Monday 18 July 2022

The Judge and the thief.

1. I want to write about the siege on the judiciary in 2 parts. In this 1st part, I want to write on the issues surrounding justice Nazlans misconduct. Namely, the unexplained rm1 million in his account.

2. Isn't it unsurprising the concerted attacks on justice nazlan came after he delivered a guilty verdict on the lost anglicized bugis pirate?

3. Hence, the mocks and ridicule came from najib sponsored websites. The initial bushfire was started by the fugitive royal outcast-raja pembohong & klentong. Rp&k.

4. Which makes me wonder-isnt it a possibility that all these scurrilous attacks were actually a smear campaign initiated by red lips najib himself?

5. I actually began writing on this subject a few weeks ago. I interrupted the writing because I wanted to write about the hermit of langgak golf and the kelantan project. So now I resume.

6. Doesn't it occur to anyone that this scurrilous allegation  against Malaysia's justice bao, is the handiwork of stay out of jail by any means necessary,  bosskau?

7. Ali babavum najibs  by any means necessary include the drowning man's ruse.

8. Which means he will clutch and involves anyone under the sun and use any useful idiot to stay afloat.

9. Look at how he wanted to implicate zeti, zeti's husband and even Dr Mahathir. All except himself.

10. Now, he has found a useful idiot. A royal fugitive residing in Manchester and uttering a lot of incoherent nonsense.

11. That incoherent nonsense is consumed hungrily by Ali babavums pliant portal writers and the servile Malay hoi polloi.

12. I am surprised that the sprm gives a lot of credence to the scurrilous writing of a dubious person.

13. Pdrm is a puzzle. It's keeping mum on the accusation of a berret wearing incoherent feller, but voluble over traffic offenders, drug hauls etc. It seems that a case involving a crime crusader is not important. Cor blimey!

14. Don't we have an extradition treaty with the fish and chips host country? So that we can bring the drunken hobo who speaks like he's having marbles in his mouth, back to Malaysia to answer some questions?

15. Why is the Chappie living free in the UK? Wasn't he slapped with a criminal defamation to case?now, who were the corrupt immigration officers who let him out of Malaysia?why were they not investigated? Or did ali babavum Najib instructed the immigration department to let him through so that Najib could collect dividends later, like now, to prevent Najib from drowning?

16. The whole episode, surrounding the mysterious  1million, deserves a thorough investigation. It must not be trivialised by both sprm and pdrm.

17. If investigation of the police report is treated in a shoddy manner and cavalierly so, it means the hydra like tentacles of Ali babavum Najib have penetrated the sinews  and bones of the government.

18. Hence, all those involved in the hijacking of justice must be punished. Not because of knowing Najib, but of being complicit in the commission of heinous crimes, notably in the subversion of justice.

19. The investigation by pdrm on judge nazlans police report must address the following issues:-

*Who gave the information to the berret wearing hobo?
*The bank must have details about the depositor of the RM 1M
* Who gave the account of the judge? Was it him or his staff?

21. The deafening silence of our public makes Najib believe the hype that he is a mafia don.

22. What encouraged him is the unquestioning, adoring and adulating crowd, especially of the  sad race. It's as though the Malay is entitled to do any wrongdoing as long as he is a Malay.

23. It's alright if he is the embezzler in chief as long as he is a Malay and better, if he is umno for that matter. 

24. This sense of entitlement, the absence of being ashamed and the absence of a sense of values shall prove to be the undoing of the Malay race. Bull, the epitaph of the malays being the par excellence race!

25. If I were a lawyer, I wouldn't march for a cause such as non-interference of justice. This is so Harry Potter kind of cause. It's not definite and farcical, as it's out of touch. It's appropriately more a topic of discussion among the chattering crowd at the Selangor club.

26. I would be willing to march for a cause such as 'convict Najib now! I am a firm believer of the principle of justice delayed is justice denied. Many have said the above. Francis Bacon has said it. Martin Luther king did. Justice Munishwar Nath Bhandari of the Madras HC said it in modern times. 

27. I find it reprehensible the notion that everyone deserves a fair trial, including Najib! I pour a spittoon scorn at that. And tell that to the petty thief carting a few tins of Milo to feed his kids at home!

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