Tuesday 3 February 2009

Malay and Chinese Politics(2)

Malay and Chinese politics….continuation.

Or we (the Malays) will change them. We have already shown UMNO leaders that we can do it. I have said repeatedly about the data on Malay voting trends in the 12th GE. Suffice to say, UMNO has lost the Malay ground.

When I wrote the first part, I was surprised to sense that this article could turn into a racial mudslinging free for all. I used the Chinese as an example and comparison, because there is much Malays can learn from them. I did not write so as to confer any superiority complex on the Chinese in order for that acknowledgement to be used as the excuse to deprecate others. Chinese sense of their worth (I am not confining myself to Malaysian Chinese only) is not a function of my or any other non Chinese subjective feelings. If they feel they are great, they can easily defend that feeling by pointing out to the history of their 4000 year civilization. When I used the Malaysian Chinese as an example, I am merely stating as fact, what has borne out in Malaysia. Learning from the Chinese on certain matters, wasn't said by I alone. I cited the Chinese here as a compliment.

So, I am not going to be drawn into a futile debate to unravel the issue of racial purity being the precondition for greatness as suggested by a commentator in my blog. He posits that the reason why the Malay is less able to progress is because the Malay is not a monolithic bloc. The Malay blood is adulterated as it were. He compares them to the Indians and Chinese which he says, have remained pure as far as bloodline is concerned. That kind of reasoning, if we were to push it to its extreme conclusion, will give rise to shuddering generalisations.

The main thrust of this article is to show, that the politics which the Malays and Chinese practised is a major factor explaining their relative economic strengths. I want to show, that the particular practice of politics by the Chinese is more conducive to economic prosperity. On the other hand, the particular type of politics practised by Malays is less supportive of economic prosperity.

How so? The relative independence of Chinese from government has enabled the Chinese to develop the various positive cultural traits such as perseverance, deferment of present enjoyment for future benefit, thrift, diligence hard work etc. In this article I am less interested in a compendium of these cultural traits. I am more interested to establish the enabling environment which is the particular type of politics practised.

The root cause, if you may, and this is my contention, is the particular practice of politics. That particular practice of politics should be aimed for, by the Malays. Why? Because by establishing the enabling environment, those cultural traits so conducive for economic prosperity can be generated. But more important than this realisation is; what the Chinese arrived at which was forced upon them, the Malays can devise as a DELIBERATE POLICY.

The Chinese were forced to look out after themselves because as one commentator said, due basically to their immigrant status or career in the civil service was closed to them. In that sense, the Chinese was forced to be outside the normal route. The Malays can use the idea of having to look out after their own selves using whatever resources they have, to establish an enabling environment.

Now, let's look at the Malays. The UMNO leaders were drawn mainly from the Malay aristocracy or as is now, the pseudo aristocracy. The pseudo aristocrats are the politically conscious whose aim in life is to induct themselves into the original elite. The aim is to foist themselves as a class of leisure onto the political stage. They speak the language of democracy, but it is hardly certain, they are voicing the interests of the majority who are drawn mainly from the kampong, urban poor and indifferent middle class.

It was generally accepted that the Malays have a tradition of being led by the aristocracy and would appear taciturn and diffident if left to their own devices. The aristocratic leadership knows this and feeds on this dependence. The dependence nourished since ancient times by a symbiotic relationship between the ruler and ruled. A relationship best encapsulated by the oft repeated slogan- the rakyat and the king, never shall they be broken. Here I am using the term king as a generic representation of the ruling aristocrat.

But where has that kind of politics, call it a master-servant relationship if you want, taken the Malays? Well, don't let my own subjective feelings persuade you where it led the Malays to. I will let, one of the earliest and foremost Malay thinkers say something about this. Let Zaaba share with you his thoughts:-

' maka sebab yang pertama itu tak usahlah kita bahaskan disini, tetapi yang kedua itu boleh, persaksian tarikh ada menunjukkan dengan tidak syak lagi bahawa keadaan kehidupan Melayu pada zaman kerajaan raja rajanya terdahulu dari kedatangan British ini sangat lah di penuhi oleh kesempitan, azab sengsara, dan kebuasan yang tiada terderitakan, istimewa pada masa yang tiada berapa lama terdahulu daripada kedatangan yang tertib itu. Maka keadaan kehidupan demikian itulah yang telah di pusakai oleh anak anak Melayu sekarang, dan ialah satu daripada perkara-perkara yang terutama sekali telah menjadi acuan menempa akan orang orang Melayu ini kepada rupa bentuk nya atau keadaan yang ada pada hari ini, dan menjadikan mereka waris kepada beberapa tabiat dan perangai dan kebiasaan yang lemah yang rendah yang telah menjadi lazim pada zaman nenek moyang dahulu kala itu, beratus ratus tahun lamanya mereka telah kena perabdikan dan kena picit dan perah dan ramas di tangan pemerintah pemerintahnya yang pada zaman dahulu itu- iaitu pemerintah pemerintah daripada mereka sendiri.'

I don't think I can do any justice to say it in the words like Pendita Zaaba said. And this people, was in 1927. By the way, Zaaba wrote the original piece in English for the Malay Mail at that time.

To my mind, those paragraphs immediately place Zaaba as one of the earliest and indeed foremost thinker on this subject. The Malays inherited this 'genetic memory' from its ENABLING ENVIRONMENT which was the particular kind of politics they were subjected to and practised until today.

Malay politics would have moved along a predictable trajectory if it had not been for the 12th general elections, 2008. 2008 was therefore a watershed year for the Malays, I think. It was the tipping point or point of inflexion. The Marxian thinker would have termed it the nodal point, at which Malay society transforms itself into a qualitatively different social entity. What the 12th general elections showed was the incompatibility for two dissimilar things to co –exist. In other words, the symbiotic nature breaks down on account of their internal contradictions. .


  1. Dato,
    Coming back at this, a closer look at China would reveal that it's not really a Chinese or Malay thing. It's just as shady to get business in China with their guanxi and notoriety for ripping you off without a blink whether you're a Chinese or foreigner. There are enough stories of Malaysians venturing to China to open factories only to be duped in terms of land or whatever.

    It could be a numbers game, as there are more of them, it just appears that they are more successful because those that are outside the country seems to be doing well. It could be about the hunger for wanting a better life, that drove the immigrants to cross shores, swim, to transplant themselves into a foreign land to look for a better life.

    Those subservient to kings/aristocracy and submit to their 'fate' would probably stay back and continue their life in poverty, as evidenced by the mud shacks in rural China.

    This country is a comfortable place to live in, even if one were living in poverty, there is no bitter winter or arid landscape to compound one's existence. You can still gather food from the jungle, drink from the streams or even scrounge for leftovers in the city dumpsters.


  2. Malays are not internally dynamic but they externally responsive, I argue. As a creature, the malays are not internally motivated and moved with success images produced by themselves but they highly responsive to external stimuli.

    For examples, the malays got themselves united to force out Malayan Union and marched together in the May 69 episode. In other words, the malays are like a sleeping tiger or crocodile.

    In the process, the type and nature of the external stimuli evolve. Likewise, the degree of its sensitivity and responses change too.

  3. Dato,

    May I mention the theory that foreign species, in the human, animal or plant kindom, always struggle harder and often thrive better.

    For the Chinese, it's the 4,000 years history of the Mainland
    (3,500 years based on written records). Since ancient history, the Chinese character, which was moulded out of frequent internal wars, natural and man-made calamities, injustices and sufferings, has been one of flexibility, of adaptation, of adjustment, of ready exploitation of opportunities, of material wealth, rejecting those that are unproductive in this respect.

    Ancient Chinese practiced Confucianism and Taoism. Early in the 1st millenium of the Christian era, Buddhism came in from India through Central Asia. The Chinese embraced it and by 500AD China was Buddhist from north to south.

    Quoting one China expert, the vast majority of modern Chinese "honour Confucius, worship Amida Buddha, and use Taoist rites without any sense of incompatibility. Three ways to one goal, they say." To me, this attitude reflects a materialist desire to be on the safe side, "a kind of triple insurance against calamity" or
    for life success.

    Politics is of course the protection of the interests of the people the politicians represent. But it seems to me it's more so for the Chinese. It's for the protection of the business interests of the average Chinese, for example, those clamouring for TOL shop lots beside the road into Rawang town.

    The Chinese has been active in politics in this country even before the British intervention
    in Perak - trying to protect and pursue their tin mining interests.
    There are records that give the impression that the Chinese had caused the British intervention - the Larut Wars involving Chinese secret societies Hai San, etc and the request of the tin mine towkays in Penang for the Resident Governor to intervene so that their tin mining operations can continue peacefully. The Chinese Kapitan was certainly there when the British talked to the Sultan, leading to the Pangkor Treaty of 1874. See Cempaka Sari, Sejarah Kesultanan Negeri Perak, by Associate Professor, M.A Fawzi Basri, pages 62, 66.

    Nowadays, most Chinese tycoons
    do not actively participate in politics. Those big enough can afford, to use Eyes Wide Open's words, to be independent. Robert kuok would have a lot of unnecessary headaches if he were seen to consort with political leaders under fairly frequently changing power structure. However, many of the lesser ones, or those needing some "impetus" to be on the ascendency, ingratiate themselves with the powers-that-be.

    Malay politics developing along this line has been evident since the start of the creation of the elite Malay business class - ref. books by Professors Gomez and Jomo.

    Best wishes.

  4. kanomtom: 'It's all about Le Chatelier's Principle.'

    walla: 'How so?'

    kanomtom: 'Malaysia's twin pillars are politics and economics. Each has internal elements. At any one time, the elements of both are in dynamic equilibrium. When the level of one element is changed, the position of the equilibrium will shift itself in response in order to recover and go back to the original state of the equilibrium. Exercising some self-serving hoplite courage, the system wants to maintain its dolorous status quo.'

    walla: 'Are you saying that's the cause of all the present impasses in both the politics and economics of this country, ergo the state of the nation?'

    kanomtom: 'We have to think out of the box this time because this time both politics and economics are at opposite corners of the ring. Don't you feel politics here has become a no-mans land? Can't you also sense our economics is moving towards limbo-land?'

    walla:'what do you think can be the tko - technical knockout - to breach the firewall and get back to progress?'

    kanomtom: 'Something drastic may need to be done - we may need to defy Le Chatelier's principle.'

    walla: 'but one can only break a principle if the objective is to attain another higher principle. That's the Principle of principles, isn't it?'

    kanomtom:'Yes, i'm afraid it is so.'

    walla: 'so what's the higher principle this time?'

    kanomtom: 'You've said it - progress. We need to make progress in both politics and economics so that we can create a new temporary state of dynamic equilibrium that will do battle with the old Le Chatelier's state.'

    walla: 'are you saying Umno should be replaced, and if replaced, replaced with what?'

    kanomtom: 'not replaced, reverse-taken-over. Create another entity to reverse-takeover the old Umno but with a new organizational set-up constructed on the ideas of the other great thai boxer, my brother sakmongkol. He has written some ideas about nomination and election principles which the wise should focus on with weightier consideration. That is, if they can stay focused on what's good for the rakyat defined by the rakyat, just once.'

    walla: 'that won't be easy because the people who will do it need to have the spine of a tyrannosaurus rex.'

    kanomtom: 'but if they don't want extinction, they will just have to bite the bullet and do it.'

    walla: 'not if they're wearing gigi palsu, like the way they're wearing their concerns for the rakyat.'

    kanomtom: 'walla, they will have to face reality and not kid themselves anymore. Otherwise it will be like the tiff between Umno's disciplinary board and the MACC. The people have already concluded from that fracas that the whole matter about fighting money politics now rebranded plain corruption is just a sandiwara. How else can one explain that the people who are supposed to fight the problem are fighting amongst themselves? Ditto the negative responses from the top on what Ku Din had suggested to disband the wings.'

    walla: 'ah i see where you're coming from. Ku Din is to politics as Ku Li is to economics, judging from the latter's asli speech, isn't it?'

    kanomtom: 'exactly; Le Chatelier's principle. Ku Din tried to introduce a change to the dynamic equilibrium of Umno; the system closed down on him; the MACC tried to actualize the board's findings; the system closed down on it; Ku Li tried to raise the alarm on our economics; the government rolled out its fiscal stimuli packages like they were just firing katyusha rockets to carpet-bomb the looming crisis. And that was after dishing out a very generous package to the civil service without extracting better and cleaner service delivery, or providing convincing economic answers to prove they are not playing fiddlesticks with the future of this nation's finances in order to win future voter goodwill from the civil service corp. Do you know how many motorcyclists die on potholed municipal roads? Do you even know why potholes are so easily formed on recently laid roads? Do you know why garbage collectors don't have enough money to stopper leachates from their trucks? Do you know what is the real cost of doing business in this country from the additional inducement fees paid on demand across counters? Do you know whether colored lens are not worn in the delivery of even health-care services in government clinics?' And can you explain how a simple urban traffic monitoring system can cost over three hundred million? While at it, what has happened to "open tenders" vis-a-vis the IJN and Labu proposals "pre-approved" by the "Cabinet"? And did anyone personally benefit from the commissions paid to Pos Malaysia for giving out the rebates? And so on, so forth. Real service delivery is about proactively nipping impending problems in the bud, not waiting for them to take shape to bite the rakyat in their butts."

    walla: 'what then is the root of it all, o great kanomtom?'

    kanomtom: 'Malaysia has hybridized its politics and economics. That's one root. To solve the problems, you must dehybridize them again. Make the economics market-efficient. That will help clean out the politics. As the economics expand and become healthier, the need to use good economics to keep bad politics will atrophy. Then politics will become healthier on its own and return to the days of the Alliance.'

    walla: 'but politics as applied to the Malays has a rationale for its present state, doesn't it?'

    kanomtom: 'it doesn't matter. It is on a trajectory to oblivion. The rakyat have woken up. They see everything very clearly now. The problem with us Malays is that we started by being diffident based on a feudalistic hierarchical culture; to break that mold, we inserted projects and visions. But the projects were and are poorly thought-out, easy to start, hard to finish, costly to run, leakages aplenty. Not one has been completed to any general satisfaction because two elements have always been missing: global standards, and checks-and-balances. Projects became the gravy trains for the craven opportunists; they created the hybrids that laid the seeds of destruction, destruction of everything we are seeing today. The future of our young. And when the projects became unsustainable, the vision and motivation also died, so that the lack of confidence returned, only multiplied. Were this the only thing that happened, the situation could still be overcome. But it wasn't just that. The very vehicle delivering those projects, Umno, itself imploded and self-destructed. It lost the faith and trust by the very people it tried to win faith and trust from. How do you solve a problem whose root is the solution-deliverer?'

    walla:'So the Malays of Umno have a problem. Do you see any solution in the politics of the non-Malays which can be borrowed?'

    kanomtom: 'the blogger has chosen the Chinese community as an example to draw out comparisons and contrast. I don't think the Malays are any less hardworking than the Chinese. And if they have little to start with, it would not be fair to ask them to be thrifty to a fault from the outset. But, yes, there are some other qualities which bear consideration.'

    walla: 'primacy of education?'

    kanomtom: 'yes, that's one, and it's a fundamental trait of the Chinese, it seems. I recently visited a Chinese family. They stay in a small house somewhere in the outskirts between AG and Tampin. Nine members in a small house. The father taps rubber and looks worn out. The mother gets up at four to travel to the nearest town to deliver papers to make some money. The children are growing up. Some are studying hard for their higher education. The house is threadbare. One can see where all the savings have gone. In the Chinese circles, some members would sacrifice their own education so that their younger siblings can pay for theirs. And in the urban areas, the middle-class families would foot money they can't afford in order to pay for tuition because their children come home from so-called smart schools and lament they don't understand anything their teachers are saying. Yes, it's about education and knowledge because to them that's the legitimate passport to enable their young to get out of the nature-given ruts of life and make a name for themselves, make their ancestors proud, earn face in society, so to speak. And that's why if you add the cultural element to education, the matter of eroding vernacular or mother tongue education is taboo. Le Chatelier's principle at its sharpest, believe you me.'

    walla: 'but what about the other qualities so well identified by the other great commentators in this blog?'

    kanomtom: 'a sense of can-do, never-say-die, independence; they want financial independence because they have pragmatically seen how it cuts through most problems, and enables mobility. For instance, if one can't solve an intractable problem, the next logically best thing to do is to be able to afford to run away. Isn't that "mobility"?'

    walla: 'So the politics and economics elements of LC's principle within the Malay community has expanded to be the LC's principle applied to the politics of the Malays vis-a-vis the economics of the Chinese?'

    kanomtom: 'But you and i already know that's the other root of the problem. If we look at things like that, we will conveniently and comfortably overlook the art of real survival. If one only compares with another, how is one to develop the very global standards that enable projects to finish and real rewards to be reaped for the rakyat? For that matter, being able to evaluate and decide on which project or package to adopt in the first place?'

    walla: 'Najib should expand his 'glocal' concept?'

    kanomtom: 'Yes, and more. But first get rid of that "ketuanan" thing. What's "ketuanan" when it leads to leaking dumptrucks, sub-ranked apex universities, NS camps that collapse by themselves, food that send kids to the hospital, even politicians who have the gall to celebrate the imminent walkover of opposition assemblymen under investigation for corruption while their enforcement people can use the reason of public security to not approve assembly permits for some while looking the other way on other unapproved assemblies for other causes?'

    walla: 'Maybe Najib should also add an investigation on double standards?'

    kanomtom: 'The Rakyat Know, walla. The rakyat know. That's why when one considers which of the three - KJ, MM or MT, for the post, it is important to see things from the rakyats' lens. The question is not about who. It is about what. What is the leadership quality needed? What is the new set of objectives needed? What is the new framework needed in which those new objectives need to be worked upon by the new leader needed?'

    walla:'And if the answer is none?'

    kanomtom: 'Don't you think Ku Din went through a lot in himself before he made those suggestions? He also knows.'

  5. Dato'

    If UMNO as a whole was able to practise honest self-reflection and self-criticism like you, we would have inherited a much different government. The question of ketuanan Melayu would not even arise. There would be no need for harsh words towards the non-Malays to keep them in line as they would gladly submit to such enlightened Malay leadership.

    Instead, today, our country is ruled by a weak and corrupt UMNO who cannot accept that they have passed their sell-by date.

    Any attempt to point out what you said to UMNO by concerned non-Malays is returned with threats not to question Malay/Muslim rights. And if Malays bring it up, they are largely dismissed as traitors to the Malay cause, etc.

    You are indeed correct to state that the general attitude of a population is nurtured by the enabling political environment.

    Today, I was at a supermarket and was impressed by the Malay checkout clerk there. She was efficiently totalling up my purchases while instructing her assistant how to pack the goods. Less impressive was
    the other Malay girl who only moved when given specific instructions. I thought that the first girl had a good attitude towards work and service.

    It reminded me of my Chinese friend, who also started at the bottom as a counter staff after her mediocre SPM results. Through hard work and dedication, she proved her abilities to the company, which in turn gave her more opportunities to prove herself and upgrade her skills.

    Now, 15 years later, she is a successful 30-something careerwoman, in charge of training more than 800 staff around the SEA region, and reports directly to the VP of HR.

    It got me thinking. Will the Malay checkout girl be given the opportunity to prove what else she is capable of? Will she have a fair chance of promotion within this Chinaman company?

    I sincerely hope for the day when Malaysians of all stripes can put aside their stereotypes and suspicions of each other and create an enabling environment in Malaysia that encourages Malays, Indians, Chinese, dan lain-lain to give equal opportunity to each other, based on colour-blindness, mutual understanding and respect.

  6. Salam dato Sak47,

    iNI ARTKEL DARI RAKSASABN DAN KEDAI KEDAI KOPI DAH MULA BERCERITA. Muhiyiddin dan mukhriz dibantu Aziz Yassin dan gang MUBARAK utk kecam calon calon lain spt Ali Rastam, mat taib, Isa, khalid nordin, Khairy dan Khir Toyo. Mrk main kotor rupanya.


    Konspirasi SPRM dan Lembaga Disiplin? ~ Malaysiakini
    Penangkapan dan soal siasat ke atas Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Datuk Norza Zakaria oleh Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah (SPRM) ternyata mengejutkan semua dalam sebuah parti yang sedang giat bersiap sedia untuk musim pemilihan yang paling mustahak dalam tempoh berdekad.
    Norza dan lebih sepuluh perwakilan (termasuk seorang Pengarah Jasa negeri) dari negeri Pahang telah disoal oleh pegawai SPRM – ada yang ditelanjangkan dan dipukul sewenang-wenangnya. SPRM dikatakan telah datang lengkap dengan pita rakaman perbincangan antara Norza dan ejen-ejennya bersama para perwakilan serta bil makanan sewaktu di Kuala Terengganu dan Temerloh. Di Temerloh-lah didakwa ada sampul berisi wang bertukar tangan.

    Saya tidak mahu banyak berbicara tentang logika dan rasionalnya SPRM bertindak terburu-buru begini. Persoalan yang paling penting, mengapa Norza, dan siapakah dalang di belakang tabir. Sesiapa sahaja tahu bahawa Norza bukanlah individu yang banyak menabur wang, berbanding sesetengah calon-calon lain.

    Bermulanya penundingan jari, sudah pastilah sekali lagi Pak Lah dan KJ dipersalahkan. Ajen-ajen sesetengah pihak sudah mula membuka cerita yang cukup dramatis, kononnya apa yang terjadi di Temerloh adalah angkara Pak Lah dan KJ untuk mengaibkan Dato' Seri Najib di negerinyasendiri supaya Pak Lah dapat kekal sebagai Perdana Menteri untuk jangka masa lebih panjang.

    Namun apa yang tidak diceritakan oleh panglipurlara-panglipurlara penipu ini adalah hakikat bahawa Norza dan KJ adalah rakan rapat. Malah, sentiment anti-KJ bermula daripada tuduhan bahawa KJmenggunakan kedudukannya sebagai menantu PM untuk memperkaya kroni-kroninya termasuklah nama Norza yang kononnya berkedudukan paling atas dalam senarai. Maka puak anti-KJ yang dahulunya tidaksegan silu menggambarkan KJ dan Norza seolah-olah kroni tidur sekatil, kini mahu menyalahkan KJ pula atas apa yang telah berlaku kepada Norza. Ternyata sekali cerita ini langsung tidak masuk akal.

    Jika seseorang benar-benar meneliti fakta dan keadaan sebenar, suatu gambaran yang lebih realistik akan didapati, yakni dalang di sebalik insiden ini adalah musuh-musuh Pak Lah dan KJ – Tun Dr. Mahathir, Datuk Mukhriz dan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin – yang mahu sesiapa sahaja yang berhubungkait dengan Pak Lah dan KJ untuk tidak berada dalam kepimpinan parti dan negara esok. Taktik memerangkap Norza ini juga ada maksud yang lebih mendalam – Norza bukanlah seseorang yangmemegang jawatan dalan Kerajaan ataupun seorang wakil rakyat, maka tiada sebarang kesan mendalam kepada struktur politik tanahair, melainkan kepada Pak Lah dan KJ.

    Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, konspirasi kompleks ini tidak sahaja wujud melalui SPRM, tetapi juga melalui ejen-ejen dan kroni puak anti-PL/KJ ini dalam Lembaga Disiplin UMNO itu sendiri. Tengku AhmadRitahaudeen – yang memiliki integrity terpuji – kini malangnya telah hilang kawalan atas ahli Lembaga Disiplin, bekas Ketua Bahagian Kuala Pilah Tan Sri Abu Zahar Andika Ujang yang menyiasat segala dakwaan kes politik wang dalam Lembaga Disiplin, kadangkala sebelum fail sampai ke meja Tengku Rithaudeeen pun!

    Yang menjadi permasalahan sekarang adalah Abu Zahar merupakan kroni rapat Muhyiddin dan memang tidak berapa selesa bersama Pak Lah. Siapa mungkin lupa pada bulan September lepas, Abu Zahar selaku Pengerusi Majlis Bekas Wakil Rakyat (Mubarak) menggesa secara terbuka (ala Muhyiddin) untuk Pak Lah mempercepatkan proses peralihan kuasa (ini sewaktu pelan peralihan masih dijadualkan pada 2010 dan bukan Mac 2009). Abu Zahar juga telah diberikan jawatan sebagai Pengerusi LadangPertubuhan Peladang oleh Muhyiddin sewaktu Muhyiddin memegang portfolio Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani.

    Tambahan lagi, hanya beberapa hari lepas, Abu Zahar mengeluarkan kenyataan dalam akhbar-akhbar tempatan menyeru agar diadakan 'kompromi' antara calon-calon yang bertanding untuk jawatan Timbalan Presiden – secara dasarnya dia mahu menekan agar Datuk Seri Ali Rustam dan Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib mengundur diri supaya Muhyiddin mampu menang tanpa bertanding sebagai Timbalan Presiden UMNO dan Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Bagaimanakah seorang individu sebegini boleh dilihat sebagai objektif dan professional sekiranya secara terang-terangan memihak kepada satu kumpulan anti-PL/KJ?

    Serigala-serigala sudah pun menanti untuk membaham Pak Lah dan KJ, sehinggakan wujudnya konspirasi untuk menyalahkan isu penangkapan calon atas tuduhan politik wang ke atas Pak Lah dan KJ. Mereka akan menggunakan segala apa cara sekalipun untuk memastikan tiga perkara tercapai: 1) Pak Lah diaibkan 2) Muhyiddin menang sebagai Timbalan Presiden 3) Mukhriz menang sebagai Ketua Pemuda. Mereka kini sedang cuba menyusun penangkapan dan pemberkasan calon-calon, atau pengugutan pun, untuk memastikan Mukhriz dan Muhyiddin masing-masing menang 'free'. Apa tidaknya, Ali Rustam dilihat kini sebagai 'favourite' untuk menang Timbalan Presiden, dan Mukhriz jauh ketinggalan Khir Toyo dan KJ. Najib pula tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa kerana terhutang budi kepada puak-puak Mahathir-Mukhriz-Muhyiddin yang membolehkannya naik menjadi Perdana Menteri Mac depan.

    Kita perlu tanyakan diri sendiri, siapa sebenarnya yang menjual parti? KJ?

  7. Good grief! walla's conversation with his alter-ego reminds me of JFK complimenting a dinner gathering of Nobel laureates at the White House as being the greatest gathering of minds with the possible exception of when Jefferson dined alone. Good one, bro walla.

  8. for the moment, i wll answer de minimis. the others, will do so later.

    in full agreement with your take on walla's conversation with his alter ego. i assume, kanantom is also a muay thai fighter.
    everywhere walla invests his thoughts, the value of that site increases manifold. thank you bro walla. hope he is not typing with one hand.

  9. Walla

    Any chance bring along kanontom for our next teh tarik session


  10. The "perceived" quick and legal way out of the ghetto is to excel as a professional sportsman or be a rapper.This perception is possibly due to the visible role models.
    People by instinct seeks the path of least resistance to achieve their ambitions and for most people its associated with physical well being and financial security.The spiritual aspects comes after that,presumably.
    Thus for Malays to have a new paradigm there is a need to change the role model.In the old days,we aspired to be Prof Ungku Aziz but these days the Armani suited politico in a Cayenne seems to be the preferred choice.
    I presume if our politicos are wearing bata shoes and riding Vespa again...then possibly we will aspire to be rappers again.

  11. Excellent piece.

    The Malays are no less capable if they wanted to but the environment they live in for centuries had been less punishing and have had great influence on successive generations which we can see today.Malays hate competition.

    The Chinese had 4000 years of history of civilisations, wars and conflicts that gave them the survival instinct and different genetic make.Darwin's 'theory of natural selection' where he theorised that favourable heritable traits become more common in successive generations would be relevant to this argument.

    Government policies have aggravated the problem even further, the NEP and the Malays special rights have made the Malays completely uncompetitive, particularly in business.

    Don't kid ourselves, those in big business were not there by their own making.They were there because those in power put them there.

  12. it all boils down to having good leaders, those that have Morale Leadership to lead the Nation. does not matters Malay/Chinese whatever,,,as long as those that are honest and capable,,,etc.
    What UMNO is lacking, similarly the other BN parties are suffering from too.
    The Alternatives ?,,,perhaps even worst.
    Solution,,,disband all parties, nominate a selected professional cabinet to temporarily manage the Nation for next 10 years ?.
    After all, no body is running the Nation right now,,,,really, believe me so !,,,from the way things are. Headless chickens every where,,,,just talking rubbish n stupid politics. The Police are carried away, the Armed Forces are YesSirNoSir to the Politicians, the Rulers are powerless, the Rakyat are pretty confused lot right now.
    Everyone is a smarta$$, self expert and potential racist.
    Me, am fed-up,,,pissed off with whatever whenever whichever politician that opens his big mouth! Don't seems to trust any of them,,,can't help it-lah.
    Am a Malay,,,,,yes I am but I am what I am,,,,because I worked hard to survive, so are my other friends,,,Chinese/Indian/Iban/others too,,,,,nothing to do with race or religion or belief.
    Just TALK without ACTION,,,nothing will move forward-lah. I prepare/plan everyday,,short/mid/long term for my future/survival/living and am happy with myself.

    islandman,,,,,maybe that's why?
