Monday 17 August 2009

BN for Permatang Pasir.


I have criticised some of the things that UMNO has done. I have not spared its top leadership from criticisms either. That doesn't mean that I support what PKR and PR do. I will now tell you why the people of Permatang Pasir must now vote for UMNO and BN. Especially the 15,000 Malays and 5000 non Malays.

This election is between UMNO and PAS. PAS is but a pawn in the bigger scheme of things which is the salvation of Anwar Ibrahim and legitimacy of DAP in Penang. PAS and DAP will be trying hard to convince the people that UMNO is here in Permatang Pasir as part of the bigger plan to persecute Anwar and PKR. Indeed, the issues that will be raised by the soon to be formalised coalition of opposition will be centred on this: - that the PR opposes the persecution of the people by UMNO. It therefore claims it speaks for the people.

Accordingly PR will exploit the issues which the current administration is tackling- issues concerning judiciary, issues related to law enforcement, economic injustice, racial harmony and so forth.

Nothing is further from the truth. The real issue however is your interest- the people of Permatang Pasir. Pakatan Rakyat raises their issues as a diversionary strategy to conceal the startling FACT that it is utterly incapable of looking after the people's interests.

Don't allow your future be held ransom by Anwar Ibrahim.

The member of parliament of Permatang Pauh of which Permatang Pasir is part of, is Anwar Ibrahim. Anwar Ibrahim is facing a host of problems. He may wail here, there and everywhere accusing the whole world of turning its back on him, in the end he will have to answer the charges in court. Those charges are proffered against him in his personal capacity. What he has done and does so cunningly is to make it appear that his personal problems are also that of the people. We have nothing to do with what he does behind locked doors.

What has that trickery led to? It has led to stagnation. The world in Permatang Pauh and Permatang Pasir come to a halt on account of Anwar Ibrahim. We must recognise this situation as it truly is- the future of the people in Permatang Pasir and Permatang Pauh are held at ransom. This is tyranny disguised behind a list of accusations against the ruling government. Anwar Ibrahim is as much a tyrant as those he accuses of by manipulating his personal problems to incarcerate the minds of the people in Permatang Pauh and Permatang Pasir.

Hence Anwar Ibrahim insists his problems are the result of a grand conspiracy between the government, the judiciary, the law enforcers and indeed the whole world. He has accused the ruling government of not playing fair while he himself does not know what is fair to the people anymore. He must do so to stay relevant. Justice exists in so far as Anwar Ibrahim is acquitted from all charges.

He can't forever lead us on a wild goose chase, disputing everything in sight even before they appear before the courts. The whole story about a conspiracy that has never died down since 1998 is always stirred up to divert attention.

We don't know what the outcome of his on coming trial is. Let us not place the future of Permatang Pasir on the outcome of Anwar's trial. To do so would be to hold the future of Permatang Pasir at ransom. Why should the future of Permatang Pasir be made to depend on Anwar Ibrahim's leading us on to believe he is a victim of a grand conspiracy?

I am always ready to give him the benefit of doubt as far as all the accusations of sexual preferences are concerned. But the future and the welfare of the people in Pernatang Pasir and Permatang Pauh shouldn't be held ransom by his personal problem.

This is the fundamental reason why the voters in Permatang Pasir must now vote for UMNO candidate.

Just think about these things.


Saya telah mengkritik sebahagian perkara yang di lakukan oleh UMNO dan pemerintah hari ini. Saya telah tidak mengecualikan pimpinan tertinggi UMNO dari di belasah. Tujuan nya adalah untuk membetulkan keadaan. Ia nya tidak bermakna saya menyokong politik PR yang hanya menawarkan ribut tapi hujan nya masih lagi belum turun. Sekarang saya akan memberi hujjah mengapa rakyat Permatang Pasir mesti menyokong dan mengundi UMNO. Mesej ini ialah untuk 15000 penduduk Melayu dan lebih 5 ribu bukan Melayu.

Pilihanraya kecil ini adalah pertembungan antara PAS dan UMNO. kedua dua nya parti orang Melayu yang terbesar di Malaysia. Sungguhpun demikian, kebenaran nya ialah: PAS hanya umpan diatas papan catur yang lebih besar iaitu menyelamatkan Anwar Ibrahim dan mengekalkan kesahihan DAP di Pulau Pinang.

Cara untuk mencapai kedua dua matlamat ini ialah dengan menggambarkan UMNO sebuah parti yang zalim yang masuk ke Permatang Pasir dalam usaha besar mereka untuk menganiayai Anwar Ibrahim. UMNO dan kerajaan akan di gambarkan sebagai parti yang tidak peka terhadap kepentingan rakyat seperti integrity system kehakiman, system kepolisian, keadilan ekonomi dan sebagainya. Sebetulnya, kerajaan pimpinan Dato Sri Najib sedang menangani isiu isiu ini dan inilah yang sebenarnya menggerunkan parti pembangkang pimpinan Anwar Ibrahim.

Kepentingan penduduk Permatang Pasir tidak ada kena mengena dengan isiu yang menjadi bahan pertelagahan antara UMNO dan PR. Isiu yang sebenarnya ialah kepentingan rakyat Permatang Pasir dan ianya tidak ada kaitan dengan perkara2 yang di gemburkan oleh PRakyat.

Jangan biarkan masa depan kita menjadi tebusan Anwar Ibrahim.

Cuba fikirkan perkara ini. Anwar Ibrahim akan hanya releven kepada Permatang Pasir dan Permatang Pauh selagi dia berjaya menggambarkan diri nya adalah mangsa penganiayaan dan kezaliman. Ini lah pendustaan Anwar Ibrahim yang terbesar kepada kita semua.

Ahli Parlimen Permatang Pauh di mana Permatang Pasir merupakan suatu DUN didalam nya ialah Anwar Ibrahim. Satu dunia mengetahui bahawa Anwar Ibrahim berdepan dengan 1001 masaalah perundangan. Dia akan melolong sana dan sini, ke seantero dunia menuduh bahawa satu dunia telah membelakangi dia serta menganiayai nya. Anwar Ibrahim tidak dapat melarikan diri dan akan berdepan dengan perbicaraan di mahkamah undang undang. Dia mesti lakukan tanggung jawab ini sebagai seorang laki laki. Masaalah peribadi bukan untuk di rakyatkan.

Sebagai negara dan rakyat yang mendaulatkan keluhuran undang undang, keputusan mahkamah sahaja yang terpenting dan mengatasi segala keputusan lain. Ini termasuklah keputusan dari 'mahkamah rakyat' yang di metoskan dan mahkamah perasaan kita yang sabjektif. Mahkamah rakyat hanya lah suatu ciptaan mereka yang di dapati bersalah di mahkamah undang undang tapi enggan menerima keputusan tersebut. Mustahil, keseluruhan institusi kehakiman dan perundangan kita tidak berguna. Tapi inilah yang mahu di fitnahkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

Semua masaalah dan pertuduhan di halakan kepada Anwar Ibrahim dalam kapasiti peribadi nya. Apa yang telah Anwar Ibrahim lakukan dengan licik serta lihai nya ialah memanipulasi masalah yang bersifat peribadi supaya menjadi masaalah yang mesti di bebani bersama. Tindakan Anwar Ibrahim serupa seperti memperibadikan faedah tapi merakyatkan masaalah.

Yang betul lagi benar ialah kita tidak ada kena mengena dengan apa Anwar Ibrahim lakukan dengan siapa, cara mana, di sebalik pintu yang tertutup. Jika kita tidak ada kena mengena dengan sandiwara dan cengkerama yang berlaku, mengapa pula kita harus menanggung beban keatas masaalah peribadi yang timbul? Sifat permasaalahan yang di hadapi oleh Anwar Ibrahim bukan lah masaalah yang sifat nya boleh dan wajib di bebani bersama.

Apakah yang kita dapati dari silap mata yang Anwar lakukan? Ia nya telah membawa kepada kebekuan dan stagnasi. Dunia rakyat Permatang Pauh dan rakyat Permatang Pasir di berhentikan oleh masaalah peribadi Abwar Ibrahim. Masa depan rakyat Permatang Pauh dan Permatang Pasir tidak henti henti di papancaturkan. Kita mesti menyedari apa yang sebenar nya sedang berlaku. Yang sedang berlaku ialah masa depan rakyat Permatang Pauh dan Permatang Pasir menjadi tebusan Anwar Ibrahim.

Ini juga suatu kezaliman keatas rakyat yang tidak kurang getir dan menjengkilkan seperti juga kezaliman yang selalu di laungkan oleh Anwar Ibrahim di lakukan keatas diri nya. Yang sebenarnya di lakukan oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan konco konco nya ialah menzalimi rakyat dengan memanipulasikan masaalah peribadi supaya memenjarai fikiran merdeka rakyat.

Kerana itulah, untuk menghidupkan kerelevenan nya, Anwar Ibrahim akan terus bersandiwara mendakwa bahawa masaalah yang di hadapi nya adalah hasil konspirasi atau subahat antara kerajaan, insitusi kehakiman dan insitusi pelaksana undang undang bahkan konspirasi satu dunia! Anwar Ibrahim menuduh kerajaan tidak adil walhal dia senditri sudah tidak tahu apa makna keadilan keatas rakyat Permatang Pasir dan Permatang Pauh. Keadilan kepada Anwar Ibrahim hanya ujud selagi ianya memihak kepada nya sahaja.

Anwar Ibrahim tidak boleh menyeru kita mengejar pelangi dan menghambat angsa liar, mempertikaikan semua yang di lihat nya sebelum ianya di adili di mahkamah. Semua cerita mengenai ujudnya satu konspirasi sejak tahun 1998 yang bertujuan menganiayai nya, adalah cerita rekaan untuk mengalih pandangan.

Kita tidak tahu apakah outcome perbicaraan Anwar nanti. Yang kita tahu, ialah jangan kita letakkan masa depan rakyat Permatang Pasir sebagai bergantung kepada keputusan perbicaraan Anwar. Melakukan demikian samalah seperti memperlakukan masa depan Permatang Pasir sebagai tebusan. Mengapa harus kita membenarkan masa depan kawasan kita bergantung diatas kelicikan Anwar Ibrahim menyeru kita percaya bahawa dia adalah mangsa kezaliman konspirasi yang besar?

Saya secara peribadi sentiasa bersedia untuk memberi Anwar Ibrahim the benefit of doubt dalam hal pertuduhan seksual yang ia hadapi. Namun saya fikir, adalah tidak adil menjadikan masa depan dan kebajikan rakyat Permatang Pasir sebagai tebusan kepada perjuangan peribadi yang dia sendiri mesti lalui. Kita mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada nya. Tapi biarkan masa depan rakyat Permatang Pasir dalam pilihan mereka sendiri.

Inilah kepada saya, alasan fundamental dan asas mengapa pengundi Permatang Pasir, kali ini mesti mengundi calun UMNO. fikirkan. .



  1. Even long before the by-election, Zahid has already issued a very stern warning (saya tidak main-main - dengan nada keras) that saboteurs would be expelled from the party. This tantamount to casting aspersions on the integrity, commitment and loyalty of UMNO members.

    As a result, even a die-hard UMNO member is now very cautious or doubtful as to whether he should get himself involved in the election for fear of being victim of insidious designs by his enemies. Looking for scapegoats is not uncommon in the event the party loses.

    Why the stern warning? Perhaps there was bad experience in past elections. Or is it a show of a lack of confidence from Zahid to win the election? Or is Zahid too desperate to prove to the President that being a first- term vp and head of UMNO PP Liaison C'ttee, he has charisma,is a shrewd political strategist and a great party disciplinarian and loyalist more so in facing his former mentor.

    But one thing is sure. Being a Defence Minister he does learn fast in how to instil discipline -unfortunately treating the UMNO members and the soldiers are one of the same kind.

    Perhaps he has overread or misread Tsun Tzu's Art of War.

  2. Dear Datuk Sakmongkol,

    BN is scrapping the bottom of the barrel if this candidate Rohaizat Othman is the same one struck off the Bar roll.

    How can you ask the people to vote him then?

  3. Sir,

    Please excuse me for I cannot agree with you for the people of Permatang Pasir to give BN another chance.

    Do tell the readers what has truly change for the better that BN deserves to be supported.

    Yes, Malaysia did very well in the first 40 yrs after independence but in the last 10, abuse of power, unabated greed and corruption is now synonymous with BN.

    The GE12 was supposed to be a wake up call to BN but their fruitless post-mortems only point to adopting more racial and religous rhetorics to stay in power. Corruption and money politics is still the norm. MACC & PDRM are now tools to silence the opposition. 1Malaysia is nothing but an empty slogan to pull wool over the people's eyes.

    The rakyat wants to see real change. Until such time, a two-party seems to be the only salvation for this country's future unless one wants to use African countries as the yardsticks.

  4. sakmomngkol;;
    You said...

    "This election is between UMNO and PAS. PAS is but a pawn in the bigger scheme of things which is the salvation of Anwar Ibrahim and legitimacy of DAP in Penang."

    For a person as erudite as you this statement is totally stupid...i don't want to expound further why this is stupid because i think you're bright enough to know it yourself...

    and by the way i've heard now from the second person that this rohaizat fellow , this umno candidate was disbarred from practice as a lawyer. Can you or somebody verify that this is true or otherwise??.

    one guy said this...dia to loyar sakit...dengar kabar hentam duit klien...

    i won't believe this unless someone come up with proof but i won't be surprised...this is umno mah...

  5. Bro Sak, you said "
    adalah tidak adil menjadikan masa depan dan kebajikan rakyat Permatang Pasir sebagai tebusan kepada perjuangan peribadi yang dia sendiri mesti lalui

    Is it Anwar's intention to sideline the people of Permatang Pasir and Permatang Pauh ? Does he have a "personal vendetta" against the people of Permatang Pasir and Permatang Pauh ?

  6. i am no lawyer..but if i am accused of such acts of immorality for a second time..after spending years of my life cooped in jail and after having cleared my name (in some respect) thru legal means ..i hv to be very careful in putting up my defence.

    Remember the parade of mattress,the alleged videos,the inconclusive DNA experts,the black eye incident..

    So I failed to understand (as a non legal guy)why is the AG so protective of providing the accused with the necessary to prove his innocence.After all he is still innocent.

    Hope you can eluciadate

  7. Dato;

    For once, I have to agree.


  8. Dato,

    U put up a succinct argument for umno in Permatang Pasir.

    And points taken!

    Or to hell does umno think about the interests of the 15,000 Malays and 5000 non Malays at PP!

    U, yrself has argued about the principle of 'Xiushen qijia zhiguo pingtianxia'. What takes now?

    Perhaps, like someone mentioned, umno is scrapping the bottom of his talent barrel to get 'creditable' candidate who can be supportive of the interest of the current umno elites - the putras before the bumi.

    That could explain why they drop U, dato! No?

    Who can best serve the people of PP?

    The first take should be a principled PERSON, irrespective of political affiliation.

    In this case, umno has given the post away by doing a dis-service to the people they claimed to served - selecting a dis-barred' lawyer as the candidate!


  9. Sir,

    Is BN candidate a lawyer who has been disbarred?

    If this man is the best candidate available, I shudder to think of the rest who were not chosen as candidate.

    It is giving me the impression that you need to have a "crooked" background to make headway in BN.

  10. macam mana nak print posting ni banyak2, kasi semua orang di permatang pasir, tok?
    are u going there?
    ada harapan jika dapat beri amanah ni kepada pengundi.

  11. Sorry Dato' I don't think you are that low!!!
    If any educated Malay buy what you wrote today, so I rest my case and it is no wonder that people are saying that too many idiots in UMNO and very lacking in talented leaders.
    Are you going somewhere or it is a case of "buang tabiat" or are you in the league of lazy brain.
    I am still wondering!!! or I am one of the stupid Malay that for the past 50 years were so naive that anything come from UMNO is gospel truth.
    I read somewhere " never argue with an idiot as you will never win" surely you are not that low!!!dh9753

  12. Dato' sak,
    For once I would like to differ with your opinion. UMNO/BN is yet to be revamped from its corrupted to the core leaders before they should be allowed to rule again. Nothing untoward will happen to the people of Malaysia if we have a new government who will try to be better than the present government. To tell the truth, all the present set of leaders in BN must go before we can accept BN's rule again.
    Suci Dalam Debu's comment is most apt.
    Ahli UMNO yang anti UMNO

  13. Pematang Pasir must not vote UMNO. UMNO has changed for the worse. The message must be delivered again. The improved showing Manek Urai had turn the soup sour. The lesson must be taught again and again until UMNO gets out of the denial state.

  14. This article does not reflect the Dato Sak that I have come to like and respect. I have been an ardent follower of your blog. Sadly, this article tells me you have suddenly made a 180 degree u-turn in your stance.

    UMNO has a disbarred lawyer as a candidate - one who has been alleged to have misappropriated RM140,000 of fund from Pertubuhan Pekebun Getah & you are asking people to support the candidate?

    It is obvious UMNO has not been sincere in its 'reform" promise with this candidate.

    Secondly, the atmosphere is worse now with the "pengkhianat" accusations and MACC still hounding the opposition.

    I totally disagree your opinion in this piece.

  15. Dato

    From The Edge which quotes Bar Council President Ragunath as saying that:

    “the offence committed by Rohaizat involved stakeholders’ money from Koperasi Pekebun Getah and there was no account for it.

    When the board looked into this matter and the order was made, there was no reimbursement to the stakeholders involving the sum of RM140,000.

    Even if you pay, the offence has been committed and it is a serious offence as this involves dealing with client’s money.

    If you are an innocent party, you would not be found guilty by the disciplinary committee and the charge leveled under Section 103D is tantamount to criminal misconduct”.

    So, with this kind of tainted candidate, how is BN going to win? Did DPM do a through job or just skimmed throug the dossier? Or nowadays, is it a pre-requisite for a BN Candidate, by which reckoning, Rohaizat is eminently qualified!! I note that i 2008, the BN candidate for PPauh had claimed he had a PhD. Lol.

    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  16. Sir,

    Please answer me honestly.

    If you have RM200k for safe keeping, would you let this man hold it for you, even for a month?

    If you answer YES, then, I would vote for him.

    If NO, then BN is doomed. This is their best candidate that has been vetted, background checked probably by fellow crooks.

    Where have all the good men gone to?

  17. Why cant AMENO / BN try once and for all a candidate with utmost integrity. Why did they field a candidate barred from practising law due to criminal breach of trust in misappropriating public money held in trust. Why are the current cream of corrupt AMENO / BN leaders encouraging such devious characters to represent the rakyat. Unless AMENO / BN changes from within and roots our corruption and other crimes on humananity, it is on the downside. We need righteous people like Tunku Razaleigh to take over AMENO and revitalise it back to its glory days.

  18. This article is so unlike much of what you have been writing of late - sensible, balanced. I cannot believe you believe your reasoning. Reading through the comments, it would seem I am not the only one. What happened? Off day? Or has UMNO finally got to you?

  19. You are biased in your writing and have a hatred towards Anwar. Deep in your heart you know this present administration has been persecuting Anwar unfairly. Even the doctor has proven there is no case to answer.

    Please don't con the raayat, the current administration will never take action to put right the judiciary,Police and MACC as recent events have proven. Are we not in a police state?? Are we not witnessing selective arrest and punishment.???

    Umno is creating an environment of racial mistrust daily through their speeches and their controlled media. Whenever there is a umno general assembly or byelection the chinese are accused as being anti Islam and restricting the malays progress in business. Isn't this a joke. Just tell me how the Chinese are anti Islam??...and what powers the Chinese have in restricting malays in business.

    You vote for umno you are giving up your future and the future of your grand children.

  20. excuse me PM,
    not true that i am motivated by hatred towards Anwar. i havent touched and will not touch about the salacious allegations surrounding him. i objected to the manipulation of that accusation to mean more that it should- it is really a personal battle Anwar is facing. as to your mention about all those things done at UMNO general assembly, i will not answer them because i have never argued from that angle. indeed if you have been reading my posts, i have argued FOR the things you believed.
    now, that is out i wish to say this. allow me permission to use expletives.

    these fucking UMNO assholes never learn. just as we are about to defend the party, they have to come out with choosing a candidate that makes UMNO indefensible. bastards.

  21. Dear Dato’ Sak,

    Part I

    I do follow your blog and find you an intelligent person with the ability to present your views clearly and effectively most times. After reading this post I asked myself why I detect a feeling that you yourself may not be too convinced by what you wrote and perhaps did so as an obligatory gesture. It appeared to me you are playing to a particular gallery (UMNO loyalists perhaps) when your heart of hearts tells you a BN defeat in Permatang Pasir is a foregone conclusion. I may be wrong as I based my impression on gut feel and my opinion that your argument is uncharacteristically fallacious.

    I am no Anwarista or a card carrying member of any party and your “open letter” to the voters of Permatang Pasir does give too much credit to Anwar and too little recognition to prevailing popular opinion. While you appear to be “addressing” Malay voters by stating the obvious that it is between UMNO and PAS, you are subtly trying to convince the non-Malays to vote for development aren’t you? Please permit me to present my two sen by paraphrasing you (YOUR OWN WORDS IN UPPER CASE):

    I HAVE CRITICISED SOME OF THE THINGS THAT UMNO HAS DONE. I HAVE NOT SPARED ITS TOP LEADERSHIP FROM CRITICISMS EITHER. THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I SUPPORT WHAT PKR AND PR DO. (Your point is taken). I WILL NOW TELL YOU WHY THE PEOPLE OF PERMATANG PASIR MUST NOW VOTE FOR UMNO AND BN. ESPECIALLY THE 15,000 MALAYS AND 5000 NON MALAYS. (Why “especially” Malays and Non-Malays when you could easily have said say, 8,000 female and 7,000 male voters, if you did not intend to address the non-Malays in the first place. The 15,000 and 5,000 proportion coincidentally reflects the nation’s overall demographics. Obviously the non-Malay votes will hold sway if Malay voters are split down the middle assuming UMNO can dangerously drive home its oxymoronic yet ominous “Ketuanan Melayu” and “Melayu under siege” twin messages.

  22. Part II

    THIS ELECTION IS BETWEEN UMNO AND PAS (Obviously). PAS IS BUT A PAWN IN THE BIGGER SCHEME OF THINGS WHICH IS THE SALVATION OF ANWAR IBRAHIM (That is being presumptuous but I suppose you can be right; it is only about Anwar only because Permatang Pasir happens to be in his parliamentary constituency and the previous ADUN happened to die in office) AND LEGITIMACY OF DAP IN PENANG (how can legitimacy be an issue when DAP’s 19 seats alone is already more than BN’s 9; PKR’s 9 and PAS’ 1 aside). PAS AND DAP WILL BE TRYING HARD TO CONVINCE THE PEOPLE THAT UMNO IS HERE IN PERMATANG PASIR AS PART OF THE BIGGER PLAN TO PERSECUTE ANWAR AND PKR. (the persecution by prosecution and demonization (traitor?) of Anwar is ongoing and an accepted fact that needs no convincing. Persecute PKR? It is DAP that needs not convince anyone that it’s its reps and supporters who appear being persecuted) INDEED, THE ISSUES THAT WILL BE RAISED BY THE SOON TO BE FORMALISED COALITION OF OPPOSITION WILL BE CENTRED ON THIS: - THAT THE PR OPPOSES THE PERSECUTION OF THE PEOPLE BY UMNO. IT THEREFORE CLAIMS IT SPEAKS FOR THE PEOPLE. (Again presumptuous; the formalization could well be to reduce dependence or emphasis on any one individual or personality whether it be Tok Guru, Anwar or Kit Siang. Or it could be to formalize a common agenda but certainly it is not “centred” on the issues you postulated)

    ACCORDINGLY PR WILL EXPLOIT THE ISSUES WHICH THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION IS TACKLING- ISSUES CONCERNING JUDICIARY, ISSUES RELATED TO LAW ENFORCEMENT, ECONOMIC INJUSTICE, RACIAL HARMONY AND SO FORTH. (Now you are talking. These issues need no convincing and as mentioned earlier you gave too little recognition to prevailing popular opinion. The people can see for themselves that your mentioned issues are getting worse under the current administration while the administrator continues to pontificate about his 1Malaysia – the “cakap tak serupa bikin” reality makes a mockery of the people).

    NOTHING IS FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH. (Is it really?) THE REAL ISSUE HOWEVER IS YOUR INTEREST- THE PEOPLE OF PERMATANG PASIR. (This is the main thrust of UMNO election strategy; to continue telling Malays it is the sole custodian of Malay welfare while assuaging the non-Malays with bread and circuses or blatant bully talk. What will it be this time? Another bridge perhaps or cold hard duit raya or more Utusan and Berita Harian harangue?) PAKATAN RAKYAT RAISES THEIR ISSUES AS A DIVERSIONARY STRATEGY TO CONCEAL THE STARTLING FACT THAT IT IS UTTERLY INCAPABLE OF LOOKING AFTER THE PEOPLE'S INTERESTS. (Instead of pulling up its own socks, the BN reveals its own impotency and plain lack of capability by trying to show out the ineffectiveness and weaknesses of PR; this by-election result risks showing that the BN strategy has backfired and that the people can accept the fact that without Federal cooperation, State governments are hampered. Then it would be when BN should be afraid, be very afraid because matters that can be issues are running out. Currently, the race horse is being flogged; pun intended)

  23. Part III


    THE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT OF PERMATANG PAUH OF WHICH PERMATANG PASIR IS PART OF, IS ANWAR IBRAHIM. ANWAR IBRAHIM IS FACING A HOST OF PROBLEMS. HE MAY WAIL HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE ACCUSING THE WHOLE WORLD OF TURNING ITS BACK ON HIM, IN THE END HE WILL HAVE TO ANSWER THE CHARGES IN COURT. THOSE CHARGES ARE PROFFERED AGAINST HIM IN HIS PERSONAL CAPACITY. WHAT HE HAS DONE AND DOES SO CUNNINGLY IS TO MAKE IT APPEAR THAT HIS PERSONAL PROBLEMS ARE ALSO THAT OF THE PEOPLE. WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT HE DOES BEHIND LOCKED DOORS. (Here I think you are trying to take a very public by-election private. Anwar’s baggage is well known and to many, the accusations levied at him largely remain conjecture. At the moment, Anwar’s baggage cannot be conceivably heavier that Najib’s own heavy baggage load of missing links and such, and the worry for BN is that Najib has already been tried and convicted in the court (albeit a kangaroo one) of public opinion and awaiting execution.

    WHAT HAS THAT TRICKERY LED TO? IT HAS LED TO STAGNATION. (Really? Even if so, perhaps the people are willing to bite the bullet for three years or so; or more importantly, do you honestly think very much can and will be done to make Permatang Pasir a booming enclave in a “stagnant” Permatang Pauh in three years?) THE WORLD IN PERMATANG PAUH AND PERMATANG PASIR COME TO A HALT ON ACCOUNT OF ANWAR IBRAHIM. WE MUST RECOGNISE THIS SITUATION AS IT TRULY IS- THE FUTURE OF THE PEOPLE IN PERMATANG PASIR AND PERMATANG PAUH ARE HELD AT RANSOM. THIS IS TYRANNY DISGUISED BEHIND A LIST OF ACCUSATIONS AGAINST THE RULING GOVERNMENT. ANWAR IBRAHIM IS AS MUCH A TYRANT AS THOSE HE ACCUSES OF BY MANIPULATING HIS PERSONAL PROBLEMS TO INCARCERATE THE MINDS OF THE PEOPLE IN PERMATANG PAUH AND PERMATANG PASIR. (Dato’ Sak can you actually hear your own rhetoric? I am sure you have also heard it said, “…it is not that the people love Anwar more; what used to be less love for Barisan has turned to pure hate”)


    HE CAN'T FOREVER LEAD US ON A WILD GOOSE CHASE, DISPUTING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT EVEN BEFORE THEY APPEAR BEFORE THE COURTS. THE WHOLE STORY ABOUT A CONSPIRACY THAT HAS NEVER DIED DOWN SINCE 1998 IS ALWAYS STIRRED UP TO DIVERT ATTENTION. (Same old, same old, Dato’ Sak. I can agree that Anwar has spewed his share of bull and after all, he is cut of the same UMNO cloth. However, most voters now do not even think of Anwar because PR is making the right noise and moves by attracting enough intelligentsia into its fold. It would be a major blow to BN if the next by-election is in Gua Musang when differentiation dawns that Mahathir’s UMNO Baru is not the beloved UMNO Lama)

  24. Part IV

    WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THE OUTCOME OF HIS ON COMING TRIAL IS. (Don’t we really?) LET US NOT PLACE THE FUTURE OF PERMATANG PASIR ON THE OUTCOME OF ANWAR'S TRIAL. (Along the same tack, most people expect Anwar to be convicted but Dato’ Sak, you may be right in a perverse way; the future of Permatang Pauh will rest on that outcome) TO DO SO WOULD BE TO HOLD THE FUTURE OF PERMATANG PASIR AT RANSOM. WHY SHOULD THE FUTURE OF PERMATANG PASIR BE MADE TO DEPEND ON ANWAR IBRAHIM'S LEADING US ON TO BELIEVE HE IS A VICTIM OF A GRAND CONSPIRACY? (With due respect sir, it does not)

    I AM ALWAYS READY TO GIVE HIM THE BENEFIT OF DOUBT AS FAR AS ALL THE ACCUSATIONS OF SEXUAL PREFERENCES ARE CONCERNED. (I think most people would too but then, they would much prefer a competent and professional PDRM, AG and last but not least, an independent Judiciary) BUT THE FUTURE AND THE WELFARE OF THE PEOPLE IN PERNATANG PASIR AND PERMATANG PAUH SHOULDN'T BE HELD RANSOM BY HIS PERSONAL PROBLEM. (Repetition does not make a point right)

    THIS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL REASON WHY THE VOTERS IN PERMATANG PASIR MUST NOW VOTE FOR UMNO CANDIDATE. (Dato’ I must reiterate all this does not sound to me like the usual astute Sakmongkol AK47 analysis at all)

    JUST THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS. (My opinion is probably wrong but as you said Dato’…just think about these things)

  25. I cannot say for sure that Anwar is truly innocent of the charges or that he is an angel. But it is obvious that there is a greater agenda to destroy him politically by UNMO for the simple reason that he is the general of the enemy. The truth of whether he committed sodomy is really not important otherwise Chua Soi Lek will also be charged. That, my dear Dato, is the reason why you cannot separate his personal issues from politics - they are linked. Surely you can see that?

  26. Bravo Dato'!

    It's not that often that I can agree with you wholeheartedly. But this time 'round, I support you 1000%!

    God bless

  27. Dear Datuk Sakmongkol,

    Now this is the Muay Thai writer I have come to respect regardless the colour of your stripes; so long as you share the wish for a more equal Malaysia, fighting for justice and truth.

    UMNO has put itself in an indefensible position in whatever they have taken up. It will be a pattern that will be repeated.

    As long as the Prime Minister is surrounded by allegations of corruptions, murder and manipulation, there will not be the political will to do what is needed. He will have to stand up to scrutiny first. If he is clean he should defend himself through legal means.

    With such a colourful baggage, the PM will find it hard to find credible leaders and the current batch does not pass muster either. They in turn will select those they share a likeness to themselves, lest the good and credible potential leaders like yourself will show them up for who and what they are: a bunch of conniving vultures waiting for turn to select their pick before their term is up.

  28. Dato' Sak,

    Never knew that you could be that expletive. Can't blame you,though.

    Half of the battle is already lost.

  29. Are You Gonna Go My Way18 August 2009 at 14:00

    Suci dalam Debu

    ....most disbarred lawyers were the honest one..the "crooked' one got away because they were too smart to be coned into any dealing.

    Its good to see the many responses from UMNO haters when Dato Sak suddenly said he supports UMNO after all the criticism he wrote about UMNO.

    You see, Dato's constructive criticism is for the betterment of this country while the rest of you just want to put Anwar Ibrahim as an angel( devil in disguise) PM for Malaysia.

    Well can speak your mind but not on my(our) time…

  30. Thank you for your reply. Your expletives certainly ring a bell,loud and clear.

    It is of my view that Anwar has the right to seek support from his supporters just like the DPM seeking support in accusing Anwar of being a traitor to the malays.

    If the supporters feels that Anwar has been wronged they will give him all the support. This is what I feel P.Pasir voters hopefully should do so.

  31. Wow Dato Sak,
    What an explosive way to admit errors when errors are made. Still, kudos to you in recognising and admitting to mistakes made by your party. Unlike your party leaders who are still screaming themselves blue about the "victimisation" of their candidate.

  32. Hi dato, how can we say that Anwar personal problems are his own. If he as a future PM whilst he was DPM can be so harshly treated, what hope can the common people have against an abusive and opressive system. The whole world knows he has been a victim in sodomy 1 of which he was found NOT GUILTY. Now we say Sodomy 2 is his personal problem. No Dato, it is becoming very clear that the present UMNO leaders are the cause of all of our personal problems. WE have a CJ who is tainted , now we are asked to support a lawyer who has clearly been disbarred because of dishonesty. Sheesh dato, why are you still in UMNO???

  33. Such a strange candidate for Permatang Pasir. A lawyer who has been struck off the register for being less than honest about money. Sak if you campaign for this guy, I will have zero respect for you.

  34. BN is in a very difficult situation because of Rohaizat.

    The announcement by the Bar Council clarifies his position very2 clearly.And its compounded by the very fact that just a few days back Rohaizat puts the blame on his partner..which is blatantly different from the events as explained by the Bar Council.

    Any Barisan leader campaigning for Rohaizat runs the very real risk of being a supporter of a person deemed "tainted" for want of a better word.Even if BN wins,the fact remains that he carries a very heavy baggage when in a position of TRUST.

    The only escape is for his partner to come out publicly and accept the blame for the misdemeanor.And the great sacrifice that Rohaizat took.

    Its an unfortunate situation but we must wait with an open mind...for a rational explanation from the BN head honchos.It can't be that simple...cos BN is a very established organisation and not likely to trip over such simple issues>>they must hv done their homework???

  35. "Pakatan Rakyat raises their issues as a diversionary strategy to conceal the startling FACT that it is utterly incapable of looking after the people's interests."

    What fact... I dont even need to read the rest of the rubbish.

    Fact Pakatan is yet to given a chance to govern the country. As state government without money to do much things what do guys like you know other than to talk rubbish?

    Fact is we do not know yet whether Pakatan can govern.

    Can UMNO govern? ASk your self where have we excel ?

    Talking rubbish.

  36. Sebenarnya kredibiliti UMNO/BN sudah jatuh ke tahap yg serendah rendahnya...yg tinggal hanya tunggul yg telah dipotong dan menunggu untuk diperun dan dibakar...cara yg terbaik...semaikan benih yg baru yg jauh dari racun dan serangga dunia

    Sementara itu biarkan PR memerintah...beri mereka peluang melaksanakan apa yg dijanji...

    Tamadun dunia dimana mana menunjukkan turun naik dan ibarat roda. Tiada yg kekal selama lamanya. Di India Kongres dah habis.

    Sampai suatu masa nanti jika UMNO/BN di kehendaki semula oleh rakyat tidak perlu paksaan...janji...dan gertakan. Semua akan datang sendiri. Sekarang PR yg menerima semua itu.

    Realitinya begitulah Datuk...

    Kg Marhum

  37. indeed..umno hv explained that rohaizat is an innocent party who took responsibility for a "default"by his partner..truly the measure of the man.

    Money hv been paid back..and the Koperasi is happy enough to withdraw their complaint.Now,the ball lands squarely in Bar Council's court.

    Thus its not the defense of a guy who when accused of stabbing a person explained to the judge..that he was standing blissfully with an unsheathed knife..when the victim ran into his kinife..three times.In rohaizat's case the victims hv said that they are ok n hunky dory..there was no stabbing at all.

    Well..this Rohaizat must be such a prized asset for umno to risk so much and run the gauntlet just to hv him as an Adun.In that case..Permatang Pasir must vote for him or else lose the opportunity to hv an Adun of high potential to represent them.

  38. dear dato sak,
    u are deeply conflicted. you love umno in its original form. that you have made obvious and i as a non malay would not begrudge its early objectives either.

    but this piece reads like a reflex action, not you. leave umno dato, let the past go. the schoolteachers are gone and the core values replaced with the need to stay in power.

  39. Sir,

    I buy the Bar council's version anytime.

    This fella not only would not admit his mistakes, he tried to blame it on his partner.

    Wow, that's credibility at its highest level ala UMNO style.

    Now DPM wants a sworn statement. A Zahidi said all is fine and dandy.

    See yhe circus?

    Sir, I know your heart belongs to UMNO but your mind says it is not right.

    Just remember Dato, the only CONSTANT in life is CHANGE. So change from WITHIN or OUTSIDE?

    Those who fails to keep up with the changes will fall by the wayside.

  40. dear dato,

    i can't understand how can a party who claims to have a few million memberships fail to nominate one single respectable candidate with no moral baggage. and dear deputy president says the bar council's punishment to rohaizat is similar to just another traffic ticket. to anyone with half a brain this statement doesn't help rohaizat at all.

    do umno deserve a second chance??yes!!but only if they swallow a humble pill, admit rohaizat's pass wrong doings and consider pulling out from this by election because it's too late to change candidate. do this and umno will gain a lot more respect it has today.

    anwar ibrahim??with the 2 hospital medical reports on saiful i think anwar deserves a lot more than a benefit of doubt

  41. just when we thot that rohaizat is all hunky we have a disclosure by his partner>>apart from the outright denial...the modus operandi and the operation of the trust account is also explained...

    Now,its Yusri and Bar council Vs Rohaizat n the full weight of the UMNO head honchos.

    If Yusri n Bar council is telling the real story..then not only rohaizat is tainted but the stink goes all over the UMNO leadership for condoning such irregular and unethical behaviour.

    Dunno when this circus will end but it does no favors to our 1Malaysia.Wish rohaizat will just decide to pull out n take the bitter medicine (right or wrong) as a sacrifice for the greater good of the nation.

    will he?

  42. Dato'
    Sigh, UMNO is doomed.
    My late mum would hate to see this happen but it has to happen because then only UMNO can be reinvented. The present crop of top leaders is helping to make it happens earlier.

  43. Dato', While I agree with practically all of what you have written here, there's one essential ingredient here that I simply can't reconcile with. At a time when things are moving into place for Umno - and BN to follow suit - someone had to throw a spannar into the works... The Candidate.

    Whether Rohaizat is fully guilty or half-guilty or whether it is his partner - or even if neither is guilty (which is quite unlikely) - I feel this fact should still stand: Given the circumstances, ROHAIZAT SHOULDN'T BE THE CANDIDATE.

    Although some might want to argue that "he wasn't charged in court, and so was never guilty of a criminal offence", the fact that he was disbarred is something that raises red flags. Did he purposely neglect to mention this to the people (whoever they are) who decide on who to stand? If that's the case, then he is totally irresponsible, for surely he would know that this would be a major liability should his opponents come to discover his case (which they did). Does Umno want this kind to be its leader?

    If he had made this known to the selectors, but they still went ahead to pick him, then it's one of these: (1) They are numskulls for not realising the problems it will bring... Does Umno want numskulls to be the selectors? (2) In the whole of Permatang Pasir, there isn't anyone else as capable as Rohaizat. If that's the case, then it's better to just dissolve the branches here and hand the supporters over to PAS.

    But of course Number 2 isn't true. This means the selectors have bungled, and made it a lot more difficult for the foot soldiers to fight. Don't blame them if they aren't too willing to sacrifice themselves this time around.

    And what I'm mad at is this: What a shame it is, that the hard-gained momentum from Manek Urai might be dampened because Umno wasn't selective enough Umno: Learn This Lesson. Or Die
