Thursday 12 February 2009

Dua suara Melayu

Saya sedang menyiapkan artikel mengenai KJ. Tapi, kepada mereka yang amat bertenaga untuk membantai KJ, sabar dahulu. Saya rasa, semua tibaian dan bantaian yang di buat kepada KJ akan di mamfaatkan oleh KJ. Saya berharap demikianlah dan dengan mengingati kaliber minda KJ, saya rasa ini tidak ada masaalah. Tapi sebelum ini, saya menerima 2 komen dari anonymous, dalam artikel saya yang saya rasa elok di perkongsikan. Semoga ianya menghasilkan perdebatan yang sihat. Salam hormat dari saya/sakmongkol ak47


Dalam sejarah negara, ada 2 buah parti politik yang diharamkan; yang pertamanya Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM) yang dipimpin oleh Chin Peng, dan yang keduanya ialah parti UMNO yang semasa itu dipimpin oleh Dr Mahathir Mohammed.

Kedua-dua Chin Peng dan Dr Mahathir mempunyai pengalaman yang sama; parti yang dipimpin mereka diharamkan.

PKM diharamkan kerana Chin Peng dan parti itu cuba untuk berjuang melalui gerakan bersenjata maka kerajaan Malaya semasa itu mengharamkan parti itu daripada berfungsi di negara ini.

Walaupun parti pimpinan mereka sama-sama diharamkan, tetapi asas pengharamannya adalah berbeza.

Chin Peng lari ke hutan apabila PKM diharamkan kerana tidak bersetuju dengan pengharaman yang diputuskan oleh kerajaan sedangkan Dr Mahathir sengaja tidak mahu menghidupkan kembali UMNO yang telah dibatalkan pendaftarannya oleh Mahkamah Tinggi.

Dr Mahathir gembira dengan kematian UMNO kerana beliau boleh menyambung karier politik beliau dan berjaya menafikan keputusan Hakim Harun Hashim Mahkamah Tinggi untuk mengadakan pemilihan sekali lagi bagi jawatan Presiden dan Majlis Tertinggi.

Seksyen 70 Akta Pertubuhan 1965 memperuntukkan mana-mana pertubuhan yang diharamkan oleh Mahkamah boleh dihidupkan kembali oleh Menteri Dalam Negeri yang secara kebetulan ketika itu merupakan Dr Mahathir sendiri.

Beliau enggan menggunakan kuasa untuk menghidupkan UMNO itu kerana beliau sudah merancang untuk menubuhkan UMNO (Baru) yang kita semua anggotai ini, dengan mewujudkan Jawatankuasa Penaja di semua peringkat.

Dengan bertindak demikian Dr Mahathir dapat mengenepikan musuh-musuh politik beliau. Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Husien Onn, Tengku Razaleiegh Hamzah dan ramai lagi pemimpin UMNO semasa itu dicegah daripada menyertai parti ini.

Saya sendiri di Kuala Pilah tidak dipilih untuk menganggotai Jawatan Penaja walaupun anggota jawatankuasa penyandang yang lain di seluruh negara dilantik menganggotai Jawatankuasa Penaja parti yang baru ditaja itu.

Bermula saat inilah UMNO mula retak walaupun Dr Mahathir begitu berjaya menyusun ekonomi negara, dan saham Dr Mahathir yang bercakap banyak pada hari ini, tidak kurang besarnya dalam memecahbelahkan orang Melayu dalam UMNO ini.

Maka tidak hairanlah retak-retak itu akhirnya membawa belah apabila lahir pemimpin-pemimpin lemah dan tidak jujur seperti yang ada pada hari ini, dan ramai yang bercakap besar pada hari ini hanya bergiat dalam UMNO yang baru ditaja ini.

Perjuangan Chin Peng ialah untuk menjadikan negara ini sebuah negara komunis dan asasnya ialah untuk memperjuangkan bangsa Cina yang chauvinistic.

Rakan-rakan kita daripada bangsa Cina berjuang berpanjangan dan kalau kita kaji secara halus kita nampak kejayaan mereka membina bangsanya ketahap kemajuan yang begitu tinggi dan mereka tetap satu bangsa yang bersatu.

Sebaliknya, UMNO masih terkial-kial untuk membina bangsa yang sepatutnya dibelanya kerana kekurangan komitmen untuk menjayakan perjuangannya.

Pemimpin Melayu dalam UMNO tidak sanggup berkorban untuk bangsanya kerana mereka mementingkan kedudukan dan kebahagiaan diri dan keluarga mereka sendiri.

Pemimpin Melayu sanggup membiarkan keburukan berlaku di hadapan mata mereka kerana takut kepada risiko yang mungkin mereka hadapi.

Perjuangan bangsa Cina adalah perjuangan global tetapi perjuangan kita Melayu adalah untuk keluarga sendiri, atau dalam bahasa yang lain 'perjuangan cari makan'.

Siapa di kalangan kita yang sanggup berjuang dan menghadapi risiko, sedangkan orang Melayu tidak ada elemen perjungan di dalam jiwa mereka.

"The Malays walk on their stomach" itulah bunyinya satu perbilangan bahasa Inggeris yang digunakan untuk mendefinasikan orang Melayu dalam hal perjuangan.

Saya amat percaya pada perbilangan itu. Saya yakin orang yang berfikir tentu menerima pandangan ini.

Akhir kata saya ingin mengingati semua; baik Dr Mahathir, Abdullah Badawi, Najib, Muhyiddin dan yang lain-lain dalam team itu semuanya berkira-kira business dengan bertopengkan perjuangan Melayu.

Percayalah! Semuanya akan terbukti dan kita semua akan berasa bahawa kita diperbodohkan mereka ini sekali lagi.

Jika panjang umur kita, kita akan sama-sama mengalaminya. Jangan disia-siakan pandangan saya yang kerdil ini.


Jika bukan kerana sifat tamak dan sifat dengki, Umno tidak mungkin diseret ke mahkamah pada akhir tahun 87/88. Geng Musa Hitam (Umno 11) terus menerus mencuba untuk mendapatkan kemenangan bagi pihak diri mereka. Umno tidak akan diharamkan jika Geng Musa Hitam tidak menyeret parti mereka sendiri ke mahkamah.

Namun itu semua sejarah lama.

Anon di atas cuba menyamakan cara perjuangan PKM dan Umno. Malah anon di atas mengatakan bahawa PKM dan perjuangan mereka yang bercorak ganas dan bersenjata itu mejadi asas terbinanya bangsa Cina yang maju.

Jika Anon berkenaan berpendapat bahawa Chin Peng menjadi titik fokus kepada tahap kemajuan mereka yang tinggi, dan juga membolehkan bangsa cina bersatu, saya merasa amat kesal dengan pendirian tersebut.

Secara tidak langsung, Anon di atas berpendirian bahawa bangsa cina semua merestui sejarah hitam PKM dan segala keganasan dan pembunuhan yang mereka telah lakukan.

Adalah menjadi satu benda yang ironik jika bangsa cina boleh bersatu dibawah naungan perjuangan sesat Chin Peng (seperti yang digarapkan oleh Anon diatas), namun bangsa Melayu tidak boleh bersatu dibawah satu pemimpin yang jauh lebih berjasa, tidak pernah membunuh sesiapa dan juga beragama Islam.

Sifat dengki dan sifat tamak yang ketara di dalam diri bangsa Melayu telah membolehkan anon di atas menulis tulisan mendewakan PKM seperti di atas.

Hanya kerana beliau tidak di pilih menjadi ahli jawatankuasa penaja. Tempat yang terhad sepeti itu mana mungkin dapat menampung semua orang.

Bangsa Melayu berpecah kerana terdapat segelintir Melayu yang berfikiran seperti ini. Yang tidak dapat menerima hakikat dan mencaci jika tidak menerima habuan masing masing.

Mereka kurang komitmen dan tidak jujur dalam menjiwai perjuangan politik mereka. Mereka hanya tahu meminta dari pemimpin mereka tetapi akan mula merajuk jika tidak mendapat apa yang dicita.

Maka dengan itu, apabila darah si Kitul dan Raja Mendaliar mengalir deras mengatasi darah Hang Tuah, maka tidak semena-mena, perjuangan Chin Peng yang kejam itu pun telah diangkat menjadi satu perjuangan yang mulia berbanding dengan perjuangan parti bangsa mereka sendiri.

Ini tidak lain tidak bukan, hanya gerakan perang saraf untuk menidakkan kepimpinan dan jasa bangsa Melayu kepada Negara.

Jangan terpedaya dengan penulisan seprti ini yang pada dasarnya nampak objektif tetapi secara tersiratnya, mempunyai niat yang busuk.

Salam hormat buat semua.


  1. tiada apa yang boleh sy tulis selain dari BETUL dan TEPAT.
    aku hiba membaca tulisan engkau ni.

    ahli UMNO temerloh

  2. UMNO is not fair to me...

    I only have an X5 but UMNO friend has a Cayenne.I can only afford to holiday in Sydney whilst he goes to LA and Acalpuco.I can only afford to send my daughter to study in Adelaide whereas he got 2 sons studying in UK.

    The gap between the rich and have nots is widening and yet my UMNO friend is just not bothered with the simple rakyat like me.

    So tell me...why should I vote for him?

    At least the PR guys have to fly on Air Asia and drives an Estima at best.

  3. Betul tu Kuldeep..

    its all about money..or the lack of it...among 40something professional Malays today. The younger one don't feel the pinch yet..they are happy they got just enough to lepak at starbuck. Being brilliant with degree,Master or PHD but yet no opportunity. You feel like a failure and you vent your anger on UMNO. Rightly so, because all project UMNO control. Want to do retail business no Modal...endless cycle la..bro
    Nak pinjam duit...dah kene blacklisted...nak pinjam tekun...kene kenal UMNO ketua lagi.....phewww...

    kuldeep x5 tu okay lah....hehe

  4. Dato,

    I think you have been visited by VIPs. And they leave comments. Not to mention those hits that don't leave their marks.

    Who says big shots don't read blogs like yours. They do, I am pretty sure. Even KuLi blogs. And don't tell me he is not visited by VIPs who write anonymously or at least just read the articles and comments.

    I see a lot in Comment No 1. Comment No 2 appears trying to deflect the criticism to some other characters. No mention why the then Minister of Home Affairs did not exercise his discretion in reviving the old UMNO.

    Hope to see a healthy and lively discussion on those two comments.

    Those affected have the right of rebuttal. They should write in, otherwise whatever stated or alleged gains credence. And this is a respectable and popular blog.

    Sokong your advice for people to talk about the stated subjects only, and not go out of topic.

  5. Asyik2 nak ungkit zaman Mahathir punya cerita.....malas la...

    Sekarang punya cerita la...MR.Sokong Others

  6. O ni pasal dengki la ni.

    Kalau bini ko pakai gelang besi sampai siku, kenapa bini ku tidak.

    Kalau ko mancing dapat ikan beso, kenapa aku kecit aje.

    Kalau bapak ko tok batin, kenapa bapak aku hanya tok selampit.

    Kalau ko berburu naik gajah, kenapa aku kerbau aja.

    Kalau kentut ko busuk, kenapa aku punya kurang busuk.

    Kalau ko pandai curi sepapan petai, aku nak samun, tebang pokok-pokok sekali.

    Orang begini, dari umno baru atau lama, bahkan dari mana saja, tidak boleh diserahi nasib kita si senoi, jakun, sakai atau batak.

    Kita nak ketua yang sambil memancing, dia ajar kampongnya menjala.

    kita mau ketua yang sanggup tukarkan hutan petai jadi ladang dusun.

    Kita mau ketua yang sakti, yang jelmakan sarang lebah jadi kilang gula.

    Yang halau nyamuk waktu kita tidur, yang jampi-jampanya ditukar dengan haemopathy.

  7. Datuk, kalau dulu ada raja mendaliar, sekarang kita pun ada raja macam tu juga. Tapi raja ni raja penulis skrip drama. Dan pelakonnya... tak lain tak bukan... pemenang anugerah oskar malaysia...

  8. It is truly sad that the Malay masses especially the rural folks cannot get out of the rut of "worshipping" their leaders, following blindly and being ripped off time and again. We use to have dishonest salesman who make their rounds in the kampung signing up hire purchase of TVs, fridges etc. The deals look so good but buyers end up paying way too much after the interest is added in. But who cares? You get to watch TV instantly and after all, the monthly payment isn't really that high. There are many leaders in BN and PKR like these brutally dishonest sales people. It is really depressing to see so much wantoness and waste, lack of accountability and transparency in the management of what can really be a great nation.

  9. Rasa-rasa macam tahu siapa yang tulis cerita pertama itu.
    Anyways, I think Musa Hitam was the one who caused Umno to be declared illegal.
    He was a trouble-maker in Umno then.
    Plotting behind Tun M's back, leading some to call him Musang.
    But now rehabilitated by his long-time pal, Dollah Badawi.
    From a "choklat kampung' (quoting him) Kandos chairman he's now among others Sime Darby Chairman.
    All that is water under the bridge.
    Fast forward to now.
    The trouble maker is of course Anwar Ibrahim.
    Can we get rid of him. Not?
    The biggest mistake of Tun M is bringing him to Umno and foisting him as deputy PM.
    But the man who is forever unjustly riled is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.
    He is what he is, just an ambitious prince who hasn't relised his dreams of becoming PM.
    He does not pretend to make nice, play nice nor hide behind or use others to project himself.
    Compared to Musa and Anwar, he is an angel.
    He can be "flexible" when it comes to the crunch like coming together with Tun M whom some regard his foe.
    Given the current political turmoil, I think he is the best leader to lead Keadilan.
    He's got nothing yo lose by joining Keadilan.
    One last shot before age takes over.
    Wrest control from Anwar.
    Given the respect PAS has for him, he can bring back PAS and Keadilan into the Barisan fold.
    There's hope for Malay unity yet.

  10. UMNO is not fair to me...?

    You only have an X5 but as an UMNO man i only has a Persona.You can only afford to holiday in Sydney whilst i went to Langkawi and Tioman .You can only afford to send your daughter to study in Adelaide whereas mine in UIA.

    The gap between the non UMNO man and nots is widening and yet my Non - UMNO friend is just not bothered with the UMNO Man like me.

    But i learn something...syukur to Allah for his blessing to least i have a chance to own a car, go holiday twice a year and sent my son to local university...

    sedangkan ada orang lain yang tak mampu..even jejak kaki ke kuala lumpur pun belum pernah...but mereka turut bersyukur dengan apa yang mereka ada...

    kepada matter u are muslim or not...sekali sekala pandanglah ke bawah....mengejar kuasa dan harta...pasti mereka sentiasa akan mendahului kamu!

  11. Kuldeep, which planet are you living in?
    Go to any PKR functions, see the array of luxury cars.
    Estima only? Flying Air Asia only?
    You have never heard of PKR man flying to US three times a year on business class?
    Omigod, you must be living in a cave.
    Congrats for having the means to have an X5 limousine and sending your girl to study in Adelaide.
    How we envy you.
    We, who are the supposed beneficiary of the NEP are way, way, below your income bracket.
    Most of us cannot even afford to send our kids to a community college.

  12. you want to know why a malay like me am still angry?
    i still lived in a rented house- link house
    i hv no land
    i drive around in a pick up truck-frontier
    since 2003, i owned my nissan x-trail while an adun who has not even served one year is driving the new honda crv
    i used my savings to send children to study
    so now, i know, the world is fair if we make it fair.
    how do i feel?
    all ministers are millionaires. hangers on drive in Cayenne, X5, Toureg,lexus, mercs
    how do i feel when UMNO politicians say, kita berjuang untuk bangsa, agama dan negara. kita berjuang mereka merompak.

  13. DATO,

    Im with you......

  14. Thanks..I am inspired enuff to say lets just say goodbye to the yellow brick road...
    X5 gets from point A to B as good as a Cayenne..especially with a reliable GPS.

    Wealth is a relative state of being anyway so let them have all the wealth but they can't steal our wisdom,knowledge and honesty.

    What do you think?

  15. Dato AK47,,,,,,
    Please take note that the existing global economic failure is the result of money taking a centre stage in the political and economic game plus in your mind and your life !.
    The obsession with money has everybody asking ?, "Now that we have money, what do we do?"
    Presently, there is a poverty of ideas and innovation. The reason that economy is standing still because banks and businesses plus individuals like you, do not know what or where to invest in any more !.
    Currently technology has gone unfortunately to the level that it has failed to serve mankind anymore. As such, then a “slower GDP growth is the answer rather than stimulus packages to save the nation economy”.

    Even in a “money-using world where money is everywhere and in everything”,,,,, the trick is really to think out of the money and into the real world where “money becomes a slave and not a master”.
    ,,,,,,BUT, on this “money-not-important mind-set”, the reality for happiness is family relationships, friendship with people we have met, our sense of how we are going to actualise ourselves, and quietly preparing ourselves for our own demise .

    All the reality in the world can be reduced to just a few simple thoughts in your own minds..,,,,, “I have only to synchronise my thoughts within my heart”. You will find that “you can live without money in your mind”.
    So AK47,,,,,,,Just Slow down, Relax and be Happy-lah !.


  16. Yang pertama tu bodoh pessimis. yesterday i dah bantai dia. tak jawab pun. main hit and run je. cakap pandai, action takde. Kulit je lebih isinya kecut.

    Orang macam ni masuk university pun dok memorize je, takat lulus. ahh.. kalau berani jawablah kawan. Chin Peng amende ko sejarah pun fail kot. Lagi tu komplen kalah bertanding. Blah la lu...

    You don't know shit about people like us who struggle from the day we were born. We are orang kampung lahir pakai bidan... not in the comfort of the 5 star Sime Darby's Subang Jaya Medical Center which is milking all the money that you've toiled to save and doing it with unbridled impunity.
    And yet we do not complain.
    We toiled and burn all the oil through countless midnights so that when every chance came our way, we were ready to really capitalize on it. And mind you our chance didn't came as often as wished but what matter is how we make something big out of it. That's the way it should be if any chance comes your way too.
    But alas some monkey shit from oxford failed to capitalize even with streams of Niagara falling chances. What more in a comfy position of SIL to an affectionate and powerful FIL and is now begging for another chance. Shucks.
    And guess what I'm sick and tired of this kind of people who usurped others right to shoot on the ever dwindling chances.
    The kind of people who worked very hard to give their sons and daughters ample time and prepare them for the challanges in their lifetime.
    This is the kind that truly deserved some chances and support to make it big in the open field of democracy.

  17. anon at 13:13
    precisely my point. if you start counting yr grouses, there are bound to be people with worse grouses.
    the best approach to deal with mr moneybags, is to ignore their monetised status with the attitude so what if you have money. i can still get from point A to B in my Frontier and while i am going there, the top marques stay clear off me. damage to their paintwork is more expensive than my frontier. haha

  18. true.

    Their Cayenne can't go where your Frontier goes with the freshest and best durians and prawns.
    They have to buy theirs(or their Mats buys for them) at JayaJusco...

    One problem with that seems they may also have a Frontier and worse even a Cygnus in the depths of their multi car garages.

    Easier for our souls if we can all get a Rm 200 million nego contract that we can subcontract to Franky for Rm 150m ya?

  19. hehehe,,,now AK47 you got my point!.
    Relax and be Happy,,,,live life don't take it too seriously, cas. we will all end dead one day.
    Jangan kena premature heart attack with the monkeying n money politics presently !. Our priority is the future of our children and perhaps others too, in our own affortable way-lah.
    AK47,,,,Take a break,,,go exercise along the kuantan golden beach front and write your journal or journey of man. You can really write, so don't waste such talent/skill by just blogging away,,,,make some money along the way ! hehehe
    Remember nowadays, smart malays, when swimming, drink some water and catch fish too. Not just win/win but WON everytime.

    islandman hehehe

  20. kasihanlah kita orang orang Melayu, selalu dipergunakan dan dipermainkan oleh pemimpin pemimpin Melayu dan raja raja Melayu kita dengan isu isu kaum , isu isu agama dan isu isu kedudukan istimewa yang kononnya mempertahankan hak orang Melayu, tapi sebenarnya mempertahankan kepentingan mereka sendiri sahaja.

    Sedarlah orang Melayu, hanya demokrasi dan keadilan yang boleh mempertahankan hak rakyat, bukan raja-raja, bukan UMNO, bukan PAS, bukan PKR, bukan DSAI, bukan Najib, bukan hak-hak istimewa.

  21. Salam.
    Mengungkit TDM adalah tidak wajar dan ada maksud tersembunyi. TDM dah buat terbaik dizamannya, kini kita yang harus lakukan terbaik pada zaman kita tanpa melihat kebelakang. Sekali-kali jangan pandang belakang - melainkan ada kelibat DSA.

    Kita boleh terima politik conteng untuk sesama yang bersaing, tetapi TDM diluar gelanggang. Nak belasah,belasah yang ada dalam gelanggang, jika takut di gelanggang sila keluar.

  22. Just coz Najib set you aside, you don't have to sell your soul to the devil to get even.

    Could it be you did not perform as an ADUN?

    Pi join PKR la.

    You are arguing more and more like them. Lalang ...

  23. I wonder why not many people comment on this posting. The regulars are not in full force here. Yet this is a subject about qualities of leadership that can be pointers to the young on politics, governance, national unity.

    Is it because it is a criticism against TDM that people don't want to talk about. But there's also criticism against TMH.

    Is it because of reverence for TDM, for elders? Is it the Malay culture? But TDM wrote the Malay Dilemma advising changes on some aspects of it. If so, does it mean he had not made mistakes? We need not criticise just for the sake of it but we need to analyse the good from the bad for the young to know, follow and avoid in the future. The fact that there is Comment No 2 shows that it was OK for the author to put out Comment No 1 and for the blog owner to have this posting.

    I am frustrated that there have been too many cases of the rakyat keeping quiet on the ills of society that many bad deeds have become the norms in this country. Corruption, abuse of power, methods of gaining or retaining power and a myriad of other wrongs plaguing us now.

    Throughout history, in China, India, even in America, when the wrongs of society are not criticised openly, they became accepted as common practice. Even when people speak against them but late, it invariably became too late. Look at the circumstances surrounding binge drinking and the Prohibition Act in the US.

    We need to speak up, people. Otherwise disasterous acts like the so-called kicking out of Singapore by TAR will be repeated. And a few of such acts have in fact been repeated. And we continue to cringe, sulk and frustrate every time Singapore pokes us in the eye, nose, ears and buttocks.

    What, no need to talk because it is history? But, friends, history is written so that the younger and later generations can tell the good from the bad. Let's not allow the bad to go into history without pointing out they are so.

    What, they can judge for themselves? That's the problem with this kind of argument. We need to speak up so that history will record the kind of arguments, how much criticism against particular bad acts and so on. Let's take part in history making. Especially when the usual makers of history do grave wrongs. Let's criticise so that the wrongs don't get repeated often. Let it be not too late because, for example, corruption is systemic now.

    Let's say something for the UMNO Youth delegates and their friends to mull over. Criticising TDM should not affect MM's chances - the sins of the father, if any, should not be borne by the son. Those who think otherwise may state a view or two on TMH or even the writers of the 2 comments.

    Let's say something especially because I see many comments pointing to all three candidates having badly tainted images. Let them read about what past leaders did wrong and try to avoid them in the future.

  24. Betul lah kalau kita tak tegur yang tak baik muliakan yang baik, kita akan terus susah. Anak cucu cicit kita juga akan susah.

    Saya tak tahu banyak tapi yang berdamping dengan depa atau lihat dengan dekat apa yang depa buat tak betui dan betui, cakap lah sikit. Yang tak dekat dengan depa tapi banyak baca pun patut cakap.
