Thursday 24 December 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Mamasita and I would like to wish a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our friends who will be celebrating tomorrow.

We extend our best wishes and a happy new year to De minimis, Ben( de minimis's nephew) Walla, Mr. Bernard Khoo aka Zorro, Paula of Masterwordsmith ( we all trail behind the sheer volume of your writings) , Patricia, Donplaypuks, Antares, Whisperer, Anil Netto ( yes I do read you), Patrick Teoh ( whom we listened through our school days), Tommy Yew, Covert 78  and all other bloggers and blog readers who will be celebrating Christmas tomorrow. God bless you all.

Christmas time

Its Christmas time again
The season of renewal
Love, faith, charity
And all that is beautiful
Chimes greatly in to every heart
Beating in celebrations
Of Spirit, togetherness, and affirmation.


  1. Very thoughful and timely.
    Glad that its so spontaneous.
    This is what we Malaysians yearn for in all citizens, irrespective of race, creed and faith.

    One never becomes less faithful to his/her religious beliefs by extending such wishes.

    The Takaful guys learnt it the hard way some time ago and now your move is a great step forward.

    Honest and sincere.

    Keep it up Sir


  2. Dear Dato Sak & Datin Mamasita,

    Thank you for your well wishes, I’m truly humbled & ‘paiseh’ that u included me with those impeccable personalities on your wish list. Though I’m a Buddhist/Taoist true & true, I still try hard to get in the spirit of the occasion be it; Hari Raya, Diwali, Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever. End of the day, all religious celebrations are positive & to be mutually respected. To cut the story short, I’m just your average bloke that welcome any opportunity to party with good food & good friends.

    All my very best wishes to U & your lovely family in the New Year ahead.

    Peace to all & many Cheers,


    P/S – The funny thing living in Western countries is whenever u said u r Buddhist/Taoist they always assumed u r some sort of a Zen Master, Learned Philosopher or a Kung Fu master….hahaha. That of which I’m definite not but good to be perceived otherwise :)

  3. Dato & Datin,

    Thank you very much for your kind wishes.

    From the bottom of my heart, you've (together with the other bloggers and commentators) done REAL national service by your untiring effort to speak out on national issues and misdeeds.

    Keep up the good works and may you and family have a blessed, healthy and prosperous New Year !

    Warmest Regards

  4. thanks to you for wishing us new year and Christmas...

  5. Dato,
    Congrats on your daughters performance for PMR. Great news, and hope she will get greater success ahead

  6. wenger,
    thank you very much. keep up your combative postings. i am following them keenly.
