Wednesday 19 November 2008

An Honest Liar?

On Nov 8, the NST reported Zaki as saying “it took me six months to be nice, bribe each and every individual to get back into their good books... and I am telling this to all clerks and all the registries to stop this nonsense.”

The NST is of course the country’s main English Newspaper. It is owned by the government. Zaki is the newly appointed Chief Justice of Malaya. The numero uno of the Judiciary. Karpal Singh is a prominent DAP leader.

The DAP stalwart, Karpal Singh has demanded the CJ to resign for lying over the above remarks. The CJ said he never said those things above. Karpal said not only the judge said it, but was recorded to have said it. Wow- talk about the reversal of ‘not only justice must be done, it must be seen to be done’.

Sakmongkol is not trained in the law. But the CJ should resign not only for lying but worse of all for actually bribing. Or, perhaps the CJ is humouring us with some legal semantic or gymnastics- admitting he did all those transgressions, is actually a virtue? He is being HONEST and knowing that whatever he says will be used against shim in the court of law? So Mr. Karpal,can a person be lying and honest at the same time? Is this an oxymoron? And honest liar?

Sakmongol calls upon the CJ to list down the names of all the clerks and registrars he knows he has bribed. And please define the term nice. Does being nice include sharing some glasses of Martini? Going over to some Dangdut joints? Handing out some expensive Habana Cigars? Davidoff perhaps?

Then, do these people actually maintain a set of books? One for actually recording shenanigans? The other for public show? Maybe in the style of Heidi Hess?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe running across his mind when he was trying to take back what he was recorded to have said was his Twister logic that since it takes a thief to catch a thief, it will have to take someone who knows how the system really works to reform it. However in a court of law, admitting to a crime is not sufficient cause for leniency tantamount to an acquittal.

    But given the mess the system is presently in, given the complete loss of trust and faith by the stakeholders of the country in the sanctity of the system which remains to be upheld whose very importance will prevail in greater import as the economy slides in litigative mode, and given the conspicuous lack of will to appoint other equally eminent candidates to this highest of all judiciary posts of the land, the situation may well call for all who can read and think to turn deaf and blind for just one moment to let it pass to the extent of the indirect promise so enjoined by the inverse admission that reforms shall be made so that his conscience, as much the integrity of the system, will be restored to original condition of pristine commonwealth repute.

    If anyone differs in opinion, please cherry-pick the following for suitable explanations:

    a)Elihu Goldratt
    Theory of Constraints
    Critical Chain

    (Teoriya Resheniya Izobretatelskikh Zadatch)
