Friday 11 July 2008

UMNO Stage Play


Is UMNO suffering from premature political ejaculation? It appears that it has committed a rush political hand-job. My apologies for the comparisons. It seems so in sync with the current Sodom and Gomorrah-ing of our country today. Unsex me here please!( lady Macbeth)

Yesterday, on the 12th of July, UMNO leaders assembled in PWTC. Pak lah wanted to declare an earth shattering news. UMNO holds its important gatherings there. The UMNO fraternity will listen to the amanat of the president. It is similar to the state of the union speech.

Pak lah spoke to the UMNO elders in preparation of the coming branch and divisional meetings. What he said was for the consumption of the little UMNO warlords. I had expected the UMNO president to offer a blueprint for UMNO. We UMNO members are still spooling from the after effects of the disastrous 12th general elections.

It is shameless to say that UMNO hasn’t lost. The outpouring of public revolt is startlingly clear but impenetrable only to the elephant skinned UMNO leaders. We don’t get solace by producing a laundry list of litanies that caused UMNO to suffer its biggest defeat in history. The fat lady has sung.

I urge my fellow UMNO brethren to desist any temptations to be herded into making declarations which will amount to neutering the anguish which we all felt during the recent general elections. if you do, you have betrayed the Malay race. We must be resolute to preserve our democratic rights.

In the end, it was all a staged play. The reader may remember his/her Shakespeare;

All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players

They have their exits and their entrances.

Pak Lah has declared he will exit in 2010. Dato Najib enters in that year. But until then, Pak Lah like Caesar, is constant like the Northern star.

That is two years from now. Enough time for Dato Najib to declare the 13th General Elections on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 2011. (1-11-11). Like Pak Lah, Najib’s favourite number is 11. If Dato Najib makes it.

I hope by that time UMNO has not reached the 7th stage in its life.

…last scene of all

That ends this strange eventful history

Is second childishness and mere oblivion

Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

What does it take to make the UMNO leadership understand that saving UMNO is no longer a matter of transferring power from one another?. This is not a roulette game.

I am not sure whether the transfer of power is constitutional as regards the UMNO constitution. As far as I understand the power to decide the leadership of UMNO rests with the UMNO delegates meeting once a year. It can only transfer power via party elections. The UMNO president’s post is not a personal property, transferable in title.

Yesterday’s staged planned passing of the baton is an affront to all UMNO members at the grassroots level. The leadership has insulated itself from the fact that over 1.3 million UMNO members rejected UMNO candidates. UMNO lost 30 parliamentary seats and many more did not turn out to vote. I am sorry to say this- but UMNO under Pak Lah is slowly becoming less relevant to Malays. The BN lost the two richest states and was thrown out from the two poorest states.

Yesterday’s meeting confirmed what we have been telling all along. The UMNO leadership thinks that our duty is to vote them in and shut the fornication up until the next UMNO elections.

Sakmongkol AK47 says:

Q.What do economists and computers have in common?

A. You need to punch information into both of them.

To be continued.

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