Wednesday 20 January 2010

UMNO Juara Rakyat

UMNO Juara Rakyat.

The PERKASA movement, headed by Ibrahim Ali, is gaining momentum. It launched its membership drive in Johor recently. At the end of this month, it will launch is Selangor chapter. It will be launched by Tun Dr Mahathir.

Where UMNO slackens and is slow-footed, PERKASA has stepped in. Where UMNO appears to have diluted its own foundations of struggle, PERKASA have and will replace them. Where UMNO is mired in its Jack Sparrow kind of approach over many issues, PERKASA has been forthright, clear, determined and these resonate well with the average Malay. Not necessary right and even right wing at most times, their views are understandable by the Malay masses- the not so confident Malay Muslims, the bigots, sexists etc.

Jack Sparrow appears not to have any plans but makes up solutions as he goes along the way. That is how UMNO is behaving now. It surrenders its armory by default.

Where UMNO has forsaken its AlifBaTa of its struggles, PERKASA has usurped a commanding position, at least in the minds of a growing number of Malays who are comforted by PERKASA's approach to things.

AlifBaTa- Agama, Bangsa dan Tanah Air- the ABC of UMNO's struggles which are forgotten and diluted ever since the UMNO leadership has been taken over by the salonMalays, gauche-caviar, Chardonnay Bumiputeras, or even the not-enough- Malay Malays.


  1. Any group of people practising racism would not survive in part of the world , dont u think....

  2. Dear Dato'
    Credit Ibrahim Ali for having the foresight, the testicular fortitude and the brainlessness of actually launching this movement. He was the first to see an opportunity and was most efficient in capitalizing on it.

    But pity Malaysia that the only other option emerging is yet another player with really an ethos which will not be economically sensible for the country.

    As to the end result ...., depends very much whether the Ibrahim Ali - TDM connection will last. If it does, it can only strengthen the opposition.

  3. Yeah Sakmongkol, congrats, you are now member of Perkasa the pressure group of the ultras in UMNO

  4. sad malaysian,

    of course only DAPians can speak in belligerent tones. i know, what ypu want is a malleable UMNO, led by lickspittles.

  5. camner nak jadi ahli PERKASA?

  6. Salam,

    1 of the Umno Caw in Ampang approached me in early 2003..
    Ko ni dah besar panjang..
    Bila nak anta borang..
    Kenapa x lepak sekali sekala dgn kitaorg kat Kayu Ampang Point..
    Abg bayar semua..
    Kalau x suka makan..
    Kita pegi nyanyi..
    X suka nyanyi sorang..
    Abg cari teman..
    Takut bini kantoi pegi naik teksi..
    My point is majority of the caw members are interested in leisure act..
    PKR won both DUN n MP..
    Saluran 4 sapu bersih..
    There is still no changes in UMNO Ampang..
    Only Mat Rempit are active members since they dedicate all their time for projek best(fun activities) jer..
    Tolong Iklan Baju Pemuda time merempit..

    Caw UMNO luar bandar selalunya yg bagus meriah je..
    Mcm2 aktiviti all year round..
    People look forward to those events..

    UMNO bandar gotong royong pun xde..
    Semua org malas..
    PKR pun sama malas..
    Respons komplen sama slow..
    Alasan bodoh too bogged down by other requests or need to attend more urgent matters..

    Xde sorang ahli nak amek iniatif pegi keluar tanya sorang2 dari daftar pengundi saluran 4 apa yg diorg nak better di Ampang..
    Panggil Merdeka Survey..
    Diorg bukan charge mahal sgt pun..
    From the survey Ketua Bahagian boleh tau..
    Mcm mana nak raih balik budak2 saluran 4..

    Ramai saluran 4 undi protes..
    Tapi bila dah protes pun buat dunno jer fed up la member..
    Bising2 kat paper or time majlis2 sapa nak amek pot..
    PKR & PAS x payah buat program tarik ahli pun kat Ampang..
    Yg bijak pandai keluar U semua jadi ahli..
    Semua cakap benda sama..
    UMNO xkan berubah..
    Org2 Kaya kat Taman Tar Ampang tu jumpa org time mengundi jer..
    Mana pikir susah senang org lain..

  7. Dato Sak

    Bagi oang yang kenal Ibrahim Ali, hanya akan tersenyum sahaja dengan aksi terbaru beliau melalui PERKASA.

    Diharap kita dapat tahu bagaimanakah sambut terhadap PERKASA di Johor. Juga kita di Selangor nanti.

    Paling menarik ialah sama-sama kita lihat bagaimanakah sambut PERKASA di Kelntan nanti, home turf Ibrahim Ali. Tolak ahli tegar PAS, jumlah rakyat atas pagar dan ahli UMNO masih lagi besar jumlahnya. Kita tengok berapa ramai yang menjadi ahli PERKASA. Inilah sebenarnya kayu pengukur kepada kepimpinan Ibrahim Ali(IA).

    Orang Kelantan amat kenal sangat dengan IA. Ibarat kata: antara IA dengan tunggul kayu, orang kelantan lebih percaya kat tunggul kayu lagi. Politically, IA dah tak ade tempat lagi dalam mana-mana parti politik di kelantan.

    Dengan PAS, depa tak akan maafkan IA. Setelah dipecat dari UMNO, PAS memberi peluang kepadanya tetapi bunga diberi, tuba yang dia balas ( trademark IA sejak dari dulu).

    Usaha IA memalui PERKASA untuk berbudi kepada UMNO apabila dah tak ade harapan lagi di Kelantan - ibarat hidung tak mancung, pipi tersorong-sorong.

    Apakah Tokpa, Awang Adek dan lain-lain ketua bahagian di Kelantan dapat memaafkan IA diatas sepak terajang IA semasa menjadi ketua bahagian Pasir MAS dulu? Cerita bagaimana IA mengaibkan Tokpa dalam mesyuarat perhubungan semua orang kelantan dah tahu.

    Apakah dengan cuba berbudi dengan UMNO, IA ingat orang UMNO khususnya UMNO Kelantan dapat memaafkan dan menerima beliau? Apakah jika UMNO menerima beliau kembali, UMNO dapat jamin bahawa IA tidak akan menikam balik belakang UMNO seperti dulu?

    Kalaupun IA diterima balik dan diletakkan sebagai calon di bekas kubu kuatnya, Pasir Mas, dia tetap tewas. Dalam PRU 1990 - 1999, beliau tewas sebagai calon UMNO. dalam PRU 2004, beliau tewas setelah bertanding sebagai calon bebas.

    Apakah harapan IA melalui PERKASA. Memandangkan karier politiknya dah berkubur di Kelantan, mungkin beliau mengharapkan ihsan UMNO untuk meletakkan beliau sebagai calon dimana-mana kubu kuat UMNO diluar Kelantan dalam PRU 13. Itu je satu-satu jalan yang ada pada IA untuk meneruskan karier politiknya.


    Kenal politik IA sejak dari tahun 1978 lagi.....
