star, Dec 2 with pictures of “ three senior civet cats ” from Sabah seemingly in tears, no wonder they will keep voting moron bung and the likes of him, who have absolute no substance, but feeding on recycled junk scripts ranging from bigotry, derogatory remarks, warped views, love for political leaders, pm ? ! ( how pathetic and cheap can the emotion be ? real strange, unbelievable ! They have no substance to talk in the dewan whatmore to find workable and sustainable solutions to many pressing issues of the nation. Sabahans only have themselves to blame their choice of leaders / recycled leaders. Don't shift the blame to us, the common rakyat in Semenanjung, already reawakened to create the historical moments of real changes ! There is no option, this is the election !

    This particular group of womenfolk will cry for real when their respective men of their homes, sons or daughters will have to break their backs to eke a living akin in the cities to kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang belum tentu lagi, tertelan kos hidup yang tinggi, terus didendang dengan lagu patriotik indon ( ? )
    sehari dua lagi indon mesti buat street demo ( haha ); umno dah mula buat promo untuk lagu indon kah ( ? ), dah mulalah nyanyi battle song indon, cuma sayang umno leaders tak buat tarian classless gangnam style !!

    In the end, tak terdaya nak melayan kerenah senior civet cats di kampung. Lagi kesian, ( entahlah ) tertipu / ditipu by choice oleh umno semacam “ mollies ” fancy feeding on candies served on platters, to maintain easy Archies Sugar- Sugar lifestyle ( many of our dads' fave song, no ? it's mine, too ) as in Animal Farm by George Orwell.

  39. According to UMNO, they are chosen by Allah.
    Are they quoted in the Quran?

  40. Adankah Najib LAYAK untuk menyero ahli UMNO untuk bersatu dan tidak "sabotage" jika ternyata pucuk pemimpin termasuk keluarganya sendiri berebut, rebut membolot harta and kuasa dan dia sendiri di PAU hanya mementingkan dirinya sendiri then "I heart PM" bukan "I heart UMNO"???

  41. I don't know why they cried this year - but not last year. Could it be because our Malay situation has gotten worse this year? If so, who are to be blamed if not them? So when they cried, isn't that a sign to our Malays that Umno has failed them for over fifty years?

    Secondly, saying Umno is the chosen one is troubling. How can the Almighty have chosen people who played porn, raped maids, killed prisoners and stole the rakyat blind while lying through their teeth, sowing racial tension and doing corrupt things which included money laundering and double standards?

    Thirdly, Churchill was thrown out by his own people after the war. He was a rascal.

    Fourthly, all this fighting and pummeling PAS. For what? Aren't PAS members also Malays so if Umno is to defend Malays, Umno should defend PAS, no? Since PAS is for clean government, and Umno wants to clobber PAS, therefore Umno wants to erase clean government. Which explains all the corruption so far, yes?

    Fifthly, Shahrizat tried to spook with May 13. Muhyiddin tried to soothe that May 13 unlikely but chaos likely. But he forgot that he himself had raised the May 13 threat a few years back. You see, the rakyat have electronic records of everything said and written by Umno, even more than what its MSM people have. So the two jokers mutually exposed themselves.

    Sixthly, some Umno members said the RM40 million for Umno Sabah was peanuts. If that's so, you can imagine how much has actually been siphoned. Which means how much corruption Umno must have done. Which means how much rakyat money have been taken for those favours returned.

    We can go on for another twenty minutes non-stop and demolish every thing said and shown at Pau'12.

    But what's the point? The Rakyat Of Malaysia have already made up their minds. Enough of these jokers, crooks and hypocrites. As kingpins and culprits, they're only a few percent of those two thousand opportunists who attended the function. No more talk. ABU.

  42. Pirate is back with a lovely piece.

  43. Anak kecil bermain api, bapak bapak di PAU buat apa? Menangis penuh retorik dan mengharapkan ihsan. Masing masing kini balik ke kampung bercerita betapa hebatnya kereta mewah perwakilan PAU yang pada gerannya ada nama lembu lembu yang dibela. Tapi ramai yang mencari kereta Hummer tapi tak jumpa. Lepas penat mencari berehatlah segerombolan di Riverside, cafe dan club di sekitar KL bercerita tentang sabotaj Rosmah pada Muhyiddin, carpet berharga 28 billion, raof yajg over, lembu yang memakai tudung, tiga ekor pendekar bujang lapok, ikrar yang tidak menjadi dan yang paling sensasi ialah penentu calon winnable iaitu Dato Alis Nor yang tak kunjung tiba.

  44. I have been doing some checking this weekend.By going through the charts.The reason the markets(dow jones) dropped around 500 pts and not tanked,was because there was short covering from pre election selling.

    But going by the last few weeks,good news about Greece and the fiscal cliffs in the US has the markets rally,but not much and running out of steam.

    I think that the market is in a topping action.Assuming that the elections is held early Feb -late March,expect world markets to drop anything from 10%-15% minimum,starting from this Monday Dec 3rd.Not very good for Umno/BN.

  45. Well, the Glee party is now over.

    Just remember, the crooks will be hunted as long as it takes to bring to justice the evil men and women and not forgetting cows in UMNO.

    Look what happened to Hitler and his Nazi party.

    Think about it Perdana Menteri. We also know you are more concerned about the Pagoh guy. Can't trust nobody these days.

    UMNO musuh negara!!!

  46. ...pesta GELI-GELI kat hotel2 sekitar pwtc memang berlaku setiap kali pau...kahkahkah

  47. Anon,

    I love your "UMNO musuh Negara".

    Simple, truthful and beautiful.

    BTW, what happened to our QD? We need his expert advice on shares, especially the Felda-related ones.

  48. Kedah UMNO in disaster

  49. Can UMNO gather like this?

    I guess not

  50. Dato,

    Sekarang baru kita tahu, Mahathir lah yang sebenarnya menemui setiap ketua di setiap negeri untuk menngendalikan UMNO untuk Najib..

    Sebenarnya, Mahathir lah yang mengendalikan PAU ini dan akan mengendalikan PRU-13 untuk Najib.

    Jika UMNO bersatu, kerana Mahathir, jika lawan pun kerana Mahathir. tidak ada kena mengena dengan Najib pun.

  51. 20:03 Anon:

    Tepat sekali. Jika UMNO menemui maut kali ini, mangsa pertama bukan Najib melainkan Mahathir. Pada era di mana maklumat dan rahsia disimpan bukan saja di dalam otak kepala manusia malah terapong-apong di dalam awan dan kabus alam semesta tiap ringgit dan sen yang tak dihalalkan tidak boleh tidak akan terdedah satu hari nanti. Kenyataan inilah mengaktifkan Mahathir, macam recaj pra-bayar, dah sekian lama bersara, tiba-tiba sibuk nak jumpa manusia tertentu. Inilah peluang keemasan bagi mendapat habuan yang tak terbayang sebelum keadaan menjadi sebegini meruncing. Recaj ini bukan sekadar Rm30, mungkin mencecah Rm300 juta. Bukan nasib Najib dipelihara, sesiapa saja boleh dikorban atau diperalatkan buat Putrajaya tidak diduduki "orang yang tidak berpengalaman"

    Apa sebabnya?

    Apakah menjelang PRU13 ini UMNO sedang terbaring nazak?

  52. I also cried, but for a different reason. The emotional words about " ...born here where our first cry was heard...where we charted our future ..With the grace of God, this is where we will rest eternally…bounty..." forced me to recall the following:

    1) The 50s when classmates whose parents were rubber tappers were quiet, disturbed and unable to concentrate in
    class because a tiger had been seen in the estate the day before.
    2) Children of all races sitting arriving at school by lorry provided by the British-owned rubber plantation company.
    3) A villager walked to a school with a few eggs rolled in his sarong to give them to a teacher from a different race to say thanks for teaching his son or another who told a teacher to beat his son but not to break his bones because he was not around to care for the son as he worked in a distant town.
    4) Three sisters struggled to enable a younger brother to go to university because of race and skin colour.
    5) The poorest waited till late evening to buy bargain sales fish and vegetables.
    6) The Council worker taking confiscated meat home to feed his family.
    7) Two drug addicts fighting over a few aluminium cans found in a rubbish bin.
    8) Watching BN big-shots swaying on rostrums talking with big smiles and making everyone salivate over the promises of quick money.
    9) BN politicians kissing each other good-byes at KLIA, wife in tow, like a walking perfumed garden.
    10) Promises kept for the rich and powerful and most probably laughingly quietly in the privacy of their office.
    11) All the money stolen from all the scams and scandals.
    12) The days I cried because I had to cry because so many people cried because BN politicians never cried.

  53. What is there in Sg Buloh?

  54. Dato'
    Keep it simple. Dare to challenge the man, or you have no balls at all. Your readers (including me, perhaps) will be your seconders should you opt to contest in any seats in Malaysia come this GE13, not Thailand please. Harap jangan terpekik terlolong tapi sudahnya melopong....

  55. akurakyatbiasa 4Dec2012 18:10

    Somethings can be kept simple some not. About balls, you and I don't have them. That's why we have not revealed our real names - because of a partial PDRM beholden to UMNO.

  56. Many have balls but dare not reveal they are working for somebody and mostly Govt. servants.
    Being ANON or with a funny write and support change of Govt. is good enough.
    However..if one owns a blog and dare not reveal himself....his details..and keep talking cock like "KETMOC KONSIDER"...a BN faceless..nameless coward...the by starting a blog with no can see these blogs cannot control cyber-troppers. All they can do is keep deleting...becoming Blog Shit Cleaner.
