Monday 18 January 2010

The Pathologization of the Muslim mind

In 1974, when I was in lower sixth form, I read a book on the oppression of black Americans. The exact title of the book escapes me. But the message there stays.

One of the ways, White America oppresses the black Americans is to categorize them as mentally dysfunctional individuals. The American dominated institutions then could justify actions to incarcerate blacks in mental institutions.

This was the classic version of psychological sweeping of the problem under the carpet.

Official white America doesn't have to deal with mentally dysfunctional people- they just lock them away.

The pathologization of minds continues today. In our society, Muslims who hold steadfast to the insistence that Allah be used exclusively by Muslims are regarded as mentally dysfunctional, emotional, their arguments flawed etc. they are assigned as bigots, narrow minded, diffident as opposed to confident.

I don't accuse those who elect to support the free usage of Allah as emotional. or bigoted. I did however, classify those liberated Muslims who advocate its liberal use as salon Muslims, Bolshevik believers etc only as a description that the views they champion, are particularistic as opposed to universal. Their views are particular to them and their like minded fraternity. Certainly I believe their views are not shared by the majority of Muslims here in Malaysia.

By extolling this elitist view, what are we doing actually? We see comments on blogs peppered with things like, " how we wish there are many people like you Pete, or how we wish there are many who think like Marina. "

Well, I have heard some people say- Marina's views as regards religion are eclectic because she synthesizes them from the many husbands she has had.

Cruel, but maybe some truth there.

We unwittingly perpetuate the colonizing of our own non-Western-mind. The idea that this Allah issue has caused the Muslims to be traumatized and dysfunctional leads to the perception, that Malays who are emotional and narrow minded are under qualified and lack capacity for self-government. We have seen that actually when commentators come in and say, if this is the way, Malays handle the issue, this country will go the Pakistan way, the Zimbabwe way.

The only way to avoid that is to adopt the liberal way, extol the thinking of salon Muslims, Bolshevik believers and so forth. We are asked to be mindful of what others say and so forth. Be nice to them, so that others are nice to us. Where shall this kind of thinking eventually lead to?

The construction of populations as traumatized and dysfunctional, is leading to their disqualification from self-government.

Calling us dysfunctional and narrow minded Malay Muslims and the fact that spokespersons for the enlightened chattering classes would even think that such words could be touted as acceptable demonstrates the elite supremacist commoditisation of the average Malay. That categorization is a legacy of a colonized mentality that has transformed itself, into a cultural mainstay that proudly links the liberated Muslim minds to acceptable mainstream Western and modern thinking.


  1. Sensitiviti dan sentimental org Melayu kpd Islam harus dicairkan. Bila hilang sensitiviti dan sentimental itu baru lah mudah utk digerakkan kerja penyebaran agama. Antara sensitiviti dan sentimental tersebut adalah kata guna Islam=Melayu dan Allah.

    Islam bkn milik Melayu "alone" amat penting utk dibenamkan dlm otak minda org Melayu kerana kemudian lebih mudah utk dibenamkan pula fahaman Melayu tidak semestinya Islam. Bila Melayu sudah tak semestinya Islam, disitu bermula kehancuran sensitiviti dan nilai sentimental masyarakat Melayu terhadap gejala murtad. Empunya diri dah tak rasa malu dan org sekeliling pun dah tak heran. Gejala murtad mmg ada tetapi sekurang2nya keterbukaan itu masih ditahap yg terlalu insignifikan utk mempengaruhi lebih ramai. Ini menyusahkan kerja penyebaran. So Islam bkn Melayu dan Melayu bkn Islam harus disemai. ianya dilakukan dgn licik dan secara perlahan2. Mungkin sampai ke peringkat cucu kita baru lah perubahan minda itu akan berlaku. Sebab itu kita melihat juga gerakan utk menghilangkan ciri2 kaum dan ugama didalam dokumen2 dan borang2 penting bergerak "parallel".

    Kedua adalah kesensitivitian dan nilai sentimental pada katanama Allah. Ianya satu proses memecahkan monopoli Islam keatas penggunaan nama Allah. Akhirnya akan menjurus kepada matlamat yg sama juga bahwa Allah tidak semestinya Islam. Kata guna agama yg lain berkemungkinan akan disusuli seperti Kitabullah, Firman, Wahyu, Solah, Dunia Akhirah dan seumpamanya.

    Perlu diingat, segala taktik2 ini tidak akan terlaksana jika ianya dilihat sebagai satu kehendak dari sebelah pihak semata2. Dan ini lah yang berlaku. Menyedihkan beberapa pihak yg mengaku sebagai cendiakawan Islam kita turut terpengaruh dlm usaha halus ini. Seumpama tidak melihat "forest for the trees".

    Pada mereka "quality over quantity" tanpa memandang 2-3 generasi ke hadapan. Berapa ramai anak2 Melayu yg berasal dari keluarga miskin berjaya menjadi ahli saintis, doktor2 pakar malah jutawan2 yg membanggakan. Miskin tidak semestinya menghasilkan generasi yg lebih miskin. Lemah iman tidak akan menyebabkan anak2 yg lebih hina iman mereka. Apa yg mereka perlukan hanya lah sedikit bantuan dan sokongan dari pihak yg berwajib.

    Dalam isu Allah, pelbagai pendapat2 yg tidak konkrit mereka gunakan. Paling utama dibawakan ayat Quran dah hadis nabi yg menonjolkkan bagaimana golongan Nasrani dan Musyrikin memanggil dan bersumpah dgn nama Allah dihadapan nabi. Ini dijadikan alasan dari segi naqli bahwa katanama Allah boleh digunapakai oleh agama lain. Pada mereka ini sebagai dalil bahwa Allah tidak melarang namanya digunakan. Ianya lebih kepada "extrapolation" of evidence.

    Persoalannya kenapa tidak dipandang ayat2 dimana Allah menentang keras namaNya dikaitkan dgn sekutuan2 yg tidak selayakNya. Bila ianya tidak dapat meyakinkan ummah, para cendiakawan ini beralih pula kepada hujah "oleh kerana tiada larangan maka ianya dibolehkan." Adakah dengan tanpa larangan terpampang, membolehkan seseorg itu merokok dimerata2 tempat? Memandu selaju mungkin? Membuang sampah? An absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

    Penggunaan bahasa Arab pun digunakan utk menguatkan hujah tanpa mengambil kira bahwa Vatican sendiri tidak meyetujui penggunaan nama Allah itu. Dalam isu PPMSI pun kita melihat bagaimana mereka bermatian2 ingin mempertahankan bahasa Inggeris. Tidakkah pelik dalam isu ini mereka ingin mepertahankan bahasa Melayu pula? Akhir sekali mereka2 yg menolak akan dituduh sebagai zalim dan tidak memberi hak pada tempatnya. Nak meletakkan nama Allah dengan kehormatan yg selayakNya zaim? Aamantu billahi wa rasuulih.

  2. Err.. Tok,

    You say we generalise, you pulak start labeling and getting personal.

    You see we have this problem here, the country is being run to the ground. PM can't deal with simple god issues decisively. Policy matters are not properly thought out, u economist right, look at the RPGT re-introduction. Its not the flip-flopping that's worrying. Its the fact that something like a flat rate no time limit real property tax could find it way into the national budget and then pass parliment that's worrying. The longer you own a property the more tax you will end up paying!!!! What???!!! Cannot question ah? Oh, scared lah wait they get angry how...?

    That's the problem bro, it not a melayu or cina problem. Its a malaysia problem, for all you know it's probably a chinaman who came up with this piece of gem.

    So while the so called intelligentsia sit around their RM10 coffee debating lofty god and master bedroom issues. Who is running the country???

    We voice our concerns, show u the keris??!! Bro, grow up la, if people like you can't get past race and deal with issues, do you not fear for the worst for the country?

    Leadership is abt making unpopular decisions for the greater good of the country. Its very much like a father's role in a family, they want pizza and coke for every meals, is that not the popular choice??!!! Ahh..uhhh... how ah!!! so difficult to decide..honey, why don't you give them somemore candy to keep them quiet while I wait for the court to decide. Eh! dont play play, can get highest honour from Saudi somemore, who say I stupid.


  3. Dato Sak. What about the Arabs. They share Allah with Christians. And they are not decadent Westerners.

  4. major Ramachandran,
    no, it isnt Malcolm X. it was a title- Black Americans consisting of essays written by Black intellectuals.

  5. Good evening Dato'.

    You have made valid observations.

    But what can we conclude if in UMNO itself we have different views like these:

    By DPM
    The government will be not withdraw its appeal against the High Court ruling allowing the Catholic Church to use the word “Allah” in the Bahasa Malaysia section of its newspaper, Herald.

    Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin (picture) explained that the government will instead wait for the judgment on the appeal.

    (This one looks like the government is committed to follow up according to the legal channels - which is a continuation of the case decided in the courts)

    Nazri's wisdom thoughts
    Minister in Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz today said that non-Muslims are allowed to use the word “Allah” in three states — Penang, Sabah and Sarawak — and the Federal Territories.

    He said this is because other states have enactments on Islam which prohibit the use of the term by non-Muslims.

    (Nazri is off-tangent here, from the DPM's views? Or is he hinting to the courts to 'adopt' his suggestion in the appeal judgement?)

    Even in UMNO itself, there is no consistency of direction. And the other BN component party chaps are maitaining a very low profile on this matter.

    Do you then blame others for categorizing some 'smart alecs' in Malaysia as
    mentally dysfunctional individuals?


  6. Dear Dato
    It is well known that a total removal of subsidies for fuel, gas, flour and sugar could save the Malaysia government up to RM50 billion a year.
    If this happens you end up having riots like in Pakistan where power cut is so frequent. Who will suffer the most? The poor Malays.
    So wake up and start thinking & debating about how to improve the economy rather Muslim & Islam issue. In fact it is too late now; most likely the subsidies will go soon.

  7. I agree with you on the part about Pete and Marina.
    But I don't agree with you being personal about Marina's hubbies.
    So far she has married twice. Not many husbandsla.
    Yes. If you are for them (those anti-Malays and Muslims) then you are considered smart, elitist, sophisticated, liberal, modern. progressive etc.
    But if you are against them, you are branded as primitive, fanatic, stupid, paganistic, zealots, radicals etc.
    Take you for example. Now you are being maligned by commentators in that racist Zorro's blog.
    All this while when you were perceived as being critical of Nmno and the Malays, you were put on a pedestal.
    Like Nazri too. Now he's being heaped with praise.
    If not he is regarded as the Umno pariah.
    I wonder why Nazri made such statement when there are Sabahan politicians who said we will stop using allah to end the protest.
    In summation, I wish to say we Malays just cannot win.
    We may be the majority but we are regarded as the minority.
    But I just cant see myself to be Petra or Haris or Art Harun just to be liked by the non-Malays.
    Cannot afford to sell my soul to be in the co-called liberal group.
    If you read The Star, you noticed the nuances and subtleties against us on this issue.
    Even non-political writers who write for The Star Mag too are doing it aside from their big name journos.
    I wish Tun M is back in power.

  8. Bro

    I think you should drop this 'if you are not with us, you must be against us (an enemy)' spiel that Bush used so effectively to bulldoze his way into Iraq!

    To be frank,it is W.M'sian Muslims who are out of step with the rest of the world from historical (pre-Islamic 632 AD), universality of practice and equitable perspectives.

    Be that as it may, equally, it is a simple matter for the Church to change "Allah' to 'Tuhan' to strike a compromise for national unity and peace since they and their followers do not subcribe to the tenets of Islam anyway.

    But it requires wise and experienced men and women to sit around a table to come up with an amicabl and acceptable solution. You should promote that and not seen to be intransigent and firing bazookas from an entrenched position bunkers, as though you are under seige! The Malays and Islam are not under attack as is made out to be; this is a red-herring thrown in by scurillous right-wing UMNO politicians who want to destabilise race and religious harmony in our land of plenty!!

    "Jaw! Jaw! Not War! War!" - Winston Churchill.

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  9. @Quiet Dispair,

    Yes, like u I wish Tun M was back in control. He had let the Christian community use the word Allah without fuss as he accepted the reality that the BM speaking Christians (primarily in Sabah and Sarawak) have referred to God Almighty as Allah. This is ingrained in their worship and psyche just as it is in the Muslims. Asking them to just suddenly change everything now is grossly unfair, when all they want is to be left alone to worship in their own way.


  10. Anoymous 14.44

    We both agree on wanting Tun M back in power.
    But my reason is different from yours.
    Tun M will not allow the issue to be brought to court.
    He will call everyone and state his point of ciew.
    Everyone will leave with the tail behind their back.
    Everyone will SHUT UP.
    No one will be allowed to speak on this.
    No one will try to be champion in this and that.
    You guys are over-reahing on the so-called open concept 1 Malaysia government.
    I welcome a so-called dictator to rein on the ugly Malaysians
