Tuesday 1 May 2012

The Liberating impacts of Bersih 3.0

I didn’t have time to pen down the implications of Bersih 3.0 as quickly as I wanted. After the event, I had to rush to Terengganu to take part in 2 ceramahs in Bukit Payung and Kuala Brang. For that brief interlude, one UMNO underling quickly announced that I have no more capital to write. Well unfortunately for him and UMNO, my brain isn’t ready to fossilize.  Here are my initial thoughts on Bersih 3.0.
We salute all the Bersih participants who have struck terror into the hearts of the UMNO and BN potentates.
If Dataran Merdeka is hallowed and deified ground, then BN and UMNO have already lost the next elections.  Najib must be shitting bricks now. Ouch! 
His most prized possession, Dataran Merdeka has been breached despite the barricades and the presence of the police armed to the teeth with crowd repellant and dispersal instruments. The instruments of oppression and suppression are only used by government afraid of its people. On 28th April 2012, the Najib government shows it fears the people.
The capture of Dataran Merdeka is symbolic because it antecedes the breach of Putrajaya. Just like Dataran Merdeka, Najib can shout himself coarse and till blue in the face that he is determined to protect Putrajaya at all cost; you can only do that if you kill your own citizens. Is Najib ready to bloody his hands just as Idi Amin and Mbotu and other 3rd world potentates did?

Have we gone African now?

This is an object lesson to Najib. You can’t stop the rising awareness. The age of paying people is over. That is what it really is. People as far and Sabah and Sarawak converged in the federal capital armed with one unifying nucleic element- awareness. Bersih have the properties of being nucleic, that means it functions as a means providing the building blocks, to the formation of a larger organic life- a nation of free people who can and will exercise freedom of choice. It transfers information from one generation to another. The most portent information that Bersih provided on the 28th of April, is that people need not fear the regime anymore. It need not fear the shrilled and incendiary noises coming from that useful idiot- Ibrahim Ali and his brigands. Bersih is nucleic in the sense it educates and enlightens feeding people with information leading to the eventual outcome- the overthrow of an unpopular regime. 
This is an unpopular regime which can sustain itself by paying off citizens to forestall the inevitable. It behaves just like how Najib would behave personally- solving problem by paying his way through. He manages the country like he manages UMNO Bahagian Pekan- playing off his underlings against one another and paying and corrupting the lumpenproletriat. 
Najib’s government no longer exists as government with the credibility and legitimacy if it can only sustain itself with lies, with blatant corruption and paying its way through, with rampant thievery through bizarre corporate and business deals. It cannot any longer claim legitimacy and credibility if it sustains itself through intimidation and bullying. 
The unelected mayor of Kuala Lumpur forgets he is unelected and also forgets that his office is in the federal territory. It is here that BN only got one seat out of the 11 parliamentary seats. He exhibits a first rate 3rd world mentality- a minion parroting what his masters dictate him to say. And so, he pronounced the Dataran Merdeka- where the first shouts of Freedom reverberated, to be a restricted and chained premises. That irony escapes no one. Dataran Merdeka which symbolizes freedom, denies people the right of peaceful assembly? 
The mainstream newspapers captured the snapshot scene of bersih participants rushing to lay their hands on an overturned police car. Moments earlier the police had` lost control’ over the car and the master-less car rammed into a sea of people. So the mainstreams papers, as they normally do, lost no time in declaring the rowdy people overturned a police car. The hard truth was, people were rushing towards the car to restore its upright position fearing that people may be trapped under the car. 
They have lost tomorrow’s election today. Dataran Merdeka has now become a disgraced name. It doesn’t stand up to its namesake- it’s supposed to impute into the term, the attributes which the word freedom invokes. One of the most important attributes being the freedom for peaceful assembly. 
Look at the composition. This time around, the participants included a large number of non-Malays. This shows Bersih is a unifying theme that cuts across ethnic barriers. Keeping the barriers intact has been the obsession of the BN regime. It wants the people to disintegrate under racial confrontation. The fact that Bersih has been able to bring Malaysians together, strikes terror to the racist policies of UMNO and BN. 
This time around, 80% of the Bersih participants are young people- where is Najib getting his votes from? I have to repeat what Daim told me when Najib was telling the soothsayer he is confident that BN can win. To which the diminutive political bomoh retorted by asking, where are you getting the votes from? 
The PM for the- time- being was lost for words. We want him to be silenced come this 13th General Elections. 

Onwards Pilgrims!


  1. BN has lost urban voters, young voters, even female votes.
    All that is left is the police and the EC to help rig the elections.

    The government thinks the entire population relies of the the main stream media for news.

    The media has tried this trick after Bersih 1.0 and 2.0. It didn't work.
    Its at it again.
    We saw police brutality and savagery. The world saw the truth. That's what matters.
    Najib and UMNO can put their head into the sand and think people are stupid.

  2. In other countries, the authorities will ensure the safety of palaces, parliament and other important government buildings when there are public rallies or demonstrations.

    Only in Malaysia, there was a need to set up barricades, razor wires, with phalanxes of police personnels armed to their teeth to protect a perfectly empty field. Dataran Mederka was designated a sacred grazing ground for the UMNO-BN holy cows on that day.

    The government has lost the plot.

  3. http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.com/2012/04/umno-penang-selangor-makan-roti-teloq.html

    Dato, not sure whether you have seen this. Isn't this inciting racial clashes?

  4. Yes it is True...
    Bersih 3.0 saw more Multi-Racial Composition especially the Young Msians coming out in FULL Force to ''Make a Strong Statement''; Enough of your LIES.

    Yes it is True...
    that a Lady was heard shouting that there is someone trap under the Police car.Therefore those good Samaritans were trying to extricate him/her from the police car.

  5. Just see how the local main stream media tried their very best to spin the stories till being warned by BBC. But they forgotten all truth were in the web before they even have time to print it. How stupid people like Wong Chun Wai, the ball carrier can be.

  6. Many BUMNO/BN bloggers were predicting that M'sian Malays would "boikot" Bersih 3.0. In the event, at least 50% of those present at Bersih 3.0 constituted these "boikoters."

    I walked from Central Market through Petaling St and down Jln Tun Perak and Jln TAR and can vouch for that.

    Here is my reaction to Bersih 3.0 at http://donplaypuks.blogspot.com/2012/04/bersih-ambiga-samad-said-triumph-najib.html ,

    There is also a Facebook petition to rightfully demand that unelected lackey Fuad resigns at https://www.facebook.com/fuadresign

    The writing is on the wall and GE 13 is for Pakatan to lose!
    we are all of 1 Race, the Human Race

  7. Dato,

    I laughed out loud upon reading what you wrote:-

    "that useful idiot- Ibrahim Ali"

    Yes...he is indeed a useful idiot to the celaka UMNO/BN, spewing venom as dictated by UMNO/BN.

    Another description for him is "a walking human excrement".

    My concern is UMNO/BN will use EC to cheat big time.....via postal votes, instant citizens/mykad holders and bogus voters.

    Also, the bangsat2 in blue have started to make arrest of opposition members...they will use Bersih 3.0 as the reason to justify the arrest.....more to come I am sure.

    orang dari kampung

  8. Dato'

    The Arab Spring received the Time: Persons of the year award in 2011. Don't you think Malaysians of all ethnicity aka Bersih 3.0 should be called "Time: Persons of the Year for 2012?

  9. Dato'

    Najib must be puzzled as to why after paying so much money to whomever he can lay his hands on he is still as insecure as ever!!

    He must be wondering...
    Is the amount handed out too little?
    Should I shovel out more money?

    The message is already spread out. When the motive is to buy votes, take the money and make up your own mind regardless of the gift!!

    Remember that it may claim to be a gift by the giver BUT IT BECOMES A BRIBE WHEN IT INFLUENCES YOUR DECISION!!!

    Joe Black

  10. the present cant change, just rhetoric & sloganeering, then, no problem

    abuse of power, corruption, etc are already in them for 50 yrs, all in their blood, everyone has a hand in the pie, cant point at each other

    the present government need a change to opposition for complete makeover and be humbled, and back to earth (no walking on water, ok)

  11. Salam Dato,post Bersih I had some chat with my hardcore UMNO friends who gave their perspective of the event and as what I expected,they blame it all on Anwar.Seems though to UMNO members,most of them I concurred,the only problem that Malaysia is facing is Anwar.They really can't think beyond that and it made me realize that UMNO actually needs Anwar to strengthen their believe that all is well with their policies and governance and as long as Anwar exist it is his fault that Malaysian now is critical towards the Government.
    So simple is these people mind and yet they hold important positions.Their ignorance is the cause to lots of these mess.
    Do take care of your health sir.Salam.

  12. Dato,
    Can you inform us when and where your next ceramah.

  13. ceramah schedule

    pls see at the sidebar.

  14. ceramah schedule

    pls see at the sidebar.

  15. No Place like home. Stone the Devils in Putrajaya1 May 2012 at 19:02

    Sure! Onward Pilgrims!!!

    Let's stone the Devils in Putrajaya!!!

    Obey clear conscience. Disobey the corrupt and the liars.

    Disobey the Devils in Putrajaya! Don't stone the devils in Mina. There are plenty right here!

  16. The Police unlike the Army are not a very discipline lot. You can see the conditions of Police housing compound vs. Army's.

    Army's clean and well maintained, Police's are most often full of cars, big bikes parked carelessly, rubbish strewn all over the place.

    Go and see for yourself at Sg. Besi.

    Go to Bukit Aman, and you'll find mid level officers with access to tender information being kept on the leash by Suppliers and Contractors.

    The higher ranking ones are loyal servant's to UMNO for the rewards in the form of land grants, titles, etc.

    There may be few good men but they cannot do much about the rot in the system.

    We need a new government to revamp everything, governance, education, economy, social justice or else
    we loose every respect we earned as a sovereign nation since Merdeka.

    Orang Muda

  17. You wrote,
    "The hard truth was, people were rushing towards the car to restore its upright position fearing that people may be trapped under the car. "
    The hard truth was the car swerved to the right.
    The hard truth was the car was upright upon crashing on the wall.
    And the only thing for you to do with a clear conscience is to seek the hard truth on why the driver of the car drove the way he did!

  18. Dato,

    Since the government had declared Dataran Merdeka out of bounds to it's own citizens, we should start a campaign to boycott Dataran Merdeka in total until BNUMNO is dethroned.

  19. Dato

    Don't be naive! BN will still win GE13.

    They moved the boundaries.
    They changed the election law
    They give NRIC to illegal immigrants and the right to votes.
    They are all geared to cheat in GE13 big time ... and they are not even hiding the fact that they will be cheating!

    Do you still think they will lose?

    GET REAL, Dato!

  20. can somebody focus on the success of the event at penang's esplanade, or its not juicy enough to get any attention

  21. Dato,since you are back from your busy schedule,it is good to hear that you are spending more time in the Malay heartlands,taking the fight to Umno's backyard I would say.

    Now let us get back to the Bersih protest.Since Friday night till Saturday afternoon,the police were on their best behaviour.Bersih supporters,tourists and curious onlookers were mingling around the police personnels,taking pictures and talking to them etc.

    Those present were comfortable and do not feel intimidated with the police personnels around them.It has been a long time since they acted like well behaved schoolboys.Maybe they were instructed by their higher ups.

    Bersih 3.0 was already a success leading up to the 2 o'clock starting time.The crowd were slowly building up since Friday night to maybe 60-250k depending on whom you asked.

    When the organisers thanked and asked the protestors to dispersed,some PKR politicians were busy getting their supporters riled up,ready to breached the barricades.

    Yes,we all agreed that Dataran Merdeka should have been made available to Bersih 3.0 protestors.But since that the authorities have ruled it out,and anyway the rally was declared over by Ambiga and protestors asked to go home,why breached the barricades to provoked the police to react.

    People could be seriously hurt or killed in such situations.But do Anwar or Azmin care,as long as police brutality is shown all over the internet.

    Yes,the response unleashed by the police were vicious and have gone overboard.But that was what were expected by the politicians.The penned up anger of the police.To endured hours of taunting,bottles and stones thrown at them and the attacked on the police cruiser before it crashed into the crowd.

    This time the blame should be on the PKR politicians.The people should put pressure and hold them accountable for their irresposible actions.For once what was going to end up as a peaceful and successful protest,finally ended up in violence.

  22. "The hard truth was, people were rushing towards the car to restore its upright position fearing that people may be trapped under the car."
    Is that the whole truth? Or are you excusing mob violence, Dato? What happened in the minutes before the good people overturned the car?
    And after that? A man came to the cop's aid. The man is TV Al-Hijrah videographer Mohd Azri Mohd Salleh. And he was beaten up for helping the cop. The policeman is Konstabel Mohd Kamil Parimin. Both of them are now at KLH. There are many blogs discussing this incident, even anti-bn ones. Klu Dato tak percaya, cer buka blog ni: adukataruna.blogspot.com. He has gone to some length to explain this incident. This is not an umno blog, ni blog bebudak pas.

    Dato, you end this posting with: "We want him (Najib) to be silenced come this 13th General Elections." That's the only way to settle it. We speak at the ballot box, not run riot in the streets.

    M.H. Hanief

  23. Dato Sak,

    I think if the UMNO BN people can see their children could fly like a picture in the link below, they must feel proud and excited. Why not .. they have the opportunity to bring honor to the country & PM with the ability of their children.

    http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=/watch% 3Fv% 3DK-Jb9k_iNOE

    No gimick ! No camera trick ! It's real !!!

  24. Saya tidak sempat untuk menulis kesan Bersih 3.0 secepat yang saya mahukan. Selepas peristiwa itu, saya bergegas ke Terengganu untuk menyertai 2 ceramah di Bukit Payung dan Kuala Brang. Dalam sela masa yang sangat singkat itu, pencacai UMNO dengan segera mengisytiharkan bahawa saya tidak mempunyai modal lagi untuk menulis. Malang sekali untuk dia dan UMNO, otak saya belum bersedia untuk dibekukan. Di sini saya nyatakan fikiran saya mengenai Bersih 3.0
    Kita memberikan penghormatan kepada sekelian yang menyertai Bersih dan menanam rasa takut dan gentar di dalam hati UMNO dan penguasa-penguasa BN.
    Jika Dataran Merdeka adalah tanah ‘suci yang bersejarah’, maka BN dan UMNO telahpun tewas di dalam pilihanraya akan datang. Najib semestinya sedang sembelit “bata” sekarang. Aduh!
    Barang yang paling berharga buatnya iaitu Dataran Merdeka telahpun hilang dari genggamannya meskipun dikepong dan dikawal oleh polis yang lengkap dengan perkakas untuk menghalang dan menyuraikan penunjuk perasaan. Perkakas untuk menindas dan menekan yang digunakan oleh kerajaan yang takut dengan rakyatnya. Pada 28hb April 2012, kerajaan pimpinan Najib menunjukkan rasa takutnya kepada rakyat.
    Tertawannya Dataran Merdeka adalah sungguh simbolik kerana ianya adalah mukadimah kepada jatuhnya Putrajaya. Seperti Dataran Merdeka Najib boleh melaung sehabis suara dan sehingga biru mukanya bahawa dia memang bertekad untuk mempertahankan Putrajaya walau setinggi mana harganya; ini hanya boleh berlaku jika engkau sanggup membunuh rakyat sendiri. Adakah Najib bersedia untuk berlumuran darah ditangannya seperti Idi Amin dan Mbotu dan lain-lain penguasa dunia ke tiga?

    Apakah kita kini sudah menjadi orang Afrika?

    Ini pengajaran yang sangat berharga buat Najib. Kamu tidak dapat menahan daripada meningkatnya kesedaran rakyat. Zaman membeli orang sudah berlalu. Inilah hakikat yang sebenar. Rakyat sehingga yang jauh di Sabah dan Sarawak telah datang dan berkumpul di ibu negara bersenjatakan hanya satu benih utama yang menyatukan mereka semua iaitu – kesedaran. Bersih mempunyai ciri-ciri benih yang akan memberikan bahan-bahan untuk membina organisma yang lebih besar – sebuah negara orang-orang merdeka yang boleh dan akan menggunakan kebebasan mereka untuk memilih. Ia akan memindahkan maklumat daripada satu generasi ke generasi yang lain. Maklumat yang paling penting yang diperolehi daripada Bersih 3.0 pada 28hb April 2012 ialah bahawa rakyat tidak perlu gentar dengan regim yang ada sekarang. Mereka tidak perlu takut bunyi hilai dan bising yang datang daripada si bahlol yang berguna itu – Ibrahim Ali dan angkatannya. Bersih adalah bersifat seperti benih dari segi nilai didikan dan petunjuk kepada rakyat dengan maklumat yang membawa kepada hasil di kemudiannya – kejatuhan regim yang tidak popular.

  25. Rejim yang tidak popular ini hidup dengan membayar rakyat untuk menangguhkan kejatuhannya. Perangai ini samalah dengan perangai Najib secara peribadi – menyelesaikan masalah dengan menggunakan duit. Dia menguruskan negara seperti dia menguruskan UMNO Bahagian Pekan – melaga-lagakan orang di bawahnya dan membeli dan merasuah yang lain.
    Kerajaan Najib tidak lagi wujud sebagai kerajaan yang mempunyai kredibiliti dan sah di sisi undang-undang jika ia terus hidup dengan menipu, dengan rasuah yang berleluasa dan membeli pengaruh, menerusi wang yang dirompak melalui urusniaga dan urustadbir korporat yang pelik-pelik. Ia tidak boleh mendakwa mempunyai hak untuk memerintah dan mempunyai kredibiliti jika ia terus hidup dengan mengugut dan membuli.

    Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur yang tidak diundi lupa bahawa pejabat beliau adalah di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan. Di sini BN hanya mendapat satu daripada 11 kerusi yang dipertandingkan. Dia telah menunjukkan mentaliti tertinggi dunia kelas ketiga – seekor pipit yang menurut sahaja apa yang diperintahkan oleh tuannya untuk berkata. Justru dia mengumumkan Dataran Merdeka- tempat di mana laungan kemerdekaan mula bergema sebagai kawasan terlarang dan sebagai kawasan yang dirantai. Nama yang berlawan makna sebegini tidak akan terlepas daripada pandangan ramai. Dataran Merdeka yang merupakan simbol kemerdekaan dan kebebasan, dijadikan kawasan larangan untuk rakyat berhimpun secara aman?
    Akhbar harian perdana menunjukkan gambar peserta bersih yang mengerumuni kereta peronda polis yang terbalik. Beberapa ketika sebelum itu polis tersebut telah ‘hilang kawalan’ keretanya dan kereta tersebut telah merempuh lautan manusia. Dengan segera akhbar harian ini melaporkan bahawa peserta bersih telah merusuh dan menterbalikkan kereta peronda polis. Yang sebenarnya ialah mereka bergegas untuk menegakkan balik kereta peronda tersebut kerana khuatir ada orang yang terperangkap di bawah kereta tersebut.

    Mereka sudahpun tewas pilihanraya akan datang pada hari ini. Dataran Merdeka telahpun tercemar namanya. Ia tidak lagi dapat menegakkan nama yang penuh makna – yang sepatutnya menjadikan nama tersebut sebagai peribadinya. Antara keperibadiannya ialah kebebasan untuk berhimpun secara aman.
    Lihat sahaja orang yang hadir. Kali ini yang menyertai Bersih adalah satu jumlah yang besar daripada kalangan bukan-Melayu. Ini menunjukkan Bersih menyatukan mereka dan berjaya melepasi tembok perkauman. Tembok ini yang menjadi kegilaan BN untuk mempastikannya sentiasa kukuh. BN mahu rakyat sentiasa berpecah di bawah pertembungan kaum. Hakikat bahawa Bersih berjaya menyatukan rakyat Malaysia menggentarkan polisi-polisi perkauman UMNO dan BN.
    Pada kali ini 80% daripada peserta Bersih adalah orang muda – dimanakah Najib akan memperolehi undinya kali ini? Saya terpaksa mengulangi apa yang dikatakan oleh Daim kepada saya ketika Najib memberitahu tukang tilik bahawa dia yakin dengan kemenangan BN. Lantas di soal oleh tukang tilik Tok Bomoh yang berbadan kecil itu – dari mana datangnya undi kemenangan itu?
    PM pada ketika ini sedang kelu lidahnya. Kita mahukan dia terus senyap tatkala tiba Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 ini.
    Peserta Bersih...ayuh maju!

  26. Rejim yang tidak popular ini hidup dengan membayar rakyat untuk menangguhkan kejatuhannya. Perangai ini samalah dengan perangai Najib secara peribadi – menyelesaikan masalah dengan menggunakan duit. Dia menguruskan negara seperti dia menguruskan UMNO Bahagian Pekan – melaga-lagakan orang di bawahnya dan membeli dan merasuah yang lain.
    Kerajaan Najib tidak lagi wujud sebagai kerajaan yang mempunyai kredibiliti dan sah di sisi undang-undang jika ia terus hidup dengan menipu, dengan rasuah yang berleluasa dan membeli pengaruh, menerusi wang yang dirompak melalui urusniaga dan urustadbir korporat yang pelik-pelik. Ia tidak boleh mendakwa mempunyai hak untuk memerintah dan mempunyai kredibiliti jika ia terus hidup dengan mengugut dan membuli.

    Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur yang tidak diundi lupa bahawa pejabat beliau adalah di dalam Wilayah Persekutuan. Di sini BN hanya mendapat satu daripada 11 kerusi yang dipertandingkan. Dia telah menunjukkan mentaliti tertinggi dunia kelas ketiga – seekor pipit yang menurut sahaja apa yang diperintahkan oleh tuannya untuk berkata. Justru dia mengumumkan Dataran Merdeka- tempat di mana laungan kemerdekaan mula bergema sebagai kawasan terlarang dan sebagai kawasan yang dirantai. Nama yang berlawan makna sebegini tidak akan terlepas daripada pandangan ramai. Dataran Merdeka yang merupakan simbol kemerdekaan dan kebebasan, dijadikan kawasan larangan untuk rakyat berhimpun secara aman?
    Akhbar harian perdana menunjukkan gambar peserta bersih yang mengerumuni kereta peronda polis yang terbalik. Beberapa ketika sebelum itu polis tersebut telah ‘hilang kawalan’ keretanya dan kereta tersebut telah merempuh lautan manusia. Dengan segera akhbar harian ini melaporkan bahawa peserta bersih telah merusuh dan menterbalikkan kereta peronda polis. Yang sebenarnya ialah mereka bergegas untuk menegakkan balik kereta peronda tersebut kerana khuatir ada orang yang terperangkap di bawah kereta tersebut.

    Mereka sudahpun tewas pilihanraya akan datang pada hari ini. Dataran Merdeka telahpun tercemar namanya. Ia tidak lagi dapat menegakkan nama yang penuh makna – yang sepatutnya menjadikan nama tersebut sebagai peribadinya. Antara keperibadiannya ialah kebebasan untuk berhimpun secara aman.
    Lihat sahaja orang yang hadir. Kali ini yang menyertai Bersih adalah satu jumlah yang besar daripada kalangan bukan-Melayu. Ini menunjukkan Bersih menyatukan mereka dan berjaya melepasi tembok perkauman. Tembok ini yang menjadi kegilaan BN untuk mempastikannya sentiasa kukuh. BN mahu rakyat sentiasa berpecah di bawah pertembungan kaum. Hakikat bahawa Bersih berjaya menyatukan rakyat Malaysia menggentarkan polisi-polisi perkauman UMNO dan BN.
    Pada kali ini 80% daripada peserta Bersih adalah orang muda – dimanakah Najib akan memperolehi undinya kali ini? Saya terpaksa mengulangi apa yang dikatakan oleh Daim kepada saya ketika Najib memberitahu tukang tilik bahawa dia yakin dengan kemenangan BN. Lantas di soal oleh tukang tilik Tok Bomoh yang berbadan kecil itu – dari mana datangnya undi kemenangan itu?
    PM pada ketika ini sedang kelu lidahnya. Kita mahukan dia terus senyap tatkala tiba Pilihanraya Umum ke 13 ini.
    Peserta Bersih...ayuh maju!

  27. Yes Datok, Dataran Merdeka was suddenly such a sacred place to the authorities that they had to have it protected by a court order obtained at the penultimate moment and locked down to boot, when all the while it had been accessible to the public.

    But really, Dataran Merdeka is a public square to which the people have a right of access to.

    Off hand, I had to say that the magistrate's order was unconstitutional and ultra vires.

    To me, law is a simple and sensible thing. And if it isn't, then it is an ass.

    How can you overnight by an order of the court make something illegal that has all the while been legal to do?

    The magistrate's order is akin to preventive law which should strictly be the province of, and guarded jealously by, the legislature and not delegated to a third party.

    I understand that a court in the course of adjudicating a case does in a sense make law, but that is in the course of deciding on a case. Not making law by fiat.

    In fact law making belongs to Parliament and the various state assemblies. Of course, subsidiary law making is often delegated to specific bodies by statutes. That is a different creature altogether. But I digress.

    Of course, Bersih 3.0 has been a huge success. People are no longer afraid to come out to speak their mind - tear gas, water cannons, arrests and beatings notwithstanding.

    It is this realisation that has probably brought on the mindless response of the authorities and the attempt to create a situation to demonise the organisers and rally participants and make them look bad and therefore to try to obfuscate and devalue the rakyat's message to the government that they want the Malaysian electoral roll cleaned up and reforms being made to put in place a system for a clean and fair electoral process for free, fair and clean elections.

    But all that Najib could do to response to Bersih 3 was to say that if the opposition could come out with Bersih 1, 2 and 3 then he could come out with BR1M 1, 2 and 3. What a laughable response from a
    great leader!

    Of course Najib conveniently forgot to mention that Bersih is not an opposition thing.

    The organisers of the Bersih rallies had invited the opposition to join in and so too had Barisan whom Najib helms been invited.

    If Najib did not believe in free and fair elections by not wanting to join the Bersih movement, he cannot then claim that Bersih was an opposition thing.

  28. @Anonymous MH Hanief. That incident was unfortunate and although the actions of some of the crowd cannot be condoned, it was understandable in the circumstance where the police car had ploughed into the crowd. Not everyone will, in the circumstance of the case, be able to control himself in the passion of the moment. But don't use that single incident to obscure the other incidents allegedly showing police brutality as shown by so many videos out there and the unjustified firing of tear gas and water cannons into largely peaceful, carnival and defenseless crowds of rally participants and the real message of the rally - ie that hundreds of thousands had turned out without fear to tell the government that they want the Malaysian electoral roll cleaned up and reforms to the electoral process to ensure free, fair and clean elections. If you do, you just demean and devalue the brave efforts of these hundreds of thousands of our Malaysian brothers and sisters, young and old, of all races and from all walks of life and from all corners of the country who had dared to risk their lives so that ultimately you could exercise your right to vote meaningfully. Otherwise your pontifical exertion that the way to do it is by voting is simply empty and well, pontifical! What value is there in just pontificating?

  29. CK 1 May 1:10 AM

    Yes, Syed Ali Akbar is a closet racist and he is calling on Malays to go disrupt Chinese businesses in Selangor and Penang. Somehow this clown gets to be on the advisory panel of the NEAC and MACC. Hence he's regarded as an untouchable.


  30. Dato,since Anwar and his blue eyed boy Azmin instigated their supporters to breached the police baricades,get beaten,water cannoned and teargassed in return.

    All because they wanted the people to witnessed police brutality over the internet and international media.And they called it collateral damage.

    Why not the Bersih organisers,PR leaders or the people lodged police reports and have them locked up.That is the easiest way to get the Umno/BN decimated this coming GE.This is the best collateral damage that Anwar and Azmin owed to the people who got chased and beaten on Saturday.Afterall debts have to be repaid.

  31. I notice that magistrates act like legal zombies who cannot think.
    Since they are usually young professionals, they fear the police so much that they nod to every stupid remand applications or restriction orders.
    A magistrate must have more than two balls to refuse such applications from the police.
    In fact, most magistrates and police work hand in hand against the people.
    Very rarely we have brave magistrates to refuse remand applications.

  32. Dear Sak,
    Did the Oracle tells you that Najib will step down before PRU 13 ? The ‘ Winnable candidate’ will be outside UMNO circle upon advised by senior veteran. Hassan Marican will be a new captain.

  33. Dear Dato Sak

    International observers comment:


    Phua Kai Lit

  34. Quiet Despair2 May 2012 at 12:28

    As usual Bro, you always come up with apt headlines. Ah Jub Bor also screamed: "428: A Day of Liberation and Democratic Change."
    I agree. Clap, clap. Cheers.
    We are finally liberated from him! He died of his own hands that day.
    Thank you Bersih for the demise of Anu-War's political future. We, the silent majority, owe you big time. Can start having Bersih 4.
    I often asked myself how long more do we have to see Anu-War's theatrics.How long more to tolerate him.
    That opportune day has come. A red letter day for us.
    Bersih has turned the BN non-believers into BN converts. Najib emerged stronger that day. Can hold the GE end of this month or the next. Despite The Star saying it will be delayed in September. Reuters too have predicted a delayed GE but yesterday made an about-turn and said it will be soon.
    Cool Najib was having cha-time with peaceful loving Sarawakians. While we in KL witnessed the dirty duo instigating Taliban-style Malay marauders breaking the Dataran barricades, vandalizing, overturning cops' cars and hurting cops and journalists.
    Anwar was in his element, the quintessial street-fighter character, speaking from the pulpit, like a chesire cat slurping milk.
    And did you see Uncle Kit smirking and smiling. His body language said: "Lantak kau lah Melayu lawan Melayu."
    Yes. it's come to that. It was the Chinese who came in droves and wanted the Bersih thingy. But they do it in style. Sitting in quietly, singing songs and the gals giving roses to the FRU.
    But the Malay boys for a few dollars more and cluesless what Bersih was about, start amoking.
    My neighbor Paathi summed it well. "Aiyo why Meley boys like that. Why so bad lah."
    Yes, that was Anwar's Bersih with the help of Aung San Suu Kyi wanna-be Ambiga. Pit the Malays against each other.
    And Chinese and DAP won.
    Ambiga was never innocent in this Bersih front. She knows the EC has done everything to rectify the alleged discrepancies.
    And many innocent young Malaysians have asked why not Stadium Merdeka. They were unaware they were duped. That it was not about the venue at all.
    There was even an-online site offering free legal services to those arrested. It shows clearly their bad intention for Bersih.
    Remember the young film maker Benjy Lim who came to Anu-War's press conference to confront him for hijacking Bersih. He was shown the door by the good democratic Anwar.
    Don't you see that this is a dress rehearsal for Anwar's impending loss in Permatang Pauh? For Keadilan's downfall.
    He will gather the same rioters and start a street protest crying foul to the EC and government.
    And Nizar has pre-empted it by alleging that Najib has already discussed with the Army boss for emergency rule if BN loss.
    Don't you wonder why Anwar is acting like the PM calling foreign observers including from Pakistan (sic) and Australia to oversee our EC.
    It's to lay the ground-work to show the world about the alleged unfair GE. That he lost because of the not free elections.
    You are infamous for such shenanigans Nu-War. Don't drag Najib into your game.
    BN always want a legitimate government with a big mandate from the people.
    Malaysians do not want a government backed by street protestors and hooligans.
    Sincerely The KOTOR QD.

  35. Quiet Despair2 May 2012 at 12:44

    My dad is a rather humouros man. At the dinner table while watching the news, he said: "I salute and admire Anwar."
    "What? You gotta be kidding," we said in unison.
    His reply: "Yeah for his tenacity and perseverance. Tak reti jemu.
    "Always the protest boy and never grow up. The eternal hippie.
    "Like the flower-power child of the 60s. But they had peaceful lie-ins, smokig pot with their make love not war.
    "Anwar's the same, but his style is louud protests and Make Love, Make War."
    "He's like Peter Pan with Pollyanna dreams."
    Good ole dad. And I add: "Tak reti jemu nak jadi PM walaupun orang tak mau." Haha
    N.B. Dad is a bit younger than Sakmongkol.

  36. part 1/2

    dear Dato,

    i'm an avid reader of your blog, even since your umno days. to me your 'perjuangan' has not changed although your platform has and i have a big respect for that.

    looking at the rally there's a few points that comes to my mind.

    1. dataran merdeka is independence square. while the mayor has barred anyone from using it he allows pdrm to use it as a depot. u should have seen it on the night of 28th. it's like a military depot out of hollywood's creation. personally it just doesn't feel right. i think you have to experience and witness it yourself to understand how i felt, as a malaysian citizen to see our dataran defiled with tonnes of almost military installations instead of peace loving happy going young citizens who loves the country.

    2. people are taking sides. some said opposition hijacked the rally some said pdrm over reacted. there's video proof for both sides, especially during anwar's speech. loyarburok.com has a detail account on this. papagomo.com and many others has too. go read them and make your own judgement but these are not the core issues.

    3. core issue is people broke into dataran merdeka, not bank negara. to see pdrm's reaction is as if the crowd has broken into a kindergarten of helpless kids.

    4. core issue is also how those caught were treated and i'm talking bout the beatings and violence. if there's a court order to bar entrance to dataran, those who did so should be charged. how come the hundreds whom are nabbed are let off after a day in custody? i would love to see them hauling the hundreds to court. isn't this the duty of the AG or am i wrong? where is the respect for law if the court order is law?? and what kind of flip-flop no follow up precedence that we are setting? if they are not charged whats the point of cops running around town arresting people? maybe the court order reads "if u enter dataran on 28th you'll get teargas, chemical water and beaten by at least 5 cops(optional, depending on your luck) and should spend a few hours(again optional, depending on your luck) in custody." or maybe all those who where nabbed were innocent. that seems to be the fact now.

  37. part 2/2

    5. core issue again. i've seen the youtube videos of so called 'police brutality'. this one is close to my heart cos i grow up in a not so good neighborhood with not so good companions. we have gangs and we have fights. but it's usually 'kalau jantan 1 lawan 1' and those who ganged up on 1 person are usually ball-less chicken shit cowards. if a rival challenge me with 4 guys i'll probably bring at least 4 of my own, just to be safe. but i won't come with 20 cos that will make me look like a fool and a coward. so i felt the sentiments of those lying on the ground with a few pairs of feet stomping on them. it's either 'god help me please make them stop' or 'kalau jantan 1 lawan 1'. cops are supposed to be trained certain skills to subdue and arrest people. it's ok for a few of them to wrestle a person to the ground, sit on them in order to bind them. it's not ok to hit them to the ground cos they are not attacking u. it's not ok to hit a person already on the ground and it's worse to do it in groups. it's also not ok to hit a person who's already in custody. i hope readers can understand this. this is not police brutality. this is police thuggery. but even thugs has some rules cos they also want to save face

    6. some readers will not understand the previous core issue cos it's such a manly guy guy thingy. my point is if an organized civil body usually gangs up on helpless victims do u think they are able to perform their duties when the real challenges hit us? can we count on them when and where it matters most?

    7. final core issue is a serious one. from bersih1.0 to bersih 2.0 we see cops running down people but bersih3.0 seems to be worse than previous. and most worrying is how our young citizens are actually fighting back. (i hope speculations are right about them being agent provocateurs) however i feel a cycle of violence brewing. when i beat up a guy i am usually worried and constantly looking over my shoulders for a few weeks. people whom were bullied usually don't forget. who knows what will happen if bersih4.0 takes form. again the blaming will start. who started it first?who instigated with a fiery speech?all i know is one side is a trained and being paid for for public service and to uphold the law, according to law while the other just wants to voice up and stand up to be counted.

    that was a long one Dato,

    thank you for your time,


  38. Dear Sakmongkol

    Being away from the country when it all happened allowed me to see the event with the same disinterest as a judge sees a case unfolding before him. I wasn’t caught up in the intimacy of the moment; I did not feel the tensions, the emotions. But I saw it through the independent eyes of the BBC and Al Jazeera, reporting without the ASTRO censorship.

    For 3 days I didn’t even open my email, so I didn’t see the many first hand accounts by participants, and the many pictures that I subsequently received. I had to think if the crowd was 50,000 as reported by the Police or 250,000 as claimed by Ambiga. But having examined the photos, I think the number is closer to the Ambiga number. And this was collaborated by first hand accounts by people whom I know and trust.

    My thoughts are these.

    First, we must pay a tremendous tribute to the people of Malaysia for showing courage to want to win their freedom in a peaceful way. Yes, there were a few isolated incidents. We need not worry who caused them. But it is enough that they were very small, and compared to the significance of the occasion, those few isolated incidences are nothing.

    Bersih 3.0 was basically a spontaneous out-pouring of the frustrations of Malaysians. Ambiga and her brave gang had initiated the idea, and that really was all to it. The 250,000 Malaysians were not paid by anyone to participate. They knew there could be Police violence. They braved it to participate. They came from all walks of life, young and old, and included people who live in the upper reaches of society, people who are normally indifferent to this sort of events. But they all came, and they sat there. This fact should tell Najib something. It should also tell us to take the Merdeka 69% approval rating of Najib with a big serving of salt. If that number were true Bersih 3.0 would have been a damp squib.

    Second, it is obvious that the government, and in particular people like Najib, Hishamuddin and the Police, have totally misread the public. They have believed their own lies. They did not believe that there could have been 250,000 people, that the races could unite, that money could not buy loyalty. Now they know. But more importantly, the people now realize they have the power to change the government.

    Third, Najib must be a fool to think that the so-called reforms that he had initiated are an adequate answer to the wishes and aspirations of the people. They were not. He has to go back to the drawing board. No, I really don’t think he has the time.

    Fourth, I wonder if Najib and Hishamuddin had ever thought the “what if” questions? What if they had allowed the people to assemble at Dataran Merdeka (perhaps we should henceforth call it Dataran Rakyat)? What if they had minimal Police presence and without those FRU men with chemical water trucks and tear gas guns? What if there were no barricades at all? 250,000 people would have assembled peacefully, trampled on some grass and made cricket unplayable for a couple of weeks, but it would have taken the wind out of Bersih’s sails. He would have demonstrated that he really had meant to bring about changes, and he proved it. He would have been the liberation hero. He would have been the renaissance PM. No, he screwed up. He wasn’t up to it. He didn’t believe in the things he said he would do. He had no brains, no guts and no good intentions. He was just a showman. A simple lady without a huge PR machinery, a Police force and government backing, showed him up for what he really is – a weak man unfit to be our PM.

  39. Hello QD,

    Can you answer me why Najib bodyguard killed Altantuya ?. Why Najib so scare to attend court in Anwar liwat case 2 ?. Tell me why your Najib too emotional when asked by reporter about Scorpeon court case in France ?.

    Do you think Sirul and Azilah just suka suka kill Altantuya ?. Anwser this question first before you talk other nonsence things. Majority Malaysian are not stupid. Only you blindly supports Najib & BN because of your personal interest.

    BERSIH is not about Anwar. People are fighting for clean election, not to clean Anwar, Najib or else. So what gone wrong with you ???.

  40. Budak QD

    Apa ke haenya ko ni? Asyik-asik Anwar. Macam blogger penjilat UMNO si (T)ahirudin aka Rocky yang juga sikit-sikit Anwar.Anwar tu. Anwar ni. Agaknya bila korang main binipun ingat Anwar. Dah. Pegi lap hinguh tu. Geli orang nak makan.

  41. Dear Dato'Sak, hope u n Walla r in good health.
    Mr Bruno says DSAI n his deputy should be locked up. Hi, Bruno he is a politician not mother Theresa they seize moment like this (not that i approve,anyway)Here i should say our PM missed a golden opportunity to up his 69%. He should have instructed the polis to cart away the unsightly barbed wires and let ppl in, way way before DSAI rolled his hands.
    Well now we know the lyrics to the music the unelected Mayor was talking about. DID THE PUNISHMENT FIT THE CRIME,that is the question?
    I was there,did not go to topple the gov. I was only armed with salt n small towel.Must thank the Bersih Committee for providing me an avenue to state my disgust with the EC esp. the recent bill passed in parliment.

  42. Yes, there were many more youths this time at BERSIH rally. And noticeable, more Nons! And most of all, more than Hishammuddin has expected:

    “Describing the upcoming protest as “really nothing”, Hishammuddin said: “It’s just SOME PEOPLE who want to gather. “

    Some said 25K, others said 100K, 200K and more? Nobody will agree to a figure.

    What I saw was TRULY ONE MALAYSIA, unlike our PM’s empty slogan 1Malaysia! And I’m glad that many didn’t succumb to our DPM’s “Malay 1st, Malaysian 2nd”! I shudder at the thought of how on earth can he be our Education Minister too??? What message is he giving to the youngsters with such stand?

    Anway, back to BERSIH. Yes, more and more RAKYAT have awakened, esp the youth. There are 6 newly-registered voters in my families alone, all in their 20’s. Even the least interested in politics told me “I have registered”! I was speechless for one minute, thinking it was a joke. And another told me “All my friends have also registered”. All in alone, there are 3 generations of voters in my families… all looking forward to kick out BN!

    Every vote matters and that’s is why it is vital that we push for a clean electoral roll !!! And some are already asking for BERSIH 4!

    QD, you are humorous just like your Dad

    “Bersih has turned the BN non-believers into BN converts”

    It reminded me of another idiotic statement by our DPM/Education Minister

    “Our schools are better than the US, Britain and Germany”

  43. Quiet Despair
    2 May 2012 12:28

    Whoa, you owe it to your buddy editor a PJK trophy for editing your writing, it is certainly not your style.
