Sunday 2 August 2009

What’s wrong with MCA?

Is Ong Tee Keat running the gauntlet alone?

The MCA- Malaysian Chinese association has been working with UMNO since it's founding in 1940's. MCA was founded in 1949 by Kuomintang members. It was founded on the principles of freedom and the free man. Some of the prominent founders were HS Lee who was a colonel, Lim Chong Eu (Medical doctor and Colonel) and Leong Yew Koh (major general). In 1951, it became a partner in PERIKATAN- which was a coalition between UMNO, MCA and MIC.

In the 12th GE, MCA suffered one of its worst defeats in the party's history. It now has 15 parliamentary seats. It won 840,000 votes in the 12th GE. We assumed 90% of the votes came from Chinese voters. The other Chinese centric political party the DAP, has 28 seats in parliament (over 1 million votes) making it more representative of Chinese political interests than MCA and even GERAKAN (184,000 votes) combined.

The number of Chinese voters during the last GE was around 2.5 million. With around 760,000 purely Chinese votes (90% of 840k), this would mean, MCA managed to secure 30% of the Chinese votes with 1.7 million votes going to non MCA parties.

MCA is therefore seen as a weak partner to UMNO and BN. It has failed to deliver Chinese votes crucial to BN's victory. In the BUKIT GANTANG by-elections, Chinese votes for the BN were in fact reduced. BUKIT GANTANG more or less confirmed the perception that Chinese were abandoning MCA.

But why has MCA failed to attract Chinese voters? As senior partner to the coalition, UMNO leadership must also look into this matter. The failure of MCA is also a failure of UMNO.

MCA was also a casualty of the political tsunami.

Let's look at the issues in context. MCA was part of the casualty of the 12th GE where all ruling parties (in Peninsula) suffered setbacks. On the whole the BN secured 52% of the popular votes while the band of coalition opposition won 46% of the votes. UMNO as the most senior member of BN or Brother number One got only 2.38 million votes. That's 30% of the total votes during the GE.

Look at UMNO. It has 3 over million members and it got only 2.38 million votes? Suppose out of this 2.38 million, actual Malay votes were only 90%- that's just over 2 million votes. Even UMNO can't secure all the votes among its members. The fact was, over 1 million UMNO voters did not vote UMNO candidates. That's a most damning verdict on UMNO and its leadership.

The total Malay voters at that election were more than 5 million. That would mean that at least 3 million Malay voters did not vote UMNO which also means, more Malays didn't vote for UMNO than those who did. Given the numbers, UMNO couldn't even say it represents the Malays just as MCA couldn't claim it represents the Chinese.

Lets not have a case where the kettle says the pot is black.

I am not going into the sordid details of the performance of the other parties. MIC? Gerakan? The fact is, MCA was part of the general dressing down on the BN as a whole with the bulk of the blame attributable to UMNO. UMNO can't rehabilitate its whole without also rehabilitating its parts. And MCA is one crucial part that UMNO must pay attention to.

It isn't a wise thing to say- biar MCA mampus la! While UMNO champions Malay interests (I won't say Malay rights anymore), it is also the principal leader of the government. Malay interests must ride on the overall interests of the nation. You can't have Malay interests that are at variance with national interests. National interests call for inclusiveness rather than partisanship. By the way, I believe a right is what you fought and earned arising from your own efforts.

Given these facts, it is counterproductive for everyone to talk about a weakened MCA without also asking the reasons why it has become an incapacitated MCA. Let see these from a non MCA member.

Leadership issues.

Even as some MCA leaders deny this, people from the outside see MCA as being beset with leadership struggles. Lim Kit Siang will of course downplay the existence of MCA's internal struggles because to acknowledge their existence, would indeed validate Ong Tee Keat's claim that his leadership is under siege. Being a beleaguered party makes MCA in a less than fighting form to carry out its agenda. It is LKS's interest to say there is nothing wring with MCA so as to deprive MCA of an excuse. Lim Kit Siang's overriding interest is to portray MCA's lethargy over many pressing issues as the result of a useless MCA rather than because it is dampened by internal struggles.

The reality is, MCA is a struggling and a straggling party. A weakened MCA makes DAP appear a more robust representative of the Chinese. It follows that a reinvigorated and energized MCA will undercut DAP's claim.

Just look at the MCA leadership. MCA's internal intrigues couldn't be more aptly represented than having an odd couple at the leadership of MCA. Ong Tee Keat is the president while his deputy is Chua Soil Lek- the man who simply refused to fade away. The MCA is thus divided into two formidable camps reminiscent of the teams A and B some years ago.

UMNO must throw its weight behind the leader of MCA. Whether it likes it or not,,UMNO must speak to MCA in a unified voice and deals with Ong Tee Keat. It can't do multiple dealings with several MCA leaders. That would only give legitimacy and embolden rivals to OTK which would only further weaken MCA. The claim by the UMNO secgen that UMNO does not interfere with MCA affairs should be taken with a pinch of salt. It is no secret that some senior UMNO members are cultivating Chua Soi Lek probably in view of contingencies or probably mirroring UMNO's own internal politics.

A weakened MCA is not good for UMNO. Recently I heard disturbing news that MCA will self implode and that there were even rumors that MCA will exit the BN. I talked to a few UMNO supporters, who responded by saying, if MCA does so, it will be good for UMNO. It will just a case of The BN carrying out some bloodletting to relive pressure.

I find such response equally alarming as it ignores the fact that UMNO needs strong partners if the BN wants to offer itself as a credible government forming party. Unless UMNO wants to become an opposition party, assigning itself the role of struggling for purely ethnic interests, then such a response, which is representative of the feelings of the Malay masses it is claimed, is ill conceived.

The value of MCA to UMNO is the former's openness to engage UMNO. MCA is the Chinese voice of reason. Reasonableness is the bonding element between parties with competing interests. It is in the interest of UMNO to have a strong MCA. A strong MCA can only emerge if it can regain credibility lost. It has lost credibility as a result of several causes.

MCA can become strong again if it can recapture its credibility. It can only do this, if UMNO gives it space for MCA to be MCA. To become MCA, the MCA leadership must:-

  1. Just as UMNO must reinvent itself, MCA needs to do the same. UMNO must recognize this and thus must lend unequivocal support to the MCA leadership.
  2. Regain the trust of the Chinese community. That is a party in sync with the new environment of change.
  3. MCA is given space to fight for Chinese interests.
  4. MCA must have application.

Just as UMNO is undergoing its re-invention phase, MCA is travelling the same road. It is now engaged in its most radical reformation in the party's history. The man behind this is the MCA MCA's brother number 1- Ong Tee Keat. He is committed to getting rid of the most baneful contaminating agents that are ravaging the MCA body politic; vested business interests ensconced under the guise of politics and MCA being the voice not of the Chinese people but organised crime. MCA watchers are calling these the towkay and the taikor elements.

Is there an opportunity for MCA to strike a fatal blow at these two elements? I see such an opportunity in the government's handling of the PKFZ issue. Since MCA is seen to be the party most associated with the PKFZ issue and its leader now committed to sort out this mess, the UMNO led government must join hands with MCA to clear this mess. In doing so, it brings back credibility to the MCA leadership. Such support will underscore MCA's effort to return ti its roots of fighting for ideals just as when it was formed in 1949 by Kuomintang members.

UMNO must stand solidly behind the MCA leadership in sorting out this mother of all financial scandals. UMNO must steal the thunder from Lim Kit Siang's offer to provide Ong Tee Keat 100% support to the MCA leader in his efforts to expose the PKFZ mother of all scandals. From 1 to 4 to 12 billion costs overruns. It is not LKS but UMNO that must rush forward to say, it is unequivocally behind OTK.

The PKFZ scandal is the single most fatally damaging issue that is facing MCA. The financial mess with which PKFZ finds itself mired in was and is presided by all MCA transport ministers. All the previous Transport Ministers are MCA leaders. The PKA was also headed by MCA stalwarts (Ting Chew Peh, Yap Pian Hon, Chor Chee Heung and Lee Hwa Beng). The previous transport minister, Chan Kon Choy appeared before the PAC behaving like a defendant with a lawyer and others and bringing with him a bagful of documents.

This PKFZ will be sorted out with a heavy toll for those responsible for the mess. If MCA leaders were involved in this biggest financial scandal, the government must not be seen to be unwilling to go the distance. The current MCA president is willing to untangle this mess even if it means, striking at MCA members. The government needs to lend full weight to the MCA president.

Its hesitation will indeed relegate MCA to a manservant to UMNO. Ong Tee Keat is running the gauntlet. Let him not run alone.


  1. Sir,

    There are 1001 reasons why MCA are not relevant anymore. The symptoms can be found in the rise and fall of civilizations.

    Obama appointed Clinton to head his cabinet, so why can OTK appoint CSL to "his" cabinet? A true leader demonstrates quality leadership. Closing ranks is only meant to be said but not practiced by him.

    At this moment, I don't care about UMNo & MCA or BN for that matter. We need a two-party system. Once that is established, then I would care for both parties.

    I want to give PR a chance to run this country. 5 years and we can kick them out if they do not perform. So what's so bad of letting MCA or UMNO die?

  2. Bruther! You have written about Mca better than many Mca writers.
    Congrats! You are truly a 1Malaysian...

  3. Dato Sak,

    The real issue is the corruption issue. The government need to address this. It has to be a government by the people and for the people. UMNO & MCA (the government) have to meet the aspiration of the people. As for now the rakyat does not see that. The see and feel the burden on their life and yet the leaders are enjoying life with big houses and lunches and dinners among themselves. The leadership of UMNO are bunch of business people or their cronies who only cares how to fill their big pockets. These cronies leverage on the poor malays but they themselves got big money thru government project to enrich themselve.

  4. Good afternoon Datuk Sak

    Wow! Whats wrong with MCA? Hmm.. May i ask you this - What's wrong with UMNO? I wonder what if replace MCA mentioned in your post with UMNO...

    U(nity)? M(oney)? No(body)?

  5. Sorry sir, u miss the main issue, we the chinese allowed MCA to die... let UMNO keep holding on to this deadwood.

    MCA has become a liability to the chinese community neither command any respect nor relevancy.

    If we the chinese can disown an useless son without battling an eyelid, what make u think we shouldn't do the same to all those chinese traitors in MCA.

    This is one & only glaring reason you left out.

  6. MCA rather endure the humiliation being called lapdogs than being unwanted outside BN.

  7. Bro

    1. Too many factions (warlords?).
    2. Too many mediocre personalities.
    3. Too many rent-seeking personalities.
    4. Too little effort in engaging the real community.
    5. Too much effort in engaging associations filled with rent-seeking personalities.
    6. Too much parochialism borne from an education system that is detached from the mainstream of the nation.
    7. Too little effort in recruiting the best minds.
    8. Too much effort in rewarding sycophants.

    The relationship between the underworld and power is a universal phenomenon seen even in developed countries. To what extent the underworld is the cause needs to be examined further. But, it may be a red herring. A weak and unimaginative leadership will gravitate towards the underworld since the latter offers street-level poster-pasting networks (during non-election period these guys paste Along bills). MCA's history is based on wheeling-dealing. Genuine reform cannot take place unless the apex leaders disengage with the moneyed class. But how does one turn on one's own genetic parentage?

    This is the fundamental reality that the MCA needs to deal with. Can the existing leadership and membership do so?

  8. As long as MCA is in Bn almost all chinese will not trust them anymore. 52 years being a lap dog make the chinese go insane. Mca is irrelevant to the chinese. Whatever they do no make no different. If it leaves Bn then the chinese might change their minds. As far as it is in Bn very sorry no way.

  9. Yes, easy to say do the right thing.

    But Ong Tee Keat in MCA will face the same fate as KJ faces in UMNO.

    The voice of reason and right will not be allowed to live for the simple face that the corrupt and the wrong has to survive.


  10. Dato' Sak,
    MCA has ceased to represent the Chinese a long time ago when UMNO allowed splinter parties like Gerakan to join BN. Now both are on the way out. A weakened Chinese based parties is preferred by UMNO. Divide and rule was and is the order of the day. So is with the MIC.
    As to the 3 million UMNO members, they include members like me who are non paying members because others has been paying for my yearly membership fees so as to send a bigger number of representatives to the Divisional AGM. Umno members like me will never vote for UMNO as long as the leaders of UMNO who are corrupted to the core remains at it's helm. People like me account for the 1 million missing UMNO votes from its own members.

  11. Dato

    The country needs renewal so that it will become whole again.
    We need to get rid of the cancerous part which is UMNO and MCA. I think even Najid or OTK must know by now that the cancer is too strong even for them!
    Only through changes dare we hope!


  12. Dear Sir,

    An insightful analysis indeed. Yesterday's protests have put an end to my culinary adventures for the weekend, and I have resorted to trolling the blogs.

    OTK must prove himself to be a good leader and uphold the basic principles of good governance, including honesty, transparency and accountabilty. Respect the wishes of MCA members. They have elected CSL. Stop all the witch hunts and concentrate on PKFZ scandal and rebuilding the party.

    I think the UMNO leadership should also follow suit. Stop sidelining KJ (who was also elected by the UMNO members).

    I do not support MCA, nor am I a big fan of CSL or KJ. I'm just calling a spade, a spade. Walk the talk about democracy, then I'll take you seriously.

    I think MCA's agenda is outdated and stuffy and not terribly appealing. They should stop treating the Chinese like a homogenous, stereotyped populace.

    The MCA leaders lack dynamic intellectualism. UMNO is still lucky enough a handful of thinkers like yourself, Tengku Razaleigh and probably a lot of others whom I never had the pleasure of meeting.

    This is not a hypothetical generalisation. I come from a family of staunch MCA supporters and have met a lot of pahang MCA leaders and know (ex)YB Ti, YB Chang and a few other MCA big wigs personally. Let's put it this way. I won't even border to discuss pluralism with them.

    I do not wish for the death of MCA. After all, if I am defending a two party system, there must be two (significant) parties. If MCA dies, what will stop another group of Chinamen (having absolute power as the sole significant Chinese political representation) from behaving like the MCA again?

    If i had a political enemy (which I don't presently), I would not wish them an expedient death. I would love to see them humiliated, emasculated and when the opportunity arises, turn them into scapegoats.

  13. The trouble with BN component parties is that when they form a coalition, they do not form like in other countries where each has its own power to say thing. Here in Malaysia the parties are practically subservient to the main party.

    It is more like Master slave relationship and the slave can hardly look after its own people or family. ... Just yes men.

    Under Pakatan... there is no major voice of one over the other ... just like coalitions in other major countries. That way one can look after their own better and all have to be accommodating.

    That is why there is just no way MCA can ever regain her past glory. way. Just a matter of time these fellas go under for good.

  14. Dato Sak,

    This a great read however in my opinion race base politics is history. Looking at the demonstration held yesterday though it was for the scrapping of ISA law the writings are on the wall already. Bns race base party's are no longer relevant to the majority of malaysians who want a Malaysian Malaysia and that is something UMNO will never give up. UMNO thrives on the devide and rule. For so long now MCA, MIC and the other party's in BN has just been yes men and followers. This nature is a culture in BN already and it is hard to do away with culture.

  15. Sir,

    When MCA stands in front of the mirror, it sees GERAKAN.

    MCA cannot believe what it sees, so it orders a new mirror and horror, it sees MIC!

    What MCA doesn't know is that the mirror is produced by UMNO.

    MCA in disbelieve looks down at a calm pool and the reflection is 666. It goes away happy thinking that it is happiness, not realizing that it is the number of the beast.

    Al fatihah MCA, to be joined by GERAKAN, MIC, & UMNO & BN.

  16. It's easy if you really want to stop the forward march of the opposition!!

    All you need to do are put some necks on the chopping block and show the rakyat some blood letting.

    Put Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah as the ultimate commander in UMNO and you will stop the resurgence of the opposition in it's track.

    How do you expect the rakyat to trust their future into your hand when the head honcho is known to be corrupted and a suspected murderer??


  17. Errr... how is UMNO going to urge MCA to expose the PKFZ scandal when their very own warlords were also involved?

  18. Any party that wants to be in the next Govt must, among others, stand for:

    1. Honesty
    2. Integrity
    3. Meritocracy
    4. Equality and Justice for all
    5. Absolutely NO corruption
    6. No money politics and crony deals with tycoons owning large Plc's and corporations.
    7. Well thought out welfare and affirmative action policies
    8. Experts who know how to handle the economy, finances and reserves of the nation.
    9. Resolving the National Education Policy once and for all.
    10. Resolve long-term issues concerning Healthcare for the masses.

    It is not beyond UMNO or MCA to restructure their parties to win back lost votes. But the current leadership either lacks credibility, being trapped in a morass of accusations of corruption, or their calibre is very suspect.

    And frankly, the Rakyat does not see why they should be given any more chances after 40 years of underwhelming performance!

    We are all of 1 Race, the Human Race. That is all that really matters.

  19. Let MCA be buried for good

  20. anti donplaypuks3 August 2009 at 10:02


    I suggest you go and lick Pakatans balls and their arses and fill your writings with hatred .

  21. This arsehol;e donplaypuks goes around every website planting hatred against the BN . Also a member of the Indian triad whom Kugan is a member .I will make sure the special branch opens up a file on him and download all his comments in all the blogs .

  22. MCA goes , the country will be ruled by the Mullahs and the Islamofacists .Talk is easy .
    Thats what PAS wants you all to think and say , so that they can join UMNO and form the next government .


  24. But why has MCA failed to attract Chinese voters? As senior partner to the coalition, UMNO leadership must also look into this matter. The failure of MCA is also a failure of UMNO.

    MCA was also a casualty of the political tsunami.

    Let's look at the issues in context. MCA was part of the casualty of the 12th GE where all ruling parties (in Peninsula) suffered setbacks. On the whole the BN secured 52% of the popular votes while the band of coalition opposition won 46% of the votes. UMNO as the most senior member of BN or Brother number One got only 2.38 million votes. That's 30% of the total votes during the GE.


    MCA set back in the last GE was the result of UMNO being arrogant . The issues used by the opposition were the Keris issue where Hishamuddin's act really backfired . That was an insult to the Chinese as that act by itself was a challenged to the Chinese loyalty and the damned arrogance of UMNO .
    Even MCA members felt pissed off with such arrogance .
    So who is to be blamed ? Hishamuddin ? Partly ..but Pak Lah has to shoulder most of the blame as he has shown his inability to rein in his Cabinet Ministers and his warlords .
    Another issue is the part played by the boys from the fourth floor in many issues which were racist in nature and particulary his SIL Khairy . Khairy was instrumental in listening to people close to him and positioning people who were incapable of performing as candidates by giving his blessings to these candidates to Pak Lah .
    Pak Lah chose to listen to Khairy rather then his advisors that led to his downfall .
    MCA's downfall was caused by Ong Ka Ting and Ong Ka Chuan who tried to use the GE to shore up his support and as the Party President for refusing to field candidates who had won with big margins in the previous GE while choosing to field untested candidates from his camp .
    Take a look at Perak for example , MCA won three parliamentary seats while winning only one state seat out of sixteen contested . By right MCA should have won at least six state seats assuming a win of two for every parliament constituency . But this was not the case .
    The reason ? Ong Ka Chuan replaced the candidates with his people at the last hour . People who could perform , won in the last GE with people of his camp .
    Result , MCA members voted for the opposition to boot out the Ong Brothers . If MCA had won just three state seats , there would not have been any Pakatan govt . The fall of Perak was the result of OKC stupidity .
    Same as in Johore where MCA fielded a untested candidate in Bakri instead of CJM who won by more than 19000 votes and who could have won Bakri but instead Bakri went to the opposition by a few hundred votes . On this issue Ong Ka Ting was responsible so was Pak lah who refused to use his wisdom to change the candidate instead of accepting every candidate nominated by MCA in toto .

  25. Penang has the same story ....

    The tsunami was coming but Pak Lah as usual was to engrossed with his Jeannie Come Lately ..and his JCL was the most important at that material time .
    The conditions were ripe for a tsunami , not because people love PR more but because of their BN inability to grapse and see the conditions for the tsunami .
    UMNO was having internal bickering . MCA members were disgusted with Ong Ka Ting and UMNo's arrogance . MIC has to contend with the HINDRAF issue . Gerakan was having a standoff on four candidates named as potential Chief Minister .

    Nobody saw the role the internet would play , BN didn't see the effects the bloggers would play to their downfall . Lies and untruths were NOT countered and dispelled .

    I saw the tsunami coming and told Pak Lah about it , face to face ..but it felled on deaf ears choosing to listen to Khairy and Vincent .. too late , it came resulting in 308 and the rest is history .
    But there is still hope as I see it , being a on the ground guy . I see things changing , people like us who voted for the opposition would now revert back to our support for BN .
    The support for PR will always be there . Its the BN members who voted for them to cause this tsunami . Today this group of people will swing back to their base , but we have to watch out for the incoming new voters.. We still have two years to work on .

  26. Suci Dalam Debu
    There are 1001 reasons why MCA are not relevant anymore. The symptoms can be found in the rise and fall of civilizations.

    Obama appointed Clinton to head his cabinet, so why can OTK appoint CSL to "his" cabinet? A true leader demonstrates quality leadership. Closing ranks is only meant to be said but not practiced by him.
    There are 1001 reasons why MCA is still relevent to BN . I would give my reasons if the writer would give his reasons , point for point .

    However I would like to give my version of Obama appointed Clinton . Clinton was not tainted and as such there was never any negative issues not to appoint her . Obama did not appoint her as his running mate however did appoint her as his State Sec . Why did Obama not appoint her as his running mate ? Perhaps my learned friend could enlightened me .
    A true leader demonstrates quality leadership , that is correct . A true leader would never appoint a tainted leader to his cabinet . A tainted leader who self confessed that that is me , correct , correct , correct and not looks like me , sounds like me but not me can only be subjected to public non acceptance unlike MCA delegates who are prepared to forgive and forget . And he could be subjected to opposition ridicule should he stand as a candidate .
    Again my learned friend thinks otherwise .. however there are many who chose to disagree .

  27. Dato Sak,

    Please allow me a simple reply to snunnaki.

    Dear anunnaki,

    You said Clinton is not tainted. Could you please check your facts again. Just that she was not videotaped!

    MCA can be supported AOR.

    Enuf said.

    Many thanks Dato Sak.

  28. Suci Dalam Debu

    Your reasonings and arguements only tells me you are a disgrunted and hopeless Pakatan Fan Club member trying to create a state of hopelessness so that people will support PR .
    Just read your comments , full of Die , eg So what's so bad of letting MCA or UMNO die?
    Talking about Syaitan or the Beast here MCA in disbelieve looks down at a calm pool and the reflection is 666.
    Is this your world ?
    Or are you practicing withcraft or the occult as such vocabulary is only found in such practises ?
    And your Suci Dalam Debu ?

    Suggest you change your negative thoughts or the devil will eventually enslave you .

  29. Anonymous 18:30 said...

    As long as MCA is in Bn almost all chinese will not trust them anymore. 52 years being a lap dog make the chinese go insane. Mca is irrelevant to the chinese. Whatever they do no make no different. If it leaves Bn then the chinese might change their minds. As far as it is in Bn very sorry no way.


    Another deranged personality ..52 years..hmmm. that's back to 1957 ! Anyone complained about Tunku Abdul Rahman who ruled till 1969 ?
    52 years being a lap dog make the chinese go insane. So who is insane here ? I wonder ...can't even tell the period , the personalities involved and yet only know the word lap dog . Perhaps he is indeed a lap dog to one mad dog who keeps on barking up the wrong tree , The one who looks like a mutant or an alien species with slit eyes and hair comb backwards .
    If the Chinese did indeed felt MCA was irrelevant , I wonder why they overwhelmingly voted BN when Pak Lah took over the premiership in 2004 ! Until even the Lion of Jelutong and the Mad Dog of Asia was kicked out of Parliament leaving Penang with just a solitary ADUN .
    So until 2004 people still believed in the BN ...not like what one anon here posted 52 yrs ?
    I won't be surprised he's just a ten yr old boy using his mummy's computer to post this after being told to stop sucking his thumb .

  30. As long as leaders stick to the "cakap tak serupa bikin" rhtorics day in day out in the mainstream newspapers and TV stations and not walk the talk, they will become irrelevant sooner or later.

    I am shocked that the leaders who shafted the decision to change (yet again) the language in teaching our kids Maths and Science have assumed everything is now fine. I think these leaders are out of touch. The discontent caused is simmering and soon will re-emerge as an issue come GE13. By then it will be too late.

    There is too much arrogance in the present set of leaders. They continue to talk down to people esp Muhyiddin Yassin.

    I am giving Pakatan a chance to prove themselves for 5 yrs. If they do well, they stay for another 5. Otherwise, I will switch back. What is there to lose, afterall we are all in the cesspool already, aren't we?

    Our neighbor built a Universal Studio and we ended up building a Legoland...

  31. Dear anunnaki,

    I was born in 1957. I remember since I was little that my dad and extended family always supported Pakatan & BN except in the last GE.

    I myself never failed to vote BN until GE12. So after giving full support for 50 yrs, there must be a valid reason for change.

    Maybe you are one lucky person to have enjoyed success laid down by others before you, I don't know.

    What I want to do is prevent this country sliding down a slippery slope.
    MCA (UMNO, MIC etc too) is not even applying the brakes going down that way, so why should I support it?

    Yes, I am now a die hard supporter of an alternative to BN, so if PR happens to fit the role, so be it.

  32. Hehehe~ It reminds me of this play I saw not long ago. The fall of various dynasties in China. Namely Qin, Ming and Qing.

    All the dynasties mentioned shared a common thing, the illusion that their dynasty will last forever =)

    Every organisation, be it political or business will go through the same cycle, birth, rise, stagnant and decline.

    Another common denominator is, it happened that these dynasties are experiencing massive internal revolts and more often than not the emperor/empress dowager are still in illusion that all is well.

    Dato Sak probbaly has to shout louder to get the attention of those MCA bigwigs. They are too preoccupied in scooping the very last honey from the jar and fighting for it among each other. =)

  33. Suci Dalam Debu said...

    You said Clinton is not tainted. Could you please check your facts again. Just that she was not videotaped!

    Ok she was not videotaped ..isn't that the key word ?
    Many many do many un natural acts in their private homes or in places . As long as its not officially acknowledged publicly , its just rumours or hearsay or just plain gossip .
    So how do you socked it to her or admonish someone based on rumours , hearsay or gossip ?
    Unlike a self confessed personality ??

  34. Suci Dalam Debu said...

    Dear anunnaki,

    I was born in 1957. I remember since I was little that my dad and extended family always supported Pakatan & BN except in the last GE.

    I myself never failed to vote BN until GE12. So after giving full support for 50 yrs, there must be a valid reason for change.


    Dear Suci Dalam Debu

    I was born in 1953 and we never depended anything from the govt except to provide us with a good educational system for us to cari makan in future . I went to study overseas all from my own parents coffers and never depended anything like a scholarship to see me thru life , unlike the people today who expects everything from the govt .
    As I mention in one of my comments above , my family supported BN until the last GE to give them my objection to their excessess , abuse and arrogance . And as like like we were prepared to give PR a chance to prove themselves .
    They were grossly incompetent in my opinion after 15 months . They have NOT shown themselves they were capable of running a govt , choosing to show they were also susceptible to corruption and resorting to street violence as an alternative .
    I don't condone street violence and demonstrations . Theirs is democrazy . They are doing more harm to this country then anyone else .
    Tourism is down due to the H1N1 and their actions on the streets are going to effect tourists arrivals . No way am I going to support idiots who use the streets to voice their grievances . They can always do it in the next GE as one of the issues . Can't they wait ? Do you think the govt will listen to them demostating in the streets ? No way ..its hella of a BULL !!

  35. Jimmy Tham

    They are too preoccupied in scooping the very last honey from the jar and fighting for it among each other. =)

    Are you saying one broom sweeps all ?? mentality ?
    So can I call you a pakatan goon ?

  36. Annunaki,

    You yourself admitted that you cannot convince Pak Lah about the tsunami and the problems in MCA in Perak. So how ? You still expect the Chinese to support MCA ? Talk is cheap. Show the Chinese that MCA is really representing the Chinese. What are they going to do about PKFZ ? Is it a MCA problem or is it not ? The proof of the cake is in the eating.


  37. You yourself admitted that you cannot convince Pak Lah about the tsunami and the problems in MCA in Perak. So how ? You still expect the Chinese to support MCA ?

    Ya , but I don't represent the MCA when I speak to Pak Lah ..I represent the CIA ...but do you seriously think Pak Lah will listen to anyone other than Khairy ?
    If Pak lah had listen to me a lot of things might not had happen should thank Pak Lah !!

  38. Annuki,

    If non of them listen to you, why should anyone else ? You have not given a good reason for continuing to support MCA and you don't represent them.

    What about the big PKFZ block on MCA's shoulders ? It is just not MCA but BN in general that the people are fed-up with. They have lost faith in the politicians, police, judiciary and government. So how to give them a chance ?
    I am not saying that PKR is all roses. Maybe they may not be effective. Maybe people want to try alternatives because it is the only one available after 52 years that has a chance of challenging the current government. The stink is too strong to ignore.

