Monday 5 September 2011

How can UMNO take out Mat Sabu

I write this article with the full knowledge that UMNO will not strategize. Its advisers will suggest the sledgehammer approach. Its advisers are motivated by headlines in the media. Not for them the strategic content and advantage.

There is no mileage in UMNO escalating the Mat Sibu extolling communism issue. If it pursues the issue further, in the end, UMNO will be exposed for what it truly is- a racist non-inclusive Malay political party. Don’t allow the hawkish and extreme right wing supporters of UMNO succeed in causing UMNO to be regarded as such. UMNO leaders must stop the madness. Don’t sacrifice potential long term gains for the allure of short term gains.

The short term gain is winning the argument against Mat Sabu. The longer term gain is to ensure UMNO retain its image as a voice of moderation and reasonableness. The former produces divisiveness. The latter earns credibility for UMNO not only from Malays but non Malays. But if UMNO doesn’t care about this, then it will be true- UMNO is imploding.

The strategy is to isolate Mat Sabu. Not to widen the issue by dragging Islam into it. What Mat Sabu said has nothing to do with communism. The godless creed remains Islam’s eternal enemy. UMNO foot soldiers will find it increasingly difficult to defend its fictional creation. Will UMNO be able to defend its contention that PAS the Islamic party supports communism?

PAS leadership will stand behind Mat Sabu insisting that what he meant was historical injustice done to one Mat Indera. UMNO can simply demolish this allegation of historical injustice by saying that it is the UMNO led Johor government that honored Mat Indera by listing him as one of the influential Johoreans who have contributed to the state.  The Johor government has done substantially more to the memory of Mat Indera than Mat Sabu’s rhetorical stunt in his speech.

The issue should have stopped at just that. Nail Mat Sabu for his stupid stunt. Cite him for impetuousness and insensitivity that indicate clear lack of leadership credibility. Take Mat Sabu out. Mat Sabu doesn’t have the coolness and presence of mind to be a leader of caliber. But to widen the issue to include communism will be self-defeating. No one would believe that PAS will go to bed with communism. If UMNO uses this argument, it will find itself fighting with Islam and shows it is just a xenophobic political party consumed by paranoia all through.

The reason why UMNO has succeeded in earning credibility and legitimacy is because it has always operated on the principles of moderation and reasonableness. UMNO leaders and members must realize where historical extremism and bigotry is leading UMNO to. By historical extremism and bigotry we mean the chauvinistic treatment of history in the furtherance of an xenophobic position.  What is it? The whole issue is reduced to a racial war simpliciter.

Chinese out killing Malays. This is what the hawkish and right wing UMNO supporters want UMNO to become. So we have articles claiming people of Batu Pahat will never forget the reign of terror inflicted by Bintang 3. Or suddenly we are lectured on the atrocities of communism- or more particularly Chinese atrocities on Malays during the communist reign of terror. Did the 10th Regiment inflict the same terror on the Malayan people?

Mat Sabu didn’t mention anything about communism. He mentioned the name of Mat Indera, the Malay ‘communist’ who led the attack on Bukit Kepong police station in 1950. Most of the police who were killed were Malays. Most of the communists who attacked were Chinese.

If Mat Sabu had wanted to correct the historical mistreatment of Mat Indera, he has chosen an insensitive way in doing it. The Johor government has issued a publication that listed Mat Indera as one of influential Johoreans who had shaped the history of Johor. That proper historical rehabilitation was done by the government of Johor.

Where is the political premium for UMNO in debating this issue? These are only short term gains. First, this is an opportunity to denounce PAS, where in fact, it should have been only Mat Sabu. Second and more important, the Bukit Kepong incident can be turned into a racial issue.

Chinese communists attacked Malay police. We will let UMNO drown in its stupidity if it escalates the issue of Mat Sabu’s communism to be reduced simply to a racial issue. It’s an exercise in futility and counterproductive to the reinvention of UMNO’s image as a party of moderation and reasonableness.
What the furor has done is to heighten awareness of who Mat Indera was and what he did. The danger is this- the reassessment of Mat Indera’s position in the history of Malaya forces people to also reassess UMNO’s own legitimacy in determining the history of this country. The reassessment UMNO has resurrected Mat Indera from anonymity to prominence and in that process, has forced people to reassess their historical appreciation of politics in the country and the role that UMNO played.

UMNO didn’t take up arms to secure independence. Other people laid down their lives. What UMNO did, was run the final fourth lap, where the previous 3 were executed by others. What the hawkish and right wing elements UMNO have done is to claim absolute credit.

UMNO’s credit doesn’t rest on running the last lap. Its credit rests on its image as the voice of moderation and reasonableness, both of which have enabled UMNO to become the unifying force for all races in Malaysia.


  1. I did not understand fully before your article what the issue was about. Now atleast I know little bit. I was wondering all along what is this issue all about.

  2. Nothing much in what you have written here except for Johor UMNO recognizing Mat Indera, for better or for worse.
    I agree on the point that Mat Sabu performed a stupid stunt.
    At the end of the day, PAS is still the bloodline of its members - blood is thicker than water to them regardless of what had happened. So be it.
    Better to write on global terrorism against Islam. Libya the last casualty, when do you expect it to happen to Malaysia.

  3. Datuk,

    Setiap mitos akan terurai juga akhirnya.Saya perhatikan UMNO terketar ketar nak menjawab provokasi yg dibuat oleh Timbalan Presiden PAS tu.

  4. Dato' Arif,

    Sebagai kaum dan Bangsa Melayu, aku amat risau lagi bimbang denga perkembangan mutakhir ini. Mana satu kebenaran dan mana satu palsu. mana satu fakta mana satu emosi yang ada niat tertentu. Yang berlalu biar lah berlalu, ambil yang baik aje bukan mengikut apa bekas penjajah laknat si orang london aka England nukil dan tulis. Penduduk pribumi ada peranan masing-masing menuju kepada kebebasan. Kadang-kadang dek kerana sogokan dan timangan kita terlupa siapa kita, mana bumi kita. Soal poko apakah menetang penjajah itu penderhaka. Apakah tugas kita? usah kita bersengketa dan berpecah kerana salah faham. Hadamkan apa yang diperkatakan baru buat kesimpulan tanpa emosi. Melayu hancur kerana salah sangka dan sesal kemudian. Fikir dulu sebelum cakap dan tak semua perlu di perkatakan,

    Keliru aku, mana satu fakta mana satu politik. Nampak nya orang kita nie suka sangat berpolitik, 24 jam sehari, 30 hari sebulan dan 12 bulan setahun. Berubah lah, jangan jadi peneruk suasana.

  5. Dato,

    Saya rasa confused,kerana Buku Pengukir Nama Johor diterbitkan oleh Yayasan Warisan Johor pada tahun 2004 itu terdapat 22 biografi ringkas tokoh-tokoh ternama Johor dan salah seorang daripadanya ialah Mat Indera sendiri.

    Yayasan Warisan Johor meletakkan nama Mat Indera sebaris dengan Almarhum Sultan Ismail dan Tun Sulaiman Ninam Shah, bekas pengerusi tetap UMNO. Malah foto Mat Indera juga menjadi sebahagian daripada kulit hadapan buku ini.

    Buku ini adalah hasil karya pelbagai penulis, tetapi biografi Mat Indera ditulis oleh Ismail Adnan, bekas guru kanan yang pernah menjadi Timbalan Pengarah, Institut Kepimpinan dan Latihan Semangat Dato' Onn.

    Buku ini juga telah disunting oleh Profesor Datuk Abu Bakar A. Hamid, bekas Profesor di Jabatan Pengajian Media, Universiti Malaya dan Md Ismail Zamzam, Tokoh Guru Berjasa Johor 2002.

    Prakata buku ini pula ialah daripada Menteri Besar Johor sendiri, Dato' Abdul Ghani Othman. Pendek kata, penerbitan buku ini mendapat restu kerajaan Johor.

    Kalau Mat Indera itu adalah 'hero' bagi orang2 Johor, kenapa pula UMNO dan Utusan dok melalak menuduh Mat Indera tu komunis?

    Apakah UMNO tiba2 buta sejarah kerana Mat Sabu?


  6. Datuk,

    Sepatutnya UMNO tidak mengambil langkah megutuk Mat Sabu.UMNO sepatutnya menggunakan isu ini utk meraih perhatian masyarakt pd UMNO dgn mengiktirafkan Mat Indera sebagai pejuang kemerdekaan.Skg UMNO menggelepar utk menjawab isu ini.Org dah mula berkata UMNO bersekongkol dgn penjajah dan bukan bekerja utk memerdekakan negara

  7. Dato,

    UMNO Baru has always played the racial card. It will always exploit and do whatever necessary to always remind the Malays they are the sole defenders of the Malay race. UMNO always make out chinese and non muslims as the convenient scapegoats and targets of their hate campaign but now they have gone one step further by associating PAS with communism.

    The entire UMNO has gone berserk with UMNO going on a roadshow to showcase communist astrocities? Is this not UMNO's true intention to stir up racial hatred again in the guise of communism? UMNO has already openly called chinese as pendatangs and the chinese women as prostitutes. Now UMNO wants the Malays to view the chinese as communists too.

  8. Setidak-tidaknya langkah Mat Sabu itu telah menyebabkan ramai orang celik mata untuk mengkaji kembali sejarah silam yang ditimbus sekian lama. Subuh tadi sahabat saya dari KL sms minta carikan buku PENGUKIR NAMA JOHOR itu.
    Perlis juga memberi penghargaan kepada bekas ahli PKM. Lihat di link ini :

  9. As far as I believe, UMNO is doing the right thing to bring this up. They have a duty to right the wrong perceptions of history, regardless whether thy win the next election or not. They (UMNO) are acting in a very responsible manner.

  10. Sdr.,

    Very interesting...

    The main problem for UMNO now, in particular the leadership, is that short term gains appear to be more appealing than the longer term goals.

    We cannot have people without foresight to manage the country... COULD WE...???

    Could I say, UMNO's long term survival is now more suspect than previously...

    Would other contentious issues bury UMNO deeper into the graves of history...???

    If UMNO gets buried, the members have only themselves to blame... not PAS or DAP or PKR or MCA or MIC... only themselves...

    -ahli koperasi yang mungkin dibankruptkan oleh pemimpin UMNO-

  11. Komunis tetap komunis, dan kebanyakan negara menolak komunis kerana kekejaman mereka, adakah mereka hero apabila 200 komunis menyerang dan menyembelih 20 orang polis di Bukit Kepong. Adakah mereka pejuang pembebasan apabila membunuh wanita dan kanak-kanak. Adakah mereka hero apabila bertindak membakar balai polis dan melemparkan polis yang cedera dan mati kedalam api. Apa yang mereka hendak bebaskan kalau sebahagian besar anggota PKM itu bukannya lahir di Tanah Melayu. Menurut Prof. Khoo Khay Kim pakar sejarah, dr segi undang-undang Negeri-negeri Melayu Bersekutu dan tidak bersekutu bukan 'dibawah Jajahan' tetapi dibawah naungan British. Sebab itu pegawai tertinggi British berjawatan High Commisioner bukan Gabenor seperti di Negeri-negeri Selat. Maknanya Sultan diiktiraf sebagai penguasa yang sah di negeri-negeri mereka. Oleh itu Dato' Onn dan Tunku Abdul Rahman bukan bekerja dengan British tetapi dengan kerajaan negeri masing-masing. Tambahan pula negeri Johor dan Kedah adalah negeri-negeri Melayu tidak bersekutu yang Sultannya mempunyai kuasa outonomi yang lebih besar berbanding negeri-negeri melayu bersekutu.

  12. I totally agree with your assessment. In pursuing this line of strong, forceful rebuttal, UMNO is shooting itself in the foot with a shotgun, again. This time, it will hurt them badly, as it will expose them for all the racists and schemers that they actually are. They made a very bad move by using UTUSAN to hammer Mat Sabu on this issue and is similar to using a canon to kill a fly.

    This issue has now spawned out of control for UMNO. Now the wider public will begin to think, research, discuss, analyse this issue at great depth. UMNO will not be able to defend its position when all the facts are investigated. All UMNO can do is INSIST on its own point of righteous view and ram it down the rakyat's throat. And this is where UMNO will be killed.

    Now the public has opened the pandora's box and are more interested than ever on actual Malaysian history versus what has been taught and preached in schools via UMNO medium. The govt is going to find it very difficult to control info and fact finding and have to ammend historical textbooks as such. This will be a humiliating experience, if not humbling experience for UMNO. Notice that there is no sound from Muhyiddin lately on this communist issue? As Education Minister, he will get nailed first if the people, not his Ministry, uncover true facts on our distorted history.

    On a larger picture, UMNO will then be painted with the same brush for persistent and consistent deception and lies on all other matters, such as the JAIS-DUMC issue, other racial issues, etc. UMNO is constantly arguing themselves into an ever tightening corner. That is how stupid UMNO is. There is now a very strong rumour within UMNO gound that the military will be deployed nationwide to stem UMNO's potential lost of power. Looking back on all that is happening lately and the escalating rise of unwinnable and indefensible rhetoric by UMNO, this move may be a reality. The use of guns over facts and rationale minds will be the last resort of the despot UMNO.

  13. Dato
    Saya sangat setuju dengan Anom 16:24 dan tulisan beliau dengan panjang lebar tentang Mat Indera.
    Saya pon keliru dengan Dato, sekali " nail Mat Sabu for his stupid stunt" tapi 85% artikel Dato pasal UMNO's stupidity - which I think as clear as daylight by now.!
    And wait until KJ goes on his roadshow - what do they named it?-Patriot Games???!
    You confused me a lot in the sense that that you are offering discourses for UMNO,to save UMNO on public domain. Do you call that transparency or openness being practiced in UMNO? or plainly, UMNO is rotten to the core to be rehabilitated from inside.

  14. Dato,
    First you said " nail Mat Sabu for his stupid stunt" the other 85% covers how stupid UMNO is/will be. And after KJ begins his Patriot Games roadtour, how muddled do you think the issue will be?
    Anom 16:24 elaborated in detail about Mat Indera from official Johore Govt 's perspective. How will the issue erupted into if Ghani Othman quoted from the book on Mat Indera instead of Mat Sabu?
    UMNO is soo pathetic! How are you people going to brace GE13? Najib has no modal other than PEMBANGUNAN! PERUNTUKAN DILULUS SEGERA! next constituency: PEMBANGUNAN! JETI BARU LULUS SEKARANG! SRJKC-2JUTA. ESOK CHECK AMBIL! sic!

  15. Komen Isac;

    Apa yang Pakatan dan Mat Sabu katakan hanyalah bersandarkan kepada imiginasi dan andaian semata-mata. Sememangnya Mat Indera pernah menjadi guru agama Sekolah Agama Johor di Parit Setongkat dan kemudiannya terbabit dalam politik apabila menyertai ahli sayap pemuda Partai Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya (PKMM) dengan matlamat membebaskan tanah air daripada penjajahan Inggeris. Mat Indera juga aktif di dalam pergerakkan yang dikenali sebagai Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API).

    Apabila Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya diharamkan, Ahmad bin Indera telah bertindak menyertai pergerakan gerila komunis di dalam hutan, kemungkinannya terpengaruh dengan perjuangan Indonesia menentang Belanda. Beliau bergerak cergas di sekitar kawasan Lenga, Pagoh, Jorak, Bukit Kepong dan Poris. Dia mengetuai pergerakan komunis di bahagian selatan yang merangkumi daerah Muar, Batu Pahat, Segamat dan Melaka.

    Itulah hakikatnya. Satu lagi hakikat yang perlu kita terima beliau bertanggung-jawab ke atas serangan terhadap Balai Polis Bukit Kepong pada 23 Februari 1950 sehingga mengakibatkan 26 orang anggota polis, keluarga dan penduduk kampung (HG) terkorban.

    Adakah itu membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah pejuang kemerdekaan??? Adakah anggota polis dan penduduk2 kampung yang mempertahankan penduduk negara daripada fahaman komunis yang menolak kepercayaan beragama wajar dilebel sebagai tali barut penjajah???
    Adat dunia, manusia dan pemimpin besar pun ada masanya tersilap langkah. Tetapi wajarkah 26 mereka yang gugur di Bukit Kepong dan ramai lagi anggota2 polis, anggota keluarga mereka dan penduduk2 kampung yang berusaha untuk mempertahankan Balai Polis Bukit Kepong kita "korbankan" demi untuk mengangkat Mat Indera yang tersesat mengganggotai dan memimpin Kompeni Bebas ke-4 PKM menyerang Balai Polis Bukit Kepong sebagai Wira ???

  16. Dear Anonymous 5/11/2011 21:14

    Trusting a political party to correct history? Mampuslah! I would not trust UMNO, PAS, DAP, etc to talk on history!

    You want real history then have independent research, not politicians blasting their mouths.

  17. Dato,

    I think Mat Sabu is one smart political operator. By baiting UMNO with the issue of Mat Indera and Bukit Kepong, he has raised the awareness level among ignorant Malays of the true facts of our nation's fight for freedom.

    Now that UMNO has labelled mat Indera as 'a communist' will further expose UMNO's blatant lie vis-a-vis its role in the fight for Merdeka.

    I have always told my kids not to trust the story in their history textbooks. I have taken great pains to tell them who are the real freedom fighters. Alhamdulillah, my kids are familiar with names like Ahmad Boestamam, API, AWAS, KMM etc.

    For those who are interested to learn of the 'alternative history' (alternative to UMNO's version), please read "Menuju Jalan ke Puncak" written by Ahmad Boestamam.

    By the way, it would be interesting to view the complete terms and conditions of the London agreement made between Tunku et al and the British Government. Do you know where I can get a copy? Or is it classified as RAHSIA? But what I know is that when Malaya was granted its independence, quite a bit chunk of Malaya still belongs to the British.

    Now, comes 31st August, UMNO cannot keep lying to the rakyat about their role in the fight for Merdeka.

    On a final note, did anybody ever wonder the similarities between the flags of UMNO, Singapura and Indonesia, the Sang Saka Merah Putih?

  18. Good write.

    But mat indera was still part of communist then. Although they have played a role but we can't equate. They were against our independence post 57. They were against us our constitution and form of government. We can't forget that.

    So what if they're against the British. We can't equate. Just like al qaedah with their similar unwonting killing.they may claim they're for islam. But we moderate Muslims will not apotheosize the group. In fact they smeared islam. So stop equating. UMNO should push through this not because of it's relevance. It's because of the right value. It's wrong to equate communists and those who fought for 57 independence in the like of Tunku. We are today due to 57 independence. But communists were against 57 independence.

    Anybody can claim they do it for islam. But we can't equate all the same.

  19. I would like to raise my opinions about this issue from a different perspective.

    First of all, I never really trust the fighting of PKM. The fact that Uni Soviet or PRC didn't give much attention to their cause is one of the factor. When other communist leaders from Indoesia fled to Moscow/Beijing whenever danger approached them, Ching Peng fled to Thailand instead. It's ridiculous to understand PKM cause as Marxism teaches class elimination. We all know which race was the wealthiest people in Malaya back then and at the same time who formed majority of PKM member.

    However, they were the front-line of PHYSICAL resistance against British colonialism. Therefore we are not supposed to be surprised if many people support their cause even tough they might not have become a communist. Therefore, I strongly believe if Mat Indera is a real hero instead despite whatever controversy around him.

    Back during 1940-1950 in Indonesia, someone could only be considered as a communist if he regularly attended party's events/meetings. This was to make that guy understand truly the objective of Marxism/Leninism. I assume that if Mat Indera was that busy fighting British, he wouldn't have time to learn all that communist stuff. Hence, he clearly invalid to became communist.

    There were no perfect people since God created human beings. I believe during Mat Indera time, it was also the case. He was a hero who proved his dedication to Malaya through physical resistance against British. He might killed few policemen, destroy a portion of a village, yet he still stood up for his nation.

    In conclusion, I support Mat Sabu claim which define him as hero, I refused to associate him easily with communism. I appreciate author's effort to bring up facts that although they may have other perspective, UMNO Johor did acknowledge Mat Indera's status.

  20. Dato' Sak,

    Kurangkan mengkritik,banyakan berkerja kalau sayangkan ugama dan bangsa.Tulisan Dato' memang menarik,tapi hanya kepada gulungan yang mengagongkan Dato' Zaid Ibrahim pada satu ketika dulu.Bila Dato' Zaid lari dari apa yang mereka mahu,mereka mula mengkritik Zaid habis-habisan.Lihat sajalah bagaimana penerimaan gulungan ini terhadap tulisan Dato' yang kurang menepati kehendak mereka,jadi apa gunanya.Lebih baik Dato' mengatur langkah untuk memperbaiki apa yang Dato' fikirkan perlu di perbaiki.Terjemahkan apa yang Dato' tulis dalam tindakan Dato',lagi pun Dato' sendiri pernah di beri peluang untuk 'berkhidmat',jadi peluang masih terbuka untuk Dato' terus berkhidmat.

    Selamat Hari Raya,maaf zahir dan batin.


    Orang Pekan.

  21. Ellese A,

    Indeed we can’t equate!

    R u sure of this remark – ‘We are today due to 57 independence. But communists were against 57 independence.’?

    If the communists were against 57 independence, THEN what r they fighting for?

    To remain as a colonial dependency? Or to be free as a godless nation?

    The only true coming out from yr said is – can’t equate. They rest r just silo-view cultivated under the tempurung!

  22. Rofans BH Manao,

    ‘We all know which race was the wealthiest people in Malaya back then and at the same time who formed majority of PKM member.’

    Part 1 – the wealthiest people in Malaya then was the colonial master. If u still don’t get it, let me spell it out – the British.

    Part 2 – The Chinese Malayans formed the majority of the PKM member, BCOZ they were the 1st to be awaken by the calls of independence, after fighting the occupied Japanese army.

    U said it yrself – ‘they were the front-line of PHYSICAL resistance against British colonialism’. Meanwhile the Malay elites were colluding with the Japanese occupants just to continue their easy lives.

    At least communism plays a role in the fight for Malaya’s independence. Unlike some religious cocoonists, simply ignored its role just bcoz it’s godless.

  23. i never liked umno6 September 2011 at 18:16

    tolak kominis tapi anak perempuan bagi kawin dengan anak pemimpin kominis kazakhstan.... pergi merisik pakai wang rakyat lagi....

  24. Dear Mr Anon,

    1. You consider British people from Malaya ke? Well I have no comment.

    2. They were not the 1st to be awaken, there were Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau and many others.

    3. All Asean leaders during 40-s collude with Japanese, Lee Kuan Yew was even educated by them, Soekarno was given 1st governmental post ever. So why trash some Malay elites just for that?

    4. Communists help find Malayan independence ke? Well resistance I agreed, but Independence was actually carried out because of Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj from UMNO.

    Will be waiting for ur reply...

  25. Anon 9.45,

    You're in a silo of your own. Read what Khoo or any of the communist inspiration then. They had different goal. Just like Al qaedah with different version of militant islam. You can't equate. Mat sabu was wrong. Ge was political to raise this issue and you're gullible to follow him.

    Btw did you know mat indera was not from Malaya.

  26. UMNO 63,

    Mat indera memang pun bersama Komunis pada masa tu. Full stop.

  27. I suggest we allow Chin Peng to moderate the debate :-)

  28. many people think that Mat Sabu is walking on tight rope in this episode but it is UMNO who will get the bashing!!!

    Ha ha mari kita tengok sapa yang kena???

  29. Rofans BH Manao,

    1.Let’s do this analogy about yr interpretation of ‘British people from Malaya ke?’ What about the Chinese Malayan, the Indian Malayan, the Malay Malayan. Let stretch yr imagination a little further, b4 u r lost, the Orang Asli of Malaya. See the connection? Well anymore comment?

    2.Tok Janggut, Mat Kilau and many others (?) were not fighting for independence of the Malaya. They r fighting for their piece of ‘gold’, just like the maharajalela was fighting for his right to trade Orang Asli as slave, which Birch disapproved. Do read deeper into Sak’s description about Tok Janngut & try some alternative historical facts from other source, then Tok Janggut’s role as an independence fighter would be as genuine as the reflection of the moon on a splash of water with the real one on the sky.

    3.‘All Asean leaders during 40-s collude with Japanese, Lee Kuan Yew was even educated by them, Soekarno was given 1st governmental post ever. So why trash some Malay elites just for that?’

    The question was almost all the then Malay elites colluded with the Japanese. In short they were turn-coats that swayed with the winds of the day, just to protect their lifestyle.

    BTW, Harris was educated by the Jap? Dying to read yr tale.

    4.‘Communists help find Malayan independence ke?’ There r tons of irrefutable facts about that that only a unmo cocoonist would not see. No comment from me!

  30. Ellese A,

    How thick can u be?

    Read again yr own take – ‘We are today due to 57 independence. But communists were against 57 independence.’

    They DID had different idealism BUT the goal was still the independence of Malaya. PERIOD.

    I do know about the fact that mat indera was not from Malaya. He was from Indonesia.

    But what I don’t understand is the fact that why was he named by the Johor state as a Johor patriot?

    Why did the same Johor state administration refused to recognize the contribution of the native-born Others, from the state of Johor, for the fight of the Malaya independence?

    Could it be bcoz they were of different religious believe & of not Malay (?) stock?

  31. in a way Mat Sabu has trapped UMNO into this debate. UMNO seems to be running out of brains, they are losing it

  32. mat sabu..lebih ramai generasi baru mengutuk dan memaki kau lembu...semakin banyak ko lembu bercakap..semakin kami membenci..

    senyapkan mat sabu dari tanah air ini...teruskn tentangan kepada mat sabu sehingga 44 hari..

    jangan dia ingat dia lebih pandai dari kami generasi baru hari ini..........

    mat sabu..kami akan terus mengutu kamu sehingga 44 hari..dan sumpah laknat kepada kau sabu...

  33. haha......kerana isu mat indera bergegar (1 malaysia)........rakan komunis ku bertanya 1 soalan maut......kenapa sudah merdeka 54 tahun dan sudah tukar 6 perdana menteri yg semuanya melayu, tetapi still setiap tahun menteri berkata equiti bumiputra semakin susut(padahal menteri2 setiap tahun makin kaya, yg pangkah menteri setiap tahun tambah hutang jer)?......aku pun jawab dengan selamber.....soalan tu kau pergi tanya pada org melayu......aku ni org jawa totok......
