Friday 29 October 2010

PRK Batu Sapi

Pilihan Raya DUN Galas dan Batu Sapi akan di jalankan serentak. Saya tidak berapa tahu mengenai Batu Sapi. Orang Sabah mungkin lebih pandai dalam politik mereka.
Saya hanya mahu komen sikap akhbar akhbar utama kita. Rata rata nya akhbar kita mengentengkan peluang calun yang menentang calun BN di Batu Sapi. Calun itu ialah Yong Teck Lee. Dia wakil parti SAPP. Dia tidak PR. Dia tidak BN. He can swing both ways apabila dia menang kelak. Orang Cina kata- orang bukan orang, hantu bukan hantu.
Jika YTL menang, besar kemungkinan dia masuk BN. Oleh kerana itu, the odds are in BN's fabour.
Adakah peluang YTL tinggi? Saya rasa ya. Calun BN ialah balu kepada ahli parleimen dahulu. Dia kempen sana sini di iringi oleh Musa Aman. Mungkin faktor Musa Aman yang akan membawa padah kepada Datin ini.
YTL bukan seorang political lightweight. Dia bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah. Sedikit sebanyak tentu dia mempunyai pengikut yang ramai dan juga sudah berbudi kepada masyarakat di Sabah. Saya dengar YTL mempunyai sokongan yang padu dari masyarakat Cina dan Bumiputera Sabah yang bukan Melayu. Dan di kalangan Melayu Sabah pun, pengaruh YTL ada.
Mungkin YTL menjadi ejen penyatu kepada orang orang yang sefikiran dalam membenci ketua Menteri Sabah hari ini iaitu Musa Aman. Ada banyak isiu yang menaikkan kemarahan orang Sabah dan semua ini akan di ekspolitasi oleh YTL.
Orang Sabah hanya perlu membandingkan diri mereka dengan apa yang berlaku di jiran sebelah, Sarawak. Di Sarawak, bisnes besar di bolot dan boleh di perolehi oleh rakyat tempatan. Di Sabah bisnes2 besar di sapu oleh orang Semenanjung dengan kerjasama Musa Aman.
Peniaga cina marah kerana tidak dapat peluang dalam bidang bidang perniagaan besar.
Kemudian, Musa Aman juga merupakan isiu yang besar. Orang Sabah menggelarkan Musa Aman, Mr Vacuum cleaner sebagai membayangkan sikap pelahap Musa Aman dan geng nya membaham segala macam jenis bisness di Sabah.
Jadi kita ada beberapa factor yang menentang peluang BN. Sentiment masyarakat Cina. Sentiment masyarakat Bumiputera Sabah. Sentiment anti pembolotan peluang perniagaan oleh orang Semenanjung. Sentiment anti Musa Aman.
Musa Aman dan BN mempunyai pengaruh keatas suatu bilangan masyarakat di Batu Sapi dan Sabah am nya. Peluang BN menang bergantung kepada jumlah yang akan keluar mengundi.
Massalah nya ialah, selalu nya yang mempunyai sentiment diatas adalah golongan yang sudah mual dengan politik. Bila mereka mual, mereka tidak keluar mengndi. Sikap indifference mereka lah yang akan menentukan outcome PRK Batu Sapi.
Jika golongan mereka keluar untuk melakukan perubahan dan menterjemahkan rasa tidak puas mereka, BN mungkin akan kalah. Jika peratusan yang keluar mengundi melebihi 70%, peluang untuk SAPP menang kian meningkat.
YTL akan berusaha sekeras keras nya untuk menggalakkan orang ramai keluar mengundi. Ini bergantung kepada jentera pilihanraya YTL dan dana kewangan nya. Dan saya mendapat perkhabaran YTL sudah mengumpul dana yang besar untuk masuk mana mana pilihanraya.




  1. dato' sak pada saya memang elok pn YTL menang..kena bagitau kat putrajaya bahawa masa berbulan madu dah berlalu dah skg masa utk bekerja utk rakyat...masa utk fikir beras nak kena turunkan harga,susu,gula, minyak masak,dan barang keperluan harian semua ni nak kerajaan nak kena fikir camna nak kawal dan turunkan harga sebab ni adalah keperluan utk rakyat yg marhain PRK batu sapi juga akan menjadi benchmark kepada pentadbiran najib tun razak samada najib di terima atau pn tidak diterima oleh rakyat sabah.....

  2. Dato'

    YTL pun vacuum cleaner jugak. Datin can't speak Malay and emotionally vulnerable. Ansari, apart from the reported PKR infighting, appears to be OK. So my vote goes to him.


  3. You are right Sak. The fight is between YTL and Musa Aman. The Datin is just a conduit.
    She is a grieving widow who leans on her late hubby's track record. She does not look like a confident contestant despite being active in the womens' wing of the party.
    She strikes me as a reluctant candidate.
    Maybe she will win on sympathy votes.
    YTL is really spoiling for a fight. And he wants to win because he wants to be CM again after the coming GE.
    If he wins he will return to BN and become the CM.
    But what I don't like about him was bringing up the subject of autonomy for Sabah. Challenging BN for a debate on a non-issue.
    What have you been doing when you were CM last time?
    That Ansari fellow from PKR is a no-account spoiler at the behest of king Anwar. Even the DAP did not endorse him.
    P.S. Note that the imported Keadilan supporters from Malaya are creating ruckus during nomination day.
    The shameful tactics of Keadilan again on display in every by-elections.
    Compare it to the calm and peaceful manner in Galas where PAS and UMNO are contesting.
    When there's keadilan, there's kerumitan.

  4. Dato'

    In a peculiar way, PKR appears to be the king maker that may ensure victory for SAPP.

    It augurs well for the 'rakyat' of Sabah if YTL wins.

    'Hidup anak Sabah, rakyat Malaysia!'

  5. Dato SAK

    Banyak perkara dan isu yang Dato bangkitkan adalah tidak tepat. Saya percaya Dato hanya ketengahkan perkara yang dibawa kepada Dato oleh pihak ketiga yang anti BN tanpa pengesahan. Saya amat kenal YTL bahawa dia saorang chiuvanis, korupt dan anti Melayu/Islam dan anti Semenanjung.
    Tak dinafikan isu Musa Aman amat kuat tapi masyarakat Sabah masih bersatu dibawah BN.

    Sama-sama kita tunggu keputusan mengundi nanti.

  6. Sak,wenger,walla,quiet despair

    Who r u guys kidding? Better declare urself to be PR lapdogs la!!!

    Anti- Hippo

  7. Scanning through the blogs on sarawak and sabah

    gives me the impression that they are in far away in

    Africa. Despotic head of state. Leaders who are charitable to lost causes.

    Take the story of one african president. he gave a handful of marble-sized

    diamonds to naomi Campbell hoping for her love. And the sampah-taib gave

    away 1 million euro to support a glittering function for the super rich

    in far away monaco- probably the country with the highest per capita income

    in the world. And now this sampah-musa aman was connected with a guy

    who was caught carrying a load of cash at hongkie airport!

    melayu gelokal

    dbp coined 'glokal' to reflect global relationships . Apparently the word is

    a rejected word from the oxford english dictionary. In line with the rule

    bm where words must end up with vowels so that they words would start with

    ga ,ge, gi, go and gu , I think it would be appropriate if a word 'gelokal'

    to represent people sampah -taib and sampah -musa.

    gelokal has the feeling of 'ge-' as in



    gelok-gelok [throating] whatever they can take from the state

    Now with this new word gelok-al , the two penyamuns can be described as the

    melayu gelokal from sarawak and sabah.

    khong khek khuat

  8. Dato' Sak,

    Betul cakap orang cina, olang bukan olang, hantu bukan hantu.Kalau YTL menang nanti,kemungkinan dia akan tukar warna macam " Chemeleon".Harap-harap tidak pula tukar ke warna biru.
    He may go against all odd, but whoever may stir up sentiment of Sabah for Sabahan,last minute voters may vote for him. Not only that, YTL was former CM, who knows all the selok-belok of Politican in Sabah.All voters may gang up to prove a point to BN gomen.Hey, BN after all we,the Sabahan people can make our own decision.No need for your advise. we will seek your consultation after the results .

  9. The last four weeks have been interesting

    in the sense that we saw or rather heard that the pkr

    guy, ansari fell into the deep blue no less than 8 times

    While it may have been bad luck to Ansari, had he been a

    superstitious gentlemen.

    the thing is if one were to go one step further and ask

    the question-

    Why did he fell off the jetty?

    Rotten timbers were not replaced at the jetty sites?

    Just hardly a month ago , a log jam was found in the Rajang river.

    50 miles of timber laden river, wasted . unsawn logs were brought down river
    by torrential downpour to the sea.

    What a waste.

    While the people of batu sapi could have used the precious timber, millions

    of cubic metres of logs were left uncollected in the river.

    And how far is Rajang from Batu Sapi?

    And both states are run by Bee En?

    Parting shot


    The gomen gedebe in pootjaya ought to have helped in the coordination of the

    use of scaarce resource.

    Uncollected timber from the rajang could have been sent to batu sapi.

    And what interesting projects have the minister in the science and technology

    ministry been planning?

    ......sending another space tourist into space

    and the science minister comes from east Malaysia!!!!

    What stoopid ideas can the propesser kangkung in the ministry

    be proposing next?

    if the people in bee en constituency cannot get simple things like timber

    and hardware to fix their timber plankways that lead to their homes, what

    hope has the people in non bee en constituencies?

    zero, ilek , zilcht...

    so wake up lah minister , you are not peter [used to be dollah] ngantok , are you?

    instead of thinking about rubbish million dollar space tourist thingies,

    gedebe propesser kangkungs ought to have come out with good ideas to

    help the poor in batu sapi and other areas.

    suggested projects-

    getting potable water for all villagers

    what is the penetration rate like now ? 80%?

    we go round shouting we are first world ? Is everybody in east malaysia

    getting potable water?

    khong khek khuat
