Saturday 9 October 2010

Waiting for the rain

So far, we have heard a lot of thunder. But little rain.

I hate to say this. But nowadays, whatever ideas and concepts the PM comes out with, they are met by general cynicism. Because they are so many of them. They have not passed the stage of experimentation.

When he was in Brussels, he talked of reversing the brain drain. He should begin at home first. Induct the best into the civil service. Forget about getting 3 million members into UMNO. Induct the talented and those with leadership material. Others can support UMNO. Transform his cabinet into a fighting machine with performance targeting talents.

He announced Malaysia's Talent Corporation will be launched in January to arrest the country's growing brain drain problem. The exodus of local talent to more developed countries has threatened his vision of transforming Malaysia into a high-income nation by 2020." how do you reverse that? By compensating those who have gotten out with what they thought they have lost?

Previously, we waited for them to get back to us but this time we will seek them out," Najib told reporters. "We will find out what it takes for them to consider going back home, and at the same time create more business opportunities and pay them wages that are more aligned with global wages," he said.

Then what about those talent at home who are not paid global wages? If these people come back, will it make a difference after all?

I think this approach is flawed. It's the firefighting style. Short term by nature. How many are out there? Surely the same number can be found in our universities who can also be enticed to do their best if the reward system is in place. I have long argued- the problem is one concerning the absence of a reward system. Unless we have a reward system that attaches premium and high value to learning and knowledge , we will still suffer a brain drain . in the absence of that reward system, the more insidious problem is suboptimal output. Why should the cleverer and industrious produce more when the corner-cutters and less clever are paid higher?

Have that reward system. We clear the problem of sub-par performance. Maybe we don't even have to recall our brain boxes who have settled abroad. They have settled down there wherever. Their children have planted cultural roots there.

The way we are approaching the problem is like resolving the problem with UMNO voters. Buy their votes and they vote for you.

Then there is his finishing school. This is perplexing. Why the need for one? If it's a school for enhancing skills then it's not a finishing school. It's a graduate school. You train people further. But if it's a school for re training and fine tuning skills, then a whole series of other issues will be asked.

When we set out our IT industry, didn't the body responsible for doing it or planning it, tailor the IT modules to be market friendly? It's a continuing school to re skill the IT people because suddenly their skills are found to be deficient. Hence, the government will establish an information and communications technology (ICT) "finishing school" to train 25,000 knowledge workers needed to take the Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) to its third phase of development starting next year.

The programme's curriculum will be jointly developed with industry players to be more market-driven, in an effort to boost ICT contribution to GDP from 1.2 per cent in 2009 to 10.2 per cent by 2015, as outlined in the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP).

I would rather send the 25000 people back to school than setting up new facilities which again will cost more money.

Here is another heroic idea coming from the PM. He must have said this infront of an audience where there were no Perkasa members. This was what he said;

Only those who are able, dare to compete and are willing to make changes will be successful in this 21st century. The Prime Minister said this was because the century did not promise success to anyone unless they were willing to work hard, master knowledge and skills and show an extraordinary level of work ethics.

Waduuh! So those people in Perkasa will have to take note of this. This is a clearest indication yet that Najib is abandoning the NEP despite claiming and asserting the fact that he is Tun Razak's son.

I said wadduh… not because there was anything wrong about the subject matter. I am sceptical whether this idea has been communicated to the masses. Especially to those who think they can get by in life because they have been promised bounties. I say its heroic because it demands the every first requirement as laid down in the ETP and the NEM. Political resolve and will.


  1. Dear Sakmongkol

    I agree – so far we have heard a lot of thunder, some coming from afar when the PM is overseas speaking in front of foreign audiences, but never in front of Perkasa members. But there has not been any rain yet. Let’s wait.

    I want to touch on the latest new thing: the Talent Corporation. I am incredulous at this news. Is the PM naïve? Or is the problem of the brain drain so simple – all a matter of paying more money to these people who up stakes to go overseas?

    Yes, many of the young and highly qualified stay overseas after completing their studies to gain experience. They are successful, have good paying jobs that don’t exist back home. Why should they return? Then there are those who experience discrimination at work – not being promoted because they are of the “wrong” race. This is actually commonplace. The frustrated ones go away where their talents are recognized and rewarded. Then there are those who don’t earn enough to send their children overseas for tertiary education, so they emigrate so that they can take advantage of free university education for their children. Finally, there are those who are fed-up with the political situation here. They have had enough and don’t see a bright future for their children in an increasingly racial climate and a slowing economy.

    So there you have it. There are many types and many reasons why they stay away. By offering to pay a higher salary won’t necessarily work. And how do you do that anyway? Do we ask corporations to double the pay of the “returnees” but pay half to the locals with identical qualifications? Make no mistake. I do think we need the talents of the “returnees”. It would take a long time to train the locals. But the way to do so is wrong. What is needed is to address honestly the problems why they went away in the first place – reward and promote base on ability not race. The resulting increase in efficiencies and economic opportunities will ensure a higher pay for all.

  2. wadduh… sak. Who will be doing the rain dance?

  3. Only one word for it.. .these guys really dont know how to run a country.

    Laughing stock of the world. Want to be high income country ...duh.. how? Until now not a single clue how you and I can double our income(real income) not inflated ringgit when a basket full of ringgit can only buy a loaf of bread like in Zimbabwe... after we have spent all the 1.3 trillion ringgit from our epf etc.

    Where to find money to maintain those expensive MRT or twin towers?

  4. I think at the rate it is going... it is not really possible to stop the brain drain.

    When there are no good paying jobs around and it is soooooo easy to go to a developed country and get developed nation's pay, even without NEP the exodus will continue.

    It is unlike Indonesia, it is quite difficult to come without paying middlemen etc to work in Malaysia for the Indonesians. A good talented Malaysian can easily apply and get jobs in Singapore and readily get PR too.

    How to fight that?

    The choo choo train has entered another phase ... even without the extra push by Perkasa/Ibrahim Alis.

    NOw I think even qualified Malays will move. It is silly not to actually.

  5. rain maker he is not....thats for sure!

    what gets me is how things like this can be said with a honest, earnest face ..... when it is known that these are all mere words....

  6. "Then what about those talent at home who are not paid global wages? If these people come back, will it make a difference after all?"

    Well said again, Dato.
    Inilah dikatakan kera dihutan disusukan, anak di rumah kelaparan.

    They have wooed Malaysian from abroad more than 10 years ago but it got worst when these young cikus became liberal Malays and start robbing all these GLCs.

    A Proud Perkasa member.

  7. aha dato sak, i can make it out now - why have we got many ultra, no filthy rich man as directors or advisors to 1MDB? becauuuuse we got NO talent.

    smart this govt. they are good.!

  8. Jalan Rompin Lama10 October 2010 at 01:12

    brain drain, i bet there are lots of anak menteris/ex menteris working overseas (ini kategori yang bukan JPA/MARA sponsor but sekolah menengah pun dah di oversea). how? call them back? mr j.lo would be able to lead talentcorp

  9. Waaaduhhh x 2 jugak sama saya

    I also kompius la Dato Sak

    When the recent Eid holidays - I asked my cousins who doing her masters at ITM Puncak Alam as well her brother which doing his Phd in UKM

    " I ask so how, studies any interesting issues going on? "

    Both replied - same o same o uncle buku kat library semua edition lama
    macam mana nak compete global?

    Politic at its finest in Malaysia

    Cakap x serupa bikin

    - Ikan Tongkol -

  10. Then politics will be played with a different tune. No more perks, no more bounties...

  11. Dato Sak,
    Thanks again for your well written commentary that dares to tell the truth.
    Every right thinking rakyat knows that our PM is well known for his speeches that is given among International circles but cakap tak serupa bikin di kampung sendiri la.
    Its just to create a false front to lure in the FDIs la nothing else.

  12. Sir,

    Indah khabar dari rupa.

    I am sure Najib is aware of what needs to be done to get this nation moving again but he does not have the leadership qualities that would make a great leader. He also does not want to lose his number one status if those ideas are truly implemented.
    In fact, could anybody name a good leader we have in the present BN line up?

    Unless everybody, especially the Malays learn to accept that we need to live as ONE, irrespective of race or religion, nothing but as a Malaysia, only then can this nation move forward and play catch up with the advanced countries. At this rate we are fast descending the the level of many failed states in Africa.

    Though I don't agree 100% with Lee Kuan Yew, at times I do wish we had a PM like him. We would certainly be ahead of present day Korea or Taiwan.

  13. Dear Dato Sak
    where is Walla please?
    Is he still around or ......(hate to mention it)?
    Truly miss his incisive comments and feedback.
    Can you or someone else provide some info?
    thank you.


  14. There is nothing seriously wrong with the Msian economy contrary to the exhortations of the PM.Simple,straight fwd back to the basics governance is all that is needed..not the old cures dressed up a new new thing.


    However,what is urgent is BN's survival.

    Believe me all these NKEA,NKRA,ETP etc will only widen the gap as the variance between targets and actual becomes gradually widens.
    Its a risky ploy for both BN n more importantly the long term future of the country.

    What BN really needs is simple straight forward governance i.e no crap,no corruption (even perceived)and leaders in touch with the people.

    Pray that Dato Sak very wise commentaries is taken in a positive manner n practise ASAP

  15. the politicians have been working very very hard to lure back the 300+k (2009 data) malaysians that were believed our most precious highly skilled resources who migrated to other countries for greener pasture...Are they all highly skilled resources? I DOUBT THEY ARE!


    is someone using this issue to justify the need to have talent inc that could be worth billions? or using the very same reason to establish the finishing school that could be worth billions too? why cant they just get rid the deadwood DVC, professors, lecturers etc i know there are many DVCs' their time is already up! replace them with industry players? this will be much much cheaper..NO?

  16. Dato'
    Mr. PM is sliding further down the rabid hole.
    Tell him to go back and read Alice in the wonderland.
    Follow the white rabid.
    Alahai...PM ku betul betul confused ba...

  17. I remembered a decade ago when I was seconded (for six mths only) from the uni to a ministry, some one high up at Bukit Aman asked my superior, "Why do you pay millions to foreign consulatnts (i.e. booz- allen-hamilton, cutler & co. etc.) when you have local experts like her?" My boss blushed and I had to save his 'face'.
    Ramai bakat tempatan yang dipinggirkan kerana politik uni/kementerian dan bukan semua graduan luar negera yg berbakat (contohnya kumpulan ethos & budak tingkat empat).
    Memanglah kera di hutan disusukan, anak di rumah mati kelaparan.

  18. Assalamualaikum Dato Sak,

    I heard one interesting phrase that has many other forms:

    Kicking at an open door.

    We have heard the other more popular one:

    Preaching to the converted

    And its Malay equivalent:

    Sudah terang lagi bersuluh

    You are stating obvious facts, to the crowd that agree with you Dato'. All you have said is true, and I am yet to see your debaters come with an effective counter point. If they try, in most subjects they are indefensible - for you speak the truth.

    The one that must follow the talk is the deed. At least many postings ago I saw your gallant effort to try match your words with deed.

    And the theme that you try was change. You try to change UMNO from within. Your try to make the people think. You try to make them more savvy.

    Care to update the result, Dato?

    The theme is change. But it is not with UMNO, or current government. The change lies elsewhere.

    This is one of life's paradox, perhaps. When British gave us education, we start to open our eyes to independence. The salvation of Malaysia then was not with the British, but with Malaysians (or Malayan, then) being in charge.

    5 decades passed. The populace are more educated, thanks to modernization. The enlightened population now realized that the future of our countries does not lie within the current BN government. Governments from that era - Congress (India), Tories (UK), LDP (Japan) and many more has lost power, and are now reinventing themselves to suit the new situation.

    BN is still trapped with the mindset 50 years ago. That people must forever be grateful to its role in independence. That the y know best. That they lord over us. This giant is not going to wake up.

    Look at the colonization of open space, dato. First come the hardy plants - grass. Then the small leafy ones. Then taller ones - until several hundred years later you get an ecosystem in a rainforest.

    UMNO/BN is just a transitory phase in that journey, Dato. It is time for some others that can take us to the next level.

    UMNO has its head in the sand, chronic NIH patient and living in yes-man make believe world.

    Time to let it sleep, Dato. Time to move on. Time to change.

    Advocate change on your blog. You will see a lot of debates coming alive. You will see new ideas. Points and counter points. And more enlightenment.

    We owe it to our kids.

  19. Finishing school means getting a Microsoft certificate or Cisco certificate . Then buy more Microsoft or Cisco products. There are no hard science. Just how to use people's products.


  21. brain drain starts from home !NO right-thinking parents will send their children overseas if our varsities are within the top 50 ranking in the world ! On the contrary other countries would a brain drain exodus to Malaysia ! Another no-brainer ill-advice from UMNO-APCO !

  22. I have 2 children, both engineers with one holding a Masters degree, who are overseas.
    Remuneration and rewards is one issues. What is even more important is the ugliness of Malaysian politics - the blatant discrimination,racist civil servants and headmasters, bastardized Judiciary, MACC, Police, and the rising religious bigotry.
    Of course now we have Perkasa to drive away even the remaining ones.
    And our education system!!! That's another story.
    Now, at this rate, what sort of future can this country offer for my grandchildren.

  23. for those who feel that the country is 'nose-diving' towards zimbabwe can always vote with their feet ...

  24. Dato',

    You want to reverse the brain drain? Easy, just sack the whole cabinet (beginning with the Education Minister) and replace them all with qualified and honest people. The new qualified cabinet ministers will be given the mandate to clean up their respective ministries and related departments by replacing the dead wood DGs', deputy DGs from top down the whole hierachy and institute meritocracy throughout their ministries.

    If you can get the above executed, then brain drain will cease and those who are already abroad will come back on their own accord without any need for Malaysian Talent Corporation or similar sorts of thrash talk/ideas.

  25. A: 'Sir, do you think Najib can pull it off, this big transformation exercise?'

    B: 'Sofea, for a change i am going to be pro-Putrajaya this round. Game ke?'

    A: '(eyes roll in disbelief). Carry on, Sir!'

    B: 'Alright, first let me say in one word what Putrajaya is trying to do. Just one verb to describe the entire process. It is trying to pavilionize the economy.

    When we go to the Pavilion in KL on weekends, we see middle and high income groups sitting around at eateries, or tourists from overseas walking around buying things. The same may be said for Midvalley, the Curve, Queensbay, and other such few malls around. In fact, in the whole country, there are only a few malls where the traffic flow is slightly more encouraging - but again on weekends only. Other than that, it is all quiet on the eastern front.

    That said, Sofea, it is a sad reflection of our economy; however the Pavilion is the visionary apex for Najib, as an example.

    So, Najib and co. are trying to pavilionize the economy in order to create an image of a new Malaysia that will enthuse the rakyat to dream and be excited about a more modern future, and hopefully get cracking to build it.'

    A: 'Ah! I follow you, Sir. But somehow i sense it's only half the deliverables, isn't it?'

    B: 'Actually i think it's much less than half of what are needed, Sofea. Let me explain.

    First, leadership. Transformations take time and involve making massive changes. Especially difficult is how to yank people out of their comfort zones to make sacrifices so that they can earnestly work towards better and higher outcomes.

    Older ones are likely to be in more places of influence and decision-making. They also like their comfort zones because they fear the unknown of the new and the untried. Anything that's new involves risks and hard work. People look at what they have been getting by with, and fear they may not have the knowhow or means to make the changes, or found wanting in too many areas. So they resist change.

    The leadership quality a transformation mover must have in our setting combines two qualities that form the built-to-last attack at that fear. The two qualities are preserve the core and stimulate progress.

    What Najib and Co. are only doing so far seems to be to stimulate progress. The reason why there is so much anxiety around is because he and his underlings have not articulated the core.

    Now what is the core? Is it the old set of Malay values or is it something in the back of our minds which embody cross-race principles that we all recurring champion as a monolithic nation of one human race?'

    A: 'Tun, are you saying they have put the cart before the horse? That the first thing Umno should have done before moving with the transformation was to rationalize the essence of what needs to be preserved first?'

  26. 2

    B: 'Not exactly that. Let me make a variation. In fact, let me be blunt.

    If we say the core is to retain monoracial affirmative policies and related affinities per se, the economy will tank because investments will dry up.

    Let us be clear about that first. This government has no more money to practice those policies or voice its support of those affinities.

    And it gets dicier every year to ask Petronas for more oil revenues. Our foreign reserves might be three hundred billion but that number hides a lot of liabilities. And the civil service on its back is one mother expense item.

    So when public sector finances are alarming at best, the government needs a lifeline. That's from taxes. But you can only tax enterprises if they make money. And they can only make money if they are constantly reinvesting to be ahead of the global curve.

    Currently, we are rolling downhill. FDIs are a trickle and DDIs don't exist. A rivulet of funds from the Middle East and we jump. Do you think their being interested in our islamic financing headstart won't mean they are trying to get a leg in? So where are the investment money that's needed to fund those projects to come from? For example, note that MMC-Gamuda are only looking at the tunneling part of the megabillion Greater KL MRT project. That means they may not be the maincon. So who's going to fund that project to pay them? Bottomline, what is the price of the ticket that will enthuse people to use the finished project in order to break even? What for that project, for all other projects as well. How financially successful will those projects be in the end?

    These questions the government has not answered to the rakyat. It needs to simply because the rakyat are asking relevant questions on the funding. And they are doing that because they remember the horror of how the same administration in the past had window-dressed cross-subsidization of failed megabillion projects using public money for private ill-gotten gains. The government has not addressed this concern at all. The labs have been devoid of sensitivity to historical precedents of scandalous and ruinous use of public funds for crony capitalism.'

    A: 'Sir, i am sure the government is aware of that.'

    B: 'Which means, dear Sofea, their situation is even more dire than Apco and others have been trying to hide. They know that the rakyat would have such concerns and yet they went ahead without saying a word.'

    A: 'Back to the matter of preserving the core. If you're saying the tradition core of monoracial affirmative policies and affinities is to be replaced, what is it to be replaced with?'

    B: 'I think we can see how Putrajaya has already answered that. They want a modern surrounding and modern-minded Malaysians working to achieve modernization in a globalized world where income is earned the global way.

    And frankly, i think it's not only them who have no other choices. Let me categorically say it here and now. If Putrajaya is today the Opposition, it would have to do no less. And that's because our economic and social adaptability to global demands for fleet-footed relevance is anorexic. We are like dried-up reeds baked in the hot sun of our own helplessness.'

  27. 3

    A: 'Wow! you really meant it when you said you would be pro-Putrajaya this round, Sir.'

    B: 'But i placed a caveat, Sofea. Being modern is to be relevant. Because the rest of the world upon which we depend for higher incomes is exactly that.

    However i did ask if we replace the old core, we must retain, read preserve, some core values.

    What are they? End of corruption, period. Integrity of the judiciary system. Open tenders. Transparency and accountability. World-class government treatment of the human capital resource. Smart, clean, fast and effective government machinery. And a gusty wind of change to electrify our society that will rebuild confidence, tap young minds, and guide them forward for maximum efficiency using the wisdom of those who have seen enough of the world's ways.

    What Putrajaya has failed to do is to say all this out loud. Better still, affirm its commitment in one new manifesto to over-arch the implementation of the ETP.

    In fact, with each second it delays doing so, it only shows the rakyat it is spinning. And it knows the rakyat know it. And they will take it the government is not going to walk its talk. Which implies it has a second agenda behind the programme. Right, or wrong?'

    A: 'Ah, i see what you mean, Sir! Positive things depleted by one deafening silence.

    Are you saying the new core should replace the hankering sentiments of the vociferate right-wingers in Umno and others?'

    B: 'I am saying the future starts today with our young. Najib and Co. must ignore the detractors by engaging the young instead. Give them space and means to participate fully in the modernization of this country one last round.

    I say one last round although i know they will move the goalpost again closer the deadline when they find investments inflow are unequal to investments needed. Perhaps some of the projects will be downsized. Maybe they will even blame the private sector. That's a nice way of getting out of the kitchen.'

    A: 'You have mentioned leadership and the hot buttons, Sir. Anything else amiss?'

  28. 4

    B: 'The second thing is our brains. Let me illustrate what i intend to say on that with two examples.

    I happened by one sale recently. The young Malay girl managed to persuade me to buy two pairs of sandals. I am still reeling from my excess. Although her job was humble, she did it with enthusiasm. She spoke to me in English. I replied to her in Bahasa. We got along well. When i think back, she embodied what the young Malays can do - namely, no differently from others labeled more successful. It's all a matter of external training and personal attitude. What i am saying, dear Sofea, we must find a new way to help our youths become the best we must believe they can be. No exceptions, no excuses, no delay. Because i can believe that young Malay girl has inner ambition to improve herself even more, and rise to a higher vocation. Now, multiply that sentiment a million-fold and work out a socially-conscious positive system. If you want a replacement of the NEP, I have just enunciated it. Peg a people-training program to the ETP so that the rakyat can get ready to participate should the projects take off and jobs are created. Move broadband to create pull k-resources that will reach the rural areas, and thereby create the business case for their computerization. Just think about how to activate the lower income groups to also participate in the new opportunities and more ideas will surface.

    Next, second example, i happened by one job fair. The moment i walked in, my heart sank. It was like something out of the seventies, not something of 2010. The prospects were no doubt young graduates and so on but i would fail our education system for not equipping them with a greater realization of the real world.

    Were this the only concern, i would not be so heavy-hearted now. Except for one, the prospecting companies also showed unremarkable profiles. Sales positions in insurance, coding work for commercial apps, marketing ...sigh. Like this, how to move on high-income activities?'

    A: 'Sir, you mentioned one exception. Which was that?'

  29. 5/5

    B: 'The headhunting agency from that dot. Haha. One bright young girl and she showed proactive interest in her visitors. I am reading her brochure - Live The Dream. And thinking of Talent Corp. Sigh, again. You know, she sized me up and the first thing she said was, "Sir, we have the lowest tax rates in the region!" Alamak, and i am here talking about tax revenues for Putrajaya.

    Sofea, we are where we are because of a legacy problem that has spawned the most humungous mess of Southeast Asian nationalism despite the most size-worthy allocation of natural and brain resources. Basically, Umno fcuked up.'

    A: 'Amboi! Sir, you said you would be pro-Putrajaya this round.'

    B: 'Hasta la vista baby. I lied.'

    A: 'I empathize with you, Tun. And i too sense what our rakyat are going through with this.'

    B: 'Now, this thing about the Talent Corp. If Putrajaya says they will pay globally commensurate wages, i would like to ask them how can they do so if they are talking about the ETP projects which will be majority-run by the private, and not the government, sector. And if they are talking about the non-ETP private, even public, sector, can they pull it off when it will immediately create market distortions in compensations?'

    A: 'Perhaps, they mean attracting back Malaysians who have left but have acquired special skills and knowhow?'

    B: 'Ah, i remember one worldclass stem cell researcher from Scotland that the dot managed to hire for its biotech sector. The guy relocated, but left with the family after only two years.

    Perhaps, Sofea, it's not just working surrounding. Perhaps, Sofea, it has to do with regime. Why did our Malaysians leave in alarming numbers? Find out the root causes, and address them one by one against what the present regime situation here has all along remained to be, even to this moment, despite all the attempts at the showmanship of change.

    I think we already know all the reasons. And one of them has to do with our public universities, found so wanting we now have to talk about finishing schools for graduates. Try applying that to those aspirants at the job fair.

    Now, you know why my heart bleeds, Sofea. Because it is our young who will need to drive the future and they need to do it today. But the old parochials resisting change will get in their way before they can even roll up their sleeves. Do you see my pain?'

    A: 'Sigh, Sir.'

    B: 'I'm just passing by today, Sofea.'

    This post, for dear PowerOn.

  30. is UMNO going to embrace meritocracy? Mahatir considers that as racism.
    seriously, without meritocracy as the bedrock of policies, forget about high income economy.

  31. Dear Walla,

    Many thanks to PowerOn for seeking you out. I believe there are more out there too. Glad you responded in kind.

    Have been on a lookout for your postings eversince you bowed out of the internet out of frustrations.

    I do hope you will start your own blog soon. Your voice of reason and equitable comments are sorely missed.

    Guat Hoon Yap

  32. Wally sir, thank you so much ! Been looking out for your much sought-after postings.....

    Please come back as a 'regular'? You are sorely missed.

  33. personnaly, I dont see how this talent corp will works. the brain gain has failed not because those people not coming but this no ample feasible project undertaken, we have grant system for projects, but only the corrupt got the grants as the had connection up in the system. Do away with this and the country will flourish.

  34. Najib's way of doing things differently will lead to his downfall. His advisors are just not fit to do the works. Or the people in EPU are useless.

    Just dont see how the TC will works. The ecosystem is not encouraging. If the foreign talent are so good get them to replace his stupid advisors

  35. Dato'

    I think PM is spot on the problems faced in Malaysia.

    The cloud is gathering and the thunder is sounding loud and clear.

    Can the rain maker creates the right conditions to turn it into rain ?

    Currently the less than conducive conditions are much to be desired.

  36. Dear Dato'
    My daughter prefers to work abroad, and IT'S NOT because of the MONEY!
    Among the reasons are MERITOCRACY and NO CRONYISM and the quality of life. She got her job because she had the right qualification and experience, she didn't have to drop names to get it and I didn't have to be a Dato' or support the ruling political party for her to get the job. But the most important aspect was how her employers treat her as a human being NOT just an asset to be disposed of like a soiled tissue paper. They care for her and she cares for them. They have compassion and they make sure she is HAPPY to work for them. If she is happy she will do her best for the company. And the company will be happy too. Being treated as a colleague gives her dignity. And she doesn't wear a tudung because she is a Malay NOT a wannabe Arab and she works in Australia NOT Arabia!
    Mohamed bin Halim.

  37. mohamed bin halim11 October 2010 at 14:52

    Dear Dato'
    My daughter prefers to work and live abroad. And it's NOT about money!
    Among the reasons are MERITOCRACY and ZERO CRONYSM and quality of life. But the most important aspect is that her employers have compassion and they are not even Muslims. They treat her as a human being and this gives her dignity. They care for her so she cares for them and does her best for them. They make her happy to work for them. And if she and her colleagues are happy the company will succeed. Can money buy all this?
    She got her job because she had the right qualification and experience. She didn't have to drop names and I didn't have to be a Dato' or support the ruling political party.
    [And she doesn't wear a tudung because she is a Malay not a wannabe Arab and she works in Australia not Arabia]
    Mohamed bin Halim.

  38. Dear Walla,
    what can I say, except THANK YOU for coming back!!
    But not just for a visit please!
    I, like many of us, still need you to show us the way forward. Don't doubt for a moment, you have been our alter ego (if I can be so brave to say so), you have been able to put in so many right words the depths of our thoughts, dreams, frustrations, anger and hopes.
    Please don't stay away, let us enjoy together your stimulating company again.

    p/s thank you Dato Sak, somehow, somewhere we have Walla with us once more.
