Friday 7 December 2012

Fight like Churchill, Move like Jagger, the Party God Chose

At the close of the 2012 UMNO General Assembly, Dato Sri Najib reaffirmed UMNO’s hollowness. He was playing to the gallery. Now, this phrase unlike cutting off one’s ears is an idiom. It means performing in such a manner as to get the approval of the lower elements in the audience. What a powerful idiom. And Najib played that role to a hilt.
Najib performed to get the approval of the lower elements in the UMNO audience. Who are they? They are the riff raffs who bought themselves the right to become delegates; the empty vessels tripping over each other to get noticed by the president. He wants approval from the people who will fight like Churchill, who move like Jagger and from those who claim UMNO is the party chosen by God.
And Najib? It was he who started the bellicose tone of the UMNO assembly and at the end of the assembly, what he initially said got said back and he led himself to believe those were the spoken words from the people. He is like Caesar, an honorable man. He will follow the wishes of the people even though the ‘people’ means around 2500 delegates in the Hall.
It reminded me of someone who told a close friend that he will contest in the elections and the friend spread stories to this effect. The stories soon circulate that he will contest and he soon believes those are the actual sentiments from the ground.
The UMNO Assembly and its president has nothing to offer except fearful stories. Why is he shouting like a village headman conducting a meeting of the JKKK? Because the quality of delegates is not far from that of a JKKK committee. Those were the elements of Najib’s audience. Told they could not speak on sensitive issues. But they were free to talk of seditious topics of racial clashes; they can pour out venomous words on opponents. But they could never talk about sensitive issues on corruption, on the state of the economy, on why after 55 years, the majority of Malays earn less that RM1500 per month. The party for Malays cannot speak why after 55 years; they are still beggars in this country.
Those who cried over a song such as Anak Kecil Bermain Api obviously forgot the song was played to incoming ITM students. Which also means that if you have not heard of that song, your education level has not even reached ITM entry level. UMNO wants the future of Malaysia and the Malays to depend on such heads.
It was a song meant to galvanize students into action namely studying very hard to liberate themselves from oppression and colonization.
The song is also a reminder for all students to be vigilant against the actions of the running dogs of imperialism and oppression. Zaaba warned as early as 1923 that the worse oppressors sprung from among the Malays themselves. He meant those who used the government machinery to alienate the Malays, enriched themselves and deceived Malays into believing they are fighting for the interest of the greater good.
In reality, they fought for the interests of the selected few and of the privileged class. No other political party epitomizes what Zaaba meant other than the party he helped come into existence- UMNO.
That great deception allowed Najib to shout at the close of the Assembly- one vote for PKR means compromising the Muslims beliefs. One vote for PAS means hell breaking loose. One vote for DAP means doom for Malays. Everyone is to blame except UMNO. What was the big word he used? Fata Morgana? It was a word probably understood by Najib alone.
He must have been watching reruns of Merlin. Morgana is the female witch who created mirages to lure unsuspecting victims to their fatal ends. The only mirages created are those witch-crafted by UMNO. It created a group of pliant and servile Malays deceived into believing that their fate lies with the mirages UMNO created.
That is the main agenda of the 2012 UMNO General Assembly. To whip delegates into a frenzy believing that good can only come to Malays by way by surrendering personal liberty and individual will to a central authority known as UMNO. We would have accepted such a proposition, if it is supported by facts. The reality is, the facts revealed that UMNO has deceived the people especially Malays.


  1. In fact Najib talks as if he was the head of JKKK and speaking to audience of TV.3/4.

  2. While Najib,his cronies and warlords have been screaming about Pas,Dap and Pkr this and that,and also Ah Tu,Ah Kow,Thambi and Mohd Ali being beggars in their own country.And the cow lady screaming about May 13.

    We have to wonder if Najib and his sworn followers,and his overhyped advisers know if the carpet has been pulled from right under their feet.

    Have they any idea who is behind the rats Deepak and Musa coming out for Najib's hide.Umno bloggers have been barking up the wrong tree,blaming Anwar and PR as the puppet master.How can Anwar who cannot protect himself from Umno goons,ending up with a black eye,sodomy 1 & 2 gurantee to protect Deepak and Musa,coaxing them out to rat on Najib.

    Someone in their own backyard is the puppet master.So it is better for them to find out or guess who is behind seeking the ouster of Najib.Ask any cow at the NFC and they will tell the Umnoputras who is behind this wayang kulit.

  3. Legends and past heroes are quoted by robbers and thieves with not one bit of shame.
    They are like Vampires..sucking blood at night and act good guys outwardly.
    Tis Najib and his goons ,...last frontier General Custer...boom boom boom...gone.

  4. All that barking and crying at the umno pau may have had some effect The attacks by umno samseng on pakatan gathering after that in gombak was particularly vicious Never before has someone come out and stabbed someone before This means the person/s came with weapons Is this portend of things to come?
    Umno youths members had to gall to come on tv3 and say they were the victims

  5. Dato' and bloggers

    BN/UMNO can shout, spin or manipulate in any which way they want. But you know what - it ain't gonna work. The rakyat are just plain fed up, and it makes them puke seeing the same old faces every day appearing in the mass media.


  6. Forgive them, forgive them all, because after this PAU, UBN will TA PAU, kaput.

  7. Najib is like a cockerel, flapping his wings each time he crows meaningless phrases (not to miss his alphabet soup) to impress his flock of chicks of his importance.
    If all his transformations had been successful as claimed, we should be in Utopia. All his talk of 'willing to change' is yet to materialize as each week, is a contradiction of the previous.
    The young cockerels learning to crow, have started quoting Churchill and Goldwater to impress, but sadly fail as they are out of tune with the situation. Hence since when have we had orators of class in UMNO with the 'slaying' of Anwar back in 1998.
    Mother hens too, joined in the cacoponey, with the head matron in charge of the cows calling for the repeat of what everyone wishes to avoid. Thus the meeting of the most foul fowls ended with high pitch screaming and cackling.

  8. Sir,

    Starting today, I will copy walla's gems and file them. I wish we can have more of him.

    Now have to figure out how to spread out messages to the rural folks fed on RTM1,2 & TV2 + Utusan & BH.

  9. He's now also known as the 'vague by design'UMNO head!All saliva and no substance!

  10. Dear SAK,

    Dua kenyataan yang telah dibuat oleh Najib baru-baru ini sangatlah menunjukkan ketololannya sebagai pemimpin.Saya fikir budak sekolah pun boleh membuat kenyataan yang lebih baik daripada itu. Heran bin ajaib sungguh inikah jenis pemimpin yang boleh dilahirkan oleh UMNO.

    Pertama, Najib kata dia mahu mendapatkan mandat rakyat untuk mereformasikan UMNO. Apa cekihnya ni, kata orang Perak. Ini cerita kereta lembu berjalan terbalik, lembu di belakang, keretanya di depan! Sebagai Numero Uno UMNO,dia lah yang sepatutnya mereformasikan UMNO sebelum minta mandat rakyat. Apakah Najib terlalu lemah sebagai pemimpin UMNO sehingga terpaksa meminta sedekah mandat dari luar? Secara tak langsung kenyataan Najib menggambarkan dia gagal membawa organisasi yang dipimpinnya daripada 'going from the right to the centre'.Kalau dia gagal, dia patut meletakkan jawatan keluar UMNO dan buat parti baru macam Dato Onn Jaafar atau join Pakatan Rakyat.

    Kedua, Najib kata dia sengaja ( it was by design) buatkan konsep 1 Malaysianya kabur supaya dia dapat input pelbagai pengertian dari pelbagai pehak. Ini apa ceritanya ni? Kata orang Perak juga, ini cakap punei. Najib melaung di sana sini menjaja konsep 1 Malaysia nya dengan tujuan menjadikan Malaysia negara yang inclusive, moderate dan united konon. Cantik dan menarik sungguh laungan ini! Tetapi pada praktiknya apa yang disuakannya kepada rakyat ialah duit poket RM500, RM1,000, perkhidmatan klinik, diskaun kedai mamak MYDIN, kedai jual kain, kedai runcit dan lain-lain yang serupa dengannya. TAK NAMPAK pun manifestasi inclusiveness, moderation dan unity dalam dalam apa yang telah disuakannya itu! Kalau Najib kata, umpamanyalah, (dengan air liurnya meleleh di tepi bibirnya yang merah merekah) " Ya tuan-tuan, mulai tahun depan UMNO akan dibubarkan, MCA akan dibubarkan, MIC akan dibubarkan, PPP akan dibubarkan, Gerakan akan dibubarkan -- semua ahli perti-parti itu akan jadi ahli Parti Barisan Nasional" ha, barulah inclusive namannya.Ini buat projek kuih jemput.Bila terdesak barulah keluar cerita sengaja di buatkan konsep One Malaysianya itu kabur.Sebenarnya apa yang disebut oleh Najib itu jelas menunjukkan kekaburan fikirannya sendiri. Dia sendiri tak tahu apa yang dia nak buat dengan konsep 1 Malaysianya. Maka inilah kita menjadi macam orang bodoh dibuatnya. Lagi mahu mandat ka?

    Kesimpulannya Najib ini tak layak jadi pemimpin apalagi PM. Sebab apa, sebab cakap macam budak sekolah. jadi Head Prefect orait kot?

  11. 2500 pencacai telah memberi keyakinan kepada Najib bahawa UMNO/BN akan menang besar pada PRU13. Tahu kah dia, kebanyakan dari 2500 yang tidak terpilih menjadi calun akan merajuk dan membiarkan anak-anak lembunya berkeliaran . Mereka yang di luar PWTC yang dibawa dengan bas2, van2 dan kereta bersendirian dibelanja dengan modal para2 bakal calun. Masing2 menunjukkan kekuatan dengan kiraan ramainya pengikut. Ijat meletakkan ramai wanita2 menginap di Kondo. Khairi bawa ramai askar2 Churchill. Rosnah akan kuruskan badan untuk terus maju dalam hiraki UMNO. Hasilnya nanti....
    Najib terjun dengan kuncu2nya.....
    Muhyiddin kata..Biarkan, biarkan...

  12. Saam Sak. Saya nak tambah komen Paradigmshift tentang Konsep 1 Malaysia Najib. Manalah Najib tahu tentang apa yang dia hendak dari konsep 1 Malaysia walhal slogan ini di jual oleh pihak Apco kepada Najib. Kalau slogan yang kita beli masakan kita tahu apan yang kita mahu . Beliau sebenarnya tak ada objective atau visi langsung , ynag ada hanyalah menumpang nama ayah beliau.

  13. But Churchill was fighting the Nazi's and UMNO is quite similar to Nazis, in fact some say UMNO is a modern version of the Nazi movement. Ibrahim Ali is Himmler while Tengku Adnan is like Goebbels.

    Question is, how many Malaysians, especially Malays know about World history? How many know who was Himmler or Goebbels? How many recognize the similarities of shared by their beloved UMNO and the toxic Nazis?

    Now, do you know why UMNO is keen to keep the Malays and Malaysians uninformed by using the medium of Bahasa Melayu? How many text books about world history or European history or even Asian history is written in BM? Or translated into BM? Even those history books in BM have been written to suit UMNO's propaganda needs.

  14. Dear Sak,
    You are very correct in your evaluation of the recent PUA. The feelings of euphoria that resonated in the halls of PWTC and the reports carried by the MSM saying that the rakyat are now back in droves supporting UMNO/BN is just deja-vu. If you relook the MSM reports in the month before the 12th GE, they carry the same BS. Nah, let them have the chance to syiok sendiri because the truth will slam harder into these bone- heads when the real results come out in the 13th GE. God bless and stay healthy.

  15. I think I was not the only one who fell of the chair after reading Najib's comments that his 1Malaysia concept was meant to be unclear deliberately.
    So he confirms he is blur-blur about his PMship. He is unclear of how to lead Malaysia. He has no idea of what he is actually doing, coming or going.
    Dear oh dear, BN is rudderless! Looks like TDM the pupppet master is what's holding UMNO together all the time after ZZZZZZZ was pushed off. No wonder Malaysia is heading towards her own fiscal CLIFF!
    Time to install a new captain. In DSAI and Pakatan Malaysians must trust before the country veers off and finds itself in Greece's company. Have a fantastic weekend!

  16. 1/2
    Paradigmshift, entah ketololan atau jeritan daripada seorang yang benar-benar tertekan, seperti dikatakan Tunku Aziz, “No one in living memory has ever had to drag so much unnecessary baggage along with him as Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak is doing on assuming the highest political office in Malaysia.” Yang pasti bukan salah ibu mengandung!

    Tatkala dia dikritik bertubi-tubi, rasa simpati tetap ada dalam hati sanubari kawan dan lawan, khasnya mereka, mau tidak mau, yang telah menyaksikan kononnya pelopor yang ditunggu-tunggukan sekian lama untuk menganjakkan bangsa keterdepan dah tiba. Akan tetapi apabila rakyat mengamati bagaimana pihak Pakatan diganggu-gugat, diheret ke mahkamah atas tuduhan ini itu, walhal setiap keganasan yang diperlakukan terhadap Pakatan dan penipuan bernilai berjuta-juta ringgit oleh warga BN tidak dihiraukan, timbul pula perasaan beliau langsung tak layak kekal sebagai P.M.

    Walaupun ketibaan beliau diraikan tanpa paluan gendang nobat, tak kurang harapan bangsa bila kedengaran semboyan kerangka besar 1Malaysia-Transformasi dibunyikan. Seribu-satu macam impian mengwarnaï fikiran setiap insan yang waras bersenyum-senyuman kerana bakul-bakul dah sedia untuk menyambut durian runtuh yang mungkin akan curah-curah jatuh; yang tak waras, blur-blur seperti biasa terus bermuram durja.

    Empat tahun kemudian, selepas berbagai persoalan yang belum terjawab, tentang perbelanjaan Negara dan perbelanjaan peribadi yang sengajakan dikaburkan menjadi perbelanjaan rasmi , berbagai skandal kewangan — tirisan berbilion-bilion ringgit, dll, apakah akibatnya? Maklumlah kalian dari parti pilihan Tuhan, giliran yang waras pula menjadi muram dan pilu, dan yang tak waras tertawa terbahak-bahak hingga kena tahan perut daripada mengentut — geram saya tengok yang tak ada gigi pun seronok akan seksaan yang dihadapi oleh mereka yang cepat syukur dengan murahan Rm500.

  17. 2/2
    Berbalik kepada kepimpinan baik didorongi ilham-ilham daripada Tuhan mahu pun nasihat dan amaran daripada Zaaba dan patriot-patriot sejiwa dengannya, ingin saya petik sedikit daripada allahyarham Tun Ghazali Shafie dari ‘Rumpun Melayu: Cabaran dan Masa Depan Tamadunya’ dari buku “Tamadun Melayu Menyonsong Abad Kedua Puluh Satu” - oleh Ismail Hussein, Wan Hashim Wan Teh & Ghazali Shafie (1997- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia):

    “ Tamadun Melayu tidak mengiktiraf konsep kepimpinan dari segi demokrasi Barat yang ditonjolkan pemikir Barat. Tamadun Melayu menggunakan perkataan “Pemimpin”. Seseorang yang digelar leader dari segi demokrasi Barat biasanya diterjemahkan dengan perkataan pemimpin. Ini kerana tiada perkataan lain yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang kita. Adakah orang Melayu sudah menerima istilah leadership dalam konteks demokrasi Barat yang boleh menarik manusia seperti menarik kerbau dan contohnya Hitler, Mussolini dan Stalin?
    Manusia pegang kata
    Kerbau pegang kelikir
    Pada hemat saya, orang Melayu belum lagi sampai kepada tahap untuk mengubah konsep pimpinan……Tamadun Melayu masih memerlukan pimpinan, bukan ‘leadership’ yang bergerak sendiri, melepaskan pegangan yang dipimpin sehingga ia mendahului tercuat-cuat seorang diri tiada siapa sempat atau larat mengikut dan tiada siapa mengertinya….Nenek moyang kita mementingkan kita berpimpin dan itulah cabaran terhadap mereka yang menjadi pemimpin. Istilah pemimpin dari segi tamadun Melayu bermaksud berpegang tangan dengan yang dipimpin. Kalau tegak sama tegak, tanpa tangan terlucut dari pegangan yang merangkaikan semua yang memimpin menjadi satu rumpun yang masyarakatnya bergerak dengan pemimpin. Istilah rumpun dan pimpinan adalah istimewa buat orang Melayu…… Saya teringat satu peristiwa waktu saya mengadap Presiden Suharto, di rumahnya di Jalan Cendana, Jakarta untuk memberitahu beliau bahawa saya sudah menghantar surat kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir memohon berpencen dari jawatan Menteri, dan ini adalah muktamad dan dipersetujui oleh Dr. Mahathir. Pak Harto berkata yang tamat itu adalah tugas pejabat tetapi seorang masih bertempat. ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ ujar beliau dalam bahasa Jawa iaitu membimbing atau mempengaruhi dari belakang. Ini adalah sebahagian dari konsep pimpinan Melayu:
    Ing Madya Mangun Karsa,
    Yang di Tengah Membangun Kehendak,
    dan Ing Ngarsa Sung Talada,
    Yang di Hadapan Menjadi Tauladan.
    Dalam konsep pimpinan Melayu tidak ada al-Quran buruk, dan hanya Melayu sahaja yang berumpun dan berpimpin.”

    Hebat, jitu, cantik, manis.

    Adakah yang sudah bersara membimbing dan mempengaruhi dari belakang di bumi kita? Kalau Tun Dr Mahathir rasa segan atau tak bermaya nak membimbing dan mempengaruhi dari belakang minta jangan menikam dari belakang. Undurlah diam-diam, buat apa sahaja cuma jangan kacau orang di Putrajaya.

    Berpegang tangan dengan yang dipimpin tanpa tangan terlucut dari pegangan bererti ‘always the shield, not the sword’, - perisai dikeluarkan, pedang disimpan, selalu berpandukan permata dari jiwa orang Melayu, “ADAT PULAU LIMBURAN PASANG.”

    “Your move, Hungarian!” (dari peristiwa permainan chess di dalam keretapi di antara pejuang kebebasan Hungary, Pál Malétar, yang kemudian dibunuh, dengan seorang askar Russia pada tahun 1956, yang pada masa itu tidak disedari dialah Pál Malétar yang diburu)

    Akhir sekali ingin saya syorkan kepada pegawai-pegawai di DBP, mungkin sudah tiba masanya oleh kerana perkembangan teknologi komputer, ejaan bahasa Melayu boleh diubahsuaikan bagi perkataan-perkataan yang sepatutnya memerlukan ‘diaresis’, iaitu, “ ï ” untuk mengasingkan suku kata/bunyi “ i ” seperti yang terdapat pada “mulaï ”, “merupaï ”, dsb.

  18. He said that " satu undi untuk PKR adalah untuk pluralisma" I take it that he does not want Malays to vote PKR for that reason. Then may I ask what is Satu Malaysia all about?

  19. Dato’ kalau sudah jadi parti pilihan Tuhan, apa guna nak indahkan nasihat dan amaran Zaaba? Bukankah Zaaba manusia biasa? Yang lucu di PAU ialah yang Dato’ huraikan tentang puaka betina, Morgana, yang licik memperdaya jantan dengan seribu-satu macam maya dan khayalan buat mengheret mereka, kacak atau tidak, ke alam arwah. Ironi betul ‘Fata Morgana’ disebut di PAU UMNO; yang tersembunyi, mau ta’mau, terkeluar juga. Mungkin yang dikhayalkan di PAU masih terpukau dengan istilah yang banyak oomph bunyinya. Yang membaca blog Dato baharu dicelikkan. Biarlah, sekarang dari maya ke mayapada.

    Apa itu kepimpinan? Petikan oleh mendiang Tun Ghazali Shafie dari ‘Rumpun Melayu: Cabaran dan Masa Depan Tamadunnya’ dari buku “Tamadun Melayu Menyonsong Abad Kedua Puluh Satu” - oleh Ismail Hussein, Wan Hashim Wan Teh & Ghazali Shafie (1997- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia):

    “Tamadun Melayu tidak mengiktiraf konsep kepimpinan dari segi demokrasi Barat yang ditonjolkan pemikir Barat. Tamadun Melayu menggunakan perkataan “Pemimpin”. Seseorang yang digelar leader dari segi demokrasi Barat biasanya diterjemahkan dengan perkataan pemimpin. Ini kerana tiada perkataan lain yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang kita. Adakah orang Melayu sudah menerima istilah leadership dalam konteks demokrasi Barat yang boleh menarik manusia seperti menarik kerbau dan contohnya Hitler, Mussolini dan Stalin?
    Manusia pegang kata
    Kerbau pegang kelikir
    Pada hemat saya, orang Melayu belum lagi sampai kepada tahap untuk mengubah konsep pimpinan……Tamadun Melayu masih memerlukan pimpinan, bukan ‘leadership’ yang bergerak sendiri, melepaskan pegangan yang dipimpin sehingga ia mendahului tercuat-cuat seorang diri tiada siapa sempat atau larat mengikut dan tiada siapa mengertinya….Nenek moyang kita mementingkan kita berpimpin dan itulah cabaran terhadap mereka yang menjadi pemimpin. Istilah pemimpin dari segi tamadun Melayu bermaksud berpegang tangan dengan yang dipimpin. Kalau tegak sama tegak, tanpa tangan terlucut dari pegangan yang merangkaikan semua yang memimpin menjadi satu rumpun yang masyarakatnya bergerak dengan pemimpin. Istilah rumpun dan pimpinan adalah istimewa buat orang Melayu…… Saya teringat satu peristiwa waktu saya mengadap Presiden Suharto, di rumahnya di Jalan Cendana, Jakarta untuk memberitahu beliau bahawa saya sudah menghantar surat kepada Yang Amat Berhormat Perdana Menteri Dr. Mahathir memohon berpencen dari jawatan Menteri, dan ini adalah muktamad dan dipersetujui oleh Dr. Mahathir. Pak Harto berkata yang tamat itu adalah tugas pejabat tetapi seorang masih bertempat. ‘Tut Wuri Handayani’ ujar beliau dalam bahasa Jawa iaitu membimbing atau mempengaruhi dari belakang. Ini adalah sebahagian dari konsep pimpinan Melayu:

    Ing Madya Mangun Karsa,
    Yang di Tengah Membangun Kehendak,
    dan Ing Ngarsa Sung Talada,
    Yang di Hadapan Menjadi Tauladan.

    Hebat, jitu, cantik, manis.

    Adakah yang sudah bersara membimbing dan mempengaruhi dari belakang di Malaysia?

    Berpegang tangan dengan yang dipimpin tanpa tangan terlucut dari pegangan bererti ‘always the shield, never the sword’, — senantiasa perisai, jangan-jangan pedang.

    Adat pulau limburan pasang.

    Ing Ngarsa Sung Talada.

  20. Interesting to note that najib is using every trick available to win votes and popularity. Any advise from his highly paid consultants, drivers, cabinet ministers, nasi lemak seller, drain sweeper, brother, sister-in-law, bomoh, etc, etc just to stay in power.

  21. I've filed and saved Walla's writings from months back, never to plagiarize, but to remind and appreciate, to me, the finest political and social writings of the nation. And his stunning beauty comes along with me abroad, and sure it brings smiles to the young finest brains of Malaysia as in the weekends, we chat serious politics and exchange workable solutions for our beloved nation to be reawakened and decisively choose to have a better future in this coming election ! To keep it lively, we listen to somewhere over the rainbow by thepainoboys. Walla, enjoy the music and you will agree that they are young, fun, highly focused and absolutely talented !

  22. sorry Walla, correction, it's somewhere over the rainbow ( piano + cello ) by the pianoboys.

  23. Thank you, Anon 15:29, 15:40!

    Yes, it's a lovely nostalgic song rendered anew by talented youngsters; all of you are shouldering the sweeter hope for a better future for our country. And somewhere over the rainbow, there's a summer place (another fine tune).


  24. Anon 15:29, 15:40!

    Yes, both absolutely beautiful songs. Take it from here with your friends and build a beautiful Malaysia.

    When you are all there, dismantle all the scaffolds to show the world we are just as decent and humane as anyone else.

    Try this by Berlioz, The March to the Scaffold, the short version by James Last is still the most haunting, if only, to prevent that final march as had happened to Timothy Evans at 10 Rillington Place.

    Stay the course and fear no hardship, not even threats by UMNO-BN.

  25. Walla, Sumpitan Emas,
    Cheers, abroad we are Malaysian by nationality finally ! And first and foremost, recognized by our character, talents and high diligence. Most unfortunately, too much space on public forums and time up till now is still harping on the old tyrant, his wife, all irrelevant issues in comparison to the real big issues, he has to be buried ! It is that bad he makes the whole nation looks bodoh and incapacitated !!! Macamlah tiada yang muda, yang pandai, lebih pandai dpdnya. Mamak buat Malaysians tak nak balik ke tanahair, masuk semula ke lubang penyamun serta rasism.

