Sunday 28 October 2012

AES: Satu Lagi Projek BN Merompak Rakyat

UMNO memimpin sebuah kerajaan yang angkuh dan sombong. Menteri kewangan nya sombong; dia engkar hadir di parlimen berdepan dengan penghujjahan ketua pembangkang. Ertinya, dia telah engkar memuliakan institusi parlimen dan memuliakan amanah yang rakyat Pekan beri pada nya. Demikian juga MP BN yang lain yang kencing berlari mengikut guru mereka kencing berdiri. Dia bongkak bila mengistiharkan bajet Pakatan tidak senilai dengan kertas dimana bajet tersebut dicitak.
Adakah PM dan Menteri kewangan kita buta bila Lapuran Odit Negara menyatakan bahawa pentadbiran kewangan negeri2 dibawah Pakatan lebih baik dari negeri yang ditadbir UMNO/BN? fakta nya ialah- bila Pakatan Rakyat buat janji, mereka ada track record untuk menyokong janji mereka. UMNO/BN hanya dapat mengemukakan rekod yang buruk.
Memang itulah perangai parti syaitan yang kita kenal. 2 sifat syaitan ialah engkar dan bongkak. Parti inilah sekarang menjalankan jinayah ekonomi merompak rakyat. Apa yang berlaku pada Felda sebagai contoh, adalah suatu rencana dan pakatan jahat Najib merompak rakyat. Kalau tidak masakan dia meletakkan seorang perasuah sebagai pengerusi Felda dan menukar pegawai2 yang ada conscience dengan pegawai yang korap. Itu bermakna, angkara durjana yang di perlakukan keatas Felda adalah suatu yang premeditated- kalau dalam istilah undang2 criminal, mereka ada mens rea.
Bencana AES.
Satu lagi rencana merompak ialah kerajaan meluluskan tender memasang dan mengutip denda keatas pemanduan laju menggunakan kamera AES. Ini kerja dan projek perompak yang malas untuk membalun rakyat.
Selama ini, kerta laju di denda oleh polis. Pendapatan lansung kedalam kocek kerajaan. Jika system yang ada memuaskan, mengapa perlu disubkontrakkan kepada pihak ke3 dan kerajaan berkongsi pula hasil kutipan? Kenapa beri kepada Beta Tegap Sdn Bhd dan Commercial Circle sdn Bhd?
Dua syarikat menggunakan dua system yang berlainan. Beta Tegap menggunakan system Australia dan Commercial Circle dengan system Germany. Menyeragamkan system ini macam mana? Adakah ia akan menambahkan kos kepada kerajaan?
Bukankan pihak Polis mempunyai 3000 lebih kamera diserata tempat? Apa jadi kepada kamera tersebut? Boleh tak polis jual secondhand untuk kita pasang di rumah2 supaya kita rasa lebih selamat. Keadaan keselamatan dalam negeri kita sekarang tidak terjamin. Berjuta warga asing yang ada rekod jinayah dan membawa penyakit yang sudah lama dibasmikan dinegara ini. sekarang ini jaga lah kesihatan keluarga kita sebab penyakit TB datang semula dibawa oleh warga asing.
Kamera AES merupakan satu lagi projek BN merompak dan menindas rakyat dan membocorkan pendapatan negara.  Ianya keadah orang malas berfikir bagaimana mahu mengurangkan kemalangan jalan raya. Kemalangan jalan raya diselesaikan bukan dengan menghukum pemandu dengan kos yang tinggi tapi melalui cara mendidik rakyat etika memandu. Selama ini pun kamera Polis yang sedia ada mengenakan denda RM 300 atau lebih- adakah system yang ada mengurangkan kemalangan?
Kemalangan jalanraya mungkin disebabkan terlalu banyak kereta. Atau jalan tidak baik. Bolehkah bayaran denda yang banyak mengurangkan kemalangan? Jika demikian, baik naikkan harga kereta supaya tidak ramai yang boleh memiliki kereta.
Menteri Pengangkutan yang bingung mengatakan bahawa sistem AES ini sebetulnya dikehendaki oleh majority yang senyap atau  silent majority. Kalau mereka senyap, macam mana menteri ini tahu apa yang mereka mahu? Yang mereka mahu ialah kerajaan berhenti dari merompak rakyat.
Kos projek ini ialah RM700juta. Kerajaan tak perlu belanja apa apa. Hanya kongsi untung denda. Bagaimana harga RM 700juta ini di perolehi? Kerajaan cuai kalau tidak mengodit angka ini. kerajaan hanya kongsi hasil denda bila RM700juta sudah di recover. Ertinya, setelah 2 syarikat ini recover RM 700juta , baru berkongsi pendapatan.
Soalan nya- boleh tak kita percaya kos nya RM700juta?  2 syarikat yang mendapat projek ini tidak mempunyai kemampuan mengadakan RM700juta. Adakah ini angka silap mata yang dikeluarkan entah dari mana dan pegawai kerajan yang sama bingung nya dengan menteri menerima bulat2 harga RM700juta?
Rakyat sudah masak dengan penipuan harga atau harga projek yang diUMNOkan. Rakyat masih ingat bagaimana kos membina PLUS yang RM3billion menjadi M6 billion. Dan setelah RM20 billion dikutip menerusi kutipan tol dan compenstation, pengendali TOL masih diberi lesen melanun rakyat?
RM700 juta amat mudah di ujudkan. Lantik orang tengah ala perimekar sdn bhd suruh mereka lantik alih bahasa dari Mongolia- suruh alihbahasa ini deal dengan pembekal- dalam tempoh ulang alik ke Australia dan Germany, wakil dari syarikat orang tengah boleh memantat dengan pengalih bahasa. Siap kerja, muncul depan menteri dan beritahu- boss kos nya RM 700 juta. Fringe benefits pun ada kalu bos mahu! Kemudian boleh letupkan dengan C4.
Cara kerajaan UMNO/BN memberi kontrak kepada 2 syarikat ini penuh dengan misteri. Mengapakah perlu nya butiran kontak, terma2 dan syarat2 tender ini di lindung dibawah Akta Rahsia Kerajaan( OSA)? Perkara yang menyentuh kepentingan rakyat kerana rakyat yang kena bayar, dirahsiakan dari pengetahuan mereka? Rakyat berhak mengetahui bagaimana kontrak yang akan mendenda mereka danmenyusahkan meraka disetujui oleh kerajaan?  
Adakah laungan Najib mengenai ketelusan dan pertanggunjawaban hanya omongan kosong? Nampak nya begitulah.  Najib memang suka bong!
Kerajaan yang membengkrapkan negara ini sepatutnya mempertahankan sumber pendapatan bukan mengkontrakkan nya. Kita diberitahu bahawa system penguatkuasaan otomatik boleh memberi pulangan sebanyak RM50billion setahun. Jika demikian mengapa mahu kontrakkan? Bukankah lebih baik menambahbaikkan system polis yang ada dengan 3000 lebih kamera nya? RM 50 billion wok, boleh menyebabkan cukai jalan dimansuhkan dan menutup semua syarikat kutipan tol dinegara kita ini.
Ini satu lagi projek BN untuk melanun dan merompak rakyat!


  1. Mana ada projek BN tidak merompak?
    Numbor satu..Umno B tiap tiap projek nak rompak...baru boleh borak sumua orang kaya.
    Curi sampai siok sindiri..sama makan dadah...tak boleh putus.
    MCA dan MIC anak2 anjing Umno B..ambil bodek..harapan jadi raya itu macham.
    Yea...MCA ambil Najib's bodek first class!
    Tak makan suab atua merompak...hati2 anak2 saitan tak pus hati.
    Chukop lah..kita nanti nanti 13th GE ...buang sumua pergi di tong sampah.

  2. Sak & fellow blog readers,

    Thomas Jefferson's quote :
    Democracy demands an educated and informed electorate.

    How well have our Malay youths informed their parents and relatives in their respective villages ? How well have PK / DAP assisted Sarawakians and Sabahans in their plights ? They will contribute the stunning effects, do not neglect them. All need to intensify collaboration and unity.

    What are some effective ways to convince some our Malay fence sitters to vote DAP, beginning in this blog ?

    I will have to first support you, DAP, PK, then PSM because many outstanding and mindful bloggers here, FMT, Loyar Buruk and across the board have spent countless months if not years writing to inform, to educate, to shake up the sleepy heads. And the visibly moving Malaysiakini videoclips through the years; the many unresolved issues... the mind is saturated to list the neverending fabrications never seen in any nations except in Bolehand and Putarjaya. Thanks.

  3. Let the Umnoputras and their sugar babies set up all the AES they like.Afterall they have already stolen hundreds of billions from the rakyat.So they can afford to spend tens or even hundreds of millions to set up the AES.

    The opposition and NGO's then must educate the people/drivers that to be patient and getting to their destinations a few seconds or minutes later is better than to endure heavy fines or causing accidents.

    Drivers weaving in and out of traffic lanes and cutting off other motorists,not only causes accidents but deaths too.And deaths from accidents are many times more than people killed in wars.

    If the drivers can follow and not break traffic laws,then let the Umnoputras and their cronies sit on their AES as much as they like.No drivers breaking the traffic laws meant no fines and incomes for the Umnoputras and their cronies.Let their AES be white elephants.Afterall Umnoputras love white elephants.

    That is the best way to punish the Umnoputras and their sugar babies.And the best way to punish them is where it hurts.Their two pea balls and their pocket books.

  4. I wonder who taught Najib, Muhyiddin, hisapmudin dan all other UMNO pirates to rob the people while hiding behind Rosmah...oppps...err national interest or public safety, public health and of course the ever puke inducing false patriotism aka Ketuanan Melayu? If we look at our people robbing highway (UMNO ATM machine), public screwing utilities (UMNO Swiss bank account)and of course, shopping galore announcement aka national budget (UMNO's bank vault)..we of course would say the teacher is "who else is there" but the grand magician (hey, look east while I steal your money), Lord Sauron of tanah Melayu (the devil you know) and the only holder of the affectionate title "MahaFiraun", Dr mahathir! Need I say more? No need cos others are small fry compared to his 22 years, US100 billion run on our treasury! A place in our book of record and maybe in Guinness too, right at the top! (By the way we were lucky that his sons are all moron otherwise we will already be sold to the highest bidder)!


  5. Rompak jangan tak rompak Jibby monggol.

  6. Takpayah fikir kos nak didik atau kos nak hukum pemandu... Hanya tetap had maksimum kelajuan kereta setakat 110km je bagi semua jenis kereta yang dipasangkan di Malaysia. Tekan la minyak sampai rapat pun kelajuannya tetap setakat 110km je... Itu baru betul cara nak kawal kelajuan memandu... Itu pun susah ka nak fikir...

  7. Apo nak dikato, Dato? Lanun melanun adalah hak mutlak seorang lanun. Itu lah riwayatnya, tiada lain lagi.

    Sebenarnya hak penguasan hukum hukum jenayah hanya terletak pada tangan "state" sahaja dan tidak boleh diberikan kepada mana mana pihak atau di-subkontrakkan kepada mana mana pihak.

    Ada kemungkinan apa yang dilakukan berkenaan AES itu adalah "ultra vires" iaitu melanggar Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia.

  8. Could you use the power of you blog to convey to the government that this problem has a simple solution. Install an alarm in the speedometer of all cars that will come on when you go beyond 110KPR and will only be turned off if you reduce your speed to the required limit. UAE has employed this to great effct.

    What to do with cars that are already on the road. Well you can begin with the new cars that will be sold. In ten years you will have achieved your objective. A ten year old car 'banyak susa lari 110 KPH'.

  9. bruno

    try not breaking the rules at 30kmh sretch! may be by using bullockcarts. look at the AES site, it is mainly located at stretches between 60 to 80kmh!. ya, catch speedsters at these stretches.
    only way is for PR to win and after that go after the corrupt Ministers and their cronies.
    The other day, i almost vomited in Supertanker restoran in Damansara Kim. This crony almost knee before the Minister of TRansport, repeatedly thanking him for giving his blessings to his project.

  10. Dear Sakmongkol

    This AES system that the government has contracted out to the 2 companies speaks about government ineffectiveness and their addiction to cronyism.

    Let me start by saying that I am all in favour of drivers abiding by traffic rules on the road. It saves lives, and reduces accidents. But contracting out this AES is not the way to do it. First, these 2 companies will not be doing anything different from what the Police are already doing, that is, detecting traffic offences using static or manned cameras. Hundreds or thousands of such cameras are installed at major road junctions in major cities, but they don’t work any more. Why? Because the Police are only good at buying equipment for which some middleman or crony makes some money supplying those machines. If they cannot maintain them the Police should never buy them in the first instance. A disabled camera = no camera, and no camera = no capital expenditure.

    Second, the Police issues literally a couple of million traffic summons a year for all sorts of traffic offenses, but few people bother to pay, including bus and transport companies whose drivers are often involved in reckless and murderous driving on highways. What does this say about the Police? They are simply unable or unwilling to do their job for which they are paid. What is the use of issuing summons when you don’t enforce the law by following up on collection? If that is Police behaviour, drivers would soon get the message that the Police summons can safely be ignored. An unenforced law = no law. The Police is sending out a wrong message.

    Third, what will now happen to the thousands of expensive radar cameras that the Police have acquired? Throw them away because we now have this privatized AES? If we do the math we can see that the estimated 831 AES camera systems will cost the 2 companies RM700 million or RM840,000 each. This sounds like a lot of money. Did someone check the real market price? Or is this the inflated price that the 2 crony companies claim?

    Fourth, the future AES speeding fine is going to be RM300 without discount, unlike now when motorist usually pay (if they actually do) RM150. So in future RM150 profit goes to the AES operators for doing nothing more than just installing cameras. The Police still have to process the videos for offenses, check the JPJ database for information, and send out summons and then collecting the RM300. This is what it is suppose to do NOW. So why allow 2 crony companies to step in between the motorist and the Police? Is it that the government does not have RM700 million? If it does not, then how can 2 unknown crony companies have RM700 million? If they can finance the AES by borrowing surely the government can do the same too. These 2 companies must be very confident it can make a good profit because the government will now ENFORCE the full RM300 fine without discount, because motorists will be told that no discount can be given because the AES does not belong to the government. Sorry.

    So we can see clearly the issues. The government and the Police are incompetent. Cronyism is as addictive as opium. They cannot kick the habit. Let the people kick them out of Putra Jaya.

  11. Just like the e-mail project, the AES is another Umno project launched without transparency but pregnant with suspicious behaviour.

    In essence, it is government privatizing part of enforcement to two companies out of the blue - for without the data capture there would be no trigger on any summons. This is creating a precedent on enforcement since it is essentially the outgoing government blindly outsourcing the interpretation of rule of law to privateers; why dua saat at traffic lights, for instance?

    Furthermore, there has been no explanation to the rakyat how the privateers had come up with the rm700 million investment cost to be recouped by the two companies. Could the sum have been inflated in order to extend the duration of their contract? How different will it then be from the way agreements were cut with the IPPs and toll cons? Be assured the Sheriff of Nottingham's office will at best be blathering an evasive answer on these questions.

    This is Umno repeating the same mistakes it knows it has done before. Therefore you conclude without further ado that they are either permanent retards and dumbbells or they are doing it deliberately for other motives. Or both.

    Also, there are issues with some of the locations. One issue points to a defect in our basic education system; it seems Malaysians are not taught how to read latitudes and longitudes properly. That's how Somalian pirates are charged for sea-jacking on Indian soil or one of the AES sites is somewhere in the Straits of Malacca. Such exuberance to collect money the system has already been expanded to the maritime boundaries. Today Malaysia Bolih, soon the rest of the world.

    Another issue is that they don't seem to have put any focus on the actual breakdowns on causes of road deaths and accidents. Most victims have been motorcyclists. Some horrible accidents have also been caused by roads built without proper focus on accident-causing features, for example the steep descent to the Jelapang toll-gate. Magnitude of mortality has also been affected by poorly constructed buses, poorly lit roads, slippery roads at certain winding spots, faulty car air-conds making long-distance drivers sleepy, or the celup tayar industri or the uncertifiable spare parts business. And then there is that absence of one important module in the driving lessons - teaching motorists how to make decisions on estimation, timing and risk, and what to do with road-hogs, for that matter road rage (solution: vote out Barisan).

    There's also one other extremely important matter which exposes how flimsy has been the planning. What if the two AES companies find that they cannot recoup their investment? Who will know whether they won't then be recalibrating their cameras without proper audit to nab more motorists? As someone had pointed before in the press, calibration must be done on the cameras, detectors and support systems so that mischief cannot be committed in-house for more profits.

    This is particularly important because the two companies appear to be in cahoot with Umno which also directs the PDRM which hasn't appeared entirely independent in its discharge of duties, what more opaque on the collection of parking summons amounting to a few hundred million ringgit to-date, a matter seemingly escaping the erstwhile eagle eyes of the Auditor-General.

    Moving on, the launch itself has already been controversial. There was no public announcement of the exact commencement date nor identifiable warning signs put in proper places in advance of the launch. That would explain how 60,000 were snapped. Therefore can they ignore any summons since that part of enforcement was not properly done, what more by private companies? Can they dispute the private companies and ignore any summons in the mail even if from the PDRM?

  12. 2/2

    There is the other matter that some of these sixty thousand cases might be paying up their hard-earned money just when the launch is properly made, nabbing other motorists. Can the former claim for refunds in full from the privateers under some acceptable arbitration protocol? Will the companies refund without having to be asked?

    Let's finish what we've started. Some years ago a cherubic young lawyer blurted out something. He said city halls have no locus standi to issue parking summons and demand fines. Doing so is ultra vires to their legal remit. All those hundreds of millions of ringgit can certainly buy boatloads of ikan tenggiri which stir-fried with dark soy sauce make for a sumptuous meal only as memories these days.

    To PDRM too busy hiding around corners in heavy traffic cities while thieves maraud the housing estates, add parking summons - the new burning platform of voters throughout Tanah Air.

    The AES is a new spear for the spartans of Malaysia - the ten million motorists. It is the culmination and lightning rod of all their anger at the craven greed and insensate stupidity of Umno's administration.

    One bright spartan asks timidly, what happens if an AES site is at a traffic junction in heavy traffic and the traffic cop is directing traffic against the lights instead? Or, if the tail of the long bus sticks back into the yellow box just as the last car is about to rear-end it at the 1.999th second before lights turn? Pay that rm300 to Umno's cronies? That's half a month's wages for the low income group, normally the motorists who have to rush around on tight routines because they are at the beck and call of merciless bosses.

    Therefore don't blame any state which won't implement the AES. They have a right to demand proper and accurate answers first since they were not consulted on their local conditions first.

    While at it, they can also ask why the automotive policy is still in place that has resulted in so many millions of motorists still driving rusty tin-cans, junks and boneshakers with weak brakes and suspension that can result in road fatality to occupants just so one mamak can continue to advise the Sheriff's department to pay two hundred million pounds bailout money to a bleeding foreign playboy model company because they said it is part and parcel of the whole ecosystem to protect our 'local' automobile industry. Das Auto? Das Tengku Adnan, Das M or Das that ex-Miti officer who flew in a chopper to his favorite golf course? Nein! Das Seig Heil.

    It's Ahad. So one more for the road (;P). Parking summons are issued by mata-mata without mata. So the motorist parks on a white line but the road is wide, the traffic is light, and there is no more parking spot. Or, the motorist double parks neatly and temporarily furthermore with a mobile number on the windscreen at a spot on a road that is wide and with only occasional traffic; it's all because the parking lot has been closed off for construction. Why pick on them when they have tried their best to follow rules that cannot be applied given the change of circumstances they have no control over? Seratus ringgit to a surly faced policeman at the counter can feed a family for a week. Instant noodles with dried bawang, mainly. Even the prawns in Tesco have gone up in price and down in size.

    Wake up, Motorists of Malaysia. End all the stupid victimization.

    [Sak, if i make any more mistakes, feel free to correct or delete my comments immediately; these days not sure when these fuses will suddenly blow.]

  13. Saya amat berharap, bila PR mengambil-alih kerajaan kelak, segala PERJANJIAN BERAT SEBELAH di antara Kerajaan dengan pihak-pihak tertentu seperti IPP, Syabas AES, MAS-Air-Asia deals, pembelian kapal selam dan lain-lain lagi dikaji semula. Jika terdapat unsur-unsur penyelewengan yang jelas di dalam perjanjian tersebut, pihak-pihak yang bertanggung-jawab harus dihadapkan kemuka pengadilan dan harta mereka yang diperolehi secara tidak sah perlu dirampas.

  14. 3/3

    if bored:

  15. Who says they do not know how to make money??

  16. Robbing....stealing...awarding closed tenders to huge overpriced items...calling the stealing as commissions...all are
    "rompaks" sealing our money in daylights with no fear.
    The curtain will fall on these rouges and thieves....who are all exposed.

  17. baik UMNO kasi swastakan polis, tentera dan semua agency kerajaan....macam ni kroni-kroni UMNO lagi kaya-raya, big mama boleh beli lebih banyak lagi cincin besar berlian, tak perlulah lagi nyanyi lagu Aku Anak Miskin !!

  18. ...kerajaan yang angkuh dan sombong. Menteri kewangan nya sombong....

    Bagi saya no problem kalau terhidu seorang yang sombong berdekatan lebih-lebih lagi dia bangsawan. Selalunya saya tunggu si bongkak melintas di hadapan saya, bersalaman dengannya sambil bersenyum. Dia nak balas salam dan senyuman atau tidak, saya tak kisah. Saya senyum sebab terpahat dalam ingatan pepatah Habsyi,”When the great lord passes, the wise peasant bows deeply and silently farts” – maksudnya: bila malaikat besor melintas, marhaen yang bijak menunduk kepala sebawah-bawahnya dan senyap-senyap berkentut. Seseorang yang bawasirnya pernah kena pisau dan perutnya bergelora bab salah makan jangan sekali-kali ikut orang Habsyah, senyum saja cukup, takut bukan saja asap keluar, bahan api pun nak ikut buang geram terhadap malaikat songsang. (Kecuali pakai lanpin dewasa, kini amalan bijak sesetengah warga kota di Kuala Lumpur yang tersepit berjam-jam di lebuhraya sebab banjir kilat)

    Masalah yang serious seperti rompakan, rasuah, bajet, belanja tanpa sempadan, main-main tanpa kenal siang atau malam, kemudian.

  19. harap para mat pet dan mat rempit akan potong tiang besi AES dan jual kat kedai besi butuk.wakaka!

    Tuan sak mongkol!

    AES adalah perniagaan paling kejam dalam sejarah kemanusiaan.Saman tidak boleh dijadikan bahan kongsi niaga antara kerajaan dengan swasta.

    Kamera AES adalah unit-unit boleh laras yang mudah dimanipulasi untuk menambah keuntungan.

    Dikhuatiri pemandu yang mematuhi had laju turut disaman kerana sifat boleh ubah dalam sistem kamera AES.contoh mudah, Pergerakan 50km/jam akan direkod sebagai 90km/jam. Bagaimana setting peranti AES itu ditetapkan manusia begitulah ia akan berfungsi.

    Mana ada syarikat ditubuhkan untuk charity semata-mata. Inikan pula projek utk kroni.kalau sebut kroni mestilah berpaksikan wang semata-mata. tak ada benda lain yang disasarkan mereka..

  20. Ada kawan ada cerita sebuah kamera di Florida pernah 'menangkap' satu pokok berlari selaju 120 b.s.j.

    Brother Naj, rakyat tak selesa dengan AES ini. Terlalu senang bagi yang dah kaya jadi lebih kaya. Tepatilah janji-janji kau nak bawa kesejahteraan kepada kami yang saat ini betul susah nak nafas sebab barangan harian semua naik harga.

    Kau sampai hati jaga orang kaya. Minta jangan kejam sesama warga tanah air yang kita kasihi,ramai antaranya lebih tua daripada kau.

  21. Projek AES RM700juta? Kepala Otak

    RM70juta lebih munasabah,
    kalau kerajaan tetap RM700juta, tolong senaraikan kos peralatan setiap satu untuk semua

    Satu lagi projek BN untuk perkayakan kroni and ahli politik

    Kali ini, ahli politik mana yang teribat? cara BN mesti ada pakai proxy proxy

  22. Dear OneMalaysian,

    So even with the number of fines issued the Police is finding it hard to encourage people to pay. The way I see it the Police are not doing enough to make sure people pay the fines.

    If the police can't do the job? What's wrong letting another company collect the fines? They will collect the fines since they need to cover their costs.

    And I for one will support anything that can force our drivers to abide traffic law.

    If AES as a start towards better traffic enforcement is scrapped because most Malaysians who are law breakers themselves reject it, nothing, I repeat, NOTHING in the future is going improve the way Malaysians drive.

    Please read comments here.

    and here

  23. AES ni janganlah jadi macam episod saman ekor dulu, beratur panjang den nak bayar tu, tup-tup kes tutup macam tu je... kali ni kena sekali lagi ke?
