Tuesday 3 January 2012

hutang UMNO pada budi orang Melayu

Dalam masa seminggu ini saya di hujani soalan adakah benar saya dan saudara Aspan Alias akan memasuki DAP? Cuba baca berita yang mula2 di keluarkan oleh Malaysian Insider. Disana di nyatakan bahawa tiada keputusan yang di capai. Ertinya, karya MI itu bersifat spekulatif. Demikian juga rencana yang di keluarkan oleh Free Malaysia Today.. Artikel itu juga bersifat spekulatif dan menimbulkan lebih banyak persoalan dari memberi jawapan.
Tidakkah terfikir oleh sesiapa bahawa jika kami berdua cederung menyokong DAP atau parti lawan UMNO, sikap tersebut ialah kerana di dorongi oleh kepercayaan dan prinsip2 tertentu?  Kita tidak boleh konsisten jika hanya di dorong oleh rasa frust, dendam dan sebagainya. Sikap konsisten hanya datang dari asas yang lebih stabil dan kekal- seperti di pacu oleh keyakinan dan kepercayaan kepada prinsip2.
Sebagai contoh, kami berdua merasakan UMNO sudah bertukar watak menjadi suatu Frankenstein yang tidak lagi boleh di kawal. Ia menjadi wadah untuk mencuri harta benda rakyat, membelakangkan political decency, memanipulasi rule of law, dan paling dasyat sekali melupakan budi orang Melayu kepada UMNO. Dan kami telah lama menerima apa yang di sebut oleh Presiden UMNO yang paling lama mengetuai UMNO iaitu Dr Mahathir- yang menyatakan UMNO is rotten to the core dan kerajaan UMNO korap dari atas hingga ke bawah.
Izinkan saya membawa perhatian orang Melayu kepada suatu perkara yang sangat tidak betul pada UMNO. Seringkali kita di banjiri dengan nasihat supaya orang Melayu mengenang budi UMNO. Tapi bagaimana pula dengan UMNO yang tidak mengenang budi orang Melayu? Bukankah UMNO itu hidup atas budi orang Melayu dan amanah yang di pertanggungjawabkan?
Biarkan saya menyimpul pendekatan UMNO hari ini. pimpinan UMNO hari ini meniru apa yang John Kennedy ucapkan dalam pidato sulung ketika menerima perlantikan sebagai Presiden USA.  Kita dapat membayangkan mana2 pemimpin UMNO hari ini menyatakan:- jangan tanya apa UMNO boleh lakukan kepada kamu, tanya apa yang kamu boleh lakukan kepada UMNO.
Inlah titik tolak penentangan kami kepada UMNO kerana sikap seperti ini merosakkan orang Melayu. Ia menjadi orang Melayu peminta sedekah kepada UMNO. UMNO bukan pemberi rezeki orang Melayu yang beragama Islam.Sanggupkah kita menerima dan melihat orang Melayu tertunduk tunduk sebagai tambi suruhan? Inilah yang di lakukan oleh UMNO hari ini kepada orang Melayu.
Bahagian pertama ungkapan tersebut- jangan tanya apa UMNO boleh lakukan kepada kamu- memberi pengertian bhawa UMNO itu tuan dan ahli nya adalah hamba. UMNO itu penaung dan rakyat adalah yang bergantung kepada mereka. UMNO itu bersifat ketuhanan yang mesti disembah kerana ianya pemberi segala rezeki kepada orang Melayu.
Bahagian kedua ungkapan tersebut- tanya apa kamu boleh lakukan kepada UMNO membawa erti bahawa UMNO itu sesuatu yang perlu ditaati dan di takuti serta punca segala kesenangan untuk orang Melayu.
Kedua2 bahagaian ungkapan tersebut merosakkan orang Melayu dan bertentangan dengan piagam orang yang berjiwa merdeka. Orang Melayu yang berjiwa merdeka akan melihat UMNO seabagi suatu wadah dengan dan melalui nya, mencapai obejektif 2 besar dalam masyarakat. UMNO bukan sesuatu yang mesti disembah atau dalam bahasa yang selalu di sebut oleh pimpinan UMNO- mesti mengenang budi UMNO.


  1. Dato,Aspan Alias and you can make a difference and both your presence will be felt in the DAP and Pakatan Rakyat.The rakyat will support the both of you.My money will be on that many Malays will follow the both of you into the DAP.Go for it and good luck.

  2. Dato'

    UMNO became rotten and poisonous to the Malay people quite early in its existence, to be exact a few years after 87 when it became the enemy of the Malay rulers and destroyer of the "constitutional Monarchy" principle that was the cornerstone of this nation. UMNO further became toxic when TDM with full acquiescence from UMNO leadership and grass root, turned UMNO into a "munafik" party when it officially rob and "UMNOnised" the oil royalty that rightfully belong to the Trg State government and its people. In fact the letter "M" in UMNO does not represent Malay, it only represent the word MY, MINE and the most appropriate word at present, MARAUDER. Malay is but a veil to the true nature of UMNO. And true to its nature as a marauder and predator, it will never feel it owes any debt of gratitude to the Malay people, ever!


  3. Assalamualaikum Dato.

    Kalau betul Dato nak masuk DAP, saya ucap tahniah pada Dato. Sebagai seorang yg arif lagi bijaksana Dato patut minta sesuatu position yg bersesuaian dgn nilai yg ada pada diri Dato. Kalau setakat jadi calon parlimen di Raub itu tak patut. Saya cadangkan Dato minta jawatan Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang ataupun Menteri Hal Ehwal Lombong dan Galian. Kalau DAP beri jawatan KM P. Pinang pada Dato barulah benar2 bermakna slogan Malaysian Malaysia dan segala nilai2 positif yg diperjuangkan DAP itu.

    Memang benarlah pemimpin2 UMNO selalu cakap orang Melayu kena berterima kasih pada UMNO. Tapi saya tak pernah dengar pulaklah masa interview utk jawatan kerajaan ataupun semasa interview nak belajar di luar negara kerajaan tanya 'awak ni sokong UMNO ke tidak? Mak bapak awak sokong PAS ke UMNO'. Kalau tidak masakan ramai juga kakitangan awam yg sokong pembangkang sampaikan ada bekas duta, bekas jeneral dan bekas Pegawai Pelajaran Daerah bertanding sbg calon pembangkang dalam PRU. Maknanya slogan 'Melayu patut berterima kasih pada UMNO' itu hanyalah satu option yg ditawarkan pada orang Melayu saja. Terpulanglah orang Melayu nak terima atau tidak. Kalau UMNO nak paksa semua orang Melayu berterima kasih pada UMNO maka semua undi di kawasan FELDA dapat kat UMNO. Adakah begitu Dato? Wallahualam. Dato lebih mengetahui.

  4. poorah!!! cakap berbelit belit! both of you are irrelevant to the country's politics!! two frustrated UMNO nobody's who try to make themselves feel important! ha ha ha

  5. Asalkan Bukan UMNO! Syabas!

  6. Dato,

    we in DAP do not accept UMNO Trojan Horse in our party! So beat it!

    Long Live Lim Family!! hip hip hooray!

  7. Dato'

    Ketepikan apa orang kata
    Biaq orang kata dato' atau sapa-sapa pun yang keluaq umno dan masuk parti lawan sebagai kecewa,
    Memang kecewa, tapi kecewa dengan umno yang dah merosakkan umat.
    Sementara umur masih ada, ada peluang dato' betulkan yang silap.
    Mudah2an Allah tunjuk jalan yang baik..

  8. Memasuki mana-mana parti poltik hak individu. Motif Dato' masuk DAP meragukan. Dato' nampak macam orang kecewa, sebab Dato' jadi ADUN sepenggal saja. Cuba Dato' cermin diri Dato' kenapa Dato' jadi ADUN sepenggal saja sedang orang lain dapat kepercayaan rakyat berpenggal-penggal. Carilah parti lain, bukan DAP yang semua orang tahu berniat menghapuskan Melayu. PAS dengan PKR gunakan DAP untuk politik mereka, sama
    dengan DAP gunakan PAS dan PKR untuk politik DAP. Dato' mungkin nak jadi CM Penang?

  9. Ethnic Chinese Bystander3 January 2012 at 11:19

    Hey Anon 3 January 2012 09:51

    You in wrong country la...it's Kim not Lim... balik Korea laa..

  10. Sir

    I salute you for your courage!

    I trust that you will work together with YB Liew Chin Tong to let the Malays know that the DAP is a
    SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC political party that will be fair to all Malaysians, irrespective of their ethnicity.

    Phua Kai Lit

  11. Sir

    Just ignore the vicious attacks that will be pouring forth from the fascists and ultranationalists.

    Together, the moderate and decent Malaysians of goodwill (the vast majority) will work together to bring to an end the ruling UMNO/BN kleptocracy that is threatening to turn Malaysia into
    a sub-Saharan Africa-style "failed state".

    Phua Kai Lit

  12. Salam dato'.. tahniah krn buat perubahan.. mohon linkkan blog http://addin77.blogspot.com kt blog dato'. blog dato' sy dh linkkan..

    dari Addin.. anak jati DUN pulau manis.

  13. Salam Dato'

    Jika benar Dato and saudara Aspan sudah memasuki DAP, congrats from me and family. One of the best news bagi pembukaan tirai 2012. Cheriooo....

  14. arwah ayah saya, cikgu syed ahmad syed abdullah, merupakan ketua pemuda umno daerah pekan, pahang, yang pertama. beliau adalah antara org awal yang menggerakkan umno di negeri pahang, khususnya di daerah itu.

    namun dia keluar umno tak lama selepas merdeka kerana 'umno menjadi tempat org mencari kedudukan dan duit', bukan lagi utk membela orang melayu yang mendukungnya.

    barangkali dia mendahului zamannya dengan keluar umno pada peringkat yang begitu awal, namun telahan dan pengamatannya itu terbukti benar dan semakin jelas kini. dia tidak pernah berbalik kepada umno sehingga ke akhir hayatnya.

    semoga semakin ramai cerdik pandai melayu khasnya, akan menuruti jejak langkah dato dalam hal ini.

    lembaga umno yang sumbang itu kini telah tumbuh sepenuhnya, ia adalah rasaksa yang membaham bukan sahaja org lain, tetapi juga anak-anaknya sendiri.

    org melayu harus kembali kepada akar dan jiwa merdeka mereka sendiri, sekali gus menolak jauh-jauh parti/kelompok yang mahu membelenggu mereka terus dalam penjara kebodohan, ketakutan, kemiskinan, kehinaan dan kesendirian.

    di atas robohan kota melaka
    kita dirikan jiwa merdeka
    bersatulah padulah segenap baka
    membela hak keadilan pusaka.

    syed putra syed ahmad

  15. Welcome to DAP! Asalkan Bukan UMNO!

  16. Dato,the Umno paid bloggers and cyber troppers are panicking.So are the Umnoputras.They are very scared.Must be wetting their pants.
    Couldn't get to the restrooms in a hurry.Dr Mahathir must be laughing out loud at the stupid Umnoputras.

    The reason that there is so much buzz over the net is the Umnoputras felt checkmated.Soon your blog will be overwhelmed with anon critics.Do be prepared for abusive and vulgar languages.Cheers,relax and sleep easy.

  17. salam Dato Ariff dan AA,

    Syabas dato dah transform dan berhijrah untuk peluang dan ruang sebagai pembela bangsa lebih cerah. Pedulikan apa orang lain kata. Yang penting bagaimana dato dapat memberi perkhidmatan lebih berkesan dan bermakna kepada masyarakat melaysia, ini yang penting. Kalau ya dan benar dato bertanding di Raub dan menang, PR pula dapat ke PUtrajaya, saya berpandangan Dato akan di lantik menerajui Kementerian Ekonomi atau MITI. Dato dapat melaksana perkara penting dan berprinsip. Saya merasa bahana nya pemimpin UMNO Peringkat bahagian, dah lah belumcerdik , bebal dan adu domba dan membuat fitnah kerana tidak ikut telunjuk mereka. Sekarang aku fikir 360 darjah. Syabas Dato'mana parti politik berdaftar adalah sah, di pimpin dan dianggota i oleh orang malaysia, jadi apa beza nya pas, dap ,mca dan umno.sama saja.

  18. saya terpanggil nak nasihatkan Dato' sebelum terlambat..

    Kawan saya pernah berkata; bila dah tua ni, 3 perkara yang perlu kita tak patut ambik risiko;

    i) Mengadakan perhubungan yang baru - bukak cawangan (tambah isteri) dan sebagainya

    ii)Bertukar karier dari karier yang dah stabil ..

    iii)Membuat musuh dengan bekas rakan-baik kita

    betul jugak cakap kawan saya tu; banyak mereka (tak semua) seperti di atas akan merana hidup di hari-hari tua.

    Untuk Datuk, kalau nak masuk DAP teruskanlah, tapi tak usah bakar jambatan dengan sahabat-sahabat lama. Mungkin satu masa nanti, kita perlukan jambatan tu balik.. Tapi kalau asyik mengutuk UMNO dan orang Melayu lain, kira nak bakar jambatanlah tu..

    Orang Tua

  19. Allright Saudara2ku,
    Maaf ya..dalam DAP xder panggil Datuk,TanSri,Dato Seri bla..bla..bla...
    Kitorang panggil semua hadirin dengan ungkapan Saudara jer.
    Saya dah 10 tahun menyokong DAP dan dah jadi life member sejak PRK Permatang Pauh 2008.
    Walau majoriti saudara kita Chinese..tapi banyak perbezaan dan keikhlasan yang kita nampak di mata pemimpin DAP.
    Teruskan perjuangan untuk RAKYAT dan jangan berlandaskan bangsa.
    Lagi lama dalam DAP akan lebih banyaklah perkara yang saudara akan fahami dan hayati keunikannya.
    Janganlah pulak esoklusa saudara tampil di TV3suku megatakan yang blog saudara kena hack dan sebagainya.
    PAS bukan tak baik...tapi kita yang tak cukup baik untuk join.Memilih DAP adalah cara terbaik bagi seorang rakyat Malaysia memecahkan tembok perkauman yang di bina oleh FANATIK UMNO.
    Selamat datang SAUDARAku.

  20. dato,

    tak payah lah masuk DAP tu..buang masa jer..kalau kemaruk sangat nak bertanding, masuk BEBAS..kalau Dato' menang atas tiket DAP. jadi lauk jer Dato nanti..nanti tunggangan org DAP...

  21. I believe what AK47 says is his true intent. By reading his blog, you will know what kind of person he is. I didn't know that the ruling party still has righteous people in it. I guess I was wrong.
    It would be good if his actions would lead to the awakening of the righteous and do what is right for the nation.

  22. Cikgu Ngah,

    Belum tahu nak jalan, jangan lah nak belari.

    Tuan Sakmongkol and Tuan Aspan Alias bukannya berpolitik untuk kekayaan atau kuasa. Mereka berbuat demikian untuk kebaikan tanah air and rakyat sejagat.

    Bagaikan sertai syarikat baru, janganlah banyak permintaan. Tunjukkanlah dedikasi and sikap yang betul sebelum membuat desakan.

    Saya pasti tidak akan mengundi mana mana ahli politik yang membuat banyak permintaan sebelum membukitkan keupayaan mereka.


  23. Anak muda pemerhati3 January 2012 at 15:06

    Cikgu Ngah buta hati & mata memang patut menjadi jurucakap Umno...

    Bagaimana umno hendak menjaga kepentingan melayu islam sedangkan ramai pemimpin mereka telah diangkat dari elit melayu @ bangsawan yg tidak pernah susah utk membela orang susah?..

    Umno juga telah dikuasai oleh india muslim/mamak, siam yg tak berapa nak islam, bumiputera sabah/sarawak yg bukan muslim serta lain bangsa pembodek utk bercakap bagi pihak melayu,,,Inilah nasibnya melayu dibawah tangan2 tersebut.

  24. Your joining DAP would put your own statement that there is no need for Malays to fear DAP or that DAP is not racist,to rest.

    Whether we care to admit it or not, we know from records that DAP,as a political party, is the most equitable party in Malaysia.It is DAP that is the frequent victim of the other racist political parties.


  25. Sir,

    Hutang UMNO pada budi orang Cina juga dilupakan kerana pada tahun 1998, sokongan orang Cinalah yang membolehkan UMNO terus tertakhta...lebih tepat bermaharajalela. Thanks to TDM, the biggest PEROSAK Malaysia has ever seen.

  26. all malaysians n malays should not fear DAP/ no reason to fear DAP as they are fighting for justice for all< LKS N LGE weny to jail under ISA etc, we malaysians should fear corruption, poverty, cronyism n all the plunderers n thieves in the coalition, see cows missing n billions missing/ see poverty everywhere here>> why>>> see millions illegals on our shores ?? we should fear these mess n nonsense created by the coalition>> 407 billions in national debts as in AG report?? how to repay >> bankrupt soon- poor economic growth and an impending recession coming. singapore is getting ready to face the recession as reported in the papers?? what are our jokers doing>> nothing?? our nation is voted 4th most corrupt nation>> plunderers every where- we should fear them n kick them out???dont you agree??

  27. Sudahlah tu, saudara Orang Tua.

    Kalau UMNO dah hilang arah dan terlari dari prinsip asalnya, UMNO pun takkan jadi "UMNO Baru".

    "UMNO Baru" inilah yg penuh pelbagai kes-kes penyelewengan, penghinaan Raja-raja Melayu dan korupsi yang berleluasa.

    Kan, kau orang tua pastilah masih ingat pasal UMNO original dengan UMNO Baru Tun Dr. M... kan? Sekarang ni, Melayu dah ada pilihan bukan macam dulu. Monopoli UMNO keatas semua aspek kehidupan orang Melayu dan Islam ni dah takde lagi. Itu saja.

    Akupun Orang Tua.

  28. From what I can see,
    DAP is full of professional and young blood joining them and hence the logical/reasoning way they do things or talk.
    You can see the result by judging the improvement done in Penang and comparing it with other states. Everything improved.
    As for PKR, it has potential, just that it will take time for it to reform itself as it has a mixed of ex from the ruling party and new generation of young leaders. The leadership of DSAI's daughter has strong potential. His daugher belong to the younger generation which uses logic/reasoning to discuss things whereas this is the opposite in the ruling party which doesn't reason with you. What they say is what it is whether it is logically or not. The ruling leaderships is consist mostly of elderly people and they do things based on the ways their predecessor did and the young people who joined them behaved like them because it sort of become a trend to behave in such a way. So the whole party is trapped in a vicious ageing cycle which can't regenerate itself. Even if young people joined, it still won't matters as it is trapped. There are examples. Look at the way the young people in the ruling did, like the case of Adam Adli and the so called panglima perang ludah. Tell me, does the panglima perang ludah behaved like a person who think logically? As for KJ, it isn't that he doesn't know how to think, just that he is trapped in a party which has such practice that he must follow.
    As for PAS, it is modernising itself.
    Based on these factors, I can say the opposition is a formidable opponent and growing in strength. It has professional and young blood flowing into it.
    These make a powerful combination.
    In history, there's no govt in the world that doesn't fall when it get too corrupted. It is just like a catapult. If you keep on pulling it, the rubber becomes much tighter and it will come to a stage where the opposing force is so strong that it will flung all the way to the opposite side.

  29. Jiwa merdeka perlukan keikhlasan dan keberanian. Keikhlasan dan keberaniaan memerlukan pengorbanan. Pengorbanan bukannya atas dasar kecewa semata-mata tapi perlukan hasrat yang murni .

    Harap2 Dato2 sekalian bukanya unfortunate culprit in malaysian history seperti Temenggong Sri Maharaja dan orang2 seumpamanya.

    Good Luck to you !

  30. There are only two type of species in Umno. One is the wealth seekers and the other is the 'lembus' who are always led and subservient to the corrupt wealth seekers. Umno bloggers are a hybrid of these two species.

    Those malays who are not of these two species should quickly abandon Umno. Join any party as long as it is not Ummo. It is for your health, both in this world and in the hereafter. In the hereafter you would be asked why you are with a band of thieves and plunderers who stole rakyat's money. What answer could you give to your Maker.

  31. Errr, you mean you are not in DAP yet? Still sayangkan UMNO despite bad-mouthing it for years?
    I missed yesterday's posting to wish you all the luck in the world. Also my heartfelt congrats for choosing the right party.
    PAS does not become you, and the Bontot party is irrelevent after Jan 9.
    Have been saying it many times before that fat sod Petra said it.
    Bro, please be bold enough to state
    categorically that you are now a card-carrying DAP member.
    That Ku Li is in too.
    As I told Aspan, you guys should hold a joint press conference in the prescence of LKS and other DAP top gun.
    It's a coup, a cause for celebration for DAP. You are a cause celebre here too.
    UMNO and you share mutual feelings. You hate them and they are not bothered whether you are still a member or not. They will not sack you. They want you to announce you are quitting with much pleasure.
    Yes indeed, You rasa you tak ada terhutang budi kepada UMNO.
    You rasa jawatan ADUN sepenggal yang diberikan kepada you memang hak you. You Layak dan patutnya still ADUN untuk several terms.
    Bropun rasa pelajaran tinggi di University yang gahpun atas kepandaian sendiri dan biasiswa kerajaan yang diberikan adalah hak you mendapatnya.
    In short, seperti yang you cakap UMNO yang berhutang budi kepada kita orang Melayu.
    Ini macam ayat anak derhaka yang merasakan memang bapanya mesti beri dia segala kemudahan pelajaran, makan minum etc.
    And you as a good father do not expect anything from them since it is your responsibility as a loving father.
    Saya rasa tu salah. Even when I was in elementary school, my teacher Mrs Penelli Pandreas keep telling us good deeds must be returned. Kindness begets kindness.
    In all honesttly I have not seen Malays begging from UMNO. It's UMNO who wants to help them.
    The only ones begging are the rich ones which include the nons who want mega projects from UMNO.
    The Malay vote the government in gratitude for the good things they get from the government.
    And I would like to ask, will the DAP return your kindness by giving you and Aspan seats to contest and make you ministers or PM or DPM if Pakatan wins Putra Jaya?
    Do you not think there will be jealousy and rumblings among the Warlords, God Fathers, small lords, small dogs, coochie rats there who resent two Malay newcomers jupmping over their heads and getting plum jobs?
    I am sure you don't want to join DAP as a regular foot-soldier to champion their cause.
    You will not gain much but they will gain from you in having credible Malay face to dispel their chauvinistic leanings.
    They now only have Zairil who has not a drop of Malay blood. Pak Kir was his step-father.
    And I am sure you know all is not smooth sailing and DAP is not at all goody two shoes.
    There is corruption, back-stabbing, intrigue like other parties too. And the sad thing is for what --can they rule this country?
    I give you the most 3 years and you will be disillusioned and slither back into UMNO. Trust me.
    Everything about you shouts UMNO, my dear brother.

  32. Assalamualaikum Dato.
    Izinkan saya menggunakan ruang komentar dlm blog Dato ini utk jawab komen yg telah dibuat oleh saudara Leon dan Anak Muda Pemerhati.

    Saudara Leon, kenapa perlu ada pilih kasih dan double standard dari pihak DAP terhadap Dato Sak? Kalau Prof Ramasamy yg baru menghijau dlm politik pun boleh terus diangkat jadi Timbalan KM P. Pinang semata-mata kerana meritnya sebagai seorang bekas profesor, maka takkan Dato Sak sebagai seorang bekas ADUN UMNO yg pernah jadi Ketua Penerangan kepada UMNO Bhg Pekan (yg mungkin tau banyak rahsia keburukan UMNO), yg juga seorang England trained economist tak layak utk jadi Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang? Bukankah ini suatu langkah strategik yg baik? Bukankah DAP melaung-laungkan konsep Malaysian Malaysia? Inilah masanya utk mereka membuktikannya.

    Saudara Anak Muda Pemerhati, kalau UMNO dah tak boleh mewakili suara dan kehendak orang2 Melayu, maka orang2 Melayu bebas utk memilih parti2 lain yg mereka rasa boleh mewakili kehendak dan suara mereka. UMNO tak pernah halang pun. Sebab itu saya beri contoh berapa ramai kakitangan awam yg menyokong pembangkang tetapi tetap meningkat naik kareer mereka dan UMNO tidak halang pun fenomena ini. Kalau UMNO tak adil pada orang Melayu maka sesiapa saja yang nak dapat bantuan kerajaan, minta kerja dengan kerajaan ataupun nak dapat biasiswa kerajaan ataupun nak pergi dapat rawatan di hospital kerajaan akan dipaksa jadi ahli UMNO. Saya juga rasa memang patut sangatlah kita serahkan pada keluarga Lim dalam DAP untuk bela untung nasib orang Melayu terutamanya kerana kini mereka sudah ada penasihat2 Melayu yg unggul seperti Zairil bin Khir Johari (walaupun saya tak pasti betul ke dia ni Melayu) dan juga yg paling terkini Dato Sakmongkol sendiri. Macam yg saudara kata dalam UMNO kini golongan Mamak dan Siam pun dah diiktiraf sebagai Melayu. Jadi biarlah Melayu tulen dalam DAP pula yg bela orang2 Melayu. Saya sesungguhnya sangat2 yakin nasib orang Melayu akan jadi lebih terbela lagi.
    Oh ya, nasihat saya pada Dato Sak bila dah jadi pemimpin DAP nanti jagalah mulut tu sikit. Jangan kritik para 'Godfather' dalam DAP kerana nanti belum sempat jadi menteri, dah melayang entah ke mana.

    Terima kasih.

  33. What CikGu Ngah, Anon 8.52 and Anon 9.51 said represent the voices from the Malays in UMNO and Chinese in the DAP think about you.
    Ini juga dicakap oleh sedara mara saya dari Raub, Lepeh, Temerloh, Rompin, Pekan dan Kuantan cakap bila dia orang bicang tentang Sakmongkol mask DAP.
    They said they can vote for you if you stand as an independent or PAS.
    But as DAP candidate, sorry.

  34. Dear Sakmongkol

    Your previous article attracted 110 postings, which must be a record. That shows how much interest there is in your joining the DAP.

    It must be quite heart-rending for someone like you or any upright Malay politician brought up in the original idealism of UMNO to abandon “the party of the Malays” to join a party that UMNO has demonized for decades as the party that is out to oppress the Malays, marginalize Islam, and destroy the monarchy; and at the same time promote Chinese dominance and ascendency.

    I am glad that you have discovered that all those UMNO allegations against the DAP are false. It was UMNO that had lost its innocence and idealism. Its control over the Malay mind, and its near monopoly on political power has led it astray. Power has corrupted it absolutely. 54 years ago, the Malays were behind the Chinese, and now despite 54 continuous years of control over the government, the Malays are still lagging behind the Chinese.

    We do not want this situation to continue. It can only increase social inequality and racial tension. But change will only come if the Malays are brave enough to abandon UMNO to seek an alternative government. But fear of the unknown is a powerful force holding the Malays back. That is why they need thought-leaders like yourself and Aspan Alias to first jump into the water to show them that it is safe for them to also abandon ship.

    PR cannot govern without good UMNO Malays joining them. They need you and many more like you, so that the alternative government will have enough talented and able people to govern effectively from Day One. UMNO may well end up as Golkar of Indonesia, which at its height controlled some 75% of all seats in parliament, but today has less than 15%. Political parties are not like mountains – permanent, immutable and virtually indestructible. A political party is merely a receptacle for the idealism and aspirations of the people. When the flame of idealism subsides, and the aspirations of its people are neglected in favour of the interests of its corrupt leaders, the party will implode. This is what is happening to UMNO.

    I wish you and Aspan the very best in the hazardous journey ahead. Your political fight is a fight for all Malaysians, not just the Malays. You have the intellectual acuity, integrity and political fire to go far. Good luck!

  35. At least DrM is brave enough to admit. In fact through out history, UMNO has undergone various transformation and make tough and mature decisions :-
    Sacking of Anwar, admissions of ex S46 and best of all, kicked its own president cum PM.

    You don't get this in other parties. They are too rigid, paranoid and afraid of admitting own mistakes. Its never their bad.

    There will always be problems within UMNO, be it rotten ones, but it will always evolve better than any other.

    Well good luck if you are joining DAP.
    Pretty sure you'll outshine LGE, LKS & Karpal.
    And you know what will happen to those shinning stars in DAP. They'll send a rocket to blow u up!!

    good luck again.

  36. Dear Dato,you are always an inspiration,your writings and thought.your earlier writing about Umno and it's transformation has not been appreciated. I sincerely believe your decision in joining DAP is your last resort to for the real transformation for the country. Welcome Sir.you will be a catalyst for change which the nation waits.

  37. Tahniah!...kerana dato terlepas dari memikul tong taik lambang Umno..terhindar dari didampingi oleh Hang Ludah!!...dato cuma menukar platform untuk berpolitik tanpa menukar prinsip perjuangan....so teruskan!

  38. "ask not what the country has done for you, ask what you have done for the country.." tu umno kata

    "give the country to us, and we will show you what we can do for, do with and do about the country.." yg ni kita kata..

    selamat berjuang dato'

  39. Rupanya ramai yang keliru atau sengaja mengelirukan pendirian Dato Sak dan Aspan.

    Kedua pemimpin Melayu ini menolak kemungkaran dan budaya rasuah yang bermaharajalela dalam UMNO.Lewat ini, semakin tenat hampir semuanya dikebas oleh kerabat atasan UMNO dan kerak disedekahkan pada orang Melayu biasa. Dan orang Melayu diminta mengenang budi.

    Bagi mereka yang harapkan habuan, UMNO masih relevan. Tapi bagi cerdik pandai yang kasihkan umat Melayu, semua ini meluat.

    Patutlah pemimpin seperti Dato Sak hanya sepenggal kerana UMNO bukanya mahu pemimpin yang bijak dan berterus terang mungkari rasuah dan kezaliman. Apa yang UMNO nak sekadar pengampu yang puas dengan kerak yang disedekahkan.

  40. Quiet Despair,

    All the names you mentioned are a minority of diehards like you or paid cybers.Do not forget who fought for the underaged schoolgirl who was raped by your Umno's Thamby Chiku.And why did the girl's grandmother reached out to LGE from DAP and not Umnoputras from your beloved Umno.Because Umnoputras lack balls or have no batangs.It is a fact.Cheers buddy.

  41. I don't understand this DAP Malaysian first clarion call which is supported by many here. How can you believe Malaysian first when you also believe in segregating our children from young into different races. Then expect them to put race last when adult? Totally illogical.
    Then argue they support mother tounge education. But in essence they support only selected races mother tounge (guess who). They never fought for ibanese sikhs muruts kadazans kelantanese mother tounge etc etc. But con people they believe in mother tounge education.
    Dap action from day one shows they never put Malaysian first. This hypocrisy shows their true character.

  42. Ethnic chinese bystander,

    Why are you so thick? Lim family dynasty is in Malaysia la baghal! Kim family in Korea! Numskull!!

  43. Happy New Year, Dato.
    I am most surprised that so many people commented on your perceived decisions. I believed you should allow all comments including vulgar or indecent (as long as non race hate comment). We may then see many more panicky umno cyber trooper trying to please their paymaster.

    By the way, I read most of your blogs and the accompanying comments and noted that all those who dispute your opinions almost always did so in the most uncouth manners (kurang ajar). Cannot be upbringing as most kampong elders that i know are very courteous folks so it must be the poor education (Bad Talk Nasional) they received which made them not able to express in a civil way like Dato do.

    Keep up the good work and best wishes to you and family in this new 2012.

  44. Sak,
    Posting dato agak menarik. Reaksi sy yg spontan begini je. Yg kita namakan UMNO itu legally nya adalah satu benda yang bernyawa. Sebagai sebuah organisasi sebenar ia tidak bersalah pun. Yg mencorakkannya adalah ahli-ahlinya sendiri. Ini adalah hakikat.
    Kalaulah pula kita ambil pendekatan marketing, sesuatu produk itu perlu terus dibangun dan dikembangkan dari semasa ke semasa supaya ianya terus menepati cita rasa pengguna dan diterima. Maka ianya memerlukan kreativiti, inovasi dan perubahan. Rancangan dan reengineering kearah itu memang ada dan sedang dilakukan oleh kepimpinan. Persoalannya cuma sejauh mana.
    Kalau ikut stail kepimpinan sy adalah, sy akan 'fire instead of hire' pemimpin2 yg tidak menyumbang kearah proses pembaikan kualiti UMNO itu sendiri 'and of course without fear and prejudice' dgn izin. Itu kalau management utk strategi produk. Tapi UMNO adalah 'political entity'. Sy teringat kadang2 tak payahlah apologistik sangat. Dulu2 kepimpinan kita menunjukkan nampak digeruni dan dihurmati bukan ditakuti. BN menang banyak. Bila kita dah nampak lemah, semua orang mula berani utk memperkotak-katik dan cakap macam2. Terutama dizaman IT dan multimedia ni. Yang penting kuasa.Nabi kita pernah bersabda, cara yg terbaik itu adalah keserdahanan. Hapuskan segala kejahatan, penyelewengan dan salahguna kuasa. Jujurlah dengan perjuangan, walaupun ianya mengorbankan kepentingan diri sendiri.Siapa berani dan sanggup? Entah lah kita.

  45. Dear best buddy Bruno

    Here's to the best 2012 for you. It rings sweet music for you guys with the entrance of Sakmongkol into your favorite DAP.
    Can't wait to see you cry with the demise of ABU soon. But I promise you, you have my big shoulders to cry on. What are friends for, right.
    I honestly like Sak and I want him to flourish wherever he is. Of course I want him to be in UMNO. To fight from within.
    It started with that. But with the applause from ABU lovers, he was so enervated and hard to retrack. Terlanjur cakap, terlanjur perahu like the Malays said. So where can gostan.
    So might as well go the whole hog.
    But he will soon find out that the DAP culture is far far frustrating from the UMNO culture.
    You can never find finer gentlemen than UMNO guys. You are comfortable with them. They are not hypocrites. Unlike Anu-War who pretend to be alim but really is Syaitan. That's why he never fits in there.
    Bruno, let's not turn Sak's blog into Din Merican, Harris or Zorro's blog where only Anu-war lickers are pals. Allow everyone to say their piece and Sak is capable enough to lambast them. That's the UMNO spirit.
    Do not dub pro-UMNO commentators as paid cyber-troopers. Did we ever say you are paid PKR trolls when Sak's blog was firstly an UMNO blog. But it evolved into pro-PKR with so many of you cheering him to be anti-BN.
    If you noticed, we are the same people here with the exception of newcomers who now want to be here since Sak is now a DAP cadre.
    It's interesting to read UMNO blogs because they allow dissenters and reply vulgarities with vulgarities.

    Cikgu Ngah

    Apa yang Cikgu cakap tu betul sekali. Saya sama macam Cikgu yang mempunyai best interest Sak at heart.
    Sakmongkol will find himself in alien waters. He cannot be too motor-mouth in DAP like he did to UMNO. He has to grin and bear it if he wants everlasting stay in DAP.
    UMNO leaders can tolerate people critizing them in their face. But try doing that to the two gods there and Godfathers. You mouth will be velcroed or you get a walking certificate.
    He will be like in Beijing or North Korea.
    You can never be too smart with the two dear leaders there or forever you will be an outcast.
    Itu belum lagi ber-interaksi dengan PAS dan Keadilan yang lain-lain kepala.
    It makes into a flower-bomb. Nampak cantik, tetapi amat memedihkan.

  46. no matter what your decision is, wish you all the best !

  47. bodoh.. mana melayu dalam DAP? Ahmad bin Ton tak pernah di angkat... pernah bertanding di raub.. 2008 bertanding di tg piai..

    ungkapan puji puja umno adalah metafora.. datuk kalo tak paham, pegi sekolah balik.. memalukan..

    ingat pengundi bodoh? kamu yg selalu ingat pengundi bodohlah sebenarnya bodoh..


  48. bankrup politik.

    are the best words to describe both of you. whether you like it or not, that is another chapter.

    i think both of you like dreaming while u were in umno also the same. read many books and like dreaming. dream about ideal state and dreaming about melayu reaction in multi culture state. hheehe..

    you do work less but dreaming. if u really do your work, of course you will have many supporters who support and know you. but the fact is you are not popular and nobody knows about you. and nobody cares whether tomorrow you want to join mic or makkal sakti...hehehe

  49. mcmana pulak hutang PAS pada budi org melayu di kelantan. cuba ceta sket semangkol....

    sampai ronggak gigi bebb...hehehe

  50. tok sak jadi adun sepenggal sebab sifat najib yg takut pada org cerdik. itu mmg sifat keseluruhan umno. cuba budak ada mba balik dari luar negara dan nak masuk jadi ahli cawangan, sure kena reject punya...so najib pun sama ler. jadi saya percaya ada dua tiga kerat org kuat umno yg kerat datok masa pru12 dulu. so, itulah dia cara pemilihan winnable candidate dalam umno..saya dan famili akan undi datok!!!

  51. Ellese,
    Malaysian is not a race but a national identity. We are Malaysian because we are born in Malaysia.
    We study mother tongue is because we value our ethnic value and what is wrong with it? What is wrong if as a malaysian we can speak many languages? We also read malaysian history in our mother tongue so when we grow up we can be as malaysian as anyone but on the other hand during our developing years we are exposed to so many discrimination just because we were not born with clutches, so what do you expect one to feel? To be thankful for the discrimination, yes, it make us stronger but to the GOM, no, because the feeling is mutual.
    DAP is promoting certain race mother tongue because this certain race mother tongue is being discriminated by GOM.
    Who went to the aid of an under age girl who was raped by some one of her own race? Is it not DAP? He even goes to jail for it because he believe justice for every one.

  52. Salam Dato,

    Kami amat terhutang budi Kerajaan BN yang memberikan biasiswa kepada Kami, tetapi Kami tidak akan mengadaikan Tanah Air tercinta kepada BN Korup ini, atas nama budi. Tanah Air milik Rakyat Malaysia, bukan segelintir orang yang duduk dalam BN. Budi bukan dibayar dengan menjual negara.

    Tabahkan diri Dato, saya yakin perjuangan Dato bukan berseorangan. Kami percaya ramai anak-anak Malaysia yang akan menyokong tindakan Dato. Kini, ramai anak-anak Malaysia yang bekerja di ibu kota kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Amat susah kehidupan, dan semakin hari kian terdesak. Kami mendoakan perjuangan Dato. Lawan tetap mesti lawan sampai ke penghujung! Marilah bangkit and sedar, deficit negara akan mencecah RM 1 billion menjelang 2020. Tidak dapat bayangkan bagaimana kehidupan anak-anak kita apabila Malaysia menjadi Greece! Cukai rakyat mencecah 50%, harga barangan melambung akibat kemerosotan nilai ringgi.

    Anak Tajaan MARA - Kelantan

  53. Dato'
    Amat benar sekali article yg di tulis ini. Saya sendiri pun dah jemu dgn UMNO tp apakan daya, nak luah sayang, nak telan amat pahit. Saya dulu pun bekas AJK Bahagian UMNO juga, itu lah buat saya dilema ni. Kadang-kadang terfikir jugak saya nak joint DAP dan tubuh Cawangan DAP di salah satu Bahagian di Kelantan ni.. untuk dapatkan 100 orang pengikut bukan susah sangat.. Bagaimanapun kemungkinan ini masih dalam pertimbangan yang serius lagi.. Ya..Siapa tahu masa akan datang.

    Sam 2012

  54. Wow, some people get annoyed being called "umno cyber trooper" and I wonder which word in that phrase is offensive to them.
    Normally people who are guilty or of inferiority complex gets angry pretty fast.

  55. Toksahlah bermimpi nak tengok DAP membantu orang Melayu..

    Sebelum 1969, parti DAPlah yang telah meracuni pemikiran bangsa bukan Melayu yang mereka adalah rakyat kelas tiga dalam negara ni sedangkan ketika itu, kehidupan Melayu (ketika itu tiada DEB)adalah dalam keadaan daif sekali. Dengan hasutan macam ni, DAP telah berjaya menarik minat golongan bukan Melayu dan bila menang sedikit dalam pilihanraya 1969, DAP juga yang telah mengetuai perarakan untuk menghalau orang Melayu dari Kuala Lumpur. Bukan ke ini parti rasis namanya.

    Parti PAP,parti asal DAP, apabila mendapat memerintah Singapura, apa polisi yang dilakukan pada tahun 1970 an untuk membatasi orang Melayu disana. Salah satu polisi ketika itu, adalah untuk menggalakkan keluarga miskin dan yang beranak ramai supaya berhenti beranak "Stop at two" dan bagi keluarga sebegini diberi insentif untuk mengkasi diri mereka, dan sekira tidak akan dibebani dengan tax yang tidap dapat ditanggung oleh keluarga miskin.Lain pula dengan keluarga kaya dan berpendidikan, mereka akan diberi insentif untuk beranak ramai.

    Bezanya di Malaysia, mereka yang miskin akan dibantu untuk mengurangkan jurang kemiskinan tersebut.

    Di Singapura, mereka yang miskin dan yang beranak ramai adalah orang Melayu. Dan bagi keluarga saya yang telah terkena dengan polisi ni, saya berpendapat polisi ini adalah polisi rasis mereka untuk mengurangkan pengaruh orang Melayu disana.

  56. Tahniah dan syabas Dato'. Saya pun sudah lama bermufarakah dengan UMNO semejak UMNO asal diharamkan.

    Keputsan saya ternyata memang tepat memandangkan UMNO asal ketika itu telah menunjukkan tanda-tanda akan busuk. Kini telahan saya menjadi kenyataan apabila UMNO Baru bukan lagi menjadi perlindung kepada orang Melayu/rakyat sebaliknya menjadi tempat pimpinanya berlumba-lumba 'merompak' khazanah negara. Kaki rasuah. Mengadai tanah milik orang/organisasi Melayu kepada taukeh2 besar.

    Budaya buruk ini bukan saja menjadi amalan biasa kpd mereka malahan telah mula menjangkiti masyarakat. Semalam saya menaiki teksi bandar dan bertanya kepada pemandu berkenaan, bila lagi meter tambang akan dipasang. Dengan sepontan beliau menjawab (mungkin persepsi sahaja)bahawa yang mendapat laba bukan kami (pemandu) sebaliknya Pengerusi Persatuan Teksi yg akan mendapat keuntungan (melalui komisyen).

    Inilah UMNO Baru yang gagal berfungsi dan telah busuk lagi meloyerkan.

    Elok Dato' tinggalkan UMNO Baru jauh2 dan sertailah parti (seelok2nya PAS yag telah melakukan islah) bagi memeriahkan politik 'baru' arus perdana. Biarkan Che'gu Ngah dan rakan2nya terjun dengan labu2.

  57. On the face of it, it looks like a good move - having a more multi ethnic DAP (remember DAP already has a sizable indian particpation). If your intentions are pure - go for it. Who says the life of a pioneer is easy?

  58. Dato' Sak, you write good punch lines and some good points over and over again. But you always miss the punt of moving forward. Except for the C4 thing which I find it offensive and stupid. You always stuck in the past. I understand the problems in UMNO. You should see that there are also many graduates in UMNO who want to make changes, but you should know that pareto's law is always at work in any party. There is always the 20% going up against the other 80%. And the graduates always think they are smart ones, but always fail to convince the other 80% when delivering their points. They lack networking within the party themselves.The 'Smart ones' are not really smart, they only rely on their paper certificates. I am dissapointed that you gave up like many others. The 'jihad' is in the struggle not in the winning. DAP since day 1 are against the special position of the Malays. So it is no logic why you should join them. UMNO reformers need good strategies and networking. There are many but no one is networking them. I suggest you form an inner circle of those in UMNO who wants to contribute and shoula act in tandem. Rather than you working alone. I will never betray the constitution of UMNO and joining other party.

  59. Quiet despair,

    Hi buddy,a Happy New Year 2012 to you too.Paid cybers I was referring to anons using rudeness or vulgarities.The reason about my mentioning your beloved Thamby Chiku and who fought for the Malay girl who was raped by him was for you and diehards like you to weigh which party had better principles.

    If your beloved Umno or Umnoputras cannot or have no balls to fight for justice for any Malaysians regardless of race,because the prepetrator is an Umno stalwart then it has no business to called itself the champions of who?Sometimes the truth does hurt.Cheers and sleep easy,buddy.

  60. I do not agree because it is akin to Islam owes to the Arabs. Saya simpati dengan perjuangan Dato' tetapi Dato' hanya berjuang dalam blog sahaja. Masih ada ramai dalam UMNO berpendirian yang hampir sama tetapi kami masih mahu berjuang kerana bagi kami UMNO is a victim kepada sesetengah pemimpin penyamun dan kami rasa adalah tanggungjawab kami untuk berjuang dengan berpolitik dari dalam. Pada saya, itu lah tanggungjawab yang kami dokongi dalam perjuangan 'pegang kepada tali Allah, dan tidak berpecah belah'. Saya rasa Dato' berjuang dengan membentuk Team dalam UMNO yang tidak akan berganjak degan duit dan kedudukan. Saya dalam AJK dan saya juga berpelajaran tinggi dengan MBA. Kalau Dato' kenang kembali, Strategik Management menggundang kita untuk membuat perancangan bagaimana mahu mengubah UMNO melalui sistem yang sedia ada dalam UMNO. Cuba Dato' bayangkan, dalam satu2 parti majoriti tidak berfikiran intellectual tetapi boleh di pengaruhi dan diyakinkan kalau kita dapat memberi pendapat yang baik. Kalau semua yang berpelajaran seperti Dato' keluar dari parti siapa yang ingin menjadi memperjuangkan nasib ahli2 yang lain yang mungkin kurang taraf untuk melihat wawasan yang lebih jauh. Adalh tanggungjawab kita sebagai yang berpelajaran tinggi untuk memberi nasihat,bimbingan dan pendapat agar mereka ini terbela. Saya harap Dato' dapat tenguk dari sudut lebih konstruktif bukan destruktif. Jangan pemergian kita disebabkan kegagalan kita sendiri dan saya yakin ini lah tanggunjawab yang diturunkan dari Allah.

  61. Wah Datuk, i pun terbeliak when news circulated around you masuk DAP. but what the hell - go in and make the party multiracial and concentrate on making Malaysia great. If you can do that Datuk, i am pretty sure your name will be like the lightning rod for a better progressive Malaysia. Wow still terperanjat man. Imagine if Tengku Razaleigh masuk DAP. Habislah UMNO.


  62. Dear Anon 20:11

    You are blinded by partisanship and unable to see that you are perpetuating racial prejudices and tendencies. You can't even see that DAP from day one had fought for Chinese interest rather than Malaysian first interest.
    When I was young I had two best friends from two other races. We grew up together laugh together understand our differences and learn to empathize with another.
    Now My children has absolutely no friends from other races (one has one other race friend in class) in mind you urban schools. If we deny our children to interact with one another for whatsoever reason be it on ground of mother tounge or religion how do you expect our kids to empathize and grow together. Thus anyone supporting separation and segregation of our kids has never had Malaysian first in mind. Anyone who support only one race mother tounge thinking it's superior must be racist. And if one supports mother tounge education of one race but do not support other people's mother tounge ie to have hundreds types of fragmented sekolah kebangsaan for different mother tounge is certainly an utter racists for the hypocritical stand.
    Hope i Have made myself clear. DAP is certainly racists at core and does not put Malaysian first for afraid of losing the Chinese votes.
    Dare Sak to put this core and basic stand to DAP and it's supporters. And we will see how many justify this racists actions. If DAP condemns UMNO's actions as racist notwithstanding any historical or constitutional reasons given, how can it justify using mother tounge as an excuse for racists stand. Why are both justifications which stand on the same parity have different value in justifying racists actions.

  63. Assalam Dato Arif atau saya biasa panggil Abg Arif kerana kita sepupu.

    Saya memang tak boleh terima keputusan abg jika pilih DAP. Juga takkan boleh terima jika pilih PKR. Saya masih boleh terima jika abg pilih PAS namun seeloknya abg bersikap berkecuali dan jadi calon BEBAS.

    Berjuanglah jika abg rasa benar untuk kebaikan orang Melayu dan Islam.

  64. SiamangBukit ada MBA tapi tulis ingalis tak complete dan tulis BM pakai perkataan ingalis.
    This is the product umno gom education system.
    I no MBA

  65. Unknown

    Itu memang pandangan saya walaupun saya bukan sepupu Sak. Cuma sedara senegeri.
    Saya ada menanya Aspan. Why not PAS?
    Sak takde perwatakan Pak Serban PAS.
    PKR, jauh panggang dari api.
    Jadi dia memang patut bertanding sebagai calon bebas.
    Katanya Sak akan bertanding di Raub. Kaeh ramai sedara di Raub dari Dong, Gali, Felda Sg Koyan, Pintu Padang kata dema memang undi Sakmongkol kalau dia calon bebas.
    Mereka bukannya suka Ng Yen Yen. Tapi terpaksa undi MCA. Takkan nak undi DAP.
    So nampaknya Sakmongkol tak dapatlah undi orang Melayu Raub.
    Yang saya bimbang Cina di Teras, Sg Cetang, Sempalit dan Sang Lee estet tak nak undi calon DAP Melayu.
    Takut sedara kita kalah on his first outing as DAP cadre. Bala,bala. Melepas pulak.
    Kalau Sak tanding bebas dan menang, boleh masuk UMNO semula. Itu harapan saya yang tak padam.

  66. Sak,i can read you.It appears like you have no choice but leave UMNO now which will be the best option for you at this time as election is looming over our head.You tried to push KU Li as a possible alternative PM in the event PR secure Putrajaya.Ku Li was rejected by at least 90% of those in the recent Yahoo articles by both the Gomen and the PR supporters,a useful sampling.You lost there .You too predicted a wipe out for BN in this coming PRU 13.This i doubt very much.It is for us to see soon.Its your view and predictions against mine anyway.Now this controversial news of you joining and/or planning to be with DAP and dump UMNO.Yes,make a stand you must.

    Bruno ,Nick and the DAP supporters here will jump for joy if you do jump ship..They have been your ardent supporters,shiook sendiri and failing to see reality of the majority Rakyat across the country.DAP struggle shall remain DAP struggle.If you share its struggle just go for it.The keyword here is party STRUGGLE. It will be a comeback for your political career assuming DAP will be accepted by the majority rakyat.Sak,you cannot cut the cake and eat it.We will respect you more if you make a stand.You have nothing to loose personally but a lot to gain politically and pocketwise because those rich DAP tycoons will be behind you and blogging don't give money and improve your material well being anyway.This is your last call before you close your eyes. Depending very much on how you wish to be remembered when you leave this world.Remember the PERJUANGAN dan ingat sentiasa memohon petunjuk darinya dan tidak mengikut perasaan marah dan FITNAH yang terlalu banyak di blog ini.UMNO will loose a good brain who could have contributed from within the party to correct any wrongs within UMNO and you as a good politician had that oppurtunity not me. You choose bashing UMNO through your blog.This is indeed a true freedom in democratic Malaysia and is very satisfying and self fulfilling right.Good luck in your decision .Thank you

  67. siamang bukit,

    Bunyi mcm baguih tapi kalau nak rujuk quran sebagai, kena mengaji dekat ahli tafsir. Baru jumpa tafsiran yang tepat apa maksud ayat. Jangan amek direct translation, jadi rosak umat.


    ` Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum, sehingga kaum itu mengubah nasib mereka sendiri..'

    Ini terjemahan yang sering pemimpin UMNO bawa, kunun nak motivate umat. Malangnya tidak menepati tafsiran sebenar. Nak tau yang sebenar, pi la mengaji.

  68. Orang2 Umno Baru sibuk2 nak marah Sak dan Aspan masuk DAP... apahal?

    Pi bangkit cerita DAP tahun 1969-80 sebagai contoh, apa ke bangang nya!!!. Aku pun bolih bangkit cerita Umno tahun 1969-80an. Umno pada masa itu memang berjuang untuk melayu dan rakyat malaysia. Tu sebab aku sokong. Tapi Umno Baru ciptaan Mahathir adalah parti lanun dan perompak. Itu sebab aku tak sokong Umno Baru lagi. Aku berhijrah dari menyokong parti lanun dan perompak untuk menyokong parti yg benci akan perbuatan rasuah dan salahguna kuasa untuk merompak. Jadi Umno tahun 1969 dan Umno Baru tahun 2000an sangat berlainan. Satu putih dan satu hitam legam. Bagitu jugalah Dap. Dap tahun 1969 dan Dap tahun 2000sangat berlainan.

    Daripada kau orang sibuk2 dan menyibuk2 kenapa orang masuk Dap, lebih baik pergi sibuk dgn parti sendiri dengan membersihkan pemimpin2 korup dari parti. Saya tak nampak pun satu menteri umno yg tak korup. Munkin Saifuddin dan 1-2 org shj. Lainnya semua lanun & perompak. Nak selamatkan Umno Baru, melayu dan negara, pi campakkan pemimpin2 korup spt Najib, Muhideen dan lain2. kau tanya, sebab apa mereka tidak berani ambil tindakan terhadap Sharizat. Kerana: mereka pun 2x5. Dok bedal dan mentedarah duit rakyat...kau ingat Shrizat tak tahu?

    Pi sibuk dng parti Umno Baru yg banyak masalah korupsi, kronisma dan kolusi tu. Org melayu sekarang berjuang dgn slogon ABU. Pilih lah dan masuklah mana2 parti apa pun kecuali parti lanun Umno Baru untuk selamatkan negara.

  69. dear Ellese,

    promoting a mother tongue education doesn't mean that it is superior to other mother tongues. bear in mind approx. 10% of the students in chinese vernacular schools are non-chinese. i'm sure they are there for other reasons than thinking mandarin is superior to their mother tongues.

    anyway if this is what u call racist what about those who champion that one race has more rights than the other??? of course u can say IT'S ALL IN THE CONSTITUTION!..well, rights for vernacular education is in the CONSTITUTION as well..

    pre-merdeka and in the 60's most chinese would send their kids to english schools, in the 80's while i was schooling it was probably 50/50 mix..nowadays u hardly see chinese in an srk. hell sometimes u'll see more malays in an srjk than chinese in an srk.

    so why the shift? it's partially due the demand for proficiency in mandarin caused by china's economic boom. it's partly due to our government's inability to upkeep the standards of srk's. and of course it's partly due to racial sentiments. there's many reasons here so blaming one party won't solve it.

    dap is not the only one supporting vernacular schools. mca is a big champion as well. u said dap is afraid of losing the chinese votes so they support chinese schools. what about mca? so the problem is in the chinese? why not u start telling them to quit srjks and start embracing srk instead.

    i think the chinese is the core of the problem. i think they should stop identify themselves as chinese but as malaysians. in fact everyone should. stop chinese/tamil schools, stop racial quotas in local unis, stop racial quotas in government scholarships, stop having one race only mara unis, stop racial quotas n discounts in home ownerships, stop racial based political parties, felda, chinese chamber of commerce, hua zhong, dongjiaozhong, perkasa, or any other racially inclined organisations/groups. do that and u'll see your kids mingle with other races.

    but of course we can't do that, there's the CONSTITUTION and ARTICLE 153!!! we'll here we go again. vernacular schools are in the CONSTITUTION as well..

    good luck malaysia, good day to you too!


  70. Hi AK47,
    Looks like the paid cyber troopers had changed tactics. Now they are using soft approach.
    Your joining DAP will make it more multiracial. Don't let anyone fool you psychologically. DAP is evolving and should not be judged based on history. We look to the presence and the future, what these political parties can offered for the people and country. No point in dwelling the past, the past is past. What good is it to hold on to a corrupted party which is leading the country to bankruptcy. You should know how big the problem is since you are from the ruling. I just want to ask you a question, are you able to make any changes if you stay with the ruling? If yes, won't it have happen, any improvement or getting worse? Anyone know why the country debt is so high and keep on expanding? Check with the country's auditor on how the procurements are done? How many times above market price? A growing debt means more money is needed to be paid as interest to service the debt. Look at Greece and you will see what interest means. The debt is so massive that servicing the debt alone is straining the country and it still need to borrow.
    In US, they have a huge debt, yes the biggest in the world but they owned the US currency and so they can print money but there's a consequence,the value of the US dollar drop and the consequence is inflation. Bear in mind, the US is the world's biggest currency and it can afford to print currency but our country can't afford to print money as we are not a big country in term of financial strength. If we print currency, it will lead to hyperinflation. What is hyperinflation? It means that things that we buy using our currency will increase by a lot.
    Normally, a country which is in huge debt will borrow money first and if it can't borrow money due to bad credit rating, it will print money. Govt throughout the world borrow money by issuing bonds. There are many type of bonds. Basically you can say that the govt issue bonds and will pay an interest for it. When it mature, it will have to redeem the bond by paying back the amount in full. For countries,generally speaking,they won't go bankrupt. The reason is because they can default on the debt. Default is actually indirectly saying it is bankrupt. However, the problem with default is that your credit worthiness will be reduce to zero and nobody will loan you money and when a country default, nobody will dare invest in that country. In Greece, the govt is selling assets to service the debt and cutting budget and pension benefits. In the end, it lead to shrinking of the economy and high unemployment. So what lead to this? The answer is corruption. The old school of thoughts saying spending to spur economy growth is more of shifting goal post. In the end, you still need to face the music. We have bunch of examples in Europe. Reason why people buy things many times above the market could be due to benefits or ignorance. For this to happen, it means incompetency and structural control weakness. Why the incompetency? Because you choose the wrong people for the task. Why structural control weakness? Because of flaw in the system. If it is not your money, you don't care. The debt level of a country judge the efficiency and competency of a govt. It speak for itself. There's no need to debate on this. The fact is already there.
    I guess some may try to act dumb by comparing it with countries in even worse predicament. If they do, you know what is their IQ.
    Our country is now facing many problems, from top to bottom and to change this is virtually impossible but not impossible. It will happen through evolution which means time is needed. A country will always evolve but it takes time and sacrifices.

  71. aisehman Dato'

    One big question, when is the expected GE? the voters can't wait any longer to cast their votes

  72. Salam Dato,

    Saya melihat kepada kenyataan Dato' iaitu :
    "Bahagian kedua ungkapan tersebut- tanya apa kamu boleh lakukan kepada UMNO membawa erti bahawa UMNO itu sesuatu yang perlu ditaati dan di takuti serta punca segala kesenangan untuk orang Melayu."

    Inilah penegasan yg terbaik yg wajar diketengahkan dan diperluaskan kepada Melayu secara umum dan khusus kepada ahli2 Umno...

    Saya sendiri melihat umno itu sudah menjadi seperti badan feudal yg wajib ditaati, ditakuti dan tunduk...seolah2 segala rakyat Melayu itu adalah hamba sahaya umno...

    Tahniah dan syukur atas keputusan dato' menyertai DAP...

    Ramai org melayu masih dimainkan sentimen DAP itu komunis oleh Umno sedangkan parti itu merupakan parti sosialis pelbagai kaum...

    terma sosialis itu seringkali disalah ertikan oleh Umno sedangkan sosialis itu byk menyentuh persoalan kepentingan2 awam dan kehidupan...maka tiap2 org politik yg memperjuangkan rakyat itu mempunyai nilai2 sosialisnya yg diteguhkan dgn nasiolnalis.

    MUKARA al-Kahfi

  73. Jangan takut apa orang kata.You are the right person to represent orang Melayu melalui DAP atau parti apa saja yang bukan UMNO (yang sudah tidak lagi relevan).I wish there were more people like you and Dato Saifuddin in UMNO.Yang tidak berfikiran feudal!

  74. I agree with the opinion of one of the replier on feudalism. There's indeed elements of feudalism.
    Where should the country be heading, should the status quo remain or should we have representatives who work for the people as the worker or the opposite. The people have to decide on this. For those paid cyber troopers, I know you are paid and I don't blame you all as it is your job but I hope that when election comes, please do what is best for the country and vote with your conscience rather than personal interest. Your vote alone will determine the future of your children, grandchildren and even your great grandchildren, some whom you may never see. In fact I have ideas on how to reform the country and if the opposition every come into power, I promise I will submit my proposal to them.

  75. Been away for a while and here back to read some of your commenters posts.

    As usual Queit Dispair continues to be a desperate person pretending to be logical and what's not with his totally shallow and nonsensical posts. Well, it is true, once you are BTN brained Wash for decades from the time of TDM, that numskull will remain numskull hardened to the core.

    We can easily rebute every of his comments and remarks ..but then what is the use.

    DAP racist bullack .. talk like a child. ..

    This goes to Ellise too using narrow minded argument on mother tongues usage. He is definitely a typical UMNO Malay and knows ONLY his world of Mother tongue as though learning BM is not Mother tongue too.


  76. bro arif,
    its not a big deal to join any political party. this is democracy country and you can choose whatever party you likes. even you can form a new communist party if the government allow you to do that. just to bear in mind, to love or to hate is a matter of decision!

  77. Semua cendekiawan dah hilang hanya tinggal yang bebal belaka. Jadi, dimana hala tuju negara ini? Lanun and penyamun berada di merata-rata tempat dan selamat dikawas olih PDRM , AG and MACC. Inilah hakikatnya dan ia tak akan dapat di ubah olih slogan agama, bangsa dan negara kecuali keinsafan dan keberanian untuk berubah.

    Ayuh, kuburkanlah BN.

  78. "tok sak jadi adun sepenggal sebab sifat najib yg takut pada org cerdik. itu mmg sifat keseluruhan umno. "

    HA HA HA .. nilah komen paling aku suka dalam artikel ni .. bodoh melantun2 .. kalau ye pun nak jilat punggung Sakmongkoi, jangan le teruk benor menjilatnya sampai tak tau cerita .. inilah ceritanya, Sakmongkoi jadi adun sepenggal sebab orang Pekan tak suka dia .. nyombong sangat dengan orang kampung ... Nak salahkan Najib buat apa? Bingai tak habis mangkuk2 penyokong PAS dan Anwar ni .. termasuk DAP ..By the way Dato, u still didnt answer my question and yet, still didnt approve my comment, How much DAP has paid you? HI HI HI

  79. Thanks to the stupid who credited LKS of DAP for promoting Chinese mother tongue education.
    This means many non chinese who were educated in chinese type school must said a big thank you to uncle lim. And mind you some of these open minded malays are actually doing very well in multi national companies posted to China.
    When your children don't have friends of other race please don't blame it on the chinese mother tongue education. Look at how you brought up them up, if you send them to religious class or you your self teach them not to mingle with people of different race or religion because theirs are not clean, not true religion and not this and not that of cause they dare not make friend with others.

  80. Dear various anons,

    Then don't take the moral highground others are racists and DAP is not and promote Malaysian first.

    You guys should know that to unite we must grow up together from young. This is nĂºmero UNO. Only then you can emphasize and understand the other.

    If you agree that we all should be allowed mother tounge education, it would follow that we would have probably hundreds type of sekolah jenis kebangsaan of various mother tounges. We would disenfranchise and fragment our education. What's worse we will further propagate racial segregation and sectarians. One even justify there's 10% non Chinese in Chinese schools and this justify our racial mix. How can this be?

    Not many realize this mother tounge argument is merely another reason segregating us racially. It is not putting Malaysian first. Not many realize by sending kids to these schools they perpetuate these racial segregation and racists prejudices and tendencies.

    If you're truly non racists and put Malaysian first, do the right thing opposing these apartheid race structure. Demand it from DAP. The argument of mca UMNO etc do the same only lend further credence you're justifying your racists attitude. You demand others to be non racists but you yourself perpetuate these racists act. Demand the same. Otherwise our country will remain stagnant.

  81. Haha education is not going to stop the country from going forward. CORRUPTION and CRONYISM do.
    If the education system is fair and excellent then we don't need to promote mother tongue education.
    If you also learn my language then you can integrate better with me.
    The racial segregation is not due to the mother tongue education it is the umno gom's bumi-only policy which is segregating the people.
    And now it is even segregating the umno bumi from the non umno bumi.
    100 types of JK school, why not if there are sufficient students to make up school. Do you know there are classes taught in kadasan in sabah?
    You might not like to admit it but just look at our neighbor down south, their student learn English with a mother tongue of choice as 2nd language and their country is not "stagnant" as compared with MALAYSIA.

  82. hi Ellese,

    i totally agree with u!

    that's why i said

    "i think the chinese is the core of the problem. i think they should stop identify themselves as chinese but as malaysians. in fact everyone should. stop chinese/tamil schools, stop racial quotas in local unis, stop racial quotas in government scholarships, stop having one race only mara unis, stop racial quotas n discounts in home ownerships, stop racial based political parties, felda, chinese chamber of commerce, hua zhong, dongjiaozhong, perkasa, or any other racially inclined organisations/groups. do that and u'll see your kids mingle with other races."

    do u agree we should do all the above to achieve total real unity?


  83. Ellese,do you know the sjkc almost died of natural death during the late 60's and early 70's.The schools population drops so drastic that per class has about 15 students,the reason is the national school are taugh in English and as you know chinese are very practicle as is a universal and had more advantage.Than come Mahathir,that where the education in Malaysia starts going down the drain until today.Do uou know to change the education system,it takes i whole generation of student to see the results? i.e from std 1 till university(18 years)Here in Malaysia everytime a new Education Minister
    comes,new policy,new system sampai yua pun tak progress.
    My 1st child was in sekolah kebangsaan,know what,chik gu asyik meeting saja,very little homework and worst so many religous function till I got worried.
    All my children now in sjkc,no worries because the school are strictly for educations,no more religous ,races craps and what not.Try to be more open minded will you?Jangan macam katak bawah tempurung,and looks at your own races before blaming others.

  84. Salam semua.

    Cikgu Ngah, QD and 2-3 anons ni yg sebenarnya teramat terhutang budi dengan kerajaan BN yg telah memberikan pertolongan samada dalam bentuk pinjaman pelajaran, pinjaman perumahan, pinjaman perniagaan, AP kereta atau lain2. Mentaliti depa ni lebihkurang kalau dah termakan budi maka tergadailah body. Mereka sanggup memberi/menjual emak, isteri, anak perempuan atau atau apa saja termasuk bontot mereka hanya semata2 kerana rasa terhutang budi mereka kepada BN, walhal duit yg mereka dapat tu datangnya dari semua tax payers money. Bercakaplah pasal NFC ker, PKFZ ker, Altantuya ker mereka bukan faham...
    Jenis hatinya dah dihitamkan oleh Tuhan.

  85. welcome to DAP officially. But always stick to your principles. In the political world, it is so easy to get mired with the dirt once one gets into power. Dont be infatuated with power but to use it wisely for the people.

    again, may Allah always bless you and your family.

  86. Dato,
    Yang Kennedy cakap itu perjuangan kepada negara .
    POYO betulah NAJIB, tiru pun tak tau ....
    Sial and bangang jer.

    Anyway, thanks for the enlightening aticle.

    I begin to love you DATO, but me not Saifool...dun worry.

    Dato semakin kool ...

    I hope to meet u up one day .. nak mintak atograf ..boleh?

  87. Salam Datuk dan Tuan Aspan Alias
    Jangan, jangan, jangan masuk DAP. Mereka tolak Al-Quran dan Allah yg satu.
    Datuk dan AA adalah orang Islam. PAS sudah kehilangan arah dan tak keruan.
    Buatlah pembaharuan (parti sebuah parti berlandaskan Islam) ataupun perbaikki UMNO dari dalam. Tegakkan Islam dan keadilan. Malaysia negara Islam dgn bermajoritikan orng Melayu Islam. Rasullullah s.a.w. dan Madinah sebagai contoh. Bertawakkal lah Datuk kepada Allah.

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