Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mahathir lwn Soros.

Kenyataan Dr Mahathir semakin hari semakin bizarre. Orang Melayu kata macam buang tebiat. Sewel, biul dan merapu. Terbaru Dr Mahathir berkata mengundi Pakatan Rakyat bererti mengundi Soros dan mengundi Soros bererti penaklukan semula. Re-colonization.  
Makna nya kalau Anwar PM- maka Soros dibelakang nya. Haji Hadi, Kit Siang semua menjadi antek neo-kolonialisme. Begitu? Rakyat Malaysia yang 29 juta ini apa pula? Anak kambing? Who are you trying to kid DR Mahathir? ( kid =anak kambing). Keluarga Shahrizat anggap kita lembu. Mahathir anggap kita anak kambing. 
Siapa Soros? Kita tahu dia seorang yang kaya dan membuat pelaburan melalui beberapa syarikat milik nya terutama flagship company nya- Quantum Funds. Dia guna kekayaan nya untuk membantu pertubuhan dan gerakan2 mendapat kemerdekaan. Dia juga seorang dermawan yang terkemuka membantu rakyat yang buta huruf, kebuluran dan yang ditimpa mala petaka. 
Dr Mahathir kata dia tak bagus dan penyangak. Tapi jutaan rakyat dalam negara yang duduk dibawah pemerintah yang zalim menganggap Soros sebagai anugerah Tuhan kepada mereka.
Kepada Dr Mahathir Soros penyangak. Tapi Dr Mahathir menulis suatu surat kepada Soros dengan nada yang merayu rayu ajak berjumpa untuk menyelesaikan masaalah ekonomi secara bersama. Kalau Soros ini jahat mengapa Dr Mahathir tulis surat kepada Soros dan kemudian nya berjumpa?  Boleh jadi inilah agaknya maksud lebih baik berkawan dengan syaitan yang dikenali daripada malaikat yang tidak dikenali. Syaitan mesti kenal geng seangkatan dengan nya. 
Dan bukan sahaja Mahathir jumpa Soros- beberapa menteri Malaysia pun turut bersalaman dengan Soros. Kalau tak jumpa manakan boleh berjabat tangan? 
Apa masaalah Dr Mahathir ini sebenarnya? Siapa yang beri dia otoriti untuk menentukan orang ini baik untuk Malaysia atau tidak? Setiap hari Dr Mahathir walaupun bukan lagi PM kita, insults our intelligence. rakyat bukan wanita Kemas atau anggota RELA. Ini bukan zaman Dr Mahathir ketika informasi dan maklumat bergerak sehala sahaja- dari dia kepada kita kita. Pada masa itu, apa cakap Mahathir semesti lah benar. Sekarang keadaan berubah. Kita dapat membentuk kefahaman dan pemikiran sendiri. Kita ucap terima kasihlah kepada Dr Mahathir- tapi biarlah kita rakyat Malaysia yang buat keputusan dan putuskan fikiran. Tak perlu Dr Mahathir. kita dah beri dia 22 tahun. Apa lagi yang dia mahu? 
Dr Mahathir kata Soros jahat. Soros kata, Dr Mahathir is a menace to his own country. dan saya boleh senaraikan 1001 alasan dan keterangan untuk menyokong kenyataan Soros. Dr Mahathir pun is equally jahat punya orang. 
Kita tak tahu apa masaalah Mahathir dengan Soros. Adalah sedikit orang kenal dengan nama Soros yang Dr Mahathir kata sebagai punca krisis ekonomi dunia suatu masa dahulu. Di Malaysia, Dr Mahathir menuduh Soros sebagai punca krsis kejatuhan nilai Ringgit yang mencederakan ekonomi Malaysia suatu ketika dahulu. Tapi pada masa itu, Dr Mahathir menyalahkan apa2 sahaja didepan mata termasuk tiang lampu TNB. Tapi kita tahu punca sebenarnya ekonomi Malaysia jadi kelam kabut adalah akibat dasar2 ekonomi yang dilaksanakan oleh Dr Mahathir sendiri. Apa yang terjadi kepada Malaysia pada ketika itu adalah akibat pembetulan kuasa pasaran kepada ketamakan dan penyelewengan dasar ekonomi DR Mahathir.
Dr Mahathir yang berkelahi dengan Soros .rakyat tak tahu pun. Dr Mahathir kelahi dengan semua orang. Dia kelahi dengan Musa Hitam. Dia sabotaj Tengku Razali. Dia kencing Ghafar Baba. Dia kelahi dengan Anwar Ibrahim. kalau dia kelahi dengan satu orang, mungkin orang terima boleh jadi yang berkelahi dengan Mahathir lah yang bersalah dan jahat. Tapi kalau DR Mahathit kelahi dengan ramai orang- there must be something wrong with Dr Mahathir. sebetulnya dengan Najib pun Mahathir kelahi tapi adalah seorang dua yang mengawal Dr Mahathir. agaknya, negara akan selamat dari gangguan Mahathir bila dia sudah meninggal. 
Rakyat bukan inginkan neo kolonilisme. Rakyat mahukan keadilan dan perubahan. Rakyat menolak UMNO . itu sahaja. Tak perlulah Dr Mahathir mengaitkan gelombang kebangkitan rakyat dengan ejen2 luar negara. Dr Mahathir ni hidup dalam dunia paranoia yang berterusan atau dunia schizophrenia kah? Rakyat tidak gila, tapi mereka mahu membebaskan diri dari orang yang gila kuasa. Yang gila kuasa sekarang ialah Najib dan gerombolan UMNO.
Sekarang rakyat menolak UMNO bukan menyokong Soros. Isiu peribadi antara mereka berdua, biarlah Dr Mahathir sendiri selesaikan. Kita tak tahu pun apa yang Soros akan lakukan yang akan membawa kepada kolonisasi kepada rakyat Malaysia. Yang kita tahu ialah, pada waktu ini, gelombang kesedaran rakyat ialah menolak UMNO dan agenda parti tersebut untuk menghamba-abdikan orang Melayu dan bangsa Malaysia.  Soros ada atau tidak, rakyat tetap diatas gelombang menolak UMNO yang rasuah dan pembelot!
Agenda rakyat sekarang bukan menyokong Soros tapi menolak UMNO. Sejak tahun 1981, Dr Mahathir, lebih daripada orang lain, menerbalikkan UMNO- kaki diatas, kepala dibawah. UMNO tidak lagi dilihat sebagai wadah membawa perubahan- tapi wadah mengukuhkan kuasa golongan elit menakluk pemikiran orang Melayu. Dalam zaman Mahathir lah, orang Melayu diajar berkelahi sesama sendiri- abang lawan adik, ibu lawan ayah, adik beradik bertelagah dan benci membenci. Itulah yang agenda yang dibawa oleh UMNO Mahathir. Dalam zaman Mahathirlah, orang Melayu diajar kurang ajar terhadap agama Islam. Islam dipersenda dan diejek oleh orang Melayu sendiri. Kalau hukum Islam dijalankan, ramai rakyat Malaysia akan kudung; orang Islam tidak bercukur kerana tidak ada pisau cukur. Kalau rejam batu, maka Malaysia kehabisan batu.
Jadi, apa yang dilambangkan oleh pemerintahan UMNO ciptaan Dr Mahathir? UMNO Mahathir lah yang sebenarnya melambangkan penjajahan keatas bangsa sendiri. Penjajah lama diganti dengan penjajah baru dan kemuncak penjajahan dan penaklukan keatas bangsa Melayu dimulakan oleh Dr Mahathir. 
Malu kita terutama penyokong UMNO mahu mempertahankan kenyataan yang bizzare dan tidak masuk akal. Ini suatu lagi contoh kenyataan yang sengaja dikeluarkan untuk menakutkan orang Melayu. Macam lah UMNO sahaja yang boleh menjaga orang Melayu dan negara ini.


  1. Dr. M is having nightmares and he knows that PR is going to take over putrajaya. He knows that there will be heavy digging up of all the corruption that took place without fear.He knows that payback time is just under 180days.
    He tries his best to condem PR with the aid of the mangy bunch of bloggers but deep down inside he knows its all " POOCHI"".
    He knows he can run but not far and he cannot hide.
    Same goes to all bn cronies.Get out while you can or turn crown witness ,quick!!! before its too late.
    ps. Anybody who intends to buy luxury cars, houses, wives ,please hold on to after the GE13, you can get it at lelong lelong lelong prices.

  2. Akhirnya...melayu juga yang kena tipu oleh Kim Jong mahathir....yang kononya seorang melayu. Janji Tun Munafiq kepada oranf melayu ni macam janji Iblis.....

    Saya Anugerah Tun Dr M - Bapa Kemerosotan Malaysia dan UMNO Parti Kemerosotan melayu.

    Jadi Tun Munafiq, mari sayang makan 2 biji, 3 kali sehari bukan 2 biji, 3 hari sekali!!

    Jangan bimbang yah...sekejap lagi segala Rahsia UMNO akan dibongkar agar awak dan Kroni awak boleh tidur enak kat Hotel Sungai Buloh..

  3. Dato, orang tua nak mampus ni tak habis2 menyusahkan rakyat . Cukup, cukup , cukup apa yang kita dah rasa. Mungkin dah sampai masa nya orang tua ni kita pakai kan lampin dan sumbat kan dengan puting. Itu pun kalau dia mahu diam,


  4. Everyone knows that it was Maha Firaun's overspending on grandiose projects that weakened our economy and caused not only Soros, but hundreds of other hedge funds and currency speculators too, to attack the ringgit in 1997/8. Do also remember that it was OUR MALAYSIAN banks (like RHB) which lent share scrips to Soros and others (for money/profit) to attack the ringgit!

    But why should Maha Firaun complain about Soros and currency speculators?

    By his own admission, Maha Firaun encouraged Bank Negara to speculate on the US$, resulting in RM30 billion of losses. He tried to cover it up by cooking the books and hiding the losses in BNM's balance sheet, but it was spotted by the Opposition way back in the early '90's.

    As a result of questions raised in Parliament then (where only RM6 billion losses were disclosed) by Lim Kit Siang, eventually BNM forced its governor - Jaafar Hussein- and chief forex trader Nor Mod Yapkop, to resign.

    Is it not incredible that to-date, no one has gone to prison for Malaysia's largest financial loss of taxpayers' money? We have not had a RCI to determine if outright fraud was involved. There has been a massive cover up by Maha Firaun. We should not let MF get away with playing the racist and anti-semitic card.

    What's even more incredible is that Nor Mohd Yapkop sits today in the PM's Office as head of the EPU, approving contracts worth hundreds of RM billions!!??

    The truth behind this massive financial scandal must emerge under a Pakatan Govt, as should the name (s) of those responsible for ordering Altantuya's murder over the Scorpene Submarine procurements and $540 million "facilitation and servicess fees" paid to Razak Baginda's Perimekar S/B.

    we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race

  5. Dear Sakmongkol

    George Soros is a much-hated man in the eyes of Dr Mahathir. He was the one who caused Bank Negara Malaysia to lose some USD5.5 billion in 1992 when BNM took an opposite position to Soros in the British Sterling Pound fiasco.

    BNM was not your typical central bank in the 1990s. It took very large foreign currency positions on a speculative basis, that is, beyond what central banks normally do in order to “stabilize” their currency against foreign currencies with which the country traded against. BNM did this for profit. And for a while they succeeded, and this emboldened them to take what is now known as whale-size positions. Of course no BN governor would dare to do this without the approval of the PM or the Finance Minister. In 1992 we had the deadly combination of Dr Mahathir, who was daring for the wrong reasons, and Diam who was acting more like a risk-taking businessman than a responsible FM. The chief trader was the current minister Nor Mohamed Yakcop.

    I was in London on 16 September 1992 when hell broke loose on the currency market. The Sterling Pound fell like a rock. At that time I had no idea who Soros was, but you could say that that speculation that purportedly made the Quantum Fund USD 1.1 billion made him famous, or notorious to people like Dr M. People should know that Soros was not alone in that speculation against the British currency. There were lots of others, but he was perhaps the biggest – the whale.

    This happened because the Pound was fundamentally weak, but the Bank of England foolishly thought they could fight the currency market. The real foolish people were the Malaysian leaders in whom we had trusted with our nation’s wealth. They gambled it away playing against the entire world. They had no business doing that. In total BNM lost about RM20 billion gambling on foreign currencies, and they hid this from Parliament for along time.

    Dr Mahathir’s visceral hatred for Soros led him in 1997 to accuse Soros of also causing the demise of the Ringgit and other Asian currencies. But in 2006 he made up with Soros, saying that Soros was not to be blamed. At that time Mahathir needed Soros’ help in his world peace campaign so he made up with his archenemy. Now the old man is at it again, railing against Soros and Jews in general.

    One wonders if Mahathir has real friends. Does he judge people well? He appointed Musa Hitam as his #2 to then sack him, and he did the same with Ghaffar Baba and Anwar. He made Dollah Badawi his successor, and then said nasty things about him. He rooted for Najib to be PM and now publicly undermines him. Mahathir’s only true friend is that dictator-for-life who resides in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe – two birds of a feather.

  6. Rasanya beliau ingin jadikan rakyat malaysia macam pol pot ke?

  7. Way back in the 1990s BNM under Finance Minister Daim with Mahathir's approval speculated on foreign currency market and make some tidy profit initially.

    When Mahathir succeeds, he thinks he is smart and George Soros is no culprit even it is a known fact that Soros is an active currency speculator through Quantum Funds.

    Later, Mahathir became greedy by approving a larger than normal bet on the British Pound with Jaafar Hussein the then BNM Governor and Nor Mohamed Yackop played their pivotal roles in this foreign currency gamble.

    George Soros took the opposite position betting the Sterling Pound will fall and he was right. George Soros made billions of dollars from this bet.

    Mahathir took the wrong position resulting in loses in billions of BNM's money ( rakyat's money ). Mahathir blamed Soros for his loses and that's why Soros is bad.

    If you beat Mahathir at his own game, you are bad for the country. That's Mahathir.

  8. UMNO baru United Melayu Not Original
    itu lah legasi syiatan TUN dari Kerala

  9. DR M LAWAN SOROS-- DR M hilang billions dan SOROS menang BILLIONs.. sama cerita-- blame the west n east for all your failures , wrongdoings n misdeeds n n corruption n missing cows>> blame the cOWS lah

  10. Dato'

    If I can afford it and be allowed to do it, I would like to put a Banner in Large Lettering:


    Joe Black

  11. Hai .. Mahathir...

    Aku tetap sanjung kepimpinan dirimu satu ketika dahulu pada zaman Rock Kapak walaupun menteri kamu suruh rockers band pendikkan rambut dalam siaran RTM.

    Tapi alahai ... alangkah bagusnya kalau dirimu buat kerja amal luar dari lingkungan politik. Beri ceramah-ceramah motivasi kepada pelajar-pelajar dan tulis banyak buku-buku dan jadi professor di IPTA.

  12. Semua ini sendiwara. Mereka dua karib yang baik. Lu tolong saya I tolong you. Soros itu di guna sebagai alat untuk main wang Malaysia.Untung di bagaikan. Hello kawan, India dan Cina juga kena tipu.

  13. Obviously Dr M got f^@!#% by Soros big time during the currency speculation saga and Dr M is still smarting from that loss of face.

  14. Dato' Sak,
    The pinnacle of colonization - is the creation of a class of people who will colonize their own people - "auto-colonization". This is a task perfected by UMNO Baru. Ever wonder there is no love lost between the Malays and Tun M?. Because Tun M has attacked the core of the Malayness - Islam itself.

  15. Dato', How can we accept it is personal.The man who can walk on the water,lost Billions of our money on Forex,Maminco,Pewaja,Proton,Mas,Misc etc.Look at his smile or sneer when he testify for Ling .He don't care,that man don't have maruah.He is laughing @ us the stupid Rakyat.OMG he says Ling is an honest man! A bunch of Ali Baba n his 40 thieves.Poorah

  16. Dato' 'honesty' has a special meaning in Malaysia, thanks to this sage, sometime maulana, sometime rabid Muslim supremacist, sometime Muslim liberal, sometime Muslim scholar, sometime Muslim financial wunderkind, sometime foreign exchange gambler, sometime purveyor of toxic racist policies, sometime tough schoolmaster giving grades to all and sundry, most times thoroughly confused about when he should just shut up.

    This man is a menace to this country as Soros quite rightly commented about him 15 years. Soros, no saint, occasionally illuminates the world with some astute assessments of world leaders. But for both to think that they matter about 'making wars illegal' lump both of them as arrogant dreamers. Both of have scant regard for general human welfare though they may seem to be concerned it, and that's why both gamble in the money casino: one is open about it but the other plays on the quiet. What if the latter had made billions - would the country benefit or would them money go into private pockets.

    Beware of the talkative retiree and his friends. This is one great 'Malay' helping a Chinese.


  17. Dato and bloggers

    The fact that George Soros outsmarted MM made the latter mad at him. MM was totally outgunned and outfoxed by Soros in the forex game. Yet MM needs a fall guy. So, he fingers Soros.

    MM blew away RM30 billion and he said Ling Liong Sik is an honest man who never cheated. What a joke!


  18. siapa yang tipu rakyat selama 30 tahun>> sila ingat ?? who are lying-- a or b or m

  19. kita kena maaf maafkan ahli politik tu pasal mereka pakar belit belit

    apa boleh buat, kena undi gunting tuk potong lidah tu

  20. i disagree.

    well i dont know whether mamakhatheeer's perception is that we're kids. i do know that mamakhatheeer perceives malays as ungrateful to him and u-bn.

    but as far as kak eeejat and family goes, i know for sure that it's the other way round - when we think of kak eeejat and family, we immediately think about bunch cows!

    this, to me, is apparent if you read the following posts, 5 of them actually, from my blog:
    klakka-la.blogspot: BINATANG PELIHARAAN SAYA
    klakka-la.blogspot: BINATANG PELIHARAAN SAYA 2
    klakka-la.blogspot: BINATANG PELIHARAAN SAYA 3
    klakka-la.blogspot: BINATANG PELIHARAAN SAYA 4
    klakka-la.blogspot: BINATANG PELIHARAAN SAYA 5

    ah, in fact the following 2 posts even show much clearer, the perceived association between kak eeejat and family, with cows:
    klakka-la.blogspot: DON'T HAVE A COW = TAKDE LEMBU?

    so it should not be:
    "Keluarga Shahrizat anggap kita lembu. Mahathir anggap kita anak kambing."

    it should be:
    "Keluarga Shahrizat kita anggap lembu."

    please take note. TQ

    -average joe-
    klakka-la.blogspot: TANYALAH USTAZ, EH HAKIM

  21. Dato Sak, nice and good bashing, Tapi muka 'tarpal'ni mana ada perasaan lansung seolah2 dia tidak pernah buat kerja2 celaka tu.

    Saya berpendapat ini adalah kerana syaitan ini 'terlepas' atau 'get away' dari segala perbuatan jahat beliau.
    Sama juga dengan pemimpin2 UMNO yang lalu yang bagitu rakus menyapu duit rakyat. Tak usah pergi jauh, kes ECM Libra dimana penyangak2 terlepas bagitu sahaja walau pun kes tersebut jelas membabitkan jenayah komersial.

    Jadi nak tunggu apa lagi dengan UMNO ini. Kita kena runtuhkan dan bawa mereka2 ini kemuka keadilan.


  22. Post ini menjelas satu perkara pada aku.

    Orang Tua Mahathir tentu mahu dia sorang budiman. Kita tak tahu macam mana tak masuk kepala dia kena laku baik yg disuruh orang tua sebelum kita dihormati dan bukan cara tengking dan ancam orang lain buat tapi sendiri tak.

    Nampaknya Mahathir tak masuk ajar semasa keciil.

    Atau mungkin dia kena bully atau diganaskan oleh orang tua dia. Buat dia benci pada orang dan membuat dia jadi penipu, bengis, menghina, dan mengganas keatas orang lain.

    Tak beza kalau dia fikir orang Melayu "pariah" tak kenang budi. Budi apa? Melainkan fikir Melayu "pariah" !

    Mungkin sejarah haluan hidup keluarga dia tak memuaskan. Tapi hidup orang Melayu yg dianggap tidak kenang budi tak beza macam "pariah" dengan kelakuan dia macam ni.

  23. Dato, salam, Mahatheer has cheated the Malays since 1981 and still keeps on cheating them. Insyallah, the Malays will wake up before PRU 13 and kick the hell out of UMNO. Mahatheer turned UMNO into a corporate party kicking out all the gormen teachers and installing ketua Bahagians from corporate firms through money politics. I won't go into detail but by now every Malay should know what money politics were like under Mahatheer's time.
    The rakyat's hard paid taxes were blown by Mahatheer by billions and simply forgotten by him, putting the blame on Soros.
    At least Soros is doing justice with his 'earned' billions by donating it to the needies but Mahatheer has gulped everything, so much so, his cucu cicit can sit and eat till doomsday.
    Back to Malaysia, please Malaysians, especially Malays, bangun lah wahai saudara2 ku, sudah terlalu lama kamu semua di tipu dihina oleh UMNO. Now, at a time when we have a strong opposition with an ex Deputy Prime Minister/Finance Minister leading it, WE ALL SHALL VOTE FOR THEM. Pakatan has promised us cheaper fuel, FREE EDUCATION, FREE NORTH SOUTH HIGHWAYS. What else do we want. On top of it, GOOD RIDDANCE OF A VULTURE KNOWN AS UMNO. A vulture that sucks our blood through various taxes, trafick compounds under disguise of lowering the accidents as though UMNO cares for the rakyat's lives lost in accidents. What a lame excuse to give in return of getting HIGH TARAFIC OFFENCES COMPOUNDS.
    Last, but not the least, in the PKFZ scandal, Kadir Sh.Fadil had himself kicked out of the court room because he had too much praiise for Ling Liong Sik buut what punishment was Mahatheer given afetr his POLITICAL SERMON IN DEFENCE OF LLS. COURTS TODAY HAVE BECOME A JOKE. THEY ARE MORE BN COURTS.

  24. This is irony, mengundi PR equal to mengundi Soros equal to mengundi Mahathir.....? Sebab PR suka Soros and Soros kawan Mahathir....conclusion undi PR sama dengan undi Mahathir...hmmmm...
