Saturday 16 October 2010

Bringing back respectability to UMNO

There are so many things which the UMNO president can achieve having Tengku Razaleigh helming the Galas by elections. Politically Ku Li is the borrowed knife with which Najib can kill his political enemies. Ku Li is the Plum tree with which Najib can get the peach tree. But only if Najib is smart enough.

One, he can now start the process of national reconciliation. That's what Ku Li stood for all this time. Let's hope his coterie of self serving advisors don't tell him that giving Tengku Razaleigh this role is giving TRH a second lease of political life. And also lets hope Ku Li's supporters are not over enthusiastic and read this appointment beyond the significance its due.

The biggest problem with Najib is he is gullible. He does listen to bitchy tales, embellished stores of small conspiracies, etc. Plus, Najib is not known for his resolve. He is not ruthless in execution. Didn't I say he has acquired the moniker TPM?- Tak Pernah Muktamad?

It is of course prudent to have a little bit of suspiciousness for reason of self preservation. The bad thing here is that people will constantly feed him with bits and pieces of misinformation. And Najib does succumb to these kind of stories.

We shall see what he does when Ku Lin wins Galas for UMNO. I hope Najib is mindful of the fact that Ku Li is already 73 years old. He is well placed to play the role of an elder statesman and if I can get ahead of myself, it would be profitable for Najib to formalize this role by giving TRH a post as senior minister.

Put him in charge of the ETP. This is a supremely important program for the country that requires helmsmanship by a widely respectable leader. To ensure ETP's success, Najib must placed it under the command of a person with the caliber of Tengku Razaleigh. If TRH can't deliver that, he is out forever. If he succeeds, the ETP succeeds and much credit will go to Najib as being insightful enough to leverage on an almost forgotten talent.

On the contrary, his choice of Razaleigh can win him allegiance and political longevity. Provided the PM is ready to abandon his firefighting political ways and adopt a strategic longer term approach. That's the sacrificing the Plum Tree part.

Used properly, Tengku Razaleigh can be a boost to him. Abused, he will be finished. Whether anyone likes it or not, Razaleigh is a symbol of what is politically so right in politics. He stands for the rule of law and the proper separation of powers. Especially that of separation of powers between the executive and legislative. The executive derives his power from the legislature and he carries out what is decided by the legislator. Disputes are resolved through the judiciary.

He stands for the values of old UMNO where agreements to disagree do not lead to political hostilities. Within a democratic process, members are free to contest against each other but then their rivalries do not degenerate into open political hostilities.

Our country has been beset with divisive and partisan politics. Our country has been ravaged by the politics of racism. All these sap the energy from the one thing that matters to everyone of us. That is managing this country to prosperity which shall be shared by everyone of us.

The significance of choosing Tengku Razaleigh goes beyond Galas. The choice of Razaleigh has national ramifications. Here is a man who stood for loyalty to a cause. That explained his readiness and willingness to cross swords with mainstream UMNO leadership. He has disagreed with many of the party's policies- the question of oil royalty, the manner in which UMNO leadership is elected, the scourge of corruption, how the economy is managed. Yet inspite of all these, the party leadership hasn't got a choice but to agree to Razaleigh being the chief campaign manager for Galas. And we believe he will win Galas easily for UMNO.

And by doing that, he will show and educate other UMNO people, why it can win. It can win not by using coercive powers, not by paying their way through, not through employing hand handed methods. I am delighted to note that Razaleigh has decided to carry out campaigning in Galas using primarily local resources. Party workers, voluntary workers, local speakers. He brings back the ABC of political campaigning methods. Reaching out to people doesn't have to assume loud and aggressive methods.


  1. Raja Petra pembohong, Macam mana dengan blogger pro Umno ini--Mummy Rokiah

    Ada sesuatu yang tidak kena dengan sistem politik kita. Lihatlah senarai-senarai Pengerusi Syarikat-Syarikat milik kerajaan. Sebahagian daripada mereka Ahli Parlimen yang bergaji dan mereka juga Pengerusi Syarikat.

    Musa Hitam, kini berumur 76 tahun, yang bersara sebagai Timbalan Perdana Menteri pada 1986, iaitu 24 tahun yang lalu, adalah Pengerusi Sime Darby Berhad. Dapat pencen Timbalan Perdana Menteri, dapat gaji beribu ringgit sebagai Pengerusi Sime Darby dan terbang ke sana sini naik kapalterbang kelas pertama dan ada kuasa untuk menyewa jet peribadi menggunakan wang syarikat.

    Shahrir Samad, ahli Parlimen dan sekarang Pengerusi MPOB. Anak Mohamed Rahmat, Nurjazlan, Ahli Parlimen dan Pengerusi Uda. Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, Ahli Parlimen Pasir Salak, adalah Pengerusi Felcra. Bekas Menteri Perusahaan Utama Yusof Noor (1990-1995), ada pencen Menteri dan dah bertahun-tahun jadi Pengerusi Felda. Tidak tersenarai ramainya mereka-mereka ini.

    Ahli-ahli Umno yang lain dirayu, dipinta teruskan perjuangan Melayu. Bangkitlah Melayu. Melayu akan hilang kuasa. Yang hidup senang lenang Ahli Parlimen, bekas Menteri dan Ketua-Ketua Umno berjawatan. Tiada noktah kepada kesenangan.

    Tidak payahlah sensitif kepada kenyataan Jelapang ini. Ianya realiti. Lebih teruk lagi bila adanya Melayu yang memegang jawatan tinggi dalam syarikat-syarikat milik kerajaan mengubah cara hidup mereka menjadi Melayu aristokrat.

    Kita tidak lupa suatu ketika dahulu bagaimana seorang Pengerusi syarikat milik kerajaan terbang ke London kelas pertama dua kali seminggu secara percuma dan mengangkut botol-botol arak yang kandungannya tinggal separuh kerana hendak minum percuma.

    Pengerusi-Pengerusi ini diberi gelaran Tun, Tan Sri, Dato' Seri, Dato' dan JP. Orang Melayu yang berkehidupan sederhana dipaksa menunjukkan rasa hormat kepada mereka kerana mereka Tun, Tan Sri, Dato' Seri, Dato dan JP. Jawatan tidak cukup. Mereka perlu diberi gelaran untuk membeza kelas mereka di dalam masyarakat. Cukup menyedihkan dan memualkan.

    Mereka-mereka ini menjadi Pengerusi kerana mereka Melayu, kerana Melayu dan kerana Melayu berkuasa. Tetapi malangnya nama Melayu hanya tunggangan untuk menikmati kesenangan.

    Melayu yang rendah diri hidup kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang. Itu realiti negara kita hari ini.

    Harapan kita Najib Razak mengubah sistem politik ini. Kalau tidak sanggup mengubah, tidak perlulah kita cakap tentang Melayu hilang kuasa.

    Perlu ingat, Melayu akan hilang kuasa bukan kerana Bukan Melayu. Orang Melayu sendiri yang buang kuasa pemimpin Melayu yang lupa asal-usulnya.

  2. RPK had rightly said
    "Najib is trapped. His 1Malaysia is being criticised by both Perkasa as well as Dr Mahathir. His 1Malaysia is not even getting the support of his Deputy, Muhyiddin Yasin."

    Yes, as a Malay I also feel trapped in my country... the problem with the Malays is that we do not have the right Malays in the right place.

    CONFUSEUS is back and fully supports PERKASA to fight for our constitutional rights which has been eroded by the Liberal UMNO Malays.

  3. Well put, Dato.
    Even RPK supports Ku Li and I was one of the witness at Jalan Langgak Golf residence circa 2007.

    “Used properly, Tengku Razaleigh can be a boost to him. Abused, he will be finished. Whether anyone likes it or not, Razaleigh is a symbol of what is politically so right in politics. He stands for the rule of law and the proper separation of powers. Especially that of separation of powers between the executive and legislative. The executive derives his power from the legislature and he carries out what is decided by the legislator. Disputes are resolved through the judiciary. “

  4. "Kita tidak lupa suatu ketika dahulu bagaimana seorang Pengerusi syarikat milik kerajaan terbang ke London kelas pertama dua kali seminggu secara percuma dan mengangkut botol-botol arak yang kandungannya tinggal separuh kerana hendak minum percuma."

    Bukan dulu saja sekarang masih lagi, 5 tahun bermaharajalela, gomen condone aje, makin bankraplah sharikat tu, duit rakyat jadi mangsa.



  5. Put him in charge of the ETP. This is a supremely important program for the country that requires helmsmanship by a widely respectable leader. To ensure ETP's success, Najib must placed it under the command of a person with the caliber of Tengku Razaleigh. If TRH can't deliver that, he is out forever. If he succeeds, the ETP succeeds and much credit will go to Najib as being insightful enough to leverage on an almost forgotten talent.

    An excellent suggestion. Najib, are you all ears?

    In order to succeed in the ETP, we need all the resources we can get. The caveat here is to leverage both on knowledge and wisdom

    TRH seems to certainly possess wisdom. Prove me wrong.

  6. aku stuju cadangan ni, TRH sepatutnya diberi tempat istemewa di dlm umno, ETP aku tak ambik tau apa tu ETP aku orng biasa, jadikan ia orang yg istimewa didlm umno atau kerajaan- senior minister aku snagt la stuju....

  7. scrap ETP..nonsense.Corporation don't exist to make others happy.

  8. In any capacity, Ku Li is a fine gentleman and statesman. His vengeance is never a public knowledge, unlike Radzi, Abdullah, and Musa, when power make sensible guys crazy!

  9. Anon 11:12
    You wrote...

    "CONFUSEUS is back and fully supports PERKASA to fight for our constitutional rights which has been eroded by the Liberal UMNO Malays"

    Can you qualify what you just posted? In what way or ways have Malay rights been eroded actually ?

    Please mention just one ... and let me dispute you.


  10. Pengkhianat sebenar yg menjual orang2 melayu ialah pemimpin2 UMNO semenjak negara mencapai kemerdekaan pada tahun 1957.
    Siapakah yg menelan ludah mereka sendiri apabila menentang JUS SOLI pada tahun 1946 tetapi menerimanya kembali pada tahun 1957 bilamana lebih sejuta pendatang2 cina dan tamil telah diberikan kerakyatan pada tahun2 1957 hinggga 1969.

    Orang2 yg diberikan taraf kerakyatan penuh inilah pada hari ini menjadi duri dalam daging kepada kepada seluruh bangsa peribumi Malaysia.

    Pemimpin yg diberi gelaran bapa kemerdekaan yg bernama YAM Tunku Abd Rahman yg juga Presiden UMNO pertama seleps kemerdekaan adalah seorang pseorang pelopor pengkhianat kepada seluruh bangsa peribumi di Malaysia. Jasa2 beliau kepada pendatang cina telah diabadikan kepada sebuah universiti pertama mereka yg bernama Universiti Tunku Abd Rahman.

    Najib A Razak juga adalah seorang penkhianat; beliau sewaktu menjadi Menteri Pelajaran mengubah clause AKTA pelajaran yg sebelumnya membenarkan Menteri Pelajaran membubarkan sekolah2 Cina kepada "mengiktiraf sekolah Cina dan Tamil sebagai sistem pelajaran Malaysia". Perkara inilah yg menjadi modal beliau apabila bertemu dengan orang Cina dan Tamil sambil mengungkit2 jasa yg telah dilakukannya dalam mengiktiraf sekolah2 Cina dan Tamil supaya duduk dan berdiri sama tinggi dengan SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN (Aliran Melayu).
    Adakah ini tidak dipanggil pengkhianatan.

    Orang melayu jangan sesekali menyalahkan 100% orang cina atas kemeleratan mereka; kerana kemelaratan mereka juga banyak disumbangkan oleh pemimpin2 mereka yg tidak beramanah......

  11. Dey anon 22.46 apa lu cakap ni???
    The dead tell no tale. U ni celupar lah. Akai ada ka? jangan la emosi sangat. Itu lah ketentuan Allah SWT. Apa juga yang terjadi adalah mengikut kehendaknya. Tidak akan bergerak sesuatu benda kecuali dengan kudratnya. Cakap tu biarlah berlapik sebagai org islam jangan cakap macam soi lek or samyvalue or macam mahathir.
