Tuesday 2 September 2008

The Kangaroo Panel, UMNO 66 and the demise of UMNO

On the 31st of August, I wrote an article- the kangaroo panel and Tun Mahathir.

Today, the 2nd of September I wrote about the UMNO 66.

The first is about the secretive bar council setting up a panel of eminent persons. I asked why was it so secretive that hardly anyone knows about it. As far as I know, only Mathias Chang wrote about it slightly earlier than I did. Now, the Tun himself has to come out to defend himself.

Where have all the UMNO leaders that prostrated before Tun’s feet not too long ago, gone to? Those who sumpah will go to the end of the world with Tun? Where is Najib whom Tun saved from obscurity many times?

You know, that is why I say UMNO is doomed. It does not have anyone with an innate sense of pride to defend its former president and former prime minister of 22 years. I have also written that UMNO has the culture of treating its former leaders as pariahs.

Now, if this culture and tradition are passed on to the next generation, what do we have? We have a generation of ingrates and cowards without an inkling how UMNO evolved. When you combine the two characteristics, what can UMNO accomplish?

If Anwar then comes into power, then that possibility becomes a reality because UMNO does not have the amour propre to stand and be counted.

Now tell me, why is this kind of UMNO worthwhile to defend?

The UMNO 66 refers to the number of UMNO MPs in peninsular Malaysia. Now as we know, UMNO leaders are never known for their steely resolve. I am inclined to believe, that Anwar, the greatest snake oil salesman in the world, will be able to persuade many of them to cross over.

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