Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ahmad Maslan dan kedangkalan nya.

Anggota UMNO diminta tidak mendabik dada dengan kejayaan parti mendaftarkan 3.4 juta anggota setakat ini, kata Ketua Penerangan Umno Datuk Ahmad Maslan. Beliau berkata, jumlah sebesar itu belum menjamin kemenangan Barisan Nasional (BN) pada pilihan raya umum akan datang. “(Ini kerana) ahli Umno hanya satu per empat daripada 12 juta pengundi,” katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan Seminar Agenda Melayu ke-7 anjuran Alumni Kelab-kelab Umno Luar Negara, di sini hari ini. Beliau berkata setakat ini kira-kira tiga juta anggota Umno adalah pengundi berdaftar. Justeru katanya, semua anggota Umno perlu berusaha keras meraih sokongan pemilih lain, terutama yang ‘di atas pagar’. “…..kita kena dekati dan tarik pengundi selebihnya untuk menyokong Umno dan BN,” katanya.

Inilah kenyataan yang paling dangkal yang saya dengar dari Ahmad Maslan, ketua penerangan UMNO. Nampak sangat dia malas membaca- kerana kalau dia membaca dan faham apa yang dibaca, dia tidak mengeluarkan kenyataan yang bingung macam ini. Helo brader- semua orang dah tahu hal ini.

Lihat sahaja keputusan pemilu 2008. Jumlah pengundi Melayu semua nya 5.7 juta. Calun UMNO mendapat 2.38 juta undi. Katakan lah 380 juta pengundi tersebut adalah pengundi bukan Melayu. Itu bermakna, dari 5.7 juta pengundi Melayu, calun UMNO hanya mendapat 2 juta undi. Jika ahli UMNO sahaja sudah ada 3 juta lebih, maka itu bermakna, 1 juta lebih ahli UMNO tidak mengundi calun UMNO sama ada kerana mereka tidak mendaftar diri atau enggan mengundi calun UMNO.

UMNO tidak lagi boleh mendakwa mereka mewakili suara dan aspirasi bangsa Melayu. UMNO dah hilang monopoli.Bolehkah orang Melayu yang merupakan 65% penduduk Malaysia, hilang dominance mereka? Matematik mana Ahmad Maslan pelajari?

Ertinya, Ahmad Maslan tidak perlu mengulangi kelemahan UMNO. Dia lebih perlu menjawab mengapa rakyat meluat melihat UMNO. Sekurang kurang nya, presiden UMNO lebih teliti dalam observasi nya. Orang dah kenal sangat sifat sifat orang UMNO yang ek- baju linen, kereta besar, cermin mata hitam dan lain lain lagi- petanda2 luaran. Dan orang tahu , kebanyakan pemimpin UMNO seperti Ahmad Maslan adalah- tin kosong.

Ahmad Maslan ini sendiri semasa jadi ketua penerangan UMNO akan sentiasa memulakan ucapan nya dahulu dengan mencerita hal diri nya sendiri. Bagaimana dia yang tak tahu apa2 pun, tiba2 di angkat oleh Dato Najib jadi pegawai yang in charge felda, kemudian di lantik timbalan menteri dan terus ketua penerangan.

Boleh jadi kerana kamu, Ahmad Maslan sudah jampi Dato Najib dengan serapah 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi dan apa apa lagi. Semua orang yang mendengar ucapan Ahmad Maslan pada masa itu tertanya tanya, apa jadah nya kaitan cerita nasib baik kamu dengan tugasan yang mendepani organisasi UMNO? Syukur lah kamu bernasib baik tapi jangan melembukan ahli UMNO yang lain dengan cerita karut marut dan buah fikiran yang dangkal.

Belum sempat saya habis baca ulasan nya mengenai UMNO ada 3.4 juta ahli( yang semua mahu menunggang UMNO) saya terbaca komen nya dalam ucapan nya di sebuah forum Melayu pasca PRU13. Ini satu lagi buah fikiran yang dangkal lagi.

Macam mana Melayu hilang kuasa dan kedudukan? Melayu akan hilang kuasa kalau mereka tidak ada pelajaran, kalau mereka tidak kompetitif dan sebagai nya. Melayu tak hilang kuasa jika tidak bertali urikan UMNO. UMNO yang banyak menjahanamkan kepentingan melayu. Tajuk forum yang terlebih baik ialah Melayu UMNO pasca PRU13. Hari ini, kepentingan Melayu boleh di perjuangkan diatas wadah apa sekali pun- ianya bergantung kepada dedikasi dan kepandaian yang empunya diri.

Kita tanya Ahmad Maslan- bila Shahrizat bertindak sebabagi pemudah-cara pemberian grant kepada Dr Salleh, ada dia fikir mengenai kepentingan bangsa Melayu? Apakah Dr Salleh akan senang dapat grant tersebut ketika rekod nya mengurus Technology Park Malaysia sangat buruk kecuali merit yang dia ada ialah dia suami Shahrizat Jalil? Tidak bukan. Sebab dia mahu melembukan semua orang Melayu. Setelah sebulan isiu feedlot ini di bangkitkan baru sehari dua, Shahrizat kata, dia takde kena mengenai dengan isiu feedlot? 
Dan bila kita membayar pembelian kereta APC oleh Deftech dengan membayar RM6 billion lebih tinggi dari harga RM 1.2 billion, duit RM 6 billion itu untuk orang Melayu? Dan di mana UMNO menghilangkan diri bila MAS yang sepatutnya menjadi kebanggan negara Malaysia, sedang di canibalise supaya beberapa orang membuat wang yang banyak.

Si Ahmad Maslan ini betul2 tidak membaca apa guruh yang sedang membuak di kalangan orang Melayu. Orang Melayu melihat UMNO hari ini, organisasi yang membenarkan perlanunan dan samun dan rompakan keatas orang Melayu sendiri. Dan kalau Ahmad Maslan membaca dengan teliti lagi, dia akan dengar orang ramai berkata- Ahmad Maslan can shove his remarks up that part of his anatomy where the sun does not shine!


  1. .
    Dato Sak

    TM tak paham simple tak nak dari

    rakyat. Rakyat pandang pemimpin macam dia

    sebagai 'ma baker dan mungkin dia akan paham kalau

    kita sampaikan lagu 'ma baker' untuk dia dengar!


  2. Do you realize UMNO tends to make us believe that Malays are a stupid race? Just look at what UMNO has been saying.

    1. Though in the majority, they will be taken over my minority Chinese.
    2. Though they hold absolute power they cannot ensure Malay survival if Malays support the Opposition.
    3. Malays will be wiped out of the earth if they dont support UMNO.
    4. 5% of Christians will make Christianity the country's official religion.
    5. Christians will abolish the monarchy.
    6. Bible verses online can convert Muslims into Christianity.
    7. If Christians use the term Allah. Muslims will convert to Christianity.
    8. Without NEP Malays cannot survive economically.

  3. Apa mengong sangat Ketua Penerangan UMNO ni?

  4. When we got our independence the country was fortunate to have very wise Malay leaders, they may not have double firsts from Cambridge but they knew how to build a nation ..... But their wise ways were deemed to slow but some upcoming politicians who decided to create a group of Malay billionaires so that from the newly minted billionaires would trickle down the wealth to the Malay masses...I still remember this rationale given by none other than TDM before 1997 crisis.....and so Billionaires created but Malays remain poor ....just look at the kind of cars the delegates come in to debate the fate of the poor malays, the shoes they wear, the bags their wives carry.....yeah debating how to uplift the Economic well being of their poor brethren....

  5. Dato,

    1.Kalau Ahmad Maslan belajar Ilmu Hisab, mungkin dia lebih cerdik mengira.

    2.Dr.Mahathir pernah melahirkan keraguannya rakyat Malaysia benar-benar memahami slogan 1Malaysia. Manakala si Ahmad Maslan pula berkata mereka sebenarnya masih tinggal di dalam gua kerana tidak memahami slogan tersebut. Dia yang sepatutnya tinggal dalam gua bercawat kerana tidak tahu dan sedar realiti di

    3.Ketika suatu ketika dahulu hangat diperkatakan Felda mengalami kerugian besar dan akan muflis, Ahmad Maslan yang i/c Felda berdiam diri sebegitu lama sebelum memberikan responsenya. Kalau dia betul-betul tahu tentang Felda dan mempunyai fakta dan angka di hujung jarinya, pasti dia mampu menjawab dan mematikan sebarang serangan terhadap badan itu di peringkat awal lagi. Tetapi dia tidak tahu apa-apa. Lagak sahaja yang lebih.

  6. Dear Sak, Kamu membuat kenyataan yang tepat sekali dengan mengatakan bahawa UMNO MENJAHANAMKAN ORANG MELAYU.
    UMNO ditubuhkan untuk mempertahankan kepentingan orang melayu. Tetapi UMNO Sekarang (bukan Umno dahulu)mengunakan alasan ini untuk MEMPERKAYAKAN DIRI SENDIRI.

  7. Sir,

    Ahmad Maslan is NOT the exception. He is common in UMNO, especially dalam barisan pemimpin UMNO.

    Not to worry. Come GE13, I hope this country will be reborn through PR. Though PR is not perfect, it is way better than UMNO/BN.

  8. Dato,this Ahmad Maslan is of inferior IQ,even lower that the family that stole from the NFC lembus.It is stupid brainless people like him with big mouths that makes Abrahim Ali look like an angel.

    Holding a senior position in his party Umno,the 'taiko' of BN we should have expected sensible words coming out of his mouth.Fear mongering and causing racial tensions shouldn't be among them.These idiotic and nonsensical comments have relegated him into the ranks of the pariahs.

  9. Orang Miskin Mersing29 November 2011 at 22:43

    Dato SAK

    Takkan tak de orang UMNO yang bagitau si Ahmad Maslan yang dia tu bodoh macam lembu-lembu NFC?

  10. Latuk,
    Pelik kan cara Najib Tun Razak pikir.
    Ayahnya mulakan FELDA which happened to be a brilliant concept benefitting about 112,000 settlers today.
    The son took over after 4 decades and appointed Isa Samad and Ahmad Maslan to destroy what the father built.
    Honestly, have you ever heard a single intelligent statement from either??

  11. Dato Sak,

    Me thinks umno has to change its information chief fast to control the damage.

    This guy is unbelievable. Believe it.

  12. Dear Sakmongkol

    Ahmad Maslan has come to epitomize UMNO - racist and religiously intolerant. He spoke with the same fervour of Adolf Hitler, who eventually killed 6 million Jews because they “dominated” the German economy, and they were not Aryans, the superior race. So the Chinese are now being demonized because they are about to “take over” this country, and Malaysia will soon become a Christian nation.

    Such talk is not just senseless and despicable, but is downright dangerous because it can easily incite a small extreme segment of UMNO to light the match that burns the whole house down. Is he giving voice to the sentiments of a wide segment of Malay society, or merely that of an extreme wing of UMNO?

    If his remarks were troubling to non-Malays, it was even more troubling that his superiors in the party especially Najib who is both president of UMNO and PM has not forcefully condemned him. What are we to conclude from Najib’s reticence? That he is grateful to Ahmad Maslan for saying what he dare not say, or that he hasn’t the guts to put him down?

    In 2008 a large proportion of UMNO members forsook the party to vote for the opposition. The salvation of Malaysia will depend on the good sense of these Malays. By voting for PR they would be voting for their own better future, a future that UMNO cannot deliver. Shahrizat and the Feedlot project epitomize what UMNO stands for – a party to cater to the greed of the UMNO elite. The livelihood of ordinary Malays parallels those of Felda settlers who toil daily only to be short-changed by Felda managers in palm oil extraction rates, and then to have their hard earned profits subsidise the loss-making dreams of “Glokal” Malays.

  13. That's the intelligence level of most if not all UMNO Ministers/leaders today. My few years staying overseas gave me the opportunity to meet with Malaysian politicians from both sides of the divide. Inteligent Malay politicians are now mostly with Pakatan Rakyat.

    Pok Li

  14. Planter Yang Azali30 November 2011 at 00:04

    Perjawatanan dalam industri peladangan menitikberatkan pengalaman, graduates from the school of hard-knocked, ini adalah standard industrial practice yang di amalkan olih plantation players like KULIM GROUP, IOI, KL KEPONG dan lain-lain. Pelantikan Ahmad Maslan kedalam Felda adalah satu mockery kepada industri peladangan. Kita bolih lihat kelakanya tempoh hari bila dia cuba berbohong tentang kos tanaman semula. Malu lah Dato melihat pemimpin macam ni. Saya dah lama tak undi UMNO walaupun masih menjadi ahli dan saya tidak akan undi
    UMNO selagi kaki pembohong, pengkianat, perompak dan penipu masih berada dalam UMNO. Fikir-fikirlh Ahmad Maslan bagaima hendak mengatasi ahli UMNO yang tak mahu undi UMNO.

  15. Dato,first Umno GOM has a minister in charge of misinformation.Now we have an Umno misinformation officer in charge of the partys mouthpiece of fear mongering.

    Whereas we have PKR quite as a tikus these last couple of months,except for their party's general assembly this past week.Their elder step-brother Umno is getting all the headlines for all the wrong reasons.From NFC lembus taking up residency in upscale condos,to flip flopping with the new public assembly bills,bribing schoolkids to sway their parents into voting BN and now fear mongering.

    With Umno leaders and BN friendlies like Muhyiddin,Hishamuddin,Khairy,Ahmad Maslan,Mukriz,CSL and gang shooting their own foot, Umno doesn't need new enemies.

  16. Dato, you make me laughing on the floor from your last sentence in the article."Ahmad Raslan can shove his remarks to the part of the anatomy where the sun does not shine"

  17. Dato'

    In UMNO (baru) statements such as one by Ahmad Maslan is a way to raise ones standing in the party of bandits and idiots.

    They are practically racing with each other to make stupid statements, the stupider, the better.

    Look at Pekida spokesperson last night on the news. "Kalau menentang kerajaan saja kami akan lawan". So empty headed and childish....balik balik nak bergaduh. Orang macam ni memang banyak dalam UMNO (baru).

    It's the only thing they know.

    If we melayus try to ask them for facts and they will be defensive and label us such "pengkhianat bangsa!"

    It's all too familiar to us and come GE13, we will bring that
    thought to the voting booth and do what is appropriate.

    Vote leaders like Ahmad Maslan and his Godfather Muhyiddin out!

    Golongan Muda

  18. Dato Sak

    Saya ni melayu, bila saya baca kebobrokan algojo-algojo UMNO dengan malaun-malaun penjawat awam yang sama naik tocang, malu saya sebangsa dengan orang-orang ni. Saya kerja di MNC, kawan-kawan hari-hari dok cerita pasal ni, malu lah Dato', mana nak letak muka.


  19. Show me a high ranking UMNO leader and I'll show you a ruthless pirate pillaging and plundering the weak and the meek.

    Show me an UMNO Information chief and I'll show you a neanderthal delusional of being the best specimen of homo-sapiens.

    Show me an UMNO minister and I'll show you a highly paid ass kisser who thinks he/she is kissing the brain.

    Show me an UMNO crony and I'll show you a new species of leach that is never full and will never ever released it's grip on it's host.

    Show me an UMNO appointed GLC directors and I'll show you a wolf in the boardroom.

    Show me an UMNO voter and I'll show you a live-version of Mat Jenin.

    Show me a country govern by UMNO and I'll show you a tragedy 3 decades in the making.


  20. He was ADUN of Pulau Manis, Pekan.( 2004-2008) From 2000-2004, he was Ketua Penerangan UMNO Bahagian Pekan, under Dato Sri Najib.now he has been kick out from UMNO..barking all out.. nice

  21. Dato Sak,

    Satu article yang menarik


  22. Dato' Sak,

    Ahmad Maslan is talking through his arsehole again !!!

    We are sick tired of him


  23. Selamat bersidang perwakilan UMNO

    Wahai Sedaraku Sak

    Malam tadi sungguh bersemangat Pak Din berjihad untuk survival UMNO. Bergemuruh tepukan di PWTC.
    My brother KJ dapat gelaran hulubalang, Aunty Ijat Sri Kandi dan Sis Rosnah permata.
    Bro KJ tersenyum melirik. Riding high lah our hero. Our Aunty yang suram nampaknya.
    (Maybe she's thinking should I resign to save my party from the NFC onslaught. Will this be my Waterloo? Or I will fight on those who have tarnished me and my family image like I promised too?)
    Mungkin ini kali terakhir dia hadiri perhimpunan agung UMNO - parti yang moderate, parti yang tak racist, bak kata Pak Din.
    I imagine you there, dear Sak, with the UMNO mandarins.
    You should be on the rostrum voicing your grevances against the party. Enumerating what ails UMNO.
    Najib and the UMNO supremos will sit up and take notice.
    Hey we should put this guy again as state rep or MP and maybe be the MB or Economic Minister?
    Alas, like I said before you choose to be combative.
    Why waste your breath over this Maslan fella.
    And in this space, where 99 per cent are anti-UMNO. You know it and we know it, he's a lesser person than you are.
    The only thing is, he toes the line and you do not.
    Quo Vadis Sak? Want to continue criticizing the party or moving on to the opposition barracks.
    Seriously, you don't fit in with the robe and keffiyahs of PAS like Bob the comedian cum actor turned pendakwah.
    Of course you don't fit in the mold of the renegade so called ultra-liberal party and kow-towing to the crown prince Azmin.
    And don't think you will be comfortable in the racist Chinese is supreme party.
    (Bro Aspan can fit in PAS and PKR, not you).
    Or you will be in Ku Li's band-wagon. You inferred in your last posting Ku Li has a surprise in store for us as the power-broker.
    Awaiting with bated breath. Don't keep us guessing too long.

    P.S. LMAOF when you mentioned Mazlan's anatomy where the sun does not shine. But it's still black, right? Haha.
    But for me, like Elton John said don't let the sun go down on UMNO.

  24. Datuk,

    Felda people are looking into your comment by the recent settler's uprising against Isa Samad.It is a history itself.Interestingly,the uprising by Felda settler's leaders,men and women who among them s/u bahagian umno tg malim,ajk bahagian pekan,gua musang,johor bahru,alor setar,terengganu..all over malaysia!!They said what they are doing is doesn't involve politic.Hell,they can get much more if they lick Isa ass but now they are demanding to Najib to hell with Isa.What say you Dato?If you are thinking of contesting as independent,do contest where Felda areas located.We would rather give our votes to you..

  25. Dato' Sak,

    cukup2lah generasi sebelum kami ditipu oleh mereka yg mengaku memperjuangkan bangsa & agama. yg diperjuangkannya sedikit, yg diBELASAH & diLARI amatlah banyak. mereka patut bersyukur kerana 'berjaya' menipu rakyat tanpa disedari.

    peribahasa 'marahkan nyamuk seekor habis kelambu dibakar' selalu diguna pencacai umno,bagi meraih kembali sokongan.cukuplah org tua kita ditipu selama ini, now time to punish those betrayal! sick of them....
