Sunday 1 August 2010

The lessons from Singapore Malays

You are talking crap. You should learn a thing or two from the fate befallen the Singapore Malays.

How anyone wants to express his disagreement is not the issue here. I wrote a short article about the Singapore Malays. The way of expressing your disagreement such as above, prevents a meaningful debate about this matter.

Yes I am aware that a seminal work on the condition of the Malays was done by Lily Zubaidah Rahim in her book, The Singapore Dilemma: the political and educational marginality of the Malay community. She has gone to write a second book on that issue.

This is precisely my point why we Malays in Malaysia should not interfere in the affairs of Malays across the causeway. They have their own spokesman or spokeswoman who can articulate their cause. Why should we confer upon ourselves, a busybody status and try to show Singapore Malays a thing or two? Take care of our Malays here.

The central thesis of Lily Zubaidah's book is that the marginalisation of the Malays in Singapore has less to do with their cultural deficits as it does with the institutional and structural factors in the political and educational system. In other words the enabling environment imposed as it were, by the political establishment of the dominant ethnic community. Bluntly put, by the Chinese dominated government.

Now, here is the lesson which should be taken to heart by Malaysian Malays. Suppose the general iniquity that we suffer( economically, educationally etc etc) has less to do with our cultural deficits, where then should we look for the main cause?

The only answer is that, the present lot of our Malays here in Malaysia is caused by our own institutional and educational structural impediments imposed by the dominant political power dominated by our own Malays. In other words, if I were to use the reasoning by Lily Zubaidah , in reverse, then I say, the iniquities that we suffer is the doing of the politics of our own race.

The reasons holding back our Malays therefore are not so much due to our cultural deficits which can be overcome, but perhaps more with our political arrangements. The sooner UMNO realise this , the better.

This is the crap we want to have undone.


  1. In most countries the minorities will have many grouses about being sidelined in the social, educations, and economic fields.
    But in Malaysia, the same complaints are coming from the MAJORITY race!!!- The race the hold absolute reins of power. Absolute!!

    And yet they are blaming the minority for their malaise!!!! Odd isn't it.

  2. Well done. As Malays in Malaysia, we should work it out so that the statement of "Rakyat didahulukan" is coming into reality.The Malay Rakyat must be taken care off. Do not cheat us anymore. We can do it better and better, the Malays with the 'true' support from the 'Malay leaders' .Please lah no MORE CORRUPTIONS. And,in the true spirit of Ramadhan (very near) let us say to our self, "I will work with integrity and harmony everyday". We should be like what Maher Zain's lyrics " we share the same bright sun, the same round moon, why dont we share the same love?" The love to see everyone from the community of Malays, stands as tall as the other races (or what "race" are talking about?)

    - was in Jengka Pahang

  3. THREE words for the Malays to be competitve in the 21st century, and there no two way about it:


    The yelling by a dominant race in a country for affirmative discrimination against other minorities is a recipe for the weakening of the race's cultural strength to survive.

    People like Ibrahim Ali and Perkasa are like polyps in the Malay community which will eventually evolve into METASTATIC CANCEROUS CELLS.

    In fact, the Malay community today has too many precursor cancer cells (read: ultra Malay NGOs) triggered from their primary source ie UMNO .

    The constant harping of Malay-centric issues by UMNO and Malay bloggers is akin to making the Malay community to being fed with food which will trigger the cancer in the Malay community.

    Malay issues should be de-emphasise and addressed in the larger framework of the socio economic problems of Malaysians in general.

    There must be significant paradigm shift in the attitudes of the educated Malay elites and Malay bloggers to bring along the Malay masses especially those in the rural areas to see their problems as not RACIAL concerns BUT as economic problems in the larger context of the country's economic situation.

    It is sad that the Malay masses in the rural heartland are being blind-sided by the racial politics of the race-based parties.

    These parties sought to seek power the easy way out by using racial fears of the Malays and the non Malays instead of addressing the institutional and the political environment which entrenching the poverty and the marginalisation of the lower section of the Malaysian society ( not exclusive to the Malays, by the way).

    Now, Dato Sak, that why it is so important for bloggers like you to de-emphasise the ethnic-centricity when discussing the nation's problems.

    The Malays can only progress if the country progresses. And for the country to progress, ALL the races must be brought together to move the country forward.

    The state of the nation is that UMNO-BN is NOT bringing ALL the races together to move the country forward in this economically globalised workd, rather the govt of the day is too absorbed in racial point scoring and handing out crutches to the MAJORITY community while marginalising the opportunities of the minority races. And that is NOT the way to bring the country forward.

    Am I wrong??

  4. lu tolong wa, wa tolong lu.
    that malaysian malay numero uno principle. What the hell you talking about malay in malaysia. Malaysian malay already choose that fellow to be numero uno. Jadi terima sahaja hasil dari apa yang telah anda pilih. Lagi pun dalam malaybolehland ni, rakyat mana boleh pilih pemimpin. Dia cuma boleh pilih apa yang parti politik tetapkan. Itu sahaja. Buka mata dulu, sebelum nak kata, rakyat yang pilih kami. Bohong besar la beb. Singapore malays kalau naik, sememangnya usaha dia sendiri. That all, tak perlu nak kata "yes or no" that fact. Cuma bangang-bangang malaysian malays saja yang nak mendebatkan isu-isu Singapore malays. Macam kata hang, they had their own problem, tak yah jadi tukang sibuk macam bigdog tu. Rasanya dia dah mabuk AKAR JERLUN pasal tu, spin tak tentu pasal. Hehehee...

  5. Basically there are no such thing as inabilities to achieve this or that.

    Whether you are a Chinese, Malay or Indian or even natives, you have to be pragmatic with your time and resources.

    Why Chinese are better off in Business and Indians better off as lawyers and doctors?

    It is the surrounding and the values.

    For Malays to progress, you have to look at the environments and how the Malay children spend their time as they grow up.

    One thing I do observe is that they have spent a great deal of time on certain sectors like religion even from the time they are young and tender age while other races do not. Others then would have an early age advantage as far as school studies are concerned. So dont blame others for being better as brahim Alis kind of mentality do.

    Similarly when they gr0w up, they again tend to spend a lot of time on religion while the others do not. Others spend more time making money while the Malays spend a good deal of time communicating with God. Maybe Malays will have better after lives but then we are talking of these current lives .

    They are disadvantaged in facilities too when they live out main cities where facilities lack. Rural areas lack the facilities.

    The worse of all is the perception of "no need to worry or study hard to achieve. Government will take care of us".

    Well the government can take care of them during school days and up to Universities. After that what? Government cannot take care of all the Malays.. the numbers are just too huge.

    So there are many other factors too inhibiting the Malays in this country. I can only mention a few samples here.

    The major mistake the government did and doing now, is to make it easy for the Malays to get the degress so much so they are not worth much at all and destroyed the prestigious positions these Universities had before. They created matriculation is one of those measures.

    Even worse, they are churning out graduates like no tomorrow with tens of Universities all over the country with billions the country have to earn from somewhere and maintain them forever. It is as though by magic the Malays in the country are super clever having degrees by the tons overnight. One can fool certain people, one cannot fool real economics.

    Now Malaysia is a country with paper qualifications without the quality and no one wants to be Longkang sweeper anymore. WE get foreigners to do the job and export even more money.

    Meanwhile these papermill graduates expect top salaries... ended up as part the world's biggest civil service because the private sector just cannot employ them.

    These you seldom see in Singapore Malays. They have to work hard from day one and these are the guys who can stand up to the world.

    Malaysia? Even the Chinese are losing out not just the Malays. The Chinese have been neglected to fend for themselves. Many have chosen to move to Singapore and other countries and as we see the results other countries are benefitiing while we go inot tandrums "I want more politics" without even justifying whether he/she deserves it.

    At last the Chinese can only watch and vote with their feet and they can only do so much themselves.... unlike in Singapore they are supported all the way globally.

    At the end of the day, guys like Ibrahim Alis are complaining for lacking and blame the Chinese for their woes. Phew !

    Sad but true

  6. Melayu control minda melayu supaya senang tipu melayu. itu yang terjadi di Malaysia.

  7. Any country as a minority, you will suffer some sort of disadvantage whether its discrimination, institutional advantage of others etc.

    As you point out, there is no excuse for the majority here! So as you point out, Singapore Malay problems offer no lesson to Malaysian Malays. The curiosity and talk is gossip - a diversion and pandering.

    If there is a lesson from Singapore Malays, its that excuses are dangerous. The average Singapore Malays don't have advantages but they, with the exception of a small group, are still better off than most Malays here. How can UMNO offer excuses if the Singapore Malays can do better?

  8. that book is BANNED and you are claiming that she is a spokesman???

    She is no longer in Singapore dude, coz she may be "harrassed" and "cowed" to toe the line

    and please DO NOT forget that the SAF is STILL not totally open to SINGAPORE MALAY MUSLIMS

    Now does that mean that the enemy of Singapore could be the Malaysian Malays who may be "assisted" by the Singapore Malays???

    Perhaps their racial and religious profiling means affinity???

    And then nearing the red dot national day, there is this young Malay Muslim man who was snatched for terrorist leanings

    and the papers are having a field day CHURNING articles mostly written by Malay/Muslim 'experts'about Malays becoming terrorists thru the internet

    and no prizes for guessing this year national day theme of "Let's unite against terrorism"

    was this a subtle message of let's unite coz the Malay Muslims can be a potential handful???

    Think Sak think and really reflect ... and of course TAKE care of the Malaysian Malays.

    Try to avoid ending up with the fate of the Singapore Malays.

  9. Taken from UNSPINNERS

    blogenstarz said...

    Sepatutnya "KERTAS 13MEI.1969" itu didedahkan kepada golongan yang tidak pernah merasai keperitan hidup pada hari sebelum,semasa dan selepas kejadian 13MEI.1969.


    Biar mereka tahu apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.
    Biar mereka tahu punca yang menyebabkan ianya terjadi.

    Kepada yang tidak mengalami kejadian sebenar2nya 13MEI.1969 jangan menyokong kaum CINA DAP sewenang2nya.
    CINA DAP / PAP dan KOMUNIS lah yang menyalakan api kemarahan orang melayu dizaman itu.

    Apa perasaan anda jika CINA DAP mengatakan:-
    "MELAYU BODO".....dan bermacam2 lagi ayat ynng hina dilontarkan kepada orang melayu !

    Yang sedehnya... satu keluarga melayu (DIKELAPA SAWIT)telah ditawan dan kaum wanitanya diBUNOH selepas DIROGOL.

    Di SENAI.... BUDAK (L)MELAYU telah dipotong kemaluanya dan disumbat kemulutnya......

    Di SALENG.... REMAJA (L)MELAYU telah diKEJAR dan DILIBAS dengan parang sehingga TERBURAI PERUT lalu meninggal dunia.

    DISEELONG..... PENOREH GETAH telah digantung pada dahan pohon getah bersama nota "MELAYU BANYAK CILAKA"

    DISWEELAM..... 4PEMUDA MELAYU Telah ditawan semasa memotong kelapa sawit dan diikat lalu diTEMBAK sehingga hancur mukanya.

    DIKULAI..... 3 WANITA MELAYU yang sedang membasuh kain diperigi telah ditangkap dan diROGOL sebelum membunuhnya.

    Banyak lagi kesah2 sedih yang tak dapat saya PAPARKAN DISINI....INI KESAH BENAR 13 MEI 1969.
    Ini bukan "HEAR SAY


    August 1, 2010 1:02:00 AM GMT+08:00

  10. Dato,

    Lily Zubaidah Rahim's book - The Singapore Dilemma: the political and educational marginality of the Malay community - is an open book for peer review. & if u care to google the few reviews that it got, the picture is not pretty.

    I would gamely said that she was 'discredited' so much so that she had to migrated to Oz.

    Well, even if due consideration is given to this '?' work, what did it say?????

    Is her view the true representation of ALL or majority of the Malay S'poreans?

    This is apowerful insight;

    'The only answer is that, the present lot of our Malays here in Malaysia is caused by our own institutional and educational structural impediments imposed by the dominant political power dominated by our own Malays. In other words, if I were to use the reasoning by Lily Zubaidah , in reverse, then I say, the iniquities that we suffer is the doing of the politics of our own race.'

    But then again how many of u, Malay M'sians out there, have that intuition/fortsight to see this forest of gem than those rubbishes vomitted out by a 80+ yrs old racist?

    That's the sotry of the Melayu in M'sia today!

  11. In Singapore, everybody knows that simple adage - 'The fittest survives'.

    There is no seclusive law in the sense of protecting the minority and the idea of letting lazy cows to graze on the hays that other cows bring home, has been seen as a disgrace and a beggary of despised!

    It's a total level field competition for the brilliant, hard-working and aggressive players to have won the trophy and glory for themselves!

    Their world class varsities are opened for 'open tenders' of a position for anyone who has the credential and fitness to squeeze through. They have no double standard, no two sets of passing and all those craps. And we all know these aplenty of craps we are having them, treasuring them like gold, in exercise in our local varsities! No way in Singapore, not even to think about it!

    Regardless of you are the Indons, the Chinese from China or where ever you may crawl in to the little red dot, the classroom is the boxing ring for you to flex the muscles. Those flirting around in the campus thinking that they have thick doughs in the waist pouches would have finally bought them a paper even though they would have just play games with girl friends in the dark corner or library are making serious mistakes! Upon flung out from the schools, immediately they will be booted out from the Country!

    Only those brilliant or whiz kids will stay, and a PR will immediately be granted upon they receive the 1st Honour Degree from the Dean in the Convocation Hall, or even before that!

    Whilst packing and leaving the Country, some may whine and cry and will blame that as a form of discrimination or marginalization!

    Those in the failure should blame themselves instead that they forgot to throw away their Tongkat Ali into the sea whilst earlier crossing the cause way into the Island!

    When i was in their world class again MRT train, i heard languages of English, Chinese and Tamil by the train operator for the next station to disembark. The commuters are the mix of Caucasians, Indians, Chinese, Filipinos, Malays, a large varieties of them.

    The so-called minority Indians spoke fluent 'Singlish' like flowers flowing out from their mouths. Bright and prospective scent are what i can grasp from their outlook attributes and the courage in expressing themselves besides standing vis-a-vis with the many expatriates and their Chinese compatriots!

    I didn't sense the slightest of any 'inferiority complex' unleashed from the real 'kiasu' and 'kiasi' kind of 'jaguh kampung' who would have the cheeks some more to tease the real distinguished and proud professional elites they dun need even to lug their hands in the rubber loops!

    Not to mention any to be seen with 'tongkat' bonded to their wobbling trunks!

    So those who are the whims and fanciers of the NEP tongkats will not find Singapore a suitable place for their numbed and crippled legs to stand, not even an inch!

    So the best advice is, please stay back in the kampung and enjoy polishing the tongkat and leave the fast revolving little planet alone or you will just be spun off like the shell of rambutan you use to throw out from the cars onto the highway leading to your kampung!

    Siapa makan cilli, dia rasa pedas!

    Pls dun blame me of being overly sarcastic. I am merely talking about the real life truths in Singapore!

    Listen to the mentor LKY had said - "Not that we dun welcome the Malays from the North to migrate their families to our Country, it's because we are a tiny dot and we dun have such spaces for many of them"..

    Still not clear enough to break the hard pea-shells?

    You go and think about it but please dun whine and piss in the public 'cos it looks ugly! Tourists from abroad won't know that's our 'culture'!

  12. "...that the marginalisation of the Malays in Singapore has less to do with their cultural deficits it does with BLUNTLY put, by the Chinese dominated government."

    Equally, dare we say, BLUNYLY put, the marginalization of the minorties in Malaysia has nothing to do with cultural or racial differences but everything to do with the Malay dominated Government?

    You see, it doesn't help to dismiss race and culture, and then talk Chinese and Malay!

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  13. Very well said, succinct and to the point. Do not look elsewhere/beyond our own borders for our country's ills. What went wrong and continues to be in this malaise has everything to do with the policies and educational impediments set by the country's own institutions.

  14. Well done, Dato.

    You articulated exactly what I have in mind.

    My family funded my tertiary education abroad without a single sen from UMNO.

    I have to work hard for what I have today. I know that I have to use my intellectual asset and sheer hard work to compete in the working world to be successful.

    Why can't other Malays think the same instead of waiting for BN/UMNO to provide the crutch? Tak malu kah? It is like what my friends would call "spineless"!

    The Malays have to stop having the kampung mentality and Perkasa chief, that ugly looking frog called Ibrahim is doing all he can to preserve the kampung mentality amongst Malays. This is so sinful or haram. More haram than having a beer. Tunku Abdul Rahman had a beer when his race horse the article by Ku Li.

    Jahanam lah Perkasa!

    Malays will go down the economic abyss if they continue to listen to UMNO and the frog from Perkasa. I can almost guarantee that!!


  15. "Umno information chief Ahmad Maslan today reminded Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua not to "play with fire" by proposing the scrapping of discounts for Bumiputera for the purchase of commercial and luxury properties..." Malaysiakini

    Don't you agree that Malaysian Malays love to function and exist as parasites?
    If a Malay can afford a 2million ringgit property why does he need a discount?
    Does he realize who is paying for the discount? Of course, the non-Bumi? Not the developer or the government?

    If only the Malays realize how lowly the Chinese think of them for proudly demanding discounts and quotas even though they don't deserve it?
    So a poor non-Bumi must pay for the rich Bumi's discount?
    Shame on you! Parasites!

  16. Dato',

    It is not UMNO/BN, rather the Leaders that the Citizens voted in from 1969 until 2010 now...

    Those so called Leaders were "Brainwashed" by their Elite Ketuanan Heirarchy to "Maintain the SYSTEM status quo"

    Just to share this...

    Khoo, Boo Teik, Paradoxes of Mahathirism : an intellectual biography of Mahathir Mohamad / Khoo Boo Teik Oxford University Press, Kuala Lumpur ; New York : - - Cached

    April 16, 2008 The two sides of a coin : The Crisis of 1987 – 1988 -

    "Yesterday, I accidentally came upon several interesting articles by Datuk George Seah...

    I think people have been grossly misdirected in blaming solely Tun Dr Mahathir for the judiciary crisis in 1988. This is partly because of the strong accusation from the opposition and the silence of Dr Mahathir in clearing the air...

    "...On a side note, after Umno was declared unlawful and cease to exist on 4th February 1988, Malaysia effectively had no Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and many other ministers from Umno. The next leader in line was non other than Datuk Seri (now Tun) Ling Liong Sik as MCA holds the most seats in the Dewan Rakyat. He chaired the subsequent cabinet meeting without the presence of all Umno ministers including Dr Mahathir. Malaysia was effectively ruled by an MCA President at that time even if it was for a short while. MCA could have staged a coup d e’tat of the country on their own but they did not. For that, Umno was forever grateful to the MCA.

    Being a leader is never easy. Only the brave, the decisive, the intelligent and the wise will succeed.

    "Doing what is right may not necessarily be as vital as doing what is best for the nation and its people. Even when the decision proves to be very unpopular. Only time will tell and history be the judge. Wallahu’alam."

    Please note that my observation and analysis is solely based on my opinion on the articles by the affected parties which are available online. Any facts which may have escaped me or some events that happened which were not disclosed to the public may certainly strengthen or weaken my findings above.

    Therefore I beg anyone whom has the knowledge and evidence to substantiate their own findings to share with us here..." Unquote.


  17. Part 2.

    Just to share these interesting & historical videos....

    Remembering Malaysian Leaders esp YAB Dato'Onn Jaafar -

    Great Malaysian Leaders- Tunku, Sardon, Ibu Zain, Senu,etc..

    Tunku Abdul Rahman - Interview 1987 Story of Merdeka from YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman

    A Rare Interview with Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj in 1987 – UMNO - Al-Fatihah to YTM Tunku Abdul Rahman and all our beloved Leaders and Rakyat who loved Malaya / Malaysia.

    Tun Hussein Onn 1987 - Nasihat untuk UMNO Pemilihan Pemimpin UMNO

    Tunku Abdul Rahman 1988 - Pengharaman & Usaha Menyatukan UMNO -

    Selagi ada hayat, saya lawan untuk kembali balik demokrasi – Tunku Abdul Rahman -

    So, the long and short of it. "The Bolehland's state of affairs in 2010 is all good..."

    "Situation Normal All Effed Up – SNAFU."

    If MAN does NOT WANT to WAKE-UP & NOT WANT to LEARN to take Positive Steps...

    History will keep REPEATING itself – MAN will continue to be Sheeples aka Goyim!

    Yes, we are the suckers that allowed the System to create our nation's ills, so please wake up & get out of the Bolehland mindset to see the bigger picture!

    You be the judge.


  18. Dear Sakmongkol,

    Allow me to share some thought on Malaysia and Singapore.

    Several years ago, Hsien Loong said that "malays cant be put in sensitive military position as their loyalty will be in question should Singapore is involved in war".

    This come from a country that announces meritocracy as its hallmark.

    Whereby malays dominated middle ranking positions during British clonial rule in Singapore ( top positions naturally held by British), in current Singapore, they occupy largely low ranking positions.

    But in Malaysia, I have seen Chinese become CPO and Brigadier General.

    In singapore, only recently A malay is promoted as a 3 star general.

    The truth is that despite hue and cry about meritocracy, Singapore exercises it only selectively.

    By saying that I am not instilling hatred towards singapore. Singapore has its plus point, just like Malaysia.

    And I would like to relate to one incident that reflects how racism takes place. Several yars ago, a bank staff complained to Bank Negara over what he termed as racism in the bank.

    there are 16 bank staff from that department( audit) did not receive a single cent bonus as their performances were deemed "unsatisfactory".

    Guest what? all of them are Malays. Bank Negara asked for explanation. The bank was unable to justify its action. It reluctantly paid one month bonus after the BN intervention.

    What I am trying to say is that Malays also encounter racism in workplace. But of course, you will not expect DAP to cry out loud about that.

    As for race-based politics, the irony is that the parties which claim to be multiracial are the most racist.

    The most glaring example is DAP. It claims to be multiracial but it instills hatred against the Malays.

    I have live long enough to witness its antics. It purposely poisons chinese mind by scaring them that UMNO is trying to demolish vernacular school when Dr mahathir tried Wawasan School.

    The reality is that if UMNO had wanted to abolish Vernacular schools, it would have done that 50 years ago.

    Dear anonymous( 8;19),

    Correction. Malays are not blaming Chinese for their malaise. Vast majority o Malays are blaming anwar for fanning racial sentiments just to curry favour from chinese community.

    the only chinese whom Malays blame are DAP leaders who fan Chinese sentiments to hate UMNO by portraying that UMNO is unfair to Chinese.

    From my point of view, Malays have themselves to blame by tolerating rubbish from anwar or PAS or several UMNO ministers who I term as moron.

  19. A big mistake by Ku Li was by re-joining UMNO and dissolve Semangat 46....If he was still outside UMNO during sacking of Anwar and jailing, I am sure in 1999, a lot of non malays would have supported Tengku Razaleigh for PM....

    The only votes saved UMNO was from non malays. Majoriti malays in 1999 have voted for the opposition...

  20. Quote from a speech by MIC President and Works, Telecom and Posts Minister, V.T. Sambanthan in the Dewan Rakyat on June 1, 1965:-

    … in 1955 we won the elections with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two years time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now what did the Malays do -- since we are speaking on racial lines -- what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma.

    Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indians have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, "We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens." And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens ...

    As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have been born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable, a more polite, a more decent race than the Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you. These are the facts. Who are you to safeguard us? I am a 10 percent minority race here. But I am happy here.

    Dear Dato' Sak, I am seeking your experiences as politician and successful businessman input to comment on this statement by V.T Sambathan and how does current Malaysian with Indian ethnicity whom are still insisting on SRJK(T) based education and preserving Tamil as their mother tongue understand their Malaysian malay brethren and vice versa the Malaysian malay understand their Malaysian india brethren.

  21. Quote of statement by Tan Siew Sin, MCA President and Finance Minister in a local daily titled, "Tun Tan Answers Critics on Special Previleges" dated April 30, 1969:-

    The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship laws of this country to such extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent of the non-Malays became citizens. This was different to the situation before Merdeka whereas 90 percent of the non-Malays were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States. In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.

    Dear Dato' Sak, I am seeking your experiences as politician and successful businessman input to comment on this statement by Tan Siew Sin and how does current Malaysian with Chinese ethnicity whom are still insisting on SRJK(C) based education and preserving Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese/Hokkien etc..) as their mother tongue understand their Malaysian malay brethren and vice versa the Malaysian malay understand their Malaysian chinese brethren.

  22. Jebat,

    You quoted Tan Siew Sin, "In return for this major concession. the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interest of other communities.".

    This has NEVER been an issue for the chinese and indians.

    The special POSITION (read again POSITION) of the Malays has never been questioned. That agreement and understand was cast in stone in the Federal Constitution.

    What is being questioned? UMNO's manipulative politics that turned POSITION into RIGHTS... There never was an agreement on SPECIAL RIGHTS.

    Second issue in question: The marginalisation of the opportunities (and RIGHTS) of nonMalays when the UMNO-led Govt began its political bullying to push down the throats of Malaysians that the FALSE NOTION that the Federal Constitution empowers special RIGHTS to the Malays.

    Read again what Tan Siew Sin said and read again what the Federal Constitution said.

    Right up today, we still hear ultra Malays and UMNO leaders still trying to force down the throats of Malaysians that the Federal Constitution empowers SPECIAL RIGHTS of the Malays. That is a BLATANT LIE.

  23. Listen to the Information Chief of Umno Ahmad Maslan his forewarn to MP Tony Pua not to play fire just because he was suggesting to scrap the 5% bumi discount for the purchase of commercial and luxurious properties!

    It's fair that if all the discounts go to the needy folks who couldn't afford to buy a house as their homes with that trivia 5%, it could barely help to ease a little also!

    But since those pot bellies they have sucked enough and have become so rich that they could already afford to invest in the properties yet still need the 5% discounts for what?! To subsidize them with more profits into their pockets after they sub-sale the properties is the only rationale i can figure out!

    So it defeats the purpose of preserving the special position of the real poor Malay when the discounts are going to the wrong pockets! The average Malays could still not be able to own any premium properties but to rent from the pot belly filthy rich Malays or some mamak they would have also cheated the privileges by claiming their Malayness!

    My question is - Is this the kind of special position that Tan Siew Sin and our Tunku were talking about?!

    If the answer is yes, then the FC has to be rewritten with more precise wordings that, it's the already rich Malay position has to be preserved and to make them richer... and filthy rich!

    Better still, they can 'pukul habis' all damned rights and let them become kings of the beggars!

    When the Nation goes bankrupt, don't they have to become the beggars to borrow from the international loan sharks for survival?!

  24. The Special Position of the Malays in the Federal Constitution became the excuse for the greedy UMNO Malays to become filthy rich and richer and then cream off the opportunities from the reaches of the truly deserving Malays.

    Economic uplifting of the marginalised must NEVER be on race, be it here or in any part of the world. It must be founded upon the merits of socio-economic needs of the individual/family. By itself, it transcends race.

    That is how a CIVILISED society sought to bring out NATION BUILDING... not adopting racist policies.

    However it is going to be spun, It has to be said that at the core of UMNO's affirmative discrimination based on race, it is racist in intent and in practice .

    By the cruel law of nature, this racist policy breeds the corruption and greed among the rich and powerful in the same race.

    The evidence is too obvious and it has been sufficiently document.

    People like Jebat can twist and turn the facts, they don't change the truth of the matter. Forty years are long enough to make that judgment call about how the Federal Consitution had been made into a joke.

  25. Dear Anon 19:27, 21:25 and 22:17,

    "They had 88 percent of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcomed in Ceylon, is not welcomed in Burma.

    Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcomed in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indians have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it, you know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here we found that the Malay leadership said, "We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens." And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousand of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others became citizens ..."

    Please re-read that statement above and prove to me is there any race or country on planet earth as generous as the Malaysian Malay?

    Please prove to me is there any race or country on planet earth as generous as the Malaysian Malay in allowing primary education policy to be teach in non-national language (Mandarin/Tamil)?

    Please tell me if the historical situation are reverse, will the Chinese/Indian race will be as generous as the Malaysian Malay?

    The Singaporean Malay accept the fact that they lost their political power and they submit and adapt their way of life to the Lee Kuan Yew political dynasty grand design. That is the lessons from Singapore Malays that I learned.

    Do the Malaysian chinese and malaysian indian even try to assimilate and adapt their way of life to the Malaysian Malay way of life?

    What is the common identity of Malaysian? Bahasa Malaysia? How do we move forward as Malaysian without a common identity and accepting the historical facts that lay the foundation of Malaysia constitution?

  26. Jebat,

    You should feel thankful Dato Sak is being silent about your flip-flop and twist-turn fallacy and farcical spin typical of a kampung mentality which only glued to the antiquated and warped scriptures you pillowed it for generations!

    Such a pity you have been intoxicated to such great extend that you still find it fit to clinch to it and to die for it!

    Anyway, we are dying, the Nation is dying, at the rate it's going, say what you like, by giving the whole land to you, there is no more gold, no more natural resources, and soon there will be no more oil for you bigoted guys in Umno to 'pukul' any further.

    Your bosses who told you that you own the land have prior to you turn almost 'pukul habis' every damn things in this once a very healthy and wealthy State we once felt very proud about it!

    Not now, judging from the many corrupted morons who are at helm and who are not forgetting to spin and split the Nation further with racial politics and with all the world class mockery and scandals! The world people are looking so low on us now without you realising!

    Forget about telling us how much you know about other Countries which they are not as benevolent as your racist masters who would 'give' citizenships to us the birthright owners of the papers invented by the equally depraved colonial masters who thought your forefathers how to spin and check and balance tricks of the Westminster!

    My children have been offered citizenship in Singapore and i told them no because our natal land is Malaysia and we will always belong to this beloved Country which God has sent us here!

    It's not for you to say where we should belong to! Likewise, you are the same like us, Tuhan sends you here and dare you deny this?!

    We are not interested to ask for more of the privileges which you feel so precious like your virginity. And we are not interested to court you for the thin film of skin for as long as your most depraved and corrupted masters could just leave the rakyat alone, leave the Nation alone, by not barking like rabid dogs whilst his cohorts are in stealth continue with the whacking and looting business to ruin the Country in no time!

    When the Country goes bankrupt of reputation and economic value, give you the whole land, you would not also be able to plough it arable any more!

    As to all the craps and dirts you are serving here, we would say - no thank you - and you can save it all for your own consumption!

  27. Dato,

    Looks like yr blogspace is going to see some actions from now on.

    The choirboys of Deminegara r agitating to get some actions from yr site now, since their strategies of BS on their sites DON’T work.

    I only hope that they used their usual non de plum rather than hide behind anon. I suppose one just cant blame them, for the sake of their face saving, after all their tin-kosong comments were been ‘feloniously’ shoot down.

    The two statements that Jebat had quoted had been circulated relentlessly by these choirboys & umno bigots to misguide the ignoramus, more so the heartlanders.

    1st – the timeline of that two speeches; V.T. Sambanthan in the Dewan Rakyat on June 1, 1965 & Tan Siew Sin dated April 30. There r many versions of the dates & times for these two speeches. Do google to find out the different date-stamps!

    2nd – the situations leading to the speeches. Both these politikus were fighting for their & their party’s political survival at that time. Both knew very well that they could not depend on the supports of the Indians & Chineses to uplift their parties’ status at that time. More so, mojority of the voters on their dependable (marginal & safe) electorates where Malays. Thus the speech quoted.

    Even then, they could only hang on to their political lives in safe electorates. These could be seen from the end results of the 1969 GE, where both parties were almost decimated from their traditional supports. This also leaded to the famous saying by T Dr Ismail about MCA’s - mati tak’mahu hidup segan.

    IFF one can takes the WORDS of politikus seriously then T Razak should have quoted for been mislead the M’sians about implementing the ISA!

    ‘Please prove to me is there any race or country on planet earth as generous as the Malaysian Malay in allowing primary education policy to be teach in non-national language (Mandarin/Tamil)?’

    This statement is VERY misleading.

    cont 2

  28. cont 20f2

    Vernacular education is enshrined in the Fed Constitution through the discussions held between all the major races with the British colonial govt.

    IT IS of the same STATUS as the others clauses governing the SPECIAL POSITION of the Malay.

    The generosity of the Malay Malayan is a MYTH, propagated by the bigots. The Malay Malayan needs the OTHERS to help achieve Malaya independence, NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS.

    The British colonial masters WOULD NOT ALLOW the Malaya to achieve independence without ALL the ‘cares’ of the races within the Malaya were been considered.

    They DIDN’T need to ask permission from the Malay Malayan for those CONSIDERATIONS. All they needed was a common understanding among these colonial races. PERIOD.

    So DON'T twist history, iff u r really into historical research, about this – ‘Please prove to me is there any race or country on planet earth as generous as the Malaysian Malay in allowing primary education policy to be teach in non-national language (Mandarin/Tamil)?’

    I CAN very well ASK anywhere in the world where the vernacular educations of the minority (actually during colonial time Chinese & Indian population combined is a substantial majority) is enshrined in their respective Constitution, &/or any written Fed documents! In actual facts THERE ARE!

    Let me ask u - Please prove to me is there any race or country on planet earth as generous as the Others Malaysian in allowing special position clauses to be established for the Malay M'sian?

    U show yr bone when u finally mentioned assimilation. Again why should my people assimilate with scums like u?

    Just in case u try - BabaNyonya culture IS not assimilation. It’s a cultural evolution where ALL the essential ingredients of the combined races r been meld. Get that into yr thick skull, Pariah!

    A common identity and accepting the historical facts that lay the foundation of Malaysia constitution, is that M’sia is a multicultural nation, with many diversity of cultures. If there s anything substantial about that ‘common trace’ is that we r ONE nation with MANY different people.

    Jebat, don’t hide within that sanctity of 1Malaysia argument. Be a true type4scum, OK?

  29. Dear Anonymous 9:52 & 10:02;

    The statements and my questions been answered by accusations and labellings?

    Let me guide you in how to have an intellectual and meaningful discussion in Dato' Sak blog sphere domain. The reason I like Dato' Sak blog is because he wrote and present his facts in a civilized manner.

    I made statements and ask questions to seek an understanding on pertinent issues that was on the minds of the Malaysian Malays which the majority race of Malaysia, especially me myself.

    What you need to do is rebuke my statements with facts and then answer my questions with counter facts.

    You can prove me wrong further by answering my questions in Bahasa Malaysia. Do you know that Bahasa Malaysia is the National Language of Malaysia? I hope you do and have the capacity to use it eloquently as a Malaysian.

    So my dear intellectual Anonymous 9:52 & 10:02, can we have a discussion in a civilized manner and first by putting at least a name on your anonymous id, then stop the name calling and labeling with wild accusations and wow me further by replying on the statements and answering the questions in bullet points and Bahasa Malaysia too boot.


  30. Jebat,

    How funny when yr arguments were been demolished u start trying ad hominem act!

    I have RIGHTED yr ill-accusations & I’ve labeled u! Yes I've called u names, bcoz u dont even deserve Jebat.

    Why should I trying to be nice when yr sole intention for those two write-ups were to infuriate those ignorant Malay heartlanders & to injure the feelings of the Others M'sians?

    U r educated I presumed,or r u?

    So, by doing some researches & intelligent thinking, the fallacy of the statements that u made CAN be easily disputed. & yet u still wanted to put them up!

    So the true intention… please. U claimed to be civilized, now is the time for u to owe up to yr syok-sendiri claim.

    If u r educated then put that education to good use – least not to inflame one race against the others. Only type4 scum, used their education to mis-lead & to twist FACTS to his/her advantages.

    cont 2

  31. cont 2of2

    Oh…oooh, what this about using B M’sia to answer u? So intelligent discord CANNOT be resolved in English, the language of colonial master, ye?

    Hey, let me suggest, for the sake of muhibbah, why don’t u answer me in Mandarin/Tamil? Afterall, 95% of the Others M’sian can speak B M’sia, but can 95% of the Malay M’sians speak some decent words of the fellow Others M’sian’s mother tongues?

    It’s only civilized to do that. Tau keh?

    BTW u r right, my bahasa standard must not be worth the paper it printed on! The distinction indicated must be either been mistaken &/or ‘uplifted’ as u people r so good at doing. FYI, I’ve had not problem using my Bahasa (pasar?) to communicate with other Malay M’sians. We all understand what we r trying to communicate.

    Oh.. sorry - u don’t understand what I’ve written in English, thousand thousand apology, & perhaps u should go & polish up yr English instead of some apples! Yes?

    BTW, I think I’ve adequately answered yr so called pertinent issues that was on the minds of the Malaysian Malays which (who ? r) the majority race of Malaysia, especially me myself.

    Or u don’t comprendi my answers?

    For yr sake, do called me anon@9:52 in yr future response.

  32. anon9:52,

    My sincere apology to mis-typed yr ID in my reply to Jebat.

    It should be anon@10:02

  33. So the conclusion is that the minorities in SG is better / well-to-do than the minorities in MY?

  34. Something worth sharing:
