Thursday 31 July 2008

Bugger off! Ezam and Saiful

Bugger off Ezam Mohd Nor. You just re-entered UMNO from the rear, and you have expressed a willingness to stand against Anwar Ibrahim. Are you in a hurry to be in parliament? Your only redeeming qualification now is the fact that you served as Anwar’s slave for many years.

You have your own skeletons in the cupboard. Is it true that many years ago, your late night friends had to douse you with buckets of water to make you sober after a night of drunken binge? Is it true too, that you once scaled the fence at Anwar’s Damansara heights house so that you can sing sweet lullaby to then single and available Anwar’s eldest daughter?

That is why perhaps you were incorrigible and hallucinating and you pre-warn Anwar and his family that you would spill the beans if your reputation is besmirched. Well well, you have already shown yourself to be a political hooker of the cheapest kind.

In French law there is a legal term known as mesprendre. In English its called misprision of felony. It means to act wrongly or in our present context it means a wrong action or omission. If a man knows that a felony has been committed he is legally bound to tell the proper authorities. A fortiorari, this would mean, that if a man knows a crime has been committed he is legally bound to inform the proper authorities. So Ezam, your pronouncements which were eagerly lapped up by the mainstream newspapers, suggest that you know Anwar has committed numerous felonies. What are waiting for my man? By the way, where have you shoved the famous dirty laundry boxes?

I urge the authorities to arrest Ezam Mohd Nor and make him sing like a canary. We can once and for all, solve the mystery of the real Anwar Ibrahim. Whether he is gay. Or Ezam is gay. Or Saiful is gay. Or Uncle pet is gay. Hell, the whole world is gay.

Then for good measure, lets investigate whether there are lesbians in UMNO. If sexual acts between males are against the law, it must also be for sex acts between females right? We must now move on to establish a moral theocracy.

Who the hell is Ezam Mohd Nor to think he can just butt in and asks the UMNO leadership to consider his offer to stand against Anwar?

Ezam Mohd Nor and Saiful Bukhari Azlan have some commonalities. They are all linked to Anwar Ibrahim. For many years Ezam was special secretary to Anwar Ibrahim. He must have idolized Anwar completely as can be seen from Ezam’s verbal mannerisms and so forth. Perhaps he too share some darker secrets with Anwar.

Ezam has his own detractors within the Anwar camp. Perhaps he too was seen to be a very close confidante of sheikh Anwar. Perhaps it was pure jealousy that lead to the spat between Ezam and Azmin. Both were trying to outdo each other to get in between Anwar’s bed sheets. Ezam has shown a penchant of trying to get into the thick of things through the back.

Saiful is a recent conscript to the Anwar sex slave camp. He too has shown a willingness to be a willing rear end partner. Saiful was alleged to have met up with an high ranking place officer at room 619. Man, if it had been room 69, that would have been more raunchier.

Many blogs ago, I have suggested that Saiful does the mubahalah alone. He was so stupid not to think of this action. His interest should have been to clear his own name. Is Saiful still in love with Anwar and wants to be Anwar’s sole object of desire?

Only now, he wants to do the mubahalah. Too late my friend. You too must now subject yourself to a long drawn court battle. Perhaps other than the police report, there may be other matters of interest to the public. Just as the police has dismissed the leaked medical report from Pusrawi maintaining that the case will be brought before the courts because of the existence of other alleged facts, so too, must the same principle be applied on Saiful. This case wouldn’t just go way, just because this fool wants to do malediction.

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