Tuesday 12 February 2013

Najib menyundal diri untuk kaum Cina!

Ini yang dikatakan kudung kepala Najib. Penyanyi Psy dibawa ke Pulau Pinang dengan kos RM2juta( padan muka artis tempatan- Shila Amzah dibayar berapa?). Najib jadi MC bertanya kepada pengunjung- adakah kamu sedia untuk Psy? Tanya 3 kali dan mendapat jawapan YES. Najib guna saikoloji lama- menahan lukah dipergentingan dan terus bertanya- kamu sedia untuk BN? 3 kali dia tanya dan jawapan yang diterima tentulah memeranjatkan nya. NO jawapan dari pengunjung. 

dan Najib suka sangat akan lukah dan melukah.Nyonya Yen Yen kata orang Melayu suka bergumbira, maka kita bawa Psy supaya Melayu bergumbira! demikianlah bagaimana Cina BN melihat orang Melayu. dan orang Melayu UMNO nak sokong lagi cina BN.

Apa Najib akan buat? Menunda PR13 yang akan membuat rakyat yang mungkin berbelah bagi hari ini, jadi tegas mengesahkan anggapan bahawa UMNO kalah! Anggapan itu akan diterjemahkan mereka jadi reality.Kamu tunda PRU lagi, maka nombor 11 kesukaan Najib yang juga lambang batu nisan akan menguburkan UMNO dan BN.
Apa yang akbar dan macai2 UMNO akan putar belit? Mereka akan kata tidak wajar seorang PM dimalukan. Dan yang ultra Melayu akan kata- lihatlah bagaimana pemimpin Melayu di malukan.
Ini bukan soal bukan-Melayu memalukan pemimpin UMNO atau bukan-Melayu memalukan wakil orang Melayu- ini soal rakyat sudah menolak UMNO. Mudah punya cerita. Rakyat bosan apabila pimpinan UMNO Melayu tidak ada perasaan malu dan segan mengakui bahawa wang BR1M adalah duit Najib dan duit UMNO. Duit datang dari mana? Duit itu rakyat yang punya- hasil dari kutipan 1001 cukai yang dikenakan oleh kerajaan. Bukan duit UMNO atau duit bapak mereka.
Najib kena bacalah mood rakya. Rakyat sudah pun menolak UMNO. Orang Melayu sudah tolak UMNO sejak 2008 lagi. Calun UMNO hanya dapat 2 juta undi dari pengundi Melayu yang berjumlah 5.7juta. jadi suara siapa yang UMNO wakili? UMNO mewakili suara gementar para kroni dan suara cemas segelintir Melayu yang terpilih dan istimewa. Melayu bin Razak, bin Hussin Onn, bin Mahathir, bin Nazri, bin Jamal khir. Rakyat bawahan, semua bersedia untuk mentalqinkan UMNO dalam PRU13 ini.
Dalam tahun 1960an, apabila Khir Johari dan isteri nya, Hajjah Tom memakai pakaian tradisi cina menghias kad ucapan tahun baru- khir dihentam oleh puak2 UMNO dengan teruk. Hari ini Najib suami isteri dan anak meng-adopsi budaya cina- pakai baju, anak bercakap Mandarin dan Najib memukul rebana Cina- seluuuruuuuh orang Melayu dalam UMNO kata wah- betapa bagus nya pemimpin parti UMNO. Rupa2 nya bukanlah orang Melayu yang masuk DAP yang menyundal dan berkompromi bangsa dan agama, pemimpin terbesar UMNO yang bermukah!
Ini dia hipokrasi yang ditunjukkan oleh UMNO. Di depan kita, pemimpin UMNO seperti Najib berlakon menunjukkan bahawa dialah orang Melayu yang paling mahu berbaik dengan orang Cina. Dan memang orang tahu pun, Najib dan pimpinan UMNO bersekongkol dengan cukong2 Cina membalun kekayaan negara. Dibawah sana, dibelakang kita- pemimpin Melayu menanam bibit2 kebencian antara orang Melayu dengan Cina. Orang bawahan disuruh membenci kaum lain supaya kepentingan puak UMNO akan terjamin.
Bahkan di perhimpunan agung UMNO tahun lalu, puak2 UMNO menyanyikan lagu anak kecil bermain api- meratapi dan menanam rasa insaf apa akan jadi kepada orang Melayu. Apa yang diratapi dan mahu diinsafi sudah pun berlaku sejak Mahathir mengambil alih jawatan perdana menteri. Mahathir mendapat kuasa dengan menjuarai konon nya, ketuanan Melayu- tapi apa yang dibuat sebaik sahaja jadi PM ialah mengujudkan ketuanan Perdana Menteri. Mahathir mengamalkan sifat2 kediktatoran selama 22 tahun. Akibat nya?
Orang Melayu ditakutkan supaya berfikiran dan menerima ianya sebagai suatu kebenaran- bahawa tanpa UMNO, masa depan orang Melayu akan musnah. Kemudian orang Melayu dibodohkan. Orang Melayu yang rata2 nya miskin dari orang lain- dihujung tahun seperti yang saya katakan- akan berlari sana sini bergolok bergadai untuk membiayai persekolahan anak. Tapi hari ini, orang Melayu membiarkan askar2 upahan UMNO melakukan tunjuk perasaan MAHU bayar PTPTN. Pakatan menawarkan pendidikan percuma, orang Melayu mengada ngada mahu bayar. Bodoh atau tidak? Siapa yang mendidik orang Melayu berfikiran begini? UMNO.
Kenapa orang Melayu jadi begini? Sebab mereka sudah disintuk limau dan taksub kepada ajaran mursyidul am UMNO dan orang yang boleh berjalan atas air- sheikh Mahathir Muhamad al Kedahi. Di kedah rupa2 nya Tun Mahathir dikenali sebagai Tokcai. Tokcai akan sambut hari jadi nya tidak lama lagi. Yang akan memaulidkan dia ialah siapa lagi kalau tidak Shahrukh Khan. Najib suka Psy, Che Det suka sama Shahrukh. Rosmah pun suka Shahrukh memandangkan adik kesayangan nya, Deepak Jaikishan telah cabut lari.
Dan Tokcai Mahathir menganggap Najib adalah presiden UMNO yang paling bodoh sekali. Dia ingat Pak Lah yang teruk, rupa2 nya Najib seperti kata kawan baik Tun Daim- hasn’t got what it takes to run the country. True- he has what it takes to ruin the country!


  1. The older generation still remember what Najib did in 1987 at TPCA stadium though Najib denied it as usual. Kneel down and bow three times while serving a cup of tea to the Chinese community...we will consider forgiving him. Possible????

  2. Dato,for Najib to spend two million ringgit to have a rocker to serenade him,using taxpayers money will land him and his ministers in orange pinstripes if they were in a real democratic country.But alas this is what a police state is and should be.Only the ruling regime and their goons has the first and last say.

  3. Dato,

    Amboh...sakan bubuh Najib naaa......hahaha.

    Patut le depa dok kalut, dok meroyan membalun Dato kat blog Jerantut sana.

  4. Dato,
    Satu pembutulan:
    Bila Najib tanya, "Kamu sedia untuk Psy, para hadirin jawab "Yes"

    Dan bila Najib tanya,"Kamu sedia untuk BN?", Najib dapat jawapan "No". Najib tanya 3kali dan ketiga-tiga kali, para hidirin jawab "No"!

    Tak malu punya PM, padan muka dia dan fat mama

  5. Over to You Kaum Melayu to say NOOOOOO to UMNO-BN. Syabas kepada semua yang JERIT NOOOOOO Kat Penang...termasuk kaum orang asli, melayu dan India yang datang ke pesta anjuran MCA itu...>$7 million ringgit duit rakyat LESAP!!!!! Bersatu Menentang Kezaliman/Korrupsi/Kebodohan UMNO-BN!!

    Tolak BN..... Bagi Najib dan kesemua penghina Adat melayu tulin macam UMNO, Perkakas UMNO satu TEMPELING hebat dalam pilihanraya akan datang.

    Kita perlu 80% melayu undi Pakatan (ABCD - asalkan bukan Cap Dacing)untuk Tolak penipuan PROJEK SPR/EC 500,000 undi pos hantu dari LUAR NEGARA......sama macam projek IC kat Sabah dulu.

    Ini Kali Lah!!!

  6. Salam,

    Saya sebagai rakyat Malaysia, sangat malu dengan sikap, perangai Najib selaku seorang PM.

    Saya tidak mempersoal jika seorang PM, bekerja keras untuk kekal berkuasa selagi ada rasa tanggung jawab kepada rakyat dan buat kerja betul dan mulia.

    Tapi, cara dan taktik Najib ini, sungguh menghinakan dirinya sendiri, dibuai mimpi palsu, hati yang penuh tidak tenteram. Kita nampak muka Najib atau Kak Mah, bila di khalayak ramai, semacam ada tidak kena berputar-putar di dalam hati, minda dan perasaan mereka.

    Kedua suami isteri di selaputi tabir-tabir palsu supaya nampak cantik. Tapi kedua mereka nampak lemas di sebalik tabir itu.

    Kita bukan memandai-mandai nak kata soal mereka berdua, tapi hukum karma sudah nampak melalui tindak tanduk mereka, sehingga ke akar umbi puak samseng UMNO BN dan penggunaan segala Harta Kepunyaan Rakyat secara tidak sah.

  7. moses kata: hang pa org tanjung memang pandai nooo , bagus lah tu . MOSES like it. I like it ah ahhhh. PRU 13 ABU ABU ABUUUUUUU

  8. tok Chai Madeiyy Kutty tongkang Kerala...ini puncanya!.Dia melaga-lagakan Melayu dg China.Dari Forex entah brapa dia pungut dg mohd nor yaakub...suara kecik tu.Dg Cric chia,entah brapa TokChai dah pungut.Banyak sangat disapu bangsat ni!Ini belum dikira dari komisyen atas dari direct nego projek dari kroni-kroninya

    Majalah Forbes dan Wikipedia mmenyiarkan Tok Chai Madeiyy lebih kaya dari Sultan Brunei,lebih kaya dari Suharto.Tok Chai Madeiyy ada USD 44 billion.

    Jika Tok Chai ni di Filipina,Indonesia dan Thailand dah lama Tok Chai Madeiyy ni dikerjakan! Di Malaysia, Tokchai boleh terbeliak mata dg jenaka biawak !. Rakyat Malaysia tidak bertindak apa-apa.Ini menunjukkan fahaman politik Rakyat malaysia belum matang dan rendah fahaman politik.

    Dolah KT dan Najib berguru dg Tok Chai madeiyy ni tentang rasuah.Rasuah akan menyingkirkan UMNO.."Untung Mereka Nipu Orang".Siapakah mereka ? Tok Chai Madieyy, Dolah KT, Najib dan Menteri kabinet UMNO.Siapa yg mereka tipu? Duit Rakyat pembayar cukai, duit KSWP,LTAT,LUTH dan 1001 mcm mereka nipu!

    Lana Bulu/Jerlun

  9. Melayu Tetap Miskin12 February 2013 at 12:57

    Puak2 UMNO terlalu mewah... sehinggkan merasakan RM2 juta itu kecil nilainya lalu dihanguskan hanya untuk persembahan yang tak sampai pun 30 minit.

    Pada hakikatnya rakyat masih miskin dan hidup siang malam cari duit lebih untuk sara kehidupan harian. Tiada satu NEGARA MAJU didunia ini dimana rakyatnya terpaksa berhutang sehingga 9 tahun untuk membeli kereta kecik sang "KANCIL" & berhutang sampai 25 tahun untuk memiliki rumah KOTAK (rumah Flat)

    Beras, Gula, Air, Tepung, Jalanraya, Puspakom, Telekom, Letrik, University, Hospital, JPJ (EAS), Rawatan Kumbahan dll semua diswasta untuk memiskin rakyat.

    Kalau ada umur panjang kita akan dapat lihat sendiri dimana negara Malaysia akan balik asal seperti negara2 miskin yg lain didunia.

    Resepi RASUAH yg telah diamalkan oleh UMNO & BN buat sekian akan menular secara serious dikalangan masyarakat akibat desakan hidup didalam arus kemodenan dunia.

    Maka akan berkatalah rakyat disuatu hari nanti "Kami Beri Rasuah & Terima Rasuah sebab semua orang mau hidup.."

  10. Is it true that Psy was flown in using the Government's private jet? If it is, then it is simply irresponsible.

  11. padan muka najib dan umno/bn dpt jawapan begitu dr rakyat ..puashati sikit kerana rakyat dah bnyk sgt diperbodohkan dan diputarbelitkan oleh media2 umno/bn...utusex meloya dan tv3suku tu dan pemimpin2 dia.

  12. Sudah lah buntal!! Kamu yang menyundal dengan DAP tak sedar diri. Kamu tu lebih terok dari babi. Memang bapak babi kamu tuh. Sial!!!

  13. 1 of 2


    But to those who still support MCA,,, listen, listen, listen….

    When the then Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi extended the New Economic Policy (NEP) till 2020, the MCA had supported the 9MP’s Wealth Ownership clause which require non-Bumi Small-Medium Industries (SMIs) and Small-Medium Entrepreneurs (SMEs) to yield at least 30% share equity to Bumis.

    This means the MCA has sold out the Chinese community by supporting the 9th Malaysia (9MP) which restricted their wealth ownership.

    The MCA leaders who backstabbed the Chinese were Ong Ka Ting, Chan Kong Choy, Fong Chan Onn, Chua Soi Lek, and other Chinese cabinet ministers.

    The 9MP was formulated in 2005 but none of the Chinese vernacular newspapers dare to report it abused that had only benefited BN leaders, families and cronies.

    Also, MCA has becomes a “pondan” party which is shameful and disgusting since it is nothing but a stooge, just a decor piece to delude the Chinese. Did they work, defend and struggle for the rakyat or UMNO?

    Here are some main MCA failures and cowardly acts:


    > to get United Chinese School Examination (UCE) recognized.

    > to settle the PKFZ scandal.

    > to condemn rampant corruption and misused of power by BN’s individuals

    > to say even a word when Teoh Beng Hockand other Msians died in custody.

    > to oppose negotiated tender at the national level. The hypocrites make lots of noise that no Chinese got the “DID” contract in Penang.

    > to oppose all the rent seeking projects, IPP's, IWK, Syabas, Tolls, Taxis, etc.

    > to condemn public land grabs.

    > to use MCA newspaper for transparency, instead using it for propaganda.

    > to condemn TV3, Utusan and PERKASA

    > to response to Nazri's comment that MCA is like an abused wife.

    > to get scholarship for the many deserving poor students.

    > to support Bersih for a clean, free and fair elections, but lied (Tung Shin hospital) and bodek-king big brother.

    > to criticize the AP's and Proton. Both increased the cost of cars for all Msians.

    > to vilify the NFC scandal, of which MCA has a deputy minister.

    > to speak for the rakyat regarding the Scorpene deal and other dubious mega projects.

    > to make their stand on the Sabah RCI.

    While supporting:

    > all BN policies, even when it contradict the Federal Constitution and violate Msians human rights, as long as they get a share of the cake, some crumbs maybe.

    > football betting, just because their boss wants it, falsely claiming it to be non-Malay right. It may be good for few Chinese, but what about the majority who will consequently suffer.

    > the Evidence Act, OSA, Sedition Act, PPPA, EA and other inhuman repressive laws.

    > the fabrication of water and electricity crisis in Selangor.
    > profiting from AES along the highway. (Speed trap should act as a deterrence, not to make profit of enriching cronies) >>

  14. 2 of 2

    >>After 55 years of BN-led administration, the majority of the rural and urban people of all races, in the lower and middle income groups are still poor.

    Today, there is one set of law for the BN elites and another for the ordinary rakyat and we have not only a weak prime minister in Najib Razak but who also does not uphold integrity and accountability.

    The MCA Chinese traitors and their UMNO masters must be booted out before they wreak irremediable damage to the country’s socio-economic growth and racial harmony

    It is crucial for Msians who embrace justice, truth and good governance to oust BN from Putrajaya this coming GE13 to halt their unimpeded pillaging the country’s coffer and dividing further a multi-racial multi-religious society to extend their misdemeanors and abuses of power.

    Sad but true, the MCA has been the curse on the Chinese as much as UMNO and MIC have been the curse on the Malays and Indians respectively. By extension, BN has been the curse on Msians but at GE13, Msians will have the best opportunity to exorcise the curse forever.

    The heart of this nation desperately and urgently needs a clean and fresh air for her wellbeing to progress healthily and it’s the duty of every Msian to make it happen.


    WE MUST DO IT FOR…tanah tumpahnya darah ku…


  15. As a citizen I am concerned the manner in which this government is spending public funds. RM 2Million cold have been used to build at leat six low cost homes for the poor. The endless street parties financed by the government to cleberate Hari Raya, Depavali, Chines New Year and X' Mas is unprecedented even in the member states of ASEAN>

  16. ..


    It is inconceivable that the

    people of Penang would accept

    BN after PR had shown that they

    could manage expertly.


    This was confirmed by the Auditor

    General, whose report ought not

    to have been slighted by Najib's

    bunch of goons! [they may consider

    themselves as advisors]


    Small piece of advice to PM- give

    the finger to your goons. Come

    what may- after pru 13 , the goons

    would not be in their place!



    It was bad advice for PM to have

    done what he did. The proper

    people to have done that ought to have

    been the President of Gelakan!



    The damage had been done. Water under

    the bridge . Who would prompt the

    PM was prompted to

    do the 'barua work' for the Gelakan Party

    whose chance of being elected is as good

    as the chance of Liverpool winning the

    2013 Premier League!


    What a fuck up!


    Message from a former Civil Servant to

    the PM


    heads must roll for some semblace of ketuanan,

    whether melayu or for your premiership position!

    >Dump gelakan. a sure 'born-looser'

    .dump mic too- too many snakes with little

    to offer

    And if BN loose the PRU 13, at least you have some
    semblance of leadership poential -

    > loose today, win some in the future

    May god save the PM and the melayus around him!




    khong khek khuat

  17. Will this mean a further postponement to GE13? The UMNO/BN political bureau must be busy having a post mortem of the Psy incident in Penang.

  18. Anon 14:26
    Memang awak mencerminkan kebijaksanaan orang UMNO. Kesian kepada kaum sejenis mu.

  19. Saya respek dato Sak. Berani berkata benar. Berani tunjuk muka. Kalau papagomo tu tak berani tunjuk batang hidung tapi mengata orang macam dia ni maha hebat segala betul. Teruskan usaha dato. Jangan peduli orang mulut bacul yang tahu sumpah seranah tapi tak tahu fikir akal budi.

  20. "Are you ready for Psy?"...3 times...and the people responded "YES"...3 times.
    "Are you ready for BN?"...3 times...and the people responded "NO" .....3 times.
    I will miss laughing at Najib's stupidity...after 13th GE...including his master...the mamak.
    Both are day dreaming Malaysians are backwards and stupid.

  21. Dato Sak , orang yang mengata dato memang dia yang tak tahu akal budi. Dato menulis pun tunjuk muka bukan macam papagomo , batang hidung tak nampak berani tulis macam dia tahu segala.

  22. Salam Sdr Ariff,

    Sekarang satu Malaysia nampak Najib Bodoh.
    PR tak perlu susah2 nak beritahu rakyat, kebodohannya juga tersiar oleh media2 barua BN(tak sempat edit kot)
    Mungkin juga tuhan nak beritahu secara terus kpd Malaysia.
    Lepas ini Najib tak boleh cakap besar lagi( Bertempik sampai besembur air liur takapa kerana yg mendengar najib cakap adalah si Bangang Gaban umno). Biar kebodohan Najib berjangkit kpd pengikut2nya yg tak berapacerdik.
    Najib telah menampakkan taraf berfikir pada tahap pemikiran yg paling rendah pernah saya lihat dan dengar.
    Jika macam inilah tahap pemikirannya, nak dilantik jadi ketua pembangkang pun tak layak. Saya sarankan najib tidak bertanding pada PRU 13 ini, bagilah ahli umno Pekan yg lain bertanding, takkan tidak ada kot yg boleh berfikiran sendiri. Kalau tak boleh berfikir sendiri, itu namanya pemikiran yg belum merdeka, dan sepatutnyalah tak bertanding.

    Umno kena kira semula kerusi2 yg boleh dimenangi dalam PRU 13 nanti, kot2 umno bukan parti pembangkang yg mempunyai kerusi terbanyak nanti.

    Anyway, jika kalah jangan lari, jadilah "gentlemen" berani buat berani tanggung....
    Kpd BN selamat berjuang kalau berani.........myi

  23. You know a long-serving government has outlived its tenure when it makes cheap promises on election year, does absolutely nothing on crimes by its leaders against the rakyat, spends ruinously the rakyats' money just to try and tickle their bone of gratitude, and engages in frivolous activities that show the minds of its political leaders are trivial, superficial, vindictive and downright insulting.

    In all that they have been doing and saying, you can see for yourselves how Najib and his Barisan gang have finally realized it's all over. Theirs is nothing but sheer desperation and unmitigated horror shrouded in fake smiles laced with thuggish behaviour, and pat words that underline vacuous statements.

    In the eyes of all right-thinking rakyat, Barisan has lost all trust and credibility. Nobody believes one word anymore what its party hacks are saying. The Rakyat Of Malaysia have had enough. They have had it up to here. HERE. SINI.

    Even if Barisan goes through another round of trying to win hearts and minds, voters see through its pretense and will suffer no more political fools and jackass hypocrites who are only gullibe to think the rakyat are as stupid as them. The Rakyat Of Malaysia are far and away much better people than the loony bunch of jokers still talking only to themselves.

    Barisan cannot say they care for the rakyat whenever they distribute pocket money and raise wages. Voters say the money is theirs in the first place and the money stolen by Barisan leaders and officials while in office dwarfs what is given to the rakyat. The rakyat get lima ratus today, Umno steals seratus sembilan puluh juta tomorrow, and dua ratus lima puluh juta the day after. How to compare? Perhaps that explains the double standards everywhere else too.

    Barisan cannot also say they will uplift the rakyat with their new plans and visions of progress. Voters say those are just promises on election year, for any responsible federal government would already have delivered them without the rakyat having to ask or putting the rakyat in a position where they are in fact being bribed if not blackmailed to return the nefarious government for a promise of progress in another five years of heart-wrenching gutless misery when reality is finally pierced again.

    Meanwhile the rakyat have to suffer under the same government which had hypocritically said it championed rakyat didahulukan. If that be so, why has Najib's machinery not done anything in the last federal budget to uplift Penang's housing and transport problems?

    For the same reason the Umno federal government has caused the folks of Penang to suffer for so long since GE12, you may conclude the oil find in Miri was belatedly announced just to create a feel-good atmosphere before GE13.

  24. 2/2

    In fact, all that the Umno propaganda machinery has been doing either by its leaders or mainstream media has been to merely create a feel-good atmosphere in the rakyat so that their minds and eyes will be diverted from pondering the critical issues that remain unresolved. Umno realizes that when the rakyat start to ponder on the big issues, Umno is finished.

    The rakyat have been pondering on the big issues for a long time. Therefore, Umno is already finished.

    The rakyat in other states are no different from the rakyat in Penang. The Rakyat Of Malaysia are in fact giving Barisan a taste of its own medicine.

    Namely, "You give, i take. But what i do after is none of your business."

    Isn't that exactly what Barisan has done onto the rakyat? Its leaders had all this while taken the rakyats' trust and then did their own thing with it. Using the trust, they divided the peoples, looted and plundered the treasury and state assets, squandered rakyat money, time and patience, even raped maids and murdered foreigners. Meanwhile they say 0 percent for non-bumi's, 7 percent for bumi's but 12 per cent for Umno leaders.

    In Penang, Umno leaders took state land for a song, then marked it up and resold for huge personal profit. With their record only of dishonesty and racism, how can they even qualify as opposition in that state let alone aspire to retake the state?

    Can any member of Umno reading in please answer that question sincerely?

    From now until GE13, turn off the tv and radio, don't bother with any mainstream newspaper, ignore all BN blogs and cybertrooper comments, but pay close attention on every move that Umno and EC will use to cheat the results of GE13. They flood your minds with spin and propaganda all the way to election day, and then cheat you of your right to make the real choice.

    Don't ever let the anak later say bapak ibu ditipu. Only one chance. Malaysia and you deserve better.

    Walk into the GE13 polling booth with three words:

    One, ABU.

    Two, Yippee-kai-yay.

    Three, (even sakmongkol will censor it)

  25. salam dato,

    malangnya saya setuju ape yg dato katakan. umno telah memuliakan sifat fuedal dlm pemikiran org melayu. maka dgn itu sebarang teguran akan dikira sebagai derhaka, cadangan? jika tidak direstui, juga derhake - so setelah berdekad di momokan sifat fuedal yg songsang, maka tibalah giliran najib menjadi ketua yg betul2 kebetulan...

    sape die si najib nie... "an emperor with no cloth".... and we know the ending of that story...

  26. The crowd got Opah Gangnam style.
    But Najib dan member BN got Penang Gangbanged style!!!
    Tapi tak malu, thats UMNO-BN's character, tak ada maruah..

  27. The next time Najib must ask the audience:

    Are you ready to kick BN out?

  28. Dato Sak, Serba tak kena dengan Ajib kebelakangan ni. Belanja RM 2 juta konon nya nak tunjuk ada sokongan tapi 'tahi' yang dapat. Agak nya tukang atur program memang betul2 bebal atau sengaja nak pekena kan Ajib. Si bahlul ni pula buat muka 'terpal'. Sungguh memalukan dan belum pernah berlaku dimana2 dunia. Inilah pemimpin No.1 Malaysia . Diperkotak katik sampai ketahap 'moron'. Salam

  29. Sdra ,izin saya

    Amat setuju dengan "Najib menyundal untuk kaum cina" dan amat setuju "Najib the most sinicized PM".
    Bolih tambah lagi tak" pengodam dasar pembalajaran kebangsaan "
    dan penghapus bahasa Melayu", sino centric vernakular.

    Syabas sdra.

    arjuna waspada
    changkat lobak

  30. Dear SAK,

