Saturday 24 January 2009

The Murder of an Unknown Indian is NOT less important

I am puzzled. Normally, the police carry out investigations. They prepare investigation papers. They send them to the AG’s chambers. They wait for his certification. Maybe, I am a little daft here on the legal processes. I would have thought that the AG will only produce certification AFTER receiving investigation papers.

But the AG, Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail has classified the death of an unknown Indian, A. Kugan, as a case of willful murder. When the IGP ordered a second autopsy that would suggest that investigation is ongoing. That means no conclusions or summary of the investigations are completed yet. But even as a second autopsy was ongoing, the AG jumped the gun, saying it is murder. As of today, the IGP says, investigations are still ongoing.

The AG’s preemptive announcement will go some way to calm growing unhappiness among Indians. The general view is that there seems to be a deliberate policy of police victimization and discrimination against the community.

But where would that announcement place the Police? Now, will they carry out investigations to prove what the AG said is correct? Will the intention to prove what’s said by the nation’s highest legal officer is correct more important that finding out the murderer/s? The police will now have no choice but to uncover and hopefully produce evidence that indeed a murder has taken place.

But was Ghani’s announcement designed to diffuse a potentially eruptive political time bomb, or was he motivated to find out the perpetrators of what really is just plain murder? If his motives are the former, then it is not primarily the truth that we are after, but political convenience. The crime of murder is assigned secondary importance.

I am not one who makes light of such a heinous crime such as murder. The bereaved family has every right to be violently agitated and no one should judge how they chose to ventilate their grief and anger. The murder of a human being, irrespective of his ethnic origins is reprehensible and must be universally condemned.

But there are also lessons to be learnt here. I just want the Malays to take a leaf from the Indian community’s response. It seems that a loud and explosive response is the only way to get the government’s attention. If it was one Malay who was a victim of such brutality, the matter would have been easily attributed to the will of God. That would be the end of the story. The police will be absolved and the Malays will seclude themselves in their lonely grief. In a year’s time, all would be forgotten. In the early late 70’s I remember an incident where a Malay student was shot dead by police bullet while walking along the Odeon cinema. The parents accepted the police narration of the event and further accepted that as a will of God. The Malays are easily placated. Is the Malay a victim of his own virtue? Has UMNO taken advantage of our docility?

I am urging the Malays to no longer be that pliant and easily satiated group. They must also articulate their anger, grief and frustrations vociferously. UMNO derives its strength and relevance from all of us. And if they should be found wanting, in giving expression to our interests, then they have lost our trust and mandate.

What happened to A Kugan should serve as an abject lesson as to how a Malay should behave. Behave as though, it is our RIGHT to be heard!


  1. Dato'

    Yes, Malays MUST demand loudly and persistently that the government of the day be accountable, fair, efficient and trustworthy.

    This has been severely lacking in Malaysia. (I'm not Malay, so I cannot assume to know the reasons for this. But dare I tentatively say that it's because the Malay psyche is genetically attuned to being ruled with absolute royal authority since the days of the ancient Malay Sultanates?)

    The Malays' willingness to place absolute, unquestioning trust in those in leadership positions have opened wide the doors to possible abuse. If this is the mindset, who then would dare to question the little or giant Napoleons' actions?

    And such docility (in your words, Dato') would easily lead those in power to believe that they speak with the authority of Heaven itself, when they see that the Malays quietly swallow whatever excuse they give to justify their actions.

    As it is now, those in power still think they can hoodwink the majority of the Malays into allowing them to continue doing whatever they like without consequence.

    The Malays must change their mindset and realise that authority does not come from top down anymore, as in the days of the Sultanates. In a modern democracy, government authority is granted from the ground up.

    Yes, it's time the Malays rise up as a whole and reclaim the nation in the name of justice and good governance. When sufficient number of Malays stand up to the power abusers, the govt will have no choice but to take note and bring about sincere reforms.

    Malays need to realise they DESERVE better government!

  2. this 'victim', was in police custody becoz he was caught stealing luxury cars. So he did choose a fate for himself by involving in crime, organized crime that is ( coz most luxury car thefts are mostly professional thieves). what i don't understand, why is the politicians, and society in fact are protecting these thugs? criminals are a menace. true, they are humans too, so should be accorded the same respect as other human beings. But have ever any criminal accorded the same respect to their victims? they steal, murder, rob, rape their victims, of their lives, dignity, respect. They put fear in us. the point is, they chose to live a a criminal. they knew that they can be caught one day. they knew their 'occupation' can get them killed. they knew that their 'careers' can kill other innocent victims. why are we protecting the criminals?

  3. Salam,

    Hopefully this incident will highlight an issue which goes on behind closed doors and I hope that Malaysians of any race do not suffer the same fate.

    As for will of God - there are times during family meetings with relatives from my wife's side when I too get irate when solutions to a problem is left to "takdir" as though the problems they are facing has been predetermined and willfully taking the effort to solve a problem will be futile since it is "takdir" that they face the problems in the first place. God helps those that helps themselves.

  4. eyes wide open(EWO)
    the malays are increasingly morphing into a critical lot. proof: UMNO candidates secured about.2.4m votes. assuming 2.2 were Malays, what happend to the 3.5million UMNO members. meaning, 1.3m UMNO members did not vote UMNO. Total Malay voters in 12th GE= 5.7m. meaning greater proportion didnt vote UMNO.
    I am UMNO member- but i am not accepting wholesale what the discredited lot says. i am sure many more UMNO members feel the same. your concluding remarks about Malays deserving better government/leaders can also mean Malays deserve a better UMNO. at the moment, i am translating it that way.
    Anon at 19:34.
    if you were a policeman, i am sure you have the facts in hand. i understand, these may not be freely available to the public. by voicing our protest against such murder, does not mean we are protecting criminals. criminals if found guilty by the courts must be punished accordingly. until the courts pronounced so, extra judicial punishments must not be allowed.

    i too share your frustrations when our incapacities are rationalized by attributing that to the will of god.

  5. Dato'

    I understand you are a loyal and dedicated member of UMNO. Your integrity, intellect and strength of character is admirable. If UMNO/BN was helmed by people like you, I believe we would have a much different country today. Unfortunately, I feel that UMNO is in the death-grip of people who have no real interest or capability in governing properly.

    Sorry Dato', if I sound critical of UMNO. Please understand that it is my reaction to the present ruling regime's corrupt leaders and not the Malay race nor UMNO's ideals.

    When I said that the Malays need to realise they deserve better government, yes in a way I meant UMNO. But in a wider context, I meant whoever could provide them with that. It would be unfair to the Malays if they were expected to remain unquestioningly loyal to UMNO if the party no longer has their interests at heart.

    Personally though, I do not care which PARTY leads the country. What is more important is that this country is governed by LEADERS OF QUALITY.

    Good governance is not the exclusive domain of any party. It starts when people/leaders of integrity surround themselves with others of such calibre. It follows when leaders take seriously the amanah of the people to govern wisely.

    If UMNO is able to effectively reform themselves and the BN, then all is well. I'll be glad to support the UMNO-led government. But if they are unable, I can't see any justification in keeping them in power!

    Regarding the UMNO members who refused to vote...I would agree with Dato' that they should speak up and demand better governance. Their silent protest is not having much effect!

    My only concern that more "us vs them" rhetoric will follow. As it is now, we already have plenty enough of that. Our country certainly cannot afford to be pushed over the brink by such parochial posturing.

  6. Islam is really wasted on the Malays.

    I vote for a republican Malaysian rather than constitutional monarchy. We really have to get rid of all this karutness!!!

  7. I am urging the Malays to no longer be that pliant and easily satiated group. They must also articulate their anger, grief and frustrations vociferously. UMNO derives its strength and relevance from all of us. And if they should be found wanting, in giving expression to our interests, then they have lost our trust and mandate. SPOKEN like a true malaysian. NO longer must the malay sit under the coconut tree accepting his fate. HE must stand up for what is right in his govt. He must berate what is wrong too.

  8. some points,

    Firstly to the annoymous poster in post 2. You're an idiot. Please actually read the news before commenting.

    1. This guy was arrested as a "suspect" not caught. Questioned and died through facts that have yet to be fully ascertained.

    2. Anyone arrested by the police should not be beaten up and possibly grievously hurt. They should be tried and punished by the court. E eryone should have their chance for justice

    Sakmongol, I have had to deal with police officers myself. There is certainly a feeling of invulnerability if a Malay police officer is dealing with an Indian person. He can get away with things that he can't do to other races and he knows this. You are kaum india so what you say carries less weight. That's what happens when you have a concept that someone belongs here and others don't.

    Yes death in custody should not be a racial issue, but it has been going on for 15 years and more, so at some point it had to explode.

    Unfortunately the police and BN are joined in the hip and it is not in BN;s interest to have a truly independent and impartial police force able to act against anyone and duly apply and follow he law. If it was the case, we would not have such corruption nor a host of other problems.

    Death in this case is a catalyst. I don't know how you equate the death of a person to a specific ethnic group taking action. What is the catalyst?

  9. you are totally wrong on this issue on malay killing indian. It is fact that is POLIS killing whoever in their custody. Being there are indian, chinese, malay, indonesian, thais or other nationality. Just so that Hindraf dare to stand up and voice out louder than other party.

  10. Dato'

    My apologies in advance for this comment.

    I am really disappointed! Even you with all your wisdom have chosen to see this through "ethnic lenses".

    It is a case of one human, albeit an alleged car thief,whose dignity was allegedly violated by one or more persons serving in an institution of State. The ethnicity of the victim and the alleged perpetrators of "violation" is immaterial.

    In this case, one could equally argue a case for "class" rather than ethnicity. The scant regard for the under-class by people in power is a fact of life in any society. Remember the cases of the 'violated' Nurin and other missing children!To date they are waiting for the Authorities to 'deliver justice' Has that also got to do with ethnicity? Surely not!!!

    In this beloved land, you have little chance for protection or justice if you are unfortunate to be born in a working class family, whatever your ethnicity!

    My disappointment is that, you, such a respected person by the community, have chosen a tragic incident to 'exhort' the Malays to demand UMNO to respond!

    This is a time for reconciliation and building trust, not sowing the seeds of distrust.

    I sincerely hope you will reconsider.

    Thank you.

  11. Well I am speechless on the issue. We do not know what happened in the police station.

    The victim could probable a very stubborn person that the beating went too bad that it caused his death. The fact is that many criminals or suspects have gone in and out of police station and they are still alive. So I believe there must be something beyond what is apparent. So neither side should be put to the blame until we get the full picture.

    But the reality is that any interrogation ain't no pleasant. Some people are writing as though police station is like five star hotel where you will be treated with cappuccino and a nice piece of "makanan anjing", and out of nothing the convict will break into tears admitting all the crime he did.

    What sadden me is how this issue is exploited for political reason. Worse is to use it to justify the false racial disparity that is happening in our country.

    I believe many people are as much perplexed as I do. They are unsure on whether to have the disgust over the crime or the sympathy to the death of a criminal suspect.

  12. Dato,

    Orang Melayu patut mengambil iktibar daripada peristiwa ini. Sekiranya ia berlaku kepada keluarga kita, kita patut membawanya ke meja keadilan dan bukan berserah kepada takdir. Tak kisah lah jika anak kita perompak ke, samun kereta ke, pembunuh ke, janji saman. Lagipun, sebagai ahli keluarga masakan kita tak tahu anak kita dapat duit dari mana. Betul tak? Kita patut belajar untuk meraung2 dan menangis tanpa rasa malu kerana punca mata pencarian kita juga dah hilang. Janji kita salahkan orang lain ke atas kesengsaraan keluarga kita dan kesilapan kita membesarkan anak kita. Saman berjuta2 dan pasti ada lawyer dan org yang akan mempolitikkan perkara ini (utk agenda masing2) yang menyokong kita asalkan kalau kes kita menang pasti dapat duit, agenda tersembunyi org2 yang menyokong pun tercapai.

    Amacam org melayu? We better start to get noticed:-)

    Apa kata kita mula dengan perlembagaan di mana kita persalahkan Tunku Abdul Rahman kerana isu kerakyatan dan cara pemerintahan. Negara ini sepatutnya terus diperintah oleh Raja2 MELAYU dan Sultan2 MELAYU sahaja demi kedaulatan kesultanan MELAYU dan tanah MELAYU. Tidak perlu dirunding mengenai kerakyatan. Selain daripada orang MELAYU, orang2 ini hendaklah dihantar pulang ke negara masing2 kerana kedatangan bukan atas jemputan orang2 MELAYU tetapi penjajah Inggeris utk megerjakan lombong2 bijih timah dan estet.

    Jom kita orang MELAYU meraung dan menangis beramai2 tanpa segan silu? Jom!!


  13. Dato,

    Betul kata Seman.

    Orang-orang mendatang ini berhijrah juga kerana kesengsaraan di negara asal mereka, ditindas oleh bangsa mereka sendiri, perang saudara, kesusahan dan juga kebuluran (famine).

    Mereka datang sehelai sepinggang mencari rezeki di bumi bertuah bernama TANAH MELAYU. (mengapa agaknya ia digelar "TANAH MELAYU"? Jawapannya cukup jelas. Hanya mereka yang menidakkan fakta sejarah akan memutar belitkan hujah mereka atau mereka sememangnya buta sejarah).

    Oleh itu, jika boleh sejarah ditulis semula dan "turn back the clock" isu kerakyatan tidak sepatutnya timbul semasa perlembagaan utk kemerdekaan dirunding. Ini adalah kerana selepas 50 tahun, orang2 ini dan keturunan mereka sudah lupa bahawa kerakyatan mereka bersyarat. Syaratnya mereka hendaklah "pandai membawa diri" untuk hidup harmoni dengan orang2 MELAYU di bumi bernama TANAH MELAYU yang kini bergelar MALAY-SIA.


  14. Excuse me SAJ.

    I believe you got confused with the fact in issue.

    In the case of NURIN, the fact that she was a Malay was not the issue neither was it politicised by certain quarters. The issue was that she came from a working class and the police did not attend to the matter promptly.

    In this case, the matter has been politicised that the deceased was an Indian and because of that he was victimised. On this premise, the family and some politicians (for obvious reasons) claimed that this is proof that Indians are marginalised.

    To argue that the police may have exceeded their powers during the interrogation may be acceptable. On the contrary, to argue further that he was abused because he was an Indian is irrelevant. The police may have abused their powers in discharging their duties
    irrespective of the deceased's race. The police regarded him as another criminal suspect - be it Malay, Chinese or Indian.

    He was a suspect and yes, the police may have abused their powers. Those guilty should be brought to justice.

    So why must this case be looked from a racial perspective?

    Now, who is racist?

    - Hang Le Kiu

  15. Seman, Tamingsari & Grand Marquis.....i dont know what to say.

    Yes Kugan maybe a criminal or terrorist. Thats some big MAYBE since he was not proven guilty by our courts.

    That does not give the PDRM a free hand to kill a suspect.

    And your comment about the family members crying shamelessly leaves a very bad aftertaste. Do you guys have families? Wouldnt you cry if something as terrible happened to them? or would you need to jaga that 'image' of yours? Even animals display their grief during a loss....what does that make you guys?

  16. To Anon,

    When I look at the picture of Kugen, seriously I did try to visualize that the person lying down there is my own son. Just to get the feel of what his family members feel.

    But lets not let our emotion overtake our rational. As I said, many people have walk in and out of police custody, indian, chinese or malay. If our police is really that blood thirst, they all would have dropped dead. We do not know what is happening in the interrogation room. We do not know how stubborn or cooperative Mr. Kugen was. We do not know how ugly the interrogation went. The police went overboard. Ok fine. Lets punish those who went overboard.

    But why twist and claim that some other race is doing ethnic cleansing out of the issue? How do they expect to earn the sympathy of people when they shamelessly exploit the issue for a narrow political cause.

    That's why I said I am perplexed. To lend my sympathy means to agree with their false accusation that some race is doing ethnic cleansing. To oppose them, I would be accused of being heartless. So you tell me what should I do.

  17. Anon 23.41,

    Saya banyak-banyak maaf. Saya mahu cakap. Saya ingat u tak berapa faham itu cerita Taming Sari,Grand Marquis sama itu Seman.

    U ada faham kah itu cakap Orang Putih sama cakap itu Orang Melayu?

    Lagi saya mahu tanya, u ada baca tinggi kah atau u punya sekolah sahaja tinggi?

    Saya ingat u belum baca habis lah. Ini macam cakap pusing-pusing nanti kepala pening. Itu Seman cakap "menangis tanpa segan silu", saya sendiri ingat ini dia punya makna :-

    Bukan bermakna orang Melayu tidak boleh menangis sekiranya ada kematiaan ahli keluarga terutama jika kematiaan itu mungkin disebabkan oleh kesalahan pihak polis. Tetapi tangisan itu haruslah ada batasnya di mana kita harus rasa malu jika kesedihan kita itu dieksploitasikan oleh pihak tertentu terutama sekali jika ahli keluarga tersebut adalah suspek jenayah.

    Itu Taming Sari saya ingat dia tak ada cakap ini menangis punya hal. Saya ingat u sudah ingat lain. Itu pasal u sudah salah cerita.

    Itu Grand Marquis juga tak ada cakap tak boleh nangis. U kasi tengok balik.

    Saya ingat saya sudah kasi terang sama u atau u mahu saya kasi satu kali lagi cerita sama u.

    Saya ingat kalau u lagi tak boleh faham, u kasi faham dulu itu lagu NEGARAKU sama itu RUKUN NEGARA. U ada faham kah?

    Saya banyak-banyak maaf ok Anon 23.41? Kita sama-sama rakyat Malaysia kasi ingat sama ingat. Itu saja. Jangan marah ah...

    Laksamana Cheng Ho

  18. Usually interrogation officer for an indian caught by police would be an indian officer..this is the practice mostly for language or communication purposes...

    There are many indian police officers in PDRM mostly in D7, handling popoc etc...

    Im not implying anything....but Lu pikirlah sendiri...
