Friday 12 October 2012

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

Bila puak UMNO tidak dapat menangkis hujjah, mereka akan attack peribadi. Atau serang technicalities. Sebagai contoh. Yang jadi masaalah hal SUARAM dengan mahkamah di Perancis apahal? Tiba2 SUARAM jadi isiu. Jika menerima sumbangan wang dari pihak asing menjadi masaalah, bagaimana pula sumbangan wang asing kepada NGO pro kerajaan? Menerima wang dari asing oleh SUARAM mengensel angkara durjana yang dilakukan oleh orang tengah dalam kes pembelian Scorpene?
Rasuah RM 500 juta bagaimana? Pembunuhan Altantuya bagaimana? Rasuah ok sebab penerima nya Melayu? Warga Mongolia dibunuh tidak mengapa sebab dia high class call girl?
Hakikat nya, mahkamah Perancis mendapati firma yang membekalkan kapal selam Scorpene melakukan bebarapa jinayah rasuah. Sebagai ekstensi, perbuatan serupa boleh berlaku keatas orang tengah/firma yang membroker pembelian kapal selam scorpene untuk kerajaan Malaysia.
Suddenly you find some faded and jaded luminaries of the old media heaping scorn and incredulity at whether the French courts are pursuing the Scorpene Case or not. They are poorly aped and mimicked by some of the running dogs and apologists of the UMNO regime. These people are spending their last days under a dying regime. We will reserve for them a special section in the new wings at Bamboo River Resort for criminals.
Rakyat tidak kira sama ada mahkamah perancis buat atau tak buat. Saya sendiri tidak mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Yang menarik minat rakyat ialah bagaimana pembelian kapal selam tersebut menyebabkan kita membayar komisyen kepada Razak Baginda. Kita berminat kenapa Altantuya kena bunuh.  Isiu2 ini lagi besar daripada SUARAM menerima sumbangan dari pihak asing. Macamlah UMNO tidak menerima wang sumbangan dari sumber2 yang mencurigakan.
Kita nak tahu kaitan Razak Baginda dengan pemimpin politik Malaysia. Kita minat nak tahu bagaimana RM 500 juta itu diagihkan? Was it true as told to me by UMNO insiders Pak Lah was paid RM 160 million?  We will never know unless we put Razak Baginda in the dock.
Fakta nya, Razak Baginda dapat komisyen RM 500 juta lebih.  Kita akan tahu bila partner dia membawa kes mereka ke mahkamah kerana mereka tidak dapat share yang dijanjikan.
Apa servis yang dia buat sehingga kita bayar dia RM 500 juta lebih?  Kita minat jugak nak tahu Razak Baginda pandai tak bertutur dalam bahasa Mongolia maklum sajalah, sudah bulan2 bertukar air liur.
Adakah orang melayu boleh memaafkan perkara unconscionable ini? skendel tersebut menyebabkan pembunuhan seorang warga Mongolia. Rakyat Malaysia, apatah lagi orang Melayu yang beragama Islam, tidak boleh memaafkan nya.
Tapi tidak mengapa. Bila Pakatan Rakyat memerintah, kita akan subpoena Razak Baginda, put him on the stand and prosecute him justly. Those who have subverted justice will find justice meted out to them. You can run, but you can’t run forever. All Malaysians want to find out; who does Razak fenced the money for?
Jika orang melayu buat tak tahu dan memaafkan jinayah dan rasuah yang berlaku, maka suatu hari nanti Razak Baginda masuk rumah kamu , meniduri isteri kamu atau anak perempuan kamu, kamu kata tidak mengapa. Mungkinkah orang UMNO sahaja yang kata, hal demikian tidak mengapa?
Sebab? Sebab dia orang Melayu.! Kepada rakyat Malaysia lain yang dismissive mengenai apa yang telah dilakukan oleh Razak Baginda and gang, the same thing applies. One day, he enters your house and sleeps with your wife or young daughter, you will say, it’s all right, he’s a patriot, a true Malaysian. 
Melayu, Islam dan kristianisasi. 
Apa masaalah orang Melayu yang beragama Islam? Saya ingin bertanya. Boleh kah orang kristian mengkristiankan Nik Aziz atau Hj Hadi? Bolehkah mereka mengkristiankan Zulkifli Nordin atau mamat yang bernama Ibrahim Ali? Kalau mereka tidak mampu mengkristiankan Zulkifli Nordin, Hasan Ali dan Ibrahim ali, apa pasal puak UMNO ini merasakan puak kristian boleh mengkristiankan orang Melayu lain? Islam orang lain tidak sekuat Islam Zul Nordin, Hasan Aqidah Ali atau Ibrahim Ali kah?
Apa masaalah orang Melayu? Jumlah orang Melayu ialah 18 juta orang. Ertinya, mereka majority dan majority ini beragama Islam. Aqidah mereka terlalu rapuh kah sehinggakan orang kristian yang tak sampai 1 juta di Malaysia ini dapat menguasai bumi Malaysia? 
Agama Kristian tidak pernah pun menjadi isiu besar selama ini- tiba2 penahan lukah di pergentingan membesar besarkan isiu ini untuk menakutkan orang Melayu. Jika mubaligh dan paderi Kristian mengkristiankan orang asli dalam hutan atau orang pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak, yang jadi masaalah kepada orang Islam mengapa? elok kita jaga aqidah dan Islam kita sendiri daripada menyibukkan diri dan menyemakkkan kepala keatas perkara kecil. isiu yang lebih besar0 korapsi, kezaliman, kerajaan yang tidak cekap, tidak hendak pula dibahaskan!


  1. Presiden UMNO BN dan pencacai depa nak cakap tentang Islam???.

    Bini Najib Islamik kah?

    Mahathir Mandeliar si kitul tu menghormati sunah dan rasul kah?

    Shahrizat lembu tu menghayari Islam kah?

    Komisyen scorpene tu follow sistem Mudharabah tuntutan syariah kah?

    Membunuh Altantuya Sharibu tu jihad Islam kah?

    Berjimat cermat ala Rosmah tu ajaran Rasulullah & Islam kah?

    Yang jelas kat aku Dato'...depa ni puak puak selam tenggelam macam kapal selam scorpene tu saja. Depa depa ni puak "harram jadda" macam pernah Dato sebut dulu. Depa depa ni layak ditendang dan diterajang keluaq cepat cepat dari Putrajaya dan kalau boleh dari bumi Malaysia ni sekali. Depa ni puak pelingkup dan pengjahnam negara. Buktinya 50 tahun lebih depa berkuasa..tapi Melayu terus kena perkosa dan negara caca marba. UMNO BN syaitan ni lah punca Melayu terkikis kuasa dari masa ke semasa.

    Kutty Madeliar bukan Melayu asli, Nor Mohamad bukan Melayu tulin, Azizi Putra bukan Melayu asal, Rizal Merican terlebih Melayu sendiri dan yang dok menyalak dan sawan puak UMNO di Penang tu pun keturunan madeliar semua. Sejarah dah buktikan..kalau ada puak puak ni dalam masyarakat Melayu..Melayu akan terus layu. Tengoklah saja nanti.

  2. Salam Sak,

    God mandates you to speak up against inequality, dishonesty & hostility - not against another religion!

    Only the unsecured 'intermediaries' want their blind followers to fight for their false gods, instead of standing up for 'Justice, Equality, Honesty & Compassion' - which are the dictates of the Almighty, Whom is without any association.

    ~ GOD WANTS YOU TO FIGHT! For justice, NOT for Him. ~

    - Loud Despair

  3. kecoh sebab suaram dapat duit soros?
    memang betul kecoh sebab nak hentam pakatan dan penyokong2 kuat pakatan ke, atau sengaja nak dajalkan najib??
    eh, tapi kalau sengaja nak tikam belakang najib, mesti pikir pasal belakang mamakhatheeer jugak?!

    hmmm... jadi besar kemungkinan memang niat asal nak hentam pakatan... tapi... bak kata saifuddin timb menteri senegeri dgn sak, serangan yang kini dijalankan BN ke atas George Soros, berpotensi 'memakan diri sendiri' kelak...

    takpe la, kita tengok perkembangan selanjutnya, siapa mula bukak bunga, siapa mula berpencak, siapa mula melompat melatah, siapa mula mengelak, siapa kena kunci, siapa kena tetakan pukulmaut... kita tengok siapa kena!

    apa2pun sebelum apa2 terjadi kat haji najib bapak transformasi bapak akronim bapak belum muktamad, yelah, mana tau esoklusa tetiba dia kena terus pergi paris dahtu tak balik2 malaysia dah ke...
    jadi sebelum apa2 berlaku, dikesempatan ini inginlah saya merakamkan rasa terimakasih pada najib, dan jugak mahatheeer, supaya saya tidaklah tergolong sebagai melayu mudah lupa atau tidak berterimakasih, dengan satu nukilan khas buat mereka berdua, berupa serangkap perumpamaan terbaru bahasa malaysia (taknak bahasa orangputeh, takut nanti terguna nama iblis!), iaitu:

    biar koros macam soros
    jangan boros macam kakros

    huhahuhahuha... terimakaseh atas tepukantangan tuan2puan2!

    -average joe-
    klakka-la.blogspot: HOW ADVANCED! Part 3 (MAJU LAH SANGAT! Bhg 3)

  4. Dato'

    I am speechless. What can i say was Benci aku.

  5. Lepas Najib serang PKR bertubi-tubi lepas kes Scorpene lepas Altantuya berkecai, lepas PKFZ lepas NFZ, sekarang bini pula nak cakap tentang etika bisness. Geli betul.

    Kali ini lawan habis-habisan orang (z)alim dari UMNO. Pegawai agensi kerajaan kenalah guna otak bila nak hentam yang dianggap musuh U-BN, ye musuh U-BN bukan musuh kpd kamu semua yang dah angkat sumpah tetap adil dan rela korban diri untuk nusa, bangsa dan agama bukan saja untuk segolongan kaki makan wang, makan tanah, dan mungkin telah makan manusia.

    Ingat baik-baik, nanti kita semua pasti dimakan cacing. Aku tahu cacing akan bermula dari bahagian mana bagi orang jahat dari BN atau PR. Geli betui!

  6. Dato'
    The cat is out of the bag and running circles around BN/UMNO ie
    1. Soros blunder - former PM and Najib have met Soros in secret and got caught with their pants down ! Whatever credibility Najib thought he had is now GONE !

    2. Suaram - foreign funding. With a chinaman caught bringing RM40 million for UMNO Sabah - another major blunder.

    ABU !

  7. In its life of 3 decades after being genetically manufactured by mahathir using his own DNA as the base, UMNO has never once won an argument on facts, figures and most important of all, track records. In that 3 decades, UMNO has done what its creator did, oppress those who pointed out its wrong doing, Slander those who brought to light its weaknesses (abuses and excesses) and worse of all incarcerate and persecute those who are able to offer a better albeit alternate leadership to the malays and Malaysian.

    And do we expect more from an organization that was molded from mahathir? Seriously! We are talking about Mahathir here! Even Tunku Abd Rahman saw the danger he pose and Tun Razak was wary of this "person". And my, did mahathir prove them right on all account! Mahathir did what no one else even dared to think about and that was "dictatorship" tempered with the principle of racial supremacy ala zionism with a touch of Hitler's ego trip and Goebbels "spin the truth" official policy.

    "The recalcitrant leader" as mahathir was describe by an Australian PM was anything but a warning by those who knew mahathir the most, his peers. The Australian PM was merely verbalizing his thought on mahathir, no doubt formed with added knowledge of mahathir "behind the veil" life provided by the Australian secret service. And often its true that only those outside our circle who could see the clearest and for Malaysian we were too close to UMNO and mahathir to see their ugly and devil face.

    Malaysia or rather the damage that was done to Malaysia today, in society, economy and politic are the results of Mahathir unchecked behavior and abuses. We did not see it when he was in office but now we know a whole lot more and probably everyone knew that every single one of the damage and defect done to this country can be traced back to Mahathir. Having said that, I surmise that everyone also knew that the only way to repair and stop those damages from becoming worse is nothing less than taking out mahathir and UMNO from power and out of the Malaysian equation.

    We all know this but the hesitation does not come from rational thought rather from the fear of the future. Life after mahathir and UMNO, will it be brighter or worse than before? If we already knew that we are in a worse situation from before and it can get a lot worse under mahathir's UMNO then why hesitate? Of course life after Mahathir and UMNO will be better! Why? Because will will make the decision our selves and no mahathir will dictate to us what we have to do and how to do it! mahathir is only interested in himself and its about time we think about our own interest. And clearly our interest and Mahathir's interest are diametrically opposite. Mahathir is not one of us and we are not his slaves. So why hesitate? just kick him and UMNO out of malaysia and if we are lucky we will see all of those criminals in jail and all of our wealth returned. ABU!


  8. Dato,this Scorpene deal was a jink from the beginning.Only the fools of Umnoputras would used taxpayers money amounting to billions of ringgit to buy submarines that cannot dive.And the stinking Frenchies laughing all the way to the bank with billions,while these stupid Umnoputras ended up with five hundred millions.

    Why not these stupid Umnoputras buy sampans and billed the GOM billions and pocket the billions instead of giving to the Frenchies.And that way they will not have the curse of the murdered Mongolian lady hanging over them.

    Rampant corruption,murder,rape and sex you name it,these Umnoputras and their running dogs have it.Only in Umno bolehland can a principle player in a murder case walked away,while his hired hands stand trial.And nobody knows who these people are under the masks they are wearing.Where the hell in this world have criminals and murder suspects been accorded such privileges of not showing their faces during court and public appeareances.

    This can only mean one thing.They can be found guilty and after the sentence is pronounced,who knows tomorrow they might be sitting next to us watching movies in the cinema.

    And now the stupid good for nothng Nazri has openly admitted that Umno had been receiving kickbacks all this while from loggers and businessmen.Maybe the Selangor MB Muhammad caught in Australia was also carrying Umno money.

    The supporters of the Umno must be real smart voting them in every five years.No wonder rape and incest cases among them are going sky high because of them pretending to being blind and smart.

  9. Dato,
    BN has no moral value left, if it had any at all. Since 1984 (am I right) with the inception of UMNO Baru, it has been none stop abuse of power, blatant corruption and chronic cronyism. Yet despite the obvious, BN continues the abuse, neither righteous in thoughts or deeds. Justifying that RM40 million smuggled out of the country is UMNOs takes the cake.
    Did Nazri wince when he stated this in Parliament recently? He said it without blinking his eye. For abusing their power in the name of the party, all is forgiven and right. Or is it as you have repeatedly pointed out, that a mistake made by a 'Malay' is acceptable to the majority in UMNO.
    There is no more ethic, morality nor conscience left in the majority in BN.
    Yet, BN has managed to stay in power over the years. Was it due to good governance and government? Yet again, it was blatant cheating at polls, threats and of course the little 'ang pows' or I would say the bones thrown to the starving for appreciation rakyats.
    Do we want to keep them in power or as Najib wants, give them (and him) another chance? There is no way but ABU.

  10. Loud despair is here. But where is our sweet boy QD. No syiok la he not around. No one to wallop.

  11. All U floks here my Question is What is FPTP, First Past The Post System[British system] used in Elections?

    based on no of seats NOT no of votes? WEll this been used for the past 55 yrs of BN leadership right?

    In PARLIMENT HOUSE Who has most no of seats? so What ever, THEY will WIN automaticly the Next GE-13 right?
    EC knowns about it ! There is 101 tricks used in election to win U known? How stupid out dated is Malaysians & hopless Oppostions? SAD to say but it FACT ! not happy with this direct to me at

  12. U: 'Honestly, what is wrong with us?'

    B: 'What do you think is wrong with you?'

    U: 'I don't know. That's why i am asking.'

    B: 'If you don't know what's wrong with you, why should you be leading the country then?'

    U: 'Because we believe we are the best deal for the rakyat.'

    B: 'But if you're asking what's wrong with you, how do you know you're the best deal for the rakyat?

    And if you don't know what's wrong with you, how do you know others aren't better than you?'

    U: 'Well, so far we have done our best, as you can see, haven't we?'

    B: '(looks into the eyes). Is that a question, or a statement, or a plea for acceptance?'

    U: '(looks away). Honestly, we have been trying hard, changing, transforming, reaching out to the rakyat.'

    B: 'People First?'

    U: 'Yes!'

    B: 'Or...Pocket First?'

    U: 'Look, let's be realistic. Everything costs money. Even personal wedding receptions.'

    B: 'Would that explain the forty million ringgit carried as hard cash from a foreign land by a non-Umno local into Sabah?'

    U: 'That sum was for our Umno in Sabah.'

    B: 'But who gave the money? Why use a non-Umno interloper? Why from a foreign land and not a teller in Putrajaya or PWTC or, safer still, by telegraphic transfer? Why the skullduggery to evade detection and records?

    And, most of all, why did it take Umno so long to come out with such a ridiculous explanation?

    How can the rakyat then not conclude it's a bald-faced lie, furthermore from a bald-headed man? Umno could very well have used his cigar-smoking son as courier. Why didn't it?'

    U: 'You know how delicate such things can be.'

    B: 'Well, the agencies under Umno's command certainly weren't delicate when they went after Suaram and Malaysiakini, were they?

    And the Umno Kingpin certainly wasn't delicate when he used Soros as bogeyman to try and raise fear of foreign influence, was he?

    So in what way was the conveyance of such a large and source-unknown sum from foreign soil to a local Umno entity different from those accusations hurled against local NGOs and alternative media? In short, why the double standard?'

    U: 'It's all national interest-lah. We need the money to run the Umno election machinery in Sabah. The timber boys provided support.'

    B: 'If that be so, you have problems.'

    U: 'How so?'

    B: 'Corruption and money politics, for one. Environmental devastation, for two. Skin disease for three.'

    U: 'Skin disease?'

    B: 'With all that i scratch your back, you scratch mine, furthermore with dirty fingers, i'm surprised Umno has not yet consulted the best dermatologist in the region by now.'

    U: 'We use the best soap.'

    B: 'No soap can wash off crimes against the rakyat.'

    U: 'Well, we run the state, the judiciary, the enforcement, the media and the treasury so i guess might is right.'

    B: 'No, that's where the answer to your first question lies. You're wrong - simply because you think your might qualifies you for some right to do more wrong. You don't run His Heaven.

    The might that you think Umno has comes together with the hubris and hypocrisy Umno has been consistently showing that reflects the core of its nature. Only in those bad things have it succeeded. Everything else, showy stealing and providence-consigned failure.'

    U:'Ok, i admit it. We need the money for pay-offs in the coming general elections. Satisfied?'

  13. 2

    B: 'Why ask me? Why don't you ask Him? While at it, ask Him which of His faith, principle or conduct for men allows such an action involving public funds paid by cronies that would have gone to support state welfare but instead diverted for political causes of corrupt officials abusing their public office to which they were elected by the same citizens still suffering in need of the welfare support that the state's wealth could have provided but now gone. (sucks tooth).

    After all, if not gone, why the surreptitious secrecy? If only for public good, one should think the money would have been loudly proclaimed as Umno's People-First for Sabahans. Right?'

    U: 'You're being evasive. Why bring Him into our human affairs?'

    B: 'You still don't get it, do you? Let me explain then.

    Would you first agree that if something is done wrong, He will show His Disapproval by creating a sign, let's call it a contradiction?'

    U: 'Erhh, go on.'

    B: 'Alright, Umno officially says the RM40 million is for Sabah Umno. Therefore Aman Musa is exonerated under Najib's administration. Follow me so far?'

    U: 'Yes, go on.'

    B: 'Then explain to me and yourself how is it that Aman Musa can be exonerated under Umno's Najib for RM40 million when Harun Idris was charged and jailed under Najib's father for RM250,000 despite saying it was all for Umno Selangor and that after it was established he had abused his office to approve an interlink for the HSBC headquarters?

    Can you see the contradiction now?'

    U: '(sighs). You know-lah. Umno, half-past sixes. We sometimes forget what we have done.'

    B: 'Does that mean the present matter will go to court?'

    U: 'I didn't say that.'

    B: 'Why not?'

    U: 'It's not up to me.'

    B: 'Then who will be it up to? The same people who should have moved on the RCI on Project IC?

    What has happened to that promise made but not kept? Do you think our Sabahans and Sarawakians have forgotten because Umno takes them as stupid simpletons and easy meat?

    Will the invisible RCI go the same way as the EC on overseas voting which has been foot-dragged until now knowing full well it will be too late to be passed in Parliament, thereby enabling Umno to block almost two million votes which would surely have gone to PR? See what i mean?'

    U: '(loosens collar). Can we move on to something else?'

    B: 'Let's say i humor you. Name another hiding place.'

    U: 'Well, i think we should bury the Altantuya case. The court has already decided and the perps sentenced. What more do the rakyat want?'

    B: 'I can't speak on behalf of the rakyat but this much i can say. It was premeditated murder. And to commit a murder, three things are needed. Not that i have committed any, mind you. So far, anyway.

    The three things are means, opportunity and motive. As we understand from the proceedings, the means were a pair of heartless and to-date faceless robots, and the chemical explosive c4.

    The robots were under the wireless command of a chief who was connected to the accused who has been freed from all charges despite linked to half a BILLION ringgit in commissions now apparently dry-cleaned according to the present Mindef minister's intimation of the yet to be released but suspiciously delayed Auditor-General's report.

    Now, where was i? Oh, c4 is not easily available like in your local hardware store. That it was released to be taken out from a specific place must necessarily mean there was already intent to use it. You just don't carry c4 in your boot and go ronda-ing around town with risk of blowing up half a block, do you?

  14. 3

    So the murder was all pre-planned. Like the erasure of the immigration records of the poor woman.

    Next the opportunity. Her whereabouts were precisely known in time for the two to intercept and bundle her away.

    Therefore, the remaining question is what was the motive? The robots didn't know her. Only the accused did so why was he not grilled on who had ordered the robots to make the hit and why were they not grilled to reveal who had ordered them to do so?

    That heinous and brutal crime remains unsolved and yet prosecution was mums and defense was dumb throughout the kangaroo proceedings so that it remains in the eyes of the whole world what was on trial those painful days were neither the accused nor the perps but the entire judiciary system of this country and the political administration of Malaysia.'

    U: 'She was just a working girl.'

    B: 'I shall pretend i didn't hear that. Otherwise i may be tempted to look for a means, opportunity and motive right now. Are you proud of yourself for saying that?'

    U: 'Can we move on?'

    B: 'You remind me of one academician. He's so ganja-ed into Mahathir that his blood transfusion will need precisely the same genotype. Same behavior too. When confronted with hard facts couched in difficult questions, evade and run away, or spit out a direct lie to play on the bravura. In any case, this is your conversation. Go on, scoot to the next topic.'

    U: 'Ali Hamisa. He holds the highest office in our civil service. Doesn't that say Umno has taken steps to redress some past inequalities?'

    B: 'I don't care if he's a full-blooded Indian made bumiputra to qualify for that post on the strength of his experience embellished by his faith, or for that matter, no Chinese muslim will oddly enough ever be made a bumiputra under your party's monoracial policy but in name. Nor even if race can be stretched to religion so long as it is our Malays' religion.

    We should only care what he thinks, how he thinks and what he does. So too for anyone else on our puny slivers of turf. Agree?

    Now he has said any civil servant revealing departmental facts will be punished. Can you help me here? How does that jive with the Whistleblowers Act? If the Act is to protect people who offer information that will prevent the furtherance of misdeeds and crime against the rakyat, how will saying that not go in direct contradiction of the intent of the Act?

    See, that word comes again. And we want to talk about religion as basis? And that is why i mentioned His faith, principle and conduct just now.

    Let me leave it in perpetual mind that the reason we must force to allow for information disclosure wherever doing so prevents white-collar crime and abuse of office is because the criminals are the one making the decision not to allow the disclosure. If it's good, why disallow? No?'

  15. 4/4

    U: 'You've a point there. Maybe he's a bit insecure and wants to curry favour on behalf of his Indian-Muslims community with his boss.'

    B: 'Then don't wear the KSN badge. Last one checked, it was for truth and righteousness in the service of the Rakyat Of Malaysia, not the political regime of the day.'

    U: 'Well, from a econo-racial perspective, he should have less to worry next year since our PM has pledged RM100 million for our Penang Malay SMEs, and as you may know, most of them there are Indian Muslims.'

    B: 'What about the Chinese and Indian SMEs there? Why specifically a sum to a specific group that hints of Mahathir's cocktail of race, religion and political affiliation?

    When Inland Revenue collects taxes, levies and national wealth from the Rakyat Of Malaysia, are any of these monies pre-labelled with a particular race, religion or political affiliation?

    It's just plain vote-buying, isn't it? And he taxes his tongue waxing about 1Malaysia. Hum and bug.'

    U: 'Despite all the things you've said, will you support Umno?'

    B: 'Of course! But only Umno as the opposition after GE13. See, i am so diplomatic!'

    U: 'But why, why, why?'

    B: 'Because you started this conversation by using the word 'honestly'.

    No Umno member is qualified to use that word if he or she votes again for Umno in GE13.

    But you already know that, don't you?'

  16. Bila PR membentuk kjaan nanti, saya nak minta jawatan interrogator merangkap tukang sebat. Tak bayar gaji pun tak apa. Tak sabar sabar lagi nak tanya beribu soalan kepada yang berkenaan mengenai pkfz, nfc, bawa cash ke australia, main forex paai dut bnm, pemberian ap, nak grill taib mahmud , musa aman mcm mana boleh jadi kaya teramat, ghani patail, musa hassan....semuanya biarlah saya uruskan, tolonglah dato...bagilah kerja tersebut pada saya nanti


  17. Penny wise pound foolish:

    paying billions for submarines that cannot dive and giving billions to the stinking frenchies and getting hundreds of millions in return.

    buying a sampan and billing it to the GOM for billions and keeping the billions with no cents to share with the stinking frenchies.and there is no eyesore of two ugly black elephants in the backyard.

  18. Dearies Sak, buddy Bruno, old sage Walla, Nick Kelate (should 1?) et al.

    I am going back on home leave very early tomorrow am. Be back around mid-November.
    (Confident Najib will not call for the polls within the period.)
    I gotta ensure my president is re-elected. My family have been Democrats for generations.
    In fact, we contributed few thousands for his campaign.
    Lucky Malaysians who get leaders to serve you for free.
    You even get BR1M although everyone here did not vote or will not vote for the ruling party.
    Count your blessings. Even Bloomberg has stated that Malaysia will not be impacted by the IMF's forecast of global gloomy economic outlook.
    Sakmongkol and fans will not agree with this.
    I am gonna miss my fave blogger Sak. And you guys are gonna miss me too because you can't have me to bash. No?
    Be back and ever ready to get the punches and fight back if Pak Sak still welcomes me to his blog.
    Tata. Love y'all. Muahs.

  19. Dato, blog dato' saya ikuti. Tapi saya nak Dato' perbetulkan ejaan Bahasa Melayu dalam blog dato'. Banyak sangat salah ejaannya.

  20. Dear Dato,

    Most Malaysians wish to see a debate on policy and not a debate on race and religion. I hope PR and BN should focus on economic policy and Budget. Please arrange a debate between PR and BN in all the Parliament and State constituencies at least once during election campaign. A major debate between the PM and the PM in waiting and also between the deputy PM and the potential deputy PM from PR. At least the raayat will be able to assess the candidate contesting in their constituency.

    We hope for the best candidates to serve in the Parliament.

  21. Dato SAK, Why Hassan Ali must stoke the religious difference between Dap and Pas.Can't he see that the people voted PR candidate irrespective of their religious background.I cried for joy when Shila Amzah won the Asian Wave Song Contest held in Shanghai recently.The audience and judges were cheering her.Did her religion make any difference in the outcome?She wear her tudung and we respect that.When she won I can feel She make me very proud to be a Malaysian.Thank you for your music and Song,Shila! We are all Malaysian and up u Hassan Ali for your religious bigotry.ABU and all their cohorts.

  22. 14 Oct 02:42 Anon
    Ejaan-ejaan salah dalam blog Dato' jangan kisah sangat; yang penting mesej. Blog-blog bukan kelas Bahasa Melayu. Blog adalah untuk menyampaikan mesej secepat, seringkas, setepat mungkin. Kalau ragu-ragu gunakan Kamus Dewan dan kamus-kamus dari Indonesia.

  23. Q.D must come back to wallop us so that we can wallop back. This is good for the country, measure for measure, point counter-point and the country, minus uncontrolled greed and rapacious politicians,can move forward without any reason to resort to C4.

    Q.D. come back quickly.

  24. Salam,

    Ejaan beliau tidak salah. Banyaknya adalah ejaan lama. Mereka yang sekolah rendah tahun 50an dan awal 60an. Kalau ada yang baca Blog tukartuib, anda mungkin jumpa ejaan sedemikin.

    Apa pun, terima kasih dato atas buah fikiran yang di sampaikan.

    Noor M.

  25. After having being away for so long, QD is the same blah blah, but quite a sincere chap ! Mana tahu balik kg nak talak tiga dgn umno dan meminang DAP ? Bruno, Walla and Sak are still writing as sharp, if not with more gusto ! Enjoy listening Father & Son by Boyzone.
