Wednesday 13 August 2008

Sharizat's Holy War

Shahrizat Abdul Jalil has got a lot of spunk. She has declared a jihad on Anwar. This person must be stopped she says. Otherwise he will bring destruction to our beloved country.

I am trying to understand Shahrizat. Tok Mommy the blogger, has given the complimentary misnomer of shah-jihad. Way to go kak Ijat.

At the university of Malaya, Shahrizat was 3 years my senior. Her classmates included Dato Safee Abdullah another Penangnite. Yes- Shahrizat is an anak mami Tanjung. The banker Evonne Chia was also her contemporary I think.

She has proven she can mix it up with the best. If she keeps up this momentum, she can easily fit into the mould of the outgoing iron lady. Man- that other mamasita is really nasty, take no prisoners kind.

But what lies behind her clarion call? Is morale among wanita UMNO at its lowest that forces her to declare a holy war to unite the divided wanita? There is talk already that Shahrizat was planning to challenge Rafidah. To diffuse that situation, Rafidah used the oldest trick in buying time. She is only delaying the inevitable. Already the alignments are taking place within the wanita organisation.

It will be interesting to see which faction within the wanita wing work the hardest in the Permatang Pauh by elections.

By coming out with a declaration, Shahrizat must now assemble all her forces to put the money where her mouth is. Has Rafidah retired from the scene? Is Azalina watching from the sidelines? Now, shah-rezad has to weave 1001 tales to keep her own vision alive.

Surprisingly the youth wing and the leader of the exuberant mat rempits have remained silent. The Puteri Brigade in their tight ‘pink coror’ kebayas will be a welcome distraction. But please ladies- be wary of the PKR goons doing a PASlike flasher tomfoolery by lifting up their sarongs.

Meanwhile in the Permatang Pauh battle, Shahrizat will work closely with Dato Seri Najib. Two leaders in waiting working together. Will Rosmah who was Shahrizat’s senior at Tengku Kurshiah College turn into a green eyed monster? Hmm..interesting thought, if I may say so.


  1. With so much going on in Malaysia, Muhyiddin assured Singaporean that things will remain status quo even after 16 Sep.

  2. Esh esh esh ... apa sampai kata Jihad. Sanggup mayi e nak kalahkan Anwar di Permatang Pauh?

    Apa hai pin, ini kempen untuk UMNO ke kempen dalam UMNO? Benda macam ini yang kasi parti rosak!!!!!!

  3. salam bro...

    This is holy cow,holyshit and bullshit.....

